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Noobs and Dragons


Join a team of newbies as they journey through a world of imagination with the help of Craig_WK! What weekly adventures wait for them in the magical world of Geisel? Find out as they play Dungeons & Dragons together.

Season one stars Grimlock, Jazze, and Chops, as they explore the region of Narquelion and try to find out the secrets of a strange dream journal they received! Season two stars Matrik, LPJ, and Sphinx as they investigate bizarre disappearances in the city of Rayburn Falls!





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S3 E38: The End

Wed, 11 May 2022 11:00:00 +0000

Nothing in this world lasts forever. Be it life, adventures, stories, or podcasts, everything in this universe will eventually come to an end. Thank you for listening to Noobs and Dragons.

S3 E37: TPK – Total Party Kill

Wed, 04 May 2022 11:00:00 +0000

With the defeat of the Vanguard of Gleh Crin, the Hate's Heart's plans have been foiled. Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin should be celebrating, but one last threat stands before them: Anonrull'Sin. There is no hope left for our heroes, only the Flesh of Infinity.

S3 E36: Behold True Despair

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 11:00:00 +0000

Down in the depths of this horrible dungeon, the group has come face to face with one of the most terrifying aberrations in the universe: a Beholder. As the team begins to battle with the eye ray launching monstrosity within the pit under the well, they're offered power from the Lord of Madness Gleh Crin. Can the team defeat this abomination without any help from The Hate's Heart? What of this other strange voice that whispers to the trio? Is all hope lost...?

S3 E35: Gleh Crin the Hate's Heart

Wed, 20 Apr 2022 11:00:00 +0000

As the group delves deeper into the labyrinth under the well in the blighted land, the trio are tempted by one of the Lords of Madness. Going deeper and deeper, they find Goblinoids who are hallowed out and seem to be afflicted by the same condition that Pierce McGreggor was. What lies deep in this horrible pit, where a dreadful voices whispers dark offers to the team? And is it the lesser of evils that it claims to be?

S3 E34 In The Land of Sin the Eyes Remain Open Singing of a Harvest

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 11:00:00 +0000

Deep within the pit under the well, the group has found a cult of Goblinoids who revere and sing praises to an enormous tendril of flesh that has an eye atop it. The team has no choice but to confront the mutated Bugbears, but when Gardin jumps into combat, what will happen if his cursed sword activates? And what of the terrible voice that echoes within their minds?

S3 E33: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Wed, 06 Apr 2022 11:00:00 +0000

After going down the well at the old Swiftvine Farm, the team has come face to face with an adversary that they left in the past forty years before: the wretched slime monster that transformed into a terrifying wolf like being in the dark. When they had fought the creature before, they were forced to retreat, but now that they're trapped with it, can they emerge victorious?

S3 E32: Time Keeps Marching On

Wed, 30 Mar 2022 15:06:01 +0000

Forty years seem to have passed since Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin visited Shath'Philfgsh, the city in green mist! While Arnold Payne still resides within the remnants of Lavacloud Village, he seems to have lost a bit of his sanity, but begs the trio to resolve the problems that have befallen this cursed land. The group heads to the south, braving the perils that the blight has inflicted upon the region, but what horrid things await them?

S3 E31: Egnaro the Pride of the Flesh of Infinity

Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:00:00 +0000

Having assaulted Agon for being ignored, yet another aspect of the Flesh of Infinity has revealed itself to the group. After revealing the source of Elleinad's wild magic, Egnaro the Pride of the Flesh of Infinity snaps it's fingers, and the team finds themselves with an ostentatious hall. Can the group best the most powerful aspect yet? Can they even strike at Egnaro? What hope does the group have...?

S3 E30: Tuterb the Gluttony of the Flesh of Infinity

Wed, 16 Mar 2022 11:00:00 +0000

The group has arrived at the top of the immense tower, where the screams of Agnys Redforge can be heard. After creeping into the strange shop, the group finds that the once Dwarven weapons that lined the walls of Mythril Menders are now horrid and seem to be of aberrant origin. Found deep within is yet another aspect of the Flesh of Infinity! Can the group save another resident of Lavacloud village? If they can even win, how will they leave Shath'Philfgsh, the terrible city in green mist...?

S3 E29: Wandering the Streets of Shath'Philfgsh

Wed, 09 Mar 2022 12:00:00 +0000

After defeating the Wrath of the Flesh of Infinity, the group finds themselves unsure of where to go next. Curiosity about what resides within the city in green mists is getting the better of them, and as they discuss where to go, a strange being appears before them, and vanishes nearly as fast. Just what is this strange humanoid? What lives within the walls of these strange buildings? Is there a single kind soul anywhere within Shath'Philfgsh?

S3 E28: Ble'Murc the Wrath of the Flesh of Infinity

Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:00:00 +0000

After leaving behind the sepulcher that contains Ilonnac the Teeth of Gnashing Desire, the group has found another aspect of the Flesh of Infinity that's torturing one of the townspeople of Lavacloud village: this time it's Salz Oaktrian. Without conversation, the abomination assaults the team with horrendous power! How can the heroes survive such incredible power? When the chips are down, will Gardin finally drink that “special” potion in his gear...?

S3 E27: A Tethered and Splintered Soul

Wed, 23 Feb 2022 12:00:00 +0000

While the team has their doubts about the integrity of this strange and spectral Half Elf, who's been bound to Ilonnac the Teeth of Gnashing Desire, they quickly find that he has much intelligence in the field of the Far Realm and this horrid city that they find themselves in. An bargain is quickly offered by Glearis Galaxyrender: with the release of his splintered soul, he'll gladly offer any information to assist the group. Will they release the Warlock from the Galaxyrender family? Or is this acuity too good to pass up?

S3 E26: Ra-Siin the Lust of the Flesh of Infinity

Wed, 16 Feb 2022 12:00:00 +0000

The group has been exploring Shath'Philfgsh, the city in green mist, in the hopes of finding more aspects of the Flesh of Infinity after having left behind some apostle to Terror Zimu, the Executioner's Gullet. Within a strange workshop, the team finds a strange but beautiful being who's torturing another friend of the team. Just what kind of powers does this aspect possess?

S3 E25: Epnac the Greed of the Flesh of Infinity

Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:00:00 +0000

With the team now in the city in green mist, and having breathed in the mist to remain in this place, they find themselves in front of golden doors, and hear the cries of someone familiar within. Just what exactly is going on in this terrible place? And why would someone that the group knows be tortured by a horrific monster? Is there more to the citizens of Lavacloud Village than meets the eye?

S3 E24: The Reflection of Lavacloud Village

Wed, 02 Feb 2022 12:00:00 +0000

After using the mirror given to the group by Zaelg the Envy of the Flesh of Infinity on the town of Lavacloud, the team has found themselves within a strange city covered in green mist. Just how long will they be stuck in this insane place? Just what creatures reside in such a place? And if they get out, what will they do next?

S3 E23: Happier Days on the Swiftvine Farm

Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:00:00 +0000

After using the strange hand mirror, the group has found themselves in a version of the Swiftvine farm which doesn't seem blighted and ruined, though a meteor lies on the land. What dangers reside in the lands of Lavacloud Village, which may actually be in the past? What other secrets might the mirror reveal about the region?

S3 E22: Zaelg the Envy of the Flesh of Infinity

Wed, 19 Jan 2022 12:00:00 +0000

After leaving the gallery within the abandoned chateau, the group grows suspicious of the strange standing mirror that they had passed by earlier while exploring the mansion. Just what could this strange mirror be, and what secrets does it hide? And just how does it tie in to the chateau's darkness?

S3 E21: The Locked Gallery of the Chateau

Wed, 12 Jan 2022 12:00:00 +0000

The group continues to investigate the old mansion, trying to find out what secrets it holds, as well as the whereabouts of Agon's family. What dangers lie in wait to attack the group? Could this old house be tied to the pasts of the team? What lies within the locked room, and how will the group get inside? And once within, will they regret it?

S3 E20: Guests and Residents of the Chateau

Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:00:00 +0000

As the team delves into the strange old mansion, they find more and more mysteries within! When Agon gets separated from Elleinad, and Gardin, what does the Druid find? Is such a warm welcome too good to be true? And what of the welcome that the Sorceror and Paladin are given? Just what terrible things have happened at this old chateau?

S3 E19: The Abandoned Chateau

Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:00:00 +0000

After making a trek to the south, the group finds themselves at the old mansion in the forests near the blighted lands. Just what lies within this chateau? The villagers seemed to think it appeared within the last 10 years, but it seems much older than that. Just what exactly is this unhallowed old building?

S3 E18: The Great Outside

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:22:31 +0000

While discussing the matters at hand, Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin are overheard by the stagecoach driver Norris, who brought them into town. He seems to be aware of some of the strange occurrences that happened in the south, and is even knowledgeable of Agon's family who moved into a mansion in the south of town. But what exactly is “the great outside?”

S3 E17: The Big Bad Wolf

Wed, 15 Dec 2021 20:37:27 +0000

While her friends sleep, Elleinad speaks with the shadowy form that's been following the group in Deep Speech. The yellow eyed shadowy wolf monster taunts her, and retreats back into the darkness. Is this monstrous canine the very same gelatinous creature that attacked them at the Swiftvine Farm? What's the plan of action from here? Will they retreat to town, or press on to the abandoned mansion?

S3 E16: Calamity at the Swiftvine Farm

Wed, 08 Dec 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin are staring into a ramshackle barn where Neldor Swiftvine once had a farm, until a piece of the great outside came crashing down on his land. Within the barn is an enormous pile of slime, that the group decides to destroy, but are they truly prepared to battle against such a creature? And is this being something that they've already encountered before, and knows them better than they realize?

S3 E15 Old Pierce McGreggor

Wed, 01 Dec 2021 12:00:00 +0000

The group has arrived at the McGreggor farm, only to find an emaciated and withered husk of a being. Pierce McGreggor has little time left, but somehow he still lives, despite his body crumbling away. Just what could cause such a strange malady in the old man? And what lies deeper within the old farm house?

S3 E14: Nightmares in Lavacloud Village

Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:53:07 +0000

Confronted with terrible dreams, the group wakes up without much rest, as they must now decide their next course of action. Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin find themselves chatting with different people in town, as they try to get to the bottom of what's going on, but when their attention turns to the south of town, the villagers seem eerily on edge. Just what exactly is going on in the south of Lavacloud village?

S3 E13: The Angel Avaciel

Wed, 17 Nov 2021 12:00:00 +0000

The group is locked in battle with the least likely opponent they could possibly imagine: an Angel of the good god Duke Lion! Despite trying to reason with the divine being, Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin have been forced to fight against Avaciel, who seeks to eliminate corruption by destroying the region. Can the team possibly stop the angel? Or will they be forced to slay a servant of god to defend themselves?

S3 E12: The Bear Necessities

Wed, 10 Nov 2021 12:00:00 +0000

With their friend Agon gone, Elleinad and Gardin are now joined by a bear! Where did this bear come from? Is their Druid friend gone forever? What are they going to name their new bear? Also, how good are bears are answering riddles? But more importantly, just what has been drawing divine energy into itself in the depths of the dungeon?

S3 E11: Frigid Halls of Ice

Wed, 03 Nov 2021 11:00:00 +0000

The team must battle against an undead Wyrmling which cries out in agony for a mother who's long since left this world! With all the living dead, traps, and intense cold, just what lies within the depths of Pneumonia Caverns? And what's drawing in all this divine energy?

S3 E10: Pneumonia Caverns

Wed, 27 Oct 2021 11:00:00 +0000

The group has arrived at the frigid cave north of Lavacloud Village, which was once the lair of a dragon known as Pneumonia Bloodbane! Within the cavern, the trio of adventurers finds branching paths, and pale Kobolds trapped within blocks of ice. Why is divine energy swirling into this cave? What great power lies deeper within Pneumonia Caverns?

