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Auditors of the Outer Rim

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Creator: Auditors of the Outer Rim


A Star Wars roleplaying game featuring storytelling, adventure, chaos, and fun. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms. Story: Coming together out of necessity, this group of renegades escaped the grasp of their Hutt crime lord, stole his ship, liberated his slaves, and returned to end his reign. Their final escape from Tatooine caught the eye of the empire; narrowly avoiding destruction, they returned to Ryloth to seek help from those they saved. In exchange for future employment, their ship, renamed to The Auditor, was repaired and remade. The Auditors were born. Check out our links: πŸ”— 🐦 πŸŽ™οΈ 🍎 πŸ“Ί βœ‰οΈ Original music provided with licenced or permission by: "Seatbelt On" - Brightarm Orchestra on Epidemic Sound - Unlisted music, sounds, artwork, and assets are created by the people in this podcast and are provided with permission for use in this podcast and any related official or approved content. If anyone wishes to use any audio or visual elements from this podcast, they may do so with appropriate attribution. We encourage you to use our works, but please contact if you wish to do so out of courtesy and to ensure it's ok. Β© 2020-2021 Auditors of the Outer Rim





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Episode 5: Star Wars Podcast Day Gun Running

Wed, 05 May 2021 03:41:18 GMT

Rousing Baratech's suspicions, the auditors look for a way off the Wheel, awaiting a new job from their employer, and looking for alternative ways out. After running security for Baratech, they begin embedding themselves in their enterprise, seeking to one day gain access to their encryption code. They're no closer to uncovering the secrets of the pod, but they slowly work their way towards that final goal.

Looking for a way out, until things cool down.

Show Notes:

This is the 5th episode of Auditors of the Outer Rim. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms.

We're releasing this on Star Wars Podcast Day, a special little day to celebrate all Star Wars podcasts out there! Head over to @StarWarsPodDay on Twitter to check out all the amazing participants!

Intro Crawl: A Hot Getaway!

Rousing BARATECH'S suspicions, the AUDITORS look for a way off THE WHEEL, awaiting a new job from their employer, and looking for alternative ways out.

After running security for BARATECH, they begin embedding themselves in their enterprise, seeking to one day gain access to their encryption code.

They're no closer to uncovering the secrets of THE POD, but they slowly work their way towards that final goal.

Looking for a way out, until things cool down.

Job Boards:

HONK Droid:

Star Wars Podcast Day Twitter:

Cast: Ryan (GM), Tom (Mi-Shaan Li), Dan (Xeth), Damo (E-1), Will (Dahc).

Check out our links: 







Original music provided with licenced or permission by: 

"Seatbelt On" - Brightarm Orchestra on Epidemic Sound -

Unlisted music, sounds, artwork, and assets are created by the people in this podcast and are provided with permission for use in this podcast and any related official or approved content.

If anyone wishes to use any audio or visual elements from this podcast, they may do so with appropriate attribution. We encourage you to use our works, but please contact if you wish to do so out of courtesy and to ensure it's ok.

Β© 2020-2021 Auditors of the Outer Rim

Episode 4: Looking for Work

Sun, 04 Apr 2021 03:41:09 GMT

With no jobs in tow, the auditors look for work on the Wheel, seeking to improve their financial situation. After tedious investigation, the auditors are able to slice the mysterious hyperspace pod, learning the final jump vector of the missing ship.

With half the puzzle solved, they look for the missing information, where the final jump originated from. With little insight and not much to go off, they begin their search on the station.

Show Notes:

This is the 4th episode of Auditors of the Outer Rim. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms.

Intro Crawl: Unemployment!

With no jobs in toe, the auditors look for work on the Wheel, seeking to improve their financial situation.

After tedious investigation, the auditors are able to slice the mysterious hyperspace pod, learning the final jump vector of the missing ship.

With half the puzzle solved, they look for the missing information, where the final jump originated from.

With little insight and not much to go off, they begin their search on the station.

