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A fantasy-comedy storytelling podcast inspired by tabletop roleplaying games. This mostly-improvised adventure employs immersive sound design and original score to tell humorous, compelling and entertaining fictional stories.





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Tabletop Talks 3: The Past, Present & Future of Harbourne

Wed, 06 Jul 2022 05:00:00 -0400

In this Tabletop Talk, join the full Tabletop Tales Team as we reminisce on some of our favorite moments, characters and memories from The Quest for The Best Song. We'll also dive into what our team is currently working on PLUS what you can be expecting from us down the road. We've got lots of exciting things in store and we can't wait to share them all with you!

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Movement 27: The Best Song | The Quest for the Best Song

Wed, 09 Mar 2022 05:00:00 -0500

The Quest for the Best Song finally comes to an end as our heroes climb the steps to the throne room of The Giant Frost Mage. The wicked sorcerer has finally reached his full strength, but our heroes have the power of the deitic instruments on their side. Will they be able to defeat the Frost Mage and the Obsidian Dragon in combat, perform The Best Song ever written, and save all of Harbourne? Find out... in the epic season finale of The Quest for the Best Song,  Movement 27: The Best Song.

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Movement 26: The Fortress of Ice | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 09 Feb 2022 05:00:00 -0500

Trevor has awakened the Obsidian Dragon, revealing himself to be the Hand of The Frost Mage. Now our heroes must face their betrayer in combat. If they lose, their quest ends here. If they survive the encounter, however, they must cross the ice bridge and continue their journey to Port Icerath. But Willub, Crispin, Seth and Glonk have never faced a foe as strong as The Giant Frost Mage's own Right Hand. Can they succeed? And if they do... what will they encounter on Icerath? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 26: The Fortress of Ice.

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Movement 25: The Path to The Ancient Temple | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 26 Jan 2022 05:00:00 -0500

With the Tarrasque slain, the storm in the Blighted World quelled, and a sturmstein acquired, our heroes return to Magmatten to power the Great Forge and at last repair Natura's Lyre. The curse has been broken over Magmatten's dwarven population, and Willub, Glonk, Crispin and Seth venture out into the now lively city, determined to make it to the Ancient Temple before the last full moon of the year so that they can fulfill the prophecy. But first, they run into an old acquaintance. Will this familiar face be able to aid the party on their quest? And what trials lie in store for them in the ruins of the Temple of Natura? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 25: The Path to The Ancient Temple.

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Movement 24: The Deal with The Demon | The Quest for The Best Song

Thu, 16 Dec 2021 05:00:00 -0500

Our heroes journey even deeper into unknown territory, entering yet another new world known as The Mirrored World. Glonk, Willub, Seth and Crispin must venture into this world of shadows and emptiness to find a demon lord known as The Usurper, who may be their only hope of calming the storm in The Blighted World, retrieving a sturmstein, powering the Great Forge and repairing The Lyre of Natura.  But help from a demon never comes without a price. Will the party be able to negotiate with the Usurper? What will he want in return? And what danger awaits them at the center of this vicious storm? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 24: The Deal with The Demon.

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Movement 23: The World of Blight | The Quest for The Best Song

Thu, 02 Dec 2021 11:00:00 -0500

Glonk, Seth, Willub and Crispin have finally reached the Dwarven city of Magmatten, only to find all of its citizens turned to stone. The legendary Dwarven forgekeeper, DuPont, has informed the heroes that he cannot repair the broken Lyre of Natura unless the Great Forge is powered by a magical element known as a Sturmstein. These Sturmsteins can only be found in The Blighted World, a world that has been corrupted by demonic magic. In the Blighted World, our party will encounter unforeseen threats, old friends, new faces, and powerful songs. But has the Frost Mage's magic impacted this world as well? Are there other unknown villains that lurk in the shadows of this cursed land? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 23: The World of Blight.

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Movement 22: The Hand of The Frost Mage | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 17 Nov 2021 05:00:00 -0500

Our heroes have at last located Natura's Lyre hidden within the Black Cliffs of Soot, only to find that the final deitic instrument has been broken in two! A mysterious masked man known only as "The Hand of The Frost Mage" holds the other half and challenges the party to battle him for it at Arena Negras, an ancient colosseum just outside of the Dwarven city of Magmatten. However, this villain is not the only one beckoning Crispin, Willub, Seth and Glonk toward the dwarven city... strange magical runes point them toward the Great Forge, a place rumored to be able to repair any broken item. Can these runes be trusted, or are they just another dastardly plot to prevent the Prophecy of The Four Heroes from being fulfilled? How has the Frost Mage's dark magic tainted these dwarven lands? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 22: The Hand of The Frost Mage.

