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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

The Lost Tapes of History

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Creator: Since79 Productions


Imagine finding a stack of audio tapes containing the first few minutes of interviews and private conversations between personalities from History and some therapists, counsellors, officials and frankly, people just trying to do their job. Imagine eavesdropping on their discussion and getting a glimpse of who they were as human beings. You don't need to imagine. The Lost Tapes of History are here for the first time in.....well, history.

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Walter Raleigh and the Spin Doctor

Tue, 30 Aug 2022 04:00:13 +0000

The date is March 1603. Queen Elizabeth is dying. Raleigh knows that he needs to schmooze the incoming monarch King James I so hires some help to turn his image around.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Raleigh: David Meller - T: @DavidMeller2

Spin: Jo Howell -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, zabuhailo.

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Penelope Devereux and the Genealogist

Tue, 23 Aug 2022 04:00:35 +0000

The date is February 1601. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Penelope’s brother, the Earl of Essex, has just been executed. Now, it’s crucial that she stake her royal claim so calls for a genealogist to prove it.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Penelope: Tayla-Jayne Eldred - - T: @tjeldred99

Genealogist: Caroline Cromwell - Inst: @carolventuresss

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget.

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William Shakespeare and the Censor

Tue, 16 Aug 2022 04:00:53 +0000

The date is June 1600. Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Council has limited plays to only two performances a week. To make some extra money, Shakespeare decides to get some of his plays printed for sale. But first he has to get them past the censors.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Shakespeare: Chris Bird - T: @c_g_bird

Censor: Joanna Stephens -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget.

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Phillip II of Spain and the Travel Agent

Tue, 09 Aug 2022 04:00:05 +0000

The date is August 1598. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Phillip is in Spain where he’s been for the last 40 years. He thinks he needs a holiday to get away from it all.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Phillip: Andrew Norman -

Agent: Erin Walther - Inst: @erin.maria.walther

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget, spookymodem.

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Lettice Knollys and the Mediator

Tue, 02 Aug 2022 04:00:11 +0000

The date is February 1598. Lettice has been estranged from Queen Elizabeth for several decades. A mediator has been called in to see if they can bring the two of them together for a successful reunion.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Lettice: Fiona Henderson

Mediator: Emma Riches -  T: @emmariches_

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget.

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Bess of Hardwick and the Estate Agent

Tue, 26 Jul 2022 04:00:25 +0000

The date is October 1597. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Bess has just moved into Hardwick Hall and celebrated her 70th birthday. An estate agent visits to value her newest property, now that renovations are complete.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Bess: Gill Stoker -  T: @FurloughGill

Agent: David Leake

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, squashy555,14gpanskahonc-petr.

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Christopher Marlowe and the Taxi Driver

Tue, 19 Jul 2022 04:00:27 +0000

The date is 30th May 1593. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Marlowe is on his way to the house of Eleanor Bull in Deptford. He’s running late so he flags down a taxi.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Marlowe: Steven Kent - T: @KentosSteve

Driver: Thomas Witcomb -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, phenoxy, sirderf.

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John Dee and the Astrologer

Tue, 12 Jul 2022 04:00:02 +0000

The date is July 1592. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Dee has just had his 65th birthday and wants to know what his future holds so goes to visit an astrologer to have his chart done. Again.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Dee: Leslie Davidoff -

Astrologer: Eliza Harris - – T: @ecvharris

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, giddster.

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Edmund Spenser and the Fairy

Tue, 05 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The date is March 1590. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. The first book of The Fairie Queene has just been published. Edmund is in London to see that everything is printed as he wants it.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Spenser: Andrew Callaghan -

Fairy: Sarah Hastings- Inst/T: @sarahhastings_ 

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, squashy555, barrigan.

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Francis Drake and the Health and Safety Officer

Tue, 28 Jun 2022 04:00:54 +0000

The date is July 1588. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. The Spanish Armada is anchored in Calais and there is one final attack planned to see them off. Before Sir Francis can leave on his mission to attack, his ship must pass its annual inspection.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Drake: Al Williamson - F@voiceofalwilliamson

Officer:  Andrea Richardson- @London_Missa

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, j1987, inchadney, itsadequate, stereostereo.

