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Fools & Flagons


Fools & Flagons Campaign 2 - The Tales of Archeron





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F&F C2-E83 - I'm Not Cuddling THAT

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 06:00:00 -0500

     Last time on The Tales of Archeron, another Greim, Saedhir's Wrath, was supposedly slain after eating some of Empress Izel's Royal Guards and more importantly Hambjerger. Moriko's sharp eyes noticed a shape moving through the trees and gave chase, eventually tracking down and beating the ever living snot out of Saedhir's Wrath who had gone invisible to retreat. The rest of the party arrived and saw to finishing the creature off for good. Except for Brick. He just pretended to be the world's largest cork. With the beast finally slain, Pez dove into its corpse to retrieve what was left of Hambjerger. Their friend retrieved, the Tempests returned to the Empress to see if there was anything she could do to help. Having no way to bring Hambjerger back, Pez seemed to close himself off.      Empress Izel invited the Tempests to return with her to Colatl so that she could reward them properly. What they weren't expecting was to be traveling upon the largest vessel they'd ever seen. Far bigger than any sea faring ship, it was the size of a small village. And it flew! It would take a few days to arrive in Colatl and the Tempests had other things that needed addressing. Questioning the severed head of Zephyrus was first on the list and... revealed very little information. The head was promptly chucked off the side of the side of the Koskatl to hopefully not land on some poor child far below and scar them for life.       Encouraged by the rest of the party, Pez reached out to Coyote to see what could be done for Hambjerger and received a good heart-to-heart with the deity. Coyote revealed that Hambjerger was gone, yet not. Coyote made a deal with Pez: If the little Kobold wanted his friend back, he'd have to work for it. Coyote resurrected Hambjerger within the Orc lands, and it was up to Pez and his friends to find their companion.      Reinvigorated with a new goal on the horizon, Pez finally made a decision about what to do with the Tetl Yolili: He would attach Cassie's soul to their Wagon. Once the ritual was complete, the wagon now named "Cassie's Sanctuary", the Tetl attached itself to the banister where it had been placed.      We rejoin the Tempests now as they hear a disembodied yawn and a voice familiar to Pez saying "Hello!"


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E31 - Good Plan, GREAT Plan!

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last we tuned in, the Mercs 4 Hire successfully infiltrated the gambling barge known as the Great Dame. After a evening of subterfuge, in which Siren really shined, the wee hours of the morning started to drag on. At that point Peanut decided to speed things up and take matters into his own hands. He infiltrated the office of one Lord Drylund, and quickly established dominance. After realizing something was amiss, the rest of the Mercs quickly but sneakily converged on the office. After a brief interrogation they discovered what little they could before Lord Drylund's master killed him from afar by magical means. After a concocting a very strange plan to explain the Lord's disappearance, the Merc's seemed to get away scot free, a first for them in the city of Yartar. After returning to Everlund, they brainstormed the next part of their mission: Finding a ship cloaked from all divination magic somewhere in the northern Sea Of Swords.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E82 - The Good and The Bad

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last we last left off, the Tempests had succeeded in fixing Brick's core and were waiting for the arrival of Empress Izel of the Aztlan Empire to come and inspect the repair progress of the Smithy city of Chichimec. She also wished to meet Brick, the original mortal-made being. Their introduction was short lived as shortly after meeting the Empress, Zephyrus chose that moment to attack the city once more with the apparent intent to kill Empress Izel. In the midst of the battle, another of Saedhir's Greims thundered out of the jungle, having pursued the Tempests from the Tepetl Mountains. The Wrath seemed intent on attacking the Empress but was swiftly brought low by Pez's arcane canon, but not before swallowing a few of Izel's personal guards, and Hambjerger, whole. We rejoin the Tempests now as the dust settles, Zephyrus laying dead amidst a pile of rocks, and Moriko pursuing suspicious movement further into the jungle tree-line.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E30 - Time to Krack On

Fri, 07 Jun 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last we left the Mercs 4 Hire, they had returned to Everlund to seek help from the Harpers in uncovering the origins of the wooden coin. After enlisting the help of Siren's brother, Telemachus, they settled into wait while the spies did their thing. After a few days of downtime, during which Peanut started scratching names off his hit list, Telemachus returned with bad news. The coin was a gambling chip from a casino in Yartar. Surprisingly the Mercs were able to successfully infiltrate the city and do some recon. We now rejoin as they finish preparations for the nights festivities.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E81 - Victories and Loses

Fri, 31 May 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, Brick’s prank backfired horribly as his consciousness was transferred into his new body, causing many of the Tempests to lose their trust in the mechanical giant. Brick tried desperately to try to make amends and made a little headway, but still has much ground to cover. The tempests spent the next few days helping repair the Chichimec smithy, get their wagon operational, and inevitably await the arrival of the Empress Izel who ruled over all of Aztlan. Upon the empress’s arrival, it became clear that Brick was designed after Izel’s personal guard and the empress herself was quite young and somewhat playful. The initial, brief meeting was interrupted by a sarcastic round of applause and an infamously familiar voice calling out to the Tempests.  We rejoin them now as Zephyrus, flanked by a small army of cultists, faces off against the Tempests and the Empress’ guards.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E29 - Who the F is Boris??

Fri, 24 May 2024 06:00:00 -0500

The Mercs 4 Hire, intrepid mercenaries and adventures, who have braved many trials and dangers. They have just returned from slinking around Maelstrom, the seat of power and fortress of the Storm Giants. Finding success in establishing contact with Princess Serissa and finding new clues to continue their quest to find King Hekaton, they now face their most perilous mission yet! They must find the origin of a wooden coin!


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E80 - There's a Little Me in You

Fri, 17 May 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off! The Tempests returned to Chichimec via the Gateway Stone and learned that the Smithy had been attacked relatively recently. Chimali had been severely wounded in the battle, his mechanical arm was destroyed and his right eye injured beyond repair. Borgrir and G3-MINI had been kidnapped during the encounter. Whether or not that was the attacker’s goal or a consolation prize is anyone’s guess. After a little questioning, the Tempests came to the conclusion that it was once again the purple robed cultists’ doing. With much on their minds, the party decided that it was best for them to complete what they had come to Aztlan to do first; Repair Brick’s core. With Chimali handicapped as he is, Pez led the charge in building Brick’s replacement body and after a grueling couple of days, everything was ready. Bidding their potential final goodbyes to Brick as they prepared for the worst and hoped for the best, Chimali instructed the Tempests through the theoretical process of transferring Brick’s consciousness to the new core. Everything seemed to be going well, until Brick awoke and seemed to have no memory of his fellows or anyone in the room. Distraught, the Tempests hung their heads… until Brick revealed he was making a joke and was immediately reprimanded with glares, hammers, and spell empowered fists that sent him sprawling across the room. We rejoin the Tempests now as Brick picks himself up off the floor and tries to think of an apology worthy enough to have his friends forgive him.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E28 - How to Use a Hole

Fri, 10 May 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm Kings Chaos, the Mercs for hire made a quick stop in Everlund to pick up Siren's new magic item, the Viobow. After that and some shopping, the Mercs used their new Conch to teleport themselves into the depths of the Maelstrom, a storm giant fortress at the bottom of the ocean. They explored this fortress, sneaking past some denizens, and plundering some rooms (no one will notice right?) before finding a magic pool of scrying. Odie used the pool to find which room Princess Serrisa was in and we now rejoin the group as they attempt to navigate their way to the throne room.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E79 - Grunkle Pez

Fri, 03 May 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on the Tales of Archeron, the Tempests made a difficult decision and decided to slay the innocent, peaceful creature known as a Ketsali despite the warnings that it was considered bad luck. The potential profit of completing their quest to fix Brick early outweighed the potential negative outcome. Sure enough, the creature was salin and the necessary crystals harvested from its corpse, much to Moriko’s dismay. The Tempests were afflicted by a powerful curse upon the death of the Ketsali, though their consciences were partially relieved when Zaan healed the creature, saving it from death. Luckily for the party, Zaan is very good at removing things from people! Curses being one of them. The Tempests returned to Shenshe’s temple to rest for the night, let their anger caused by the mysterious shadow lapse, and to plan their next move. After sending a message to Borgrir and receiving no reply, they decided to use Brick’s Gateway ring to quickly return to Chichimec, only to find the aftermath of battle strewn about the area. The outer structure had been destroyed with small smoldering fires still lingering. Even their wagon had been targeted, the wheels broken among other damages to the exterior. Their faithful beast of burden Cassie was nowhere to be seen.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E27 - They're Meh'Phits

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time of Storm Kings Chaos: After discovering they had no way of retrieving the cloud giants Conch of teleportation, the group decided to arrange a meet with Countess Sansuri. The goal was to persuade and/or deceive her to let them use the conch to infiltrate the Maelstrom on her behalf. Negations fell through and only after Count Thullen intervened were the Mercs given a chance to prove themselves. The Countess challenged the Mercs to defeat herself and two other giants, seeming to be more focused on killing and disposing of the small folk. After a drawn out fight in which the Mercs subdued the giants, the Countess begrudgingly handed over the Conch. After a small detour by Arridol to rescue a captive dragon, the Mercs flew off to regroup and prepare to infuriate the Maelstrom.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E78 - Crustacean Domination

Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests encountered a snark Djinni that was jealously guarding a curious metal flask that had the ability to speak, among other things. The Djinni was swiftly humbled and defeated much to the glee of the Flask that introduced itself as Mr Bottle, the world’s greatest alchemist. Their new companion in hand, the Tempests ventured further into the Pakyotl region in search of the rare Ketsali: a creature rumored to grow magical creatures across its body that has the potential of having just what Brick needs to fix his faulty core. Treacherous paths lay ahead of the party, but so far nothing that they can’t handle. We rejoin the Tempests now as they round a corner to see a kaleidoscope of colors spilling across the rocky walls and a set of colorful crystals ahead of them… moving ever so slowly around the corner by some as yet unknown force.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E26 - Be Our Guest

Fri, 12 Apr 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm King's Chaos, The Mercs for Hire returned to Mirabar to ask for the aid of Telemachus. After sharing information, Telemachus introduced the group to the eldest of Siren's Siblings, Patrina. With the help of the two elder siblings, The Mercs were able to locate and communicate with Count Thullen, an apparent sympathizer to the Storm Giants. Upon contact Thullen agreed to meet and help if possible. After some preparations with the help of Patrina, the group sailed through the sky to the cloud castle of Countess Sansuri. Upon arrival Arridol hung back to fulfill a promise, but quickly caught up to the group as they made contact with Thullen. Now face to face, the cloud giant led to the Mercs to Sansuri's chambers to locate the conch of teleportation. After a thorough search of the chambers it was discovered that the Countess keeps the conch in a personal pocket dimension. Seeing no other course but to try and persuade the Countess the Group now heads to meet the Cloud Giant Lord.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E77 - They're Djinn Trouble

Fri, 05 Apr 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests have managed to slay and collect the core of a Geyser Elemental, taking the first step needed to fix Brick’s malfunctioning core. Their journey through the Tepetl Mountains took them through the Tlahko Region and up towards Pakyotl, where it is said that a multitude of Air Elementals dominate the towering spires. Presenting the letter written by Quetza, the commander of the Pakyotl region, Temoc, informed the Tempests that a large storm would soon be passing through, and with it, a large Air Elemental known to travel with the eye of the storm. Temoc cautioned that this would be a dangerous venture, informing them that there would be little solid ground to stand on to fight. Their only other option would be to hunt down a rare creature known as a Ketsali that produces magical crystals naturally all over its body. To harvest these crystals would kill the beast however, and it is considered bad luck to do so. The Tempests set out into the Western Triangle of the Pakyotl region in search of a Ketsali with the hopes of finding a peaceful solution before the storm blows through.

We rejoin them now as they discovered a small alcove in the rocks with a metal flask sitting upon a stone altar and a voice ringing out “And just what do you think you’re doing in my grove?”


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E25 - Don't Eat with your Mouth Full

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm Kings Chaos, the Merc's 4 Hire had reached the end of their scavenger hunt and returned to the Oracle. They returned a few of the artifacts to the oracle, but kept some of the more powerful ones for themselves. After having a few more questions answered and choosing a giant lord to track down, they made to leave and continue their mission. This simple exit was interrupted by the appearance of a Ancient Blue Dragon, a newly discovered puppeteer of the chaos that had enveloped the Giants. Harshnag instructed the group to flee and save themselves as he engaged in battle with the draconic terror. The group attempted to give some assistance but quickly realized they were only in the way of the titanic battle. As the group retreated, Harshnag made a last ditch effort to trap the dragon by triggering the collapse of the ancient temple. As the group made their narrow escape, they looked on as an entire mountain came crashing down, mourning the fate of their ally. With heavy hearts they travel to Mirabar to plan with Telemachus.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

FnF C2 OneShot 5 - A Favor Owed

Wed, 27 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this "One Shot" within the Archeron Universe!

A clever fae has collected many favors from mortals over the years and it is now time to collect on a few.

Deep in the Elven Forest of Alari Dorei, at the foot of the Misty Pass mountains is rumored to be a small rift between the planes where the ‘Spiritual Tear’ was dropped. The ‘Spiritual Tear’ is said to have the power to unveil hidden truths, see through lies, reveal the deepest desires of one's heart, and connect the bearer with the spirits of ancient beings to gain their knowledge. It is a source of profound insight, capable of granting visions that can guide individuals towards their destinies or unveil secrets that have long been obscured.

