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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn


Highly edited actual-play episodic drama told through the medium of Tabletop RPG D&D 5thEd in a homebrew world

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Not dead – Just sleeping

Wed, 24 Jul 2019 18:41:35 +0000

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The early-mid-year hiatus

Mon, 13 May 2019 19:03:53 +0000

Unfortunately, health has taken its toll on productivity this year. I could potentially keep pushing to try and get episodes edited in time for release, but truthfully, I don't think I can manage it right now. For those of you enjoying and looking forward to the latest updates on Myx, Scraw, Mhurren, Tobe, Erbak and The Doomsingers adventures, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. We're aiming to be back in July, to give me enough time to get back on my feet. Much love to all of you

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Nine

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:41:34 +0000

You might notice this episode is a touch different in that it's a little unfinished (In terms of intro/outro). Torn between releasing today or in a few days when my voice maybe comes back, I decided I'd release today instead. I'll update it when I can, but I'm sure you won't REALLY mind too much, right? Sorry for those of you who enjoy the intro babble. I just SUPER don't have it in me and I'd rather you got the episode at all! What's New? Voices at play launched! It's available on every major platform AND WE'RE DOING A GIVEAWAY UNTIL THE END OF APRIL! Draw will take place on Wednesday and our 5 winners will be contacted directly! Check out and this is very exciting. You should be excited. We're almost at a thousand downloads in our first month, so if you haven't picked it up yet, please do! Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try  

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Eight: The more you know

Sun, 14 Apr 2019 09:30:48 +0000

Thanks to everyone who has so far checked out Voices at play, the actual play podcast i'm currently co-ordinating for the project by the same name. If you haven't given it a listen yet, please do! It's available on every major platform. What's New? Voices at play launched! It's available on every major platform AND WE'RE DOING A GIVEAWAY UNTIL THE END OF APRIL! Check out and this is very exciting. You should be excited. Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting Queer Dungeoneers! You can find them here and on Twitter @QueerDungeons

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Seven : Movement in dark places

Sun, 31 Mar 2019 09:30:50 +0000

Identity...We put so much value in the individual but what does it mean simply, to be? What's New? Voices at play launches TOMORROW! Check out and this is very exciting. You should be excited. Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting Merely Roleplayers! You can find them here  and on Twitter @merelyroleplay

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Six : The depths of Baldur’s Gate

Sun, 17 Mar 2019 13:39:49 +0000

Understand, that as hard as we tried to be heroes. Sometimes...we were just people. Afraid. And in the dark. What's New? Voices at play launches April 1st! An actual play podcast featuring a broad variety of people from marginalised communities, supporting and playing the games of marginalised creators! We'll be featuring monthly game roundtable style reviews from both a GM and player perspective! Check out and and our Patreon, where you can support the project Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting Merely Roleplay! You can find them here  and on Twitter @planeshiftcast

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Five: One step closer

Sun, 03 Mar 2019 10:30:04 +0000

At last, a target to pursue, something, someone, to lead to truth And the further we followed this winding trail The closer we were, to the fate of Chrayl What's New? Voices at the Table launches April 1st! An actual play podcast featuring a broad variety of people from marginalised communities, supporting and playing the games of marginalised creators! We'll be featuring monthly game roundtable style reviews from both a GM and player perspective! Check out and and our Patreon, where you can now see the first preview of what's to come; Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting Love and Luck podcast! You can find them here and on Twitter @LoveLuckPodcast

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Four: Lessons Hard Learned

Sun, 17 Feb 2019 10:30:51 +0000

It can be hard to make amends Hidden pasts can break your friends What do we need to take the next step? Can you admit when you were wrong, Or is silence the tune of remorseful song? What's New? Voices at the Table! An actual play podcast (in the making) featuring a broad variety of people from marginalised communities, supporting and playing the games of marginalised creators! We'll be featuring monthly game roundtable style reviews from both a GM and player perspective and I can't wait to share more with you! Check out and and our Patreon; Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting The Talent Agency a queer centric, cyberpunk podcast! You can find them here and on Twitter @PhantomArtsEnt

