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Creator: Kelrick D-S
Full cast Science fiction Longform Audio RPG
Welcome to the ExQueeriencePoints Podcast. We are an all queer cast, and I’m the originator and producer, Kelrick. We play the Starfinder ttrpg, produced by Paizo because they have shown serious work in ttrpg inclusion. Our stories are told by queer casts telling stories with queer themes - which doesn't mean we are only for queer folks, just that we don't shy away from being our authentic selves as we play through our campaigns. Join us in the fun, rate & review us, send us messages on Twitter (@EQPoints) or on Twitch.tv/ExQueeriencePoints!
Format: Audio RPG
RPG system: Starfinder
Continuity: Longform
Writing: Improvised
Voices: Full cast
Genres: Science fiction
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Fri, 23 Apr 2021 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, Jos, Eabra, The An, & Harper are in the midst of a fight with several holograms that are coming together as one to be more powerful! Everyone is invested in separate but equally important tasks to survive -or- you could just say our Narrator enjoys giving us options.
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
S3 EP 11 Those are not healing crystals
Fri, 16 Apr 2021 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, Jos, Eabra, The An, & Harper discover a crystal that is inhibiting a part of Va-bey. As everyone is working on and studying Vabey, Dr. Tirramegal projects themselves into the room and turns on attack holograms. The An has an idea that involves a long range sniper shot.
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
SE EP10 Is this surgery or cloning
Fri, 09 Apr 2021 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, Jos, Eabra, The An, & Harper take a break to see if they can help Vabey remember things. The repair(?) stations they find appear to work but operator error is always a possibility. I guess we'll have to see what happens now that they have decided to work with unknown and untested technology!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
SE EP9 The technical term is Goo
Fri, 02 Apr 2021 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, Running deeper and deeper into this unknown is all Jos, Eabra, The An, & Harper can think to do now that they know Jax has been here. What are these rabbit beings there were with Jax? Why were these things that look like Vahbey attacking them? Only one way to find out - explore more!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 19 Mar 2021 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, The team has made a leap of faith and survived! The platform that is supported by electricity and magnets of some sort is flying along and heading towards us are some sort of light source? Beings? Join Jos, Eabra, The An, & Harper as they figure out what comes next and how to interact with whatever is coming at them!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 12 Mar 2021 11:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, We've opened a door! You know what that means... well we go through it and find more of Punderdrone's homebrew headspace to play in. Join Jos, Eabra, The An, & Harper as they attempt to better understand our new droid friend and where the heck we are!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:51:21 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, Our crew docks at the Behemoth and Eabra is able to make a good seal. The crew debates going aboard but decide that if they are going to stop this anomaly from damaging others they have to go aboard. Once they are on the Behemoth we begin to learn more about things and Eabra discovers an unexpected connection. Joss moves forward to search for her sister but doesn't share his information with the rest of the crew. Harper and The An work together to be the voices of reason and discovery.
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 26 Feb 2021 19:27:15 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, We are navigating through a debris field heading toward... what? Is that a mysterious transmission? Will our shields / engine hold out while we attempt to maneuver? Will joss ever tell us what she knows? So many questions and the only answer to find are in the episode!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 19 Feb 2021 11:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, As we figure out what is real and what is not the crew runs into some issues with the Crimson Mistress and Drift travel. @Punderdrone leaves us with a jaw dropping cliffhanger that made waiting to get back to the game REALLY HARD! Lucky for you we are live tomorrow 2/20/21 @ 11a PT to find out what happens!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 12 Feb 2021 23:34:18 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Quiltbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, The crew wakes and tries to figure out if this is still a dream or if the items they are holding/have downloaded while in the dream are in this world with them. What does it mean and why is this happening? Di that cult do something to us and have control of our ship? We need to find out quick because it feels like a trap.
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 05 Feb 2021 23:13:29 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Qulitbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, the crew finds themselves in a ship of memories? A dreamscape? An alternate dimension where things are familiar, horrifying to them, and hopefully escapable! Join us every Saturday as we try to uncover the meaning of the title "Behemoth"!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
EQP S3 Ep1 What dreams may come
Sat, 30 Jan 2021 11:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Qulitbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign created by @Punderdrone has us all very excited.
Part one - Behemoth, starts with our crew Joslyn Pepper, An, Eabra, and Harper asleep in their rooms. @Punderdrone begins to lay the foundation of the story. Join us as we start gathering the pieces of the puzzle that is this adventure and join us every Saturday as we try to uncover the meaning of the title "Behemoth"!
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
S3 0.2 Getting to know all about you
Fri, 15 Jan 2021 11:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Qulitbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign will start with level 5 characters so we spent our session Zero livestream telling you more about how they know each other and building a joint backstory.
Our session zero starts w/ https://meghanlynnftw.itch.io/session-zero-bonds…, by @meghanlynnFTW! It was a new ExQueerience for us to kick off a game like this - expect a recap of how we like it later.
Learn about our characters - Joss, Eabra, The An, & Harper and the bonds that brought them together.
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 08 Jan 2021 11:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We are an all Quiltbag (an inclusive term we like for everyone in our community) cast. We are having fun and telling stories for everyone while staying true to our Qulitbag life experiences. This homebrew campaign will start with level 5 characters so we spent our session Zero livestream telling you more about how they know each other and building a joint backstory.
Our session zero starts w/ https://meghanlynnftw.itch.io/session-zero-bonds…, by @meghanlynnFTW! It was a new ExQueerience for us to kick off a game like this - expect a recap of how we like it later.
Learn about our characters - Joss, Eabra, The An, & Harper and the bonds that brought them together.
We are a proud member of the BeGayRollDice network.
Sounds by Syrenscape.
Fri, 11 Dec 2020 16:51:18 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points to our first intermission episode. We're playing Starfinder again and this time we're running the Free RPG AP SkitterCrash! Check out what Kenny, McKenzie, Kelrick, Vivian, and Michael get up to as skittermanders in spaaaaaaaccceeeee part 4, the finale!