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Mary Queen of Scots and the Librarian

Tue, 21 Jun 2022 04:00:54 +0000

The date is January 1587. Mary remains a prisoner in Fotheringhay Castle on the orders of Queen Elizabeth. She’s been in captivity in England for nearly 20 years. And she’s getting really bored.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Mary: Kerrie Fuller

Librarian: Tayla-Jayne Eldred - - T: @tjeldred99

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow, zabuhailo.

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Francis Walsingham and the Cryptographer

Tue, 14 Jun 2022 05:00:31 +0000

The date is August 1586. The Babington Plot (a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth) has just been stopped. Walsingham needs more help because another plot is surely around the corner.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Walsingham: Jonathan Oliver -

Cryptographer: Paul Watt -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget, tieswijnen.

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Reginald Scot and the Magician

Tue, 07 Jun 2022 05:00:34 +0000

The date is March 1584. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Reginald Scot’s new book, ‘The Discovery of Witchcraft’ has just been published. He’s at the launch party when he bumps into a new face.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Scot: Marcus Massey - Inst: @themarcusmassey 

Magician: Brad Holcombe - T: @bthol81

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, yap-audio-production.

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Thomas Gresham and the Bank Manager

Tue, 31 May 2022 05:00:40 +0000

The date is November 1579. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Sir Thomas is in dire financial straits and needs to borrow money so goes to his local bank for a loan.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Gresham: Alan Thorpe -

Manager: Fiona Henderson

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget.

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Margaret Douglas and the Probation Officer

Tue, 24 May 2022 05:00:51 +0000

The date is January 1575. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Margaret is just about to be released from prison for the THIRD time. She gets a visit from her probation officer to check she’s going to stay on the straight and narrow in future.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Margaret: Jo Howell -

Officer: Sonja Palmu - Inst: sonjap4actor

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow.

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William Cecil and the Coat of Arms

Tue, 17 May 2022 05:00:12 +0000

The date is February 1571. Cecil has just been given the title Baron of Burghley by Queen Elizabeth and decides to get his coat of arms updated.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Cecil: Andrew McDonald -

Designer: Zoe Cunningham - T: @zoefcunningham

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow, inspectorj.

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Lady Jane Grey and the Chess Grand Master

Tue, 10 May 2022 05:00:21 +0000

The date is February 1554. Queen Mary is on the throne. Jane is a prisoner in the Tower and looking for new ways to pass the time so decides to have lessons to improve her chess game.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Jane: Julie Martis - T: @ juliemartis

Master: Dan Kreeger -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow, biancabothapure.

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Katherine Parr and the Tutor

Tue, 03 May 2022 05:00:07 +0000

The date is August 1543. Katherine is newly married to King Henry VIII and decides to oversee her stepchildren’s education so decides to appoint a tutor.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Katherine: Sonja Palmu -   Inst: sonjap4actor

Tutor: Mike Keane -   inst: menacevoicestudio

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow.

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King James V of Scotland and the Armourer

Tue, 26 Apr 2022 05:00:34 +0000

The date is November 1542. King James V is preparing for battle with King Henry VIII’s forces at Solway Moss and so speaks to his armourer about his plans to get new kit made up.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

James: Dave Heron  T: @dave_heron

Armourer: David Meller -  T: @DavidMeller2

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, thefilmbakery.

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Katherine Howard and the Cleaner

Tue, 19 Apr 2022 05:00:43 +0000

The date is August 1541. Katherine and King Henry VIII have arrived at Pontefract Castle on their progress of the North. Katherine is interrupted by a cleaner in her royal apartments but soon finds a use for her.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Katherine: Emma Riches -  T: @emmariches_

Cleaner: Lauren Bickerdike - Inst: @laurenbicks

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow, zabuhailo.