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Three: The turning tide

Sun, 03 Feb 2019 09:30:36 +0000

Each passing moment brought us closer, step by step, to truth Tired of waiting and driven to act; The truth, becomes a noose Important correction: In the audio I say the next episode releases Feb 20th! This is not correct, it'll be releasing Feb 17th. What's New? Voices at the Table! An actual play podcast (in the making) featuring a broad variety of people from marginalised communities, supporting and playing the games of marginalised creators! We'll be featuring monthly game roundtable style reviews from both a GM and player perspective and I can't wait to share more with you! Check out and Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting DnDRaW You can find them on Twitter @rulesaswritten

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Welcome to 2019

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 15:35:57 +0000

Updates on the future of the show and the release of the next episode

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-Two : The bouncer hunt

Sun, 02 Dec 2018 12:43:36 +0000

Thankyou all for making it out tonight. You know, I find myself feeling thankful. The middle of a howling blizzard and yet you're all here; waiting to hear our tale. True, I am one of the finest performers this side of Waterdeep and yes, this spit of a town has nothing else for entertainment but the fact is; you're here. And I value that. Truly. I am honoured, to be your host. To regale you with fascinating and completely true accounts of the Scales of justice it...well...let's just get on with things shall we? Now where was I? Ah...yes... Official artwork released! Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting Tabletop Potluck You can find them on Twitter @TabletopPotluck

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Season Two: Episode Twenty-One : Boats and bother

Sun, 25 Nov 2018 09:30:37 +0000

From the outside, looking in, it's easy knowing where to begin. It's easy to see what should have been done Easy predicting every outcome But adventurers are headless birds chasing fate and trading words, Hoping for a chance to find an answer a friendship some peace of mind Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from our friends over at Rules as Written Find them on twitter at @RulesAsWritten

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Season Two: Episode Twenty: Truth and Heartbreak

Sun, 18 Nov 2018 09:30:01 +0000

We're officially at 40 campaign episodes! Thanks for sticking with us. The guest greeting continues this week with a voice you should all be familiar with Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It’s a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. You can find our Discord, as discussed, Right here; Not sure what Discord is? You can download it on Android And the apple store For any other platform, check out It's free! Easy to use and a great way for you to connect with; well, Us! Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you’d prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from The Mortal Path You can, of course, also find them on twitter @TheMortalPath

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Season Two: Episode Nineteen: Now, we wait and watch

Sun, 11 Nov 2018 09:30:58 +0000

Hello there! Welcome. Can I take your coats? You're surprised to see me here, yes, no, it really is me. Rest assured, the show is proceeding as normal, it's just...we've got some special guests.... Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo for the fantastic Midnight Kingdoms, I can't recommend their brand of storytelling enough. Much like our show, their show has some rough early audio but things improve with time and the story is well worth the effort, so send them some love and lend them your ears. You can find them on twitter @MdnghtKngdm Find out more about their show on their website;

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Season Two: Episode Eighteen: A Fey day gone sour

Sun, 04 Nov 2018 09:30:42 +0000

Fey day, in its own way, is a time for celebration. It has its traditions, little quirks, a feywild congregation. But traditions as with all things, have to start some place; a child's rhyme, lost to time, leaving not a trace. The fey, I fear, are simple things just like a worm in Mud; the origins of all Fey Days begin and end with blood. Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, we're promoting Tabletop Potluck You can find them on Twitter @TabletopPotluck

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Season Two: Episode Seventeen: Revelations

