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Dungeons and Antics: A PG DnD podcast


Welcome to Dungeons and Antics, we are a group of friends who like DnD, but like an excuse to hang out every week even more. Come have a seat at our table!

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S4 Ep10 Poisoned Meat is the Funniest Timeline

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:26:59 GMT

The S4 Finale! Our heroes track down the source of the sickness plagueing the townsfolk and James has the worst dice luck I've ever seen.

This is the end of Season 4, I'm not sure if this group will ever play together so it's super fun to have the pod as a way to remember! Season 5 is coming soon and I'm taking some friends of mine in our new town through the starter set adventure LMOP, which is the same adventure as Season 1. I've never played through an adventure again so I'm excited to see the differences!

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S4 Ep9 American Ghouls

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:11:31 GMT

Our heroes continue on their quest to the Night of Remembrance festival. But what is going on with the plague infecting the people of this region? And is the monster attacking travelers in the outlands connected somehow?

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S4 Ep8 7ft 13"

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:08:01 GMT

Oh ho ho this is some juicy content for you all. It had been 6 months since we last played together and Andy called us together to celebrate his birthday! This is part one of three we he ran one of the adventures from the Radiant Citadel book. We all live in different towns now so it was a blast to get back together with some of the OG crew!

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S4 Ep7 Do Dey No De Wey

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:04:46 GMT

Our heroes continue through the gnoll cavern, can they find their friend Ferric Ironheart before it's too late?

This is the last episode we recorded before we played some pathfinder and then the group fizzled out since we were living in different towns which is all good.

Apologies, James's toddler was having a day that day and she can be heard screaming throughout, sorry!

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S4 Ep6 Dwarf Names Sound The Same

Sun, 03 Dec 2023 23:11:14 GMT

Our intrepid heroes set out again from West March at the behest of the Hunter's Lodge. Can our heroes track down Ferrick Ironheart before it's too late?

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S4 Ep5 ask...AAAASSKK

Fri, 01 Dec 2023 02:42:59 GMT

Calcyrx the Great contends with the goblins above and our heroes press on in search of the magical apple which can break the curse.

Will our heroes be able to wrest the apple from the foes which guard it? Can they get a straight answer out of Balak the Outcast?

This episode is one of my favourites but boy did the guys swear through it, I had to make 38 edits to get this bad boy listenable so enjoy

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S4 Ep4 Meepo 3

Sat, 11 Nov 2023 01:53:35 GMT

Our heroes embark to the mysterious Sunless Citadel, in search of an apple said to cure any disease. Will our heroes rescue the cursed baby? Can they talk their way through the dungeons inhabitants? What is that fountain for anyway?

The Sunless Citadel was the starter set adventure for 3rd Edition DnD and this version can be found in the Tales from the Yawning Portal book.

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S4 Ep3 Premarital Hand Holding

Sat, 11 Nov 2023 01:47:32 GMT

Thomas takes over as DM in this hectic caper. Our heroes encounter a lovestruck lass who wants to marry her beloved but there families keep them apart. Will our heroes be able to come to the aid of this damsel in distress? Will Chris recognise the irony of being against young marriage since he got married young IRL?

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S4 Ep2 Goblin/Bandit Ecosystem

Fri, 27 Oct 2023 19:34:01 GMT

Our fledgling adventurers go on a quest for a missing dagger. Another adventure in West March as James takes over as DM. Can our heroes track down the prized knife? What will happen to the Bandit ecosystem if the goblins are killed? Will anyone use the long grass for cover?

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S4 Ep1 Motive, Opportunity, Means

Mon, 23 Oct 2023 08:14:11 GMT

We're back! We recorded a few sessions of DnD set in the frontier town of West March. Join a new cast of adventurers as they deal with rats in the cellar and then find all is not well with the benefactor that hired them in this town.

I'm (Chris) actually really proud of this as a session 1 for new characters, it's got a fight, it introduces a bunch of characters and a town. This was super fun. And it was great to play with James, Thomas, and Aidan, who were some of the first people I played DnD with. Plus Simon is a great guy too! I think season 4 is gonna be a blast, I DMd the Sunken Citadel which was super fun to run as well so look forward to that!


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S3 Ep9 This Is Where You Die

Sat, 07 Oct 2023 00:48:06 GMT

Continue through the Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Unfortunately this is the last of these old sessions that I could find, we had a lot more fun in DotMM and I'd highly recommend it!

