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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

Yes And Dragons

49 episodes

Full cast Fantasy Oneshots Audio RPG


Yes And... Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv Asylum casts play Dungeons and Dragons! Sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh as groups of Boston's best improvisers are lead through magical and hilarious adventures! Sound Design and Editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production Logo Design by Ari Goldberg Theme song by Nathan Cowper A part of the Asylum Podcasts Network Recorded at Improv Asylum, Boston MA

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons

Continuity: Oneshots

Writing: Improvised

Voices: Full cast

Genres: Fantasy

Completion status: Not applicable

Not tagged: [Maturity] [Creator demographics] [Character demographics] [Country of origin] [Transcript] [Content warnings]

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Ho Ho Hoax - Part 3: Merry Christmas?

Sun, 25 Dec 2022 18:35:38 +0000

With the exact whereabouts of Jack Frost and Santa still unknown, Lickety Split, Wink Tinkle, and Bolby venture deeper into Santa's home to find answers. The thrilling climax to our holiday adventure begins!



Kellie Moon as Bolby the Bard
Madison Gillis as Wink Tinkle the Toymaker
Steph Simon as Lickety Split the Reindeer Farrier
Zephry Wright as your jolly Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented Sound Engineer


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

Ho Ho Hoax - Part 2: The Christmas Code

Sun, 18 Dec 2022 21:15:55 +0000

Our three-elf team has made it to Santa's house but it seems like Jack Frost is hellbent on keeping them out! Will they find a way in? Is Santa even home? And can anyone actually remember the 12 days of Christmas?



Kellie Moon as Bolby the Bard
Madison Gillis as Wink Tinkle the Toymaker
Steph Simon as Lickety Split the Reindeer Farrier
Zephry Wright as your jolly Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented Sound Engineer


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

Ho Ho Hoax - Part 1: Sack Tracks

Sun, 11 Dec 2022 19:26:18 +0000

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news; Santa's in trouble! Seemingly out of nowhere, Jack Frost has declared war on Christmas by kidnapping Saint Nick. Three elves chosen for their skill, cunning, and tenacity, have been tasked by the head elf to track down the big man. What better place to start their investigation than Santa's very own workshop.



Kellie Moon as Bolby the Bard
Madison Gillis as Wink Tinkle the Toymaker
Steph Simon as Lickety Split the Reindeer Farrier
Zephry Wright as your jolly Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented Sound Engineer


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 21: Are We The Bad Guys?

Sun, 4 Dec 2022 23:55:50 +0000

The Birthday Party has made it to Penny's home town! When Mr. and Mrs. Woodfarthing see Penny with three strapping young friends they simply must know which one has caught the eye of their precious daughter. Later, a familiar face arrives in town. Who is he and what could he possibly want with the four chosen ones?



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 20: Kowleesi

Sun, 27 Nov 2022 22:05:51 +0000

The desert is unforgiving as deserts usually are, but luckily one member of the Birthday Party has bonded with a great and mythical cow beast. This bond might be strong enough to safely get through the harsh desert, but just how helpful can a cow be when it comes to a long overdue family reunion? 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 19: Mount Me Sweet Singer

Sun, 20 Nov 2022 15:16:00 +0000

The Birthday Party hits the dusty desert road to their next destination. On their way, they encounter some old enemies, a goofy gift shop, and the biggest bovine they ever did see!



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 18: The Love Compass

Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The Birthday Party prepares to venture forth to Penny's hometown but first they go shopping at the coolest Wayne's in the west. 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 17: Don't Look

Sun, 6 Nov 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Howdy partner! It's been a minute since you last heard from the Birthday Party but the chosen ones are back! We pick up right from where we left off, Morgana sent her regards and set fire to our heroes camp. With a child to keep safe and a prophecy to fulfil, the stakes are higher than ever.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Curse of Strahd - Part 3: The Red Die

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 15:29:16 +0000

It's the Halloween special's grand finale! After discovering their souls are trapped in Strahd’s domain via multiple deaths, have our heroes powered up enough to face the vampire lord himself? Will our heroes make any friends at all in their fight? Will Nettlebones ever sail? Will Kurtmere ever sing in his family home again? Will Audie…stop peeing his pants and face his fears? Find out all that and more in the thrilling conclusion of The Curse of Strahd!