We will be doing intermission episodes through the end of the year and we will be having some awesome announcements about our season 3 coming in January!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 04 Dec 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points to our first intermission episode. We're playing Starfinder again and this time we're running the Free RPG AP SkitterCrash! Check out what Kenny, McKenzie, Kelrick, Vivian, and Michael get up to as skittermanders in spaaaaaaaccceeeee part 3!
We will be doing intermission episodes through the end of the year and we will be having some awesome announcements about our season 3 coming in January!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 27 Nov 2020 17:57:41 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points to our first intermission episode. We're playing Starfinder again and this time we're running the Free RPG AP SkitterCrash! Check out what Kenny, McKenzie, Kelrick, Vivian, and Michael get up to as skittermanders in spaaaaaaaccceeeee part 2!
We will be doing intermission episodes through the end of the year and we will be having some awesome announcements about our season 3 coming in January!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 20 Nov 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points to our first intermission episode. We're playing Starfinder again and this time we're running the Free RPG AP SkitterCrash! CHeck out what Kenny, McKenzie, Kelrick, Vivian, and Michael get up to as skittermanders in spaaaaaaaccceeeee!
We will be doing intermission episodes through the end of the year and we will be having some awesome announcements about our season 3 coming in January!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
That's a Wrap: Intermission EP 52
Fri, 13 Nov 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points to our first intermission episode. We're playing Die Laughing by Nerdburgergames.com (https://www.nerdburgergames.com/die-laughing) We open with a disclaimer for you to listen to and decide if this is for you. The show is much more humor than horror.
This episode is a bit longer so we could get everything in. See what happens when fire breathing dragons attack their classmates in a 5 year reunion! What will the producers do to get even with everyone for being "wrapped"? Does ANYONE get to survive this movie -or- is it a final wrap for everyone?
We will be doing intermission episodes through the end of the year and we will be having some awesome announcements about our season 3 coming in January!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Mascot Mayhem: Intermission EP 51
Fri, 06 Nov 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points to our first intermission episode. We're playing Die Laughing by Nerdburgergames.com (https://www.nerdburgergames.com/die-laughing) We open with a disclaimer for you to listen to and decide if this is for you. The show is much more humor than horror.
We will be doing intermission episodes through the end of the year and we will be having some awesome announcements about our season 3 coming in January!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 30 Oct 2020 19:17:43 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are in the final episode of the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier! Join Kenny, Navu, Dr. Joe Pepper, Ophelia, and Thrani as we battle the big bad and hopefully survive!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 23 Oct 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We pick up in the middle of our desperate gun fight with 5 baddies! We have a grease issue, and Dr. Joe asks for a kiss.
We are in the final 2 episodes of the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
SF S2 EP 48 Should we stay or should we go
Fri, 02 Oct 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
Ophelia and Navu are mean to Thrani about the sportster, but eventually give in and help him. The team then heads to explore more of the gym basement. We have several interactions with elementals and get into a gun fight.
We want to announce that @haywireWindgod who plays Ophelia, an Awakened Bear diplomat, is not an official permanent cast member!
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
SF S2 EP 47 Mutillatrix and Clang Clang You're Dead
Thu, 24 Sep 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are looking for a new cast member! Click here to forward to our casting Doc!
The team is lured into the most amazing place Thrani has ever been - it is a gym, with Mutillatrix and Clang Clang You're Dead playing so loudly you can't hear an alarm blaring, and a sweet vehicle. Everyone else is less impressed - especially when we start getting shot at.
We have a guest @haywireWindgod join us to play Ophelia an Awakened Bear diplomat. Who knows what will happen when we get someone in our party that, apparently, DOESN'T think killing people is the immediate solution to a short-term problem.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
SF S2 EP 46 The Team from Ipanema
Thu, 17 Sep 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
The team deals with technology, gets sidetracked, and decide to recreate their favorite x-man, Jubilee, moments!
We have a guest @haywireWindgod join us to play Ophelia an Awakened Bear diplomat. Who knows what will happen when we get someone in our party that, apparently, DOESN'T think killing people is the immediate solution to a short-term problem.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
SF S2 EP45 This Ghorans on Fiiiiirrrrrre
Thu, 10 Sep 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
The fight continues and we see both a more caring side and a more mean side to Dr. Joe. Ophelia takes steps to not kill absolutely everyone. Navu does an homage to bears and "mauls" things. Thrani and Shimsee are mostly try to stay out of everyone's way.
We have a guest @haywireWindgod join us to play Ophelia an Awakened Bear diplomat. Who knows what will happen when we get someone in our party that, apparently, DOESN'T think killing people is the immediate solution to a short-term problem.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
SF S2 EP44 We come in peace Shoot to kill
Wed, 02 Sep 2020 17:38:57 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We pick up where we left off by approaching what appears to be villain HQ. The question is: how long with Ophelia be able to stand in her peaceful heart space and how long before we all just start chucking grenades?
We have a guest @haywireWindgod join us to play Ophelia an Awakened Bear diplomat. Who knows what will happen when we get someone in our party that, apparently, DOESN'T think killing people is the immediate solution to a short-term problem.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 18:16:39 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We begin where we left off trying to be stealthy while a Dinomaw, as we have renamed the creature, is in the area. We look for Mama and see if we can convince her to not work against us. Dr. Joe says her goodbyes a bit prematurely. We have a guest @haywireWindgod join us to play Ophelia an Awakened Bear diplomat. Who knows what will happen when we get someone in our party that, apparently, DOESN'T think killing people is the immediate solution to a short-term problem.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
SF S2 EP42 New friends from old enemies
Tue, 18 Aug 2020 15:37:41 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast! We have a surprisingly friendly interrogation and promptly forget everything we learned. Then we find some unfriendlies before they find us. We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier! Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/ We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Wed, 08 Jul 2020 23:57:42 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We decide to utilize our plan - and Thrani learns that the spell is more powerful than he thought! Suddenly we have thee illusions instead of one. Who thinks that will help us? Cryo Generics turns out to be both easier and harder than we hoped to deal with. We are all really looking forward to Yzra coming back next episode!