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Thomas Wyatt and the Poet

Tue, 12 Apr 2022 05:00:34 +0000

The date is Jan 1541. King Henry VIII is on the throne. Wyatt has just been arrested (for the second time!) and is sitting in prison awaiting his fate. He makes friends with a chap in the next cell who appears to be a poet. And a terrible one at that.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Wyatt: Mark Bateman - - T: @ThatOtherMrB

Poet: Dave Heron -  T: @dave_heron

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, sclolex

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Anne of Cleves and the Brewer

Tue, 05 Apr 2022 05:00:41 +0000

The date is January 1541. Anne has had her marriage to King Henry VIII annulled and she has some plans to celebrate.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Anne: Erin Walther - Inst: @erin.maria.walther

Brewer: Matthew Wignall - - T: @OffTheRockUK

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, Stijn, f4ngy, tbhicba.

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Thomas Cromwell and the Liquidator

Tue, 29 Mar 2022 05:00:21 +0000

The date is March 1538. The dissolution of the monasteries initiated by King Henry VIII is well under way and Cromwell needs to recruit some more help.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Cromwell: Brad Shaw -  T: @bradshawvoice

Liquidator: Rob Woodhall -   T: @robwoodhall1

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget.

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Jane Seymour and the Obstetrician

Tue, 22 Mar 2022 05:00:04 +0000

The date is May 1537. King Henry VIII wants a son and heir. Newly married, Jane has found out that she is pregnant and wants to make sure she does everything she can to bring the baby safely into this world.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Jane: Eliza Harris - – T: @ecvharris

Obstetrician: Scott Fins - IG: scott_fins

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, hupguy.

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Margaret Tudor and the Divorce Lawyer

Tue, 15 Mar 2022 05:00:24 +0000

The date is February 1537. King Henry VIII is on the throne. Margaret is on her third husband. She wants a divorce because it’s becoming clear that she has terrible taste in men.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Margaret: Andrea Richardson -   T: @London_Missa

Lawyer: Zoe Browne - - T: @zobo_loco

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow, inspector.

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Anne Boleyn and the Political Adviser

Tue, 08 Mar 2022 05:00:20 +0000

The date is June 1533. Anne has just been crowned after marrying King Henry VIII. She meets with a political adviser to decide which campaigns she will get behind as the new Queen of England.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Anne: Reme Hannan - - T: @remehannan

Adviser: Chris Bird - T: @c_g_bird

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow.

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Thomas More and the Comedian

Tue, 01 Mar 2022 05:00:17 +0000

The date is May 1532. More has just resigned as King Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor. He considers an alternative career choice.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

More: Paul Watt -   T: @paul_watty4

Comedian: Zoe Cunningham - T: @zoefcunningham

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, yap-audio-production.

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Cardinal Wolsey and the Career Coach

Tue, 22 Feb 2022 05:00:47 +0000

The date is March 1528. Cardinal Wolsey has been tasked by Henry VIII to get his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled. If his plans don’t work, he’ll be out of a job. He needs to look at his career options so decides to visit a coach.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Wolsey: Stephen Haynes -

Coach: Kerrie Fuller

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, straget.

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Catherine of Aragon and the Nun

Tue, 15 Feb 2022 05:00:36 +0000

The date is June 1527. King Henry VIII is desperate to get rid of his first wife Catherine who isn’t playing ball with his request for a divorce or annulment. He tries to get her to enter a nunnery as a final straw.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Catherine: Joanna Stephens -

Nun: Amanda Pitts - T: @PittsAmanda

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow.

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Margaret Pole and the Wealth Manager

Tue, 08 Feb 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The date is March 1512. King Henry VIII has just granted Margaret her petition and she is now the Countess of Salisbury in her own right. She is now one of the wealthiest women in England after many years of struggle after the death of her husband. She needs some advice on how to spend it all wisely.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Margaret: Emma Wilkes - T: @harbs17

Manager: Rafaela Elliston - and T: @raffyelliston

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow.

