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Hooked On Draconics

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A D&D actualplay podcast where four lovable and goofy friends delve into the realms of imagination

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S2E13 - The Great SandShark

Sun, 01 May 2022 22:00:00 -0400

In the shallows of the desert it gave them a glance...
Summoning a whirlwind with their motorcycle dance...
Unseen danger beneath the rolling and heated sands...
Tasty mortals, it thought, warming up it's infernal glands...

But the chosen best brought the artifact of Colossal stature...
A saddle made for specifically catching her...

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S2E12 - Grandma Boo-bear

Mon, 25 Apr 2022 16:00:00 -0400

Can colossal clashers climb canopied cliffs cleverly? Riding High from their victory over the group of pygmy owlbears, our wonderful and idealist group of Companion Keepers must traverse into the treetop housing of the jungle in order to claim their rewards over their competition... but the only way up is by trusting the Snake of a Keeper that was just defeated by them... and coming face-to-face with the matriarch of the whole clan...

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S2E11 - Snakes and Owls and Bears, Oh My!

Sun, 10 Apr 2022 23:00:00 -0400

Who's ready for an all-out shock and awe beasty brawl!? The Chosen Best step into the mechanical automaton ring to show their slippery and staggeringly ferocious foe who's the real danger of the rumble in the jungle! 

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S2E10 - Rhetorical Ramifications at the Cursed Crossroads

Sun, 03 Apr 2022 23:00:00 -0400

A thousand humble apologies, our dear listeners, for our long cold opens lately... We wish we could bring you more of them... They're awesome, really the best parts of the podcasts...  you know you love them too. But within the confines of the game, The Chosen Best head on their journey to Rocksbury to find the lead geologist!

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OOC 7: The Returnaning of the Kings

Sun, 20 Mar 2022 23:00:00 -0400

(Tags: Metroidvania Souls-like podcast) Will the group be able to ever start an  episode again? Can they ever get over how enchanting their own conversations out of character are? The charm is unreal, and the boyos have been playing a lot of Elden Ring lately... A new dimensional Wes awaits, and he may or may not have sigma ligma... on this episode of spin-off Dragon Ball Z...

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S2E9 - Returning From Difficulties

Sun, 20 Feb 2022 23:00:00 -0500

Both in-game and out, our heroes and players have returned to the normalcy of things after a long period of being away... Covid-19 and Cave Gummies couldn't keep us away for long! 
We know you've been waiting at the edge of your headphones, speakers, and seats for the return of your cheeky chosen group of companion keepers!

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OOC 6 - Ramble On...

Sun, 26 Dec 2021 16:00:00 -0500

They said we were madmen!
They said it couldn't be done!
That's right... we did a full episode of a cold open!
It goes entertainingly well as you'd expect...

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S2E8 - The Giant Great Gummybear!

Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:00:00 -0500

An amazing tale of heroics, dire circumstances, triumph over terrible odds... and one high-density caloric colossal cave terror! Can the chosen best overcome this mountainous menace? This deep dark denizen of doom? I'd bet my corn nuts that this will leave them scared, scarred, and sticky from this point on out!

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S2E7 - Warning! Peligro! Keep Out!

Sun, 12 Dec 2021 23:00:00 -0500

Bringing ourselves back to the table after a several weeks haitus (thank you holidays) We totally speedrun the cold open... PB: 9:18:22! Wait no... it's actually like 15 minutes! The Chosen Best's battle continues with the distinctly none-grape oozes! What could be waiting further into this deep dark mining cave of destiny!?

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S2E6 - I Attack the Darkness!

Sun, 28 Nov 2021 23:00:00 -0500

Alright, time for a legitimate description. The cold open for this one is pretty long, we discuss all sorts of things, including Lee hating Harry Potter fans.. Wolf rumors and fishing preferences... Lee being mean about Harry Potter some more... What is this darkness, but the absence of comfort, light, and all good things? 

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S2E5 - Super Ultra Parallel Deluxe Ghost Rare Secret Sponsor!

Sun, 21 Nov 2021 23:00:00 -0500

As the Chosen Best faces their newest and hardest challenge yet, they put their wits, skills, and abilities to the test to answer everyone's favorite commercial break question... Who's That Sponsor!? It's... <Redacted>!!!

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S2E4 - Dreams of a Sponsorship!