Zack Brower as Audie Meliamne
Kaleigh Ryan as Nettlebone "boops" Johnson
Daniel Ramirez as Kurtmere Murisodin

Ross Magnant as your vampiric Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the spooky and scary sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Curse of Strahd - Part 2: R.I.P.

Sun, 23 Oct 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Halloween continues! Knee deep in a fresh grave behind the church, our brave adventuring party encountered Strahd again and he let them live! But with only two more episodes to finish the job, how could the party possibly defeat the Vampire lord and lift his curse on Barovia? They can’t! So we’re gonna skip ahead!

Join us for episode two, a mad dash through the notoriously dangerous and surprisingly deadly D&D module “The Curse of Strahd”. We’ve gotta whip this band of improvisors into shape for the final episode, hold on tight!



Zack Brower as Audie Meliamne
Kaleigh Ryan as Nettlebone "boops" Johnson
Daniel Ramirez as Kurtmere Murisodin

Ross Magnant as your vampiric Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the spooky and scary sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Curse of Strahd - Part 1: Want Some Wine?

Sun, 16 Oct 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The Curse of Strahd, a classic Dungeons and Dragons twist on the Dracula myth, has captivated and infuriated dungeon divers for decades. Strahd Von Zarovich - a vampire lord, has brought a curse to the lands of Barovia. Twisting and corrupting the land with evil magic, patience, and brutality, Strahd now rules Barovia and it’s inhabitants for all eternity. A magical and dangerous mist encircles the land, trapping all souls that pass through the creeping mist within Strahd’s domain. Can our plucky band of Improvisors - I mean adventurers - discover the secrets of Strahd’s curse and free Barovia (and themselves) from the mist? Join us for our three part Halloween special to find out!

Zack Brower as Audie Meliamne
Kaleigh Ryan as Nettlebone "boops" Johnson
Daniel Ramirez as Kurtmere Murisodin

Ross Magnant as your vampiric Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the spooky and scary sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 16: Morgana Sends Her Regards

Sun, 25 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Things are really starting to heat up as our four chosen teens make their way through the town of Divination Springs. So hot in fact that they need to make a very hasty escape. But as the heroes of our story soon find out, danger lurks around every corner in this part of the Kingdom of Foretold.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 15: A Tale Of Two Pennys

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 15:55:31 +0000

What's better than one Penny Woodfarthing? Why, a second Penny Woodfarthing of course! It's the perfect plan. What could possibly go wrong!?



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 14: All We Did Was Make A Plan

Sun, 11 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Our four chosen heroes give their new acquaintance a chance to explain what she is trying to do and now it is up to them to decide how and if they want to lend a hand. If anyone can get a word in edgewise that is.


Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 13: Who Is Them?

Sun, 4 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, a knife-wielding bandit intercepts our four chosen heroes on their way to Divination Springs. Who is this new foe and why are they so keen on kidnapping Gyle? 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 12: The Mask

Sun, 28 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000

We all wear masks metaphorically speaking, but somebody should have stopped Gyle from donning this one in particular. Now the rest of our chosen ones need to ask themselves one question: Do they feel lucky?



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 11: Ninety Percent Off

Sun, 21 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The shopping spree is on as our angsty teens gear up to ride off into the next town. While shopping at Carl Wayne's lightly singed wears and sundries, it's revealed that our heroes have hit the jackpot of all coupons. 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 10: Milk Me

Sun, 14 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000

After the revelation that the murder of Gideon's mother was not of Milo's doing, father and son try to mend fences and reconnect. Our chosen ones are left to clean up Prediction before moving on and continuing their mission.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 9: Dynamite Pillow Fight

Sun, 7 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000

It's a bar fight and the stakes couldn't be higher! Father and son square off in a less-than-loving embrace. This combat encounter is sure to be explosive as the chosen teens fight the gang of dudes to save the town of Prediction.


Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 8: The Return of Milo Marsh

Sun, 31 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The town of Prediction is in chaos as the band of dudes and their fearsome leader has descended on the town to pillage and loot. Scattered around the city, our heroes must regroup and confront a surprisingly familiar adversary.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 7: The Most Sexless Of The Group

Sun, 24 Jul 2022 18:17:13 +0000

Our chosen teens have made it to the town of Prediction, the hometown of our very own Gideon Marsh. What should have been a triumphant homecoming feels like anything but as we learn more about what drove Gideon to leave Prediction in the first place.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 6: Wrist Deep In Coyote

Sun, 17 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The road to Prediction leads to a detour that couldn't be predicted as our quirky quartet is ambushed by a pack of coyotes. The chosen ones must band together to protect their small caravan while dealing with teen angst and emotions.  



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 5: Jedidiah's Tasty Buns

Sun, 10 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Our tenacious teens settle down for the evening after a very eventful party. Love may blossom as revelations are revealed in front of the hottest buns in town. 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 4: The Gang of Dudes

Sun, 3 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The chosen four sure are going to earn their keep today. A group of masked bandits has crashed the party looking for a fight. In their first combat of the campaign, we will see what our heroes are made of.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 3: Dark And Stormy Horse Guy

Sun, 26 Jun 2022 18:18:03 +0000

On their way to Augury, our chosen teens have come across a half-dead traveler. A new detour and a new friend might allow them to meet some powerful people on their way to the Soothsayer mountains. 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen, Part 2: Would You Like That Gift Wrapped?

Sun, 19 Jun 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen continues with this delightful next installment. Our four young chosen ones are preparing to set out on their quest. With fistfuls of dollars in their pockets and a few dollars more, our teenage heroes are set free, unsupervised, in the capital. What could go wrong? 



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song composed by Jake Babineau

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen, Part 1: Pants For Days

Sun, 12 Jun 2022 04:00:00 +0000

Welcome to the kingdom of Foretold - a mystical Frontierland governed by seers and prophets - where the only law of the land is what is written in the stars. Years ago, a prophecy was made, describing the Chosen One - a hero who would defeat a great evil and bring about the golden age of the kingdom. There have been rumblings that the great evil has been approaching and it's time to find the Chosen One. Four angsty teenagers have been rounded up from all over Foretold, which of them will be the Chosen One who fulfills the prophecy and defeats the great evil? That’s not for me to say, but I bet if you stick around long enough you just might find out. This is The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen!



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song composed by Jake Babineau

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Direct MP3 link

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Coming 6/12/22

Sun, 5 Jun 2022 21:16:21 +0000

Welcome to the kingdom of Foretold - a mystical frontierland governed by seers and prophets - where the only law of the land is what is written in the stars. Years ago, a prophecy was made, describing the Chosen One - a hero who would defeat a great evil and bring about the golden age of the kingdom. Sounds simple enough, but unfortunately, after looking far and wide, the seers have concluded that there are four people who fit all the criteria set out in the prophecy, and all of whom have equal claim to be the chosen one...


Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Wizard's Tower, Part 4

Mon, 23 May 2022 02:17:30 +0000

The final floor awaits! Our heroes have survived the tunnels, acid, and jungle art galleries of the archmage's twisted tower, and now find themselves on the final floor. Is the archmage still alive? Will our heroes survive the final floor? What happened to those music loving goblins?! Find out all that and more on this episode of Yes And... Dragons!


Rhett Sosebee as Wet Wet
Nathan Cowper as Garlic Ted
Ari Goldberg as Humdrum McFee


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Wizard's Tower, Part 3

Sun, 15 May 2022 14:54:25 +0000

With the arch mage's cruel gallery behind us, our brave band of adventurers find their way to the second floor of the tower! Monstrous goblins, endless tunnels, and perhaps a live band await! Can our heroes survive the tower? Is the arch mage still alive? Will Garlic Ted's head go bad? Find out on this episode of Yes And... Dragons!