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King James IV of Scotland and the Naval Officer

Tue, 01 Feb 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The date is October 1511. King James’ new ship the Great Michael is being launched in Newhaven and he’s talking with anyone who’ll listen about his plans for the Navy.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

James: Mike Keane - Inst: menacevoicestudio

Officer: Lorraine McDonald -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, inchadney, richardemoore.

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Arthur Tudor and his Sex Education

Tue, 25 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The date is November 1501. Arthur is about to be married to Catherine of Aragon but he’s only 15 and his parents (King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth) are concerned about his ability to perform on the wedding night.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Arthur: Alex Roth - 

Tutor: Adrian Gayler -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW and kingsrow.

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Perkin Warbeck and the Beefeater

Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The date is November 1499. Perkin is a prisoner in the Tower of London after pretending to be the dead Prince Richard, the rightful heir to the throne currently occupied by King Henry VII. A beefeater, or Warden of the Tower, is responsible for torturing prisoners. Good luck Perkin.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Perkin: Shahar Fineberg

Beefeater: Simon Topping - T: @simonptopping 

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, sclolex, zabuhailo, richardemoore, mitchanary, 180007.

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Elizabeth of York and the Equality Lawyer

Tue, 11 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The date is December 1487. Elizabeth has finally held her Coronation after a long delay. She now needs to set up her own household as Queen to King Henry VII but just wants to check something first.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Elizabeth: Rafaela Elliston - and T: @raffyelliston

Lawyer: Penelope Vee - - IG: Penvofficial

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW and Straget.

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Lambert Simnel and the Chef

Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The date is July 1487. Simnel has just been captured after the Battle of Stoke Field after pretending to be the Earl of Warwick and a claimant to the throne. King Henry VII has decided to spare his life. But he’s been forced into manual labour as a punishment.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Lambert: Lexie Bee -

Chef: Dave Sadler - – T: @archmdmag

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, gusgus26, zabuhailo, 14gpanskahonc-petr, 13gpanska-gorbusinova-anna, shadowreaper2814 and kingsrow.

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King Edward VIII and the Retirement Home

Tue, 07 Sep 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is February 1952. Edward's brother King George VI has died and he returns to England to attend the funeral. While he's there, he takes the opportunity to make plans for his retirement. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward VIII: Marcus Massey -

Manager: Andrea Richardson -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: lucky13ee; stereostereo; kingsrow; amholma; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King George V and MI5

Tue, 31 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is August 1917. The First World War is still raging in Europe. George has been contacted by the Government because there's been some suspicious activity. Someone is reporting to be him but with a different name. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

George V: Rob Firth -

MI5 Agent: Ben Lowe - - T: @iambenlowe

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; amholma; straget; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Edward VII and the Doctor

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is February 1909. Edward has returned from Berlin where he briefly lost consciousness. His advisors want him to have a health MOT in the hope that it will scare him into being healthier. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward VII: Jonathan Oliver -

Doctor: Joanna Stephens -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: kingsrow; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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Queen Victoria and the Bereavement Counsellor

Tue, 17 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is July 1900. Victoria's son Alfred has died and it has stirred up feelings of her husband's death, also called Alfred. Unsure how to deal with her, her children decide to get her grief counselling. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Queen Victoria: Gill Stoker -

Counsellor: Reme Hannan - - T: @remehannan

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; amholma; straget; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King William IV and the Pension

Tue, 10 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is July 1830. William has come to the throne at the age of 64. He is trying to claim his pension from the Navy. Someone from the Government has come to assess if he's actually entitled to it. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

William IV: Andrew McDonald -

Interviewer: Eliza Harris - – T: @ecvharris

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; f4ngy; clubsheartsspadesdiamonds; laft2k; nomfundo-k; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King George IV and the Marriage Guidance Counsellor

Tue, 03 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is July 1821. George has just held his Coronation. The relationship with his wife, now Queen, Caroline has been in decline for over 20 years. As a last ditch attempt, he goes to see a marriage guidance counsellor. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

George IV: Brad Shaw - – T: @bradshawvoice

Counsellor: Andrea Richardson -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: amholma; straget; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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Season One Trailer

Sat, 31 Jul 2021 15:30:03 +0000

Want to know what Season One of the Lost Tapes of History podcast is all about? Check out our teaser trailer.