For obvious reasons, the fae trickster desires this object above all else and is willing to cash in some of the favors owed to it for such a venture.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C2-E76 - A Moral Dilemma

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests have ventured into the Tepetl Mountains within the Aztlan empire in search of elemental cores that could be used to fix Brick's malfunctioning ticker. The Tempests managed to collect a core from a Geyser Elemental and defended themselves valiantly from an ambush set by some cultists belonging to the Order of the Transcendant Maw. They returned to the Itiko base camp and relayed everything they'd seen and learned. Moriko got some real clothes for the first time and had some fan girls gush over her existance. Kasumi was denied in her attempt at using her 'pretty girl privilage' while in search of some soldiers whos names she'd forgotten. Soon enough, they headed off in a cargo ship towards the center of the Tepetl Mountains, to a region known as Tlahko.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C2-E75 - We're looking for a Guy

Fri, 08 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests have ventured into the Tepetl Mountains within the Aztlan empire, a unique mountain chain that rises up out of the ocean. It’s a dangerous place, strewn with rickety rope bridges and home to a multitude of elemental creatures. The Tempests have slain a huge Geyser Elemental and retrieved its core in order to fix Brick’s ticker. A good first step towards their goal, but three other cores are still needed. On their way back, the Tempests were ambushed by a group of cultists known as the Order of the Transcendent Maw. Their goals are as of yet unknown, but they seem to know of the Tempests and are becoming more and more irate with their interfering ways. After a messy struggle, the cultists were defeated and a curious magical object was discovered on their persons, a Teleportation Stamp. What could this item mean? What are the cultists doing in the Tepetl Mountains? Many questions that need answers..


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E24 - Return to the Oracle

Fri, 01 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last Time on Storm Kings Chaos: The Mercs 4 Hire awoke from a slightly restless sleep in the face of the phantoms and spirits they might have to face. To their surprise and relief, the spirits of the graveyard seemed content to watch as the Mercs dug for their buried treasure. After exhuming a giant skull giving off faint traces of necromancy, the spirits changed from their gaunt forms to the visage of their prime and seemed to thank the Mercs as they ascended to the afterlife. The Mercs continued their hunt but found the next burial mound already pilfered. Deciding the relic wasn't necessary and the other grave robbers not worth following they continued to the last burial sight. They found it well guarded but sadly no match for the combat might of the Mercs. After a strange encounter involving a spellcaster a few berserkers and a Manticore, the Mercs unearthed their final relic. We come back as they start their journey back to the Oracle.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C2-E74 - Just end him PLEASE

Fri, 23 Feb 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off a few weeks ago, the Tempests were venturing deep into the Tepetl Mountains to search for the components needed to fix Brick’s core. Along the way, they picked up an unlikely ally, Moriko, a local legend/urban myth/cryptid, take your pick. She agreed to help the Tempests search on the condition that they also help her discover why the Elementals are so riled up. Part way through their journey, G3-MENI was called away and left in the middle of the night. Making their way around the region, they learned of the location of a particularly big, ANGY elemental that may be just what the Artificer ordered. Sure enough, a huge elemental made of boiling hot water assailed the group, but in the end was no match for them and was slain with a good ol’ KALI MAH by Brick.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E23 - Graaaaaaavity

Fri, 16 Feb 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm King's Chaos, The Mercs 4 Hire ambushed a group of poor defenseless forest natives. They slaughtered them to a woman, and burnt part of the forest in the process. Making their way further in the forest, the Mercs found the Grandfather Tree. They also found the Dryads of this forest, discovering that the Dryads of the High Forest do not claim the whole forest as their domain only the parts they hold sacred. After some negotiation, the Dryads allowed Peanut to search the roots of the giant tree for the relic. After a successful retrieval and a hasty exit the Mercs left for the next relic location, Stone Stand. The Mercs arrived in the twilight hours to find this location teeming with ghosts. Deciding to wait till morning to deal with whatever dangers lie in wait, we now rejoin them after a nights rest.


A huge shoutout to Nick Black who made our new intro jingle. Go show some love to @NickBlackMusic and his Banana Army at and let him know we sent you!

You can check out his music on Spotify:

If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

If you like what we do and would like to support us, consider donating to our Ko-Fi page at

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:

F&F C3-E22 - I Relay That

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last Time on Storm Kings Chaos, the Mercs 4 Hire fought off a flock of griffons only to find those that landed the killing blow were cursed to have an insatiable hunger for horse and only horse. After a quick detour to the Dryads to remove the curse, they were off again to the next treasure hunt. Making quick work of Flint Rock, the party travelled to the High Forest in search of the Grandfather Tree. After determining a lack of Dryad presence, the party started traversing the forest. As they made camp they were alerted to the sound of movement in the brush. Quickly dosing the fire and hiding, they spotted a group of Uthgardt patrolling the woods. Deciding that there can't be any witnesses if no ones alive, The Mercs ambushed the innocent natives.


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F&F C2-E73 - Mother Fluffer

Fri, 26 Jan 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests set forth into the Tepetl Mountains to start searching for elemental cores powerful enough to repair their companion, Brick. With the aid of G3-MENI, they were able to teleport across the sea into the Itiko Region to begin their quest. G3-MENI was able to introduce the Tempests to the Commander in charge of the region and shortly after, set forth into the treacherous spires. They stumbled upon a unique Ooze and with the aid of Moriko, squished it into a puddle of goo. Moriko agreed to aid the Tempests in their quest so long as they helped figure out why the elementals were becoming so aggressive. With the tentative truce in place, six of them set forth to look for clues as to the whereabouts of a large elemental and to keep their peepers peepled for any sign of why the locals were so riled up. After dealing with some ornery kobolds and meeting with some pleasant soldiers, they had their first lead: A large elemental sighting on the other side of the Mokeupa. Traveling further around the Mokuepa, Kasumi and Pez became incredibly hostile and irate, snapping and yelling at everyone and everything. Curing the pair of them, the Tempests carried on, being a bit more cautious than before. Though perhaps not quite as careful as they should have been. Crossing another rope bridge, the party was attacked by a trio of elementals.


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F&F C3-E21 - Speed Bag Damage

Fri, 19 Jan 2024 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm Kings Chaos, the Mercs 4 Hire had a lengthy conversation with Siren's newfound brother. Being informed that Siren's father did not make contact with her by her 23th birthday, the newly introduced Telemachus volunteered to travel to her and welcome her as their father usually would. Siren was informed that their father was MIA and the investigation into his disappearance was ongoing. Telemachus then informed the group that while it had being discovered that many of the guards they had dispatched in Yartar were Kraken Society agents, they still needed to keep a low profile. However, they were no longer blacklisted by the Harpers. After exchanging more info and receiving a way to contact their new liaison, the Mercs left to continue their treasure hunt. The hunt was largely successful and uneventful until they unearthed a giant porcelain mask, at which time they were set upon by a flock of monsters. Time to roll some initiative..


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F&F C2-E72 - Kasumi is Theffin

Fri, 12 Jan 2024 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests have made it to Aztlan with the goal of fixing Brick’s malfunctioning core. A sizable task lies ahead of them however, the materials needed can only be found within large elementals that roam through the Tepetl Mountains off the coast of Aztlan. The mountains are a range of gigantic spires that stretch high out of the ocean depths, leaving no solid ground to stand on but the treacherous peaks and rickety rope bridges that span between them. G3-MENI transported the Tempests to the Itiko outpost to start their search, an area she was fairly familiar with. The Tempests took a flying skiff that G3-MENI chartered, to redeem an owed favor, and were dropped off near a location marked on their map: a pink leafy tree. As the party traveled through the undergrowth, they came upon an odd looking rock which Kasumi crept forward to investigate. Suddenly, a figure dropped down from the canopy to try and warn the Tempests, but it was too late. The party were attacked by a slime that seemed to repel most attacks, but eventually prevailed (Even after Hambjerger died several times). After the fight, Zaan rounded on their new guest and interrogated them. The figure was known as Moriko, or as the locals referred to her, The Silent Blossom.


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F&F C2-E71 - Splash Zone

Fri, 29 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on the Tales of Archeron, the Tempests had traveled to the southern part of the Ayeran continent to the Aztlan Empire, where Brick’s creator, Amantecatl Chimalli, could fix his malfunctioning core. Along the way they battled a fierce creature that had never been seen or documented before. Something that seemed to have been sent specifically by Saedhir to capture SOMEONE in particular. They reached Chichimec by traveling upon an airship: A relatively new invention that was slowly becoming more prevalent in the Aztlan region. The Tempests spoke with Chimalli and Borgir, Chimalli’s dwarven friend who helped create Brick,  about what needed to be done to fix their mechanical companion. Into the Tepetl Mountains they must go, where the cores of several elementals must be collected as materials used to fix Brick’s core. G3-MENI appeared shortly after and introduced herself to the party, and her brother, for the first time. She promised that she would take them to the mountains after a night’s rest to avoid crossing the ocean again and risking another seabound attack.


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FnF C2 OneShot 4 - Ariminum Arena

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this longer "One Shot" within the Archeron Universe!


Faustus stood in the heart of the Ariminum Colosseum, surrounded by towering walls that echoed with excitement for the upcoming bloodshed. The anticipation hung in the air like a tangible force, and the expectant crowd gazed down upon the sandy arena below. 

"Friends.. Countrymen!” he began “Today, we stand at the threshold of greatness, on the precipice of an event that will etch its name into the annals of time!" Faustus's voice, strong and commanding, resonated through the vast colosseum. 

"As the sun casts its golden gaze upon this sacred arena, we bear witness to a spectacle unlike any other! Four tasks, four trials that will test the mettle of the bravest, the strongest, and the most indomitable gladiators in our glorious Empire!"


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F&F C2-E70 - New Siblings

Fri, 15 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests had finally made it across the Alboran Sea, defeated a mysterious beast that had supposedly been sent after them, and are now in the Aztlanian port city of Chalco. The first stop was to a bathhouse where they could clean themselves up after being on the open ocean for the better part of a month. The Jug of Many Things was passed around and Pez was a bit unlucky, falling asleep for what should have been two days. They then found a very uniquely styled Inn that pandered to five different regions across the world. First going to the Takatari wing, Kasumi introduced them all to her culture and in the process, Zaan, being the dick he is, force fed Pez some Sake and inadvertently caused the Kobold to vomit up the mix of alcohol and the remaining magic brew. Zaan and Brick stayed in the Rokasing wing, enjoying a night revelry, fighting, and hefty amounts of meat, while Kasumi and Pez stayed in the Takatari wing where things were calm, peaceful, and quite colorful. After a night’s rest, they collected their wagon that had been retrieved from the beached ship, collected Cassie, and began asking around the city for how to get to Chichimec. Along the way they witnessed a fantastical sight! A ship sailing through the air! Perhaps this was a quicker way to get across the empire.


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F&F C3-E20 - Grave Robbing

Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm King Chaos, the Mercs 4 Hire met the ghost of a giant trapped in the Oracle's Chamber. With his guidance they were able to ask many questions and get some answers over the course of two days. The Oracle revealed to them more detail about why the ordining was broken and set them on the path to restoring it. However, before helping them further, the Oracle required that they prove thier worthiness. The Mercs were tasked with retrieving Relics, stolen and buried by ancient humans. The journey seemed to be long ahead of them, as the burial mounds were scattered across the north. To their surprise, that problem was somewhat solved as they found a airship waiting for them outside the temple. A small group of Dragon Cultists had been sent by one of the Ancient Dragons of the North. After accepting their help and quickly retrieving the first of many Relics, the Mercs decided to make a stop in Mirabar to Meet with the Harper agent sent by Krowen to inform them of the current investigation of the Kraken Society. After the Agent found them, he led them to a secret hideout, pour everyone drinks and revealed himself as Siren's brother. Lets see what happens at this messed up family reunion.


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F&F C2-E69 (NICE) - Hostile Hostel

Fri, 01 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on the Tales of Archeron, the Tempests set forth across the Alboran Sea to travel halfway across the world to get to the far off Aztlan Empire to have Brick’s creators fix his malfunctioning core. Charting the Red Wave, a merchant vessel transporting wine and other spirits, they anchored down their wagon home and set off for their month-long journey. Along the way they were assailed by an as yet unknown entity, a gargantuan purple tentacled creature that seemed intent on dragging them all below the waves. Fending off the attack, the Tempests could do nothing but lose sleep in paranoia as the sailors did everything in their power to outrun the creature. Consulting with Fern, they found nothing matching the creature’s description and only discovered the creature’s name through a magic spell: Saedhir’s Grasp. Brick then beseeched the ocean goddess Ceto for aid, and to let her know that a creature was running amuck within her realm. On the condition of swearing silence for her aid, she gifted the mechanical being a shell that he was to break when her aid was needed.

The Tempests made good progress across the waves with a steady wind that seemed to always be blowing them into their intended path. That is until they happened upon a cluster of reefs that slowed their progress immensely. The creature had been following them and was now gaining while the ship slowly navigated the treacherous reefs. With only minor damage to the ship, the rudder being completely ripped off, they once again rushed off to their final destination: The Aztlan port city of Chalco. The Red Wave ground to a halt into the harbor and Kasumi NOPED right off the boat while Pez checked on Cassie below decks and both Brick and Zaan prepared for a fight at the back of the now beached vessel.

Sure enough, Saedhir’s Grasp attacked the party once more. But the Tempests were not so easily cowed and laid an absolute BEAT DOWN upon it. Brick shattered the shell and as the creature attempted to flee yet again, the waters receded and a massive tidal wave threw it onto dry land where the Tempests were able to finish it off for good.


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F&F C3-E19 - So many questions

Fri, 24 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm Kings Chaos, The Mercs 4 Hire drove off the barbarians and entered the temple of the All-Father. After slaying a resident monster, surviving a few traps, and deciphering an ancient puzzle, the Mercs entered the chamber of the Oracle. There they found a dead giant. As they attempted to move the body out of the way, a voice asked them to treat him with respect as the giant's ghost materialized over his body.


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F&F C2-E68 - Squid Games

Fri, 17 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we last left off, the Tempests had set out to cross the Alboran Sea to reach the far off lands of Aztlan so that they could try and fix their mechanical companion, Brick. They chartered a ship called the Red Wave, a wine and spirits cargo vessel which happened to be the only one large enough to be able to transport the Tempest’s fantastical wagon home. This was not to be a carefree journey however. Their ship was attacked by a gargantuan purple, tentacled beast. The Tempests were not so easily cowed and Brick laid down a beat down of over 90 points of damage which helped to bring the creature low. Just when the fight seemed to be won, the creature seemed to shed its skin and fled back into the choppy waters. With the crew of the Red Wave and the survivors of the other crushed vessel thoroughly spooked, they started making a speedy getaway towards their destination, all too eager to put as much distance between themselves and the mysterious beast. Not to be caught off guard again, the Tempests sought the aid of Fern to try and identify the creature. Through a sleepless night, Fern’s research came up empty. Only by magical means was he able to discern the creature’s identity: Saedhir’s Grasp.


