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Aeternam Ruinam


The Minister for War is desperate to hold on to his position. A mother is desperate to make ends meet to care for her young daughter and elderly mother. Their desperation will overlap. Actions will be taken that have devastating repercussions. One step separates them from the Eternal Descent.

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Creator Update #4

Fri, 30 Jun 2023 11:03:39 GMT

I am still alive!

A lot has been happening to distract me from this, but I am inspired and reinvigorated to pick up where I left off!

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Creator Update #3

Fri, 25 Mar 2022 02:24:08 GMT

Hello all and thankyou for sticking with me. It's been a looooong time since the last episode and I give some reasons as to why that was in this update. Hopefully the next episode will not take as long to get to you as this one did!

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Part II: Conception | Chapter Four: Charity and Ruthlessness

Fri, 25 Mar 2022 02:20:13 GMT

Members from Ceila's former unit visit Ceila's mother and daughter to offer some support and comfort, while the Grand Chancellor receives some critical information regarding Professor Ednya and General Zine's Hybrid Soldier Development Program.

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Part II: Conception | Chapter Three: Mental Break

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 02:04:26 GMT

Please note that this episode contains Strong Themes that some listeners may find disturbing. If you suffer from anxiety, depression or have had thoughts of suicide, it is encouraged that you listen to this episode with someone you trust and feel comfortable talking to.

The first major piece of General Zine's plan is about to fall into place; the Hybrid Soldier Development Program's most promising candidate is about to undergo the procedure.

Will she survive?

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Creator Update #2

Tue, 27 Apr 2021 23:19:56 GMT

Hi everyone! I'm currently editing the next episode and I felt that I needed to do a sort of strong themes warning; if you deal with anxiety or depression or another mental condition, I encourage you to listen to this episode with someone who can comfort and reassure you. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I'd rather overthink than underthink and someone gets hurt. The new episode is coming very soon!

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Part II: Conception | Chapter Two: Life Anchor

Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:25:24 GMT

General Zine's plan has been hatched, however there are some reoccurring problems holding his grand scheme back. But he cannot concede defeat. He has the finest minds in Kakkodia working on a solution and, by the gods, they will find him that solution if it is the last thing they do. Which it very well may be.

Meanwhile, Ceila Kit has finally found a way to put food on the table for her young daughter and elderly mother, however it comes at the cost of her dignity. Could a mysterious holo-chip that has arrived in the mail be the answer that she's been waiting for?

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Creator Update #1

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 21:48:11 GMT

Just an update on the podcast's status. More Aeternam Ruinam is definitely to come! Recorded on my phone, so apologies for the quality... Facebook page: Novochrome Entertainment. Search ParaDel on your favorite music streaming platform to hear the Aeternam Ruinam album!

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Part II: Conception | Chapter One: Hopes & Nightmares

Sat, 03 Oct 2020 13:06:00 GMT

After the failure of Operation EPSILON, General Zine is determined to hold on to his position of power and proposes a new, controversial direction. This direction is met with some resistance, however, General Zine cannot afford for any further hindrances.

Meanwhile, Ceila Kit is beginning to have feelings of despair as her prospects appear grim.

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Prelude + Part I: Inception

Thu, 20 Aug 2020 09:57:15 GMT

The prelude of Aeternam Ruinam introduces the audience to the Minister for War and his wife as he anticipates a glorious victory.

Part I: Inception thrusts the audience into the midst of the military operation that General Zine's reputation hinges on before then introducing us to Ceila Kit and her family.

The inception of things to come starts here.

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Creator Introduction

Sun, 09 Aug 2020 02:37:53 GMT

The creator of Aeternam Ruinam gives an introduction into the influences, background and setting of the story, a brief overview of the plot as well as some background on the creator himself.

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Sun, 09 Aug 2020 02:18:13 GMT

A future time. An alternate universe. Under a totalitarian regime, the Minister for War faces losing his position in the Empire; a position that he has fought tooth and nail to attain. A position that he will not give up easily. A mother and former elite soldier is thrust into a difficult and uncertain life where she struggles to provide for her young daughter and elderly mother. She will sacrifice her dignity to provide for them. The paths of these two individuals will intersect. He will ask her to make a heartbreaking decision that will save both of their futures: become the ultimate weapon, but sacrifice her body, her life, her memories. The following actions will have devastating consequences. Consequences that will begin their eternal descent. Aeternam Ruinam.

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