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King George III and the Washington Handover

Tue, 27 Jul 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is May 1789. George Washington is the first President of the United States after the War of Independence that took it from British rule. King George offers to provide a hand over. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

George III: Abbas Daya - (& thanks to Ben Etheridge)

Assistant: Penelope Vee - - IG: Penvofficial

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: barrigan; stereostereo; kingsrow; amholma; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King George II and the Memorabilia Collector

Tue, 20 Jul 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is Winter 1759. George is having a good year. British forces have captured Quebec and French invasion plans for Britain and Hanover have been thwarted. Buoyed by this, George wonders how much his memorabilia is now worth. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

George II: Leslie Davidoff -

Collector: Dani Johns – T: @itsdanijohns

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: werra; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King George I and the Hostage Negotiator

Tue, 13 Jul 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is November 1717. George has quarrelled with his son and banished him and his wife from his residence but has kept their three daughters and won't release them. A hostage negotiator has been called.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

George I: Andrew Norman -

Negotiator: Kerrie Fuller

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: inequation; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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Queen Anne and the Adoption Interview

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is August 1702. Anne was crowned Queen in April. She's starting to panic that she will never have an heir to the throne so she thinks about adopting instead. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Anne: Andrea Richardson -

Interviewer: Rafaela Elliston - - T: @RaffyElliston

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: sacredmatt; kingsrow; lezaarth; meggiepie; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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Queen Mary II and the Codependency Counsellor

Tue, 29 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is January 1690. William, Mary's husband, leaves England for long periods of time on campaign. Mary needs to rule alone. Parliament are worried she doesn't have the ability to think independently. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Mary II: Julie Martis - - T: @juliemartis

Counsellor: Amanda Pitts – T: @PittsAmanda

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; amholma; straget; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King James II and the Publisher

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is January 1696. James is in exile in France. He is writing his memoirs and contacts a publisher to see if they are interested in publishing his manuscript. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

James II: Jonathan Oliver - -

Publisher: Sarah Hastings - – T: @sarahhastings_

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; amholma; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Charles II and the Journalist

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is April 1683. The Rye House Plot, an attempt to assassinate Charles, has been foiled, causing a wave of support for the King. A celebrity magazine goes to interview Charles. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Charles II: Rob Firth -

Journalist: Shannon Lee - -Tiktok: @shanalaar96

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: kingsrow; amholma; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Charles I and the Art Evaluation

Tue, 08 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is January 1642. Abraham Van Der Doort, Surveyor of the King's Pictures, catalogued the King's art collection 3 years before. Someone has taken over his job. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Charles I: Alain English - – T: @AlainEnglish1

Evaluator: Reme Hannan - - T: @remehannan

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: amholma; dineomichelle; AldebaranCW; LanDub.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King James I and the Accountant

Tue, 01 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is February 1610. James is bankrupt and Parliament is proposing a scheme called the Great Contract to curb his spending. An accountant from the Treasury comes to do an audit. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

James I: Dave Heron – T: @dave_heron

Accountant: Rob Woodhall - - T: @robwoodhall1

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: bennstir; stereostereo; kingsrow; empraetorius; zabuhailo; f4ngy; nomfundo-k; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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Queen Elizabeth I and the Matchmaker

Tue, 25 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is December 1581. Elizabeth is considering her marriage options. She has just dumped the Duke of Alencon and thinks she needs some help to secure a worthy match. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Elizabeth I: Joanna Stephens -

Matchmaker: Dani Johns – T: @itsdanijohns

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: dobroide; kingsrow; AldebaranCW; zabuhailo.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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Queen Mary I and the Family Therapist

Tue, 18 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is December 1550. Mary is due to have a family reunion with her half-siblings Elizabeth and Edward, who is King. She's dreading it as they don't have a great relationship. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Mary I: Tayla-Jayne Eldred - - T: @tjeldred99

Therapist: Eliza Harris - – T: @ecvharris

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: barrigan; lucky13ee; fattirewhitey; straget; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.


