Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

Him and I


Him & I is a story inspired by true events of a love story that went horribly wrong between a girl next door and a charming handsome boy. He won her heart then tried to stop it from beating permanently.





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The Aftermath

Wed, 23 Oct 2019 01:06:08 GMT

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of my story. I would have never expected it to end like this, but I am finally at peace.


Special thanks to everyone who listened, shared, encourage and supported this show. It was all self-funded and if you want to support future shows kindly donate to


HER: Ava Tutsi

DOC: Laura Cornelius

PASTOR: Reginald T M Ntelezi

HIM: Shaun Benjamin

Lucy: Marjory Manjoro

Melissa: Farai Muzvondiwa

Series was written and produced by Ava Tutsi.

Audio engineering by Vidanhv

Rain by Lionel Kitt -

The breakup

Tue, 15 Oct 2019 21:52:57 GMT

This is my confession just when I thought it was over...

xx Her

Please share, subscribe, rate and review if you like this series. 


HER: Ava Tutsi

DOC: Laura Cornelius

HIM: Shaun Benjamin

Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi.

Audio engineering by Vidanhv

The Wedding

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 18:50:17 GMT

Exactly one year later and things have changed so much. How did l get here and this wedding though...

xx Her


HER: Ava Tutsi

DOC: Laura Cornelius

HIM: Shaun Benjamin

Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi.

Audio engineering by Vidanhv


•Surrender by Jay Glavany 

•Magestick Records - One Last Time 

•Darling (AFROBEAT) by Heaven Boy 

•The Duel by Lekhan

Are you crazy

Tue, 01 Oct 2019 02:05:31 GMT

How much of this is real and how of this is Her's mind playing tricks on Her? Plus did Him and Lucy (Her's best friend) really hook up?

Credits: HER: Ava Tutsi 

DOC: Laura Cornelius 

Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi.

Audio engineering by Vidanhv


Good intentions

Tue, 14 May 2019 07:08:17 GMT

They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Whoever started that statement was right...If only l had known then what l know now. 


If you want to help assist us in growing, please rate and review the podcast :) Share it with any many people as you can. Will be uploading every fortnight. 


HER: Ava Tutsi 

HIM: Shaun Benjamin 

DOC: Laura Cornelius

Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi.

Audio engineering by  Vidanhv

First Date

Thu, 21 Mar 2019 03:59:11 GMT

The first date with Him was great besides his opinion on Kanye West lol. Everything was picture perfect. We got on like a house on fire but was l playing with fire? 

xx Her

If you want to help assist us in growing, please rate and review the podcast :) Take a screenshot of you listening to the podcast and post it on any social network with the hashtag #himandIpodcast. I will be liking and reposting to show my gratitude. 


HER: Ava Tutsi 

HIM: Shaun Benjamin 

DOC: Laura Cornelius

Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi.

Audio engineering by Christopher L. Teti website:

Assisted by Daniel Vorster


FIFA And Chill

Thu, 07 Mar 2019 03:23:27 GMT

So we ended up playing Fifa and chilling but I think he would have preferred to #Netflixandchill...but let me not spoil it for you. Take a listen and tell me what you think xx Her

The Beginning

Fri, 01 Mar 2019 07:55:36 GMT

I know I left you at a cliff hanger last time, this time l take you back to the beginning of the story. Grab your tea cause things are about to get interesting xxHer If you want to help assist us in growing, Please leave a review and take a screenshot it, or a picture of you listening to the podcast and post it on any social network with the #himandIpodcast. You will be entered into the draw to win a back massage. Alternately please rate and review the podcast :) Credits: HER: Ava Tutsi DOC: Laura Cornelius HIM: Shaun Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi. Audio engineering by Christopher L. Teti Assisted by Daniel Vorster Email:

The Great Escape

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 09:54:53 GMT

Hi, My name is HER. Just Her, cause you can never know who I really am and well this is the beginning of my story... xx HER If you want to help assist us in growing,  Alternately please rate and review the podcast :) Credits: HER: Ava Tutsi DOC: Laura Cornelius Series written and produced by Ava Tutsi. Audio engineering by Christopher L. Teti website: Assisted by Daniel Vorster Email: