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St Elwick's Neighbourhood Association Newsletter Podcast


St Elwick's Neighbourhood Association Newsletter Podcast Editor-in-Chief Malcolm Durridge. By Mike Wozniak Produced by Joel Porter

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Fri, 17 Dec 2021 07:40:30 GMT

CAUTION! Be advised: by listening to this edition you may find the strong arm of the law coming to bear upon you. This edition is the work of Malcolm Durridge acting alone and without the consent of the St Elwick’s Neighbourhood Association Committee. Desperate times and so on!

By Mike Wozniak

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 28

Sat, 30 Oct 2021 11:39:15 GMT

Extremely excited to announce that this edition's Local Lives guest is St Elwickian notable Veronica Tooze MBE. Puts previous guests in the shade quite frankly. Please don't simply skip ahead to the interview though as there is an important notice re the Mt Ludlow Lawn fundraiser.

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Cariad Lloyd

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 27

Thu, 30 Sep 2021 18:36:30 GMT

No Local Lives this week but not for want of trying. It’s not much to expect to someone to spare a minute for an interview is it? Nonetheless enclosed within are all the (other) usual sections. Includes the latest on the St Elwickian Crank Caller and, of course, an update re the big speed bump on Wallington Road.

By Mike Wozniak

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 26

Tue, 31 Aug 2021 19:47:02 GMT

While August may be thought of as “The Silly Season” for the mainstream press, here we take our journalistic responsibilities seriously and what could be more important that welcoming some newcomers to St Elwick’s in this week’s Local Lives. Important notice re Birdman Menace also found within.

By Mike Wozniak 

Guest appearance by Nico Tatarowicz

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 25

Tue, 20 Jul 2021 04:00:00 GMT

In which we see the return of local history enthusiast Hilary Geisler and in Local Lives we talk to Martin Cudlipp who has a very exciting world record attempt on the horizon.

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearances by Daniel Rigby and Josh Widdicombe

Produced by Joel Porter

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Sat, 03 Jul 2021 11:11:18 GMT

The publication in June of a special, one-off printed edition of the Newsletter was intended little treat for St Elwickians but judging by the backlash it's had it has been received as anything but. Please find within a response to the multitude of questions and complaints the edition raised. I really don't think I should have to be doing this at all and frankly I've got better things to be doing with my time but the rest of The Committee insists so here we are. 

Malcolm Durridge, Editor-in-Chief of the Newsletter in whichever form it goes out in and who does it thanklessly. 

By Mike Wozniak 

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 24

Mon, 31 May 2021 07:17:19 GMT

A complete round up of everything that matters locally. Also this edition Colin Johnson tells us about his snake.

By Mike Wozniak

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 23

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 12:37:26 GMT

Catch up edition for February and March contained within (following data boo-boo) alongside April roundup. In Local Lives we talk to Christine Fingle - owner of Devon's largest collection of business cards!

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Charlotte Ritchie

Produced by Joel Porter

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Wed, 31 Mar 2021 04:00:00 GMT

A short missive re recent data catastrophe etc. Newsletter proper to follow in coming days with Christine Fingle as rate limiter (plus I have a written assessment to do for my PGCE which won't do itself). Thanks. Malcolm.

By Mike Wozniak

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 22

Fri, 26 Feb 2021 05:00:00 GMT

With all the usual features including Parish Notices, Council Watch, Crime Figures and 4 similar recipes for "Left Overs Lasagne" from Matthew Willebrink.

By Mike Wozniak

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 21

Sat, 30 Jan 2021 06:00:00 GMT

We live in difficult times so this edition we speak to former Royal Marines Commando Tony Dowland, founder of the Lympstone Reservists, about how to pour oil on troubled waters and how to stay safe and secure in our treasured community. 

By Mike Wozniak 

Guest appearance by Greg Davies 

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 20

Mon, 21 Dec 2020 09:38:38 GMT

Featuring a startling new development in the Mark Canning case as we are contacted by a police officer stationed in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia. Exclusive!

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Sarah Kendall

Produced by Joel Porter

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Christmas Fayre Flyer 2020

Fri, 04 Dec 2020 05:00:00 GMT

A quick update for all those who wanted to know the latest re the Fayre and Covid regulations etc.

By Mike Wozniak

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 19

Sat, 28 Nov 2020 12:00:00 GMT

Following the horrifying, late bloom of flying ants on Tuesday we take a hard look at Global Warming through the lens of Jonathan Schweppes.

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Henry Paker

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 18: "Muzak Killed My Grandma"

Thu, 29 Oct 2020 05:00:00 GMT

This edition's Local Lives section doubles up as a shocking exposé as we hear the story of Dave Langton of Langton's Caravans (the story is about his grandmother not his caravans).

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Jamali Maddix

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 17

Wed, 30 Sep 2020 04:00:00 GMT

Containing a round up of all crucial community news plus Local Lives with self-proclaimed "Community Builder" Bridget Yapp who I realise is not everyone's cup of tea but Andrea Gamp cancelled her interview with very little notice despite having repeatedly reassured me she was available.