Rhett Sosebee as Wet Wet
Nathan Cowper as Garlic Ted
Ari Goldberg as Humdrum McFee


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Wizard's Tower, Part 2

Sun, 8 May 2022 18:52:09 +0000

The Wizard's tower, now successfully located by our crack team of adventurers, has opened its gates! Can our heroes clear out the evil monsters that have taken up residence in the wizard's absence? Will they survive the multiple floors of traps, puzzles, and combat? Will they discover a secret goblin band of music aficionados? Find out all that and more on this episode of Yes And Dragons!


Rhett Sosebee as Wet Wet
Nathan Cowper as Garlic Ted
Ari Goldberg as Humdrum McFee


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Wizard's Tower, Part 1

Sun, 1 May 2022 04:00:00 +0000

It's the classic one shot, dear listener. An Archmage has gone missing from their tower, which has since filled with magical power that has attracted all sorts of creatures, monsters, and problems. The local Adventurer's guild has hired our group of heroes to clear the tower and find out what happened to our Archmage. But LO! The group of players piloting these adventurers are professional improvisers! And BEHOLD their lack of dungeons and dragons experience! Can this first time party climb to the tallest room of the tallest tower? Can they overcome the beasts, puzzles, and traps in the floors below? Why did one of them name their character Wet Wet? Find out in this episode of Yes And... Dragons!


Rhett Sosebee as Wet Wet
Nathan Cowper as Garlic Ted
Ari Goldberg as Humdrum McFee


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Hanover Redemption, Part 4

Sun, 17 Apr 2022 15:44:47 +0000

It all comes down to this! Our four prisoners have finally made it to the ground floor. The grunts and groans of Big Bazuma are streaming out from the courtyard while the delicious aroma of Chef Heward's famous prison stew are wafting out from the kitchen. Will Augustus and company escape from the ever so thick walls of the Asylum? Will Big Bazuma crush them underfoot and use their bones as toothpicks? Will Jan make a horrible business transaction? You wont want to miss what goes down in the stunning conclusion of The Hanover Redemption. 


James Melloni as Reaver
Andy Bridges as Azerack the Collector
Bill Fryer as Augustus
Steph Simon as Jan


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

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The Hanover Redemption, Part 3

Sun, 10 Apr 2022 09:00:00 +0000

Poems are read, wishes are made, cards are drawn, people are eaten, and we find out who the most intimidating prisoner is. Our four "heroes" are back on the second floor with only one direction left to go, down! Will they make it through the hole in the floor before the guards discover just what they are up to? Will the source of said hole be discovered? What is that delicious smell? Find out all that and more on this week's episode of Yes And... Dragons!

James Melloni as Reaver
Andy Bridges as Azerack the Collector
Bill Fryer as Augustus
Steph Simon as Jan


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Hanover Redemption, Part 2

Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:00:00 +0000

After spending all the time they could on the second floor, our four prisoners now find themselves cornered one floor up. Escape is starting to look less and less likely. Who or what will be found among the cells that line the third floor of the Asylum? How will Jan's knot hold up against the oncoming guards? Will Reaver sate his hunger? What will The Collector collect next? Was Augustus a good neighbor? And who is Brimbert? Find out all that and much much more on this week's episode of Yes And... Dragons! 


James Melloni as Reaver
Andy Bridges as Azerack the Collector
Bill Fryer as Augustus
Steph Simon as Jan


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Hanover Redemption, Part 1

Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:38:40 +0000

Sure, they had a plan, but when a mysterious object comes crashing through the roof all the way down to the first floor of the Hanover Street Maximum Security Asylum, four prisoners with four entirely different criminal backgrounds team up together to break out of the prison they have been stuck in for years. Join four brand new players in this brand new campaign of Yes And... Dragons!

