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Dingles & Dangles: A Dungles & Dongles Podcast

24 episodes

Full cast Fantasy Longform Audio RPG


Welcome to Proxima, home to mortal races and battlefield of the gods. Join Mendo, Polly, and Leafgem as they carve out a place for themselves and their friends in a world dominated by nations of great power.

Format: Audio RPG

Continuity: Longform

Writing: Improvised

Voices: Full cast

Genres: Fantasy

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18. Golden Boys

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 14:30:04 -0500

The Dang Gang, fresh off a meeting with the devil Mephistopheles, find themselves under attack by Babelex's city guard and the mysterious Gold Knights. Leafgem animorphs. Polly plays nice. Strangeness & Charm go buck wild. Mendo gets hammered.

Follow us on our social media!


Music/SFX include our main theme, Gameboys by Kabinyo and more:

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"Stay The Course" by Kevin MacLeod

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

"Dramatic Scroller" by foolboymedia

"Prelude And Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Hitman" by Kevin MacLeod

"Air Prelude" by Kevin MacLeod

"Grave Blow" by Kevin MacLeod

"Faster Does It" by Kevin MacLeod

"Chase Pulse Faster" by Kevin MacLeod

"Dramatic Scroller" by foolboymedia

"The Dread" by Kevin MacLeod

"Walking Along" by Kevin MacLeod

"Tranquility Base" by Kevin MacLeod

"Gathering Darkness" by Kevin MacLeod

"Desert City" by Kevin MacLeod

"Thunder Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod

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17. Babelex

Fri, 28 May 2021 22:28:48 -0500

We're back! The Dang Gang leaves the mesa caverns behind and enters the country of Havenvale. Leafgem gets some news and visits an old friend. Polly supports local businesses. Mendo takes some heat.

Follow us on our social media! (linktree link)

Music/SFX include:

Our theme, "Gameboys" by Kabinyo

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta on

"Light and steady wind" by luciolepri

"Sky Loop" by foolboymedia

"Desert City" by Kevin MacLeod

"Bama Country" by Kevin MacLeod

"Club chatter, London" by mlteenie

"Folk Round" by Kevin MacLeod

"Stay the Course" by Kevin MacLeod

"Thunder Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod

"Windswept" by Kevin MacLeod

"Night on the Docks (Sax)" by Kevin MacLeod

"Air Prelude" by Kevin MacLeod

"Past Sadness" by Kevin MacLeod

"Travel To The War" by musiclfiles on

"Tranquility Base" by Kevin MacLeod

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

"RPG Town Loop 2" by sirkoto51

"Awesome Call" by Kevin MacLeod

"Zigzag" by Kevin MacLeod

"Kawai Kitsune" by Kevin MacLeod

"Shanty Town" by foolboymedia

"Walking Along" by Kevin MacLeod

"Grave Blow" by Kevin MacLeod

"Gathering Darkness" by Kevin MacLeod

"The Dread" by Kevin MacLeod"

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DnD Equipment Draft

Sat, 24 Apr 2021 06:36:32 -0500

What's the best mundane starting equipment in 5e DnD? We decided as a panel in this special Dingles & Dangles: A Dungles & Dongles Draft: Equipment Edition.

Send us an email with your favorite equipment to, check our Twitter @dingdangpod for an upcoming poll to decide who had the best draft picks, and check our Instagram @dingdangpod for Lex's beautiful art.

Intro - Fanfare For Space by Kevin MacLeod

Outro - Gameboys by Kabinyo

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16. Sinner's Path

Fri, 16 Apr 2021 15:18:11 -0500

With Leafgem disappeared down an underwater cave, Polly and Mendo try to reunite. Mendo gets closer with his patron. Polly protects. Leafgem's still an octopus.

Follow us:

IG: @dingdangpod

Twitter: @dingdangpod

Facebook: dingdangpod



"Gameboys" by Kabinyo is our theme song, check out their Spotify and Bandcamp!

"I Am Dreaming" - fmceretta

"Dramatic Scroller" - FoolBoyMedia

"Tranquility Base"

"Exit the Premises"

"Prelude and Action"

"Stay the Course"

"Industrial Cinematic"

"Faster Does It"

"Thunder Dreams"

"Grave Blow"

"Chee Zee Caves v2"

"Gathering Darkness"

"Clash Defiant"

"Chase Pulse Faster"

& "Night on the Docks (Sax)" by Kevin MacLeod

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15. Orc & Beans

Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:32:04 -0500

The Dang Gang are ambushed by orcs in the mesa caverns. Leafgem dives deep. Polly loses his light. Mendo takes a path less traveled.