Sun, 14 Nov 2021 23:00:00 -0500

Talk about dreams! Sibling rivalries abound! There's never a shortage of cold opens, weird topics, and scrambling for a sponsorship before the Companion Keeper League sends the new friends on their way! But what is this about a deep dark cave... one that reaches into the darkest deepest parts of your soul? One that really reflects your darkest personality traits!?
Who knows... This week on Hooked On Draconics!

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S2E3 - Into the Fray!

Sun, 07 Nov 2021 22:00:00 -0500

Our newly formed team of Companion Keepers have had enough of these insults! 
Now it's time to show their rival team what they are made of! 
Teeth, feathers, scales and slaps collide as the ragtag group of newly introduced friends find common ground in showing their opponents who is truly the best there ever was...

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S2E2 - Is this how you Win Friends and Influence People?

Sun, 31 Oct 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Our Companion Keepers have finally left on their journey to go join the Companion Keeper League! Each with their heads held high, the wind on their backs, and dreams of being the best there ever was in their minds... but some challenges still await them ahead
But will there be trouble at the gates of the academy? 
Can they put their differences aside to band together?
Will they also meet a hand-crafted set of rivals to antagonize them, now and endlessly in the future!? Find out, in this new week's episode...

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S2E1 - Welcome to the world... of Companion Keepers!

Sun, 24 Oct 2021 23:00:00 -0400

An amazing world full of fantastical whimsy, a world of many settings, times,  and cultures living mostly in harmony with one another... a world in which conflicts are carried out by battles between mythical creatures, objects, and outsiders knows as Companions!

Our story begins by introducing the characters of this adventure, and how they came to join the Companion Keeper League, enjoy!

HUGE shoutout to 'Stibbles Codex of Companions' for the inspiration and additional rules in this 5E Dungeons and Dragons Adventure!

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OOC 5 - The Introduction of Alex

Sun, 10 Oct 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Season 2 is coming soon! 
In the meantime, we wanted to give our stupid sexy kobolds out there a chance to meet our newest cast member, our ongoing super talented artist, a man who clearly needed an hour long introduction, and most importantly, a dear friend... ALEX!!! Whoo!!! 
We also discuss some world building and character introductions for season 2, while also explaining Josh's leave of absence... so if you want an early scoop on that information, this is also the episode for you...

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OOC 4 - Season 1 Wrap-up and Q&A

Sun, 26 Sep 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Well look at that, we made it to the end of the first stop on this crazy train! The cast gets together to discuss making a podcast and what we loved about this season and the lessons learned about making a podcast... don't worry, it's just as unorganized and tangential as always!

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Epilogue - The End Of The Beginning

Sun, 19 Sep 2021 23:00:00 -0400

With Windstone secured of any wild and windy threats, our group has taken a hard rest for a few weeks. Peace has returned to the area and it's reflected in the faces and minds of the wonderful cast of people we have met along the way...
But is this it for our group of novice adventurers? 
Our Amateur Archeologists can't just hang up their hats now can they?
Nay, there's too much story left untold and the adventure must continue of course... 

In the interim however, join our players, and possibly a new storyteller even... 
We'll see you Stupid Sexy Kobolds in HOOKED ON DRACONICS.... SEASON 2!!!

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40 - Winding Down The Wind

Sun, 12 Sep 2021 23:00:00 -0400

For those who trust our tales to be the true and faithful, and to those that don't... 
This is the end of a few roads...
We went there and back again, as the saying goes
So what are you waiting for? 
This is your invitation to hear how the epic of our battle with Uraq ends, forevermore...

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39 - Sticky Situation of the Stench

Sun, 05 Sep 2021 23:00:00 -0400

There comes a time in everyone's life I suppose when destiny meets a head in the road. When the cards are down, and there's nothing left to do but play the hand out left in front of you...
This is that moment for our semi-amateur archeologists, when it's time to put the genie back in the bottle, and close up this can of worms for good... To undo the actions that brought us back to the Windstone to begin with... to do what they said couldn't be done... To control the wind itself...

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Patreon Q&A #1

Sun, 29 Aug 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Woah! Someone actually asked us some questions!? 
We even responded to them!? 
Chris is going to get fired out of a cannon!?
Find out on our very first Patreon Q&A!!!

