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High Shelf: Adventures


High Shelf Adventures is a collection of Actual Plays or 'Lets Plays' of various tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) produced by High Shelf Gaming podcast. These are fun, often short, campaigns exploring different systems and characters. Usually David and Rich are involved but are always joined by HSG community members. If you would like to play in a game with us join the community Discord or Facebook group





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Welcome to High Shelf Adventures! A place for HSG to host all of our Actual Plays of Tabletop RPGs

Fri, 20 Dec 2019 21:15:07 -0000

Welcome to High Shelf Adventures!

Here I explain that HSA is a new podcast following High Shelf Gaming's success as a tabletop gaming podcast with interviews, reviews, and topics, HSA will focus exclusively on Actual Play content!

Feel welcome to join our community, otherwise, sit back tune-in and enjoy us play a wide variety of games with an ever-growing community of players.

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E1 - Cyberpunk 2020 "Boom Goes the Solo" [Part 1]

Sat, 21 Dec 2019 04:32:27 -0000

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

This is our Actual Play of CyberPunk 2020, Chapter 1! We streamed and recorded this at the beginning of the year and have received requests to have the videos turned into podcast episodes.

As we say at the beginning of this episode, the outpouring of support from Cyberpunk's Creators, R. Talsorian Games, was beyond anything we could have expected and are truly grateful for their support during this short campaign. Send them good vibes however you choose to do so, please

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E2 - Cyberpunk 2020 "Boom Goes the Solo" [Part 2]

Tue, 24 Dec 2019 05:01:00 -0000

The second half of our first gaming session as the group takes stock of the situation and tries to make the correct next move.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

As we say at the beginning of this episode, the outpouring of support from Cyberpunk's Creators, R. Talsorian Games, was beyond anything we could have expected and are truly grateful for their support during this short campaign. Send them good vibes however you choose to do so, please

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E3 - Cyberpunk2020 "Welcome to Summer Camp" [Part 1]

Tue, 31 Dec 2019 05:01:00 -0000

The second gaming session picks up as the group starts to make moves and a Bozo tries to settle an old score.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E4 - Cyberpunk2020 "Welcome to Summer Camp" [Part 2]

Tue, 07 Jan 2020 05:01:00 -0000

The second gaming session picks up as the group starts to make moves and a Bozo tries to settle an old score.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E5 - Cyberpunk2020 "Grindhouse" [Part 1]

Tue, 14 Jan 2020 05:01:00 -0000

The third gaming session - Tres has gone missing, his family is looking to take his music for themselves and the concert is later tonight with high certainty both factions within Arasaka will make an appearance.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E6 - Cyberpunk2020 "Grindhouse" [Part 2]

Tue, 21 Jan 2020 18:29:00 -0000

The third gaming session, Part 2 - Tres is on stage, concert in full swing, friends on the Net, and an Arasaka Assassin lurks in the shadows.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E7 - Cyberpunk2020 "Epilogue" [Part 1]

Tue, 28 Jan 2020 06:33:59 -0000

The fourth gaming session - The crew wakes up in the woods... so much has happened while they were out.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E8 - Cyberpunk2020 "Epilogue" [Part 2]

Sat, 01 Feb 2020 06:37:01 -0000

The fourth gaming session part 2 - The crew returns to Night City.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S1E9 - Game Master Review and thoughts on the game

Sun, 02 Feb 2020 06:42:50 -0000

Wrapping up a game can be bittersweet. This was our first real step into packaging a game for others to watch live on Twitch, after the fact on YouTube and listen here on HSA. It means so much to us that you listened and this game specifically opened so many doors for High Shelf Gaming&Adventures.

I'll always have fond memories of Cyberpunk 2020. It's been with me for 2+ decades now. We are excited for Cyberpunk Red and will definitely be playing it! tune in on all the places linked below.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S2E1 - Basic D&D "The Sacred Texts!" [Part 1]

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 06:15:52 -0000

Welcome to Season tw o of High Shelf Adventures!

This season is our actual play of Basic Dungeons and Dragons, the 1985 Red Box rules. Rich takes the helm as the Dungeon Master! and he runs us through a short campaign titled 'The Sacred Texts!' I enjoy poking a bit of fun at our own love of the old version, OSR, and our nostalgia for how things were.

I will say, Rich has the unique gift to take the classic D&D trope of players vs. the DM and make it tongue in cheek good times. I'm so glad he ran this and we got to play.

This is a fun light-hearted campaign, expect some hijinks as we do the classic stat roll... 3d6, straight down, no swaps... THEN you make your character! so yeah, don't get attached.

Characters are: Swiss Sweed the Clumsy Cleric (Dex of 4) Balthazar Magic-user with wine Melrig Thunderaxe, Dwarf Rey the thief/bard Nevile Pemrose Carter, Elf

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat

S2E2 - Basic D&D "The Sacred Texts!" [Part 2]

Tue, 18 Feb 2020 05:53:54 -0000

Dungeon Master Rich continues our adventures with Faja's Fearless arriving at Adele's home before heading to the Dark Wood. This session is rife with danger and players foiling the DM's plans for TPK! Also, new culinary delights are uncovered.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat Thanks to Kratrina for editing this episode.

S2E3 - Basic D&D "The Sacred Texts!" [Part 3]

Wed, 26 Feb 2020 04:51:32 -0000

The Ruins have a door, that door is in the ground. Behind that door is probably a lot of death... let's see what the gang comes up with to not die when opening the first door in the game.

High Shelf Adventures is a collection of actual play and let's play podcast episodes of tabletop roleplaying games produced and recorded by High Shelf Gaming. These games also exist as video recordings on YouTube:

We have merchandise now!

Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:

Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast Twitter @highshelfgaming Twitch /highshelfgaming Discord Chat Thanks to Kratrina for editing this episode!