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Feats & Fables - A D&D Actual Play Game


A Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Actual Play Podcast

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Triumphant Return

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:09:30 -0300

As the Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party returns to the Feywild victorious, they face the political consequences of victory and the question of whether their Fey allies will hold up their end of the bargain.

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Should I Alter the Fabric of the Multiverse or Nah

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:08:32 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party continues to face off against the terrible Shadowfell Death Tyrant - and then Wyldfyre faces a question every wizard wonders (or hopes to!) at some point in their career: should I alter the fabric of the multiverse or nah?

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The Eyes Have It

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:07:47 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party press deeper into the Shadowfell against expected Thayan resistance and something both unexpected and far more dangerous!

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Finishing the Fallen

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:06:52 -0300

The pitched battle in the Shadowfell with the fallen worshippers of Nobanion continues for the Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party! Our heroes continue to learn how the Shadowfell twists their powers and magics - putting more pressure on their need to finish their quest and escape!

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When an Angel Tells You to Do Something

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:06:06 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party continues to explore the Shadowfell, receiving a divine request from paladin Bellewynn's god, Nobanion, the feline deity of nobility and savage beasts. Surely just one more sidequest won't hurt, right?

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Break On Through to the Other Side

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:04:11 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party finish their harrowing battle with the ghost of, Rastiel, the Winter Fey Ghost of Vengeance. With nowhere to rest, they push forward into the Shadowfell!

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Remember Remember

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:03:30 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons liveplay team presses deeper into the snowy heart of the winter fey city Cendriane. There, they encounter the ghost of the proud Winter fey king Rastiel and Koda remembers he has class features!

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Into the Cold

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:02:04 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party meets with an ancient ally and pushes deeper into the Feywild in their quest to repair the rift in the ruins of the Winter Eladrin City of Cendriane.

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To Boldly Go

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:01:20 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party propose a bold plan to the Eladrin leaders of the Autumn City to seal the tear between the Feywild and the Shadowfell, and begin their journey to end a proxy war across the planes.

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Shopping Episode

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:00:34 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party get some much-needed rest in The Autumn City of the Eldarin, Mithrendain, finding answers to personal quests and getting some retail therapy in.

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The Autumn City

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 21:59:09 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party make their way deeper into the Feywild and earn entrance to The Autumn City, an Eladrin stronghold.

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Calling in Favors

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:40:22 -0300

Facing a mighty Thayan red wizard atop a blue dracolich, the Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew calls up on their allies to level the playing field - but will it be enough for them to emerge victorious with the newly-recovered Mythal?

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Talk to the Hand

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:39:43 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew explore deeper into the Singing Sands and reach the fabled artefact they've been sent to recover - but it's never that simple, is it?

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You Speak Giant

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:39:04 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons party fights off unwelcome camp guests and makes their way into the Singing Sands where they make a friend after some language barrier shenanigans.

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Sune Customer Service

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:38:29 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew make political alliances with gnolls and set off (finally) for the Singing Sands to stop the evil Red Wizards of Thay from seizing control of a potent magic artifact with a little help from the goddess Sune!

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Falling is Free Movement

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:37:38 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons team continues their battle with the evil Thayan enchanter and her mind-controlled gnolls. Will they emerge victorious or be consumed by the hungry jaws of those they sought to save?

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B and E and OWW

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:36:40 -0300

The Feats & Fable adventuring party cleverly breaks into a Thayan's towerand everything goes wonderfully - right up until it doesn't.

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Talk About a Revolution

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:35:53 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew meet the Gnolls of Thay and hatch a daring plan to free them of the corruptive influence of the evil, fascist mind-controller Thazar Ishira of Thay!

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Ambush Canyon

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:34:36 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons adventuring party learn uncover character secrets and escape the tunnels - just to end up in Ambush Canyon!

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A Goosome Encounter

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:33:46 -0300

The Feats & Fables Dungons & Dragons team face down a faceless enemy - gooey oozy spies from Thay! Will they emerge victorious and finish their journey through the dwarven tunnels?

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Baby Baby Hold Together

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:32:47 -0300

When the Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew gets on the wrong side of angry ghosts, it's fireballs to the rescue!

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Saved by Fireballs

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:31:40 -0300

When the Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew gets on the wrong side of angry ghosts, it's fireballs to the rescue!

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Let Me Teach You A Thing About Lying

Thu, 21 Jan 2021 11:56:22 -0400

The Feats & Fables adventuring team receive dwarven counsel and make some hard decisions about the next steps of their journey into Thay in this week's episode of the Dungeons & Dragons streaming game!

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You Don't Have to Say CLANK CLANK CLANK

Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:03:14 -0400

The Feats & Fables adventuring team nurses wounds, earns added protection, and faces a new dilemma.