Now... I know what you are thinking... "Oh man, I want to ask these super handsome and charismatic podcasters some questions too! But wait, how can I!?" Well, today's your lucky day you amazing person! You just need to throw us a few bucks on Patreon, and ask away every month that you do!

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38 - Cleaning up the Convergence

Sun, 29 Aug 2021 22:00:00 -0400

What has it been now? A month since my last journal entry? Well, I certainly didn't mean to keep any of your waiting, but sometimes fate has a strange way of keeping some of us apart... With that thought out of the way, our little group of archeologists finds ourselves back at the entrance to the cave and grave that started it all... Will we have what it takes to face the perils once more and finally put an end to this demon... and prove he is just full of hot air once and for all!?

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OOC 3 - Rubes Recapping Rediculously

Sun, 01 Aug 2021 23:00:00 -0400

After discovering our mistake, we've successfully returned the Wes we grabbed back to his doomed timeline... 
Josh has been Isikai'd to the realm of the Sword and the Stone! (Seriously though, He's in a local play, it's freaking awesome, if you're in Asheville on any weekend between 7/30/21-8/21/21 go and see it, it's free... email us for details
So the rest of us recap the story so far, in a somewhat scattered and strewed way.
This is strictly a filler episode really, if you want to hear Lee, Chris, and James ramble for a little while and show you a little of how the sausage is made, check this episode out!

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37 - The Big Birdhouse On the Hill

Sun, 25 Jul 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Once upon a time, Umadine awoke,
Then Stump and Terry the bird spoke,
That's when Gary and Larry got in on the joke,
And Cass said a thing in which nerves did poke...

The children were saved
and our path forward was paved
when confusion of races were waved
And the Cidery on the hill is where we gazed.

Heading underground is our next need,
This episode's structure is a bit of a misdeed.
We recorded in a General Grievous Bathtub,
Claw-footed, 3-storied, and a really good scrub!

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Out-Of-Character 2: A talk about classes mostly

Sun, 18 Jul 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Hello Friends and Foes! We have to warn you, this isn't a normal episode of the podcast, we accidentally left Wes in a doomed timeline, and until we retrieve him, you get to hear us talk about things we love in D&D. So if you love our out of character cold opens that sometimes last waaaaaaaay too long, then this is the episode for you!

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36 - Dances With Drotak

Sun, 11 Jul 2021 23:00:00 -0400

The group and everyone gathers each other and their wits. Both in game and out... Talon and Stump revisit the town in order to clean up the mess left by Urak, and have a confession with the local Barrister, Drotak in which reviled repercussions revealed righteous revelations!

Kind of Sponsored by Stump Studios!

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35 - The Dockside Duel

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Aghast and Acast, Cass is abound to the docks of Bunt's Boatworks! In his first ever solo adventure, our wonderful warlock finds himself face-to-face with another possessed friend of the group. What all will survive this whirlwind encounter will rely on the wits, guile, and power of the most astounding and awesome Aasimar around! 

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34 - An Unusual Town Hall Meeting

Sun, 27 Jun 2021 23:00:00 -0400

The Ten Ton Tanker known DroTak's bodyguard Ulianna is possessed! While the dwarf barrister has been saved for now, Talon still has a hell of a fight on his hands... Will the group reunite? Will Talon and Stump form the Teenage Mutant Ninja Toads? Will the fungus among us be curable with Bunt's Brew!? The ritual may tell us what we need to do, but it'll still take a group of semi-heroics to perform it!

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33 - The Town Square Kerfuffle

Sun, 20 Jun 2021 23:00:00 -0400

(Warning: Long rambling intro on this one... If that's your thing, this is the episode for you!)

Screams in the Town Centre erupt as our group continues to spring into action... 
The legend of The Hydra and the Smith continues while Toads and loads of shenanigans happen once we get our hands on the dastardly AnKyloRenasaur! Look up in the sky... is he a bird, a dinosaur, a gas cloud!? Find out this week... on Hooked On Draconics!

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32 - The Devil's Due

Sun, 13 Jun 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Just killed a man... 
Put a Giant Toad behind his head... 
Whipped his tongue out now he's dead...

Derrik's demise deemed due, he invaded our home, harmed our friends... and witnessed Talon rolling a natural 1... he had to go...
Meanwhile, Ankylosaurs and Pterodactyl's abound and away as he may have bit off more than he can chew, as he opens up a can of worms that can't be put back and he finds out what the wrath of a Hydra really feels like...