S3 E9: Divine Power on the Wind

Wed, 20 Oct 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Back in Lavacloud Village, the group has discovered that Gardin's new weapon is cursed! Just what kind of terrible affliction will this sword cause the Paladin? Meanwhile, the team tries to do some investigative work to find out more about what's going on in the region. Where will the trio head next? And just what is the reason for divine energy swirling towards the north?

S3 E8: The Trail Back to Town

Wed, 13 Oct 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Just what was it that crawled it's way out of the depths of the Earth, when the team was investigating the pit within the Fortress of Volrak? Surely it was nothing of any sane world. As the group grapples with horrors from beyond, they travel back to Lavacloud Village, but just what is skulking within the woods as they make their way back?

S3 E7: From the Depths of the Pit

Wed, 06 Oct 2021 11:00:00 +0000

The battle with the mutated Hobgoblin continues, as Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin fight for their lives! As the trio confronts this monstrosity, it continually mutters dark curses in Deep Speech, the language of Aberrations. Just what does Shath'Philfgsh mean? And what resides within the pit found within the cellar in the Fortress of Volrak?

S3 E6: The Eyes of the Hobgoblin

Wed, 29 Sep 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin continue to battle against mutated Goblins, and find more disgusting rituals! As the three search The Fortress of Volrak, they find a strange pit dug out in the cellar. What lies within the depths of this eerie pit? And are there more advanced rituals taking place within the citadel?

S3 E5: The Fortress of Volrak

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 19:49:36 +0000

The group continues to investigate the citadel, and discover a grizzly scene of dead Goblins and blood smeared across a wall, in the shape of a giant eye! What is happening in the Fortress of Volrak? Just what has mutated the Goblinoids who slink through the halls of the old castle...?

S3 E4: Eyes Gleaming in the Dark

Wed, 15 Sep 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Skulking in the shadows around their camp, it seems like Agon's prank has brought something horrid out of the woods! Is this the same shadow that seemed to stare into Gardin's soul? What do Elleinad and her allies hope to do against such a bizarre aberration? If they make it to the Fortress of Volrak, will things be more normal there...?

S3 E3: Howl at the Moon

Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:00:00 +0000

After spending the night at Susanna's Inn, the group begins to grapple with the strange malaise of Lavacloud Village that invades the dreams of it's residents. Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin make a plan over breakfast, and decide that they'll head north to the Fortress of Volrak to begin investigating some of the strange happenings of the region. What dangers lurk on the road? Do Goblins really still reside in the old fort?

S3 E2: Shifting Shadows

Wed, 01 Sep 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Agon, Elleinad, and Gardin continue to investigate Lavacloud Village after an unsettling wildlife sighting! While the group begins to learn about the town and it's surrounding places of interest, they're left with more questions than answers! Just what is going on in this place? More importantly however, what lies beyond sight in the darkness of night?

S3 E1: A Suspicious Job

Wed, 25 Aug 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Three people have been brought together by curious means to investigate the strange occurrences in a place called Lavacloud Village. Dr. Agon Questin, Elleinad Radburns, and Gardin Morqull need only to get to the bottom of what's happening in the surrounding area, and then they can leave this place behind them. In this land of nightmares, a sense of dread hangs in the air. Just what has befallen this sleepy hamlet?

S2 E74: Important Announcement and Recap of Season 2 (Proper)

Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Dungeon Master Craig_WK has an important announcement for all the listeners of Noobs and Dragons, before season 3 begins! Afterwards, he gives a light recap of season 2 which should help fans of the season re-familiarize themselves with the adventures of Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius!

S2 E73: Case Closed

Wed, 11 Aug 2021 11:00:00 +0000

All stories must come to an end, and soon the journey of Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius will be over. Their quest has been intrinsically linked to the being known as Project X-3.19. Otherwise known as The Great Devourer, or Emphysema; and was once an Elf named Anavel. Now the trio must bargain with Anavel one more time, for the souls of all that were eaten by the creature within Rayburn Falls! How will the group come to terms with their former foe? Is he an enemy once more? How will our heroes escape from Pox'Moridon? Find out in the exciting conclusion to season 2!

S2 E72: Pyralis of New Arkhosia

Wed, 04 Aug 2021 11:00:00 +0000

After defeating the foes that stood before them, only one more figure stands in the team's way: Pyralis. All of her machinations have led to this moment, with only Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius to stand before her. Can our heroes hope to stand before one of the world's most powerful wizards? Should they fail, a new portal will rip open into the primary plane, unleashing Azadon upon Rayburn Falls! What other demonic beings could be lurking within Pox'Moridon...?

S2 E71: Murdoch Obsidian and Aldaria Everwinter

Wed, 28 Jul 2021 11:00:00 +0000

After defeating Tytherion, the group's celebration was short lived, as now Murdoch and Aldaria stand before Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius! While Hannibal and Thelonius battle against the worshiper of Azadon, Alice must fight to the death with her childhood friend. Destiny can be unbearably cruel, and so now fate must play out: what terrible things will unfold within Pox'Moridon? Can the team battle against the most devout of Azadon within it's own dimension? What of a High Elf turned Demon? And what of Pyralis who looms at the edge of the battlefield?

S2 E70 Tytherion the Endless Knight

Wed, 21 Jul 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Finally within the horrid realm of Pox'Moridon, within the Infinite Layers of the Abyss, the group finds themselves in a place unlike one they've ever been! Within this twisted dimension are their greatest foes, and standing before all others is Tytherion. Once known as Project X-3.19, Anavel Bloodbane was transformed into a flesh eating monster by Lazslo VonDrakovitch, but since donning the Armor of Endless Night, he is now Tytherion. Can the group hope to reach out to Anavel? Or is he lost forever – a puppet to Pyralis?

S2 E69: The Honor of the Dragonborn

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Standing before the portal to Pox'Moridon is Zax the Dragonborn who once served as the retainer to Mornn Ballantine. Infused with dark power from Pyralis, what reasoning led this proud warrior to stand against Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius? Does the group have the power to face him? If they do, do they have the ability to contend with the being who granted that horrid energy upon him?

S2 E68: The Horrors of The Council of Lazslo

Wed, 07 Jul 2021 11:00:00 +0000

After dealing with the creations he's wrought upon the world, the group and their comrades advance deeper into the laboratories of The New Arkhosian Foundry to finally confront The Council of Lazslo! Within their chamber is a new monstrosity, the most powerful one they've created to date, but the truly sinister plan lies in what kind of mind they're putting inside of the creature. Will Thelonius and Alice finally get their revenge on the mad scientists? Or will they just become spare parts?

S2 E67: Sisterly Reunion

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 23:00:00 +0000

Locked in battle with his brother Thucydides, Thelonius and his friends must try and incapacitate his sibling, in the hope that his memories can be restored! With assistance from Alice and Hannibal, can Theloinus help his brother? What of Alice's sister Ophelia? What manner of horrors have been inflicted upon her within the laboratory of the Council of Lazslo?

S2 E66: Brotherly Reunion

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 23:00:00 +0000

Down in the depths of the New Arkhosian Foundry, the elevator has stopped at the very bottom, and right into the laboratory of the Council of Lazslo! With their comrades behind them; Alice, Hannibal and Thelonius make their way into the lab, only to be greeted by a grisly sight! Further ahead, dangers lie in wait, including a trap left by the fiendish Pyralis. What hope does Thelonius have of being reunited with Thucydides?

S2 E65: Elevator Action

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Heading into the depths of the New Arkhosian Foundry, where the laboratory of The Council of Lazslo reside, our heroes and their allies must defeat the experiments of the mad scientist amalgamation! Can the group keep their friends safe from nightmarish monstrosities? What lies within the very lowest levels of this hellish dungeon...?

S2 E64: Battle With Foreman Aracar

Wed, 09 Jun 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Rising out of the magma, within the New Arkhosian Foundry is a colossal Volcanic Dragon! Part draconic might, and part elemental fury, the Foreman of the forges will not tolerate the group's existence within his territory. Does the team have what it takes to defeat a dragon of pure erupting rage? What lies beyond Foreman Aracar and his tiny island surrounded by lava? Are there worse horrors in store for our heroes?

S2 E63: Assault on the New Arkhosian Foundry

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 13:08:35 +0000

With a team of their allies behind them, the group delves into Pyralis' base of operations within the Elemental Chaos! Confronted by an army of skeletal Salamanders, our heroes can only force their way through, in an effort to stop the machinations of their arch enemies. Can Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius make it to Pyralis, all the while protecting their comrades? Just who is the foreman of the forges within the foundry?

S2 E62: The Last Supper

Wed, 26 May 2021 11:00:00 +0000

On the eve of their final dungeon dive, Alice, Hannibal and Thelonius are joined by a menagerie of their allies and comrades from their time in Rayburn Falls. A dinner with a heavy mood begins as Fritz Barril serves up an amazing meal, which gives the group an opportunity to chat with their friends. Will this be the final dinner the team ever has? What horrors await them within the New Arkhosian Foundry where Pyralis resides?

S2 E61: Hope in Endless Night

Wed, 19 May 2021 11:00:00 +0000

With the Armor of Endless Night assembled, and Tytherion having taken over Anavel Bloodbane's manufactured body, Pyralis has retreated into the Elemental Chaos to prepare for her ultimate plan! Alice, Hanibal, and Thelonius must now gather their allies and prepare to assault the New Arkhosian Foundry to stop her from destroying the city of Rayburn Falls, and bringing terror to the entire world! Do our heroes have any chance at all, in the face of such overwhelming odds?

S2 E60: The Advent of Endless Night

Wed, 12 May 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Trapped within the Dragon District of Rayburn Falls, with Pyralis atop a hideous dragon, and Anavel Bloodbane demanding their piece of the Armor of Endless Night. The group tries their best to reason with the draconic construct, but Pyralis doesn't make it easy when she offers to help Anavel slay the group and retrieve the magical piece of armor, and even threatens Alice, Hannibal and Thelonius' friends in the city! What choice does the team have in the face of such overwhelming odds?

S2 E59: A Gathering of Foes

Wed, 05 May 2021 11:00:00 +0000

With their preparations nearing completion, the group needs only to do a few final things before they're ready for the advent of Pyralis, and they must decide: do they honor the bargain with Project X-3.19? Or do they take back their words to Anavel Bloodbane, knowing what problems that might cause? When the time comes for the team to confront Pyralis, will they truly be prepared? Or are they, and the city of Rayburn Falls doomed?

S2 E58: A Menagerie of Allies

Wed, 28 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

The time will soon come when Pyralis appears in the Dragon District to give Project X-3.19, otherwise known as Anavel Bloodbane, her pieces of the Armor of Endless Night! The group must inform their friends and comrades, in the hopes that they'll be of some help in the battle to come! Just who can they rely on in during this dark times?

S2 E57: The Mucklord Returns

Wed, 21 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

After dealing with the events of the Payne shipping warehouse, the team must now confront their most difficult of foes: an unruly house guest! Mucklord Blorgzak has returned with strange tidings from the South Strakeln River Sewers, and it involves the Bloodbane family! Later, the group splits up and begins to unveil to their friends and allies the full magnitude of what they're dealing with! Will the heroes gain support? Or are they destined to battle alone?

S2 E56: It Just Got Worse

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

While Project X-3.19 devours the corpse of Alice's former mentor, a being more powerful than the group has ever faced before has stepped through a portal. Balor are immensely powerful, and in order to avoid dealing with another one, the team must keep Longinus Payne alive, lest his death summon forth another demon. As blood rains down from the Draconic monster that is Anavel Bloodbane, and Murdoch's machinations run loose within the warehouse, what chance do our heroes have?