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14. A Bug's Life

Fri, 19 Mar 2021 07:56:40 -0500

The Dang Gang begins their expedition into the twisting mesa caverns. Polly gets in touch with both sides of his inner bug. Leafgem works with her old rival Roland Piddlestain. Mendo walks in someone else's shoes. Music/SFX:

Our theme song is Gameboys by kabinyo, who makes a lot of good stuff!

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"RPG Town Loop 2" by Sirkoto51

"Tranquility Base" by Kevin MacLeod

"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Dramatic Scroller" by foolboymedia

"Chase Pulse Faster" by Kevin MacLeod

"Eighties Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Hitman" by Kevin MacLeod

"Stay The Course" by Kevin MacLeod

"Chee Zee Caves v2" by Kevin MacLeod

"Thunder Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod

"Summon The Rawk" by Kevin MacLeod

"Static Motion" by Kevin MacLeod

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

"Kawai Kitsune" by Kevin MacLeod

"Black Vortex" by Kevin MacLeod

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BONUS: Heart To Heart

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 21:50:40 -0600

In this Valentine's Day episode unreleased due to the Texas freeze, the Dang Gang is trapped in a pocket dimension with an awful cupid-like creature and must answer dating advice questions to escape find their way home.



Late Night Radio by Kevin MacLeod

Last Kiss Goodnight by Kevin MacLeod

"Heartbeat, Regular, Single 01" by InspectorJ

"Gathering Darkness" by Kevin MacLeod

"Grave Blow" by Kevin MacLeod

"Konflict" by neehnahw

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13. Sun & Moon

Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:57:48 -0600

The Dang Gang travels across the desert to Babelex. Polly meets a strange and charming friend. Mendo struggles to relax. Leafgem gets back into old habits. Music/SFX: Our main theme is Gameboys by Kabinyo, check out their Bandcamp and Spotify!

I Am Dreaming - fmceretta

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Fri, 12 Feb 2021 03:34:55 -0600

The gang lick their wounds in the aftermath of the battle for Clayborough. Polly tries diplomacy, Mendo tries war crimes, and Leafgem tries to get a decent cup of tea.


Our main theme is always by Kabinyo and it's always awesome, support the artist on Spotify and Bandcamp!

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"The Dread" by Kevin MacLeod

"Thunder Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod

"Man Down" by Kevin MacLeod

"Giant Wyrm" by Kevin MacLeod

"Gathering Darkness" by Kevin MacLeod

"Crackling Fire" by sagetyrtle

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11. Clash At Clayborough (Part 2)

Wed, 03 Feb 2021 12:07:03 -0600

In this exciting conclusion to our first two-part episode, the party is separated and must fight for their lives. Mendo and Polly take on the Prickly Pears' leader, Rotten Jake. Leafgem takes on a new, powerful opponent with no help in sight. Layla the Quasit finds a worthy foe. Music/SFX:

As always, Kabinyo is the artist behind our main theme, check out their stuff!

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"Walking Along" by Kevin MacLeod

"Crisis" by Kevin MacLeod

"Faster Does It" by Kevin MacLeod

"Prelude & Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Industrial Cinematic" by Kevin MacLeod

"Konflict" by Neehnahw

"Hitman" by Kevin MacLeod

"Neo-Western" by Kevin MacLeod

"Unholy Knight" by Kevin MacLeod

"CINEMATICBOOMNORM" by herbertboland

"Grave Blow" by Kevin MacLeod

"Man Down" by Kevin MacLeod

"Dramatic Scroller" by foolboymedia

"Clash Defiant" by Kevin MacLeod

"Water Game Theme Loop" by mrthenoronha

"Rowdy Crowd" by xtrgamr

"Summon The Rawk" by Kevin MacLeod

"Kawai Kitsune" by Kevin MacLeod

"Tafi Maradi (no voice)" by Kevin MacLeod

"Dispersion Relation" by Kevin MacLeod

"Gathering Darkness" by Kevin MacLeod

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

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10. Clash At Clayborough (Part 1)

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 18:57:53 -0600

The Dang Gang is back! The party has returned to Clayborough, only to discover it under siege by the Humane Confederation and the Prickly Pear Gang. Mendo and Polly head into town to help the villagers, while Leafgem tries to sneak into the monastery to return power to the monks protecting the village. Part 1 of 2!

@dingdangpod on:




Music/SFX: Our main theme will always be Gameboys by Kabinyo, check out their stuff!

