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Creator: Sam Barbaro
Comedy Audio Drama
Synopsis: follows an assassination startup in a New York where murder is now legal—so long as you fill out the right paperwork. Join Mallory, the CEO of, and Ben, the guy who is letting her stay in his mom's basement, as they navigate and narrate this brave new world to their shareholders. Listen as they launch their business, hire the only two assassin applicants left in the city, participate in the Murder Games, and try their best to turn bureaucracy into profit. is a comedy and should not be taken as business advice or even bad business advice.
Transcripts and more available at
Format: Audio Drama
Genres: Comedy
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Mon, 29 Mar 2021 04:01:00 +0000
The season finale! There are consequences. Maybe. Mallory and Ben may have never actually incorporated the business or paid for insurance. Uh-oh.
Mon, 15 Mar 2021 04:01:00 +0000
After the the Murder Games, becomes an industry joke.
Mon, 01 Mar 2021 05:01:00 +0000
The Borough Murder Committee asks hard-hitting questions.
Mon, 15 Feb 2021 05:01:00 +0000
In an effort to fundraise and gain popularity, participates in the first annual Murder Games. Equipped with Drano and a plastic cauldron from Party City, Kill Witch ventures into the arena.
Mon, 01 Feb 2021 04:23:30 +0000
Mallory’s grandma revokes funding and awards it instead to Mallory’s mom to set up an Esty store. The team has to fundraise and come up with products that people want but don’t need.
Episode 4 - Subscription Pricing
Mon, 18 Jan 2021 04:00:00 +0000 introduces Netflix-style subscription pricing. We learn about the company’s first (totally intentional) murders.
Minisode - Potions My Coven Doesn't Endorse
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 00:31:17 +0000
Kill Witch throws together homemade lip balms and face masks, all in the time it takes you to fly into a rage.
Mon, 04 Jan 2021 03:00:00 +0000
Mallory interviews and hires two New Age assassins: Crystal Murderer and Kill Witch.
Mon, 21 Dec 2020 03:55:00 +0000
Ben has always wanted to be a psychic. He worked so hard to achieve his goal, but it turns out he’s the wrong kind.
Tue, 15 Dec 2020 01:23:39 +0000
On the fence? Mallory lists some people who should be assassinated, mainly from her family. Actually, exclusively from her family. Unfortunately, her argument is compelling.
Thu, 03 Dec 2020 02:38:38 +0000
Mallory and Ben host a launch party at a cold but well-attended children’s playground in Queens.