S2 E55: It Couldn't Get Any Worse

Wed, 07 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

As Aldaria and Alexantalis of the Everwinter family embrace one last time, the group must contend with Longinus Payne and Hank Pendlegrass who have gotten involved with Murdoch Obsidian. As the team deals with this though, something arrives on the scene which will throw everything into chaos. What plans did Murdoch have for the two demon worshiping Councilors of Rayburn Falls? When those plans come to fruition, what calamity will befall the investigators?

S2 E54: A Sorrowful Reunion

Wed, 31 Mar 2021 11:00:00 +0000

With the assistance of Alexantalis Everwinter, the group assaults the Shipping District, in the hopes of confronting the cultists who've been using human trafficking to make bargains with demons! Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius follow along with the powerful mage, who unleashes a salvo of magical attacks against all who stand in his way, but who lies in wait, deep within the warehouse that Longinus Payne owns?

S2 E53: A Tense Reunion

Wed, 24 Mar 2021 11:00:00 +0000

With the bargain struck between the group and Project X-3.19, otherwise known as Anavel Bloodbane, the team must now figure out how they want to deal with faking the death of Alexantalis Everwinter. Deciding to be upfront with Alice's old mentor, she's joined by Hannibal and Thelonius as they head to the Rayburn Falls Magical Academy. How will the mage react to finding out Alice lives? And what of his reaction to finding out about his son...?

S2 E52: Dirty Deals Over Dinner

Wed, 17 Mar 2021 11:00:00 +0000

After escaping from the trapped Citrinefall Estate with a pile of treasure, the group must find a way to flee the scene with their loot, lest the city try and confiscate what's owed to them! Can they get away without being seen? Later, after arriving at the Myrtille Auberge, the team is greeted by Maxwell Steelbreeze, but something seems a bit off. Is Hannibal's old ward doing okay? Or is something sinister afoot?

S2 E51: The House of Traps

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 12:00:00 +0000

After the trap on the back door was triggered, the group must confront a zombified Verna L. Citrinefall, who has been empowered by dark magic! Should they deal with her, do they dare step within the Citrinefall Estate, knowing that Cascadia has left behind all the traps she could muster, in the hopes that she could have revenge on Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius? What treasures lie in wait for the team? Will they escape with their lives?

S2 E:50: Return to the Citrinefall Estate

Wed, 03 Mar 2021 12:00:00 +0000

With the departure of Jean Claude Pierre Paul, the team must discuss what their next course of action is. Do they deal with demon worshipers? Pyralis? Project X-3.19? Or do they investigate the former home of Cascadia Citrinefall, in the hopes that she left some loot behind? It seems like entering the domicile might be risky, but will the reward be worth the danger?

S2 E:49: Roads Converge and then Diverge

Wed, 24 Feb 2021 12:00:00 +0000

After slaying the monster that their former friend had become, and with Cascadia Citrinefall having left the city of Rayburn Falls, the group must clean up the mess that she left behind. Afterwards, Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius make their way back home to the Myrtille Auberge, only to find an unfamiliar face. Who is this stranger, and why is Maxwell Steelbreeze so excited to see him? What clues can the group gain from this athletic man with a funny accent?

S2 E48: Put Your Foot Down

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Forced to confront the neurotic shoe cobbler within the Moonlight Cloak: Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius find themselves fleeing from the flesh-crafting abomination, after Norbert Tinkledink was stabbed by a Shard of The Black Pyramid. Cascadia Citrinefall only needs this monster to slay the group so that she can remain in the city and unleash her terrifying plans! Can the group melt their former ally down? Or will they get trampled by the footsie aberration?

S2 E47: The Last Supper

Thu, 11 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000

Tension rises with the arrival of Miss Citrinefall, who arrives at the Myrtille Auberge with a smile on her face, but comes baring the news that this will be the last meal that she'll share with Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius. Can she possibly be the person responsible for all of the terrible things happening within the city of Rayburn Falls? If so, why would she just come over for a meal? What sinister plans unfold while the group shares dinner with her?

S2 E46: Solving The Mystery

Wed, 03 Feb 2021 15:42:22 +0000

After having gained access to the Citrinefall Estate, Thelonius helps his allies inside where they begin to piece together the puzzle that has confounded them since they arrived within the city of Rayburn Falls. Who was it that released Project X-3.19? What motive could they possibly have? Where is Verna's sister Cascadia? Is there a piece of the Armor of Endless Night within the mansion? Will Verna be arriving to dinner...?

S2 E45: Three Conundrums at The Moonlight Cloak

Wed, 27 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

With Thelonius speaking to Juliana Blightcaller on the second floor, Hannibal on the first floor speaking with Norbert Tinkledink, and Alice in the basement with Cleozandra Windwhisper, the trio comes ever closer to solving the mystery of who's behind all of the issues within Rayburn Falls! When the group goes out to investigate further, what damning evidence will they find? What of the problems in the city that have already been set in motion? Are they now beyond the control of our heroes?

S2 E44: Cruelty Within the Shipping District

Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

As Thelonius stumbles upon the most vile of atrocities, Alice and Hannibal must attempt to get their invisible Dragonborn friend away from the docks without being spotted by the henchmen of Longinus Payne! With humanoid trafficking happening within the city of Rayburn Falls, and knowing that Aldaria Everwinter told the group that more people are dying in the city than they could possibly imagine, what horrible things are occurring? Will the group be able to get away, without alerting the fiends that are behind this?

S2 E43: Bribery Will Get You Everywhere

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

The group has been granted an audience with Governor Thanemore, compliments of Verna L. Citrinefall. The old Dwarf is busy, and doesn't have a lot of time to speak with the team, but perhaps they can learn something important? Afterwards, the trio run across someone in the building who might just be a new friend! What better way to make friends, than to give them a small token of appreciation?

S2 E42: Creeping and Crawling Dread

Wed, 06 Jan 2021 15:03:45 +0000

The group continues their investigation into the Payne family, as they interrogate Gaius Payne about his Aunt Cassius. In the midst of their discussion, Alice has noticed Half Orcs from out of town speaking about concerning things: bugs coming out of people. Just what does this mean? And when the group goes to catch up with Verna L. Citrinefall, will they tell her what they've found? Or do they still think she's a suspect?

S2 E41: Payne In My Heart

Wed, 30 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Sitting within the parlor of the mansion of Cassius Payne, Alice, Hannibal and Thelonius find themselves interviewing the Councilor of the Merchant District. More and more clues are falling into place, and seem to be pointing towards the Tiefling as the manipulator behind the scenes of all the terrible events happening in the city of Rayburn Falls. As the group gets to the bottom of things, they investigate the dealings of the Payne family, but will they find more than they bargained for?

S2 E40: A Payne In The Neck

Wed, 23 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

In the aftermath of dealing with Kuru and abandoning a piece of the Armor of Endless Night to Anavel Bloodbane, the trio of investigators must get to the bottom of what's going on in the city of Rayburn Falls. After returning Altarius Brightmore, the group begins to look into the death of Odascal, in the hopes of finding out who the other killer in the city is. Will the trio be able to gather enough clues to point them in the right direction? What does the Payne family have to do with this grisly affair?

S2 E39: Reunion

Wed, 16 Dec 2020 15:13:04 +0000

Having made their way into the bowels of the catacombs underneath the church, the group along with their begrudging ally Anavel Bloodbane has come face to face with the Demon known as Kuru. All the fiend must do is devour Altarius Brightmore to obtain immense power from Azadon, but on the other side of the room, Alice has come face to face with the old friend she thought was missing: Aldaria Everwinter. Just what happened to her old friend, to make him join forces with Murdoc Obsidian? Can the alliance of Hannibal, Thelonius and Anavel defeat Kuru while Alice keeps Aldaria busy? Will the team keep their bargain with the draconic monster?

S2 E38: The Catacombs of Kuru

Wed, 09 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Having a made a deal with Anavel Bloodbane, otherwise known as Project X-3.19, the group plunges into the dungeon beneath the Grand Duke Lion Cathedral, all the while accompanied by the very being that they were tasked to investigate in the city. Will the challenges and trials be made easier with a fourth person in the group? Can such a thing even be trusted? What awaits the team and their unlikely ally in the bowels of the catacombs?

S2 E37: The Tightening Claws of Death

Wed, 02 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

With the return of season 2 proper, we find Alice, Hannibal and especially Thelonius in a very difficult situation! The Dragonborn Sorceror has stumbled into the arms of Project X-3.19, the very monster that has been devouring the citizens of Rayburn Falls. Stuck between the horrifying creation of Laszlo VonDrakovitch, and the Catacombs of Kuru where they need to save Altarius Brightmore, what hope does the group have?

S2 E36: Season 2 Refresher Part Two

Wed, 25 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

We now conclude our synopsis of each day of the second season to Noobs and Dragons, as we cover days nine through thirteen! Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius have been investigating the city of Rayburn Falls for only a few days, but it feels like a lifetime, as they try to solve the mystery of just who's behind all the terrible things happening in the city. With this episode and the previous one, you're now ready for Noobs and Dragons to begin anew!

S2 E35: Season 2 Refresher Part One

Wed, 18 Nov 2020 13:46:38 +0000

Now that the intermission adventure has ended, it's time to freshen up on our lore of the primary season 2 adventure! Dungeon Master Craig_WK dives into all the events and clues that Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius have uncovered, going day by day, to give everybody a glimpse into what's going on in the city of Rayburn Falls. This episode covers the first eight days that the team have experienced.

Intermission E30: Recap of the Intermission

Wed, 11 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

With the intermission adventure of season 2 ending, it's a good time to reflect on the mini-campaign and discuss some of the highlights. So join your Dungeon Master Craig_WK as he shines a light on some of the important moments of the story, from getting a job delivering a package, to confronting some of the most powerful beings of this world!

Intermission E29: The Fate of Lysander

Wed, 04 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Waking to find himself in a strange cavern at the bottom of a well, Lysander has both Ophelia and Jean Claude with him, but is unable to climb out, and so must delve deeper and deeper into unexplored depths to find out not only where he is, but why he can't seem to remember arriving in such a strange place. With his memories fuzzy, Lysander goes fathoms into the earth, braving eldritch horrors, but why does everything feel so strange?

Intermission E28: The Fate of Ophelia and Jean Claude

Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

As both Ophelia Alcemila and Jean Claude Pierre Paul head towards the city of Rayburn Falls, they have no idea that destiny has determined a horrible event waits for them. They've carried the black case for miles and miles, and fought against powerful adversaries, but when the person who setup the job arrives, one tragedy after another occurs. Some fates are not meant to be happy ones, so what chances do Ophelia and Jean Claude have in the face of overwhelming despair?

Intermission E27 Dream Dashing

Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

On the run from Jean Claude's nightmare, he and Ophelia find that they must find their way into another dream, lest they be destroyed by the powerful madness which has taken root in the Monk's mind. Hoping to find someone to aid them, they dive into Grandma Yelrihs' dream, but can she do anything to protect them? Or perhaps she finds them ungrateful, since they don't call her enough? What hope do the duo have left?

Intermission E26: Unending Nightmares

Wed, 14 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Jean Claude and Ophelia have finally come face to face with the nightmare that plagues the Monk's dreams, which mocks them and begins transforming the arena into something utterly horrifying! Can the two safely get away from such a terrifying being, or will the two of them be slain within the Realm of Dreams, never to return to reality? Are there no good dreams out there for them to escape to?

Intermission E25: N'Zogoth

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Diving into another dream, to get away from the Payne Chateau, Ophelia and Jean Claude find themselves in a subterranean lake that's enveloped in absolute darkness. A nasty feeling clings to the duo, and they feel like there's something skulking around. What lurks within this dream that was connected to the horrid place they fled from? Will they make it into Jean Claude's nightmare?