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Fri, 10 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm Kings Chaos, the Murks 4 Hire had made their way around the Evermoors into the fallen city of Nesme on their journey to find Harshnag the giant. There, they found news of a clandestine meeting between the Black Network and Giants soon to happen. Deciding to skirt by undetected, they succeeded in intercepting Harshnag. However, the frost giant was headed towards the meeting to break it up and claim another head in his fight against his evil brethren. Always up for a fight, especially with a new giant ally, the group accompanied Harshnag and laid waste to the meeting. After the fighting had ended, Odie was still rampaging much like he had in Yartar, once again injuring his own allies. After knocking him out, the group deduced the problem to be his axe, evidently a cursed weapon. Tossing it into the depths of Nesme, the group restrained their friend and continued north, back into the Lurkwood. Having followed proper protocol, the Dryads welcomed them with open arms. The Matriarch was able to cleanse Odie’s mind of his curse and he sheepishly came to his senses. After much needed rest, the group followed Harshnag deep into the mountain passes. After a few days of searching they found a secret passage to the entrance of the Eye of Annam, the Temple to the All-Father, and home to the Oracle of the Giants.


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F&F C2-E67 - Scareroused

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we left off, the Tempests saw off their long time travel companion, Vanera, to continue her journey alone to her homeland at the bequest of her deity. The Tempests then gained passage upon a ship that transports wine and spirits across the Alboran Sea. Their wagon anchored down and preparations made, the Tempests set sail upon the Red Wave. A purple clad figure was glimpsed upon the docks as the ship set out, assumed to have been Zephyrus keeping tabs on the party. A few days passed on the open sea and the Red Wave came upon a friendly vessel. As pleasantries were traded between Celia and the other ship’s captain, an unseen creature attacked and sank the other vessel before pulling the hapless sailors down into the depths.


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F&F C3-E17 - Fix the Pothead

Fri, 27 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm Kings Chaos, the Mercs 4 Hire faced the draconic entity within Arridol. This other half was a terrifying and unsettling sight in his full draconic form. Thinking it was hostile, the Mercs jumped into battle, but there was very little they could do. After the dragon nearly wiped out the party, our heroes deduced Arridol's pendant as the key to restoring his humaniod form and mind. Acting fast they were able to avoid their demise and restore their friend. Gnawbone, sufficiently entertained, returned to honor the bargain to transport them to Harshnag, or at least his general area. The group found themselves shunted back tot he Evermoors. After being chased by a larger version of the swamp creature encountered at Rivermoot, and then inadvertently saved by a passing Roc. The Mercs traveled to the abandoned city of Nesme, where they found a large group of Black Network thugs preparing to meet with a giant envoy. The group decided to quickly leave and continue to intercept Harshnag. We rejoin as Peanut, ahead of the group, catches his first glimpse of the fabled giant.


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FnF Metal’s OneShot - Wishful Thinking

Mon, 23 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this "One Shot" DM'd by our very own, Metal!

A carnival has rolled into town! And the promise of a 'Wish Potion' is the grand prize for whomever wins the most games! What sort of odd characters will take on the challenges? What sort of challenges are in store for these (un)fortunate souls?


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F&F C3-E16 - Prestidigi-Patch-Up

Fri, 13 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on Storm King's Chaos, the Mercs for Hire decided to head west after the botched but still somehow successful revenge mission. Knowing they would be likely chased after they decided to stay off the road. However before they set out Ruhn expressed that he was parting ways. His reasoning being that his very presence added danger and that they now were in hot water with at least 3 different organizations, so it would be best to split up to mitigate the danger. After saying their goodbyes the remaining Mercs traveled to Triboar. They spent the night outside the city, torturing two teens who snuck out in the night for some time alone. The following day Odie entered the town in disguise to buy supplies and offerings for the dragon they intended to consult. Meanwhile Siren was yelled at via Sending by Krowen the Archmage. Siren quickly explained the situation and profusely apologized multiple times. Krowen then told her that the Teleportation network was no longer available to them, however he would look into the Kraken Society and see if he could smooth things over. Continuing their travel the group finally arrived at the Kryptgarden Forest. Heading in the forest quickly turned from normal terrain into a strange maze of trees and briars lightly obscured by a green fog. Traveling a bit further they were soon met by the resident dragon, an Ancient Green Dragon, commonly known as Old Gnawbone. The offerings were well received and information gathered. However the dragon seemed to want more than simple offerings. After it was requested that the dragon help transport them to their next destination, the dragon expressed its desire for more entertainment and broke Arridols pendant, resulting in him transforming into a large eastern dragon. We now return to the Mercs to see what happens next.


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F&F C2-E66 - A-B-3

Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0500

    Picking up where we left off last time, Shirahama had been slain, Vanera reclaimed her mink, Khione, and Kasumi finally obtained the medallion she’d been accused of stealing so long ago. The Tempests settled their deal with Silver Paw and then traveled to Harpermere using the Gateway Ring Brick had in his possession. Suave decided to go with the Tempests in an attempt to lay low for a while.. Which went about as well as you would expect. Kasumi and Pez started blabbing to King Damien that they had brought a pirate into his Kingdom and was understandably miffed. But.. So far, the King seems to be ignoring Suave’s presence in lieu of the Tempest’s prior reputation. Vanera received word from Nefeli that her presence was urgently needed back in the Misty Pass, and convinced Suave to help her get there.


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F&F C3-E15 - I Am Sorry... REALLY Sorry

Fri, 29 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last we saw the Mercs for hire, they returned to the Yartar jailhouse to retrieve their target. After the hand off and exiting the town they hid out in a small wooded area to rest and then interrogate their prisoner. The interrogation did not go to plan as they found out that the weapon they sought was most likely in the hands of a captain of the guard back in Yartar. Before they could find out anything more the run away noble was suddenly in immense pain, ripping open his shirt, the party found a magic formula carved into his back and quickly growing brighter. The carving quickly denotated into a Fireball. Singed but not dead the group quickly decided to get revenge on the Warden. After reentering the city, Arridol suggested he attempt to scare the Warden by making himself appear ghostly and acting like he was there to haunt the Warden. Reasoning nor following action wasn't really discussed. After the jump scare succeeded the Warden alerted the city guard leading to lots of death, mayhem, and the creation of a lot of fatherless homes. The events did lead to the successful capture of both the warden and the Giant Slayer that the party was originally after. After which, the party made a hasty exit of the city. Upon interrogation, the group learned the warden was a lacky for yet criminal organization known as the Kraken Society. When the Group claimed to be part of the Black Network he quickly reported to his superiors who then laid the trap. We now rejoin the Mercs 4 Hire as they decide what to do next.


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F&F C2-E65 - Are You the One I Think You Are?

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0500

     Picking up where we left off last time: The Tempests recruited the assistance of the pirate known as Suave to help them in taking down the infamous pirate, Shirahama. Brick, Kasumi, and Suave attempted to find out if the mink or the medallion were located in Shirahama’s residence in High Tide, but were unsuccessful. They were successful in gaining a tail however. The tailing men’s intentions were never discovered as Vanera beat one’s nose in with a door with a clever use of Thaumaturgy. After losing their tail, the party decided to visit Yo’HoBold and managed to sneak Pez into investigating Shirahama’s ship as “free labor” after Yo’HoBold’s services had been requested to fix Shirahama’s ship, which had supposedly been in a battle out at sea. Pez tried his best to sabotage her ship, but was met with a very distrustful Owlin known as, The Watchman.

     Shortly after, the Tempests decided to stop pussyfooting around and set up an ambush for the Takatari pirate. Brick cleverly portrayed himself as the property of Zaan and was almost sold to Shirahama. Using his “Middle Finger” gun in an attempt to assassinate Shirahama, a fight broke out. During which, Vanera reclaimed her mink Khione, Zaan managed to lodge a chest of gold into the chest cavity of a goblin, and Brick was clearly losing an underwater boxing match with a Giff named Reggie until the others intervened. 

    At long last, Zaan dealt the final blow to the Takatari pirate, driving his blade deep into her skull and riding her corpse into the shallows of the bay. The Watchman fled and the Giff was eventually slain. 

    Time seemed to slow, the water being held back by Zaan began rushing inward but now stood like a solid wall. A brief moment of darkness took over their vision as their consciousnesses were whisked far away back to the land of sand, heat, and desolation.. Deep into the mines of Drybell where an Illithid had prepared a ‘fungeon’ for the Tempests to enjoy. Shenanigans were had, loot was collected, and a battle against some strong Golems took place wherein the creations attacked even their creator. A bit flustered after another brush with death by the hands of his own creations, Qhip released the Tempest’s minds and sent them back to their bodies where barely a breath had passed.


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F&F C3-E14 - Can We Quick Load?

Fri, 15 Sep 2023 10:00:00 -0500

Last we left the Mercs 4 Hire, they awoke to find a strange and off putting figure floating outside their rooms. After introducing himself as Dzaan he lead the group towards the dinning hall. some of the Mercs we suspicious of their guide and waiting to eat till they were sure the meal wasn't poisoned. After some more conversation, prodding and a successful History check it was discovered that the creepy figure was a Red Wizard of Thay, on the run from both his brethren and the Brotherhood in Luskan. They met again with Krowen who informed them more about the giant threat and pointed them toward some possible routes to gain more insight. After a quick stop at the in house, and family run everything shop to resupply, they travel by teleportation to Yartar. After a quick search for the Prodigal Zymorven they found him in the prison. He confessed he had murdered someone but would only help them find the weapon he took if they broke him out. The Mercs struck a deal with the warden and now return at nighfall to collect their target.


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F&F C2-E64 - Pros and Constructs

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The time finally came! We all got to meet in person for the first time and played D&D together! Much alcohol was consumed, dice were rolled, things were slain, and loot was attained. And yet somehow, we all survived the weekend! Go us!

Qhip'haks promised the Tempests once upon a time that he would create a "Fungeon" for them as a reward for helping to take care of the Mushroom Tender so many months ago. Mere moments after slaying Shirahama, their consciounesses were yoinked back to the far off lands of the Untamed West. What sort of tomfoolery does the friendly, yet moderately insane, Illithid have in store for the Tempests?


A huge shout out to Nate, Gabe, and Nym for helping with the cameras and audio. This would never have been possible without them. Or at the very least not to such a high quality.

And a big thank you to Running Pony Productions for letting us borrow some of the equipment used to record ten eejits playing D&D for five hours. They really helped make this all possible.


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F&F C3-E13 - D for Dead

Fri, 01 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last we left off, the Mercs 4 Hire had made it to the city of Silverymoon. After retrieving Peanut from his late night escapade of getting lost, the Mercs made their way back to the inn for a nights rest. At some point Ruhn slipped away from the group leaving only a note that they would return and to not wait for them. The following day the rest of the Mercs decided to explore the city before moving on to Everlund. A new map was acquired from the Map House and some knowledge was sought at the Vault of Sages. The productive day was then finished off with a trip to a bathhouse to refresh themselves. They then continued their journey to Everlund arriving with no complications. Making their way to the Moongleam Tower. They encountered to tower’s commander, the Moon Lord, and it’s resident Archmage Krowen. After exchanging information and gaining permission to use the teleportation network, the Mercs were given rooms for the night and now awaken to a new day.


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F&F C2-E63 - A Well Seasoned Kobold

Fri, 25 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on the Tales of Archeron, the Tempests sought out the pirate known as Suave who, according to Silver Paw, had an even fiercer vendetta against Shirahama then even herself. The Kenku found them inside his own place of business, much to the delight of his subordinate, Hurgh Indurs, who hadn’t seen his captain in months. After explaining their situation and gaining his aid, they returned to Silver Paw where they learned of a certain “Babble” person they could get some further information out of. Unfortunately, this Babble person was aboard Shirahama’s ship, out on a voyage. They visited a popular haunt of Babble’s, the Sand Bar and met a few of the locals: the pretty barmaid Sadie Waters who seemed to have past reports with Suave, and a particularly enthusiastic kobold.


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F&F C3-E12 - S-s-So Yeah I Was On A Boat

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last we saw our band of merry Mercs, they left Zymorven Hall to continue their travels to Everlund. They spent 2 days on the road and a night trying to find shelter, only to be assaulted by undead horrors. After returning the dead back to their eternal sleep, they continued their travels. Arriving in Silverymoon, they made plans to visit the many places of knowledge and learning. Unfortunately, Peanut got lost and had to be recovered. As the party made their way back to the inn for some rest, Ruhn seemed to spot something that unsettled him.


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F&F C2-E62 - Is the Bay Being Watched?

Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Picking up where we left off last time, the Tempests have made it to High Tide, the pirate stronghold under the command of the Pirate King Stryker.  Stepping off onto the docks, a suspicious Tabaxi named Jade Paw approached the party, immediately singling them out as strangers. Jade Paw threatened to expose the party if they didn’t pay for her services in being their guide around the port. She became quite friendly after learning that they had beef with Shirahama and offered to have them meet with her mother, who also had a deep seated hatred for the woman. After a series of circumstances that found Jade Paw without her weapons, she was taken and threatened for ‘doing business’ in another group’s turf. After the Tempests rescued the Tabaxi, including a swift kick that swapped a thugs testicles with his tonsils, Jade Paw returned an item she’d stolen from Pez and swore to behave from then on. Jade Paw was true to her word and had the Tempests meet with her mother, Silver Paw, who agreed to help them settle their grievances with Shirahama on one condition. Shirahama must die. The Tempests agreed to her conditions and were instructed to find the pirate named Suave and bring him back. Only then would she share the information she’d gathered over her years of hatred. Silver Paw hated to repeat herself.


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FnF Metal’s OneShot - Unworthy

Sat, 05 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this "One Shot" DM'd by our very own, Metal!

Our small party stumbles upon an intriguing city, crawling with poorly covered-up murders, corrupt guardsmen, occult undertones, and demonic overtones. They must act quickly to find the source of the murders, and stop the Demon Lord Galariel from being summoned, potentially wreaking havoc upon the townsfolk.


