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Finding North Podcast


A weekly dose of original short stories by Chris Morris. Stories range in genre from comedy to drama to science fiction and more.

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S3E9 - Marooned

Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:39:13 GMT

Drama. Marooned on an island after a shipwreck, John tries his hardest to get rescued. But why does his fellow survivor Larry keep trying to ruin their chances?

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

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S3E8 - Clickety-Clack

Mon, 18 Sep 2023 21:15:30 GMT

Horror. Clickety-Clack, Biggeldy-Bare, listen to this episode if you dare...

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E7 - A Man's a Man

Mon, 11 Sep 2023 05:00:00 GMT

Historical Fiction. In the aftermath of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Thomas searches for his fellow soldier and friend, Hamish. What he finds instead, is a question of morality.

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E6 - How to Rebuild a Life/My Paintbox/See Me (contest winning entry!)

Mon, 04 Sep 2023 17:00:00 GMT

For the first time on the Finding North Podcast, a contest winning story is featured! Special episode featuring three creative nonfiction pieces sent to Writing Magazine for their new "In the Spotlight" contest.

How to Rebuild a Life - my reflections on rebuilding a life that was turned upside down five years ago.

My Paintbox - the book that made me want to write.

See Me - my attempt at portraying what might have been going on inside the head of a complicated young boy I got to know very well during the coronavirus pandemic.

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E5 - Holiday of the Living Dead

Mon, 28 Aug 2023 05:00:00 GMT

Comedy. Jonathon Crowan, who died in the 17th Century, wins a competition he didn't know he entered. His prize is a holiday to the living world one night on Halloween. Has the world changed much since the 1600s?

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E4 - A Definition of Truth

Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:00:00 GMT

Occult. Amelia and her mother break into a doctor's house to mix a dangerous concoction. But with the townsfolk hot on their heels, it could be the only way to save Amelia.

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E3 - Postcards From London/The Search Log of John Trevor

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 05:00:00 GMT

Double-feature flash comedy!

1. Postcards from London. Angie sends her best friend Betty postcards, detailing her fiendish plan to have one of the King's Guard crack a smile.

2. The Search Log of John Trevor. Socially awkward John Trevor likes a woman he works with. Having no idea how to woo her, he turns to his best friend, Google.

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E2 - Through Darkness

Mon, 07 Aug 2023 05:00:00 GMT

Something's coming for Stephen. Something that wants the house he lives in to be covered in darkness. It's about to make it's presence known.

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

S3E1 - The Choices of Mankind Part One: World of Darkness

Mon, 31 Jul 2023 05:00:00 GMT

A man from earth finds himself confronted with the evils of his own species.

Thanks to LIMO Recording Studio and Jeremy Blake for making his amazing music free for creators to use. This episode featured his outstanding compositing "Heaven and Hell". Listen to it here.

My books are available on Amazon:

Which Way is North?

Dreams of a Damselfly

Joy's Lament

(These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

Direct MP3 link

Snapshots of a Life

Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:27:43 GMT

A special one-off episode presenting five creative nonfiction stories submitted for the 555 Story Writing Challenge. Find out more about the challenge at

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E21 - Season 2 Finale: The Great Fire Demon/Blood Red Sun

Mon, 05 Dec 2022 06:00:34 GMT

Historical Fiction.


Japan. 1945. As World War 2 nears its end, the people of Japan suffer. Goku, a man who has seen more than his share of horrors, struggles to cope with the aftermath of one of the deadliest attacks in human history.


Ancient Egypt. In a world surrounded by many dangers, Athos blames himself for failing to protect the one person he should have been there for. In Krokodolopolis, he seeks salvation.

Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast! Look out for season 3 in the summer of 2023!

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E20 - The Last Great Victory

Mon, 28 Nov 2022 06:00:52 GMT

Adventure. Sit doon richt there an' let me tell yeh o' the time ah won a race whar millions o' fowk died. An' dinnae interrupt!

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E19 - Repremendi Creatura

Mon, 21 Nov 2022 06:00:57 GMT

Sci-Fi. Strange creatures that look like plastic have invaded the UK, forcing most people to stay indoors to avoid finding out just how dangerous they are. An astrologist makes a chilling discovery about where they really come from.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E18 - LISTEN WITH CAUTION: This Story Will Keep You Awake at Night

Mon, 14 Nov 2022 06:00:39 GMT

LISTEN WITH CAUTION. You're about to enter dangerous territory. You'll be left staring at the ceiling tonight and questioning things you never thought about before. Better off not listening, really.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E17 - Snow

Mon, 07 Nov 2022 16:42:29 GMT

Drama. You lay down on your favourite spot for cloud gazing, and remember all the good - and bad - things that have led you to this moment. Hopefully, it won't rain.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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Halloween Special 2022 - Oddjob/The Last Werewolf in Earlingdale

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 16:48:45 GMT


1. Oddjob (Globe Soup 2022 First Sentence Flash Fiction Honorable Mention) - a man comes to a carnival with a strange, glowing jar, and tasks an odd man with the job of storing them in secret. But what's in them?