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Jailbreak and Homecoming

Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:02:18 -0400

The Feats & Fables adventurers finally make their way out of the ogre fortress with help from the dwarven allies!

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A Plan So Cunning

Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:27:16 -0400

A terrible sacrifice and timely allies allow our heroes to make their escape from the control of the ogres!

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The Gang Becomes Pig Farmers

Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:26:28 -0400

The Feats & Fables D&D crew find themselves in a perilous porcine predicament, discover the challenge of a salt bath in a black iron tub, and stare in the face of other woes.

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In Ogre Our Heads

Tue, 29 Dec 2020 00:21:17 -0400

The Feats & Fables D&D team valiantly presses forward to aid their dwarf allies against the evil ogres led by Gulpraknesh - but have they overextended themselves in doing so?

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Awful Ogre Occupation

Wed, 02 Dec 2020 22:57:14 -0400

The Feats & Fables Dungeons & Dragons crew make their way up the Shyvar pass to find marauding ogres assaulting the dwarven queendom!

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Moving Mountains

Thu, 26 Nov 2020 12:13:36 -0400

The Foresters of Aglarond come face to face with ancient elemental creatures as they traverse the Tannith Mountains to meet the dwarves of the Shyvar Pass.

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Redcap Revenge

Thu, 26 Nov 2020 12:08:36 -0400

The brave Foresters of Aglarond are faced with the worst enemy of all - the consequences of their own actions!

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Fri, 13 Nov 2020 00:08:00 -0400

The Foresters of Aglarond aren't the only guests coming to the Rashemi Witch Tammith Cherboga's hut seeking answers. 

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The Fountain's Favor

Mon, 09 Nov 2020 20:38:36 -0400

Our heroes prepare to battle the mighty guardian of the Tarsellus Fountain and then decide maybe they should pick fewer battles.

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Halloween Special: Black Crown of Disaster

Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:24:15 -0400

Our special Halloween episode where our D&D crew play as agents of Thay seeking to bring chaos to Aglarond! 

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Bridging Differences

Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:28:28 -0300

The Aglarond D&D party sets off toward the fabled Tarsellus Fountain on their quest to earn the favor of the witch Tammith Cherboga. Along the way, they face treacherous terrain and cross the paths of other adventurers.

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On the Road Again

Wed, 21 Oct 2020 23:43:26 -0300

Our heroes hit the old dusty trial. Victor has a personal moment that lasts all day. Rhass finds out what to say to her.

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Hard Lessons

Tue, 13 Oct 2020 22:02:35 -0300

Our heroes barely drive away the Thayan attack - but at what cost, and how painful are the lessons learned from this deadly encounter?

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Pyro Catches Spy

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:26:35 -0300

In a daring ploy, the team confronts the spy and all hell breaks loose at Fortress Glarondar!

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The Weasel's Wisdom

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:25:56 -0300

The heroes have greatness thrust upon them and plan their next steps while the saboteurs continue to bring ruin to Fortress Glarondar. Sent reeling from another blow, a timely ally provides fascinating insights into the culprits

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Graveyard Rumble

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:24:56 -0300

A bold plan to lure out the Thayan saboteurs at Fortress Glarondar is near too successful as our heroes face off against former allies twisted by agents of the Red Wizards!

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Grisly Griffin Grief

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:24:14 -0300

The party returns to Fortress Glarondar to discover foul play is afoot! Thayan sabotage wreaks havoc in among the Aglarondian military and only our characters can stop it!

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Loot and Scoot

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:20:07 -0300

Our heroes uncover a treasure trove, finish their bargain with the lizardfolk, and report back in to find treachery afoot at Fortress Glarondar in our Labor Day D&D episode!

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Boo Says the Dragon

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:17:21 -0300

The hero Foresters find the source of the disturbances in the Umber Marshes and go toe to toe with a fearsome black dragon!

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Dragon Spider Spider Dragon

Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:46:52 -0300

Let's discuss this plan one more time!


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Swamp Negations

Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:39:27 -0300

Time to make sure that escapees make it Aglarond 


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Date with a Vampire

Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:25:37 -0300

The world is a vampire


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Tieflings and Camping

Mon, 27 Jul 2020 23:21:39 -0300

We love camping and it is so much fun!!


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Swamp Quest

Tue, 21 Jul 2020 20:34:49 -0300

The heroes visit a swamp.

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Entering Aglarond

Thu, 09 Jul 2020 16:04:27 -0300

Sorry folks, we ran into some issues with everything that is going on right now getting together and recording.

We are not streaming on Monday at 8pm eastern on ( With a brand new group of characters in a new setting, moving from the crowded city of Waterdeep to the wilds of Aglarond.

We will be returning to Spirits after all of this nonsense is over.

This the audio from that stream. We hope you enjoy!!

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