(Also Vomit trigger warning at about an hour in, it's super real sounding, sorry about that...)

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31 - The Humble Rumble of Those That Stumble

Sun, 06 Jun 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Ghosts of the past come to haunt each of us as our sins have come to manifest... and by that, I just mean me... Talon... unfortunately for them, I have more tricks up my sleeves than they might initially think... Meanwhile, the Neo Classical Rococo Che Lounge (or NCRCL for short) undergoes it's repairs. Can it be saved!? Can it be sat or laid upon again!? Will it get smashed by a giant 'Unknown reptilian' that came out of nowhere!?! Toad math and Keepo shenanigans on this weeks episode!

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30 - The Road Back

Sun, 30 May 2021 23:00:00 -0400

In this step of the Hero's Journey our group of amateur archeologists, after winning their battles of the supreme ordeal of course, and learning of the dangers facing our new home of Windstone, head back to the town with most haste. After  "A Climb to Remember 3: The Final Descent" which was the most dangerous one of the trilogy... And also Keepo Shenanigans... Mysterious events, beautiful sunsets, and predictable ambushes might be ahead!

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29 - KEEPO!

Sun, 23 May 2021 23:00:00 -0400

(Warning:NSFW for adult situations and language in this episode...) From the shadows of the great throne of Big Chungus... All the way from the mountains of Heavens Ascension... He strikes from the shadows... to clean your socks and wash your delicates... We finally have the kobold mascot we always dreamed of! But before we can celebrate our new annoying companion's arrival we must journey back to the library to... defeat... the harpy!

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28 - Culmination of the Calamity Cliffs

Sun, 16 May 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Trog's back on the menu boys! Big Chungus, Big Charga, whatever his name is, he's our objective. We're here to defeat them to liberate Heaven's Ascension from their stinky ways... On a bridge over a pit, deep enough to be a sure-death experience if anyone drops off of it (it probably even has sharpened spears or spikes at the bottom to impale us when we hit the ground) we meet our destinies in mortal combat against this leader of the Twisted Elements! It seems time to Test Our Might!

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27 - Stubborn Symphonic Seduction

Sun, 09 May 2021 23:00:00 -0400

There's some stuff in this episode about A harpy and some enchanting music and we all simp for her for a little while... But for real, If Ki-Adi-Mundi never told the council about the droid attack on the Wookies, Yoda wouldn't have gone off to help them fight off the droid invasion on Kashyyyk.... He would have been present to help Anakin fight off the dark side influence over him, and would have co-led the arrest of Chancellor Palpatine with Mace Windu and Anakin... thus preserving the lives of the other masters, discover the plans of how Palpatine was leading the galaxy against itself by leading both sides of the clone wars, and he never could have ascended to the rank of Emperor by dissolving the Republic and establishing the Galactic Empire... in short... Ki-Adi-Mundi doomed the Galaxy to 25 years of Imperial rule, and countless enslavements and deaths under their thumb. Also, shout-out to Neo-Classical Rococo Che Lounges!

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26 - Sneaking, Snooping and Stalking

Sun, 02 May 2021 23:00:00 -0400

Knocked out again... and again... and again... Talon (your friendly neighborhood devil) is about out for the count. Going down like a blaze of glory and protecting his friends is becoming a bit of a habit for him. But that's not stopping the kobold terrorizing the skies outside of Heaven's Ascension! Can Stump, Cass, and Thorimund save him in time and stop the terror of the XScaledGod666X!? Will Talon ever be able to prove his mettle as a competent rogue!? Is the Amateur Archeologist Association ever actually going to actually find it's way into the temple!? All of this and more, on this weeks episode!