2. The Last Werewolf in Earlingdale (Globe Soup 2022 Short Story Contest Honorable mention) - A man has been murdered. With a silver bullet. The culprit surely must be the only other person in town who would know who the werewolves are... the other werewolf. The Earlingdale Police Department interview five suspects.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below: UK Amazon US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E15 - The Bowler Hat Killer (With Special Guest Narrator Beth Connor)

Mon, 24 Oct 2022 20:02:02 GMT

Crime. Detective Ryan Edwards grows increasingly concerned when all clues related to the identity of the mysterious "Bowler Hat Killer" point towards a person from his past.

This week's story was guest-narrated by Beth Connor. Read all about Beth at, and listen to her fantastic Crossroads Cantina Podcast here.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E14 - Little Miss Pop Quits Show Business

Mon, 17 Oct 2022 05:00:21 GMT

Drama. Daisy (AKA "Little Miss Pop") has been entertaining children with her bubble magic show for more years than she'd care to remember. But now the years of doing the same thing - combined with a yearning for something new - is beginning to draw her to something entirely different.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E13 - The Worst Restaurant in Earlingdale

Mon, 10 Oct 2022 05:00:46 GMT

Horror/Comedy. A restaurant manager in the town of Earlingdale writes to an inspector defending the establishment's history of - unusual - incidents and characters.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E12 - The Human Miracle

Mon, 03 Oct 2022 05:00:58 GMT

Historical Fiction. On Christmas Eve 1914, British soldier James and his fellow soldiers prepare to go over the top of their trench to attempt an attack on the Germans. But then they hear singing. What follows makes James question all he thought he knew of humanity.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E11 - FOR SALE: Shattered Dreams & Broken Hearts

Mon, 26 Sep 2022 05:00:21 GMT

Sci-fi/Suspense. It should be a normal day for Alex, but his girlfriend, Hayley, is acting strangely. What secret is she keeping and why does she keep making mysterious phone calls that she doesn't want Alex to hear?

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E10 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand "Like"s

Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:03:50 GMT

Comedy. A first date with a self-obsessed, technology-addicted man gets more awkward and infuriating by the minute.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E9 - Leave The Light On

Mon, 12 Sep 2022 05:00:31 GMT

Paranormal Mystery. A widower seeks a solitary and quiet new life as the lighthouse keeper on a remote Scottish island. But how has a mysterious woman dressed all in black arrived on the island... and why is she so intent on him leaving the light on?

This story was an entry for Writing Battle's summer flash fiction contest, and placed in the top 16 in its category.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E8 - My Brave Warrior

Mon, 05 Sep 2022 05:00:55 GMT

Drama. A father and daughter's bond deepens when a love for The Lord of the Rings films brings them closer. But how will Hannah's life return to normal when her family have been fractured in such a complicated and confusing way?

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E7 - Senza Fine

Mon, 29 Aug 2022 05:00:12 GMT

Sci-fi/Thriller. Kirsty awakes in a house which is on fire. This is simply the first test in a long night of excruciating challenges directed by someone who watches on and monitors her performance...

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

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S2E6 - Anti-Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Mon, 22 Aug 2022 05:00:55 GMT

Comedy. Two rival wordsmiths engage in a linguistic battle to determine which of them knows the fanciest - and longest - words.

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E5 - Raining Like Popcorn

Mon, 15 Aug 2022 05:00:44 GMT

Drama. Brian stops his car opposite a primary school in a quiet countryside community. He feels he shouldn't be there, but something is blocking him from remembering why...

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E4 - Please, for the Love of All That is Good, DO NOT Listen to This Story

Mon, 08 Aug 2022 05:00:06 GMT

Please, don't do it.

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S2E3 - Forever Flesh

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 05:00:24 GMT

Fantasy/Horror. A man named Guthred awakens in a strange place, shrouded in darkness. A mysterious figure watches over him. Something sinister is going on, and it may have something to do with a stolen wizard's staff...