Intermission E24: The Land of Nod

Wed, 30 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Accepting the assistance of Pyralis, Ophelia and Jean Claude have agreed to go into the dimension of dreams so that they can sneak into the Monk's nightmares. Within the first dream, which seems to be of Pyralis' herself, the duo find themselves back at the camp of Dragonborn, with the strange mage speaking with a person they're afraid to meet: Zyklon Bloodbane. If it's only a dream, do they have anything to fear?

Intermission E23: The Marks of the King

Wed, 23 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

After looting the final floor of Midori Tower, Ophelia and Jean Claude are joined by Thucydides who has found the pauldrons to the Armor of Endless Night. After an encounter with a spectral dragon, the duo of adventurers begin to think that it might be best for the draconic armor to stay hidden away, but the Dragonborn isn't willing to part with it. Will the fellowship break apart?

Intermission E22: Grisgo Offalgorger

Wed, 16 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

As Ophelia and Jean Claude head up the tower with Thucydides, the Monk is being haunted by the ghostly Necrosaro, but his power is waning as they travel up and up. In the next room an Ogre Wight wanders around in the wreckage of the chamber. Can the undead oaf be reasoned with? What lies at the top of Midori Tower that Necrosaro needs so badly?

Intermission E21: The Dangers of Midori Tower

Wed, 09 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The group continues their search of the deadly monolith, now joined by the ghost of a Hobgoblin Necromancer known as Necrosaro. As the team climbs higher up the tower, the power of Necrosaro fades, putting them into more and more danger! After fighting Skeletons, Zombies, and Wights, can they possibly defeat the more powerful foes that lie in wait?

Intermission E20: The Ghastly Hobgoblin

Wed, 02 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Having finally reached Midori Tower, Ophelia, Jean Claude, and Thucydides begin to explore the obelisk of the Shadowfell. While they search for the pauldrons, they meet a spectral Hobgoblin known as Necrosaro. What terrible knowledge does the ghostly Goblinoid hold? What will happen when he tries to force the trio into a bargain?

Intermission E19: The Ruined Village in the Shadowfell

Wed, 26 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Deciding that the best course of action is to aid Thucydides and Pyralis in finding a mysterious set of pauldrons in the Shadowfell dimension, the duo of adventurers are joined by their new Dragonborn ally as they explore the destroyed town of Squallfire within a shadowy dimension of negative energy. What dark secrets do the remnants of the hamlet hold? Can they possibly survive in a world devoid of light?

Intermission E18: The Cloaked Mage Pyralis

Wed, 19 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Finding refuge from the undead Devilsaur that stalked the forest, the duo has met with the Dragonborn researcher Thucydides as well as the mysterious figure in a hood known as Pyralis. She seems to be very knowledgeable about the region, and desires a strange artifact from a tower that doesn't seem to be in sight. Can Ophelia and Jean Claude trust these strangers? And what of the strange dreams that haunt the Monk?

Intermission E17: Friendly and Unfriendly Encounters

Wed, 12 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With Lysander nowhere to be seen, Ophelia and Jean Claude have continued north along a dusty road, hoping to quickly arrive in Rayburn Falls. Along the way though, they meet some seemingly kind travelers who are heading south. Will the duo make new friends? Or are they fated to only encounter foes along their way?

Intermission E16: Just A Memory

Wed, 05 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

As Ophelia and Jean Claude are speaking with Arnold Payne, it suddenly dawns on them that Lysander doesn't seem to be around. As they search for him, things become more and more confusing when the people of Lavacloud Village don't seem to remember him! What happened to their comrade, and what can the duo possibly do in this strange region? Will they ever see him again?

Intermission E15: Forgotten Nightmares

Wed, 29 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Exceedingly odd things have been happening around the group in the time since they obtained the case they need to deliver, and Jean Claude has seemingly been baring the brunt of these weird events. In an effort to get the job done as soon as possible, the team heads north towards Lavacloud Village, but find a strange old man on the outskirts of town. What bizarre things have been happening in this hamlet?

Intermission E14: Bound with a Bargain

Wed, 22 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Forced to fight for his and his comrade's lives, Jean Claude battles against the dreadfully strong Vorn Bloodbane in one on one combat. Wavering at the power of his foe, a mysterious voice reaches out to the Monk, offering assistance in the fight. How will Jean Claude react? And what will Lysander and Ophelia do when their friend is struggling?

Intermission E13: Bloodsport

Wed, 15 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Captured by an army of Dragonborn who have a camp nearby Flamecore Pass, the group is interrogated by their captain, who seems to be interested in a member of their family who recently escaped them. When the meeting becomes tense though, and the team has to fight in combat against some of the most elite members of the camp, what chance does the team have?

Intermission E12: Just a Quick Visit

Wed, 08 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Finding themselves in the Elemental Chaos while they were traveling through Flamecore Pass, the group must contend with the extra-dimensional danger of leaving the Prime Plane! With the totem they received from Grandma Yelrihs, they should be able to get back quickly, but things are never as easy as they seem. Can the team survive being sent to another dimension?

Intermission E11: What Could Be Worse Than Spiders?

Wed, 01 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Delving into Flamecore Pass, the group reaches a blockade of spiders, and what could possibly be worse than spiders? Burning hot fire spiders from the Elemental Chaos! With the region baring the unfortunate trait of having a thin barrier between it and the dimension of eternal unrest, the team must now deal with it's denizens as they plunge deeper into the caverns, and hopefully find a way out before they find themselves in the Elemental Chaos themselves!

Intermission E10: Knock Knock

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With the assistance of the hag called Grandma Yelrihs, the group is preparing to head into Flamecore Pass, but have been found by Lockgrim Voidthresher, the dreadful Orc who's made some bargain with a Lord of Madness called Rohn Glazma. What chance does the team have to escape from his clutches? Does granny have any possible way to help them get away from the last of the Voidthreshers?

Intermission E9: Preparing Dinner

Wed, 17 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Invited into the cabin of the strange old woman known as Grandma Yelrihs, the old crone locks the door behind the group as they head inside, urged forward by Lyesander's hunger, but Jean Claude and Ophelia are hesitant. Why does this old lady insist on making food for them? Could she possibly have ulterior motives? And what of the Orcs that are chasing them, lead by Lockgrim Voidthresher? Can they possibly survive such a dangerous forest?

Intermission E8: Swarm

Wed, 10 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Confronted by the horrific sight of a body rising up from the dead, and pouring out an unknown darkness, the group is faced with a terrifying reality. Will they stay and fight, or run off in an effort to save themselves? Just what is this Rohn Glazma being that Lockgrim Voidthresher has made a pact with? Can the team survive this delivery job?

Intermission E7: Through the Woods

Wed, 27 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With the blockade setup through the night, it seems that Lockgrim Voidthresher and his band of Orcs and Half-Orcs have gotten closer to the group and the case they're delivering. Deciding to sneak into the nearby forests, in order to avoid confrontation with too large a force, the party finds themselves going in a very indirect route, using up more time. What lies within the forest near Flamecore Pass?

Intermission E6: Getting Trolled

Wed, 20 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Rushing out of Bloodfury Gorge, leaving behind Lockgrim Voidthresher, Gorbo Borgo the Ogre, the Imp, and the strange hooded figure, the group continues their journey east. Stopping to set up camp, the group comes across a cave where they might be able to take shelter, but what lies within this cavern? When they find out someone is already using it, will that person be up for sharing?

Intermission E5: Showdown at Bloodgulch

Wed, 13 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

While the team prepares for their journey, and Jean Claude Pierre Paul battles it out in the ring, a dark shadow descends upon the group! When a large spectral Ogre begins wrecking the place, what will they do? What chance do they have against such a powerful and dumb ghastly giant?

Intermission E4: A Delivery Job

Wed, 06 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

A new adventure begins which is (slightly,) lower quality during the quarantine! This interlude shows the adventures of Ophelia, Lysander, and Jean Claude Pierre Paul, as they're offered the small job of dropping off a package. What's the worst that could happen?

Intermission E3: Character Creation With Sphinx

Wed, 29 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The trilogy of character creation episodes ends with Sphinx making his character for the intermission adventure that will be happening in the world of Geisel, while the events of season two unfold. What type of character will Sphinx make to mix things up, and step away from the spell slinging Thelonius?

Intermission E2 Character Creation With LPJ

Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Our series continues, with LPJ creating the character he'll use for the upcoming mini adventure for Noobs and Dragons, as the primary season is on hiatus during the quarantine. What kind of character will LPJ design to fit along with the Cleric that MatrikOnStage had made the previous week?

Intermission E1: Character Creation With MatrikOnStage

Wed, 15 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With the spread of the Coronavirus and the quarantine, our studio is on lockdown, and in order to bring you the highest possible content for Noobs and Dragons season two, we've decided to put that show on hiatus. Until the time comes when we can relaunch the show though, we're still going to provide our listeners with content: just not as high of quality content. The season two crew will be creating some new characters to play a mini adventure in the world of Geisel, and today we have MatrikOnStage making his character!

S2 E34: Three Horrible Fates

Wed, 08 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

As the group is recuperating at the Myrtille Auberge, they're visited by both Avraham Goldbeard as well as Orevalt Stonepike. Three terrible events have occurred throughout the previous night, with someone going missing, another being stabbed to death, and the third being missing, but leaving behind a pool of blood. Time is of the essence, what path will the team go down? And when they've made their decision, will they ultimately regret it?

S2 E33: The Awful Power of Lunacy

Wed, 01 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Lazslo, mad scientist of the Bloodbane family has decided that he would destroy the heroes who stand in his way, make his way to the surface, destroy the city of Rayburn Falls, and recover Project X-3.19! Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius are the only three that can stand in the lunatic's way, but against the horrific might of his bio-mechanical monster, what chance do they have? Will the group make it, or will Rayburn Falls truly become the City of Endless Night?

S2 E32: The Birthplace of Insanity

Wed, 25 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000

In the bowels of the Atelier of Lazslo, the group finds the laboratory where the sinister project was birthed, but when they find themselves with more questions than answers, they have to make a tough decision. Will they open the capsule that presumably houses Lazslo himself? Just who is this strange scientist who sought to work on such a horrifying creation? What dreaded connections to the past does the mad man have? And when madness swells in the basement of the atelier, will Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius survive?

S2 E31: The Wyrm of the Disposal Zone

Wed, 18 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000

After finding the plug in the Failure Zone for the terminal, the group must contend not only with a horrifying trap, but also the cursed Zombie Mage they've dubbed Frank. The Failure Zone of the Atelier of Lazslo is filled with monstrosities, and soon they may be forced to deal with all of them at once. Deeper into the laboratory, within the Disposal Zone, the team encounters a truly horrifying monster that blocks their way. Will they be able to advance deeper into the lair of Lazslo? Or will they meet their end, at the hands, claws, and teeth of his experiments?

S2 E30: Five Heads Are Better Than One

Wed, 11 Mar 2020 11:20:40 +0000

In the midst of investigating the Atelier of Lazslo, the trio has found an elaborate study in the Research Zone of the laboratory, that's guarded by a huge, ogre-like Dragonborn with five Chromatic dragon heads. As Hannibal and Alice grab the plug needed for the console, Thelonius is stuck staring down the brutish monstrosity in front of them. When the beastly oaf goes on the offensive, can the group survive one of the creations of Lazslo? What else lies within the depths of the lab? What's within the Failure Zone of the atelier?

S2 E29 The Atelier of Lazslo

Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:00:00 +0000

While interrogating Juliana Blightcaller, the team learns about the Great Old Ones, the city known as Shath'Philfgsh, and more than they could possibly imagine about the universe. Afterwards, the group goes to investigate what could potentially be the laboratory that Botulism Bloodbane once used long ago. What dangers lurk within the old lab? Will some of the answers they seek be found within? Do they even have the key to get inside?