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
S2 EP40 You're making us look bad
Wed, 01 Jul 2020 04:46:52 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
Dr. Joe rejoins the party so it is Yzra's turn to take a break! Dr. Joe, Thrani, and Navu promptly wind up in a fight trying to be big damned heroes. Let's just say there is another plant being, a Barathu, and a solar flare converge to create the perfect storm of trouble.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Thu, 25 Jun 2020 18:23:47 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
Dr. Joe is hurt and Yzra, Thrani, and Navu leave her in a hotel to recover. They heard some sounds of cheering and went to check things out and Shimsee stole something from a con artist! The... authorties(?) get called and our adventurer's try and get away. How successful do you think they will be with a noodlely scyphozoan driving one of the enercycles?
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 19 Jun 2020 00:17:31 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
Dr. Joe is hurt and Yzra, Thrani, and Navu figure out how to get her to safety. Meanwhile Shimsee returns for some hijinks and there is a street hustler who thinks the gang is easy marks. Hint: We would be but we're broke.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Wed, 10 Jun 2020 23:21:46 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
Navu, Yzra, Dr. Joe, and Thrani arrive in Asana town and get of the trawler. Immediately seeing a plaque talking about a tragedy that occurred here in the unknown past that evokes a certain nostalgia in some of our players. It doesn't take them long to meet some folks who offer help in finding things that might help our crew... for a cost.
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound Effects by https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Wed, 03 Jun 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We spend an inordinate amount of time figuring out next steps while trying to think through what we actually need to accomplish for the Deep Cultures Institute, thankfully Nib is there to give us some guidance!
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Wed, 27 May 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We're back in the Dawn of Flame AP! We maintain our policy of opening all the doors! Yzra shows a contempt for weaponry, Navu, Thrani, and Dr. Joe deal with a surprise, and we finally hear from Nib! This episode when a little long - I hope you can stick with us and enjoy it!
We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Thu, 21 May 2020 02:35:08 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We're back in the Dawn of Flame AP! Thrani is still settling into his new reality but we aren't sure which Thrani this is (his voice/accent keeps changing). We meet up with a very upsetting creature/being who DOES NOT LIKE US! Navu and Yzra work together, Thrani just tries to do what he can, and Dr. Joe is strategic in her use of personal space. We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Wed, 13 May 2020 19:46:20 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We're back in the Dawn of Flame AP! We welcome our newest cast member - Callie (@thegriefmop) who is playing Yzra a Scyphozoan Vanguard! We have to deal with some space horntytoads or Ikeshti as they are called. Thrani is settling into his new reality but we aren't sure which Thrani this is (his voice/accent keeps changing), Navu and Thrani work together on a problem, Yzra slaps things, and Dr. Joe is either ON or off depending on her mood. We are back in the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
Fri, 08 May 2020 22:13:22 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We're back and ready and dive back into the Dawn of Flame AP! We welcome our newest cast member - Callie (@thegriefmop) who is playing Yzra a Scyphozoan Vanguard! Opening the new AP sets us up with some character changes and some staying the same, in the best ways possible. Thrani has some witchwarper business that is imperative, Dr. Joe, Navu, and Yzra hear an alarm and are immediately suspicious so the team rolls out of their beds and into the Dawn of Flame: Soldiers of Brass by Crystal Frasier!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
We are part of the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
EQP SF S2 EP31 Are We There Yet
Sat, 02 May 2020 00:17:07 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
@Cormallon and @Punderdrone having mostly worked out their new recording space we almost have the sound right, by 5/2/20 we should be all set!
We're back and hope you enjoy this episode that our GM, Kenny, came up with! We get our A.I. back on the job and promptly run into fatal dice errors. Thrani, Navu, and Dr. Pepper all struggle to get this ship righted and to our destination because of our side trip and some lousy dice rolls.
Please join us on Saturday May 2nd as we get ready and dive back into the Dawn of Flame!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
Also we've join the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
EQP SF S2 EP30 Those Crazy Saplings
Fri, 01 May 2020 23:09:09 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
@Cormallon and @Punderdrone having mostly worked out their new recording space we almost have the sound right, by 5/2/20 we should be all set!
We're back and hope you enjoy this episode that our GM, Kenny, came up with! Let's see what happens with these Ghoran saplings we are SpaceHubing around. The crew finds themselves an A.I. short on responsiveness and have to pull this ship over to figure out what is going on. Their passengers might not be to happy about this turn of events, can Dr. J. Pepper handle them?
Please join us on Saturday May 2nd as we get ready and dive back into the Dawn of Flame!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
Also we've join the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
S2 EP29 Steering the Ship You Hold the Controls of Your Dreams
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We had some serious audio issues during this recording where @Cormallon had to splice in back-up audio and try to sync it with video and other aspects. We should be back on track next release with @Cormallon and @Punderdrone having mostly worked out their new recording space.
We're back and hope you enjoy this episode that our GM, Kenny, came up with! Let's see what happens with these Ghoran saplings we are SpaceHubing around. We are excited to announce that on Saturday May 2nd we will be starting Book 2 of the Dawn of Flame AP! Sadly @PBPlays had to suddenly step away from the project; however, we are excited to announce that Callie @TheGriefMop is joining us!
So please join us on Saturday May 2nd as we get ready and dive back into the Dawn of Flame!
Also we've join the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
"Dark Fog", "Bippy Trance", and "Half Mystery", by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
S2 EP28 Less than ExUBERant Passengers
Thu, 16 Apr 2020 18:25:02 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We're back and hope you enjoy this episode that our GM, Kenny, came up with! Let's see what happens with these Ghoran saplings we are SpaceHubing around. We are excited to announce that on Saturday May 2nd we will be starting Book 2 of the Dawn of Flame AP! Sadly @PBPlays had to suddenly step away from the project; however, we are excited to announce that Callie @TheGriefMop is joining us!
So please join us on Saturday April 18th for the conclusion of this side quest and get ready to dive back into the Dawn of Flame!
Also we've join the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
There is a give away going on right now so go check them out and join in to win some cool swag!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
Thu, 02 Apr 2020 02:23:20 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We're back and hope you enjoy the second half of this episode that our GM, Kenny, came up with! Let's see what kind of puzzle mastery our crew has when things go weird. Let's see what else A.H.O.L.E. our AI has in store for us!