My fantasy/sci-fi novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Read about my debut novel and order a copy HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E2 - Hush, Little Child

Mon, 25 Jul 2022 05:00:08 GMT

Drama. Seven-year-old Sofia awakes in the night, afraid of the rumbling noises she hears outside. Her Mamma tries to comfort her with a favourite bedtime story. But can the story really give any consolation for what Sofia is really afraid of?

My new novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S2E1 - Petri's Plight

Mon, 18 Jul 2022 05:00:24 GMT

Fairy tale. An antiquary arrives at the sleepy village of Whippleton seeking items of historical or cultural significance. Learning of a witch that lives in a house filled with old magical artefacts, he can’t resist the temptation to break in.

My new novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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My Top Ten Books of 2021

Sun, 09 Jan 2022 23:49:05 GMT

A special edition of the podcast where I talk about my favourite books I read in 2021. Stay tuned for Season 2 of the Short Stories by Chris Morris podcast...

My new novella, Joy's Lament is out in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats! Find out more below:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Twenty: The War of the Jhura Begins

Sun, 21 Nov 2021 06:00:08 GMT

The final chapter of Talgo of Faudrin sees King Mahdorne return to Freymaer in order to protect his people. Deep within his heart, he knows that the tale of Talgo will be told for many years, and has shaped the history of Mhyrran forever.

Stay tuned for a special announcement at the end of this episode!

Listen to the entire story of Talgo of Faudrin on the new Spotify playlist HERE.

My new novella, Joy's Lament will release on Wednesday 1st December! You can read more about the story and pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Nineteen: Five Arrows

Sun, 14 Nov 2021 06:00:24 GMT

King Mahdorne and four of his most trusted men arrive at Jadir, hoping to stop the madness created by Talgo of Faudrin. But how far is Mahdorne willing to go to stop the power of the Jhura from falling into the hands of a mad boy? He must make a difficult decision; one which may shape the future of Mhyraan forever. 

The final chapter - "The War of the Jhura Begins" - will release on Sunday 21st November.

Listen to the entire story of Talgo of Faudrin so far on the new Spotify playlist HERE.

My new novella, Joy's Lament will release on Wednesday 1st December! You can read more about the story and pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Eighteen: The Retreat

Sun, 07 Nov 2021 06:00:23 GMT

The armies of Mijira and Freymaer appear to turn away from Jadir. But with great power at the fingertips of Eldhir, Mahdorne is growingly concerned about the near future. Assisted by four of his most trusted men, he rides back to the volcano.

Chapter nineteen - "Five Arrows" - will release on Sunday 14th November.

Listen to the entire story of Talgo of Faudrin so far on the new Spotify playlist HERE.

My new novella, Joy's Lament will release on Wednesday 1st December! You can read more about the story and pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media:

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Seventeen: A Warning to the Armies of Freymaer and Mijira

Sun, 31 Oct 2021 06:00:27 GMT

The Battle of Jadir is over, but what now? King Mahdorne seeks to speak once again with Talgo, King Eldhir has other ideas. Enraged by the men, Talgo gives them a stern warning.

Chapter eighteen - "The Retreat" - will release on Sunday 7th November.

Listen to the entire story of Talgo of Faudrin so far on the new Spotify playlist HERE.

My new novella, Joy's Lament will release on Wednesday 1st December! You can read more about the story and pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Halloween Bumper Podcast

Sat, 30 Oct 2021 23:00:32 GMT

Happy Halloween! Re-live five scary stories from the first season of the podcast all in one.

00:00 - The Halloween Wanderer. Every night on Halloween, a mysterious figure dressed as the famous clown from IT wanders the streets of a small town. Nobody knows who he is. One year a woman goes missing, and the last person to see him was the clown. A group of school kids decide it's time to get to the bottom of this, once and for all...

17:51 - Night Visitor. It's time to go to sleep for Albert. But something isn't right about his house. Why does the front door keep opening? Why does the house feel so peculiarly odd tonight? Why are there footsteps outside his bedroom door? 

28:42 - Travelling Light. In a dystopian future, darkness has been taking over. Literally. Every source of light is fading and when people are shrouded in complete darkness - they - come. A group of survivors make a run to the local chemist while trying desperately to stop their torches and candles from fading. Will all of them survive?

54:48 - Of Kings and Fools. A brilliant scientist has invented a new type of submarine capable of plunging incredible depths in the ocean. It could be a game-changer. He decides to test the vessel himself but runs into trouble and wonders what might lurk in the places of the ocean where no man has been.

01:07:30 - Caroline. A man seems to be trapped in an ever-snowing, seemingly deserted town where he is hunted by terrifying creatures. Caroline has dropped, and it seems Sean's past is catching up to him in the deadliest way.