McHutt Image:

HONK Droid:

Cast: Ryan (GM), Tom (Mi-Shaan Li), Dan (Xeth), Damo (E-1), Will (Dahc).

Check out our links: 







Original music provided with licenced or permission by: 

"Seatbelt On" - Brightarm Orchestra on Epidemic Sound -

Unlisted music, sounds, artwork, and assets are created by the people in this podcast and are provided with permission for use in this podcast and any related official or approved content.

If anyone wishes to use any audio or visual elements from this podcast, they may do so with appropriate attribution. We encourage you to use our works, but please contact if you wish to do so out of courtesy and to ensure it's ok.

Β© 2020-2021 Auditors of the Outer Rim

Episode 3: Honk Droid the Gonk Droid

Wed, 03 Mar 2021 02:40:41 GMT

Completing their detective work, the auditors reunite with their comrade. Returning to the Wheel, an empire neutral station in the Mid Rim, the auditors return to their investigations of the mysterious hyperspace pod. The pod bearing the markings of the Sa Nalor, a separatist ship which fled at the end of the clone wars, was found by the group floating near the Wheel. With little knowledge of it's origins and the name of its intended recipient, they return to the Wheel in search for answers.

Show Notes:

This is the 3rd episode of Auditors of the Outer Rim. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms.

Story so far: Coming together out of necessity, this group of renegades escaped the grasp of their Hutt crime lord, stole his ship, liberated his slaves, and returned to end his reign. Their final escape from Tatooine caught the eye of the empire; narrowly avoiding destruction, they returned to Ryloth to seek help from those they saved. In exchange for future employment, their ship, renamed to The Auditor, was repaired and remade. The Auditors were born. Prior to arriving to the Wheel, the party stumbled upon a mysterious hyperspace pod. Completing a quick side investigation of corporate espionage they return to The Wheel to investigate the hyperspace pod.

Intro Crawl: Mysterious appearances!

Completing their detective work, the auditors reunite with their comrade.

Returning to the Wheel, an empire neutral station in the Mid Rim, the auditors return to their investigations of the mysterious hyperspace pod.

The pod bearing the markings of the Sa Nalor, a separatist ship which fled at the end of the clone wars, was found by the group floating near the Wheel.

With little knowledge of it's origins and the name of its intended recipient, they return to the Wheel in search for answers.

McHutt Image:

Honk Droid the GONK Droid:

Gonk Droid Speed Run:

Cast: Ryan (GM), Tom (Mi-Shaan Li), Dan (Xeth), Damo (E-1), Will (Dahc).

Check out our links: 







Original music provided with licenced or permission by: 

"Seatbelt On" - Brightarm Orchestra on Epidemic Sound -

Unlisted music, sounds, artwork, and assets are created by the people in this podcast and are provided with permission for use in this podcast and any related official or approved content.

If anyone wishes to use any audio or visual elements from this podcast, they may do so with appropriate attribution. We encourage you to use our works, but please contact if you wish to do so out of courtesy and to ensure it's ok.

Β© 2020-2021 Auditors of the Outer Rim

Episode 2: Nowhere to Run

Mon, 01 Feb 2021 02:40:18 GMT

Arriving at The Wheel; an empire neutral station, with a gun-smuggling job, just completed. The misfits were contacted by their acquaintance and former employer Otta. They were told of an urgent job in a nearby system. The details of a secret cloaking device have been leaked, and they've been tasked with finding the leaker. They must travel to Tyrius Sysworks Syndicate and search out this enemy agent. Apprehend them if possible, kill them if they must.

Show Notes:

This is the 2nd episode of Auditors of the Outer Rim. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms.

Story so far: Coming together out of necessity, this group of renegades escaped the grasp of their Hutt crime lord, stole his ship, liberated his slaves, and returned to end his reign. Their final escape from Tatooine caught the eye of the empire; narrowly avoiding destruction, they returned to Ryloth to seek help from those they saved. In exchange for future employment, their ship, renamed to The Auditor, was repaired and remade. The Auditors were born. Prior to arriving to the Wheel, the party stumbled upon a mysterious hyperspace pod. But before doing anything about it, they were contacted by Otta about a new job...

Intro Crawl:

Corporate Espionage!

Arriving at THE WHEEL; an EMPIRE neutral station, a gun-smuggling job completed.

The misfits were contacted by their acquaintance and former employer OTTA.

They were told of an urgent job in a nearby system. 

The details of a secret cloaking device have been leaked, and they've been tasked with finding the leaker. 

They must travel to TYRIUS SYSWORKS SYNDICATE and search out this enemy agent. 

Apprehend them if possible, kill them if they must.

Adventure Module Oneshot: "NOWHERE TO RUN" using One Shot First by Peter Thompson -

McHutt Image:

Cast: Ryan (GM), Tom (Mi-Shaan Li), Damo (E-1), Will (Dahc).

Check out our links: 







Original music provided with licenced or permission by: 

"Seatbelt On" - Brightarm Orchestra on Epidemic Sound -

Unlisted music, sounds, artwork, and assets are created by the people in this podcast and are provided with permission for use in this podcast and any related official or approved content.

If anyone wishes to use any audio or visual elements from this podcast, they may do so with appropriate attribution. We encourage you to use our works, but please contact if you wish to do so out of courtesy and to ensure it's ok.

Β© 2020-2021 Auditors of the Outer Rim

Episode 1: The Auditors Are Born

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 15:39:41 GMT

Coming together out of necessity, this group of renegades escaped the grasp of their Hutt crime lord, stole his ship, liberated his slaves, and returned to end his reign. Their final escape from Tatooine caught the eye of the empire; narrowly avoiding destruction, they returned to Ryloth to seek help from those they saved. In exchange for future employment, their ship, renamed to The Auditor, was repaired and remade. The Auditors were born.

Show Notes:

This is the first episode of Auditors of the Outer Rim. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms.

Cast: Ryan (GM), Tom (Mi-Shaan Li), Dan (Xeth), Damo (E-1), Will (Dahc).

Story so far: Coming together out of necessity, this group of renegades escaped the grasp of their Hutt crime lord, stole his ship, liberated his slaves, and returned to end his reign. Their final escape from Tatooine caught the eye of the empire; narrowly avoiding destruction, they returned to Ryloth to seek help from those they saved. In exchange for future employment, their ship, renamed to The Auditor, was repaired and remade. The Auditors were born.

Intro Crawl:

Violence in the outer rim!

On the twin-sunned planet of TATOOINE, 4 escapees flee the quiet town of MOS SHUUTA and its ruler, TEEMO THE HUTT. Stealing an old freighter named the KRAYT FANG, the group of rebellious upstarts made for the planet of RYLOTH in the company of a Twi’lek prisoner.

Once there, the group uncovered a sinister plot of the HUTT, utilising slaves to mine an illegal substance known as SPICE. In eliminating TEEMO’s illegal activities, the party found themselves once more the focus of the HUTT’s wrath, leaving them but one option; eliminate the HUTT entirely.

A daring breach into the heart of TEEMO’s empire saw the party, disguised as AUDITORS, download and flee with all TEEMO’s business records that, once leaked, revealed TEEMO as shorthanding other members of the HUTT CLAN, permanently severing TEEMO from the power of their CLAN.

And such, a legend was born, adopting the name of the role that bought them their freedom as they roam the galaxy in search of fame, adoration, and of course, credits. This is the start of the group that would come to be known simply as the Auditors.

Check out our links: 







Original music provided with licenced or permission by: 

"Seatbelt On" - Brightarm Orchestra on Epidemic Sound -

Unlisted music, sounds, artwork, and assets are created by the people in this podcast and are provided with permission for use in this podcast and any related official or approved content.

If anyone wishes to use any audio or visual elements from this podcast, they may do so with appropriate attribution. We encourage you to use our works, but please contact if you wish to do so out of courtesy and to ensure it's ok.

Β© 2020-2021 Auditors of the Outer Rim