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Isy Suttie

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 16 (EMERGENCY EDITION)

Thu, 06 Aug 2020 05:00:00 GMT

BREAKING NEWS! Urgent update contained re latest rumours re Mark Canning re his disappearance. Eyewitness testimony from Tony Corrigan.

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Stephen Morrison

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 15 (Pocket Edition)

Tue, 14 Jul 2020 04:00:00 GMT

A wandering St Elwickian I". Where "I" is Amanda Freemantle! Yes, this edition we catch up with Amanda to learn all about the Freemantles' sabbatical in Canada and find out what they're excited to be seeing again on their return home.

By Mike Wozniak

Guest appearance by Jessica Ransom

Produced by Joel Porter

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Podcast Edition 14 (Pocket Edition)

Wed, 01 Jul 2020 08:21:06 GMT

PPEPE!!! (Personal Protective Equipment Pocket Edition). Find out how your fellow St Elwickians have been navigating this troublesome issue and learn how local shopkeeper Erica Fernsby is planning to keep our local hospital out of trouble. Small Capitalism meets Big State. If that's not a hot topic I don't know what is.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Lily Bevan.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 13 (Pocket Edition)

Fri, 19 Jun 2020 18:47:46 GMT

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: brand new art competition with local artist Sandy Knowles as Head Judge. All welcome (if from St Elwick's).

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Ruth Bratt

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 12 (Pocket Edition)

Wed, 27 May 2020 15:56:05 GMT

Local History Edition! We touch base with local history enthusiast and local Hilary Geisler for some educational distraction local-style.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Daniel Rigby.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 11 (Pocket Edition)

Sun, 10 May 2020 08:26:49 GMT

By popular request we check back in with Roger Prunchkin and his natterjack toads and just maybe get some hot tips for surviving the lockdown from a true lockdown veteran.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Benjamin Partridge.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 10 (Pocket Edition)

Tue, 28 Apr 2020 04:00:00 GMT

Let's Yoga! We speak to local yogi Melissa Ryan who has a snazzy new idea for keeping St Elwickians hale and hearty during the lockdown.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Lily Bevan.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 9 (Pocket Edition)

Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:40:34 GMT

Crime Special! On the tenth anniversary of their notorious crime spree we recall St Elwickians turned jailbirds Laurie and Hannah Plantagenet. Plus we go undercover for a brand new crime sting. Investigative journalism at its most local!

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Romesh Ranganathan.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 8 (Pocket Edition)

Tue, 07 Apr 2020 08:28:03 GMT

All hail the Key Worker! This Pocket Edition we pay tribute to our stalwart key workers and take a deep dive into the world of Angela Glackin - a key worker on a road less travelled.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Maggie Service.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 7 (Pocket Edition)

Sun, 29 Mar 2020 09:32:31 GMT

This pocket edition we get some premium homeschooling tips from St Elwickian Joe Threddle.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance James Acaster.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 6 (Pocket Edition)

Wed, 25 Mar 2020 05:00:00 GMT

Please enjoy our first Pocket Edition. These Pocket Editions will be snack sized and more frequently published than the standard monthly newsletter for all your pandemic era local news needs. This Pocket Edition we focus on loneliness in our older, isolated fellow St Elwickians.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Stephanie Cole.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 5

Tue, 24 Mar 2020 06:18:31 GMT

PLEASE NOTE: This edition was put together last week BUT Jess will have chopped anything off that has become out of date so the Parish Notices will be as relevant and applicative as usual.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Daniel Rigby.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 4

Tue, 18 Feb 2020 09:07:22 GMT

Extremely exciting Local Lives guest this edition in the form of Lyndsey Mulligan of Martello Weather! Please also find the usual community updates and our regular local history column with local history columnist and Newsletter regular Hilary Geisler. 

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Yasmine Akram and Daniel Rigby.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 3

Mon, 20 Jan 2020 09:33:16 GMT

In this edition please find the usual offerings including local history with Hilary Geisler. Local Lives features Roger Prunchkin telling us about the very special new visitors to his garden - a family of natter jack toads!

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Daniel Rigby and Benjamin Partridge.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Christmas Fayre Flyer

Thu, 19 Dec 2019 22:16:17 GMT

Christmas Fayre Flyer: ie not an edition of the newsletter proper. Just a short notice re this Saturday's Fayre/road closures etc. Volunteers needed please!

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Henry Paker

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 2

Tue, 26 Nov 2019 01:00:00 GMT

Regret the Newsletter remains in podcast form for this edition. Please find all the usual newsletter features enclosed including Parish Notices, Council Watch and Crime Figures. This edition also includes the return of our local history section with Hilary Geisler and, in Local Lives, we visit the home and studio of local artist Sandy Knowles.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Daniel Rigby and Ruth Bratt

Produced by Joel Porter.

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Podcast Edition 1

Tue, 22 Oct 2019 08:09:36 GMT

Owing to the grievous and small-minded abrogation of our printed newsletter budget we have been reduced to publishing by podcast. Nevertheless please find all regular newsletter features enclosed including Parish Notices, Council Watch and Crime Figures. This edition of our Local Lives section is recorded at the home of Jonathan Schweppes.

By Mike Wozniak.

Guest appearance Henry Paker.

Produced by Joel Porter.

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