My new novella, Joy's Lament will release on Wednesday 1st December! You can read more about the story and pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Sixteen: The Battle of Jadir

Sun, 24 Oct 2021 05:00:52 GMT

The armies of Freymaer and Mijira engage in a bloody battle with the skurgs at Jadir.

Chapter seventeen - "A Warning to the Armies of Freymaer and Mijira" - will release on Sunday 31st October.

Listen to the entire story of Talgo of Faudrin so far on the new Spotify playlist HERE.

My new novella, Joy's Lament will release on Wednesday 1st December! You can read more about the story and pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Fifteen: Negotiations

Sun, 17 Oct 2021 05:00:29 GMT

King Eldhir joins King Mahdorne in the quest to stop the boy Talgo, Master of Jhura, from overcoming the world with his madness. But what they find when they get there is beyond words. 

Chapter sixteen - "The Battle of Jadir" - will release on Sunday 24th October.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Joy's Lament Preview

Sat, 16 Oct 2021 05:00:55 GMT

The opening pages from my upcoming novella, Joy's Lament!

Joy's Lament will release in Kindle and paperback formats on Wednesday 1st December. You can pre-order the Kindle version here:
UK Amazon
US Amazon

Joy was the name given to her at birth, and it was long remarked that she might have been the very last thing in the universe to have been named so.

The universe is darkening. Joy and happiness is being sucked out of everyone, everywhere, and nobody seems to know how or why it’s happening. Except a young woman who goes by the very name of Joy. She’s sure she’s found the root cause of it all, and she wants to put an end to the universe’s misery. Joy has too much at stake to allow grief to overcome the only person she has left.

Stealing a spacecraft and crash-landing on a frozen planet, Joy begins to use her mysterious Sense to track down and experience the memories of a man named Lothar. Through Lothar’s various memories of an ancient tradition called Christmas, Joy witnesses the destruction of happiness and watches as a dreadful war claims the lives of many. But how did all of this suffering spread from this planet across the rest of the universe?

As sadness begins to overcome Joy herself, there may yet be one chance for both Joy and Lothar to put an end to this spread of distress. But it will require a great sacrifice. One that’s too terrible to consider for those that they love…

Inspired by the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, Joy’s Lament is a tale of happiness, grief, love and loss from the author of Dreams of a Damselfly, and Which Way is North?

With original hand-drawn illustrations by MVMET.

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Fourteen: A Council of Kings

Sun, 10 Oct 2021 05:00:20 GMT

King Mahdorne of Freymaer rides to Mijira to seek council with King Eldhir. Tensions are high and Mahdorne hopes to convince Eldhir to join him in a journey north, to Jadir. 

Chapter fifteen - "Negotiations" - will release on Sunday 17th October.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Thirteen: The King of Freymaer

Sun, 03 Oct 2021 20:42:27 GMT

King Mahdorne of Freymaer receives ill news from Gilhala. Worried about the boy Talgo, he forms a plan with his advisors that may prove dangerous.

Chapter fourteen - "A Council of Kings" - will release on Sunday 10th October.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Twelve: The Fall of Faudrin

Sun, 26 Sep 2021 05:00:34 GMT

Consumed by his new powers, Talgo leads the skurgs west to his old home village of Faudrin, where he promises them as many bones as they could ever eat...

Chapter thirteen - "The King of Freymaer" - will release on Sunday 3rd October.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Eleven: Master of Jhura

Sun, 19 Sep 2021 05:00:08 GMT

Having acquired all five of the Jhura, Talgo faces off with the Skurg King, and demands his bone crown. Madness begins to take hold.

Chapter twelve - "The Fall of Faudrin" - will release on Sunday 26th September.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Podcast Announcement

Sun, 12 Sep 2021 05:00:06 GMT

An announcement regarding what's in store for the future of the Short Stories podcast!

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E38 - Just Friends

Sun, 05 Sep 2021 05:00:30 GMT

Drama. An unnamed narrator remembers a time when he loved someone but could never express it to her.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E37 - Letter of Resignation

Sun, 29 Aug 2021 05:00:50 GMT

Comedy. Mark writes a letter of resignation to his boss at Golden Screen Cinemas Ltd, in which he describes the reasons he's leaving in detail too fine.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E36 - Heavenly Breadcrumbs

Sun, 22 Aug 2021 05:00:19 GMT

Mystery. On board a ship leaving a deadly warzone and heading for safer shores, some extremely valuable vases begin to disappear. One of the voyagers begins to suspect there may be a sinister reason for this. Could all the passengers be in grave danger?