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"Rowdy Crowd" by xtrgamr

"CinematicBoomNorm" by herbertboland

"Ambient Battle Noise" by pfranzen

"Crisis" by Kevin MacLeod

"Walking Along" by Kevin MacLeod

"Fire Burst" by silverillusionist

"Fireplace" by leosalom

"Cracking Fire" by sagetyrtle

"Faster Does It" by Kevin MacLeod

"Explosion" by iwiploppenisse

"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Industrial Cinematic" by Kevin MacLeod

"Low Pulsating Hum" by timbre

"Grave Blow" by Kevin MacLeod

"Hitman" by Kevin MacLeod

"Konflict" by neehnahw

"Thunder Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod

"Summon The Rawk" by Kevin MacLeod

"The Dread" by Kevin MacLeod

"Air Prelude" by Kevin MacLeod

"Unholy Knight" by Kevin MacLeod

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09. Viva Las Vega

Sat, 05 Dec 2020 04:54:13 -0600

The Dang Gang get to know a new friend. Polly gets a history lesson. Mendo tries pacifism. Leafgem teaches us all how to Dougie.


Our main theme is "Gameboys" by Kabinyo, check them out!

"Secreto en la Montaña" - Gustavo Santaolalla

"I Am Dreaming" - fmceretta

"Prelude And Action" - Kevin MacLeod

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08. Prey

Fri, 20 Nov 2020 10:38:45 -0600

The Dang Gang explores Cookie's shack and find their lost sand skipper. Leafgem tries a new form, Mendo makes some fireworks, and Polly stretches his language skills. 



Our main theme is "Gameboys" by Kabinyo, check them out on Spotify and Bandcamp!

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"SPC x2x Unseen Presence" by Kevin MacLeod

"Thunder Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod

"Crackling Fire" by sagetyrtle

"Sincerely" by Kevin MacLeod

"Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod

"Faster Does It" by Kevin MacLeod

"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Industrial Cinematic" by Kevin MacLeod

"Clash Defiant" by Kevin MacLeod

"Grave Blow" by Kevin MacLeod

"Summon the Rawk" by Kevin MacLeod

"Light and Steady Wind" by luciolepri



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Halloween Spooktacular One-Shot (House On Nightmare Hill)

Sat, 31 Oct 2020 18:31:36 -0500

The Dang Gang are in store for a night of chills and thrills after an eccentric aristocrat offers them unimaginable riches... IF they can make it through the night at... the House On NIGHTMARE HILL. 

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07. Kobolds & Kegstands

Sat, 24 Oct 2020 23:21:05 -0500

The Dang Gang explores a vault of treasures. Leafgem goes square dancing. Polly relives his college days. Mendo cuts some ties. Cookie returns to hang out with the Dang Gang!

Leave us a 5 star review on iTunes and we'll begin shoutouts after the Halloween special!


Our main theme is Gameboys by Kabinyo, check them out!

"Crackling Fire" by sagetyrtle

"Light and Steady Wind" by luciolepri

"Club Chatter, London" by milteenie

"Rowdy Crowd" by xtrgamr

"Sky Loop" by foolboymedia

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

"Air Prelude" by Kevin MacLeod

"River Fire" by Kevin MacLeod

"Monkoto" by Kevin MacLeod

"RPG Town Loop 1" by Sirkoto51

"Darkest Child" by Kevin MacLeod

"Chee Zee Jungle" by Kevin MacLeod

"Artifact" by Kevin MacLeod

"Jungle in Maharashtra at Night" by Agim

"Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod

"Whiskey on the Mississippi" by Kevin MacLeod

"Del Rio Bravo" by Kevin MacLeod

"Kawai Kitsune" by Kevin MacLeod

"Travel to the War" by MusicLFiles

"Shanty Town" by foolboymedia

"Traveler" by Alexander Nakarada

"Gathering Darkness" by Kevin MacLeod




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06. The Vision In The Flames

Thu, 15 Oct 2020 07:15:09 -0500

Polly ruins a surprise, Mendo learns to cook, and Leafgem finds what she was looking for in this climax to the Dang Gang's Oasis adventure.



As always, Kabinyo is the genius creator of our Gameboys, our main theme.

Sky Loop - FoolBoyMedia

Prelude and Action - Kevin MacLeod

RPG Town Loop 2 - Sirkoto51

Dramatic Scroller - FoolBoyMedia

Tafi Maradi (no voice) - Kevin MacLeod

Grave Blow - Kevin MacLeod

Industrial Cinematic - Kevin MacLeod

Thunder Dreams - Kevin MacLeod

Traveler - Alexander Nakarada

Giant Wyrm - Kevin MacLeod

Black Vortex - Kevin MacLeod

Clash Defiant - Kevin MacLeod

Hitman - Kevin MacLeod

Darkest Child - Kevin MacLeod

Summon The Rawk - Kevin MacLeod


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05. The Dragon Towers

Fri, 09 Oct 2020 06:22:49 -0500

The Dang Gang explores a sacred place. Mendo meets a new friend. Leafgem casts a clutch spell. Polly's figure skating career is jeopardized. Zoinks!