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S3 Ep 8 The Bees Will Decide Your Fate

Tue, 26 Sep 2023 08:58:20 GMT

Galandan discovers his very broken spell Spirit Guardians. Follow our adventurers as they delve deeper under Waterdeep.

Hi, do you like this podcast? I'd love to know! I literally don't expect anyone but me Chris to listen to this pod so it would mean a lot if you flick me an email at if you like the pod :)

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S3 Ep7 Fame to Claim

Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:56:57 GMT

The last of the four episodes that we did all on the same day. In the caverns below Waterdeep, can our heroes make a clean escape from the clutches of the Xanathar?

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S3 Ep6 Water Maloon

Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:54:06 GMT

This carries on from Episodes 4 and 5, so another hot start. Can our heroes brave the depths of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage?

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Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:10:04 GMT

Continue through the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. This was recorded right after Ep4 so there isn't a normal intro, straight into the action!

If you like the pod it would mean a lot if you flick us an email to let me know :) I assume no one actually listens to these but me hehe

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S3 Ep4 No and...

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:08:12 GMT

The crew continues their quest through the Dungeon of the Mad Mage.

Hey! uhh, it's been a while. Chris here. Storytime: making the podcast took a lot of time, and my old laptop couldn't really handle editing the multiple hour long audio files that make up this pod. But I kept faithfully slapping the phone down on the table to record for a long time after I gave up on the pod. And now I've got a new computer, and a new puppy. And given I have so much time walking the dog to listen to podcasts I started listening back to this stuff and enjoyed it. And wanted there to be more of it. So here's some of the old stuff recorded with the OG crew back in 2021. Eps will come out as I have time to edit and post them.

Much love

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S3 Ep3 We're Not Decent

Wed, 06 Jan 2021 02:55:34 GMT

There's plenty of Dungeon to explore and the crew are very keen to do so. But not everyone down here is friendly and the guys need to watch their steps. 

Will they find any of Triple X's old party? Can they find any treasure down here? Watch and see how their fates may just depend on a quick deception.

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S3 Ep2 X Goin Give It To Ya

Wed, 06 Jan 2021 02:42:57 GMT

Welcome to Season 3! I bet you're wondering where episode 1 is? Many apologies but my phone glitched out and didn't record any audio, no one is more disappointed than me. Stink but there is a recap at the start of this episode to catch you up.

In any case, welcome to Waterdeep! Our heroes form up to delve into the dungeon underneath the Yawning Portal. What treasures and adventures await them? And can they trust the recently dead wizard to help them?

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S2 Ep16 (FINALE) Do a Beyblade

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:57:16 GMT

The Finale! Wow it's been a journey to get here. Our heroes face one final battle against the Pirate Captain Corporal. 

Will they be able to stop her before she destroys the Purple Guild? Will our heroes ever make it to the riches of El Dorado?

Apologies for my (Chris's) audio. I left it running overnight and ended up with a 12 hour audio file, woops!

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S2 Ep15 All in Favour Say ARRGGH

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:48:56 GMT

Arrow Formation! Casualties and death abound in the battle to save the Purple Guild. Maladast now bears down on the Purple Pearl with his whole crew. 

Can our heroes overcome their arch nemesis and keep the map to El Dorado? Will they be able to stop the summoning in time and save the Purple Guild?

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S2 Ep14 Sam Galactic (bonus)

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:41:01 GMT

The last transmission of Sam Galactic. (This will make no sense if you've skipped Ep14)

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S2 Ep14 His Mother Never Really Loved Him

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:38:43 GMT

The future of the podcast hangs in the balance! Listen in for an update about Dungeons and Antics.

The Purple Guild continues their fight against their arch foe Maladast, the pirate lord. 

Will they survive? Will they escape without casualties?

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S2 Ep13 Fake News

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:32:02 GMT

Big John and his Merry Men have assembled all four pieces of the map to El Dorado. But they aren't home and dry yet, a greater threat arises that threatens the very existence of the Purple Guild. 

What is the news Ristel is carrying. Will our heroes be able to combat this new threat?

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S2 Ep12 Oh No He's Rolling Dice

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:23:19 GMT

More mysteries, puzzles, and challenges await our foes in this ruin in a dead star system. Can our heroes assemble all the puzzle pieces to get out of this place?

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S2 Ep11 Holding Merch Lightly

Sun, 30 Aug 2020 03:09:00 GMT

Deep in the lost regions of the universe, our heroes continue journeying through the mysterious monument that they believe contains the final map piece to El Dorado. 