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Stories from Rwanda Part 3: Forgiveness/Conclusion

Sun, 15 Aug 2021 05:00:53 GMT

Nonfiction. Part 3/3 of a blog I wrote in 2012 detailing my time volunteering in Rwanda. In this entry, I write about my visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial, and a life lesson that inspired me deeply.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Stories from Rwanda Part 2: School Days

Sun, 08 Aug 2021 05:00:48 GMT

Nonfiction. Part 2/3 of a blog I wrote in 2012 detailing my time volunteering in Rwanda. In this entry, I write about my experiences teaching music in Rwamagana, and of how inspirational I found the students and teachers. 

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Stories from Rwanda Part 1: From Fear to Family

Sun, 01 Aug 2021 05:00:17 GMT

Nonfiction. Part 1/3 of a blog I wrote in 2012 detailing my time volunteering in Rwanda. In this entry, I write about how anxious I felt and how truly amazing and welcoming the people of Rwanda were.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Free Kindle Books

Mon, 26 Jul 2021 23:34:22 GMT

Dreams of a Damselfly and Which Way is North? are both free on Kindle until 30th July! Get your copies from Amazon now:

UK Amazon
US Amazon

Available in more territories. Search "Dreams of a Damselfly" or "Which Way is North?" on your region's Amazon.

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S1E35 - Travelling Light

Sun, 25 Jul 2021 05:00:30 GMT

Horror. In a bleak future, something is making light disappear from the world. Those who find themselves completely shrouded in darkness are faced with nightmarish creatures, and most are never heard from again. Hannah and two other survivors make an attempt to find some much-needed medicine for an elderly friend who desperately needs it.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E34 - Why I Always Check my Oven for Snakes... And you Should too...

Sun, 18 Jul 2021 05:00:10 GMT

Comedy/True Story. A personal account of the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, involving India, some grisly little creatures, and an inviting toilet... 

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E33 - The Halloween Wanderer

Sun, 11 Jul 2021 05:00:00 GMT

Horror. Every year at Halloween, a mysterious man wanders the streets of a quiet neighbourhood dressed as a clown. Nobody knows who he is. A group of kids decide it's time to solve the mystery, but they may have put themselves in a much more dangerous position than they ever could have imagined... 

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Ten: A Work of Evil

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 05:00:29 GMT

The skurgs send Talgo inside Gilhala tower to check whether or not their vile plan has worked. What Talgo finds inside is much more than he could ever have imagined, and will change the course of his life - and perhaps the lives of many others - forever. 

The next five chapters of Talgo of Faudrin will release on this podcast towards the end of summer. Keep subscribed or check my social media to stay updated.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Nine: Poison

Sun, 27 Jun 2021 05:00:20 GMT

Talgo reveals his dark plan to the Skurg King, who is enthusiastic about it. He is sent off to find a cart which brings supplies to Gilhala tower, with the aim of tampering with the wine...

Chapter ten - "A work of Evil" - will release on Sunday 4th July.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Eight: A New Plan

Sun, 20 Jun 2021 05:00:23 GMT

Sent away by the wizards, Talgo begins to wander once more. Encountering more skurgs on the road, he beings to form a sinister new plan.

Chapter nine - "Poison" - will release on Sunday 27th June.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Seven: The Second Siege of Gilhala

Sun, 13 Jun 2021 05:00:52 GMT

Talgo and the wizards journey back to Gilhala, but when they arrive, they discover it has been taken by an army of skurgs. Now the wizards must lay siege to their own tower. 

Chapter eight - "A New Plan" - will release on Sunday 20th June.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE.

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Six: Jadir

Sun, 06 Jun 2021 05:00:57 GMT

The five wizards agree to take Talgo on a journey to the mysterious Jadir. Along the way, Talgo learns of the true purpose of their quest, while watching his shoulder for any skurgs following...

Chapter seven - "The Second Siege of Gilhala" - will release on Sunday 13th June.

Missed the beginning of Talgo of Faudrin? Listen from the beginning HERE. 

My debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly is out now! You can read more about the book and order copies HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon
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Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E32 - Surprise

Sun, 30 May 2021 05:00:56 GMT

Deleted chapter from my upcoming novel Dreams of a Damselfly. Sean has a surprise for his girlfriend, Paula... 

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S1E31 - Tover the Plover's Crocodile Conundrum

Sun, 23 May 2021 05:00:33 GMT

Children's. Story by Mirryn and Chris Morris. Tover the Plover is sick of Croc the Crocodile always trying to eat her when she's cleaning his teeth. She turns to the animals for help...