Also we've join the Be Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
There is a give away going on right now so go check them out and join in to win some cool swag!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
Thu, 26 Mar 2020 02:05:17 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We've been on a small hiatus due to all of the goings on of the world but we're back and hope you enjoy this episode that our GM, Kenny, came up with! Let's see what kind of puzzle mastery our crew has when things go weird.
Also we've join the Br Gay Roll Dice Network! You can find out more by visiting the twitter account: @BEGAYROLLDICE
There is a give away going on right now so go check them out and join in to win some cool swag!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP 25 We Didnt Start This Fire
Wed, 29 Jan 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are at the end game of the first book of the Dawn of Flame AP by James L. Sutter. Join us as Navu, Thrani, Yee, and Dr. Joe Pepper find the council members. Check out the amazing Dr. Joe Pepper who is so full of surprises even she doesn't know what will happen next. Navu, Yee, and Thrani try to survive, learn the importance of wearing a glove, and (as always) teamwork!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP 24 All My Exes Live In Asanatown
Wed, 22 Jan 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are entering the end game of the first book of the Dawn of Flame AP by James L. Sutter. Join us as Navu, Thrani, Yee, and Dr. Joe Pepper continue to look for the council members. We are just 1 episode away from completing this AP so check out the amazing Dr. Joe Pepper who is so full of surprises even she doesn't know what will happen next. Navu, Yee, and Thrani try not to speculate to much on the happenings around them and push boldly forward into yet another spa... will this one also try to burn them to death?
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP 23 That's Not How Math Works
Wed, 15 Jan 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are entering the end game of the first book of the Dawn of Flame AP by James L. Sutter. Join us as Navu, Thrani, Yee, and Dr. Joe Pepper continue to look for the council members. Will they keep opening doors? Will they come up with a clever plan? Will they traipse through life as if their isn't a problem in the worlds? Only one way to find out!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP22 Side Quest Part 2
Fri, 10 Jan 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are back from our holidays with part 2 of Kenny's thought exercise side quest! In this episode you'll get a bit more in depth information about the appearance of Navu, Thrani, Dr. Joe Pepper, and our ship the G.D. Hooptie!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP21 Side Quest Part 1
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast!
We are back from our holidays with a 2 part side quest as our amazing Ysoki Operative was otherwise occupied! In this episode you'll get a bit more in depth information about the appearance of Navu, Thrani, Dr. Joe Pepper, and our ship the G.D. Hooptie! We'll let Kenny run us through the beginning of a side quest and see what happens!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP 20 Acting Classes Pay Off
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello and Welcome to ExQueerience Points, your favorite all queer Starfinder Podcast! We are picking up with our battle in progress. Thrani is shocked by Shimsee's actions, Yee maintains a higher vantage, Dr. Pepper attempts some misdirection, and Navu explodes on the scene!
Sound effects by: https://syrinscape.com/
EQP SF S2 EP19 Tomie Opens Doors
Wed, 27 Nov 2019 04:34:07 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This episode brings us back to our regular story as we traverse the Dawn of Flame AP. In this episode we talk about our love of Marisa Tomie, barge into places like we own them, and maybe have some regrets [regrets are not likely - we don't seem that self-aware]. Dr. Pepper throws some grenades, Navu pollinates a room, Yee climbs a tall building, while Thrani gets in touch with being a Witchwarper to change the reality that he is not liking at ALL.
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 18 Flashback Part 2 Riafel's Rifle
Thu, 21 Nov 2019 03:10:04 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This episode is a flashback because we had both Steph and McKenzie out. Luckily we were able to play with Katie (@Lita_Jupiter) who is a twitter follower and patreon to join us for a recording. Katie is playing a stoic Blitz Soldier who doesn't take any of Thrani or Yee's shit. Join us as we take the GD Hooptie out on a passenger voyage!
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 17 Flashback Part 1
Wed, 13 Nov 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This episode is a flashback because we had both Steph and McKenzie out. Luckily we were able to play with Katie (@Lita_Jupiter) who is a twitter follower and patreon to join us for a recording. Katie is playing a stoic Blitz Soldier who doesn't take any of Thrani or Yee's shit. Join us as we take the GD Hooptie out on a passenger voyage!
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 16 We Bring the Pew, Pew, PEW PEW!
Wed, 06 Nov 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode regroup! We make plans! We might even get on a "line-crawler" and go somewhere new and fight things. We also might just go to Whisker House for a party. The one thing we guarantee is SASS IN SPADES!
Background music by Syrinscape
Fri, 01 Nov 2019 02:28:30 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we talk our way out of impossible things, we apply impact calibration to aid in our rescue, and we steal a police car!
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 14 Family Matters
Wed, 23 Oct 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we attempt to figure out what to do for Nib, explore the jail, and get set up for Dr. Pepper's team building seminar?
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 12 Pahtra Nerve Pinch
Fri, 18 Oct 2019 19:30:27 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we finish our battle with the authoritarians and try to figure out next steps without our beloved Major Tom/Miyu playing with us.
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 13 Ex's Mark the Spot
Fri, 11 Oct 2019 02:10:27 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we introduce the amazing Mckenzie Wilkes! She plays Dr. Joe Pepper and brings an amazing flair to the show. We are extremely excited and hope you enjoy this introduction, it does bring a pause to the action but a welcome sitcom-esk feel to the episode!
We pick up with our cast resting at Tres's apartment and figuring out next steps in finding and rescuing Nib.
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 11 A Sad Farewell
Wed, 02 Oct 2019 21:54:21 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we SURPRISE! get into another fight, though this one lets us show off our new level 2 abilities which is pretty exciting.
We also bid a sad and fond farewell to our wonderful, talented, selfless castmate Miyu. They have big important things to do that preclude them being able to stay with us, but we adore them and wish them all the best.
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 10 The Peacekeepers We Need
Wed, 25 Sep 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we find out just how bad a direction things are going in Asanatown. Major Tom tries diplomacy? Intimidation? Something that Yee doesn’t have time for. Navu swings a big hammer while Shimsie plays some dirty tricks to help. Thrani uses their Blogger cred to decent effect and slings some spells.