But Merch is not keen to continue while leaving some magical loot behind. Can our heroes survive the lair of the dragon a second time?

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S2 Ep10 I Am Very Thicc

Mon, 13 Apr 2020 00:34:08 GMT

Our heroes continue to puzzle through the room of 9 doors. What will they find behind the next door? And have they embarked on a challenge that they can't handle?

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S2 Ep9 Dillon Takes Over

Mon, 13 Apr 2020 00:14:26 GMT

A newcomer joins Big Join and his Merry Men. With Merch in tow, our heroes set out for the ancient regions of the Phloegiston in search of the final map piece.

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S2 Ep8 Anyone Like To Do Anything

Sun, 12 Apr 2020 23:59:46 GMT

Our heroes set out for the distant planet of Tokoroa but the map piece has gone missing! Can they track down the thieves or is it all too late?

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S2 Ep7 Moron Line

Sun, 12 Apr 2020 23:45:29 GMT

Big John and his Merry Men return to the Shining Mountain. What will their next mission be? Will Ristol be able to appease Garfield the Deals Warlock? Will Big John finally gain some fame?

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S2 Ep6 Maybe if You'd Been Funnier

Sun, 12 Apr 2020 23:41:30 GMT

Returning to Chocolate London with the traitors, will our heroes be able to escape with both the map peice and their lives?

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S2 Ep5 Inconsistencies in my Spelljamming Lore

Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:47:26 GMT

Our heroes have bitten off more than they bargained for when they realise the map they need is on a planet without Spelljamming technology. Can they convince the locals to hand it over peacefully? Or will they become outlaws among the universal government for inadvertently introducing space travel to a less advanced civilisation?

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S2 Ep4 How much of this has been a lie!

Sat, 15 Feb 2020 03:41:06 GMT

After leaving planet Ieablo our heroes set off to find another piece of the map to El Dorado. How will they find it? Who was that pirate Maladast? And how does their current map fit into all this?

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S2 Ep3 They're Engineers, Trust Them

Sat, 08 Feb 2020 06:24:11 GMT

Having joined the Purple Guild, our heroes sail off amongst the stars to the distant planet, 13AB-10. Seeking a part of a map to the planet of treasure, El Diablo, can they locate it on this distant planet? Who is the pirate they fought earlier? And will Alfred the wolf ever get armour?

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S2 Ep2 Damn Rigatoni

Fri, 31 Jan 2020 22:32:28 GMT

After braving the lair of a dragon cult on a far away icy moon, Big John, Palias, and Varis head back to Phandelver. But, now that they now there is adventure to be had beyond the stars, can they really settle back into being small time mercenaries and B-list local celebrities? Abe the lesser, captain of an interplanetary sailing Spelljamming ship, has another offer for them.

Season 2 Personnel: With the new year Bark (Julian) and Crust (Tomas) have had their schedules fill up and will be taking a break from DnD with us. Varis (James) was only skyping in as a one off but I'm sure he'll return to the pod at some point. But we're stoked to have our friends Alex and Dylan rock on up.

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S2 Ep1 Having a Karen-off

Sat, 25 Jan 2020 03:38:13 GMT

Come one, come all! On a brand new original outer space adventure! This season we're trying the Spelljammer setting for 5e and I'm writing the campaign. It's going to be full of space fights, silliness, boats, and blasters. So strap in. 

After the events at the Lost Mine of Phandelver, our heroes head back to town and are greeted by a panicked stranger who is in desperate need of adventuring help. Who is this guy? Why is he asking for our help? And how did he get a full size ship into the duck pond? 

Finally, sorry for James's audio quality, he was skyping in and we'll try to do better next week.

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S1 Ep9 Scrawny Lil Shrimp on the Barbie

Sun, 29 Dec 2019 23:00:00 GMT

In the season finale our adventurers must find and defeat the elf that kidnapped their friends. Can they find him in the twisting tunnels? Can they beat his spidery ways? Will I get to chuck another overpowered fireball at the gang? And did I edit out all the swears in this podcast? (I had to reset my phone so I don't know for sure this time)

Find out in our final delve into the Lost Mines of Phandelver

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S1 Ep8 Liven up your humdum lives

Sat, 07 Dec 2019 21:12:39 GMT

Our adventurers now need to enter the lost mine, Wave Echo Cave. Can they defeat the evil Nezznar the black spider and free the third Rockseeker brother? Or will the echoes of magic long past prove too much for these small town heroes?