Sun, 28 Oct 2018 07:30:51 +0000

Before tonight's performance, please allow me to extend our deepest thanks to patron of the arts; Andrew Coleman. Your support will help us to keep the fire burning through this long harsh winter and we need all the help we can get! Tonight, we reflect upon things that were said, things that were not said and perhaps, some assumptions that were made. They say that when you make an assumption, you make an ass of you and mption. Yes, I'm not really sure of the meaning behind that one is either. Though, if we apply this statement to the actions of the Scales of justice; It's quite possible that Baldur's Gate was turned into one gigantic ass. Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from The End of time and Other Bothers   Find them on twitter at @OtherBothers

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Season Two: Episode Sixteen : The new arrival

Sun, 21 Oct 2018 09:30:33 +0000

With each passing day, our company grew stranger To my dismay, our lives filled with danger Each turn in the street, another plot twist Each person we meet, another near miss Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Whilst you're here, why not leave us a review on Podchaser? If you're looking for us at MCM you need to be looking for mention our show/that you listen and we'll have some free Halloween goodies for you! Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from our friend, Jeff over at Party of one! Find them on twitter at @PartyOfOnePod Check out and follow our curated list of RPG podcasts on Podchaser!

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Season Two: Episode Fifteen : This is why you don't split the party

Sun, 14 Oct 2018 20:42:24 +0000

Erbak couldn't make it for this episode and I forgot that so his intro is in there anyway but he's not in the episode AHHH already late! Oh well; Enjoy the show! I'm late! I'm late! But it's here now and that's what counts, right? Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Contest Hashtag is #DarkDragonsInn Whilst you're here, why not leave us a review on Podchaser? Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from our friends over at The redacted files! Find them on twitter at @TRFPodcast Check out and follow our curated list of RPG podcasts on Podchaser!

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Season Two: Episode Fourteen : Justice Divided

Sun, 07 Oct 2018 09:30:02 +0000

I could tell you in depth what happened next but to do so would be a task As though the house seemed plain, Behind each door closed each room was gone and changed forever more. We spent what seemed like hours Opening doors and checking traps But there we were in a wizards home Stuck with a demon, acting like a cat We went in circles, round and round It seemed a never ending maze But then an exit, we finally found Then after that, all was changed Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Contest Hashtag is #DarkDragonsInn Whilst you're here, why not leave us a review on Podchaser? Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from our friends over at   Find them on twitter at @SkyrendPodcast Check out and follow our curated list of RPG podcasts on Podchaser!

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Season Two: Episode Thirteen: A great big giant kinda problem

Sun, 30 Sep 2018 09:30:07 +0000

Welcome listeners! One and all I greet you here in our humble home To tell the tale of Justice's fall A tale, I regret, is all my own. I wish tonight, I could simply sing, perform or play To treat you dearly will have to wait, another day for tonight, our tale takes darker turns as the scales of justice future burns A monstrous creature, without sight is how we start our tale this night Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from our friends over at Rules as Written Find them on twitter at @RulesAsWritten

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Season Two: Episode Twelve: Uninvited Guests

Sun, 23 Sep 2018 09:30:36 +0000

So there we were at the whims of a child, seeking secrets of wizards all the while, the clock moved onwards and with each passing day, our mission of truth slipped further away Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from The End of time and Other Bothers   Find them on twitter at @OtherBothers

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Season Two: Episode Eleven: Timing is everything

Sun, 16 Sep 2018 09:30:04 +0000

I once spoke with a rogue who said timing was key when you take things of value as though they were free That advice, i'm afraid, came two years too late As Tobe screwed up, serving us on a plate Missing cat alert! Help us to help Yubi find Ghost! Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from The Mortal Path. Find them on twitter at  

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Season Two: Episode 10: The depth of intrigue

Sun, 09 Sep 2018 09:30:32 +0000

After their first night in the big city of Baldur's Gate comes to an unfortunate end, our heroes take their respite where they can find it and begin their investigations after the dawn of a new day Thanks for waiting so patiently! We're back from hiatus and have lots of great content coming your way. Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo for Midnight Kingdoms, an upcoming Actual play podcast, launching September 17th, run by friends and longtime supporters of the show; You can find them on twitter here; Find out more about their show on their website;