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Movement 21: The Lyre of Natura | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 27 Oct 2021 05:00:00 -0400

After finding Archangel Grand Mah's letter, which revealed the grand history of Crispin Whisper'yx, the party decides to continue their journey to locate the final deitic instrument: Natura's Lyre. But first--they've earned themselves a day of shopping, relaxing and celebrating with some old friends! With King Stormsbane's support, Grawl & Grittle's famous hospitality, and the crucial information contained within Grand Mah's letter, what could possibly stand in the way of our heroes and their quest now? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 21: The Lyre of Natura.

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Movement 20: The Letter in The Sewers | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 13 Oct 2021 05:00:00 -0400

With four shrinking potions successfully brewed, our heroes venture into the labyrinth of sewers beneath King's Point in search of this mysterious grandma's letter they keep hearing about. However, in order to find the letter, they must first eradicate the city's rat infestation while under the influence of Al-Khemist's... slightly unpredictable potion.  What strange scenes will Willub, Glonk, Seth and Crispin discover beneath the busy city? And what information could possibly contained within this letter to make it so important? Could the Frost Mage be behind this as well? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 20: The Letter in The Sewers.

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Movement 19: The Voyage to Naga Cove | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 29 Sep 2021 05:00:00 -0400

Our four heroes have been tasked with gathering the ingredients necessary to concoct a potion that will allow them to shrink small enough to enter the sewers of King's Point, end the city's rat infestation, AND locate the peculiar "grandma's letter" they've heard so much about. But first Willub, Crispin, Glonk and Seth must survive the strange high-stake gambler's den of Naga Cove, an island nestled in the heart of the Shimmering Isles just off the coast of Valengaard. Lead by the royal alchemist's apprentice, Sanndra (not to be confused with Willub's late ursine lover, Sandra), the party must find the potion ingredients, return to Al Khemist and complete their quest before the Giant Frost Mage fully awakens from his evil slumber.  Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 19: The Voyage to Naga Cove.

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Movement 18: The Apprentice to The Royal Alchemist | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 08 Sep 2021 05:00:00 -0400

Deep at the bottom of the Storm-Ridden Sea, the heroes of the prophecy must fight a ferocious hydra in order to defend the Ivory Idol. But even if they defeat this sea beast, the party will leave this journey changed by the weight of what they encountered on the sea floor. As the party returns once again to the city of King's Point, Glonk mourns the tragic loss of the father he had spent his whole life searching for and The Giant Frost Mage continues to throw his strongest minions at our heroes in order to prevent them from completing The Quest for The Best Song. There is much left to explore in Valengaard's largest city. What new faces will our party meet, and will they be friends or foes? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 18: The Apprentice to The Royal Alchemist.

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Movement 17: The Key on The Sea Floor | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 25 Aug 2021 05:00:00 -0400

The four heroes continue their descent deeper into the ruins of Aquarock Temple in search of The Ivory Idol, a magical relic vital to fulfilling the ancient prophecy.  While exploring the abandoned temple, they unintentionally discover the lost city of Merlantis Proper, hidden deep below the surface of The Storm-Ridden Sea. The path to the Ivory Idol seems clear, but as we all know... nothing is ever as simple as it seems. In this movement, Crispin, Seth, Willub and Glonk must face unforeseen obstacles that will test their courage more than anything they've encountered on their journey thus far. What schemes has The Giant Frost Mage laid out for our optimistic adventurers? What secrets lurk in the depths beneath this raging storm? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 17: The Key on The Sea Floor.

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Movement 16: The City in The Storm | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 11 Aug 2021 05:00:00 -0400

After surviving the Storm-Ridden Sea, the four heroes arrive in the ancient city of Merlantis along with their new companion and liability, Sir William Shakesrapier. As the party continues their search for the Ivory Idol, a magical key that is rumored to unlock the Ancient Temple, they find themselves exploring the ruins of an old Merfolk holy site known as Aquarock Temple. Will Crispin, Seth, Willub and Glonk be able to find a way to the sea floor and locate the sunken Ivory Idol? What dangers await them within the mysterious Aquarock Temple? And what stupid chaos will they inevitably stir up in the local taverns? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 16: The City in The Storm.

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Tabletop Talks 2: The Sound of Harbourne

Wed, 28 Jul 2021 05:00:00 -0400

In this Tabletop Talk, our team talks about what goes into designing the various sounds of The Tabletop Tales. From creating unique character-specific sound effects to recording dozens of voices to populate a crowded tavern, Kyle McCann and Chris Chaput discuss their entire process and favorite sound-designed moments from the story so far. Pull up a chair and talk with us at the tabletop!