S2 E28: Whispers From Beyond

Wed, 26 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The group continues their investigation at the Red Gorgon Saloon, after having split up. While Thelonius discusses matters with Flack Chimerazon, Alice and Hannibal chat with Norbert Tinkledink, the shoe-loving cobbler who was friends with Roscoe. Will the team learn any clues to help them track down a killer? When the team decides to go interrogate Juliana Blightcaller, they hope to learn a few things, but perhaps they'll learn more than they bargained for?

S2 E27: A Falcon Falls From the Sky

Wed, 19 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Standing midst the graves of the Rayburn Cemetery, the group has found that the wife of Mornn Ballantine is not within the casket she was buried in, and instead seems to have dug her way out of the coffin. What happened all those years ago, that caused Pyralis to rise from the dead and escape her tomb? Afterwards, the group learns of a murder in the city, but it doesn't seem to match the disappearances from before! What is happening in Rayburn Falls?

S2 E26: Desperate Graves

Wed, 12 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Within the Land of Nod, in a strange dream of a battlefield, the group encounters a young Grigor Gratzer who wants the brain of a strange Wood Elf with dragon-parts, who seemed to transform from a dragon. When that dream ends, and the dimension begins to transition, the group finds themselves dealing with the worst possible person. When the trio is forced to interact with a Lord of Madness, what hope do they possibly have?

S2 E25 Armor Forged in Blood

Wed, 05 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The group has been granted three dreams by a mysterious cloaked figure, where they'll travel to the Land of Nod, a dimension of dreams. The first dream has introduced the trio to Tytherion, who witnessed the forging of the Armor of Endless Night. As the dreams transitions, it seems like the darkness within the team's heart manifests into a horrifying nightmare. Will the three heroes survive such a bizarre world?

S2 E24 What Dreams May Come

Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Visited early in the morning by Avraham Goldbeard, the councilor of the Church District, the group learns about the Catacombs of Kuru, where a lieutenant of Azadon was sealed away long ago. While debating on dealing with cultists, the trio decides to investigate the strange letter they received, and go to the Moonlight Cloak and find out how they can learn about the past. Who will the team find within the inn found within the New Residential District?

S2 E23: Shoe Shopping and Bar Hopping

Wed, 22 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Joined by the councilman Flack Chimerazon, the group investigates the Grand Duke Lion Cathedral, but all the while the councilor of the New Residential District is getting more and more drunk. When the group needs to make a report, and also follow the drunken Chimerazon, the trio splits up, with Hannibal and Alice going to the Sheriff's office, and Thelonius hunting down the councilman. As Thelonius deals with Chimerazon's Raiders, Hannibal and Alice run into a strange cobbler. Will the group meet up and learn any new clues?

S2 E22: Midnight Confessional

Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

After receiving a letter addressed to 'those who seek the past,' the group is intrigued by an invite to a local hotel. Before leaving to investigate, the trio has dinner with Maxwell Steelbreeze and they discuss what happened to Hannibal and Maxwell in a place known as Obsidian Town. Before the team can look into the letter, they decide to visit the Grand Duke Lion Cathedral, only to find that somebody broke in. When Alice and Thelonius go to fetch a guard, Hannibal finds that he's not alone. Will his comrades make it back with an ally strong enough to help? Or is Hannibal Demonbreaker doomed?

S2 E21: The Hunt for Mornn Ballantine

Wed, 08 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

When the group arrived at Mornn's Ballantine's home, they find it unlocked, and so they search the place, only to find no sign of a struggle. Has something happened to the councilor of the Dragon District? The hunt begins, as the team starts trying to find him. As they look for the old Dragonborn, they speak with many people across town, and even find time to talk to the wife of Xof Rev'res. Will the group be able to find Mornn Ballantine, or even find any information out about their case?

S2 E20 The Demon Prince of Pox'Moridon

Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The group has been given a list of a couple of mages who seemed suspicious to Kibo Freedompeak, one of which is a member of Chimerazon's Raiders, and the other is the very first person to go missing in the team's case: Xof Rev'res. The trio then splits up, with Hannibal and Thelonius speaking with Alezantalis Everwinter, and Alice chatting with Madam Wendy. Will they be able to learn more about what's going on? Can they gather any clues on the missing mage?

S2 E19 Payday

Wed, 25 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Alice and Hannibal has found out that a fight broke out at the last councilor meeting while they were in the sewers, with the meeting being broken up after Mornn Ballantine punched Flack Chimerazon, who runs the New Residential District. When Thelonius trails Longinus Payne, he finds himself skulking through the streets of Rayburn Falls. Where will his path lead him? Who is it that Longinus seeks to meet in the evening?

S2 E18 A Hop Back to Rayburn Falls

Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After investigating the South Strakeln River Sewers, the group debates on whether or not they should take Mucklord Blorgzak along with them into Rayburn Falls. Can the Bullywug possibly blend into the city life? When the team arrives, they catch up on what's been happening while they were away, when they learn of something concerning that happened at the last councilor meeting. What ominous event could have transpired?

S2 E17: Pantaloons

Wed, 11 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Confronted with a person from his troubled past, Hannibal shouts at Murdoc Obsidian, who taunts the group and summons forth a horrifying Barlgura. Can the group possibly defeat such a powerful Demon? When the team has a chance to speak with Blorgzak, they learn that the Great Devourer is very similar to someone they've been investigating in the city of Rayburn Falls. Has the team come closer to solving the mystery?

S2 E16 In Reverence to Demon Lord Azadon

Wed, 04 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

While chasing down the eccentric Bullywug known as Blorgzak, the group hears heavy breathing in the darkness, and spies a Demon skulking around in the mud hut village of the Mucklord. Just what kind of connection does Blorgzak have with creatures from the Infinite Layers of the Abyss? With summoning circles lining the floors, and blood stained in the stone, just what happened in this sad and ruined place?

S2 E15: The Mucklord in the Tunnels

Wed, 27 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After learning the truth about the Myrtille Auberge, the group begins to investigate the former home of Prince Lion, who had made a pact with a Lord of Madness 50 years ago. Just what horrifying beings did the councilor make deals with? Then the group heads to the underground passages of the river that leads into the city of Rayburn Falls. Just what happened to the Bullywugs who once ravaged the tunnels? Could something far worse be hiding in it's depths?

S2 E14 The Truth of the Myrtille Auberge

Wed, 20 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000

While speaking with Avraham Goldbeard, the group realize that the old Dwarven priest was lying to them, and knew much more about the war from 50 years ago. Will the group be able to press him to get more information out of him? Afterwards, the group heads back to the Myrtille Auberge, where Maxwell Steelbreeze said he'd investigate the old inn. What was it that the old man found in his research? Will the group ever look at Fritz Baril the same again?

S2 E13 The Case of the Summoning Circles and the Dead Barlgura

Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000

With everything else happening in the city of Rayburn Falls, the group is told that a Demon appeared in the New Residential District and was brought down by the town guard. Just who could summon forth a Demon such as a Barlgura? In order to get more answers, they head to the Rayburn Magical Academy to speak with Kibo Freedompeak and Alezantalis Everwinter for details on Demon-magic. Will they get any answers from such prestigious figures?

S2 E12 An Audience With the Governor

Wed, 06 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After the chaos of meeting the strange draconic being known as X-3.19, the team regroups at the Myrtile Auberge to figure out what's happened so far. When the group gets a note saying “not a city but armor,” they must figure out the riddle, in order to get to the bottom of one of the mysteries of Rayburn Falls. In order to gain even more insight into the city, the group tries to meet with Governor Thanemore. Why is he seeking to retire? What secrets does the old Dwarf hold?

S2 E11 A Warm Welcome for the Investigators

Wed, 30 Oct 2019 11:00:00 +0000

When the group begins reaching the top of the asylum, they encounter a disgusting aberration known as a Grell, which seeks to devour them. After a difficult battle, the team finally heads up a staircase which leads to the final chamber of the sanitarium. What resides within the attic of this horrible building? Are the investigators coming closer to the answers they seek?

S2 E10 The Three Corridors of Guilt

Wed, 23 Oct 2019 11:00:00 +0000

With the Carrion Crawler slain, Alice and Thelonius look to Hannibal for answers about the cryptic statements of the horrifying monster. Afterwards, the trio explore the sanitarium and see strange things, and hear even stranger voices. When their own pasts begin to ooze out of their memories and into the asylum they're investigating, just how will the group react? Can they possibly maintain their sanity in such a terrifying place?

S2 E9 The Asylum at the Edge of Town

Wed, 16 Oct 2019 11:00:00 +0000

After breaking into the cellar of Kaybahl Kafuddle, and learning how the Disguise Self spell works, the group begins to piece things together, leading them to a horrifying realization about Viviane. Deciding to try and find more information, the group heads to a strange sanitarium that resides in the Dragon District, where they hope they'll find some clues, but perhaps such a building is best left alone? What dangers await them within the unnerving building?

S2 E8: The Exploding Cellar of Kaybahl Kafuddle

Wed, 09 Oct 2019 11:00:00 +0000

With the disappearance of Viviane, the group is left with nothing but questions. The window wasn't forced open, but instead opened from the inside, and it doesn't seem like the bed had been slept in. What exactly happened to the adopted daughter of Kaybahl Kafuddle? Will the group be able to find any additional clues at the Rayburn Magical Academy, or the Kafuddle home?

S2 E7 Evanesce into the Dark

Wed, 02 Oct 2019 11:00:00 +0000

While investigating the disappearance of Kaybahl Kafuddle, the group learned that Kibo Freedompeak has called Alezantalis Everwinter to come to the city of Rayburn Falls to take over as the Principal of the Rayburn Magical Academy. As the team does research, and unveils information on some magical gear, they decide to take Viviane into their care, in order to protect her. Why was the adopted daughter of the councilor spared? Just who or what is making people in the city disappear?

S2 E6 Changing of the Magic Guard

Wed, 25 Sep 2019 11:00:00 +0000

When the group is informed that there's been another disappearance in the city, they rush to the Rayburn Magical Academy to find out what happened! Once there, they learn about a missing person of the utmost importance, and his adopted daughter who somehow survived the attack. Will the trio of investigators be able to gain more clues to help them solve the case?

S2 E5 The Shadow of the Night of Death

Wed, 18 Sep 2019 11:00:00 +0000

After obtaining tomes on the dreadful subject of Necromancy, the team begins to ask around on the subject, only to discover that such books are illegal contraband, and the very city that they're trying to help has turned on them! What kind of event in the city's history could possibly have led to such strong feelings on the magic of death? Will they be able to sort everything out before they're thrown in jail?

S2 E4: A Brain For Laszlo

Wed, 11 Sep 2019 11:00:00 +0000

As the group continues to explore the Raspith Mausoleum, Alice, Hannibal, and Thelonius find a strange note within some Necromancy tomes that reveals some strange facts about someone known as Laszlo desiring a brain, and another man known as Grigor Gratzer needing knowledge on a dragon known as Botulism Bloodbane! When the team stumbles upon an argument, what side will they take? Are one of them even mortal?

S2 E3 Raspith Mausoleum

Wed, 04 Sep 2019 11:00:00 +0000

The team delves into the crypt that has the name Raspith, in the hopes of finding the person who was robbing a nearby grave. As they explore the dungeon, the trio of investigators are met with the undead who block their way! As they look around, they find a prison cell that seems to hold someone inside. Just who could this being be, and what does them being there mean for their case of disappearances in the city?

S2 E2: A Bloody Claw Print

Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:00:00 +0000

The group investigates the mysterious disappearance of the barmaid who supposedly saw a horrible beast devouring someone recently. With a smattering of blood on the floor, it seems similar to the other missing person reports, but can the team learn anything new? After stopping off at the Myrtille Auberge, the trio decides to inspect the Rayburn Falls Graveyard, but what could they possibly find in such a dreary place?