James Melloni as Reaver
Andy Bridges as Azerack the Collector
Bill Fryer as Augustus
Steph Simon as Jan


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

Escape From Castle Chamomile, Part 4

Sun, 20 Mar 2022 04:00:00 +0000

The end is near! Freedom looms on the ocean's horizon and the party has made it to the ships! Can they escape to safety? Is Texas Toast sleeping with the Princess? Will the Rooibusians capture our group of heroes? Find out in this episode of Yes And... Dragons!


Steph Simon as Nethrali
George LaBour as Tony Supperano
Dan Hirshfield as Texas Toast
Marielle O'Malley as Alice Strongman


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

Escape From Castle Chamomile, Part 3

Mon, 14 Mar 2022 02:27:00 +0000

From the basement, to the wash room, out a window, to the ballroom, our fearless heroes have been teleported to nearly every corner of Castle Chamomile in an attempt to open the door that randomly teleports them to safety. Also, Tony is royalty now?! Find out if our heroes can survive their escape to sea, or if the Rooibusian Empire captures them on this week's episode of Yes And... Dragons!


Steph Simon as Nethrali
George LaBour as Tony Supperano
Dan Hirshfield as Texas Toast
Marielle O'Malley as Alice Strongman


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

Escape From Castle Chamomile, Part 2

Sun, 6 Mar 2022 16:31:44 +0000

With luck on their side the party has managed to scale the Lavender Heights tower to the room below, safely escorting King Archibald into the temple at the base of the tower. However, the High Court Wizard's failsafe is still active, every door in the castle still randomly teleports those who pass through them to another random door in the castle. Will the party open their first door or continue to try and climb down the side of the building? Will the Rooibusians capture or kill the king? And what's going on between Texas Toast and the princess? Find out in this episode of Yes And... Dragons!


Steph Simon as Nethrali
George LaBour as Tony Supperano
Dan Hirshfield as Texas Toast
Marielle O'Malley as Alice Strongman


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

Escape From Castle Chamomile, Part 1

Sun, 27 Feb 2022 16:00:00 +0000

The coastal Kingdom of Chamomile has fallen to the wretched Rooibos Empire. In a last ditch effort to save his royal lineage, King Archibald has tasked his four most loyal advisors with saving his daughter and escaping to sea. The only issue is the court wizard has enacted the final failsafe which magically randomizes all doors in the castle. Join our new group of professional improvisers from Improv Asylum as they attempt to navigate the castle, save the princess, and stay alive in this new four part campaign of Yes And... Dragons! 


Steph Simon as Nethrali
George LaBour as Tony Supperano
Dan Hirshfield as Texas Toast
Marielle O'Malley as Alice Strongman


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Fury Lane Detective Agency, Part 4

Sun, 20 Feb 2022 05:00:00 +0000

The dramatic conclusion! Can the team track down their man? Was there even a kidnapping? Will Delucci find any fish? Our team of heroes closes in on the answers. Join us for the dramatic, starkly lit, and hilarious conclusion of the Fury Lane Detective Agency's fishiest case to date in this episode of Yes...And Dragons!


Tori Dowd as Trashy McTrasherson
Bianca Carrasco as Ardriel Nightlock
James Melloni as Delucci the Kobold
Dan Hirshfield as Rib McMuffin


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Fury Lane Detective Agency, Part 3

Sun, 13 Feb 2022 16:00:00 +0000

The plot thickens! Ardriel, Trashy, Delucci, and Rib are investigating the disappearance of a dangerous crime lord's son! Their femme fatale client, Carissa, has brought devilishly dressed band of investigators to the family home, where secrets are starting to slip! Carissa's affair, the drugs her family peddles, the interference in the family business by the Matron herself! What twits await in this episode of Yes And Dragons!?