Read this story on the blog: Tover the Plover's Crocodile Conundrum (

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

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S1E30 - Bumpy Ride/Speed Dating/The Raven

Sun, 16 May 2021 05:00:52 GMT

Two microfiction stories, Bumpy Ride and Speed Dating were written this week for a contest! I'm sharing these today alongside a special reading of one of my favourite pieces of writing in the world - The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S1E29 - Partings

Sun, 09 May 2021 05:00:44 GMT

Deleted chapter from my upcoming novel Dreams of a Damselfly. Fifteen year old Paula MacKenzie attends her grandmother's funeral feeling guilty for being saddened by her boyfriend's refusal to come with her.

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S1E28 - Observation Report of Planet IG794-X

Sun, 02 May 2021 05:00:42 GMT

Sci-fi. An analysis of why the dominant species on planet IG794-X is unsuitable as a possible solution to the Assimilation Problem.

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S1E27 - Once in a Lifetime

Sun, 25 Apr 2021 05:00:21 GMT

Creative nonfiction. My thoughts as I watch several of the schoolchildren I work with at their PE class, and a short reflection of how this fits in with my current place in life.

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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S1E26 - Mind Games

Sun, 18 Apr 2021 05:00:33 GMT

Drama. A stage magician wows his audience with impressive feats of mind-reading while claiming that he possesses no actual psychic abilities. He warns the audience of a fake psychic coming to visit town, but will his audience follow his advice?

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below! Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes! 

UK Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon Audible(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

Follow me on social media: Facebook Twitter

Updates, blog and more at my website -

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Dreams of a Damselfly - First Chapter & Advance Copy Offer

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 05:00:30 GMT

In this bonus episode, you can listen to the first chapter of my upcoming debut novel, Dreams of a Damselfly. Also, I'm looking for a small number of keen readers who would like to receive a free advance PDF copy of the book in return for an honest review on Amazon. If you would like to be a part of this, you can contact me via any of the options below: 

Or email me at

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S1E25 - My Hero

Sun, 11 Apr 2021 05:00:49 GMT

Drama. An ex-student of an inspirational piano teacher remembers the important times spent learning not just music, but skills that extend far beyond.

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
UK Amazon
US Amazon
Canada Amazon
(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Sun, 04 Apr 2021 05:00:38 GMT

Comedy. An attempt to do good deeds on April Fools' Day goes awry when all the attempted deeds turn into accidental pranks.

My debut novel, "Dreams of a Damselfly" will release in paperback and Kindle formats on 31st May! You can read more about the book and pre-order the Kindle version HERE.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Five: The Five Wizards

Sun, 28 Mar 2021 05:00:30 GMT

Talgo meets the legendary five wizards of Gilhala, who graciously take him into their grand tower. There, he learns of a mysterious quest which the wizards plan to set out on. Talgo asks to join them... but can he trust the wizards? And more importantly, can the wizards trust Talgo?

Talgo of Faudrin will return with more chapters later this year...

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Four: The Siege of Gilhala

Sun, 21 Mar 2021 06:00:49 GMT

The skurgs take Talgo to aid them in their assault of the Wizards' Tower. What part in the battle will Talgo play? And can this small rabble of skurgs really defeat five powerful wizards?

Chapter five - "The Five Wizards" - will release on Sunday 28th March.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Three: The Skurg King

Sun, 14 Mar 2021 06:00:20 GMT

Talgo is taken into the skurg village of Grakhashe, where he meets the terrible Skurg King. In an effort to avoid being eaten alive, Talgo agrees to conspire with the creatures. 

Chapter four - "The Seige of Gilhala" - will release on Sunday 21st March. 

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter Two: Encounter

Sun, 07 Mar 2021 06:00:50 GMT

Having fled from his troubles in Faudrin, Talgo travels in the wilderness, searching for somewhere to go. Making shelter in a cave one night, he has a deadly encounter with a creature he thought only to be from folk tales.

Chapter three - "The Skurg King" - will release on Sunday 14th March.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
UK Amazon
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Talgo of Faudrin Chapter One: Talgo Departs

Sun, 28 Feb 2021 06:00:48 GMT

Talgo is a small, scrawny boy who is bullied by everyone he knows in the village of Faudrin. One day he decides he's had enough and leaves the village behind to embark on a journey that will change the lives of countless others forever...