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Season Two: Coming soon

Sun, 02 Sep 2018 11:27:29 +0000

A quick sneak preview of things to come. Patrons at the $5 and above tier get complete access to the next Five episodes today! Otherwise, our next episode releases September 9th. Looking forward to sharing with you travellers! Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine (We have an instagram now too!). Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try

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Season Two: Episode Nine: Wrong place, Wrong time

Sun, 05 Aug 2018 09:30:47 +0000

Pride, they say, comes before a fall and those who have the most to lose are oft the most prideful of all So too it was true for our heroes brave Who having survived dragons and caves Thought themselves free of dangerous foe So what came next, was a mighty blow. Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from Love & Luck Podcast You can find them on twitter here; Find out more about their show on their website;

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Season Two: Episode Eight: As the daylight dies

Sun, 29 Jul 2018 09:30:31 +0000

There are times in life when even heroes fall short Times where men, can not be bought Where words needing heard have not been spoken and misunderstandings risk promises broken This week's episode features a promo from our friends at the Party of One podcast You can find them on twitter here; Important news update after the cut! As you'll hear in today's episode release, after episode 9 (August 5th release), our show will enter Hiatus for the month of August. There are a lot of reasons, The main two are as below; Primary reason! My youngest sister, through circumstances which were beyond her control, became pregnant and despite the conditions, has carried the pregnancy full term! I'm proud of the person she has grown to be through the years but for all intents and purposes, she's going to need some direct support once she gives birth (as of Monday, she's two weeks overdue so things are getting stressful!). For this, I'll be dropping everything and heading over there to move in with my family for at least a few days, likely a week. This means completely dropping access to my editing equipment during that time. Second reason! And the biggest factor, a few months back, I got sick. REALLY sick. I couldn't edit for weeks and could barely record (if you listen to the early episodes of season two and listen closely, you can tell but I edited as carefully as I could to minimise the impact). This has resulted in me being in a position where I am constantly racing just one step ahead of our release every week. Whilst this is still manageable, it is putting an immense amount of stress on me as a person and is dramatically impacting my ability to do a quality job without losing sleep. At present, I'm just sacrificing sleep. Obviously, this isn't something that can continue long term and so, action must be taken! So, what does the hiatus mean for you as listeners? Other than social media interaction (and we encourage you to stay in touch on twitter or via Discord!), the hiatus for us will be a lot of radio silence. But rest assured, this time will be used intensively. Primarily producing backlog of edited content ready for release. Please know that this is the absolute furthest thing from what I want to do, but the reality is, it's what's needed and I know that our show will come back the stronger for it. Thank you so much, as ever, for your love, understanding and support. Our community has been nothing short of amazing with the issues we've had. So remember, in this realm or the next, The Scales of justice are here for you. Always.

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Season Two: Episode Seven: Risky whispers

Sun, 22 Jul 2018 09:30:38 +0000

When communication breaks down; the results can be disastrous Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from The Prestige Podcast You can find them on twitter here Find out more about their show on their website;

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Sidequests: The spaces between us

Sat, 21 Jul 2018 14:23:49 +0000

Bonus episode! We're playing a game called Interstitial: Our hearts intertwined. A game designed thematically/conceptually around Kingdom Hearts and we took it to the world of Final Fantasy VIII! So, forewarning; There are spoilers for FFVIII in this episode! But nothing of any real significance, as far as I'm aware? And there are no Kingdom Hearts spoilers of any kind. The Game: Funding: Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn is funded by Patreon You can also find Riley, the creator of Interstitial as part of Alien Happy Hour and the shows they do on Patreon; And you can find the Kickstarter for this game at Social Media Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn podcast: Riley Hopkins (Creator) Twitter:

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Sidequests: The children of Fairton Feat. Fandible (Part 2)

Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:30:04 +0000

The small town of Fairton is home to a school, a mine, an abandoned Mall project and a small selection of teens who are a little more than ordinary. But now they're going missing...or worse? Turning up dead. Join me as I lead the cast of Fandible through a game of Unmasked, by Monte Cook Games in a one shot of my own design. A finely tuned blend of Horror, super/anti hero antics and the eighties. The Ennies: Fandible are nominated for Best Podcast! Open up the category and give them your top value vote! (1) The Game: Funding: Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn is funded by Patreon You can also find Fandible and the shows they do on Patreon Podcasts: Social Media Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn podcast: Fandible podcast: The SoloShot: @soloshotpodcast Angela: @Angelacraft playing Jessie Cole. Jesus: @Arvandus playing Jason Alvarez. Dave: @Distractionista playing Dennis Caldwell. Dan: @Katsushiro playing Fred Pakowlski.

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Season Two: Episode Six: Curious Encounters

Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:30:30 +0000

Our heroes travel across the city of Baldur's Gate, doing their best to tell friend from foe, but with everything that's happened, can they truly see the wood for the trees? Updates! We've been so busy! At present, twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday, we release a patron only post containing letters and journal entries from various supporting cast members. Want to know what happened to the Doomsinger between the moment he stayed behind in Greenest to the moment they found him? We got you covered. Want details on the real reasons the cultists left in such a rush? Or perhaps why the Scales of Justice set off on their journey in the first place? We. Got. You. On top of that, we're now releasing every episode a week early via our patreon at the $5 and above tiers, this includes the two part guest episodes which we continue to record with new guests most weeks! Speaking of other podcasts though; this week we bumped into members of Encounter Roleplay and TheMortalPath whilst at a local store we were attending to meet with Ruty Rutenberg and Satine Phoenix of Maze Arcana during their european tour. Hopefully we'll have some exciting news for you in the future and we look forward to collabing with TMP in future too! Screaming into the void Check out our Linktree! It's a nice simple way to find us on just about any social media platform you can imagine. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, try The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from Chaotic Goodness Find them on twitter at You can find our friends in the photo above at; The Mortal Path Chris Bisette Satine Phoenix Ruty Rutenberg Both of whom you can find on Maze Arcana

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Season Two: Episode Five: A city of strangers

Sun, 08 Jul 2018 09:30:20 +0000

As the dust settles in The Wide, our heroes have barely a moment to absorb what they have done before they are set upon by a series of strangers looking to aid them. Funding at the Inn Without your support, our show is a lot more limited on the services we can provide. Drop us a tip and for as little as $1 a month, you gain access to a variety of rewards Special guests at the Inn Our thanks to Sarah Milman, Raan Calfo, Matthew Nutt, Steven Dennis and Taeshul for being our first five patrons. We are forever indebted to you for your show of support and faith in what we're doing. The mysterious echo This week, our show features a promo from The Aero-Girl adventures Find them on twitter at

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Sidequests: The children of Fairton Feat. Fandible (Part 1)

Wed, 04 Jul 2018 09:30:02 +0000

The small town of Fairton is home to a school, a mine, an abandoned Mall project and honestly? Not much else. Except, of course; for all the danger. Join me as I lead the cast of Fandible through a game of Unmasked, by Monte Cook Games in a one shot of my own design. A finely tuned blend of Horror, super/anti hero antics and the eighties. The Game: Funding: Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn is funded by Patreon You can also find Fandible and the shows they do on Patreon Podcasts: Social Media Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn podcast: Fandible podcast: The SoloShot: @soloshotpodcast Angela: @Angelacraft playing Jessie Cole. Jesus: @Arvandus playing Jason Alvarez. Dave: @Distractionista playing Dennis Caldwell. Dan: @Katsushiro playing Fred Pakowlski.