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25 - Wrath of the Gamer Kobold

Sun, 25 Apr 2021 23:00:00 -0400

He's sooooo bad... He's sooooo cringe... and he's out to prove himself way more than necessary! The dastardly kobold with a terrible attitude, a nefarious set of wings, and an even more grievous fighting style strikes from the sky! Beware all who invoke his wrath, he who goes by the legendary name "XScaledGod666X"

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24 - The Bird Baron and The Flying Circus

Sun, 18 Apr 2021 23:00:00 -0400

 Who would have thought that bathing on the insides of the Dread Gazebo could have led them to this!? A clash in the skies over a ravine creates quite the challenge... between bad die rolls and a stinky massive vulture tamer, the Quintet has a massive challenge flying right at them! (Bad ASMR warning... but you know you love it)

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23 - A Disorienting Case of Delirium

Sun, 11 Apr 2021 23:00:00 -0400

(Pre-session warning: the fatigue is reeeeaaaaal...) High up on the crown of the world, our group encounters a rare and dangerous, even legendary monster... the Gazebo! While Talon (the natural party medic of course) takes care of Thorimund's wounds, the more sensible half of our expedition examines distant "ravens" and a mysterious pool. But that's when the magic happens...

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22 - A Climb To Remember 2: StoneCliff Boogaloo

Sun, 04 Apr 2021 23:00:00 -0400

With our bygones put to rest, and our fading dreams filled with the wonders of adventure... Our amateur archeologist team find themselves having to head upwards and upwards.
Who would have thought that a temple named 'Heaven's Ascension' would have been so high up!? 
Climbing comes naturally to us these days luckily... so much so that Talon and Stump see who is faster, while Talon has legitimate skills, and then Stump cheats with spider form... 
But is there something waiting for us among these cliffs, ready for us to slip up?

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A Rotational Understanding of Quantum Mechanics

Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:00:00 -0400

The Stupid Sexy Kobolds have come upon on of their greatest challenges up to this point, an endless hallway, with seemingly no way out... Could this be an altercation befitting a grand and epic journey in which they have seen such daring adventures? Is this another nefarious trap beset upon them by the Giggler!? Find out this and much more on this episode of HOOKED ON DRACONICS Z!!!

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21 - Campfire Stories

Mon, 29 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0400

Rewards and Recollections in this week's entry! Levels we will gain, because  the Bogwitch we have slain, our company of... *ahem* archeologists... have saved another day! With newly gained trust in one another over the past little while, it's time to share some of the fateful events that brought us all together...

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20 - The Tale of a Witch and a Warlock

Mon, 22 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0400

On a log within this bog...
Was a spell-casting frog...
Whom claimed her territory with such an attitude claimed fierced...
She fought with magic and death which swooshed and pierced.
The Barbarian held beneath the water... 
The Historian avoiding the slaughter.
The Druid always knows that a spider is right for the Gauge...
And along came the Rogue from the top of the Cage...

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19 - Tim and Eric's Awesome Pack, Great Show!

Mon, 08 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0500

After the battle of Von Wolfsburg Crag (newly named... by me of course...), a new pack is made by the smooth-talking skills of my fabulous friends Stump and Thoromund! Then the hunt is on for the frog in the bog who lives in a log in the fog...  in this we'll have to jog through this slog!

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18 - The Worrisome Wolves of The Western Wastes

Mon, 08 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0500

The investigation of the raven is concluded... Cass and Stump have determined
… It ain't natural... 
But what is lurking beyond the raven's eyes most certainly is, as it waits to enact it's terror upon the traveler's in the night...

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Out Of Character 1: Q&A with the players

Mon, 01 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0500

Josh is missing! We may have driven him to insanity...? In the meantime though, we must have the show go on! While we wait for him to trundle back here from the asylum, our #1 fan tracked us down, made some vague threats and made us answer his questions over discord... 

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17 - Josh Hates Talking About Ravens

Mon, 22 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500

Once upon a gamenight dreary, while I joked, sleek and poor,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a roll,

As of some one fiercely rolling, Thrust upon at my DM droll.

“’Tis a natural 20,” I muttered, “rolling on the studio floor—

 Only this and nothing more.”

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16 - We're Going On An Adventure!

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500

Friends, Foes, and Fiends gather around...  hear the story of the group of adventurers who prepare for an expedition into the depths of an ancient temple far away. The debts of the past are repaid in full by sharpening The Hydra's fangs, and securing supplies for their grave robbi---- *ahem* ARCHEOLOGICAL activities...   But what danger lurks in the shadow of the Cascade Mountains... waiting for it's prey?

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15 - The Return of the King

Mon, 08 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500

Talon is super awesome in this episode, after becoming king his ability to remain humble goes out the window as he is the best ruler that anywhere has ever seen. The group realizes that Talon has been writing these descriptions the whole time! He promises only the best things for his people, and he is determined to make it happen... however there seems to be another part to this minor... pesky... Uraq situation...