Our main theme is 'Gameboys' by Kabinyo, check out his new EP Fragments on Spotify!

'I Am Dreaming' by fmceretta

'Jungle in Maharashtra at Night' by Agim

'River Fire' by Kevin MacLeod

'Walking Along' by Kevin MacLeod

'Air Prelude' by Kevin MacLeod

'Artifact' by Kevin MacLeod

'Temple of the Manes' by Kevin MacLeod

'An Upsetting Theme' by Kevin MacLeod


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04. Firenewt Fever

Fri, 09 Oct 2020 04:50:56 -0500

The troglodyte party arrives, Andre forgets to balance an encounter with some cuties, Polly sees the light, and the Dang Gang goes deeper into the jungle.


Music/SFX: Main theme is 'Gameboys' by Kabinyo, check out their stuff!

'I Am Dreaming' by fmceretta

'Jungle in Maharashta at Night' by Agim

'Artifact' by Kevin MacLeod

'River Fire' by Kevin MacLeod

'Chee Zee Jungle' by Kevin MacLeod

'Neo-Western' by Kevin MacLeod

'Exotic Battle' by Kevin MacLeod

'Crackling Fire' by SageTyrtle

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Dangin' Out: The Oasis (Sand Skippin')

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 19:59:26 -0500

In Dangin' Out, we give the players a moment to enjoy their downtime in a session dedicated to roleplaying. This week, we join the party aboard their sand skipper during some of their travel from Episode 3: The Oasis, as they make their way through the Sovereign Desert.


Main theme is "Gameboys" by Kabinyo off of Emulators, check them out!

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03. The Oasis (or: The Cookie Guarantee)

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 18:16:11 -0500

The Dang Gang cuts open a worm, goes shopping at Ol' Cookie's Stand, and finds the oasis they were searching for in the Sovereign Desert.


"Gameboys" by Kabinyo is our main theme, check out their music!

"Desert City" by Kevin MacLeod

"Sky Loop" by FoolBoyMedia

"Bumba Crossing" by Kevin MacLeod

"Distant Tension" by Kevin MacLeod

"I Am Dreaming" by fmceretta

"Travel To The War" by MusicLFiles

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

"Sincerely" by Kevin MacLeod

"Exotic Battle" by Kevin MacLeod

"Artifact" by Kevin MacLeod

"Neo-Western" by Kevin MacLeod

"Chee Zee Jungle" by Kevin MacLeod


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02. The Ember Monastery

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 17:54:51 -0500

The Dang Gang find themselves in the middle of a political crisis, and are sent into the Sovereign Desert to retrieve a powerful artifact. Mendo keeps it together, Leafgem takes the wheel, and Polly gets close with another bug. 

Follow us @dingdangpod on all social media, or send an email to



Main Theme: "Gameboys" by Kabinyo, please check them out!

"Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod

"Air Prelude" by Kevin MacLeod

"Bumba Crossing" by Kevin MacLeod

"Sincerely" by Kevin MacLeod

"Desert City" by Kevin MacLeod

"Happy Boy End Theme" by Kevin MacLeod

"Thatched Villagers" by Kevin MacLeod

"An Upsetting Theme" by Kevin MacLeod

"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod

"Neo Western" by Kevin MacLeod

"Hitman" by Kevin MacLeod

"Industrial Cinematic" by Kevin MacLeod

"Heroic Age" by Kevin MacLeod

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Dangin' Out: The Gilded Kiln

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 15:35:23 -0500

In Dangin' Out we give the players a moment to enjoy their short rest, with a session dedicated to roleplaying with little to no dice rolling. Gather 'round the fire and grab yourself a bowl of baba ghanoush!



Main Theme: "Gameboys" by Kabinyo, please support him!

"Crackling Fire" by sagetyrtle (via

"Shanty Town" by FoolBoyMedia (via

"RPG Town Loop #1" by Sirkoto51 (via

"RPG Town Loop #2" by Sirkoto51 (via

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01. The Gilded Kiln

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 14:30:53 -0500

Our first campaign episode! The party meets for the first time at a tavern in Clayborough, and comes into conflict with the Prickly Pear Gang.


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00. Don't Hate The Players

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 14:00:12 -0500

In this episode zero, we briefly introduce the characters and ourselves.


Follow us: @dingdangpod on all social media, or send an email to


Credits: Main theme: kabinyo - "Gameboys" (an absolute banger, please support him)

sagetyrtle - "crackling_fire_021012.wav" (

RepDac3 - "Harp.wav" (



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