Chapter two - "Encounter" - will release on Sunday 7th March.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
Now also available as an audiobook from Amazon, Audible and iTunes!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E23 - The Last Man Alive

Sun, 21 Feb 2021 06:00:12 GMT

Comedy. Told through the journal of Harold Plumber, accounts of passive-aggressive emails, news articles and a police report, this is the story of one man's struggle for survival, and the impact the "last man alive" has on... well, everybody else.

Free audiobook! I'm giving away some free copies of my audiobook version of Which Way is North?: 15 Mixed Genre Short Stories, in return for an honest review on Amazon or Audible. If you reside in the UK or US, and would like a free copy, you can message me on my Facebook page, or email, and simply request a copy.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Which Way is North? Free Audiobook!

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 16:10:17 GMT

To request your free audiobook version of Which Way is North, contact me in any of the following ways:


Promotion available to listeners in the UK and US only.

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S1E22 - Suteki Da Ne

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 06:00:51 GMT

Fantasy. Praeya is visited by a strange man named Mytham, who claims to be her lover, yet she has no memory of him. She agrees to give him three days to prove she knows him.

Free audiobook! I'm giving away some free copies of my audiobook version of Which Way is North?: 15 Mixed Genre Short Stories, in return for an honest review on Amazon or Audible. If you reside in the UK or US, and would like a free copy, you can message me on my Facebook page, or email, and simply request a copy.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats on Amazon. Purchase below!
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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E21 - Mama Ganda Family Radio

Sun, 07 Feb 2021 06:00:53 GMT

Drama. Your daily update from head of the family and Lord and Saviour, Mama Ganda. Required listening for all family members. Do what I say and you'll live to cry another day...

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.) 

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This episode featured a cover version of "Lovesong", written by Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson, Roger O'Donnell, Boris Williams and Lol Tolhurst. First recorded in 1989 as The Cure.

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S1E20 - Big Feelings & Badington

Sun, 31 Jan 2021 06:00:36 GMT

Drama. A creative attempt to make sense of the thoughts and feelings of a five-year-old girl as she experiences split-parenting between a mother and father who seem to not have a good relationship. Molly goes on a small summer break with her father and his new partner while considering emotions that sometimes feel too big for her.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Burns Night Special: Tam Lin/To a Mouse

Mon, 25 Jan 2021 06:00:42 GMT

Some traditional Scottish folklore, "Tam Lin", followed by a reading of "To a Mouse" by, and in celebration of Scotland's National Bard, Robert Burns. Happy Burns Night! 

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E19 - Bogshorts School of Dismay and Disappointment

Sun, 24 Jan 2021 06:00:05 GMT

Comedy. When eleven-year-old Barry Porter receives a dead owl in the post with a letter sellotaped to its beak inviting him to a very special school for magical children, he sets out on a misadventure he'll never forget.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E18 - Of Kings and Fools

Sun, 17 Jan 2021 06:00:40 GMT

Horror. "Mad scientist" Erik has invented a vessel which can successfully descend to the deepest parts of the ocean. When he accidentally traps himself at the bottom of the sea, what horrific creatures await him there?

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E17 - Why I Will NOT be Getting the COVID-19 "Vaccine"

Sun, 10 Jan 2021 06:00:00 GMT

An open letter to the NHS detailing why I will not be scammed into taking their so-called vaccine...

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E16 - A Brief Account of the Lives and Doings of the Dark Creatures of Earlingdale Town

Sun, 03 Jan 2021 06:00:10 GMT

Fantasy Comedy. Two "dark creatures" attempt to make a new home in the quiet town of Earlingdale. The locals aren't happy with their presence. 

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E15 - The Unlocking

Sun, 27 Dec 2020 06:00:20 GMT

Sci fi/superhero. Derek is involved in a heartbreaking tragedy which unlocks something that's been hidden inside him for a very long time...

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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Christmas Special: What Might be Shared and Turned to Happiness

Fri, 25 Dec 2020 06:00:31 GMT

Ethan is a troublesome young pupil at Hillside Academy. Alison is Ethan's English teacher. Both of them face a troublesome and lonely Christmas until Alison discovers a hidden gem inside of Ethan, one which could be shared and to happiness. Contains some strong language.

Which Way is North?:15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Purchase below!

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(Available in more territories, search "Which Way is North" in your region's Amazon.)

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S1E14 - Dance, Monkeys

Sun, 20 Dec 2020 06:00:38 GMT

Thriller. Eight strangers wake up in a room. Every five minutes, one of them dies. Mature content.

CLICK HERE to check out my new book of short stories, Which Way is North?

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S1E13 - The C Word

Sun, 13 Dec 2020 06:00:26 GMT

Drama. It's the first season of the television show "Second Chances", and the crew are putting together a documentary about a husband who has kept a secret from his wife. Will he get his second chance?