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14 - Elk Role Play

Mon, 01 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500

A Quartet split, a duo of duos if you will, is the catalyst for much needed conversations between the adventurers, where hidden secrets... literally from the shadows... start to come to light. Also there's  flute music and dancing!

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13 - Druids, Dryads and Elks Oh My!

Mon, 25 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500

What do you get when you cross a massive fungal infection, a protected Dryad's grove, and some seriously sick woodland creatures? Morals about morels and more in this week's adventure!

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12 - The Rematch

Mon, 18 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500

Uraq has been hunted down! The party has tracked him through the woods by following his trail of poisonous spores and minions, found a potential cure, and finally has the stand-off with the Wind Demon once and for all...

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11 - A Good Deed

Mon, 11 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500

FredBear has been subdued, new friendships cemented, and a young man saved... The party gets to know the old dwarf Stump and welcomes his company among them... Meanwhile, the chase is on to find out where Uraq has flown off to, and how to stop this eerie airy menace...

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10 - An Unbearable Transformation

Mon, 04 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500

An ambush in the woods from some unsightly hunters while on their way to save their new friend of a friend shows the party that Urak is much more than just a a bag of hot air when it comes to the danger it is capable of.

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9 - Fools Hunting a Fool

Sun, 27 Dec 2020 23:00:00 -0500

Our party finally got some rest after a very long day of adventuring, and the collective hangover could not be felt more keenly. Waking up in strange situations, and having little knowledge of the night before, they're immediately sent out on a new quest... where they find a new stranger in their midst...

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8 - The Crowning Achievement

Mon, 21 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0500

Let's get ready to RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBLE!!!  In one corner of the pie table, coming in at 800 lbs even...  The Reigning champ, the swine-so-fine, the beastly bacon, the one and only.... PORKULOUS!!! And in this corner of the table, some schmucks with nothing but an empty stomach, some dark secrets, and bleeding from places they didn't even know they had... Get ready for a pie-eating contest like you've never seen before!

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7 - Catching our Stolen Breath

Sun, 13 Dec 2020 23:00:00 -0500

The party has survived their encounter with Uraq, The Baleful Wind... (barely...) and returns to the town. What once was a time of celebration may turn into a tale of worry and woe. The trio tries to lay low for a moment, but with the pie-eating contest right around the corner... will an even more menacing, even greater sized adversary be on the Horizon!?

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6 - Gone with the Windstone

Sun, 06 Dec 2020 23:00:00 -0500

The boss fight everyone has been waiting for... Behind the door was the Troglodyte, but what was it doing breaking into this tomb? Perhaps there is more to this dastardly Lord of the Stench then anyone knew about all along!

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5 - A Climb to Remember

Sun, 29 Nov 2020 21:00:00 -0500

The Journey continues when the Trio faces even more reptilian foes atop an underground cliffside. After a daring maneuver from their dashing rogue goes wrong, will they be able  recover and reroute their enemies in this episode, or will they be flung about on the winds of fate?

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4 - Spooky Skeletons!

Mon, 23 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0500

Our trio of friends has delved into the depths of a previously untouched dungeon, and suddenly had the urge to become amateur archeologists. How will the guardians of the tomb react in this episode of Hooked On Draconics!?

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3 - Trouble Brewing in the Cidery

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 02:00:00 -0500

After a hard fought battle, an unfortunate snake bite, a dying man must be saved. The Trio cleans up, in more ways than one, and prepares themselves for a trek into a place... in which sometimes smells... are more than just smells...

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2 -Stupid Sexy Kobold

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:00:00 -0500

The young, brave, if not a bit new to this... adventurers... have been ambushed by kobolds while on their way to check on the Whispering Orchard owner, what could be in store for them inside this 
Shenanigans await, as Cassius pulls a sneaky one in the midst of combat... 

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1 - A Humble Beginning

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0500

The harvest festival of a small town known as Windstone is the highlight of the year for many of it's residents. Three long-standing friends, Talon the Tiefling Rogue, Thormund the Wood Elf Barbarian, and Cassius the Aasimar Warlock are just trying to enjoy the good times and helping out the locals with their various problems, but is there danger afoot?

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