Background music by Syrinscape
EQP SF S2 EP 9 Left turn at Asanatown
Wed, 18 Sep 2019 17:51:14 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we get to Asanatown in the Burning Archipelago. We run into some immediate turmoil and get a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be more than we bargained for – luckily we have Yee as captain for the moment and they take care of the wages situation. Now… we see if we should have taken the Bugs Bunny left turn [in Albaquerque] before getting to Asanatown.
“News Theme” & “Stay the COurse” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
EQP SF S2 EP8 Dawn Shore Leave
Wed, 11 Sep 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In this episode we get to Dawn Shore! We meet a friendly valet/mechanic and find out their troubles. Major Tom, ironically, remembers they are a medic, and the crew finds out all is not well in the burning archipelago.
“News Theme", “The Machine Thinks”, & “Machinations” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
EQP SF S2 EP7 It's the FUTURE!
Thu, 05 Sep 2019 04:25:08 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
In the worst confluence of events an editor could hope for we lost 2 recording sessions, so if you joined us on our Livestream - hurray! You got to hear what happened! If not, then we have a recap to get you up to speed. THEN this week our recording dropped Kenny's audio track so they had to recreate a script and record it, which Kelrick had to then splice in. All this is to say - sorry we're late this week!
In this episode we get handed some walking papers and someone hitches a ride, which they will likely regret.
“Half-Mystery" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Thu, 15 Aug 2019 18:35:59 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we explore the ship and we fight; we learn something about Shirren, and we finally meet the Captain of this vessel!
“Clash Defiant” & “Metaphysik" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
“Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com“
EQP SF S2 SP5 Hesper Hesper Hesper!
Sat, 03 Aug 2019 22:21:22 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we explore the ship and we meet more cranky somethings that won’t listen to reason!
“Indore" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Thu, 18 Jul 2019 03:08:46 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we explore the ship and we meet a very cranky something that won’t listen to reason!
“Stay The Course”, "Twisting", “Stompdance”, & "Phantom from Space" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
EQP SF EP 3 Transcendental Annihilation
Fri, 05 Jul 2019 00:46:20 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we travel through the ship and argue over what defines a hallway! We meet an interesting new being and somehow end up on an episode that any Star Trek series would be jealous of.
As to the changes to the podcast we'll be doing the live stream THEN we'll be taking the audio and doing some fine tuning in production for the podcast, as well as uploading to YouTube! So a great many changes that we are hoping will be entertaining and fun for us and you.
“Mesmerize”, "Rising Tide", “The Curtain Rises”, & "Phantom from Space" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
EQP SF EP 2 The Crew from Ipanema
Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:35:04 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we dive right into the action! We continue our space battle with the fire spewing space whale. Check out how Navu, Yee, Major Tom, and Thrani handle ship to whale space combat using the Stars Without Number system!
Through Pride month you can also win some cool swag from Q-Workshop (@Unusualdice on Twitter) and some awesome Paizo stuff like Critical hit/fumble decks AND the new Beginners Box if you tune into the Twitch stream. So if you have ever wanted to be able to play but have been on the fence about investing in a new TTRPG - this is your chance to get started!
As to the changes to the podcast we'll be doing the live stream THEN we'll be taking the audio and doing some fine tuning in production for the podcast, as well as uploading to Youtube! So a great many changes that we are hoping will be entertaining and fun for us and you.
“Beauty Flow”, "Stay the course", & "Phantom from Space" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
“Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com“
Band of the Soviet People's Commissariat of Defense (Ministry of Defence). [Public domain]
EQP SF S2 EP 1 A Whale of a Tale
Thu, 20 Jun 2019 04:21:32 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we dive right into the action! We take off after the fire spewing space whale and see if we can ride it. Check out how Navu, Yee, Major Tom, and Thrani handle ship to whale space combat using the Stars Without Number system!
Through Pride month you can also win some cool swag from Q-Workshop (@Unusualdice on Twitter) and some awesome Paizo stuff like Critical hit/fumble decks AND the new Beginners Box if you tune into the Twitch stream. So if you have ever wanted to be able to play but have been on the fence about investing in a new TTRPG - this is your chance to get started!
As to the changes to the podcast we'll be doing the live stream THEN we'll be taking the audio and doing some fine tuning in production for the podcast, as well as uploading to Youtube! So a great many changes that we are hoping will be entertaining and fun for us and you.
"Burnt Spirit", "Anxiety", "Digya", "Funky Chunk", "Lobby Time", & "Crossing the Chasm"by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
“Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com“
EQP SF S2 EP 0 Part 2 It Begins!
Thu, 13 Jun 2019 00:34:29 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we all gather together to talk about our new Season! We're very excited to add a new cast member: PBPlays, as well as the transition of Punderdrone/Kenny to the GM seat, and finally MiyuPlaysGames/Miyu as a player!
We're also excited to be starting off with a new podcasting style! We'll be live streaming the show on twitch every other Saturday starting June 1, 2019. During our livestreams we'll have ways that the audience can interact with us - like being able to give advantage or disadvantage on rolls, forcing re-rolls of players/NPCs, and some other stuff we're planning!
Through Pride month you can also win some cool swag from Q-Workshop (@Unusualdice on Twitter) and some awesome Paizo stuff like Critical hit/fumble decks AND the new Beginners Box if you tune into the Twitch stream. So if you have ever wanted to be able to play but have been on the fence about investing in a new TTRPG - this is your chance to get started!
As to the changes to the podcast we'll be doing the live stream THEN we'll be taking the audio and doing some fine tuning in production for the podcast, as well as uploading to Youtube! So a great many changes that we are hoping will be entertaining and fun for us and you.
So check out this episode zero part 2 where we name our ship, talk about how we met, AND actually start the Dawn of Flame AP!
"One The Ground", "Part the edge", & "Volatile Reaction"by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
EQP SF S2 EP0 Part 1 Meet the cast/crew!
Wed, 05 Jun 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we all gather together to talk about our new Season! We're very excited to add a new cast member: PBPlays, as well as the transition of Punderdrone/Kenny to the GM seat, and finally MiyuPlaysGames/Miyu as a player!