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King Edward VI and the Solicitor

Tue, 11 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is June 1553. Edward is only a teenager and he is dying. The Duke of Northumberland has requested the services of a solicitor so that he can dictate a will. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward VI: Alex Roth

Solicitor: Matthew Wignall - - T: @OffTheRockUK

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; kingsrow; empraetorius; zabuhailo; f4ngy; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry VIII and the Trust Therapist

Tue, 04 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is March 1542. Henry's fifth wife Catherine Howard has been beheaded and Henry has been advised to go and see a therapist to help him with his 'issues' before he marries again. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry VIII: Stephen Haynes - -

Therapist: Kitty Bennett - - T: @kittyeliza5

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: zabuhailo; meggiepie; straget; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry VII and the Customs Officer

Tue, 27 Apr 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is May 1505. Henry is considering a new wife and is off to Naples to visit the widowed Queen, Joan. He is about to board his ship when he is asked to step to one side. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry VII: Brad Holcombe - – T: @bthol81

Customs: Kerrie Fuller - T:@Kerrie_Fuller

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: inchadney; f4ngy; bowlingballout; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Richard III and the Police

Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is September 1483. Richard's two nephews, Edward and Richard have gone missing. He's been hauled into the police station. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Richard III: Simon Topping - – T: @simonptopping

Officer: Zoe Browne - - T: @zobo_loco

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: straget; petebarry; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Edward IV and the Tailor

Tue, 13 Apr 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is November 1482. Edward has come to his tailor in Westminster to get measured for a new outfit. Strangely, he's having trouble fitting into his other clothes.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward IV: David Leake

Tailor: Kitty Bennett - - T: @kittyeliza5

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: shall555; vman533; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry VI and the Pearly Gates

Tue, 06 Apr 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is 21st May 1471. Henry has just died and he's arrived at the pearly gates to be met by Saint Peter. Or perhaps it's an Angel. It's hard to tell with all this smoke. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry VI: Mark Bateman - - T: @ThatOtherMrB

Angel:  Kerrie Fuller

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: alucardsbride; AldebaranCW.

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry V and the CBT Therapist

Tue, 30 Mar 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is December 1421. Henry's first son has just been born in England. Henry is in France and everything is getting on top of him. He needs some help. Some psychological help. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry V: Dan Kreeger - 

Therapist: Tayla-Jayne Eldred - - T: @tjeldred99

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: semccab; zabuhailo; mediaman57; rylandbrooks; tieswijnen; straget; petebarry; AldebaranCW.

©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry IV and the Bodyguard

Tue, 23 Mar 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is June 1405. Henry has just ended the Yorkshire Rising by executing Archbishop Scrope. It's one of eight assassination attempts and rebellions during his reign so far. He decides to hire a bodyguard. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry IV: Michael Langan - – T: @Michael_eLangan

Bodyguard: Zoe Cunningham -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; kingsrow; qubodup; zabuhailo; AldebaranCW.

©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Richard II and the Tarot Reader

Tue, 16 Mar 2021 04:00:00 +0000

The date is September 1394. Richard's wife Queen Anne has recently died and he is mourning his loss. He is worried about the future and goes to a tarot reader to shed some light on what he should do next.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Richard II: Jack Michael Stacey – T: @thejackstacey

Reader: Dani Johns – T: @itsdanijohns

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: barrigan; robertwulfman; lezaarth; giddster; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Edward III and the Angel Investor

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 05:00:00 +0000

The date is September 1349. Edward has had an idea for a new club. But he needs funding, so he approaches an angel investor. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward III: Thomas Witcomb -

Investor: Zoe Browne - - T: @zobo_loco

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: kingsrow; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Edward II and the Audition

