Plausible Deniability | Bad Form RPG
15 episodes
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Creator: Bad Form Podcast
Fanfiction Longform Audio RPG
This is Plausible Deniability, the second show by Bad Form Podcast. Plausible Deniability Is a Star Wars actual-play podcast in the Fantasy Flight Games RPG system Age of Rebellion. We also use elements of Fantasy Flight’s other Star Wars systems, Edge of the Empire and Force and Destiny. Plausible Deniability takes place near the Battle of Endor and revolves around a team of rebel agitators, trying to make the most of the end of the empire.
Format: Audio RPG
RPG system: Age of Rebellion
Continuity: Longform
Writing: Improvised
Genres: Fanfiction, Science fiction
Completion status: Partial
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Mon, 18 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the fourteenth episode, and the Season One finale of Plausible Deniability, Roc Squadron tries to stop another part of Operation Ashen. We had a ton of fun making this one, and just as much fun starting up Season Three of Highly Suspect! Episode One is already live on that feed and we’ll get it back on a weekly schedule soon! Thank you all so much, and as always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 11 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the episode of Plausible Deniability, Chon and Hadra see how well Ja did protecting the ship from the bounty hunters. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
S01 E12 - InterGalactic Banking Clan
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the twelfth episode of Plausible Deniability, Roc Squadron investigates the IBC Headquarters, and prepare to protect them from Operation Ashen. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Data Breaker
Surveillance Tagger
Avabush Spice
InterGalactic Banking Clan
Core Five
Rush Clovis
General Dodanna
Lethal Weapon
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 13 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the eleventh episode of Plausible Deniability, Roc Squadron follows the information the found in the ghost nebula to Scipio, and prepare to protect the IBC Headquarters. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
InterGalactic Banking Clan
Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
Saw Gerrera
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
S01 E10 - The Research Facility
Mon, 06 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the tenth episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra and Chon venture deeper into the operation cinder research facility, looking for any and all information they can find. Lash is the b-squad with the same goal. Ja, well, Ja stayed with the ship. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 30 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the ninth episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra and Chon Investigate the only lead they have on Operation: Ashen. This investigation has taken them to the outer-most moon of Umbara, in the Ghost Nebula. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
S01 E08 - The New Galactic Government
Mon, 23 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
On the eighth episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra and Chon finish shopping, and get their new orders. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 16 Mar 2020 15:55:48 +0000
On the seventh episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra and Chon return home, and prepare to deal with the news they found about operation Ashen. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 09 Mar 2020 15:36:06 +0000
On the sixth episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra Chon, Lash, and Ja Bron try to take the Zealous’ bridge! If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
S01 E05 - The Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft
Mon, 02 Mar 2020 12:00:00 +0000
On the fifth episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra Chon, Lash, and Ja Bron take their newly stolen ship back up to the star destroyer, the Zealous. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 24 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000
On the fourth episode of Plausible Deniability, Hadra and Chon infiltrate the imperial auction, still on the search for Admiral Matter. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000
On the third episode of Plausible Deniability, the team tries to get planet side, without drawing the attention of the Zealous’s crew, the Imperial Security Bureau, or the other prisoners. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 10 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000
On the second episode of Plausible Deniability, the team tries to make new friends and find a way to get to their quarry! If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Show Notes
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 03 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000
On the first episode of Plausible Deniability, you get to meet the new team! Hadra and Chon learn about their new mission, and jump right in. If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).
Mon, 03 Feb 2020 01:44:36 +0000
This is the trailer for our new series Plausible Deniability! We’ll be posting the episode today (February 3rd) and hopefully you’ll see it pop up in your chosen pod catcher today. If not, sorry podcasting is weird, but you can listen to it on our website here! If you haven’t listened to our other Star Wars RPG show, Highly Suspect, check it out on our website or on iTunes, Spotify or whatever pod catcher you use! As always, keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and our Website.
Learn about the cast here, and see more detailed credits here.
The theme song is Spliff & Wesson by Airglow, and the score is made up of Action Loop and Ambient Loop by Alex Koeneman as T . V _ M A G I C (which he so kindly made for us).