S2 E1: The Rayburn Falls Case File

Wed, 21 Aug 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Three adventurers have been called to the city of Rayburn Falls to investigate strange disappearances! The High Elf Rogue named Alice, a Half Elf Fighter by the name of Hannibal Demonbreaker, and a Dragonborn Sorceror known as Thelonius have been called together in order to get to the bottom of everything that's happening. Is it a series of kidnappings, a murderous serial killer, or is it something far worse than what any of them can imagine?

Ep:090: Recap of Season One

Wed, 14 Aug 2019 12:00:00 +0000

With the end of the first season of Noobs and Dragons, and the second season soon to be released, Dungeon Master Craig_WK tells the story of Alastair, Jandar, and Tilly; a group of adventurers who went from slaying goblins, to saving the world from destruction. If you're looking to be reminded of the events of season one, or you're just looking for a quick primer before delving into season two, make sure to give this episode a listen! For the full experience though, it's highly recommended that you listen to the first season of Noobs and Dragons!

Ep:089: The End of the Journey

Wed, 07 Aug 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Having obtained power beyond anything the group has ever dreamed of, Glearis Galaxyrender has sent his foes to the Far Realm, where their minds will be torn asunder. The Far Realm is a dimension so insane that it defies all understanding, but it's also the place in the universe where souls unclaimed by the gods go to rest. What chance do Alastair, Jandar, and Tilly have when faced with something so insurmountable that it goes beyond imagination? This is the final episode of Season One of Noobs and Dragons!

Ep088: Revenge

Wed, 31 Jul 2019 12:00:00 +0000

With Glearis Galaxyrender having offered up the lives and souls of his followers, he has gained incredible power, which he plans to utilize against the people who have ruined his plans: Alastair, Jandar and Tilly. As the final battle begins, does the leader of the Cult of the Dark Star have enough power to best heroes who have fought in life risking battles time and time again? Does the head of the Galaxyrender family have anything else he can possibly offer up for even more power?

Ep087: The Fall of the House of Galaxyrender

Wed, 24 Jul 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After being teleported to the Galaxyrender estate by Majordomo Sotheby Crux, the group must do battle with an old man who was once one of the greatest swordsman in the world! Why does this elderly man follow Glearis so loyally? What could possibly have happened in their pasts to connect him to such a madman? If the group is able to best him though, how will they get back to the Tomb of Don Birchman in time to stop the release of Illonac, the Teeth of Gnashing Desire?

Ep086: The Madness and Sorrow of Enja Everwinter

Wed, 17 Jul 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Once she was the benefactor and ally of the group, but after coming into contact with the Lord of Madness known as Illonac, Enja Everwinter has gone insane. With her being used by Glearis Galaxyrender, the group must do battle with her so that they can stop the leader of the Cult of the Dark Star from unleashing the Teeth of Gnashing Desire upon the universe. Will the group be able to save their old friend? Or has her sanity been lost to the Far Realm?

Ep085: The Fate of Venomstar and an Old Friend

Wed, 10 Jul 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Confronted by one of the Five Supernovas, Telomere Venomstar, the group must make the ultimate decision: do they fight the Drow serial killer to the death? Or will they allow the Dark Elf to escape so that they don't need to fight him? Down another hall, Alastair, Jandar and Tilly find an old friend, and are forced to make another difficult choice! Will they make the right decisions, or will they unleash tragedy upon the world?

Ep084: The Last of the Voidthresher Tribe

Wed, 03 Jul 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Ambushed by the Cult of the Dark Star within the Tomb of Don Birchman, the group has been confronted by the three Gorgathal brothers of the Voidthresher Tribe. Sludge, Snarl, and Swoop are equipped with inventions from Albis B. Tinker called Asura Arms, which let them wield an assortment of weapons. With an armory they stole from the Lockwood estate, the three Orc brothers seek to hold the team back, so that Glearis Galaxyrender can complete his ritual!

Ep083: The Dawn of the Final Battle

Wed, 19 Jun 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After gathering their allies, the group learns where Glearis Galaxyrender has found another way into the depths of the city! In the crypt of someone they once respected in Narquelion, their arch enemy has gathered his forces, all to stand in the way of our heroes. This will be their final challenge, a dungeon to waylay them, preventing them from confronting the leader of the Cult of the Dark Star, who seeks to gain control of a being of unfathomable power! Will Alastair, Jandar and Tilly be able to survive and confront Glearis?

Ep082 Dear Friends In Narquelion

Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After escaping from Shath'Philfgsh, the group makes it back to town that they've grown attached to, and realize that they have some time to prepare before they track down their foe, Glearis Galaxyrender. The insane Half Elf has taken control of the Cult of the Dark Star for the singular purpose of using Illonac the Teeth of Gnashing Desire to annihilate the world, so that it can be remade in his own image! When the enemy is so dangerous, will their friends in town join up with them for the final battle?

Ep081 Oh I Know Ro

Wed, 05 Jun 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Finally Alastair, Jandar, and Tilly have reached the top of the spire in the City of Green Mist, where they stand before one of the Five Supernovas, Noro. The Cyclops has channeled the might of a Lord of Madness known as Ian Warp, the Lungs of Bile, and with that power he seeks to test the three heroes that stand before him. Just what kind of tricks does this cultist of the Followers of the Dark Star have up his sleeve for our adventurers?

Ep080: The Ultimate Betrayal

Wed, 29 May 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After being reunited with Jandar, Noro kidnaps Tilly and creates an enormous spire for the group to go up so that they can defeat one of the Five Supernovas and rescue their friend! Jandar was brought to his comrades with the help of an eccentric warrior who he found when he first came into the City in Green Mist. Just who exactly is this powerful comrade who was living within Shath'Philfgsh?

Ep079: Shath'Philfgsh

Wed, 22 May 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After bidding farewell to a few friends who were leaving the city of Narquelion, Alastair and Tilly prepare to head to the Prismatic Palace, where they seek to check on the Fey Lord who rests there, and seek a mirror which could potentially lead them to the City in Green Mist, where they've been led to believe Illonac the Teeth of Gnashing Desire is breaking into the world. When the duo find themselves inside the city though, can they possibly survive all the horrific monsters that reside there? What of their friend Jandar?

Ep078: Stolen Memories

Wed, 15 May 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Encountering the Lord of Madness known as Anonrull'Sin, the group invited him to join them as they went to investigate the basement of the Payne Chateau, only to come face to face with their exact doubles inside organic pods. The more they stare though, the more they seem to be more accurate than they are! As Alastair, Tilly, and especially Jandar have an existential crisis, staring into the maw of insanity, what are Anonrull'Sin's intentions in the fleshy halls of the basement of the Payne Chateau, and why does he refer to them as Uaetahc Enyap?

Ep077: The Life of the Party

Wed, 08 May 2019 12:00:00 +0000

As their spirits break, and madness consumes them, the group decides to spend the night at the Payne Chateau, but as they awaken, the three find that the party has begun! The guests all seem appreciative of them, and the members of the staff are quick to oblige their requests, but there's one particular guest at this party that stands out, and as Alastair, Jandar and Tilly all meet him for the first time, some answers will be found, but more questions might arise!

Ep076: The Sun Sets on the Chateau

Wed, 01 May 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After seeing a horrible monster in the distance, from the front door of the Payne Chateau, Tilly wakes up to find herself in the attic, having been drug there by an incredibly tall humanoid figure! As the group gets together to figure out where their gear is, so they can leave the terrifying mansion, they begin finding more and more evidence that a party is planned for tomorrow! As they encounter more mysterious staff members, were the three heroes the ones who sent out the invites?

Ep075: The Concerns of Brutus Payne

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After being led to the third floor of the Payne Chateau by Brutus Payne, Tilly seemingly vanishes as Alastair and Jandar investigate the enormous mansion. While Alastair tries to rationalize the dread of what he's seeing, Jandar attempts to interrogate Brutus Payne, who strangely seems worried about the Ranger. Just what is going on at the Payne Chateau to cause all these horrible visions? Where has Tilly vanished to? Just what will tomorrow's plans bring the heroes?

Ep074: Sojourn at the Payne Chateau

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Finding themselves at the mansion where Brutus Payne once murdered his family and staff, the group investigates the grounds of the Payne Chateau, unsure where their belongings are, or where anyone else could be. The gigantic home seems to be in immaculate condition, but who has been keeping the building in good shape? As the team sees horrifying visions throughout the place, will their sanity remain intact? Or will the Payne Chateau drive them mad, as it did Brutus Payne?

Ep073: Return to the Payne Chateau

Wed, 10 Apr 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After escaping from Illithid Penitentiary, the group uses a teleport spell to go back to the Midori School of Magic in Narquelion, where they find Albis B. Tinker has nothing but free time, and Professor VonDrakovitch is working on new projects that he can show off to the Bloodbane Family. Offering Tilly's father something to do while they leave town, the group begins heading to the remnants of the Payne Chateau, but what awaits them at the site where the terrifying mansion once stood?

Ep072: The Tunnel to Illithid Penitentiary

Wed, 03 Apr 2019 12:00:00 +0000

As the group gathers gear and investigates the remains of the Withered Branch Inn, the team speaks with their friends and comrades in the city of Narquelion, and realize that they're not alone in this dangerous world. With their friends backing them up and preparing for the final confrontation, the three heroes decide that they should prevent Glearis Galaxyrender from having backups for his plan, and first decide to investigate the prison underneath the Shuddering Mountain!

Ep071: Cobbling Together Hope

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Watching the Withered Branch Inn burn to the ground, Alastair, Jandar and Tilly have experienced absolute despair, knowing that Glearis Galaxyrender is close to realizing his dreams, with the help of the utterly powerful Sotheby Crux and Telomere Venomstar. Knowing that their benefactor Enja Everwinter is now being manipulated by them makes it sting all the worse, but there is a glimmer of hope! Professor VonDrakovitch and Albis B. Tinker reveal that the Lunisolar Cannon is close to being completed, but what more could it need, in order to not put their lives at risk?

Ep070: Advent of Calamity

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 12:00:00 +0000

After an explosion brought the group to the Withered Branch Inn, the three of them were confronted by the worst possible scenario! Standing before them are two of the five Supernovas, Telomere Venomstar and Sotheby Crux, along with their master: Glearis Galaxyrender!! Mocking the group with his grand schemes, the leader of the Cult of the Dark Star has a twisted secret to reveal to the team, which will change the fate of the entire world!

Ep069: Showdown at the Red Leaf Brewery

Wed, 13 Mar 2019 12:00:00 +0000

While Alastair and Tilly wake and discuss what to do with the eccentric inventors in the basement of the Midori School of Magic, Jandar is at his local tavern, staring down a fellow Wood Elf! While Jandar proves himself to the confident archer, and his friends begin preparations for their final battle with the Cult of the Dark Star, a terrible shadow looms over Narquelion! What dreadful plans do their foes have in store for them and the city?

Ep068 Majorita's Last Dance

Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have begun to battle against Majorita Canisahn, one of the Five Supernovas, who replaced Amelia Sunflower when Alastair altered the past! Majorita has transformed into a horrifying aberrant abomination, and seeks to annihilate Alastair, Jandar, Tilly and their friend Amelia! What tricks does this Warlock possess when her back is against the wall, and she's all out of moves? Will the group be able to defeat one of the five most powerful members of the Cult of the Dark Star?

Ep067: The Supernova Paradox

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers are in trouble at Lockwood Stables! While Alastair remains trapped in the past, even after saving Amelia Sunflower as a child, Jandar and Tilly are being attacked by a seemingly endless supply of disgusting horse-like aberrations! While his friends battle to the death, what will Alastair find out about his own history, as he's forced to watch the terrible moment when he and his family were attacked at Lockwood Manor?