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F&F C3-E11 - Stick to the Script

Fri, 04 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last time on dragon balls... wait wrong show, Last time on storm kings chaos: After leaving the Lurkwood, our adventurers continued their journey west. Discovering that their map was not entirely accurate, they were able to enlist the help of some local fishermen to help them back to the road. They stopped for the night in the village of Rivermoot, where they awoke to the sound of a house being destroyed. They did battle with a strange aberration that hid under the water, like a bitch. After dispatching the creature and finishing their long rest, they set off once more.  Finally arriving at Zymorven Hall, the first of their intended destinations. The session ended in some disappointment as they discovered the lord's son had run off with the weapon. We rejoin them after a nights rest to see where they set off to next.


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F&F C2-E61 - Toe Gold

Fri, 28 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last we left off, the Tempests were on their way to High Tide aboard the Harper’s Fury after spending a few weeks of training to properly man the vessel. They were soon assaulted by a ghostly ship, but were no match for the seasoned fighters. The cocaine ghosts were exercised and the Warship continued on its merry way. Vanera, having a bit of foresight, purchased extra ‘offerings’ to give to Ceto to try and further appease the goddess. The offerings seemed to not work at first as the ship was tossed around during a violent storm. However their luck soon changed as a Wand of Lightning Bolts was gifted to them after a bolt of electricity struck the deck. The next day, a thick purple fog enveloped the ship for a few hours. Upon exiting the oddly colored fog, they realized that they’d traveled almost three days worth of distance in just those couple hours. Captain Eirik explained to the Tempests the rough inner workings of High Tide and how best to behave themselves to fit in with the other rabble rousers. He also gave them a scroll of Seeming, gifted to them by King Damien, for their own personal use. 


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F&F C3-E10 - Maybe You Shouldn’t Have Stunned Me

Fri, 21 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last episode our intrepid morons, sorry adventures, left the safety of the road and trekked into the Lurkwood forest. This region was feared by the locals, due to no traveler ever known to enter and return. The leader of Xantharl’s Keep even better 10 gold he would never see them again. After making camp the first night the party discovered they were not alone in the forest, between the slightly sentient trees and small mysterious humanoids who revealed themselves to be dryads. These denizens of the forest warned the party to light no fire. The next day they were led to the Matron of the dryads, a beautiful woman who claimed she had been warned to at least hear them out before killing them for trespassing. Hearing that they were fighting giants and deciding that these travelers had some part to play in a larger event. Let them live with the deal that they would pass on traditions of respect to the surrounding settlements that had been lost to time. The party spent the night and were aided in expedited travel through the forest.


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F&F C2-E60 - I Don’t Like This Game Anymore

Fri, 14 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Vanera was finally able to read from Cadall’s journal of constantly changing words and phrases. What was found within disproved all other creation myths as Cadall wrote in length of how he unintentionally became a deity and helped to create the world as it was currently known. They also learned of the great evil he was able to seal away and surmised that the shadowy beings they’d been encountering were likely tied to this entity. With all of this information shared with the Tempests, and them alone, they discussed what they wanted to do next. Zaan spoke with Cadall and Brick searched for advice from Bolur and Tlazocoatl. Bolur revealed that they were not omniscient and therefore encouraged the Tempests to do what they do best… Meddle and get in the enemy’s way. He also advised that they take care of their own personal affairs as soon as possible to remove distractions and ensure they were at their strongest to face this shadowy threat. First on their list, get revenge on the Pirate Captain Shirahama and retrieve what was taken from them.

The Tempests are now on the open ocean aboard The Harper’s Fury on it’s way to the pirate stronghold, High Tide. There’s a bit of a problem however, as the Harper’s Fury is being assailed by a ghostly ship. Could it be because Pez pissed off Ceto? Or perhaps it’s just his player who rolled the travel roll for the day. Either way, this is Pez’s fault…


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Fri, 07 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last we left our smooth-brained adventurers, they left the city of Mirabar and traveled south to the Xanatharls keep. When they arrived they were rushed inside the walls as there was a giant attack approaching. The Giant had gathered a small army of Ogers and goblinoids. our party quickly relized the attack was a distraction and sussed out the actual threat. 10 Bugbears had snuck inside to kipnap a dwarf after resucing the dwarf Ruhn realised it was the Weevil a crimminal that had gathered the attention of many organizations in the north for his daring heist. After rescuing him, Ruhn used the leverage to mot only take the money he stole but press the Weevil into his service. Peanut and Oddie proceeded to crub stomp the giant. We rejoin the party the morning after they have enjoyed free room, food and ale.


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F&F C2-E59 - How to Make Bug Stew

Fri, 30 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Captain of the Harper’s Fury got the Tempests settled into their three week training schedule before departing for High Tide. Halfway through their training, they were given a day off to go visit the Kadali Ruins upon Vanera’s request. Otus took the party up to the ruins and left them to explore on their own. The crumbled walls and remaining statues were overgrown with vines and moss, except for a central pedestal with an empty golden basin on top of it that seemed untouched by the ravages of time. Within was a spherical indentation that seemed to beckon one closer. An urging to place something within. A certain something that was on Vanera’s person: the metallic sphere that had been given to them by Qhiph’aks who assumed the Tempests had dropped it during the fight with the Mushroom Tender so many months ago. Vanera was able to shake off the temptation, the draw to place the sphere into the indentation and promptly checked the pedestal for evil hoodoo-voodoo. A smoky entity was twisting and writhing from the basin, just out of a normal person’s sight. Vanera was able to repel the creature and promptly reached out to Cadall for advice.  The god arrived with thunderous clouds and a great deal of anger. Taking the orb from Vanera, Cadall revealed that they had narrowly avoided a great disaster. Something about the orb releasing a great evil. Things were happening behind the scenes that even he could not foresee and the Tempests were supposedly in the middle of it, foiling whatever plots were underway. He then revealed that these plots had led to the supposed death of Valkyrie, Goddess of the Frozen North in Rokasing. While Zaan proceeded to take his frustrations out on the remaining architecture, Cadall placed his hand on Vanera’s head, telling her to “Learn from the past, so that the future may be saved.” then vanished. Otus came at their call as the skies cleared and brought the party back to Harpermere, where he noticed that Vanera had a horn. A horn that had previously been invisible to all but the innocent. Confused about Cadall’s parting words, the Tempests went to their Wagon home to think about their next steps, wherein Brick asked if Vanera had thought to look at her book which had previously been illegible.


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F&F C2-E58 - You Might Want to Mute Him Again

Fri, 16 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests had thwarted the assassination attempts on Princess Ena’s life and got a few more puzzling clues towards Zaan’s past. Returning to Harpermere with good news, it seemed that the wedding was back on. But before that, the party checked in with Archmage Otus and learned that the Kadali Ruins had been acting strangely. After a quick, confusing visit to see Grandmaster Puck, the Tempests were given permission to explore the ruins, but only after the wedding to avoid any potential complications at Otus’ request. And what a wedding it was. Otus escorted Vanera to the Wedding and seemed to be an accomplished dancer in his own right. Zaan found himself a partner with Lieutenant Yvonne, a lynx tabaxi, and danced the night away with her until the pair eventually disappeared into the night. King Damien informed Brick and Kasumi, who were avidly avoiding the dance floor, that a ship had been chartered to take them to High Tide as promised for their efforts. The captain of the vessel would allow no idle hands aboard his ship and would require the party to train for a time to become familiar with working aboard the vessel. The king and Emma then forcibly took the pair against their will to the dance floor and after a time, everyone found their way to bed in the wee hours of the morning.


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F&F C3-E8 - How Unconscious Is He?

Fri, 09 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0500

After a few random adventures and deadly encounters, our adventurers left Luskan, the run down City of Sails. After leaving behind a rather trying ordeal, they travelled across the country side. They followed the road to the city of Miramar. This road led them to a strange sight. A battle had taken place on the road between some humanoids and some giants. This battle appeared to have no winners, though Siren spotted some giant sized foot prints leaving the battlefield. They also noticed that whoever had done funeral rights gave the giants no care, but made pyres for the humanoids. The party quickly moved on hoping not to find trouble. They arrived at Mirabar and proceeded to look for lodging. This was delayed as Peanut was suddenly struck by the need to hit something. Some of the party made their way to the Undercity, a district underground and solely occupied by the dwarves. They located a pit fight and approached the manager asking to participate. Peanut fought solo and dominated, whilst Olmec dragged Odie to victory in a duo match. Afterwards, they reconvened at the Polished Shield Inn.


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F&F C2-E57 - The Mafia King and His Baths

Fri, 02 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests confronted and defeated Baroness Lorella Quint at Emeraldpointe after finding that she was the culprit behind the attempted assassinations on Princess Ena Harpermere. The families of the blackmailed chef and the man who had been disintegrated were found locked within the mansion and quickly freed. Just as things were beginning to calm down, a mysterious figure confronted the Tempests and belittled them and their efforts. With a single explosive spell, the figure nearly wiped out the whole group. Kasumi cast her own spell that made the figure see what it feared most, and in doing so, caused the being to flee, but not before announcing his name: Zephyrus. A week-long journey awaited the party and as they traveled back to Harpermere, they read through the Baroness’ journal to try and piece together what caused her to commit such heinous acts and what she had to do with Zephyrus. After a brief meeting with the King, and many questions about the encounter being dodged by Zaan, the Tempests turned in for the night within the comfort of their wagon home.. The promise of a wedding and discussion about the promised ship awaited them in the coming days.


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F&F C3-E7 - I’ve Been Jigglypuffed

Fri, 26 May 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Last session, our adventures fought knives, or should I say arrows, in the dark. Fighting often unseen enemies in the warehouse meant to trap them. They realized at some point they were also battling a mage who specialized in illusions and psychic attacks. Ruhn and Olmec were rendered unconscious in the fight. However, their comrades slowly picked off about half of their assailants, and Ruhn was saved from near abduction. Seeing the tide turn and realizing enough noise had been made to attract the guards the enemies still standing made their escape. As the party licked their wounds, they attempted to extract information from Ruhn, but only got scraps. Deciding they needed rest before they struck out on the road, the party rested another night in the inn. As they found sleep, Ruhn found himself visited in his dreams by the very mage who attempted to kidnap him.


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F&F C2-E56 - Some Fools are Slower Than Others

Fri, 19 May 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests traveled to Emeraldpointe to confront the Baroness, Lorella Quint, who had attempted to assassinate Princess Ena. Very few words were shared as the Tempests became openly hostile and a battle spanned from outside the mansion, into the interior, and then into another plane of existence entirely. When it seemed the Baroness was on the ropes, she smashed an orb that reinvigorated her, and transported the mansion and everyone within to a plane that seemed very familiar to Zaan. The Baroness seemed possessed,speaking with two voices at once. Her own, and another more malevolent entity. The invader greeted Zaan as their son and seemed eager to dispatch the rest of the party. The Tempests were not so easy a pest to exterminate and with a pair of violent spells from Vanera, the possessed Baroness was slain and the Tempests were violently thrust back to the material plane.


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F&F C3-E6 - This Darkness Needs an Ass Kicking

Fri, 12 May 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Leaving the Town of Huddlestone, our party of adventures traveled north to the dwarves of Ironmaster to relay a plea from their kindred in Bryn Shander, asking for reinforcements. Having completed their task, the party then traveled south to Luskan, the City of Sails. After haggling with a guard asking for a toll, Siren gave him rocks magiked to look like coins. They found an inn, got some rest and awoke to find their wagon and horses stolen. The party tracked their stolen property to a warehouse where an ambush was sprung. The mastermind behind the trap then attempted to talk, calling someone in the party “Young Master” and told them it wasn’t wise to cross an obviously corrupt guard.


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F&F C3-E5 - The ”S” Word

Fri, 28 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Murkz 4 Hire arrived at Hundlestone after a brief game of whack-a-worm and were able to check in on Thwip Ironbottom. Thwip gave the party some advice on how to complete their slowly growing to-do list and what routes might be best to take to achieve their current set of goals.


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F&F C2-E55 - It’s Wabbit Season!

Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Princess Ena’s assassination attempts had all failed. The question as to WHY still remains to be discovered. The Tempests learned through questioning the divine that the Baroness Lorella Quint was behind the attempted assassinations, but were too late to keep her from leaving the capitol. With preternatural speed, the Baroness raced back to her barony in Emeraldpointe. She managed to outpace the Tempests even with the use of Brick’s Gate Stone Ring taking them to Maelglen, the halfway point between Harpermere and Emeraldpointe. Realizing they had no chance in catching up, the party took a slightly more leisurely pace so that they would be fresh and ready to confront the Baroness and whatever else may reside in the area. With Zaan bristling for a fight, having been given permission to end the Baroness’ life if necessary, the Tempests approached the Emeraldpointe mansion where a heavily armored man stood out front, blocking their ability to confront Baroness Quint. Some words were exchanged, threats were made, and a trio of bandits appeared, surrounding the party.


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F&F C3-E4 - Thwip It Real Good!

Fri, 14 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Murkz 4 Hire left Brinshander to travel towards Huddlestone to check up on a certain Gnome called Thwip Ironbottom. What dangers await them on their journey through the icy plains? Will someone shut Peanut up for good? These answers and more will be revealed in Episode 4!


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F&F C2-E54 - The Dice Said NO

Fri, 07 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Princess Ena’s assassin had been captured and brought back to the Castle where Godrich, the head of the Blue Cathedral, unpetrified the man. Just like the head chef, he seemed to have been black mailed into doing someone’s dirty deed. Before the Tempests were able to get any information out of the man, he was struck in the chest with a Disintegrate spell. A quick search outside proved fruitless as the caster seemed to have vanished without a trace. The only clue remaining was to investigate the tabard the man had been wearing with the symbol of a rat rowing in a dinghy. After a short search, the Tempests found the hideout for the Sea Rats, the Thieves Guild operating within the capitol. Wharfmaster Brim was already there discussing the guild’s next steps and how to avoid being the wrongful target of the kingdom’s wrath. After some head scratching and thinking in circles, the Tempests decided to question anyone and anything related to Princess Ena, confounded as Brick may be as to why she was the target. Gaining no real ground with their questioning, Kasumi decided to see if Shenshe would reply to her query. Was the Baroness Lorella Quint involved? With a definitive YES, the Tempests now had someone to question.