Tori Dowd as Trashy McTrasherson
Bianca Carrasco as Ardriel Nightlock
James Melloni as Delucci the Kobold
Dan Hirshfield as Rib McMuffin


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Fury Lane Detective Agency, Part 2

Sun, 6 Feb 2022 05:00:00 +0000

Our fresh faced adventurers continue their first campaign! The Fury Lane Detective Agency, tucked into a misty corner of Shadowsberg has their first client in weeks; trouble. Mrs. Carissa Linguini's husband is missing, and she is the only one willing to speak to the authorities due to the questionable legality of the family business. Can our heroes, the cast of Improv Asylum, solve the case? Is Mr. Linguini really missing? Does Trashy really eat trash? Find out in this episode of Yes And Dragons!


Tori Dowd as Trashy McTrasherson
Bianca Carrasco as Ardriel Nightlock
James Melloni as Delucci the Kobold
Dan Hirshfield as Rib McMuffin


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

The Fury Lane Detective Agency, Part 1

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000

Join the cast of Improv Asylum on a mysterious, murderous, film noir Dungeons and Dragons one shot! Dungeon master Ross and magical sound person Ari are back to kick off a new season of Yes and Dragons with intrigue, subterfuge, romance, and murder! A brand new cast of professional improvisers with little to no DnD experience jump right into a fantasy world of their own making. Our heroes are a crack team of private investigators, enjoying their dimly lit office, when a tall glass of trouble walks through their door…


Tori Dowd as Trashy McTrasherson
Bianca Carrasco as Ardriel Nightlock
James Melloni as Delucci the Kobold
Dan Hirshfield as Rib McMuffin


Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network

Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.

Direct MP3 link

Family Vlad-ers

Thu, 12 Mar 2020 20:47:32 +0000

Yes and Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv Asylum casts play Dungeons and Dragons one-shots! Your host and dungeon master Ross Magnant and his trusty sound tech Ari Goldberg lead groups of experienced improvisers on magical and hilarious adventures!

Sound Design and Editing by Jameson Vogel
Faces drawn by Libby Miserendino
Recorded at Improv Asylum, Boston MA

Direct MP3 link

Keep Ton' And Carry Juan

Tue, 18 Feb 2020 19:28:36 +0000

Yes and Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv Asylum casts play Dungeons and Dragons one-shots for the first time! Your host and dungeon master Ross Magnant and his trusty sound tech Ari Goldberg lead groups of experienced improvisers on magical and hilarious adventures!

Sound Design and Editing by Jameson Vogel
Faces drawn by Libby Miserendino
Recorded at Improv Asylum, Boston MA


Direct MP3 link

Peace and Love on Treasure Island

Mon, 9 Dec 2019 20:09:45 +0000

Yes and Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv casts play Dungeons and Dragons one-shots for the first time! Your host and dungeon master Ross Magnant and his trusty sound tech Ari Goldberg lead groups of experienced improvisers on magical and hilarious adventures!


Sound Design and Editing by Jameson Vogel

Faces drawn by Libby Miserendino

Recorded at Improv Asylum, Boston MA

Direct MP3 link

NXT's Notebook Nightmare

Sun, 30 Jun 2019 17:26:57 +0000

Yes and Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv Asylum casts play Dungeons and Dragons one-shots for the first time! Your host and dungeon master Ross Magnant and his trusty sound tech Ari Goldberg lead groups of experienced improvisers on magical and hilarious adventures!

Sound Design and Editing by Jameson Vogel
Faces drawn by Libby Miserendino
Recorded at Improv Asylum, Boston MA

Direct MP3 link

American Cheese: "Blueberry Wishes"

Sat, 18 May 2019 23:49:22 +0000

Yes and Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv Asylum casts play Dungeons and Dragons one-shots for the first time! Your host and dungeon master Ross Magnant and his trusty sound tech Ari Goldberg lead groups of experienced improvisers on magical and hilarious adventures!

Faces drawn by Libby Miserendino
Sound Design and Editing by Jameson Vogel
Recorded at Improv Asylum, Boston MA

Direct MP3 link