Ep066: Out of Time

Wed, 13 Feb 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have been separated from each other! While Jandar and Tilly hunt down their Bard, Alastair has been brought before Amelia Sunflower, the Halfling woman they met at the beginning of their journey! While Alastair tries to reason with her, Amelia seems stricken with madness and spite over the hard life she had to live, which she blames on the Lockwood family! When Alastair is cursed to relive her sorrowful past, who is it that will step forth from the void to help him?

Ep065 The Blood in the Barn

Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have arrived at Lockwood Stables, where they've encountered horse-like aberrations which urge the group to ride them! As the group's sanity slips away in this alien place, the group finds a barn with a strange pool of blood on the ground and eerie forms on the ceiling. Just what are these things they're finding, and why was this place chosen as a base of operations for these foul beings from beyond time and space?

Ep064 The Writhing of Sprinkles

Wed, 30 Jan 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have left Narquelion and begun to travel towards Lockwood Stables, where Mawenzi Freedompeak has warned that his men have investigated and come back warped. As the group travels towards a place no doubt connected to Alastair, the team finds strange and mutated creatures patrolling the area, and lurking above them is a horrifying monster from their darkest nightmares! What terrifying beasts lurk within Lockwood Stables?

Ep063 A Brief Respite Before A Plunge Into Terror

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have defeated one of the Five Supernovas with the help of their friend Gorn, and have finally defeated Jandar's archenemies: the Voidthresher Tribe! After leaving Thundertusk Cove, the team is able to relax at the Red Leaf Brewery before heading to Lockwood Stables. The group was able to divine some information on the strange place, and the trio sets off for the old place with heavy hearts.

Ep062 A Heart Not Filled With Hate

Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have begun to do battle with one of the Five Supernovas, Groon Voidthresher! The long lost brother of Gorn has revealed himself to be Gor'gron Voidthresher, the father of Gorn and Groon who has the ability to take over the bodies of those who slay him, so long as they have hate in their hearts. Long ago, Groon lost himself to the dark power of the Supervova when he struck down his abusive father, and now the Warlock seeks to gain Jandar's body! With the group feeling naught but hatred for Groon Voidthresher, what hope do they possibly have?

Ep061 The Return of the Brother

Wed, 09 Jan 2019 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have made their way through Thundertusk Cove, and now stand before the leader of the Voidthresher Tribe, which has brought nothing but agony to the region! With an old friend in desperate trouble, the group splits up to take down the Warlock and to save their comrade. As Jandar confronts his most hated foe, just want kind of power does the shadowy Warlock who worships The Hate's Heart possess?

Ep060 Delving Into Thundertusk Cove

Wed, 02 Jan 2019 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have learned that the leader of the Voidthresher Tribe has connections with a Lord of Madness known as Gleh Crin, the Hate's Heart! As the team continues exploring the cavern near the beach, they encounter even more of the Orcs from the tribe that Jandar has sworn to destroy. The group will need to be wary, since there are many enemies and traps within the dungeon, along with the leader of their foes!

Ep059: Poison Dripping With The Void

Wed, 26 Dec 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers do battle with an Orc from the Voidthresher Tribe on the beaches far to the north of Narquelion. After defeating their foe, the group searches around and finds Thundertusk Cove, which has been taken over by the sworn enemies of Jandar! Within the cavern, powerful Orcs that wield weapons made of shadow stand guard, ready to lay their lives on the line for their tribe and the Cult of the Dark Star.

Ep058 Aberrant Shadows in the Night

Wed, 19 Dec 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers travel to the north, so that they can investigate Thundertusk Cove, where they've heard Orcs have been spotted. On the first night of their journey however, a dreadful shadow looms across their camp, and Alastair is forced to confront Illonac the Teeth of Gnashing Desire! What horrifying things does this Lord of Madness have to announce to Lord Lockwood?

Ep057 The Out of Practice Alumnus

Wed, 12 Dec 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have just seen a new project that Professor VonDrakovitch has been working on, when they hear a knock at the door to the Midori School of Magic. A traveler from far away has come looking for Gada Davida, but only bad news awaits the stranger. As the group learns about the former student, they also make preparations to head to the north, where Thundertusk Cove awaits them.

Ep056: Vile Bargains

Wed, 05 Dec 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers are in the Nine Hells of Iled, awaiting a trial which will call upon them to be witnesses against their former nemesis Lucidia'Grawl! Before court begins though, Zaulomon the Wretched wishes to bargain with the team, in the hopes of gaining their favor, so he can win the trial against Ester Moonflower. Will the entire group forge Faustian covenants with the dreadful Warlock, and is the price they'll pay worth it?

Ep055: A Very Wretched Meeting

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers convince Professor VonDrakovitch and Albis B. Tinker to work together, so that they can build the Lunisolar Cannon together. Afterwards, the group heads to the United Zelphire Church of Light to meet with Ester Moonflower, only to find that Baelgoroth is sending her to the 6th Circle of Hell! At the 66th District Court, the team learns that a meeting has been scheduled for them with Zaulomon the Wretched!

Ep054: Warm Tears and Cold Steel

Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers skulk in the shadows of Offalgorger Coliseum, as they spy on Saturn Vohlo and the familiar visitor, claiming to be the Majordomo of the Galaxyrender estate. As the old man threatens the Supernova, the group decides what they should do. Should they assist Saturn Vohlo, who's rebelling against Glearis Galaxyrender? Or do they wait to see the outcome of the battle? While chaos erupts at the coliseum, Tilly also prays that she'll find her father alive and well, but is it too late for him?

Ep053: A Familiar Visitor

Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers begin to run away from the ghostly form of Gorbo Borgo, the dimwitted Ogre spirit who has been ordered by Saturn Vohlo to slay the team, so he can gain control of their souls! As the group eludes Gorbo Borgo, they spy the Warlock who has gained control of Offalgorger Coliseum, but who has come to meet one of the Five Supernovas?

Ep052: The Blue Market

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have battled against more clockwork knights at Offalgorger Coliseum, where they found a Halfling merchant named Roscoe, who barters with them. As the group continues ahead, they once again encounter the ghastly giant Gorbo Borgo along with his master Saturn Vohlo! What terrifying plans does the Supernova have for the region?

Ep051 The Killing Floor

Wed, 31 Oct 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers battle against spectral Ogres who claim that Saturn Vohlo is the true leader of the Cult of the Dark Star! As the team heads inside Offalgorger Coliseum, they find it's filled with strange, featureless forms which seem motionless. As they attempt to explore the area, danger strikes when curiosity gets the better of the group's Ranger!

Ep050 The Gates of Offalgorger Coliseum

Wed, 24 Oct 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers do battle with the armored stranger, and learn that it may be connected to Tilly's father! Afterwards, the group continues on towards the ancient coliseum, and as they do, a horrible chill rolls through the area, bringing with it the dread of necrotic energy. What does this mean for the team, as they head to the old Ogre battleground?

Ep049: A Clockwork Knight

Wed, 17 Oct 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have survived their confrontation with Telomere Venomstar, and have a discussion with Hildegarde Arachnos, where they learn more of her past. Afterwards, the group decides what they'd like to do next, and converse with Ester Moonflower about the impending trial of Lucidia'Grawl, and the team makes a trek out of the city of Narquelion!

Ep048: The Terror of the Boogeyman

Wed, 10 Oct 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have confronted one of the Five Supernovas, Telomere Venomstar! The Dark Elf serial killer opens up discussions with Tilly as she tries to rescue the child that was kidnapped, while Alastair, Jandar and Hilde wait outside, prepared to strike. Can they possibly gather the courage to strike at one of the most powerful beings on the continent? Or will the terror of their previous defeat cripple them in the face of the dreaded Boogeyman?

Ep047: Stalking One of the Five

Wed, 03 Oct 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have learned of all the chaos surrounding the city of Narquelion, and delve deeper into the dream journal. Afterwards, they meet up with Hildegard Arachnos, who's determined to track down Telomere Venomstar, and save the child that he's kidnapped! As the group draws closer to the bearer of the Mask of Wrathberry Tartaros, are they the hunters? Or have they become the hunted?

Ep046: A Difficult Decision

Wed, 26 Sep 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers encounter Baelgoroth, the Imp that they once summoned at the start of their journey! Now working for a powerful Warlock by the name of Zaulomon the Wretched, Baelgoroth is determined to gain the group's support, or keep them out of the trial which will soon determine the fate of Lucidia'Grawl's soul! Afterwards, the team meets up with other people around town, and learn of even more things that require their attention around Narquelion!

Ep045: Words From the Teeth of Gnashing Desire

Wed, 19 Sep 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have learned that somewhere within the town of Narquelion is Telomere Venomstar! As Alastair rushes across the city to warn his allies, Jandar and Tilly head into the prison of Thornhaven, in the hopes of delving into it's depths, where the group found the door which leads deeper under the city. The strange voice that's been following the team was once heard down in the dungeon, and our heroes mean to find answers!

Ep044: The Remnants of the Party

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have left the horrifying Payne Chateau, and gone back to the city of Narquelion, where they meet with Professor VonDrakovitch, to catch up with him. Afterwards, the group splits up to run errands and investigate different matters; while Jandar and Tilly learn of ancient ruins far to the North East, Alastair is left alone, where a predator blends in with the masses! How much danger has the Bard been put in?

Ep043: The Fang of the Night Sky

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers are growing ever closer to the truth about what happened at the Payne Chateau. The sun has set, and stars fill the night sky above the towering mansion, where they attempt to piece together the events that led Brutus Payne to murdering everyone that resided in his home. The answers they seek are close, but what looms above them, out in the depths of space?

Ep042: Haunting Memories Through Empty Corridors

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers continue investigating the Payne Chateau, where Brutus Payne was said to have murdered his family and staff, in a fit of rage. Within the old mansion, visions of the past assault the group, as they search for clues as to what happened to Enja Everwinter and her fellow comrades. Just what was their connection to Brutus Payne? What horrible things lie within the old home of the Payne family?

Ep041: Welcome to the Payne Chateau

Wed, 22 Aug 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have left the city of Narquelion, and have begun their trek to the Payne Chateau, in an effort to uncover secrets from the dreadful dream journal that the team carries around. From an old trail, a huge building which shouldn't exist looms above them. The group has been told that the estate was burned down long ago, though. Just what exactly happened at the Payne Chateau?

Ep040: The Lunisolar Cannon

Wed, 15 Aug 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have been given some information about the schematics that Alastair has been carrying around with him, but even after they learn of the boon it might grant them, can the group convince Professor VonDrakovitch to help them? Even if they do, is the mad genius going to be trustworthy enough to work on something so important? After they work things out with the Professor, where will the team head to next?

Ep039: It's Not a Battle With a Supernova, It's Brain Surgery!

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers are face to face with one of the Five Supernovas of the region, Saturn Vohlo, who has summoned a portal to Glearis Galaxyrender! While being confronted by their arch enemy, and a foe adept at arcane magic and dark deals, the group must also scramble to try and put Professor VonDrakovitch's brain into a body, in an effort to bolster their fighting force! After all the time it takes to complete the surgery, will it have been too late? How will the team manage to deal with a Supernova who's been ordered to destroy them??