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Season Two: Episode Four: Twisting fate

Sun, 01 Jul 2018 09:30:23 +0000

A doppelganger? A hidden past? What does the flyer mean? How did anyone know our heroes would be in town? Baldur's Gate is filled with questions and only offering more mysteries at every turn Episode Five will be released for our Patrons at the $5 and above tiers, tomorrow, Monday, July 1st on We also have one slot left in our one shot game for our first 5 patrons, every tier is eligible so whether you're pledging $100 or $1, you can join us in a one off private game. July 4th will see the first official release of our side quests guest episodes, first featuring The Fandible crew! You can find us on twitter at and our website at Don't forget to check out PlaneShift  

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Season Two: Episode Three: An urgent missive

Sun, 24 Jun 2018 09:30:29 +0000

A full transcript of this episode can be found here;   Last week, our heroes got more excitement than they anticipated when they met Frume, as the revelry continues, an urgent request, sets our crew on the next leg of their journey. As of Tuesday, many of our episodes were updated with URLs to released transcripts! We're aiming to release more (including the latest episode) every week on Tuesday with the #TranscriptTuesdays tag on social media so stay posted! Eager to find out what happens next and don't want to wait a week? By supporting us on Patreon at the $5+ tier, you don't have to! Episode Four will release Monday 25th, for Patreon backers only. Check out this reward and more on You can find us on twitter at and our website at   Don't forget to check out Merely Roleplayers. You can find their show here; On

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Season Two: Episode Two: The Party Paladin

Sun, 17 Jun 2018 09:30:43 +0000

Full transcripts of this episode can be found here; Having learned that Frume is not a place, but a man, our heroes venture forth to meet this mystery figure and come up against something entirely unexpected. Apologies for those of you waiting on Transcript release, we've had some delays that we're hoping to address very soon. Once i've reviewed them, the transcripts of the season thus far will be released also. In the meantime, if you'd like to help sustain us in producing these, head over to our Patreon on This week, i'd like to draw your attention to  who share our passion and commitment to making podcasts inclusive as well as our friends over at TableTop Potluck You can find their show here;

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Season Two – Episode One : A Dire Journey

Sun, 10 Jun 2018 09:30:07 +0000

Full transcripts of this episode can now be found here;   The roads from Greenest to Elturel are long and winding and the cult of the dragon already have a head start. The Scales of Justice have set off on their journey, having been promised safe passage in exchange for the horses purchased for them. Will they arrive unscathed? Season Two is finally under way! Those of you who have been paying attention will notice we're a little late in releasing but rest assured, you can expect your regular Sunday release from 10:30am BST each week from now on. Let us know what you think of the new intro and outro tracks! They were Written, Composed and recorded by Simon Pho exclusively for Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn and we're thrilled to have them. Our transcribers are hard at work and we aim to release the transcription for this episode, later this week. These are paid for in part through the support of our backers on Patreon at where we offer a variety of reward tiers. If none of the rewards interest you but you'd like to support the show, you can still sign up at any tier you like and simply opt not to receive the rewards. This week, we share a trailer from our friend Jeff's show; Party of one Podcast, which you can learn more about  at where the gaming table is always set for two.

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Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn – Season 2 Trailer

Sat, 09 Jun 2018 23:56:48 +0000

Husky narrator: Cities are hard. They're tangled webs of shadows with someone waiting to stab you in the back on every corner. Baldur's Gate? Ain't no different. If anything, it's worse. There's murder in the air and a name on everyone's tongue that no one dares to speak. The scales of Justice are new in town, hot on the tail of an evil cult. But they're going to make 'em talk. Host: Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn is a serialised fiction podcast. Join us for Season Two on

