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Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters


A 5th edition D&D actual play podcast of a dad playing Dungeons & Dragons with his daughters for the last six year. The podcast started when the girls were eight-years-old, and now that they are teenagers, we have started on our second campaign. Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network.





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77. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 7

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 19:42:58 -0500

After shopping for longer than they probably should have, the group travels through the town of Downfall to find out more about the revolution before confronting Bavlorna, the hag and ruler of these swamp lands.  Along the way they meet a depressed musician that they may help.  TBD also gets exposed to what a “revolution” looks like in Downfall and they are not impressed. 

76. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 6

Thu, 06 Jun 2024 22:09:31 -0500

After mourning the loss of the fire babies, the group explores more of Downfall.  They meet a new, but rather creepy ally surrounded by talking severed heads.  They meet the king!  But more importantly, they finally agree on a group name.

75. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 5

Sun, 11 Feb 2024 11:14:36 -0500

The to be named group navigates the swamp of Hither.  They encounter a number of the strange residents of this swamp land held in perpetual twilight.  On the way to Downfall, the home of the hag Bavlorna, the group addresses a critical issue by naming the adopted giant snail that they took from the harengons that tried to rob them.  This episode also has fire babies.

74. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 4

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 17:44:50 -0500

The group gives a master class in interrogation as they get information from the captured rabbit people.  They learn a lot about where to find the hag Bavlorna, and the negative impact she has had on the land since she took over.

73. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 3

Sun, 22 Oct 2023 22:38:50 -0500

Our new group of adventurers leave the carnival behind as they step into the Feywild!  This new environment and land will take some getting used to as it is a hot and dark swamp compared to the bright and festive carnival that the group was in previously.  The group also encounters some of the natives, who are somewhat musically inclined.

72. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 2

Sun, 08 Oct 2023 20:33:56 -0500

The group of young adventurers decide to participate in a cupcake eating contest before going for a ride through the air on giant dragon flies!  After getting their fill of cupcakes, they also meet a halfling bard that points them in the direction to find their lost things, and the direction to also become heroes!

71. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 1

Mon, 04 Sep 2023 20:57:17 -0500

Our new heroes, Lyrup, Willow, Pinky, and Tude grab their tickets and enter into the Witchlight carnival!  While Lyrup is directional challenged, the group does make their way to a number of different events in the carnival as they look for the things (and people) that they had lost the last time they were here all those years ago.

70. DDD The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Session 0

Sun, 23 Jul 2023 21:05:05 -0500

Session 0 for campaign 2!  We're playing The Wild Beyond the Witchlight adventure!

69. DDD Our First Campaign Wrap!

Sat, 03 Jun 2023 21:57:49 -0500

We talk about everything we’ve done over the last six years.  We talk about what we didn’t do.  We also say at the beginning of this we’re not playing Dungeons and Dragons, but we play a little bit at the end!

68. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 10

Sun, 23 Apr 2023 22:04:11 -0500

This is it!  The campaign finale!

67. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 9

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 11:55:22 -0500

Mishakal gives the three musketeers an emotional decision, one that will decide the fate of the entire universe.

66. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 8

Sun, 11 Dec 2022 19:29:32 -0500

It finally happens!  The group comes face-to-face with their arch-nemesis, the vampire Christopherson!

65. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 7

Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:26:42 -0500

The couple of days that the three musketeers promised to the scientists are almost up.  Before the group can be let go, Meme, Gallexy, and Fat Deb try to find some answers, and take closer look at the experiment that Dr. Christopherson is working on.

64. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 6

Tue, 26 Jul 2022 22:49:06 -0500

Trapped in a strange world, Fat Deb, Meme, and Gallexy (and Mr. Bokbok) try to figure out how to get home after getting arrested by the police.  Everyone seems to be really interested in where the gang came from, and a couple of scientists think that the musketeers can help them with some interdimensional scientific research.

63. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 5

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 21:29:45 -0500

Christopherson shows the girls what the world would be like without him in it.  And it’s not at all what they had expected.  Although, if the three musketeers are in it, it has the usual hi jinx, arguing, and whiskey drinking that you would normally expect.

62. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 4

Sun, 06 Feb 2022 22:13:54 -0500

Meme, Gallexy, and Fat Deb finally find out what’s going on inside of Mount Olympus since the Fireforge Dwarves had taken over.  They find some old friends, who aren’t in the best of shape, and finally, they come face-to-face with Christopherson!


Today’s episode is sponsored by Applewhite Games!  Check out their kickstarter “Journey to the Center of Eraegarth”!

