Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

Manic Mysteries

Crime and Mystery, Urban fantasy Audio Drama


Manic Mysteries is a comedic detective series set in Freedom City, an urban metropolis blending film noir, steampunk, and a touch of fantasy. The stories follow the case files of the Dick and Jane Detective Agency with the gruff and no-nonsense Robert Stone and his eccentric partner Styx. Together, these two detectives-for-hire unravel unusual mysteries of murder, magic, and mayhem.

Format: Audio Drama



Genres: Crime and Mystery, Urban fantasy

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Manic Mysteries Season 2 - Episode 14 "The Case of the Jangleman Part 2"

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:17:11 GMT

In this thrilling finale, Styx and Stone race against the clock to stop the mysterious Jangleman from abducting more people. Not only has the creature seemed to have taken Stone's old mentor, Silas Trimm, but the curse breaker Valerie Moon has also vanished. The only clue the pair have is a strange bowl found at the scene of the crime. This is part 2 of the Case of the Jangleman. If you haven't listened to part 1, then you should check it out first. As Manic Mysteries comes to a close, be sure to check out our new upcoming podcast "The Rose and Dragon" and check out The Rose and Dragon blog at

Manic Mysteries Season 2 - Episode 13 "The Case of the Jangleman Part 1"

Sat, 23 Sep 2023 00:50:23 GMT

In this two part story, Styx and Stone face against their toughest case yet. People have gone missing and rumors suggest that the culprit is the mysterious Jangleman, an urban legend of Freedom City. However, when friends start to vanish our detectives must race against the clock to solve the crime and time is running out.

Manic Mysteries Season 2 - Episode 12 - "The Case of the Boxer's Ring"

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 00:44:09 GMT

It's a story of love, betrayal, gambling, and boxing. In this thrilling mystery, Stone fights for his life with a mob goon while Styx pretends to be a delivery man. Who could have imagined so much trouble would happen when a famous boxer loses his prized ring.

Manic Mysteries Season 2 Episode 11 - "The Case of the Stolen Star"

Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:16:31 GMT

Someone has abducted a famous radio personality and the owner of a major comic book company has hired Robert Stone and Styx to find the missing voice actor. The dark side of the media industry comes into the light as our detectives dig deep into the dangerous world of celebrity stars. Featuring "Olde Timey Music" by Kevin MacLeod (, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.

Manic Mysteries Season 2. Interlude

Thu, 06 Apr 2023 23:29:57 GMT

A short "Manic Mysteries" tale featuring Robert Stone, Styx, and a murderer revealed.

Manic Mysteries Season 2 Episode 10 "The Case of the Violin Man"

Sun, 12 Mar 2023 01:24:33 GMT

An old flame from Stone's past mysteriously appears and asks Robert Stone to save her fiancĂ© who has been targeted by an assassin. Torn between love and distrust, Robert Stone agrees to the case even though he knows it will be dangerous. Will Stone rekindle the flames of his heart or get singed again by a ruthless woman? Meanwhile, Styx searches for a stamp thief and causes general mischief. 

Manic Mysteries Season 2 Ep. 9 "The Case of the Cat Who Fell in a Toilet."

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 00:44:05 GMT

There's mystery in the air at the Golden Bone Dog Show when a series of show dogs seem to vanish in thin air. Styx and Stone have their work cut out for them as they search for the missing dogs while dealing with a nosy reporter and her feisty feline. Where are the missing dogs? What's really going on behind the scenes of the prestigious dog show? Why is the coffee at Star Barks taste so good? All of this and more in this thrilling adventure.

Manic Mysteries Season 2 Ep. 8 - "The Case of the Devil's Shoes"

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 19:22:46 GMT

Robert Stone and his plucky partner Styx are back for a second season. In this episode they are sailing for adventure on the high seas on the luxury cruise liner "The Valkyrie Queen." There's a dancing competition on the boat but a mysterious theft threatens to destroy it all. What begins as an unexpected vacation turns into a mystery and it seems someone has laid some evil plans. Will our detectives find the devil's shoes in time before tragedy strikes?

Manic Mysteries Ep. 7 - "The Case of Dick and Jane"

Sun, 02 Aug 2020 02:37:06 GMT

All great stories have to begin somewhere and this one begins with a simple job. Robert Stone must find two missing accountants in order to earn his detective license. The only problem is that they are also wanted by the mob. Stone must dodge government agents and hired killers in order to find the elusive Dick and Jane. Welcome to the first case file of detectives Robert Stone and Styx and the story of how the Dick and Jane Detective Agency began.  