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Season 1 Recap

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:06:32 +0000

A full transcript of this episode can be found here;   Season Two of Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn is almost here! There will be those amongst you who want to jump straight in, having never encountered our show before, and we want to help with that! This mini-sode is a story-beat recap for Season 1, episodes 1-20 and should bring you up to speed to jump right in. Tails from The Dark Dragons Inn is a long-form, serialised, high-fantasy, improv fiction podcast driven at its core by tabletop role-play. It tells the tale of a band of heroes called “The Scales of Justice”, seeking to learn more of their world, and themselves as they race to intervene in the plans of the Cult of the Dragon and their cataclysmic ambition. Their journey starts in the small town of Zhenstucka, at the fabled, Dark Dragons Inn and our heroes now find themselves on the road to Elturel. What happened in between? Listen to find out! Season Two Episode One, A Dire Journey airs late Sunday June 10th

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Sidequests: A Tale of Three Princesses - Part 2

Sun, 03 Jun 2018 09:30:36 +0000

A full transcript of this episode can now be found here; Dastardly (they are NOT adorable!) bridge trolls are involved in the disappearance of one of the scales of justice! Our heroes will stop at nothing to rescue their peer and see that justice is served. Join us for the thrilling conclusion! This week marks the beginning of Women in Tabletop Gaming Month and so in addition to airing our first game run by a lady GM, at the end of this episode, we've also interviewed her on what it was like to run her first game and get a small peek behind the curtains. You can find the one shot we used in this episode over on DMsGuild at

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Sidequests: A Tale of Three Princesses – Part 1

Sun, 27 May 2018 09:30:20 +0000

You can find a full transcript of this episode here; The Scales of Justice find themselves in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, and that's just the tip of the iceberg! Someone's missing! And someone's getting married?!?! This is all highly unusualYow wow wow! This past week has been HUGE! With the release of our first season's final episode, we saw a HUGE influx of traffic, downloads hit as much in one week as we saw in all of April and we hit our first target before the end of the season, So here's a picture of Oz wearing a party hat, much to his displeasure and everyone else's amusement.   We also released the transcript of our first episode finally and have hired someone to transcribe the entire first season! In order to endeavour to continue doing so without it being such an extreme personal cost financially, we've started a Patreon. You can send us a couple of $ and help us support members of the community who'd like to follow our story, by pledging to our patreon at and there's a wide variety of reward tiers too!  

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SideQuests: TechNoir Edition

Sun, 20 May 2018 09:30:07 +0000

A full transcript of this episode may be found here; Little is known about planar travel. In the realm which we know; The Scales of justice are a group of hardened warriors, racing to get ahead of a cult of evil dragon worshippers with cataclysmic ambition. But what if, out there, in another realm, on another plane, there exists another reality? One in which The Scales of Justice are simply humans, struggling to survive beneath the surface of a world that was never meant to be survived? The helping hands company welcomes you, to step inside the Dark Dragons Inn and learn for yourself. We're launching a Patreon! After an incredibly successful week of listeners joining our show, we've started a Patreon to raise funds and make our show a little more accessible. If you're a budding GM and you like what we're making, head over to our Patreon page and check out our reward tiers! We've got a new banner for season two and a lot more coming soon!

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What is Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn?

Mon, 01 Jan 2018 09:30:37 +0000

Hello travellers, and welcome to Tails from the dark dragons inn. Our show, is a long form, episodic, high fantasy, improv-fiction, audio drama podcast, driven by the medium of tabletop roleplaying games. But this is not an actual play. Our show is edited to remove almost all elements of actual gameplay, except in rare circumstances, you'll hear no dice rolls, discussions of damage points and absolutely never mechanics or rules. Also no table talk. Our show, is as focused as possible on the interactions between characters and the stories we tell together. If this is the first time you've encountered our show; please enjoy the Season 1 recap episode, specifically made for this purpose and follow on with our adventures in Season 2. If you'd like to enjoy the first season in full, please check out our Youtube playlist where you can find every episode, complete with subtitles/transcripts. Alternatively; You can download all the audio files and transcript PDFs at once and listen to them on any available audio device (after extraction). You can find those here; Fair warning though! The file is almost 3G in size, so it's probably not something you want to download on a restricted bandwidth!

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