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F&F C3-E3 - The Storm King Was Angry

Fri, 31 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The giants were vanquished and the son of their target stepped forth, confused and apologetic. It's now up to the ragtag defenders to decide. Do they venture forth together and discover the cause of the giant's wrath? Or do they leave it well enough alone and head south where it's warmer and persue their own paths?


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F&F C2-E53 - Chasing Leads

Fri, 24 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0500

Vanera had a meeting with Otis to discuss the recent lapse in godly reception and Brick’s magical issues. Otis was unhelpful in this regard apart from revealing the activation of the Kadali Ruins hovering over the bay occurred roughly at the same time. To Vaneras mild annoyance, Otis’ attention was shifted to transport the Tempests to the Aztlan Empire halfway across the world upon a request from Brick to visit his creators, Borgir and Chimali. Within the Legendary Smithing halls of Chichimec, Brick learned through his creators that they had been successful in creating another version of him, but regretted to inform him that his current core would not last under the stress he put on it. Though he wouldn’t die, his magic would eventually cease to function. A difficult task lay ahead of the Tempests to gather the required materials in the Tepetl Mountains that would allow Borgir and Chimali to create a newer, more robust power core. 

Otis then brought the Party back to Harpermere where they acted as bodyguards for the royal family during the arrival of Emperor Decimus of the Romanan Empire. During the dignitaries' arrival, Princess Ena was struck by a large crossbow bolt that pinned her to the docks. A frantic chase later, and Kasumi turned the attacker into a jade statue with her weapon Bah’saito.


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F&F C2-E52 - Angry in the Sky

Fri, 10 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0500

A dinner with the royal family and a couple of Nobles from the surrounding area. A pleasant evening with food and drinks to be had. Introductions were made and the Tempests shared their tales of travel to the kingdom along with some of the more troubling issues they encountered along the way. The dinner was interrupted as one of the servants collapsed, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Some quick healing from Vanera cured the girl and an investigation quickly began to discover who was the cause and why. With the use of a Zone of Truth spell and some clever questioning, it came to light that the head Chef Daegal was the culprit, though not of his own will. He was apparently threatened with the safety of his family to commit the deed by an unknown figure. As Daegal seemed prepared to die rather than risk his family's safety, he was imprisoned within the castle. The Tempests were asked to protect the royal family by King Damian himself, specifically helping to oversee the arrival of foreign dignitaries from Romana in a few days time.


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F&F C3-E2 - 8pts of Healing Damage

Fri, 03 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0500

A new adventure begins! A rag-tag group of mercenaries and tourists come to the aid of the town they stopped in that was being attacked by a small horde of giants who were looking for a person named "Artus Simber." When the town failed to turn over this mystery person, the giants attacked. It's up to Peanut, Arridol, Odie, Ruhn, Olmec, and Siren to protect the town!


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You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C2-E51 - The Poison for Kuzco

Fri, 24 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests received an invitation to attend a dinner with the royal family of Harpermere. And thus… Another day of shopping was had! The party spent another day exploring the capital city of Harpermere, buying clothes for everyone (even against their will) so that they could be presentable. Vanera bought a Young Griffon and Zaan a Shrimposaur from a vendor at the docks called Tiny Bites, potentially adding even MORE chaos to the Tempest’s home. The day of the dinner has arrived, the outfits for Zaan and Brick are scheduled to be ready. What sort of adventures await the party?


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You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


FnF C2 OneShot 3 - To Whom It May Concern

Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this longer "One Shot" within the Archeron Universe!

Suave, one of the mercenaries who participated in the maiden voyage of the Sky Carver, decided that he wanted to get a flying ship like that for himself. Coincidentally, the Pirate King Braddock and the Goddess Ceto were also eager to get their hands on such a vessel after learning of it from Suave's report. He was then tasked with gathering a crew to commandere the ship from the Port of Ariminum and bring it back in one piece.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C3-E1 - Murks 4 Hire

Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0500

A new campaign! An old... story.. but new? We're revisiting Storm Kings Thunder! With a new/old DM, Zeke! This campaign will be based on the Storm Kings Thunder module, but with, and I quote, "Whatever twists and changes I want to add in." So! Buckle up and get ready for this brand new adventure with the Fools & Flagons crew! PLUS ONE NEW ONE! A big welcome to Isa who's joining us on this adventure! HER FIRST CAMPAIGN! (Time will tell if she made a mistake joining us or not! Mwahahahaha!)


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


F&F C2-E50 - 1234 Castle Lane

Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0500

A new city, with new shops! The Tempests go on yet another shopping spree while they wait for the days to pass until the Wedding between Princess Ena and Admiral Grant Grey-Eye. A few colorful characters were found: some small rotund Tabaxi, a Tiefling tinkerer, a very flamboyant tailor who seemed VERY opinionated about the attire usually requested, and a man of questionable sanity who sold the party some interesting magical items. After a nice day of exploration and dumping their hard earned money, the Tempests returned home where Zaan cooked them all a lovely seafood dinner and waited to hear from the Royal family.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep21

Wed, 01 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: Pathfinder Character Creation


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F&F C2-E49 - Window Shoppers are the Worst

Fri, 27 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests have finally reached the naval kingdom of Harpermere where they hope to hire a ship to take them to High Tide, the pirate stronghold where a woman named Shirahama was last seen. The journey has been long, dangerous, and took longer than they may have originally estimated. Their first stop was to meet Fern in person for the first time and to get the lay of the land. He informed them that there was a high chance they’d be invited to a dinner at the castle to meet with the royal family, so they’d do well to be prepared. He then told them of a fair few places where they could spend their hard earned gold around the city.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep20

Wed, 18 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: Spells and Magic Items from The Delver's Guide to Beast World!


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Catch us live every other Wednesday on Twitch at:

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F&F C2-E48 - Bad Trip

Fri, 13 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests are on the homestretch of their journey to Harpermere where they hope to charter a ship that will take them to High Tide, the pirate stronghold where a woman named Shirahama was last seen. Though the rolling green hills of the Harpermere Kingdom appear peaceful, the journey has not been easy. A blight within the town of Maelglen, a Giant Footprint that spanned twice the width of the road, a peddler who dissolved into a swarm of scarabs.. And now, a pit in the middle of the road.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep19

Wed, 04 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: Subclasses from The Delver's Guide to Beast World!


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Catch us live every other Wednesday on Twitch at:

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F&F C2-E47 - Meals On Wheels

Fri, 30 Dec 2022 13:54:14 -0500

The Tempests left the town of Maeglen after solving the mysterious blight afflicting the town and continued Northward towards Hapermere. Along the way, Brick had another boggling incident with his magic and attempted to contact his deity, Bolur, but failed. The others in the party attempted to contact their chosen deities as well and were all met with silence. During a particularly foggy night, a strange rumbling boom was heard nearby and in the morning, Vanera went to investigate. Not being hindered by the fog, Vanera was easily able to track down the source of the noise, a giant humanoid footprint that spanned the width of the road. Pez, having not been woken up by Vanera for his turn in keeping watch, took after her through the fog and ended up falling into the massive footprint. After failing to reach Nefelie via prayer, Vanera used her Book of Sending to get a message to the Goddess. Upon waking from her nap, Vanera had received a brief reply. The footprint was likely caused by Ghamborz, the God of the Orc Clans. And her previous night’s silence and her short reply was because she was busy. Brick also went to speak to Fern about his inability to cast magic as well as the disturbing things that had been happening in the last few days, only to find the Shopkeeper yawning and sleep deprived. Though Fern would not disclose what he had been doing, it seemed that several oddities were occurring all at once in the land of the Knightly Kingdoms.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep18

Wed, 21 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: The Races of The Delver's Guide to Beast World! (part2)


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Catch us live every other Wednesday on Twitch at:

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F&F C2-E46 - Ms Frizzle is Done

Fri, 16 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests stopped for a time in the town of Maelglen where mysterious acts of violence were occurring and decided to do a bit of investigating. Falling victim to this blight themselves, the Tempests were more determined than ever to root out the problem… with VIOLENCE. Their investigations brought them to confront Cebran O’Doyle, the town’s Tailor. After a teeny tiny bit of B&E, the Tempests engaged Cebran after he struck first. Vanera, being the brilliant little bean that she is, cast Dispel Magic on the ring they’d been told about, splitting the gem and releasing whatever entity was inside of it, killing Cebran in the process as the escaping entity drew every last drop of life out of the man. The Tempests practiced their Assassin’s Creed skills and took the fight out to the streets. The entity was destroyed, but not before taking over Brick’s mind and forcing him to attack Vanera. With Brick a little distraught, the Tempests, upon the ‘gentle’ urging of the Chamberlain, left the town post-haste to continue on their path to Harpermere.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

You can catch us live every other Friday on Twitch at:

If you'd like to see our past adventures, you can check out the VODs on YouTube at:


Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep17

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: The Races of The Delver's Guide to Beast World! (part1)


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Catch us live every other Wednesday on Twitch at:

Watch past VODs on our YouTube at:


F&F C2-E45 - Did You Just Windows Error Me?

Mon, 05 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests learned of a mysterious blight afflicting the town of Maelglen, of which they needed to pass through to get to Harpermere. The denizens seem to be attacking each other at random, with no apparent reasoning behind their deeds. Even the women, children, and elderly are being affected. The violent acts have escalated to murders, the attacks beginning to happen multiple times a week. The Tempests paused to do some shopping and a bit of investigating, interrogating a pair of citizens: The butcher Nicolae, and the blacksmith GiGi. Zaan became an unwitting victim of the blight, being forced to attack Nicolae against his will (we think) but was restrained before being able to kill him. Kasumi then noticed two individuals watching, learning that they were the town Tailor, Cebran O’Doyle, and the Chamberlain Rafe Mollet. Kasumi, assuming the arrogant looking Chamberlain was the cause, accosted the man and attempted to search his person to find fault. During this attempt, the Chamberlain called upon the Bluecloaks to arrest Kasumi, Vanera, and Brick. Zaan masked his party members with a Fog Cloud spell and the Tempests swiftly scattered. Kasumi communed with Shenshe as to the intentions of the Chamberlain and found that he was, in fact, not the cause of the blight. The Tempests managed to convince the Chamberlain to meet with them so they could apologize and after doing so, discovered that he came prepared to arrest them with a dozen guards should things go poorly. The Tempests now prepare to corner and interrogate the town’s tailor, Cebran O’Doyle over a curious ring he supposedly won in a game of cards some time ago.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep16

Wed, 23 Nov 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: Magical Tattoos and Custom Races!


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F&F C2-E44 - Ay yo Siobhan

Fri, 18 Nov 2022 06:00:00 -0500

An impromptu birthday party for Zaan was held on the side of the road, put together by Brick, his “adopted” son. It went off without a hitch for the most part. A bonfire was eventually lit with plenty of food and drink passed around before the usual amount of tomfoolery took place. Bonfire flames turned black by Vanera, distressing Brick who worked so hard to build it with wet wood; followed shortly by a few swigs from the Jug of Many Things. On into the town of Maelglen, where the party did a little shopping and decided to investigate the rumors of bouts of madness striking the citizens. They spoke to the local butcher and blacksmith, Nicolae and Gi-gi, and learned as much as they could from the pair.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep15

Sat, 12 Nov 2022 13:47:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss: Koblz, Bunneeze, Big Scurry Monsturs & More!


Do you have some topic suggestions? Join the community on discord and get updates for when we go live on twitch!

Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep14

Wed, 26 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss the second round of OneD&D Playtest rules: New/Updated Feats and New/Updated Glossary Terms.


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F&F C2-E43 - I Just Wanted A Nice Party

Fri, 21 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0500

On the road to Harpermere, the Tempests pass a cart filled with unlikely prisoners: men and women, elderly and children. Not the kind one would expect to be incarcerated. A quick exchange with the driver revealed that they were all murderers from the town of Maelglen to be judged at Crossroads. That night, amidst the rain, the party was attacked by a group of Were-beasts who mistook the party for the prison wagon that passed by earlier that day. After a cease fire was called, the beasts shifted back into their humanoid forms to apologize for their mistake, explaining that they were looking for one of their own. The leader, Arnbjorn, cautioned the party of the mysterious happenings in Maelglen: the temporary bouts of violence by the citizens. We now join the Tempests again as they continue on their way.


If you'd like to join the community to chat with the Fools and other D&D aficionados, considering joining our discord!

Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep13

Wed, 12 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss the second round of OneD&D Playtest rules: The Expert Classes - Rogue, Bard, and Ranger


Do you have some topic suggestions? Join the community on discord and get updates for when we go live on twitch!

F&F C2-E42 - Fishing Mishaps

Fri, 07 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0500

A few of the Tempests had their money stolen by a rag-tag group of orphans struggling to survive. After deciding not to kill them or turn them in, Kasumi left them with a hefty sum of gold to survive off of. They then returned to the Swolbolds and gave them a list of things to repair and upgrade within the wagon home. After a few brief days within the town, and a quick shopping trip to the tailor to have wedding clothes made for them, the repairs and upgrades were complete. Once more the Tempests strike out on the road heading to Harpermere! Ahead of them waits a Wedding and a fateful encounter with the Pirate Shirahama.


If you'd like to join the community and get updates for when we go live on twitch, considering joining our discord!

Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep12

Wed, 28 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we create a Homebrew Subclass!