Manic Mysteries Ep. 6 - "The Case of the Troll of Wallstreet"

Wed, 01 Jul 2020 05:00:00 GMT

High stakes are on the line as an expensive painting has gone missing from the Wishing Well Stock Firm. Robert Stone finds himself alone on this case as Styx takes a break from the detective game to play a game of a different sort. However, both of our detectives each find themselves in deep trouble in two unique tales of Freedom City. How will our plucky gumshoes handle murder, a possessed toy, and a rampaging troll? Find out in this episode.

Manic Mysteries Episode 4.2 - The Case of the Suitor with One Blue Shoe (Super Romantic Version)

Mon, 01 Jun 2020 04:00:00 GMT

Hello everyone. Due to a virus outbreak that will remain unnamed, I have been unable to get all of my actors together for recording. I should still be able to put together a new episode either later this month or at the beginning of next month. In the meantime I have re-edited episode 4 "The Case of the Suitor with One Blue Shoe" so you can still get your Manic Mystery fix. I've included some extra music and audio tweaks to make it even more ridiculous. Hope you enjoy.

Manic Mysteries Ep. 5 - "The Case of the Ghost and the Rubber Chicken"

Fri, 01 May 2020 12:09:01 GMT

On a dark and stormy night, a mysterious young lady arrives at the door of the Dick and Jane detective agency with a terrifying tale. Her brother has been murdered and she's afraid his ghost is calling out for justice. It's a comedy of terrors as our skeptical detectives find themselves at a haunted house in the middle of a thunderstorm. Will Styx and Stone unravel the mystery of the Blackraven Haunted House and Joke Shop or will they join the ranks of the ghostly denizens?

Manic Mysteries Ep. 4 - "The case of the Suitor with One Blue Shoe"

Wed, 01 Apr 2020 04:03:54 GMT

A beautiful visitor calls on Stone late one night with an unusual case. Elanora Swan is a wealthy socialite who has met the man of her dreams. The only problem is that he's been kidnapped. The distraught lady employs our two detectives to track down her missing paramour and the vile villains who have captured him.  To solve this case, we must journey to the quiet hamlet of Bramblebee where things aren't quite as they seem. Mistaken identities, dastardly potions, and vampire pirates are just a few of the twists in this odd tale of love and loss. Who is this mysterious Brandon Birmingham and why is our only clue, one blue shoe.

Manic Mysteries Ep. 3 - "The Case of the Killer Banana"

Sun, 01 Mar 2020 05:46:22 GMT

A series of murders have shocked the residents of Freedom City. The police are baffled. They aren't sure how the victims died or why. And yet each of the bodies were found with a piece of fruit clutched in their cold hands. When Robert Stone receives an anonymous gift at his door, he becomes caught in a tangled web of treachery and revenge. An old skeleton emerges from the past with a vendetta. Will Stone survive the killer banana? Will Styx find love in alchemy? Who is the Cat? Find out in the third episode of Manic Mysteries.

Manic Mysteries Ep. 2 - "The Case of the Dead Parrot"

Sat, 01 Feb 2020 05:47:37 GMT

It's a hot summer day in Freedom City and foul play is afoot. The estate of the late Augustus Dohrwald is in an uproar as a seemingly worthless item has turned up missing. Who stole the dead parrot and why does everyone want it so bad? Find out in this second case of the Dick and Jane Detective Agency.

Manic Mysteries Ep. 1 - "The Case of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

Wed, 01 Jan 2020 15:20:46 GMT

Welcome to Freedom City, an urban metropolis filled with magic, steampunk, and mystery. Manic Mysteries follows the adventures of two private detectives named Robert Stone and Styx as they navigate an urban jungle inspired by the works of Dashiell Hammett and classic film noir. In this first adventure, the wealthy owner of a fast food franchise has been murdered and its up to our resourceful detectives to track down his missing wife whom the police believe is the murderer. There's plenty of thrills and a dash of humor in our first mystery. Please note that we are not professional voice actors and we made this for our own amusement. We had fun making it and, hopefully, you'll enjoy it too. A new adventure will be published each month.