Tue, 02 Mar 2021 05:00:00 +0000

The date is Summer 1328. A new production of a play about Edward II is being planned, just one year after his death. On day one of the auditions for the lead role, a surprising contender shows up.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward II: Steven Kent – T: @KentosSteve

Director: Zoe Cunningham -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: iesp;  AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Edward I and the Insurance Agent

Tue, 23 Feb 2021 05:00:00 +0000

The date is February 1307. Edward's foe, Robert the Bruce has begun gathering men. Edward, in his late sixties, vows to head North and lead the Army. His advisors are concerned and think Edward needs to get some life insurance. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward I: Andrew Norman -

Agent: Kerrie Fuller

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; kingsrow; zabuhailo; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry III and the Architect

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 05:00:00 +0000

The date is January 1245. Henry has decided that when he dies he wants to be buried in Westminster Abbey so sends for his architect Henry de Reynes to talk through his plans. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry III: Shahar Fineberg

Architect: Eliza Harris - – T: @ecvharris

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: aaepgranollers; zabuhailo;  AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.


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King John and his Anger Management

Tue, 09 Feb 2021 05:00:00 +0000

The date is June 1215. As a condition of signing the Magna Carta, King John has somewhat reluctantly, agreed to anger management therapy. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

King John: Scott Fins - IG: scott_fins

Therapist: Rafaela Elliston - - T: @RaffyElliston

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: kingsrow; fattirewhitey; ohforheavensake; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Richard I and the Awards Judge

Tue, 02 Feb 2021 05:55:14 +0000

The date is January 1199. Richard is relaxing in his chambers in France when the news arrives that someone wants to speak to him. It appears he is nominated for the Award of Best King. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Richard I: Brad Shaw - – T: @bradshawvoice

Judge: Shannon Lee - - Tiktok: @shanalaar96

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; kingsrow; zabuhailo; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry II and the Job Interview

Mon, 25 Jan 2021 09:06:50 +0000

The date is September 1174. The Great Revolt is over. Henry knows that it won't be long before it kicks off again so he decides to apply for another job. Just in case this King lark doesn't work out. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry II: Shahar Fineberg

Interviewer: Matthew Wignall - - T: @OffTheRockUK

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: kingsrow; zabuhailo; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Stephen and the Assertiveness Coach

Sun, 17 Jan 2021 08:41:43 +0000

The date is September 1153. Stephen is due to meet with Henry of Anjou, his rival claimant to the throne. Stephen doesn't have a great track record at negotiation, or anything else for that matter. His followers suggest assertiveness training. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Stephen: Steven Kent – T: @KentosSteve

Coach: Sarah Hastings - – T: @sarahhastings_

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: zabuhailo; straget; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King Henry I and the Child Maintenance

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 09:30:41 +0000

The date is November 1135. Henry is in his mid seventies and in ill health. The Child Maintenance Service turns up to confront him about his illegitimate children and who'll financially support them all when he's gone. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry I: Bryan Hands - – Twitter: @bryanhands

Interviewer: Amanda Larsson -

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – Twitter: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: stereostereo; kingsrow; zabuhailo; bpayri; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King William II and the Confession

Sat, 02 Jan 2021 10:55:42 +0000

The date is July 1100. William has alienated himself from the Church but his younger brother Henry feels that he should go to a priest. He should confess his sins 'in case something happens to him' otherwise he'll die and go to hell. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

William II: Scott Fins – IG: scott_fins

Priest: Julie Martis - - Twitter: @juliemartis

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – Twitter: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: insinger; bravefrog; kyles; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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King William I and the English Tutor

Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:55:55 +0000

The date is November 1086. The work on the Domesday Book is complete and while written in Latin, it contains Old English words and phrases that don't have a Latin equivalent so William has vowed to try learning English. Again.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

William I: Brad Shaw – – Twitter: @bradshawvoice

Tutor: Kerrie Fuller

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – Twitter: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: kingsrow; AldebaranCW.

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©2021 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely during lockdown in late 2020. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

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