Ep038: A Sea of Bottomless Darkness

Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have been confronted by a specter of the past, which has created a giant pool of blackness, which threatens to swallow everything whole! While this happens, the group is greeted by a foe of incredible power, who brought along a helpless friend of the team! Just who is this dreadful stranger, and how will the group save themselves, let alone their old friend?

ep037: Shimmering Scales of Hatred

Wed, 25 Jul 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have been confronted with a body that Professor VonDrakovitch has lost control of, and seems to be fixated on Alastair, desiring his demise! As the Bard fights against his foe, and while Jandar attempts to fell the monster, the base erupts with chaos, as the dreaded Zyklon Bloodbane has sent word that he needs to speak with Professor VonDrakovitch, but the professor has no body to speak with! As her comrades attempt to fell the twisted creation, Tilly rushes to prevent an even stronger menace from arriving in the region.

ep036: The GS-01 Auxiliary Labs

Wed, 18 Jul 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers part ways with Swampborough the Treant, and head further south towards the location where the Bloodbane family has set up a base. At the stronghold, the team sneaks around, trying to learn some more information, and encounter a division of Dragonborn, as well as strange, stitched together creatures. Has Professor VonDrakovitch been experimenting in a new location?

ep035 The Modus Operandi of a Maniac

Wed, 11 Jul 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventures learn some startling facts about Telomere Venomstar, one of the world's most deadly serial killers, and how he was supposed to have been sealed away at Illithid Penitentiary. After that, the team makes their final decision on where they're going next, and leave the city of Narquelion. On their travels, they encounter a mysterious being who's happy to provide information, if the group can survive his stories!

ep034: Knocking Back a Few With an Unlikely Ally

Wed, 04 Jul 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers gather information throughout the city of Narquelion, in an attempt to learn about Gila Swamp and the Payne Chateau. During the investigation, the team encounters a familiar looking Half Orc, and are able to learn some facts about the region, as well as confront someone who has been spying on them. Why has the Bloodbane family set their focus upon the group?

ep033 The Damp Shadow

Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers begin the trek towards the city of Narquelion, after leaving the Rainbow Valley. Along the way, the group must not only contend with their curses forcing them to read pages from the Dream Journal, but they must also deal with the mysterious presence that's been following them along on their long journey. Just who is this fourth person of the team?

ep032 A Fitting End to the Twins

Wed, 20 Jun 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers continue their battle to the death with Lucidia'Grawl, neither side relenting. While the group fights to make sure the mad Ettin is destroyed, as Grawl funnels more and more dark energy into his poor sister. The sorrowful fate of Lucidia is soon to be determined! Will the group be able to withstand the darkness of the Shadowfell, intensified by the Shard of the Black Pyramid?

ep031 Showdown at the Prismatic Palace

Wed, 13 Jun 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have begun their confrontation with Lucidia'Grawl, the Ettin who was corrupted by a Shard of the Black Pyramid. Early in their quest, the group encountered the two headed giant at Stoneraven Keep, where the siblings escaped into the Shadowfell. Now the battle has begun with one of their most hated foes! What chance does the team have?

ep030 Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Wed, 06 Jun 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have encountered a strange mirror, sealed away within the Prismatic Palace. From within the mirror, strange voices are heard, and images cause alarm. After exploring further into the castle, the group encounters more creatures corrupted with necrotic energy. What terrifying things are sealed within the Fey citadel?

Noobs and Dragons ep029

Wed, 30 May 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers continue to wander through the shining Prismatic Palace, deep within the Rainbow Valley. Necrotic energy from the Shadowfell now hangs in the air of the castle, corrupting any Fey within. As the group explores, they find an old mirror that's been sealed away, but what is it about their reflections that reminds them of the Dream Journal?

Noobs and Dragons ep028

Wed, 23 May 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers are being stalked by the horrifying lunatic known as Telomere Venomstar through the Rainbow Valley in the dark of the night. After eluding the maniac, the group rushes to the Prismatic Palace, in order to investigate the source of the blight which is destroying the forest. The Warlock they escaped from mentioned Lucidia'Grawl was within the Fey castle. What kind of mysteries will they find within the labyrinth?

Noobs and Dragons ep027

Wed, 16 May 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have begun their trek into the Rainbow Valley, so that they can investigate the Prismatic Palace. With the Flumph known as Walter in tow, they journey through the woods until they encounter a stranger in the night. When conversation with the stoic Telomere Venomstar begins to become heated, and his power is revealed, what kind of nightmares will be unleashed upon the group?

Noobs and Dragons ep026

Wed, 09 May 2018 12:53:55 +0000

Our adventures investigate the Depths of Thornhaven, in an effort to gather their forgotten loot. After meeting back up, the group discusses where to go next, and begins making their trek to the Rainbow Valley in the north, in the hopes of saving the forest of Fey. The Prismatic Palace is home to an ancient Fey Lord, but the crystals that made the castle were mined from deep within the earth, where dark things sleep.

Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep025

Wed, 02 May 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers are being interrogated by Percival Steelbreeze, for the crime of murder in the city of Narquelion! Despite just saving the town, evidence has piled up against Tilly, and the group tries to figure out how to save their comrade from jail. Meanwhile, dark shadows loom up out of the Depths of Thornhaven, to strike at the city!

Noobs and Dragons ep024

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventures have split up, with Jandar confronting the Orcish warrior Slag Gorgathal, while Alastair and Tilly attempt to deactivate the time bomb, created by Tilly's father. As the Ranger battles to the death with the Voidthresher, the Bard and Cleric fumble with strange and archaic contraptions that could destroy the city of Narquelion! What chance do they have to survive? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep023

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have learned that Glearis Galaxyrender has planted a bomb within the Depths of Thornhaven, which if detonated would end the lives most the citizens in Narquelion! As the group rushes towards the lowest levels of the secret base of the Cult of the Dark Star, they're confronted by Foul Spawn, traps, and a veteran from the Voidthresher Tribe. Will they make it time to prevent the bomb from exploding?

Noobs and Dragons ep022

Wed, 11 Apr 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventures continue to search for Sir Aelg, and their inquiries lead them into the prison that lies beneath Thornhaven. Hidden within the prison is a secret entrance to the Depths of Thornhaven, where the group encounters the missing town guard, that have been transformed into Foulspawn. Deeper within the hidden lair, the team encounters their greatest of foes.

Noobs and Dragons ep021

Wed, 04 Apr 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers investigate the city, in a desperate attempt to track down Sir Aelg, and figure out his connection to Glearis Galaxyrender, who they've been told was from a noble family that fell from the grace of their god. Meanwhile, the group learns that Wyverns have unexpectedly arrived at Gila Swamp in the South, as well as the history of Narquelion.

Noobs and Dragons ep020

Wed, 28 Mar 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have been confronted by a reanimated wolf from the Feywild. After dealing with the threat, the group continues along their journey with Amelia Sunflower towards Narquelion. Along the way, they hear the shrill cries of Wyverns in the distance. A shocking surprise lies for the heroes when they make it to the city.

Noobs and Dragons ep019

Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have left the Shuddering Mountain, and make their way back to Narquelion, in order to investigate Sir Aelg's connection with Glearis Galaxyrender. Along the way, they meet a strange woman, who seems friendly, but the group is on high alert. As they venture forth, they encounter a huge beast that alerts them to other problems in the region. Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep018

Wed, 14 Mar 2018 12:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have defeated the Orc bodyguard from the Void Threshers, and continue to venture into the Shuddering Mountain, to confront the True Leader Raspith. In the depths of the dungeon lies not a powerful mage, but instead a dying man, who seeks to bring a horrifying aberration into the world from the Far Realm. What terrible being does Raspith seek beyond time and space? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep017

Wed, 07 Mar 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers venture forward into the Shuddering Mountain, only to encounter more bizarre things within the lair of the Followers of the Dark Star. Before the group can confront the True Leader Raspith, they must battle an Orc from the Void Thresher tribe, the very same tribe of Orcs who ruined Jandar's life. What terrifying powers does this Lieutenant of the Void Threshers have? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep016

Wed, 28 Feb 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers traverse down the Hall of Recall and are attacked by their very memories as they head towards the vault. Deeper within the Shuddering Mountain, the group interrogates a Cultist of the Dark Star and learns horrible secrets of the region. Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep015

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers continue to explore the Shuddering Mountain, in an attempt to glean more aberrant lore from the Cult of the Dark Star. Within the lair of the cultists, the group hears of a vault, that lies at the end of the Hall of Recall. What terrible fate awaits the group? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep014

Wed, 14 Feb 2018 13:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers examine the dream journal and the nightmare idol, in an effort to glean some information from the strange happenings. They continue their trip to the Shuddering Mountain, but what horrors lie within the cave? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep013

Wed, 07 Feb 2018 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers make preparations to leave the city of Narquelion, so that they can travel to confront the Cult of the Dark Star in the Shuddering Mountain. As the group travels westward, the temptation to read the dream journal increases, but at what cost does the knowledge from this tome come? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep012

Wed, 31 Jan 2018 20:04:00 +0000

Our adventurers leave the Bloodbane controlled alchemical facility, and head back to the city of Narquelion, but what darkness lies within the dream journal that seems to be corrupting the team? What new events have transpired in the city of perpetual autumn in the group's absence?   Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep012

Wed, 31 Jan 2018 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers leave the Bloodbane controlled alchemical facility, and head back to the city of Narquelion, but what darkness lies within the dream journal that seems to be corrupting the team? What new events have transpired in the city of perpetual autumn in the group's absence? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep011

Wed, 24 Jan 2018 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers finally confront the madman that's in control of the New Arkhosia Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Professor VonDrakovitch! What horrors does the insane Kobold have sealed away, deeper still within his lair?

Noobs and Dragons ep010

Wed, 17 Jan 2018 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers continue their investigation into the alchemical laboratory that was once controlled by dragon kind. What dark secrets lie within the subterranean labyrinth, that were abandoned by the Bloodbane family? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep009

Wed, 10 Jan 2018 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers begin to investigate the New Arkhosia Pharmaceutical Laboratory, in search of alchemical ingredients to ease the suffering of Judal Bloodbane. What secrets lie within the abandoned lab? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep008

Wed, 03 Jan 2018 14:00:00 +0000

The party continues through Stone Raven Keep in search of Don Burchman and hope that they've arrived in time for answers to their questions. Evil energies permeate the walls around them and the group will have to face something new. Will they survive? Will they get answers to Professor Davida's past? Will the party find a way to get rid of the sleep journal? Will Tilly ever lose the Nightmare Idol? You'll have to listen to this weeks Noobs and Dragons to find out!

Noobs and Dragons ep007

Wed, 27 Dec 2017 14:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers have reached Stone Raven Keep and continue looking for Don Burchman. What will they find in the tower and will they finally get some answers about the dream journal? Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep006

Wed, 20 Dec 2017 14:00:00 +0000

The adventurers investigate the city of Narquelion for more information, and make the decision to journey out of town for more answers about this strange book and the death of Professor Davida.

Noobs and Dragons ep005

Wed, 13 Dec 2017 14:00:00 +0000

The Adventurers have reached the Midori School of Magic and look to find answers to what happened with Professor Davida.

Noobs and Dragons ep004

Wed, 06 Dec 2017 14:00:00 +0000

The adventurers have made it out of the Rusty Hatchet Warren and head back to the caravan. Knowing that Iron Ox and his goblins were after the dream journal our adventurers head quickly to the city of Narquelion to deliver the journal. Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep003

Wed, 29 Nov 2017 18:12:02 +0000

This week our adventures find the leader of the goblins that attacked the caravan and continue their adventure in the cave known as the Rusty Hatchet Warren.  Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep002

Wed, 22 Nov 2017 17:05:51 +0000

This week on Noobs and Dragons our adventurers hunt down the Goblins that attacked their caravan. Following them into the woods our adventurers find a cave. Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

Noobs and Dragons ep001

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 09:22:35 +0000

Join Grim, Jazze and Chops as they journey through a world of imagination with the help of Craig W.K. What adventures wait for them in the magical world of Geisel? Find out as they play Dungeons & Dragons together.