CLICK HERE to check out my new book of short stories, Which Way is North?

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Twitter - @chrismorris1982

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S1E12 - I've Been Thinking Blue

Sun, 06 Dec 2020 06:00:38 GMT

Suspense. "He" and "She" spend a gloomy afternoon waiting for something dark they have planned. Mature themes.

CLICK HERE to check out my book of short stories, Which Way is North?

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Twitter - @chrismorris1982

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S1E11 - Thar She Blows!

Sun, 29 Nov 2020 06:00:37 GMT

Adventure. Young, inexperienced sailor Cuthbert boards a pirate ship captained by the ruthless Captain John Crow in search of the Whale's Jewel.

CLICK HERE to view Which Way is North? on Amazon!

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Twitter - @chrismorris1982

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S1E10 - The Grave of David Wilson

Sun, 22 Nov 2020 06:00:38 GMT

Mystery. What would you do if you found a headstone in your local cemetery which held the correct name, date of birth and death, and family details of a man who shouldn't - or couldn't be buried there? This week's main character gets to the bottom of this chilling mystery.  

My new book, "Which Way is North?", a collection of 15 short stories is available to pre-order in Kindle format now, and will be released in paperback shortly. CLICK HERE to check it out!  

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Twitter - @chrismorris1982

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Which Way Is North? Trailer

Sat, 21 Nov 2020 17:51:56 GMT

Which Way Is North?: 15 Mixed Genre Short Stories is available to pre-order now on Amazon - CLICK HERE for more details.

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S1E9 - Passing Places/Leo and the Red Robin

Sun, 15 Nov 2020 06:00:30 GMT

Double Feature! Passing Places - Creative nonfiction. A story about the pressures of single fatherhood, and finding one's feet as a parent. Leo and the Red Robin - Children's. Written and narrated by my five year old daughter (the subject of "Passing Places"). When Leo finds a poor, injured little robin, he didn't expect to face off with its ugly attacker on the way to the vets. 

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Twitter - @chrismorris1982

"Which Way is North?" A collection of 15 short stories will be released as an eBook and a paperback on 30th November.

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S1E8 - 50/50

Sun, 08 Nov 2020 06:00:28 GMT

Sci Fi. Humans are fleeing Earth and beginning their colonisation of space by moving all citizens to two planets so far away that everyone must go into stasis for hundreds of years. Alex faces a life changing decision. Some strong language. Follow me social media: Facebook - https// Twitter - @chrismorris1982

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S1E7 - Shumie & Gapan

Sun, 01 Nov 2020 06:00:58 GMT

Fantasy. Chapter one of a longer story. Gapan must raise his beloved granddaughter Shumie after the death of her parents, and cannot find it in his heart to tell her how they died.

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Halloween Special: Caroline

Sat, 31 Oct 2020 06:00:30 GMT

Horror. Sean is living in an abandoned town and trying to evade the deformed creatures that haunt it while dealing with an overpowering sickness. His mind eternally plays one name over and over again: Caroline... Mature themes.

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S1E6 - Contingency Plan

Sun, 25 Oct 2020 06:00:43 GMT

Comedy. Luke speeds towards a woman in a busy street that he MUST catch up with before it's too late, but can he overcome the several obstacles in the way?

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S1E5 - What If?

Sun, 18 Oct 2020 05:00:31 GMT

Drama. Jane Wright sits alone in a giant, empty house which was once filled with family, and relives the memories which haunt the house, and her.

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S1E4 - Night Visitor

Sun, 11 Oct 2020 05:00:01 GMT

Supernatural. Albert tries to sleep but something about his cold house isn't right. Could there be an unwanted visitor?

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S1E3 - Second Chances

Sun, 04 Oct 2020 05:00:06 GMT

Comedy. Joe Fraser is a middle aged man who arrives at an opportunity to go back to high school and re-take his exams, as long as he allows a crew to film it for a TV series titled "Second Chances".

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S1E2 - Daffodils

Sun, 27 Sep 2020 05:00:16 GMT

Drama. Ten year old Paula Hamilton attempts to enjoy her Easter break with her school friends, but she finds herself caught in the middle of a cruel prank that her friends plan to play on a vulnerable person. Contains strong language.

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S1E1 - Is There Anybody Out There?

Sun, 20 Sep 2020 21:19:29 GMT

Creative nonfiction drama. Chris finds himself trapped in a bleak landscape with nothing but his own negative thoughts and anxieties for company.

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Finding North Podcast (Trailer)

Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:19:29 GMT

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