We're also excited to be starting off with a new podcasting style! We'll be live streaming the show on twitch every other Saturday starting June 1, 2019. During our livestreams we'll have ways that the audience can interact with us - like being able to give advantage or disadvantage on rolls, forcing re-rolls of players/NPCs, and some other stuff we're planning!
Through Pride month you can also win some cool swag from Q-Workshop (@Unusualdice on Twitter) and some awesome Paizo stuff like Critical hit/fumble decks AND the new Beginners Box if you tune into the Twitch stream. So if you have ever wanted to be able to play but have been on the fence about investing in a new TTRPG - this is your chance to get started!
As to the changes to the podcast we'll be doing the live stream THEN we'll be taking the audio and doing some fine tuning in production for the podcast, as well as uploading to Youtube! So a great many changes that we are hoping will be entertaining and fun for us and you.
So check out this episode zero part 1 where we talk about all things Season 2!
"Funky Chuck" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Thu, 23 May 2019 18:53:29 GMT
Hello and welcome to ExQueerience Points Starfinder! We're taking this week off to finish preparing for our Season 2 start! We'll be back and on Twitch next Tuesday May 28th @ 5pm PST / 8 pm EST for an Ask Me Anything stream where we talk about what our upcoming season will be like, the new characters, the new DM, our new cast member, and so much more!
We can't wait to be able to talk with you on the 28th!
EQP SF EP 49 Showdown on Anderan Stand
Thu, 16 May 2019 03:12:44 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points in our last episode of the season we are setting ourselves up to meet up with 18 one last time.
"Leaving Home", "Grim Idol", "Dream Catcher",”Burnt Spirit”, and “Western Streets” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
EQP SF EP 49 Catch me if you Can
Fri, 10 May 2019 18:30:25 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points in our second to last episode of the season we are finishing a fight that started in Eve's realm and setting ourselves up to meet up with 18 one last time.
"Crossing the Chasm" and "I Can Feel it Coming" "Soaring" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thu, 02 May 2019 04:14:06 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
On this week’s ExQueerience Points we've gone through the portal into Eve’s realm. Eos has a reckoning and gets her wish as does Absco, though neither in a manner anticipated. Eve tells us a bit about the sex lives of folks in her realm and asks us many times to leave.
"Crossing the Chasm" and "Magic Forest" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
Due to some scheduling conflicts we have a special 1-shot game today! We’re playing Honey Heist by Grant Howitt! We’re bears in SPAAAAAAACE! So tune in and listen as our very own Steph, NOT your medical mystic, steps in to GM Miyu, Kenny, and Kelrick through this hilarious heist.
"Cheery Monday", "Danger Storm", "Digya" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Thu, 18 Apr 2019 00:36:32 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
Our adventurers are down 2 party members, we're leaving a city (but not exiled from a planet), and potentially facing a land filled with hungry, red, dragons. I hope we have our weapons loaded and our wits sharp enough to deal with a queen who has already tried to kill us once.
"Corruption", "Dark Fog", "March of the Spoons", "Thief in the Night" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
It feels like forever since we played our adventure! Absolutely LOVED playing the Skitter Shot AP but glad to get back to find what we need to destroy 18! So meanwhile back at the crypt....
"I Can Feel It Coming" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Wed, 03 Apr 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello! Welcome to part two of our crossover show with Roll To Fail! Thanks to Callie for GMing us through this amazing one shot from the 2018 FreeRPG day from Paizo. I cannot express how much fun we had and we hope you like our flavor of Skittermander-y hijinks!
This is our last throwback to having the talented Brit (@AtomicFirebird) on the cast and it is an amazing final act.
Cover art by our own Steph/@LunaStarwind!
Hope you love it as much as we do!
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
"Lobby Time" "Malicious" "Laserpack""Laserpack"by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Wed, 27 Mar 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Hello! Welcome to our crossover show with Roll To Fail! Thanks to Callie for GMing us through this amazing one shot from the 2018 FreeRPG day give from Paizo. We had a blast and we hope you like our flavor of Skittermander-y hijinks!
Cover art by our own Steph/@LunaStarwind! Hope you love it as much as we do!
"Laserpack" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Thu, 21 Mar 2019 02:20:57 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
We're fighting in a Crypt! These Zealots and Zombies are going to regret... wait, this is us - who knows what will happen? There might be some awesome quips and butt kicking. There also might be a lot of critical fails. It is definitely fun though.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Music from https://filmmusic.io:
"Malicious" & "Pop Goes the Weasel" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Thu, 14 Mar 2019 04:36:06 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
We start of this episode with a sad surprise, but the crew (and the cast) picks themselves back up and moves forward. We move forward to a mountain that makes Eos the happiest Vlaka we know and Absco the least happy anyone we know. We do reach out destination and get yet another Miyu surprise.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Music from https://filmmusic.io:
"Outfoxing the Fox" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Thu, 07 Mar 2019 04:31:43 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
We pick up where we left off - with Angus flying through a window at a Dragon kin and their rider, just another day in the life of this crew.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Music from https://filmmusic.io:
"Outfoxing the Fox" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Wed, 27 Feb 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
Our time on Triaxus proves to be exciting as we learn how to camp! (No Glamping this night!) We drive a thing! We make new acquaintances and travel through snow drifts! We are vastly unprepared....
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Music from https://filmmusic.io:
"Myst on the Moor" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Wed, 20 Feb 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This week on EQP the crew escapes from the Hellknights as we head to Triaxus. We meet some of the friendly, and not so friendly inhabitants on our path to find Eve.
Using Stars Without Number https://bit.ly/2GcFLwD from Sine Nomine Publishing.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com "Twisting " Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
AMA 1: EQPoints Behind the Pink
Wed, 13 Feb 2019 10:00:00 GMT
It was the perfect storm where recording the next episode of your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast was not possible. This was a great opportunity for some of us to get together and talk about all things ExQueerience Points. We invite you to listen to our first ever AMA session. Thank you for being listeners! We anticipate being back to our regular programming next week. <3
Wed, 06 Feb 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This week on EQP the crew continues their fight the Hellknights and... we try out a new form of ship combat. Using Stars Without Number https://bit.ly/2GcFLwD from Sine Nomine Publishing.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Episode 36 BEtween Adventurers and Hell
Wed, 30 Jan 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This week on EQP the crew continues their fight the Hellknights and... well that would be telling.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Episode 35 The Timeless Battle
Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This week on EQP the crew is back in Timeless and we fight! We we learn a bit more about Eos's world view and abilities.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Episode 34: Adventure Hookers Bogus Journey
Wed, 16 Jan 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast!
