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The Game of the Lost

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Creator: A Dark and Stormy Podcast Production


A DnD live play podcast that explores old-school style DnD. The players are veterans, the world is homebrew, and we invite you to come along as we explore what it would be like if the players were transported to a fantasy realm!





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Game of the Lost | 108 "Prepare for The Tower of Xul"

Sat, 20 Jun 2020 03:41:53 GMT

The Homies secure a house, prepare to leave for the Tower of Xul, and pick up an unexpected traveling companion.

Game of the Lost | 107 "The Peacock's Feather"

Sun, 31 May 2020 23:47:53 GMT

Don, Matt, and Traci or the group we have come to call The Homies explore the pleasures of The Peacock’s Feather, an exotic courtesan tavern. We’ll pick up there as The Homies take time to catch their breath and examine their situation and work within the confines of this strange world.

At the end of this episode, we return to our popular DnD Roundtable where we explore the characters and the game outside of gameplay. 

Game of the Lost | 106 "To Find a Sage"

Sun, 17 May 2020 09:15:52 GMT

Last episode Don Matt and Traci found a sage named Orthane who knew a little about Enshung Xul and his past. Don or rather Martelos also found Orthane a source of information regarding his God, Verosh, of whom he is an envoy. What Don knows or what Martalos is willing to divulge, is a bit of a mystery. Orthane promised to gather up all the information he could about Enchung Xul and Vorash and meet them in two days’ time with a map to the suspected tower of Enshung Xul. We pick up the action here as the party decides to stay in an upscale inn with open courtesan service.

Game of the Lost | 105 "Lost in the City"

Thu, 07 May 2020 03:33:25 GMT

Don, Matt, and Traci search the city for the warrior Chunga with the consciousness of Jim. The spirit of an ancient necromancer, Enshung Xul, has possibly taken control of Chunga taking the consciousness of Jim ... to where? Can they find Jim before they lose him forever?

GAME OF THE LOST | 104 "Ash Hill and The Deathwalkers"

Sun, 26 Apr 2020 19:20:21 GMT

Don, Matt, and Traci run into Chunga's girlfriend. Being that Chunga is inhabited by Jim, this takes an awkward sideroad no one could have imagined. Also, the strangeness of the world keeps getting stranger. Deathwalkers make an appearance and are like nothing the group has ever seen!

GAME OF THE LOST | 103 "In Search of Jim and Chunga"

Mon, 20 Apr 2020 01:36:44 GMT

Finding Chunga mysteriously missing, Don, Matt, and Traci search for where he might have gone. Their answer is as mysterious as the question. It is an episode you don't want to miss!

GAME OF THE LOST | 102 "Where and Who the Hell Are We?"

Mon, 13 Apr 2020 15:21:40 GMT

Last episode the "quantum consciences" of Don, Matt, and Traci were placed in bodies different from their own that embodied classic D&D archetypes.  The group holes up in a classic tavern to figure out where ... and who ... the hell they are! All that and we meet Traci's new kitty friend,

(Occasional explicit language and some adult situations)

GAME OF THE LOST | 101 "To Save Us All"

Sat, 11 Apr 2020 05:45:12 GMT

Do you miss old fashion tabletop role playing games? Is it hard to find engaging stories in the sea of podcasts? Come join Jim, Traci, Don and Matt in an epic adventure where the players are sucked into the fantasy world as themselves! You've gotta hear it to believe it.