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S1 Ep7 I'll give you your name

Sun, 17 Nov 2019 03:12:34 GMT

Our heroes are busy following side quests. But little do they know the main quest could be closer than it appears! What will our heroes find at the Banshee's lair? Where is their employer Gundren being held captive? And why does Bark sound so different in this episode?

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S1 Ep6 Look over there, do that

Fri, 08 Nov 2019 22:55:01 GMT

Our heroes set out to help the town of Phandalin even more. Can they drive off the orcs at Wyvern Tor and their fearless ogre leader, Blarj? Who is the mysterious person at Old Owl Well and why have there been zombies in the area? And why don't the boys ever take notes?

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S1 Ep5 We'll give you a sock

Wed, 06 Nov 2019 04:00:10 GMT

The Merry Men continue their quest to drive the Redbrands out from their manor house and the town of Phandalin. What more will they encounter in the depths of the old mansion? Can they discover anything more from the prisoners they've taken? And can they finish the job of validating this town?

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S1 Ep4 Validating your town

Fri, 25 Oct 2019 23:03:36 GMT

After clearing out the Cragmaw goblins our heroes return to town. Will they be able to stop the Redbrand gang and their leader Glasstaff? Or will they become just another notch on these ruffians swords?

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S1 Ep3 It's not me, it's the goblins

Sat, 19 Oct 2019 00:53:01 GMT

Big John and his band of merry men decide to leave Phandalin and try to catch up with the trail of their friend and employer, Gundren Rockseeker. Can they defeat the Cragmaw goblins? Will they be able to free Bark's Wolfey friends? Can they find Gundren before it's too late??

For large portions of this episode you can hear my lovely wife Jess making soup in the background, just think of it as excellent foley work to portray the sounds of waterfalls and fighting haha ^o^

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S1 Ep2 A Business Bard

Fri, 11 Oct 2019 22:13:02 GMT

Having defeated the goblin bandits, our heroes continue towards the town of Phandalin. But who did those dead horses belong to? And what has become of their employer Gundren? And why is this adventure called 'The Lost Mine' when we haven't heard anything about a mine?

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S1 Ep1 On the Road to Phandalin

Sat, 05 Oct 2019 00:23:41 GMT

Welcome to our first full adventure! Will our new adventurers be able to unravel the mysteries of this frontier town? Can they gain the fame and fortune they seek? Or will they die immediately?

I'm super excited to be running The Lost Mine of Phandelver. This is the adventure that comes with the 5th edition starter set so it is a big nostalgia trip for me and I hope you enjoy it. This episode was recorded directly after S0 Ep6 and then making new characters so it's shorter than the norm.

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S0 Ep 6 Epilogue: Rudolph the Red Nosed, Dragonborn

Mon, 30 Sep 2019 08:29:38 GMT

In this special epilogue our heroes deal with the consequences after White Plume Mountain. Will they get to keep their recovered weapons? Will they get to spend the literal mountain of money they're carting around? What will become of Jeff and Jeffrey?

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S0 Ep5 Keraptis Vah'der ... Loser

Sat, 21 Sep 2019 02:19:16 GMT

The Finale of our White Plume Mountain adventure! The boys find out they are not the only adventuring group to find their way into Keraptis's dungeon. Will our heroes be able to beat the wizard's traps and monsters before these rivals take one of the stolen weapons for themselves?

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S0 Ep4 Fireball can solve all your problems

Fri, 13 Sep 2019 22:21:14 GMT

The boys realise they took no utility spells and must now rely entirely on fireball to fix all their problems.

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S0 Ep3 Roast Crab

Fri, 06 Sep 2019 23:20:45 GMT

Ognear rejoins the group and Truthsee is weirdly quiet as the boys attempt to complete their rest while getting ever closer to recovering one of the three stolen weapons.

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S0 Ep2 The Tube!

Wed, 04 Sep 2019 23:15:26 GMT

The boys make a new friend, meet Shrek, and sense traps.

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S0 Ep1 White Plume Mountain

Wed, 04 Sep 2019 23:00:59 GMT

Our intrepid adventurers set out to recover the three stolen weapons, hidden in White Plume Mountain. But first the fuzz are after them and they have to find the door.

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S0 Ep0 What is this podcast?

Wed, 04 Sep 2019 22:47:25 GMT

If you want to interact with the pod, email us at

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