This week on EQP we find our crew being transported all through time in the record banks of Timeless. We we learn about Eve and 18 and realize things are even bigger than we already thought they were. We there are some big decisions to make after this, so buckle up and let’s get to the history lesson!
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Wed, 09 Jan 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast! This episode we've moves some announcements to the end of the podcast and we have a promo for a fantastic Australian podcast called Kids on Bikes!
This episode of ExQueerience Points Starfinder we explore Timeless and the meaning of faith.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
EQP SF EP 32 BraBlade An Origin Story
Wed, 02 Jan 2019 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints Starfinder your favorite all queer cast Starfinder podcast! This episode has a bit of a long intro - we're sorry for that, but so many exciting things to announce! That said, you are here for ExQueerience Points Starfinder and this episode is all about preparation to enter the city of Timeless, some awkward interactions with Brah, and there comes an unpleasant surprise.
Episode 31 A penny for your faith
Wed, 26 Dec 2018 11:00:00 GMT
This episode of ExQueerience Points we snark our way through a call with Solomon/18. We participate in a service of Abadar thanks to Absco & we get a warning about our intended next steps!
Wed, 19 Dec 2018 11:00:00 GMT
This episode of ExQueerience Points we meet the priest of the temple of the first ones, and have a history lesson from Eos, Mordax and Angus talk it out, AND Absco learns about feelings.
Episode 29 Tale of a Jail Mouse
Wed, 12 Dec 2018 09:49:46 GMT
This episode of ExQueerience Points we get hardened by out time in Burning Archipelago. There are breakdowns, there are prison fights, there are lawyers, and more! @MiyuPlaysGames even lets us see behind the GM screen a little and tells us about a plan of theirs that was changed because of our character actions.
Episode 28 What Happened To The Plan?
Wed, 05 Dec 2018 11:00:00 GMT
This episode of ExQueerience Points We try to deal with the extremists and learn that sticking to a plan is a MUCH better idea than what we usually do. Mordax stretches her skills, Eos depends on her sense of smell, Absco thinks you can still bar doors in space, and Angus tries to be intimidating and reminds the group that space consent is necessary.
Wed, 28 Nov 2018 11:00:00 GMT
This episode of ExQueerience Points We deal with the aftermath of our last episode. If you haven’t listened, go listen to it first then come back! There is a content warning because we know we’re dealing with a topic that can be difficult for some folks and we want to be respectful of that. We pick up realizing that George is buried in rubble and not looking well. The crew jumps into action to try and save him, we get some direction, and then we forget all of our plans as we dive headlong into something over our heads… sound familiar? Maybe we’ll learn a better way in time. This episode comes with a content warning potential spoilers. ************* ************ Please be warned there is the aftermath of a bombing sequence that may be disturbing, listen at your discretion.
Mon, 26 Nov 2018 11:00:00 GMT
Character intro for our latest Vlaka character!
Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:00:00 GMT
This episode of ExQueerience Points our tribe heads off to the Burning Archipelago. We finish up some business, Eos gets to know her new crew mates better, and then Miyu throws us the biggest curve ball we’ve ever gotten. This episode comes with a content warning potential spoilers. ************* ************ Please be warned there is a bombing sequence that may be disturbing, listen at your discretion.
Wed, 14 Nov 2018 11:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints your favorite all queer cast podcast! We are very excited to announce that we once again have a full cast! We invited Steph, Eos, @LunaStarwind to join us and she agreed! Angus is very excited to have a Mystic in the crew again, because he seems to attract a lot of attacks. This episode of ExQueerience Points the crew settles into the Absolom Space Ship Roseate… or pink ASS. We learn that we need to fly into the sun to get more information on 18, and everyone get acquainted with their new jobs, and we do a team building exercise to learn what capabilities we all have while trying to learn how to fight together.
Fri, 09 Nov 2018 21:23:54 GMT
Angus's first person log as Captain of the ... new ship. His thoughts on what's been going on to date and some of what he hopes for the future.
Wed, 07 Nov 2018 11:00:00 GMT
Our episode opens with everyone wondering what the hell is going on with George and this white room. From there we explore the big issues of where the heck is Brah, where are we, and contemplate if size matters.
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Our episode picks up just after Angus, Absco, and Mordax were gassed to sleep and Silverblade was knocked out with an EMP. Let's see what happens with this Halloween themed episode! We promise there is a trick or treat at the end.
Wed, 24 Oct 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Hello! In this episode our, all queer, cast finds itself expanding by 1! We asked, and they said YES! @AtomicFirebird has agree to sign on as a full cast member! We're thrilled! This episode finds Angus and Absco figuring out what to do about the lost letter, and Mordax and Silverblade in the arena!
Wed, 17 Oct 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints podcast - an all queer cast playing a homebrew Starfinder campaign. This week we have the pleasure of welcoming a new character! Our guest for this week (Brit (twitter user @AtomicFirebird) plays an Ysoki named Mordax and their best friend/Drone Silverblade!
Character intro: Mordax & Silverblade!
Mon, 15 Oct 2018 19:02:07 GMT
As a teaser for what ExQueeriencePoints has to come, the team thought we'd introduce our characters. This is @AtomicFirebird introducing their Ysoki Mechanic and their best friend/drone - Mordax & Silverblade!
Wed, 10 Oct 2018 10:00:00 GMT
In this episode of ExQueerience Points we try to figur eout how to get off the moon we are stranded on, and we get to know "Brah" better. Sadly this is the final episode with our amazing cast members Taylor and Megan, they've had to step away.