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F&F C2-E41 - I’m F-ing Immaculate

Fri, 23 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The party is once again ready to be underway towards their goal, the Kingdom of Harpermere! The wagon home has been repaired as best that Zaan could accomplish with the supplies from Crossroads. Their new beast of burden Cassie, a very large Parasaurlopholus, seemed eager to be part of the group. Perhaps a bit too eager. A slight bump sent a few of the Tempests toppling off the wagon, but with Brick’s help as a triceratops, enough trees were shoved aside to make room, and Pez got a better handle on navigating the unwieldy mobile abode. An uneventful journey awaited them as they came upon the town of Crossroads, drawing a hefty amount of stares as they rode through town to meet the owners of the Wooden Hammer, who supplied the materials for the cart to be repaired. The twin swolbolds seemed enthusiastic as they offered to repair the home, sending the party off into the city while they inspected the wagon for damage. Unbeknownst to the Tempests, they’d drawn a bit too much attention. As they worked their way through the crowd, others were working through their pockets, relieving them of their coin purses. After a swift hunt, the party made their way into the slums of Crossroads and performed a well planned out breach and clear of the hovel that seemed to be filled with children.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep11

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:18:24 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about: One D&D Playtest Rules and Destructible Environments!


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F&F C2-E40 - The Swolbolds

Fri, 09 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0500

Somewhere deep in the forests of the Knightly Kingdoms, the Tempests set to work repairing a magical wagon home. At least.. One of them started to work on it. Zaan began fixing what he was able with the limited resources on hand. The others relaxed, explored, and tried to learn more about their new home. Snail was sent to continue cleaning within the pantry, Brick and Pez continued to rifle through the previous owner’s belongings while Vanera and Kasumi went about gathering materials for their own projects. After a stressful evening involving Vanera almost bearing witness to a flower murder, the Tempests went to bed with anticipation of the following day, when they would receive the necessary parts to repair the wagon and a creature to pull it.


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F&F C2-Os1-pt2 - A Victorious Return

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this continuation of the "One Shot" Mini Adventure within the Archeron Universe! This is part two, and the conclusion of the Sky Carver One Shot.


A joint effort between Romana and the Aztlans, the Ciopletor De Cer (Chiop-Li-Tor De Serr), or the Sky Carver, was created as a new way to trade between the nations over the mountains that bisect the continent. Your party was assembled by Tarquin in Ariminum, the capital city of Romana, for guard duty aboard the ship during its maiden voyage. The information about the ship has largely been kept a secret. Rumors say that it’s powered by magic to travel faster than a traditional ship. The job is standard for the party’s line of work: Protect the crew from sea creatures, pirate attacks, and keep everyone in line. They answer to the captain only. The pay is 500gp per person. Half up front, half upon successful return to Ariminum.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep10

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about: Spelljammer Races and One D&D Playtest Rules!


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F&F C2-E39 - Yeah well... You’re Adopted

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests have a new home. Snail was set to work and managed to clean the whole of the kitchen area during the night, only to be thrown into the pantry of death to start working on cleaning out all of the rotten food. Kasumi found a weapon called Bah’Saito, an extraordinary weapon from her home country, and claimed it as her own. Once they were all awake, the Party paid a visit to Fern who informed them that their meeting with the King and the Archmage would take place around lunchtime. They also had the pleasure of meeting Emma, a gorgeous Half-Elf girl who was Fern’s assistant in his shop. To say they were shocked to discover that she was a princess of the kingdom would be a bit of an understatement. The meeting went fairly smoothly, the King seemed to like the group and their odd antics between themselves and the Archmage had a bit of fun messing with Brick’s mind. A contract was signed that permitted the Tempests to continue using the quasi-portal in the interests of furthering the Kingdom’s influence, trade, and information. Fern also arranged for a shipment of supplies to be delivered along the road to their location. Including wheels for the cart, food, and a pack animal to pull it. The party returned to the wagon to continue their day and plan their next steps.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep9

Wed, 17 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about: How to Read a Character Sheet and the Math Behind it all!


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F&F C2-E38 - The New & Improved Brick

Fri, 12 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests traveled through the pantry into the back storeroom of a place called The Magic Bean Café. Fern met the party and asked of the previous owner’s fate. The Tempests had few answers to give other than the wagon appeared to have been abandoned for some time. Fern informed them that he needed to seek an audience with the King and the Archmage to see what would be done with the quasi-portal. The party returned to the wagon to explore more and assess the damages. The party learned of a handy little slime that Vanera and Pez named “Snail”, that seemed to only want to clean. Brick and Zaan spent the remaining hours of daylight by felling trees and preparing for the grueling days of repairing the wagon ahead of them.


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FnF C2 Isa-OneShot - The Haunted Woods of Yutsushige

Fri, 05 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this longer "One Shot" within the Archeron Universe! A good friend wanted to get into D&D, so a One Shot was devised to give them a taste of the various aspects of D&D. We hope you enjoy this longer session as much as we had playing it!

      A rumor has spread that the burial site of a long dead Legendary Takatari War Hero, Yutaka Nori, was uncovered deep in the woods of the Yutsushige Lumber Yard area near the mountains. A few days after the news reached the capital city of Chunsu, all further contact with the archeological team ceased. A crew was sent to investigate a week later and also vanished without a trace. It was ruled that the two groups met their end at the claws of the creatures who dwell deep within the giant red wood forests.

      Weeks later, the workers of the Yutsushige Lumber Yard reported hearing distant wails coming from deep within the forest. They never found the source of the noise, but would occasionally find corpses of creatures with no visible wounds laying sprawled on the forest floor. It wasn’t until the workers themselves began to disappear in the middle of their shifts did the call go out for an adventuring team to be hired to investigate.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep8

Wed, 03 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about: Bladesinger Wizards, Wizardsinging Bards, Sorcerer Metamagic, Homebrew Stat Swapping, and Music and SFX!


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F&F C2-E37 - You’ve Got Snail

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0500

Daylight. Glorious daylight. AND GRASS!!! The Tempests emerged from the treacherous tunnel they’d been traveling through for nearly half a week. Zaan and Kasumi immediately reveled in finally being out of the desert by frolicking in the grass. Brick, confused by this spectacle tried to join in but made a Brick shaped crater instead. Vanera followed Klemon to a nearby guard shack while Pez looked around in mild shock at all the green. Vanera, with Klemon’s help, asked the guards stationed by the tunnel exit where they could hire a ship and found their best bet was in the Kingdom of Harpermere. The Tempests headed down the road, not bothering to ask directions, and soon found themselves giving chase as Hambjerger took off into the forest, an odd green glint in his eyes. The party found themselves in a small clearing with what looked like an abandoned house on wheels in the middle of it. Upon Brick knocking on the door of the wagon, a nearby set of boulders rose up from the ground to reveal a LARGE stone elemental with a pile of bones underneath it. The battle was short, and Kasumi was nearly killed with a single swing from the elemental. Brick, upon seeing his ally and friend nearly killed by the elemental, reduced it to a pile of rubble with a rage he’d not experienced before. Cautiously.. VERY cautiously thanks to Brick, the party investigated the wagon home. Kasumi stayed outside and laid as still as possible, deciding to wait and do nothing until her magic was returned to her. The interior of the wagon was insanely magical, bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, with trinkets and doodads scattered everywhere. One of these magical devices is a pantry.. That turned into a closet.. That turned into a doorway into another structure where Zaan was confronted by a silhouetted figure asking him, "Who the hell are ye?"


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F&F C2-Os1 - A Watery Adventure!

Sat, 23 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy this "One Shot" Mini Adventure within the Archeron Universe! This is just part one, so keep an eye out for part two! (We'll get it done eventually. Scheduling conflicts suuuuuuuck...)


A joint effort between Romana and the Aztlans, the Ciopletor De Cer (Chiop-Li-Tor De Serr), or the Sky Carver, was created as a new way to trade between the nations over the mountains that bisect the continent. Your party was assembled by Tarquin in Ariminum, the capital city of Romana, for guard duty aboard the ship during its maiden voyage. The information about the ship has largely been kept a secret. Rumors say that it’s powered by magic to travel faster than a traditional ship. The job is standard for the party’s line of work: Protect the crew from sea creatures, pirate attacks, and keep everyone in line. They answer to the captain only. The pay is 500gp per person. Half up front, half upon successful return to Ariminum.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep7

Fri, 22 Jul 2022 08:53:11 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about: What playing Pokémon in D&D would be like!


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F&F C2-E36 - Rock Me Like A Wagon Wheel

Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The party had inadvertently subdued the magical abilities of both Kasumi and Klemon, their kobold guide through the mountain tunnel. The daylight spell and perhaps the rocks thrown into the lake drew some unwanted attention and the party was assailed by a pair of basilisks. With more than a few close calls, the party came out victorious.. Almost.. During the fight, Kasumi succumbed to the blood of the basilisks and was turned to stone. The only hope to return Kasumi to the world of the living was through Klemon’s help. Through a joint effort between Vanera and Zaan, the pair were able to remove the curse subduing his magic. The use of a diamond, graciously provided by Zaan, was enough to lift the petrification from Kasumi who seemed disoriented, but otherwise unharmed. The party proceeded much more cautiously, and after a few hours of lewd jokes, they finally saw the literal light at the end of the tunnel.


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F&F C2-E35 - A Bit Of A Rocky Situation

Fri, 01 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0500

Zaan and Kasumi’s meditating, along with the rest of the party’s restful sleep was rudely interrupted by the wall nearest them erupting in an explosion of burning rock and stone. A pair of brawling elementals had burst through into the tunnel the tempests traveled through. The ensuing battle was swift and decisive. The party decided to aid the Earth Elemental, as it seemed to have no desire other than to destroy the pair of fire elementals. It turned out that the Earth Elemental was actually a Kobold druid, named Klemon, whose job it was to keep the tunnel safe from intrusive creatures and monsters. Upon realizing that he was a few months over his contract, he offered to lead the group out of the tunnel since it was on his way. Accepting the offer, the Tempests set off with their helpful guide, avoiding a deadly patch of brown moss, and getting to see a beautiful underground lake.. While also nearly blinding their new friend and guide with a daylight spell. Vanera then inspected a nearby corpse wearing a curious piece of armor. With a rush of chilling magic, most of the party came out unscathed but for Kasumi and Klemon who seem to have had their magic suppressed for three days.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep6

Wed, 22 Jun 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about: Introducing New Characters to an existing party, Casting spells without spell slots, and Taverns and Inns.


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F&F C2-E34 - It’s Klemon Time

Fri, 17 Jun 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests set off for Dragonshade Camp after helping to quell a greenskin raid upon Sterlingpool. They set off for the tunnel crossing underneath the Dragonfire Mountains, only to be stopped by the guards who claimed that Zaan was not allowed entry into the Kingdoms for his past crimes. A stroke of luck in the form of an invitation to the Royal Wedding superseded the decree of the Commander, allowing them to pass. Without a guard to guide them, they traveled for the rest of the day, eventually setting up camp beneath the mountains. Their rest was interrupted by a pair of brawling elementals erupting from the wall of the tunnel.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep 5

Wed, 08 Jun 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about Tortles, Changelings, Spelljammers, and Character Backgrounds!


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F&F C2-E33 - We are DONE with the Jug

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests boarded the train heading north towards the Knightly Kingdoms. Vanera and Pez attempted to make their own ‘potions’ with some spices purchased from the Lunawind General Store, much to Kasumi’s dismay. They gave Brick a “tea” made of Ginger and Chili powder.. It did not turn out well. They spent the rest of their time aboard the train researching, working a bit of bronto leather, or napping. When they arrived at Sterlingpool, the conductor informed the party that they would be staying overnight to resupply the train due to a calculation error on fuel. The Tempests decided to explore around town for a while and try to find a Wizard for Brick to speak with before returning to their expensive train car to rest. Their search was interrupted by a greenskin raid on the town. A pack of Orcs, Goblins, and an Ogre were swiftly dispatched by the battle hardened party.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep 4

Mon, 30 May 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about Gods, Death Saves, and Alignments.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep 3

Mon, 23 May 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about our least favorite classes, the Yuan-Ti, and the theoretically unkillable Barbarian!


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F&F C2-E32 - Don’t Fear the DM

Fri, 20 May 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The party took a day to recoup in Lunawind and had the unfortunate pleasure of running into Colt, one of the new sheriff candidates. After learning of this questionable character, the Tempests sought out the other candidate and found her to be very pleasant in comparison. The party then came up with a plan to aid the town by removing Colt from the running. A clever disguise, and a plan to make Colt out to be the aggressor went off without a hitch. A banishment spell and a few explosive punches to the groin had Colt and his goons taken down a few pegs. With Amanda’s ruling as de facto Mayor, Colt was removed from the ballot and sentenced to return to working the mines.. Once his jewels recovered that is. The Tempests then secured extended lodging for their mounts and prepared for their journey north to the Knightly Kingdoms via train.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep 2

Mon, 16 May 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you this week's episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we talk about Order of the Lycan Bloodhunters, Spells, and Dragonborn vs Lizardfolk.


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Whiskey Wednesdays - Ep 1

Mon, 09 May 2022 06:00:00 -0500

We hope you enjoy our first episode of Whiskey Wednesdays! In this episode we discuss topics such as: Kobolds, Bugbears, Critical Hits, Multiclassing, Homebrew Races, and more!


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F&F C2-E31 - Dumb as a Brick

Fri, 06 May 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests made it to Lunawind and took some time to relax and catch up with old friends. Brick spent most of his time trying to decipher the remains of the teleportation circle under what remained of the Mayor’s Manor with mild success. The rest of the party checked in with Amanda and learned that she’d become de facto Mayor of the town. This has not kept her from her duties of running her Inn however, and a pair of aides have been doing most of the leg work. The town itself is more lively and thriving under the new leadership and a small celebration was held that evening with the return of the town’s liberators. The evening was interrupted by the appearance of a beholder familiar belonging to Qhiph’aks that delivered a note along with a mysterious orb to the party, claiming that they must have dropped it during the battle with the Mushroom Tender.


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F&F C2-E30 - Mother F-in TREESTARS

Fri, 22 Apr 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Drybell mystery has been solved. The ruined city has been looted and the party returned to the surface with heavier packs only to find their mounts missing. Pez’s expert tracking found their charges a little ways away having apparently defended themselves from being taken by an unknown group of snatchers. A new pack animal was added to the group, a Fukuisaurus that Kasumi named ‘Shade’. The Tempests set off for the nearest city, Lunawind, to revisit old friends and inform the necessary people of  Drybell’s status. Juniper, Kiwi, Fang, and now Shade made short work of the miles of open terrain between Drybell and Lunawind. Taking a night out under the stars, the Tempests heard the whispering sounds of nature for the first time in days, a relief for most. As their second day of travel drew to a close, the silhouette of Lunawind crested the horizon. We now rejoin the Tempests on their journey to the town where they first became a party.