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Movement 15: The Poet in King's Point | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 13:00:00 -0400

Glonk, Willub, Crispin and Seth watch an interesting performance in the royal city of King's Point. After meeting the legendary poet known as Sir William Shakesrapier, who decides to join them on their next adventure, the party gets a new lead: the Ivory Idol, a magical key that unlocks the Ancient Temple, lies at the bottom of the Storm-Ridden Sea. This key is vital to the Quest for The Best Song, so the four heroes and their new companion decide to set out into the dangerous waters in search of this treasure. Will they be able to locate the sunken Ivory Idol? What awaits them within the hurricane raging in the Storm-Ridden Sea? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 15: The Poet in King's Point.

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Movement 14: The Recorder of Souls | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:00:00 -0400

Our heroes journey deeper into the heart of Temple Blaque, where they must face their strongest foe yet... The Vampire Lord, Raphael Blaque. If this ghoulish wielder of dark magic is defeated, nothing will stand between the adventurers and the second Deitic Instrument of the great prophecy. But will Glonk, Willub, Crispin and Seth be able to summon the strength and cooperation required to defeat their first real foe as a full party? Will they retrieve the Recorder of Souls? And if they do--where will they travel next? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 14: The Recorder of Souls.

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Movement 13: The Secrets of Temple Blaque | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 00:00:00 -0400

The four heroes of the prophecy continue their quest in pursuit of the second Deitic Instrument, The Recorder of Souls. Together, Glonk, Willub, Crispin and Seth venture into the ominous Temple Blaque, which is rumored to be home to a Vampire Lord named Raphael Blaque, but the temple is not what it appears. Will the party be able to navigate the magical labyrinth of puzzles, creatures and perils that lie within in order to reach the Altar Room and retrieve the Recorder to fulfill the ancient prophecy? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 13: The Secrets of Temple Blaque.

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Movement 12: The Sands of Al-Kamorth | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 05:00:00 -0400

With all four heroes of the prophecy united at last, the Quest for The Best Song truly begins. Together, Glonk, Willub, Crispin and Seth travel to the desert city of Al-Kamorth in search of the second of the three legendary Deitic Instruments, the Recorder of Souls. Will the new party learn how to work together, or will the union of these four "heroes" unleash chaos? Perhaps a healthy amount of both? Either way, the desert sands hold many secrets... and our budding adventurers are not the only ones who seek to wield the Recorder of Souls. Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 12: The Sands of Al-Kamorth.

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Movement 11: The Prophecy of the Four Heroes | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 19 May 2021 13:00:00 -0400

Crispin Whisper'yx and Seth conclude the final chapter of their adventure set 1,000 years before Willub and Glonk's story began. The dragonborn and the angel (along with an elderly cleric named Archibald) must take down the corrupted spider queen, Matilda Webb, in order to retrieve an ancient magical relic known as The Timestone. However, Matilda will not give up the source of her power without a fight. Will Crispin and Seth find the strength to defeat the brood-mother? And once they've taken the timestone, will they be able to harness its power for the good of Harbourne? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 11: The Prophecy of the Four Heroes.

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Tabletop Talks 1: The Music of Harbourne

Wed, 05 May 2021 05:00:00 -0400

In this Tabletop Talk, our score team talks about what goes into making original music for The Tabletop Tales. From picking instruments to composing melodies for specific characters, places and scenes, Chris Chaput and John Fuszner discuss their entire process and favorite musical moments from story so far. Collections 1 & 2 of the Official TTT Score are available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music now!

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Movement 10: The Lair of The Spider Queen | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 21 Apr 2021 05:00:00 -0400

Crispin Whisper'yx and Seth continue their adventure set 1,000 years before Willub and Glonk's story began. The dragonborn and the angel, along with a cleric named Archibald Dawkins, make their way into a spider-infested cave in search of an ancient relic known as the Timestone. However, the Timestone is in the possession of an evil corrupted Spider Queen, and she will not give it up easily. Will Crispin and Seth rise to the challenge and save the halfling town of Woodshire from a spidery doom? And how is all of this connected to Willub and Glonk's quest nearly a millennium later? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 10: The Lair of the Spider Queen.

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Movement 9: The Dragon and The Angel | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 07 Apr 2021 05:00:00 -0400

After activating an ancient relic known as the Timestone, Willub and Glonk unintentionally summoned two peculiar individuals to the Perilous Spire. But where did these strangers come from? This movement takes place 1,000 years before Willub and Glonk's adventure began... as Crispin Whisper'yx, an old, but lively banjo-wielding dragonborn, meets Seth, an angsty angel with featherless wings and a broken halo. The unlikely duo is recruited to help defend the town of Woodshire from a horde of giant spiders. Will Crispin and Seth have what it takes to exterminate these vicious pests? And how is all of this connected to Willub and Glonk's quest nearly a millennium later? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 9: The Dragon and The Angel.