Episode 19 Foreign Contaminant
Wed, 03 Oct 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to Episode 19! In this episode our queer incompetents... um... cast deal with the consequence of their bad decisions on Verces.
Episode 18 New Comms Who 'Dis?
Wed, 26 Sep 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to ExQueerience Points episode 18: New Comms Who 'Dis? Our crew makes some… interesting choices. We meet Absco’s mom while they turn in their coupon. We go clubbing, drink A LOT, and then romantic mayhem. We continue our pattern of making absurd decisions that push @MiyuPlaysGames to pull ideas out of butt.
Wed, 19 Sep 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Hello and welcome back to ExQueerience Points! This week the crew travels to Verces, levels up, and gets to know Absco just a BIT better!
Wed, 12 Sep 2018 10:00:00 GMT
In this installment of our queer space adventures we meet a new protagonist, and contemplate suing a game show! Angus might see traps everywhere, and everyone might just be done with Eox.
Wed, 05 Sep 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueerience Points! Previously we have made it through 2 out of 4 Eoxian game show challenges. Will we survive after what that trap room did to us?
Episode 14 The Adventure Hookers!
Wed, 29 Aug 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Hello! In this episode we get to continue our Eoxian journey into the dangerous world of Eoxian Game Shows! Miyu left us on a cliffhanger last week - and let me tell you, it doesn't get any better for us. So buckle up and find out if everyone survives this episode!
Episode 13 Big Trouble in Little Eox
Wed, 22 Aug 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Hello! Welcome to the episode where we get to explore Eox..., the food, the people... the Adventure Hook. Oh yeah - it's on. (And Phaedra gets cocky.)
Episode 12 Bitch Don't Lie to Me!
Wed, 15 Aug 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueerience Points! This is part 2 of our special episode with a guest appearance by @writejessr, Dm for the podcast Bitches and Liches! We also get to hear a cinematic description of Angus's Supernova thanks to listener WookieGunner in this episode! Last epsidoe our guest Citsa helped us with a space battle, this time we get a little more 1-on-1 time with Citsa and the crew.
Wed, 08 Aug 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueerience Points! This is a VERY special episode for us, as it is our first show with a guest appearance! Thank you so much to twitter user (and friend) @writejessr, Dm for the podcast Bitches and Liches for joining us!
Episode 10 We Like Them Big & Stupid
Wed, 01 Aug 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints! In our last episode we finally met Solomon... who is sending us to Eox for The Adventure Hook! Now we prepare... and meet the best NPC ever!
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints! Last time the crew of the Zephry did some questionable things to/with an Ysoki. We are also moving ever closer to attaining that elusive drift drive!
Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints! Last time we had our first space battle, this episode picks up with us teaching a life lesson, and a surprising turn of events.
Wed, 11 Jul 2018 08:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints your all queer cast Starfinder podcast. In this episode we have our first space battle!
Wed, 04 Jul 2018 08:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints your all queer cast Starfinder podcast. We announce the winners of our Zuzuartii sketch give away! In this episode we meet up with the most INTERESTING Ysoki. Dr. Lasenva and Angus get into a flirt off, Absco attempts to intimidate, and Captain Kira set the tone.
Episode 5 How to Win Friends & Animate Corpses
Wed, 27 Jun 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints your all queer cast Starfinder podcast. In this episode the group moves from forming to storming in our interpersonal interactions. A corpse is chatty and goes for a walk, and the group works toward finding common ground. (559581)
Episode 4 Nuar Charge More For That
Wed, 20 Jun 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome back to ExQueeriencePoints! Last time we kicked some Goblin butt, and found Gideon! We are set to ruin his day, unless we all keep rolling "1"'s.
Wed, 13 Jun 2018 10:00:00 GMT
ExQueeriencePoints an all queer cast of gaymers who want to get together and be our nerdy selves, and share that with you. This, our third episode, takes us back into our search for Gideon. We also have an announcement: We’re on iTunes! Please take a moment to rate us! http://bit.ly/EQPoints Follow us on Twitter @EQPoints & retweet our tweet announcing our giveaway for a chance to get an amazing, custom, full body sketch from http://bit.ly/ZuZuartii , like your favorite ExQueeriencePoints players have! 3 winners will be picked 7/3/18, from those who have followed us and retweeted https://twitter.com/EQPoints/status/1004949743494053890
Episode 2 Nobody Sees the Naked Verthani
Wed, 06 Jun 2018 10:00:00 GMT
ExQueeriencePoints an all queer cast of gaymers who want to get together and be our nerdy selves, and share that with you. This, our second episode, takes us back into the fight. Hope none of us die! We had some technical difficulties but I think we have them ironed out for next time.
Character Intro: Dr. Phaedra Lasenva
Fri, 01 Jun 2018 13:22:13 GMT
Another teaser for what ExQueeriencePoints has coming Friday, June 1st 2018. This is Taylor, @MilkyGaymes on Twitter, introducing her Nuar Soldier - Dr. Phaedra Lasenva!
Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:00:00 GMT
Welcome to the ExQueeriencePoints Podcast. We are an all queer cast, and I’m the originator and producer, Kelrick. The cast consists of queer gaymers with over 3 decades of combined gaming experience… not that we always act like it. I’m very excited to share with you our inaugural Campaign. We will be playing Starfinder, a game produced by Paizo. We are fortunate enough to have a professional Game Master, Miyu, who created a homebrew campaign for our initial outing and we’re very excited about it!
Fri, 01 Jun 2018 03:51:38 GMT
Another teaser for what ExQueeriencePoints has coming Friday, June 1st 2018. This is Megan, @DungeonsandMeg on Twitter, introducing her Lashunta Mystic - Kira Camoran!
Character intro: Angus McBrahman
Thu, 31 May 2018 18:30:13 GMT
Another teaser for what ExQueeriencePoints has coming Friday, June 1st 2018. This is Kelrick, @EQPoints on Twitter, introducing his Nuar Solarian - Angus McBrahman!
Thu, 31 May 2018 00:33:46 GMT
As a teaser for what ExQueeriencePoints has to come, the team thought we'd introduce our characters. This is @PunderDrone introducing his Verthani Operative - Absco Cache!