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Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam

Superhero Audio Drama


Psupers is an audio drama detailing the life of Shawn Douglas, who, after discovering he is part of a group of people known as "Homo Contra Naturam" who are gifted with special abilities, must try and survive in a world that despises him.

Format: Audio Drama



Genres: Superhero

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Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam - Episode 6

Tue, 09 Feb 2021 15:43:16 -0700

As "friends" of Shawn close in, he must use his newfound abilities to protect his mom's house...

An Announcement

Wed, 06 Jan 2021 15:32:23 -0700

Until further notice, Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam Episode 6 is postponed.

Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam - Episode 5

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 08:30:03 -0700

Shawn cracks after the radio broadcast. A phone call may lead to some peace and quiet, but there are people now looking for him...

Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam - Episode 4

Wed, 28 Oct 2020 08:48:35 -0600

As Shawn and Natalie arrive at the restaurant, a sinister plot is set in motion. The next day, as a bounty on Shawn's head is placed, a mysterious figure begins the next iteration of their experiment...

Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam - Episode3

Wed, 14 Oct 2020 08:33:50 -0600

Shawn and Natalie recuperate at Dortmann's office, where Natalie must make a difficult decision. However, an unusual discovery on the radio puts Shawn's life at risk...

Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam - Episode 2

Fri, 25 Sep 2020 09:42:56 -0600

An attack on the restaurant leads Shawn to discover a mysterious new power within him, one that leaves him with more questions than answers...

Psupers: Homo Contra Naturam - Episode 1

Mon, 31 Aug 2020 15:31:54 -0600

A visit to the doctor leaves Shawn feeling afraid and alone. He turns to the only person who he feels can help him - his doctor's receptionist, Natalie. However, his life may be in more danger than he thinks when his dinner with Natalie is rudely interrupted....