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Movement 8: The Drum of The Hero | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 24 Mar 2021 05:00:00 -0400

After defeating the last of the crooked scoundrels who had been using the Myne Mine as a base of operations for their sinister plans, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly, along with Vias Silvertongue, the mysterious chest, and a freed Dragonborn prisoner descend into the chasm at the heart of the mine. This chasm has been converted into some sort of throne room, and the only way to finally reach the Perilous Spire is by going through it... But it appears that our heroes aren't the only ones who want to claim the dietic instruments of the prophecy. What final obstacles await Glonk and Willub in the depths of the Myne Mine? Will the Seven Sages be able to aid them on their quest when they arrive at the Spire? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 8: The Drum of The Hero.

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Movement 7: The Mountains of Myne | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:00:00 -0500

Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly awaken in the secret hideout of their guide, Vias Silvertongue, hidden in the Myne Mountains. Our heroes, along with their new companion, continue their climb up the mountain toward the entrance of the Myne Mine, hauling with them a mysterious chest with unknown contents locked magically within. The mine has been out of operation for some time now, but it appears a gang of scoundrels has begun to use the tunnels as a base for their nefarious schemes. What dangers will Willub, Glonk and Vias have to face in order to pass through the Myne Mine and finally reach the Seven Sages of the Perilous Spire to begin their true quest? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 7: The Mountains of Myne.

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Movement 6: The Town of Thieves | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 24 Feb 2021 02:00:00 -0500

After an eventful trek from Oakshire, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly, arrive at the morally questionable town of Dagger's Edge and attempt to learn more about The Seven Sages of the Perilous Spire. As Willub looks for a map of the region and Glonk searches for an experienced guide to lead them through the dangerous mines of Myne Mountain, The Giant Frost Mage's evil schemes advance. Will our two heroes be able to reach the Sages and find the three Dietic Instruments before it's too late? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 6: The Town of Thieves.

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Movement 5: The Road to Dagger's Edge | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 10 Feb 2021 05:00:00 -0500

With the events of Oakshire behind them, our two heroes, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly, embark on their new quest to find the three ancient instruments of the gods and stop the Giant Frost Mage's evil schemes. Their journey begins as they make the long trek to the infamous town of Dagger's Edge, where they hope to find a way to reach the Perilous Spire and meet the Seven Sages, who may be able to help locate these mystical musical instruments.  However, as you can most likely guess, the long road will be far from uneventful for Willub and Glonk. Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 5: The Road to Dagger's Edge.

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Movement 4: The Spirit of The Bear | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 27 Jan 2021 05:00:00 -0500

Our heroes, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly, return to the town of Oakshire after the fierce battle of Sisters' Redoubt. With the Magpie Hags now eliminated, the curse that once plagued the humble fishing town has been lifted. The streets are full of joyful townsfolk who no longer fear for their lives, and the King has been released from his strange magical paralysis... but a far greater evil threatens to consume the land of Valengaard. It seems that Willub and Glonk's quest is only just beginning. Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 4: The Saviors of Oakshire.

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Movement 3: The Battle of Sisters' Redoubt | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 05:00:00 -0500

Deep in the Ominous Pass just outside the town of Oakshire, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly have volunteered to investigate the recent kidnappings that have been taking place in Oakshire, and now find themselves in a haunted old tower known as Sisters' Redoubt. As Willub develops a deeper connection with his new companion, Sandra the bear, and Glonk struggles to stomach the gruesome tasks ahead of them... will the duo be able to solve the tower's riddles and find the missing children of Oakshire? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 3: The Battle of Sisters' Redoubt.

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Movement 2: The Curse of Oakshire | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 30 Dec 2020 05:00:00 -0500

The quest continues in the fishing town of Oakshire. Our heroes, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly, find the docks of the town unusually empty and soon learn of several peculiar events that have left the town in fear: the king frozen solid in his throne, wicked creatures breaking into homes, and children disappearing in the night. What haunting mysteries will Glonk and Willub uncover as they embark on their quest? Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 2: The Curse of Oakshire.

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Movement 1: The Brawl on the Sea | The Quest for The Best Song

Wed, 16 Dec 2020 05:00:00 -0500

The Quest for The Best Song begins in the mystical world of Harbourne,  just off the coast of the land of Valengaard. Two unlikely heroes, Glonk Dawkins and Willub Willowbelly, find themselves locked in the brig of a slaving boat. The two strangers must work together in order to escape the sinister ship, but a far greater journey looms on their horizon. Join us on this adventure in The Quest for the Best Song, Movement 1: The Brawl on the Sea.

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Trailer | Welcome to The Tabletop Tales!

Tue, 08 Dec 2020 10:00:00 -0500

A short teaser trailer that will give you a small taste of what you can expect from The Tabletop Tales!

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