Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K



Portrait is a podcast about looking closer. Each season tells stories of characters experiencing art and connecting to real locations in unexpected ways.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.
Season 2 Credits:
Written by B. Walker Sampson
Direction, editing, and sound design by Arlen Ginsburg
Artwork by Jennifer Radil
Performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, Arlen Ginsburg, Serra Hirsch, Chris
Carr, and Tatiana Pavela. 
Produced by Sightline, Arlen Ginsburg, Calla Videt, and B. Walker Sampson. To learn more, go to





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Season 1 | Ep 1 : The Room

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 15:49:40 +0000

Alice said I needed a room of my own...that I could share with strangers. Which brought me to the Salomon Room. And face-to-face with a portrait I’ve seen before. In a different context.

Season 1 | Ep 2 : Faces

Tue, 20 Nov 2018 19:30:55 +0000

Are there paintings that haunt you? Because there's one that's keeping me up at night. I look closer at the portrait... even as I get this feeling I shouldn't be looking at all.

Season 1 | Ep 3 : Art Appreciation

Tue, 27 Nov 2018 11:00:07 +0000

Alice joins me in the Salomon Room to help me dig deeper into the story, which starts to involve some faces from our past.

Season 1 | Ep 4 : Maladaptive Daydreaming

Tue, 04 Dec 2018 11:35:18 +0000

I’m wrestling with a mystery about which I know little. And starting to question the voices that I’m hearing. Or have heard before.

Season 1 | Ep 5 : Maliciously Missing

Tue, 11 Dec 2018 11:00:18 +0000

Why would someone choose to disappear? And what do you leave behind when you go?

Season 1 | Ep 6 : Seeing is Believing

Tue, 18 Dec 2018 13:23:42 +0000

How well do you know your friends outside of the frame? In this episode, I move beyond the facade.

Season 1 | Ep 7 : Last Known Appearance

Thu, 27 Dec 2018 12:00:21 +0000

When someone vanishes, someone else has to pick up the pieces. But are the traces left behind purposely perceived as they're intended?

Season 2 | Ep 1 : Landscape

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:00:03 +0000

You’re at a memorial for your friend, June at Tom & Joan’s whiskey bar in Williamsburg. Something in the stories you hear doesn’t match up. Who was June, really? And what’s the meaning behind the objects she left to each friend in her will? This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, Arlen Ginsburg, Serra Hirsch, Chris Carr, and Tatiana Pavela.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 2 : Possessions

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:05:02 +0000

You go to the subway corridor where you first met June, hoping to turn remembering into understanding. You have lunch at Café Mogador with Deirdre, who shares what June gave to her. Every answer seems to ask a new question. This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, and Serra Hirsch.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 3 : Reflections

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:10:02 +0000

At Three Lives & Company, Patrick shows the book of fairy tales June gave to him, sending you away to read “The Snow Queen.” But it’s what is tucked inside the book you want to know more about. This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, and Chris Carr.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 4 : Echoes

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:15:02 +0000

You’re in Socrates Sculpture Park with Lars, listening to a recording of June telling a tale. He still has the keys to her old apartment nearby, where you can almost hear history talking back to you. This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, and Arlen Ginsburg.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 5 : Shadows

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:20:02 +0000

Ever since you stepped outside this morning, you feel like you’re being watched. Is because of the tale about shadows you heard on June’s tape. Or is it because Holly actually followed you all the way to Sunny’s Bar in Red Hook? This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, and Tatiana Pavela.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 6 : Endless Night

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:25:02 +0000

You’re at the BAM Rose, half-watching a French thriller, half remembering a strange night with June. You’re desperate for answers and take something that doesn’t belong to you. This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, Serra Hirsch, Chris Carr, and Tatiana Pavela.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 7 : The Idea Of North

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:30:02 +0000

You’re sitting in front of the ruins of a smallpox hospital on Roosevelt Island, where it feels like the end of the line. But there are more revelations to come.
This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, Serra Hirsch, and Tatiana Pavela.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.

Season 2 | Ep 8 : Gone

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:35:02 +0000

How well do you know your friends? If you discovered they weren’t who you thought they were, how would you feel? If you’re being honest with yourself. This episode features performances by Tamsen Glaser, Elina Kanellopoulou, Arlen Ginsburg, and Chris Carr.
Take a closer look at Portrait by going to @portraitthepodcast on Instagram.