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F&F C2-E29 - I’M the DM... Not YOU. Know Your Place!

Fri, 08 Apr 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests have traveled to Drybell to investigate the disappearance of the entire town. They investigated the town and found no sign of the people apart from a journal of the tavern keeper’s final days. Their search led them into the town’s silver mine where they encountered a host of fungal creatures defending the pathways. Descending further into the pitch dark, they came to the discovered entrance of a buried city. They rescued an Illithid named Qhiph’aks who helped them navigate the long lost city, though he seemed to not be quite right in the head after an age of loneliness. After a bit of questionably stealthy travel, the Tempests finally faced off against the creature that caused all of the devastation. The Mushroom Tender was not quite what the group was expecting, but soon showed her strength. Through some clever spells and some matrix level dagger throwing, the Mushroom Tender was slain and the body burned to ash. Qhiph’aks explained that they were lucky to have killed her before she was able to reach her full strength. As the group returned to Qhiph’s tavern to recuperate (Zaan chose to rob a bank) they found that they were wading through streets clogged with the Tender’s reinforcements dropped dead in their tracks with their creator’s demise. We now rejoin the party in Qhiph’s Tavern as they decide what they wish to do next.


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F&F C2-E28 - Zaan Missed?? Let Me Check the Script

Fri, 25 Mar 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The buried city of Sølvbyen. Long lost and kept away from the outside world. Qhiph’aks had been keeping the mushroom creatures subdued for a very, very long time. Even he is not quite sure how long. But it would appear that with his incapacitation due to the cave-in, the creature was freed from his control. The Tempests set out with Qhiph to once again subdue this creature before it regained its full strength. Along the way, Zaan gave his son a ‘reminder knot’ around his wrists to keep Brick from touching things. This IMMEDIATELY failed and Brick once again sent a shrill creak of rusty hinges echoing through the city streets. Humbled once again, Brick was led along under the sharp eye of Vanera as they stealthily made their way through the streets towards the Library to hopefully find some clues to help them fight the fungal creatures. Upon arriving at the library with little issue, Qhiph’aks was assaulted within and a small skirmish ensued. Their efforts came to naught as there seemed to be no information saved in the shelved tomes after the ancient city was lost. Gathering themselves once again, the Tempests ready themselves to head out once more in search of the creature that once haunted Qhiph’s dreams.


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F&F C2-E27 - Into the City... Quietly?

Fri, 11 Mar 2022 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests unearthed an unusual ally at the bottom of the Drybell mine cave-in. An illithid named Qhiph’aks had been calling out for help beneath the rubble. The Tempests were wary at first, but the illithid seemed… friendly. After a bit of conversation with the creature, they found that Qhiph’aks had been responsible for containing the mushrooms and their supposed leader. For how long it was hard to tell, for the illithid seemed a bit scatterbrained. Qhiph’aks led the Tempests into the buried city and led them to his ‘home’ where they could rest and gather their strength after slogging through the mines above. Brick however, decided to go exploring and made a bit of a racket. Hearing noise across the street, Zaan investigated and was ripped through a door to get mobbed by a group of Molderspawn. Brick was subsequently put into timeout for the night and the party bedded down for the evening. We join the Tempests as they begin venturing out into the mushroom ridden city to find the leader of these fungal creatures.


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F&F C2-E26 - A Curious Ally

Fri, 25 Feb 2022 06:00:00 -0500

Venturing deep into the Drybell mines, The Tempests did their best to be quiet and stealthy. Brick broke a ladder and was saved from plummeting down by the quick thinking of Kasumi using a “Feather Fall” spell. After a few other close calls, and some terrible rolls by the DM, they followed the ever growing swaths of mushrooms deeper into the mines. Rounding a corner, they encountered a section where there was nowhere to place your foot without stepping on some kind of fungi. Vanera cleverly cast a “Daylight” spell, causing the mushrooms littering the floor to shrivel up and clear a path for the party to advance. As the Tempests hurried forward, four of the larger mushrooms stood up, seemingly unphased by the daylight; Two in front and two in back. After a short skirmish with this new kind of Molder creature, the Tempests continued a bit more cautiously and finally found the cave-in that led to the buried city ruins. As they all gathered around the cave-in, a voice echoed within their minds. Multiple voices speaking a multitude of languages, all of them supposedly pleading for help.


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F&F C2-E25 - That is a Clever Aneurysm

Sat, 12 Feb 2022 11:00:29 -0500

The Tempests stayed just outside of town, but kept a close watch as the long, uneasy night progressed. Come the morning they found the town just as empty and desolate as it had been upon their arrival the day before. The Tempests searched through a few buildings, hoping to find some clues as to what had become of the denizens of Drybell. A journal was discovered that detailed the final days of the Inn’s proprietor, which was nearly burned down by Brick during a questionable experiment with a torch and a large mushroom. The party then headed towards the mines, the supposed cause of the disappearances and ventured into the lightless tunnels. Everything was quiet for a time until Kasumi seemed to awaken a group of fungal creatures that attacked on sight. Though the creatures seemed fairly weak, they made up for this with numbers. As the noise of battle dies down, we rejoin the Tempests inside the Drybell mines as they search for the source of these fungal monstrosities.


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F&F C2-E24 - Audrey, What are you doing?

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 06:00:00 -0500

Drybell. The town that no one has returned from since contact was lost. The trains were not allowed to stop there, in fact, they were instructed to go faster past the town as a precaution. The Tempests finally arrived in the late afternoon and sent a few ahead to investigate while the others stayed behind to set up camp. What they found was an eerie silence. No life could be seen or heard. No birds. No lizards. No insects. Vanera interrogated some patches of moss as to what had happened, she learned that the moss was quite happy to no longer be scraped off or walked upon, but otherwise learned nothing of what had happened to the town. The sun began to dip past the horizon and the group noticed patches of mushrooms growing swiftly in the long shadows and decided to beat a hasty retreat to where their camp had been set up. After a night of uneasy rest, we now rejoin the Tempests just outside of Drybell as the morning light seems to be shriveling the lumpy shapes growing on the buildings of Drybell.


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F&F C2-E23 - A Visit From the Gods

Sun, 16 Jan 2022 19:32:16 -0500

The Tempests set out for Drybell, but since the trains are not permitted to stop in Drybell, the party decides to head out on foot, unsure of what they are to expect when they arrive. Along the way, the party is enveloped by a dust storm that somewhat slows their track across the plains. Partway through they encounter ruins that seem to have come from another time. The storm also seemed to unleash an ancient undead tyrannosaurus that had a nasty habit of vomiting up its mummified last meal. After a quick skirmish, the Rex was properly deadified and the group discovered an interesting book deep within the rotting corpse. (Much to Zeke’s dismay as Pez wriggled around inside the now properly dead corpse). We join them again now as they exit the ruins and continue on their path towards Drybell.


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F&F C2-E22 - Zombie Diver

Fri, 31 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The Tempests awaken to a frazzled Brick drawing over every surface of their room. After a bit of questioning and some discussion about what his disturbing vision might mean, the party set out into the town of Locust Harbor to try and find some answers as well as do a bit of shopping. The Tempests came to the conclusion that the bearded figure in Brick’s vision was more than likely Bolur, god of the dwarves. He is widely known as the jovial creator god and not often heard to be sending foreboding visions to his kin. This was further cemented into likelihood after the party spoke with the Merchant to get his thoughts, and then spent a hefty sum of gold at his place of business. Their purses now  lighter and their mounts finally delivered to Locust Harbor, the Tempests head out on foot towards Drybell to put the mystery of the town to rest.


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F&F C2-E21 - Crying from Cuteness OVERLOAD

Fri, 17 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The Duke was tried and hanged for his years of criminal actions, and the Tempests were celebrated as heroes by the people of Locust Harbor. A city-wide party was held with food and drinks with a few friendly contests to add to the revelry. As the Tempests took their rest, one of their party had a not so restful night's sleep. Brick, who is normally incapable of sleeping and therefore dreaming, had a vision partway through the night. Upon waking from his unsettling vision, he took a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and began drawing and writing all of the walls of their room while the rest of the party slept.


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F&F C2-E20 - Pez is a GOD at Carnival Games

Fri, 03 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The Duke was handed over to the authorities to be tried and sentenced. The Tempests were asked to stay in town so that when the time came, they could participate in The Duke's sentencing.

F&F C2-E19 - Pez is ENCUMBERED

Fri, 19 Nov 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The Duke and his Tyrannosaurus were taken down by the Tempests, but not without putting up a fight. Kasumi stopped the train to allow her party members to catch up after having fallen off during the fight with the Duke's T-Rex. Locust Harbor now awaits them to deliver the most wanted man in Drago to meet justice.

F&F C2-E18 - Dr Brickiana Who?

Fri, 05 Nov 2021 06:06:00 -0500

The time as come. All preparations have been completed. The party ventures out to confront the most wanted many on the continent of Drago. Do they have what it takes to bring down Torre "The Duke" Barbossa?

F&F C2-E17 - Brick Likes to Window Shop

Fri, 22 Oct 2021 06:00:00 -0500

After successfully completing the request from Pyrrah, the leader of the River Rats, and gaining their trust and their aid, the party continue to prepare for their attempt to take down the Duke and get revenge for Pez's family.

F&F C2-E16 - Is that your final decision?

Fri, 08 Oct 2021 06:00:00 -0500

Zaan is chasing some tail while the other members of the party head out to seek aid from the local thieves guild known as "The River Rats"

F&F C2-E15 - Being Alive is Confusing

Fri, 24 Sep 2021 06:00:00 -0500

After a long day of emptying their pockets of coin, the party take their rest in the city of Rivercross while they await word from Lapis as to what their next move should be.

F&F C2-E14 - I AM ME

Fri, 10 Sep 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The party arrives at Rivercross. Their end goal: Take down The Duke. They are to await word from Lapis on where The Duke is currently. Until then, they have free reign over this new town! (SHOPPING SPREEEEEEEE!!!)

F&F C2-E13 - Passing without a Trace

Fri, 27 Aug 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The party are now officially known as 'The Tempests' in accordance with the Mercenary and Bounty Hunter's Guild. The Tempests now head out across the savanna towards the town of Rivercross where The Duke is supposed to be scoping out a new score of Sigil Ammo. Will the Tempests make it in time?

F&F C2-E12 - Bountiful Payouts

Fri, 13 Aug 2021 06:00:00 -0500

After a hectic battle with a bandit group, the party emerge victorious, with some a little worse for wear. With step one of the Marigold's plan taken care of, how will the party choose to proceed?

F&F C2-E11 - Jolly Green Giant of a Fight

Fri, 30 Jul 2021 06:00:00 -0500

Lapis was found and a touching family reunion was had between the wanted Dragonborn and her brother Pez. This was shortly followed by a plan for familial revenge. Will their plan succeed?

F&F C2-E10 - Withheld Information

Fri, 16 Jul 2021 06:00:00 -0500

A minor delay with the train schedule has led the party on a cross country trek to reach Trentenville in their search for "Long Shot Lapis".

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F&F C2-E9 -The Birds and the Bolts

Fri, 02 Jul 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The party heads North, via train, in pursuit of "Lapis Long Shot" who seems to have Pez's interest. Who is she to him? Purely a bounty? Or something more?

Will we even find out?

If you'd like to watch us live, check out our Twitch channel every other Friday at 7pm central.

Feel free to join our Discord for updates and announcements, or if you just want to pop in and say hello!

F&F C2-E8 - Fluff Measuring

Fri, 18 Jun 2021 06:00:00 -0500

The party find the favorite dive of Angel, a figure from Kasumi's past. Now they must come up with a plan to confront this person and get some answers. Also, there's fluffiness involved.

F&F C2-E7 - Zaan is NOT Amused

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 16:35:00 -0500

The party left Lunawind to follow their few leads Southwest towards Locust Harbor. They take a quick pitstop in Drybell and encounter an interesting fellow.

F&F C2-E6 - Cool Bots Don't Look At Explosions

Mon, 17 May 2021 11:10:58 -0500

The Sheriff was handily beaten and taken into custody. The Mayor was likewise found and restrained, then questioned within a Zone of Truth. With questions answered and even more being raised, the party plan a way to stop whoever has been taking Lunawind's gold and send a message at the same time.

F&F C2-E5 -Sheriff Beat Down

Sat, 01 May 2021 15:20:57 -0500

After burning down the Sheriff's Office in their attempt to find the Mayor, the Party decided to lay in wait to ambush the Mayor within his own home. Zaan's Goddess, however, alerted them to the arrival of the Sheriff in the wee hours of the morning.

F&F C2-E4 - My Little Arsonists

Sat, 01 May 2021 13:46:03 -0500

The party goes searching for the Mayor in the town of Lunawind to confront him about his misdeeds in the mines and answer for everything he's done to the townspeople.

F&F C2-E3 - Cabbages

Mon, 05 Apr 2021 09:58:57 -0500

After finding the missing miners and defeating monstrous crab-like beings, the party arrives in a mysterious underground chamber with a pile of gold and an arcane circle... What mysteries are about to unfold??

F&F C2-E2 - Crustacean Formation

Sat, 20 Mar 2021 18:47:57 -0500

The party delve deep into the Silvercreek Mine to try and save some lost miners who were reportedly attacked after they opened up a new tunnel.

F&F C2-E1 - Unfortunate Bandits

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 11:42:38 -0500

Campaign 2 within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

The campaign is a homebrew called "The Tales of Archeron" and was created by one of our own.

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Fools & Flagons - Episode 26 - Yakkity Yak, Don't Talk Back

Sun, 16 Jun 2019 06:00:00 -0500

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Carmichael was true to his word and led the party to the Iron Slag. Bor was also true to his word and let the Hobgoblin go free. After a little investigation, the party discovered a set of stairs that traveled up along the edge of the cliff face and passed over the gigantic iron doors. In the hopes of finding another way inside, they traveled up the staircase before eventually stumbling upon a chimera that was swiftly dispatched. Zutreoth obtained a new shield and rapier from the various piles of debris the chimera guarded.

Once they rested for a short while, the party continued upward and eventually came to a walled off village and were greeted by a large man with a yak head. Like a minotaur but fluffier. A yakman.. Yakitaur?..

The party was invited inside and were treated as guests, but something seemed off. Three went into his home to discuss things with the Yak-man while two remained outside and Elluin slunk off to investigate the village.

We rejoin our adventurers as a gong was struck inside the Yak-man's hut and Elluin witnessed more Yak-men in the fields striking down Dwarves and Gnomes alike who were working in the fields and wore collars around their necks.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Fools & Flagons - Episode 25 - Up, Up, Up We Go

Fri, 14 Jun 2019 06:00:00 -0500

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The white scaled dragon born seemed to be friendly enough. He even led them to a nearby gathering of Fire Giants who were digging up another piece of the gargantuan, adamantium construct. Perhaps being a little hasty, our adventurers decided the best course of action was to fight the large group of 20 goblins, 15 hobgoblins, 5 ogres and 2 fire giants. Miraculously, they were victorious, though there were a few very close calls. Their pockets now a little heavier with gold, and a new guide forced to point them in the right direction (who has been dubbed Carmichael), we rejoin our party as they venture south towards the Iron Slag with the help of Carmike strapped to Bor's back.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

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Fools & Flagons - Episode 24 - Big Fights and Close Calls

Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:14:19 -0500

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The party went with Whisper to find his home in the woods so he could prepare for their short journey to the mountains. As they traversed from woods to snow, a Giant's head went sailing... over head.. Being cautious, they investigated the sounds of an ending battle to find a Frost Giant mutilating a couple of Fire Giant corpses. Once discovering that this giant was friendly, they approached and asked him questions about the Iron Slag. The Frost Giant, Harshnag, directed the group as best he could before leaving them to search for an Oracle of some sort.

We rejoin our adventurers as they traverse a snowy ravine and are surprised by a white scaled Dragonborn popping up out of the snow.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 23 - Not all Giants are Bad

Thu, 06 Jun 2019 08:49:05 -0500

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A short shopping spree to find anything they could get to help with their newest quest was both rewarding and not. Not much of use was purchased, but Zorkon learned a bit more about the dwarves of Citadel Felbar and how his clan name is held against him in some cases. Kelpi may have also gotten someone fired. On the road once again, the party held close to the tree line as they headed eastward and soon found themselves in the path of an Orc raiding party dragging along an unfortunate trail snack. The group quickly dispatched the band of Orcs and discovered that the Orc's snack was an elf with no voice who agreed, after a bit of charades, to lead them towards the mountain base in return for saving his life.

We rejoin the party as they venture towards the Elf's hut in the woods so he could gather supplies for the trip.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 22 - Whisper in the Forest

Tue, 28 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The party defeated the Fire Giants within their hiding place and returned the gold to Hawk's Nest where they were treated with a feast in their honor. Come the next morning, they were whisked away to Citadel Felbarr upon the backs of griffons. Much to Kelpi's dismay and likely Rory's pleasure, they had to leave Rory and Duke behind. Giddy as a school girl, Zorkon lead the way into the dwarven city, being sure to point out every last detail of dwarven ingenuity and skill as they went. After a bath and a quick eight hour nap, they were introduced to the rules of Citadel Felbarr so that Zorkon could deliver his missive. It was during this exchange where Zorkon quickly discovered that his clan name was not highly regarded.. In fact, they were warned to keep their guard up in the city... just in case.. The king promised the party rewards for their deeds in keeping the giants at bay and even further rewards given upon completion of their newest task: Find the Iron Slag and keep the giants out of it.

We rejoin the party as they awake upon a new day, with a smithy to find so they can prepare for their newest journey!

Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons


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Fools & Flagons - Episode 21 - Zorkon gets a History Lesson

Sun, 26 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

Tired though our adventurers were, they still opened up a colossal can of whoop-ass on Vorgoth and his hired bandits in their attempt to take Bor's magical musical instruments by force. With Vorgoth sent along licking his wounds, the group continued East towards Citadel Felbarr but made a quick stop at Hawk's Nest for the night. Come the next morning, they gained a Griffon escort after speaking with the Lord of the hold and found out that some fire giants attacked one of the town's caravans. Our adventurers, being the seasoned giant fighters they were, took the job as it was on their way to Felbarr. We rejoin them now as they launch their surprise attack on the giants after finding them hunkering down in a cave a few hours off the road. Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe! Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder. Join the community on our Discord! Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode! Twitter: @foolsnflagons Instagram: @foolsnflagons YouTube: Twitch: Mixer:

Fools & Flagons - Episode 20 - This isn't our first Rodeo

Fri, 24 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The party's final day in Silverymoon! Bor finally receives his beautifully crafted map of the region Bor joins in the fun during an open recital with a bawdy song(Full credit for the song goes to Monty Python).  The party hits the road towards Citadel Felbarr. Their travel goes on unimpeded until nightfall when they come across another traveler's campsite. The dwarfish bard offered them to share in his meal in exchange for stories. But soon, things did not seem to be normal about the dwarf, who shortly revealed that they were a copper dragon in disguise. Zorkon swiftly dispatched the young dragon and knocked it out cold, perhaps in a bit of anger that it impersonated a dwarf so poorly. They discovered that the Giant's hierarchy was in shambles with a supposedly missing king.. Tired, yet cautious, the party bedded down for the night, but were awoken in the early morning hours during Zutreoth's watch as none other than Vorgoth appeared and demanded Bor hand over his instruments lest blood be shed. Bor was having none of this and in the process of turning Elluin invisible, the tiefling summoned what appeared to be a demon to fight our adventurers. We join them now as the battle begins!


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

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Fools & Flagons - Episode 19 - On the Road Surprises

Wed, 22 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The heist was successful! ... Mostly... Kelpi and Jaa, set off the next morning to the streets to see if they could find anyone who could tell her more about the amulet she'd taken off Zutreoth way back in Nightstone. They chanced upon another Tiefling (An accomplished Bard supposedly) who, after scolding her severely for being an idiot, took them both into an alleyway where he told them of the amulet and what it represented. It bore a likeness of Asmodeus, ruler of the Nine Hells, her great-great fore-father... thing.. They convinced him to also identify one of the objects they had looted and found that it was a stick that could, on the touch of a button, freeze in place. Even in mid-air. He also told them a bit more about the city and it's vast bard population because of the bardic college that was centered there.

Meanwhile, Bor pursued his dreams and tried to find out more about them.

The party reconvened to share their tales and Kelpi showed off her acquisitions. Bor even had another stroke of brilliance while inspecting at two stones carved in the likenesses of faces with their mouths open that Kelpi found, as communication stones.

We now rejoin the party at the start of a new day with much to discuss and many things to plan.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 18 - #TechnicalDifficulties and the Best Nat20 EVER

Mon, 20 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

We would like to apologize for the spotty connection between the players that caused us to stop the stream early. We were able to pick back up the week after and finish what we started!

The Cragcats were easily defeated and the party encountered no further hostilities on their way to Silverymoon. Along the way, everyone decided it was time for Bor to take a bath.. Except for him of course.. Jaa wastes no time in flirting with an Elf while trying to learn a bit more about the city. They soon find themselves at the Son of a Goat Inn where Bor joins in on a friendly barroom brawl and Jaa gets a VERY expensive date for the evening. The next day, Bor commissions a map to be made and tries to learn more about his visions; Zorkon helps Zutreoth improve his Rapier; and Jaa, Elluin, and Kelpi make plans to steal something from a wealthy family. Jaa and Kelpi then force Bor into taking a much needed bath, and they learn a little bit about his past in the process. We rejoin our adventurers as Bor falls asleep in a tree trying to commune with whatever god may be listening, and Jaa, Elluin and Kelpi launch their perfectly laid out plan.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 17 - Everything is so CLEAN!

Sat, 18 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

To the city of Everlund! The party found their way to their contact and was whisked away to a study filled with Tressums after taking a drink of some delicious magical white wine (much to the annoyance of a certain dwarf). Within the keep they had been transported to, they made a new friend in the Arch Mage Corwin, who told them that they have open access to their teleportation circles wherever they may be located. Their message delivered, the party takes a few days to shop and tie up loose ends: Jaa finally finishes his revolver rifle and deafens those within a 200yard radius, Bor tries to find out more about his god visions, Kelpi shops around to find more magical objects to add to her growing repertoire and Zorkon gains a bit of extra gold working in the local smithy. *Takes a deep breath* We rejoin the group as they are attacked along the road towards Silverymoon by what appear to be Cragcats that the halforc barkeep Dral had warned them about.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 16 - Bor gets a little religious

Thu, 16 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The party was split. Two of the group encountered a Tree Ent and scored some magical wood while also learning about how trees are born. The others continued on the road, learning about each other, avoiding getting pooped on by a copper dragon, and inventing a new sport along the way (deer tossing). Eventually the party joined back together and took a little bit of R&R in Olostin's Hold where Jaa finally managed to craft a Revolver-Rifle for himself and Bor found a drink that numbed his face.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 15 - #WeSplitTheParty

Tue, 14 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The Hunt Lords were slain. The citizens of Noanar's Hold are seeing the sun shine for the first time in over a century. Zutreoth had a joygasm after FINALLY getting to slay some undead. Bor got himself a shiny new Ukulele and Kelpi got a very interesting new cloak. After a good night's rest... THE PARTY SPLIT! Zorkon and Kelpi head off into the High Forest so Zorkon could investigate a tip from the Emerald Enclave while the others continue along the road towards the next town on their list of stops to make.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 14 - Killing all the Wights

Sun, 12 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

Last time, a curious fog with Wights prowling their gloomy depths attacked our journeying group. They made it through with just a few scratches to Noanar's Hold to bring the harnesses they were paid to deliver. Zorkon and Kelpi did some sleuthing and found some secret passageways. The party discovered one of Bor's deepest fears and Jaa scored some ham.. A LOT of ham..


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 13 - The Foggy Fog that's Foggy

Fri, 10 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The quests have been given. The path has been set. Our adventurer's head East, narrowly avoiding a fight (which is a bit strange) with a Hill Giant and some Owl-man-bear-pig-things. A quick pitstop was made at the town of Yartar, having barely made it within the gates before nightfall.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 12 - On the road again!

Wed, 08 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The quests have been given. The path has been set. Our adventurer's head East, narrowly avoiding a fight (which is a bit strange) with a Hill Giant and some Owl-man-bear-pig-things. A quick pitstop was made at the town of Yartar, having barely made it within the gates before nightfall.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 11 - We have our heading!

Mon, 06 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

The giants have fallen.. Bor dug up a giant piece of adamantium previously belonging to a construct of some sort.. We now rejoin our intrepid ragtag group after a good nights rest.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 10 - They all came tumbling down

Sat, 04 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500

After an already lengthy battle, we last left our party having whittled down most of the Giants' forces. That just leaves the big guys themselves...


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 9 - When Giants Attack

Thu, 02 May 2019 06:00:00 -0500



Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 8 - Smashing Stuff and Solving Mysteries

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

WE'RE BACK! After a little B&E, buying a horse, and some intense training, we re-join our adventurers in the town of Triboar.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Holiday OneShot DM'd by Kelpi

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

In the spirit of the Holidays, we're taking another little break from our main campaign to do a Holiday themed One Shot. DM'd by the lovely Kelpi.



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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - OneShot DM'd by Zutreoth

Fri, 26 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

(As was predicted during the stream, we lost power at the end of the stream. We're all very sorry about the unfortunate circumstances. We all wanted to finish the game as well.)

Due to schedule issues between our DM and a few players we will be playing a One Shot this week DM'd by our Fire Genasi Paladin, Zutreoth. What are we playing? What are we doing? We have no idea... But Zutreoth does!



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Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 7 - Old Friends

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

With their pockets lighter (some heavier), the party stumbles into some old friends in the town of Triboar.


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 6 - Shopping Spree

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

A calm trip through the clouds with their GIANT of a host. The party still somehow finds a way to get into a fight. Of course they prevail and continue on their way to Triboar to spend some of their hard earned gold!


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 5 - Castle Made of Clouds

Sat, 20 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

After a short rest and helping the villagers rebuild, our party heads up into a floating castle made of clouds!


Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 4 - Some Much Needed Downtime

Thu, 18 Apr 2019 06:00:00 -0500

Beaten and bloodied as the party clears the caves of goblins and ogres (Bor a little dirtier than the others). The last we saw was a glittering knife being thrown from the mouth of a tunnel... Heading straight for Zorkon!

Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Join the community on our Discord!

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons




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Fools & Flagons - Episode 3 - Cave & Corpse Diving

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 10:20:02 -0500

We had a few issues with the internet during this stream. We apologize if the quality is not very good or if there are gaps in the stream.

The town was cleared of the goblin menace, only to be claimed by a small bandit group shortly after the last greenskin fell. Early the next morning, a dwarf chased by a pack of orcs arrived. With the help of the dwarf, found to be a friend of Bor's, the orcs were routed. Now the party finds themselves with a new job and the promise of quite a bit of coin. Join them now at the mouth of a cave where goblins are said to lurk...

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons

Twitch: FoolsNFlagons

Music by and

Fools & Flagons - Episode 2 - Zorkon Brings the Party

Fri, 12 Apr 2019 18:27:37 -0500

We last left off with our adventurers beaten and bloody after fighting a band of Goblins. Hoof beats were heard approaching the group... WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT???

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons

Twitch: FoolsNFlagons

Music by and

Fools & Flagons - Episode 1 - A Party is Formed!

Thu, 11 Apr 2019 10:08:48 -0500

Our first venture into a new campaign within the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition universe!

Campaign is called Storm King's Thunder.

Follow us on twitter and instagram for updates on the next episode!

Twitter: @foolsnflagons

Instagram: @foolsnflagons

Twitch: FoolsNFlagons

Music by and