Twitter: @ApplewhiteGames



61. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 3

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 15:18:31 -0500

The group faces off against the powerful Lich, Acvellan.  The group does their best against the powerful undead wizard on the cliffs of Mount Olympus!

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 7

Wed, 29 Dec 2021 16:27:13 -0500

Our seventh (and maybe last?) out of the dungeon episode. We review the changes to the girls' characters now that they are level 13!

60. DDD The Beginning of the End, Part 2

Mon, 08 Nov 2021 19:46:45 -0500

After the test of the Muskelator results in a disaster, the group splits up with different approaches to get into Mount Olympus that has now been taken over by the Fireforge dwarves.  Fat Deb reveals how terrible she is at impersonations, Meme shows how far she’s willing to go to save her friends, and Gallexy throws caution to the wind as she wets herself once again braving another trip on the Muskelator.  This all leads to running into a very powerful enemy.

59. DDD The Beginning of the End

Tue, 26 Oct 2021 22:44:47 -0500

Mount Olympus is a very different place compared to the last time the three musketeers were there.  The group explores the small town Fizzlebottom, which rests at the foot of the mountain, and they run into an old acquaintance.  The group gets into a fist fight, and then they decide testing out the Muskelators again is a terrific idea.

58. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 9

Sun, 10 Oct 2021 19:31:41 -0500

The group reaches Miam, the once great capital city of the human kingdom.  But it has since been abandoned after Christopherson’s demon infestation took over the city.  The group prepares to get everyone back to Mount Olympus over the next couple of days, while avoiding the city as much as they can.

57. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 8

Wed, 15 Sep 2021 21:48:16 -0500

The group travels as quickly as they can away from the fight with the Lich and the Death Knight.  But now it’s a race against time as Fat Deb, Gallexy, and Meme dash with the other musketeers (and the dozen or so Atlantean orphans) off the island before it explodes!

56. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 7

Sun, 11 Jul 2021 21:14:04 -0500

It’s a fight with a Lich and a Death Knight!  The group hesitates on whether or not they should stay or run as their goal had always been to just rescue the souls of Betha and Blondie.  The problem is that the souls are  trapped in small cages that hang from the belts of the powerful undead creatures.

55. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 6

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:35:51 -0500

The group finally runs into Jed and Guy.  Now they have to decide who will stay and who will go as they don’t have enough time to rescue the orphans of Atlantis, rescue Blondie and Betha’s souls, and keep everyone together.  Also, Fat Deb finds a love interest.

54. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 5

Tue, 27 Apr 2021 22:52:22 -0500

After helping the children below the city of Atlantis, the three musketeers go deeper and find the jail cells that were holding Jed and Guy.  While down in the depths, Meme runs into an unexpected ally from the past, but the ally isn’t the same as before.  Time is running is out as the island’s nuclear core is overheating and will explode unless our heroes can figure out a way to stop it.

53. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 4

Mon, 22 Feb 2021 19:01:00 -0500

Heading into the underbelly of Atlantis, Fat Deb, Gallexy, and Meme continue their search for Jed and Guy, before they continue their search for Betha and Blondie.  Below the city the group’s problem solving skills are severely strained.  And just when they thought they were done dealing with creepy children…

52. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 3

Mon, 08 Feb 2021 19:00:00 -0500

Armed with information on where their friends are, the three musketeers venture further into Atlantis.  They head towards the maintenance area of the city as that appears to be where Jed and Guy are captured.  On the way there, the group finally sees some people.  But the team quickly determines that they want nothing to do with them.

51. DDD The City of Atlantis, Part 2

Mon, 25 Jan 2021 19:47:52 -0500

The group enters the city of Atlantis looking for someone, or something, that can give them clues on where to go to find the souls of Blondie and Betha. This area of the city Ian is not as familiar with and leads our heroes deeper into the metropolis while Meme becomes obsessed with a cat.  Surprises happen along the way, but one question keeps coming up, where is everyone?

50. DDD The City of Atlantis

Wed, 23 Dec 2020 15:58:05 -0500

Entering through the open maintenance door, the group gets a first hand taste of the dangers that await them in the city of Atlantis!

49. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 9

Mon, 07 Dec 2020 21:26:55 -0500

The group finds the magical ring needed to escape Kyleland and get back home.  They have a vote, and decide that going home is the only thing they want to do.  Gallexsy, Meme, Fat Deb, Boom, Mr. Bokbok, and Ian prepare themselves and get back on the road to Atlantis!

48. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 8

Fri, 30 Oct 2020 20:37:10 -0500

Get’em!  The group somehow surprises the beholder, Kyle!  The group fights the ruler of Kyleland in the middle of his treasure horde with the help of Boom, Gallexy’s flesh golem corgi, and Ian, the Atlantean soldier!  Will this be enough to take Kyle down, get the ring, and go home?

47. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 7

Wed, 30 Sep 2020 22:53:43 -0500

The group makes a plan!  Then they decide against it, and then they go with the original plan!  Fat Deb, Meme, and Gallexsy decide on a course that will change the fate of Kyleland forever!  With Ian, the Atlantean soldier, Boom, and Mr. Bokbok, the three musketeers head off in the direction that they all think is probably the right plan… maybe.

46. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 6

Thu, 10 Sep 2020 22:07:25 -0500

Confronted by Kyle and surrounded by guards, our heroes have a decisive moment to fight or to run.  Things do not go as expected, and secrets are uncovered about the ruler of Kyleland.  Also, Meme becomes a bunny.

45. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 5

Tue, 26 May 2020 22:29:07 -0500

The group argues a lot on what to do next.  They find out from Ubo, the tortle in charge of security, that Kyle has an artifact in his room that will transport our heroes back home.  But how they get it is up to the musketeers.

44. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 4

Wed, 13 May 2020 20:45:56 -0500

The Three Musketeers get shown to their rooms in Kyleland, and they find out a few more things about this strange place from the Goliath named Felicia, who is the head of “Service” in Kyleland. They do a little exploring trying to find Mr. Bokbok, Boom, and Ian. Apparently there’s something important about Ian being from Atlantis. The group also meets a tortle named Ubo, who is the head of “Defense” and seems to be a key person to know if the group plans to escape from Kyleland.

43. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 3

Tue, 28 Apr 2020 11:11:41 -0500

The Three Musketeers wake up in a strange fighting arena, surrounded by screaming watchers.  They meet a number of very strange characters, but none stranger than Kyle, the eccentric leader of this odd place called Kyleland.  The group doesn’t have much time to contemplate these turn of events as Kyle informs them that one of the musketeers must fight a Morkoth to the death while the others watch and can’t interfere.

42. DDD No Safe Harbor, Part 2

Mon, 23 Mar 2020 22:37:56 -0500

The crew of the Fancy Footwork and the pirates turn their attention to the gigantic dragon turtle that just popped out of the sea! The Musketeers pull out some big spells but manage to take out the dragon before there is any permanent damage to either ship. However, this is when Deb, Meme, and Gallexsy discover that there are even bigger threats that exist below the surface of the ocean!

41. DDD No Safe Harbor

Tue, 04 Feb 2020 00:38:45 -0500

Doc approaches the Three Musketeers with a special mission, she needs them to go to Atlantis while the refugees of Miam are getting transported. The group has to make some hard choices on who to leave behind as only a small boat captained by an enthusiastic sailor named Azaki is available to make the trip. Once at sea, the group is immediately exposed to its many dangers: sea sickness, pirates, and monsters!

40. DDD Working for a Living, Part 8

Mon, 20 Jan 2020 21:08:16 -0500

Three weeks have passed with the musketeers in the city of Miam.  Things have been spiraling out of control.  Instead of the demons being stopped, they have come back in even greater numbers.  Christopherson makes his presence known, and disaster quickly follows after for the musketeers.  But at least there are elephants.

39. DDD Working for a Living, Part 7

Sun, 15 Dec 2019 13:03:30 -0500

The musketeers go shopping! Meme brings along her newly awakened friend, the chicken, Mr. Bokbok. While trying to secure a baby elephant for Mr. Bokbok to ride on, the girls are approached by a suspicious character that triggers a race through the streets of Miam, and ends in an unexpected alley way tussle!

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 6

Sun, 03 Nov 2019 23:22:02 -0500

Our sixth out of the dungeon episode. We review the changes to the girls’ characters now that they are level 10!

38. DDD Working for a Living, Part 6

Mon, 30 Sep 2019 21:37:09 -0500

This time… the girls go right, instead of left, in the dungeon.  They find the bodies of recently killed soldiers, they find more traps, and they find more demons!  But do they find Sir Wyatt?  They do find something that they did not plan for, and the unicorn butt backpack is at risk!

37. DDD Working for a Living, Part 5

Mon, 02 Sep 2019 10:23:53 -0500

The girls agree to do a job for Dimitri, the cleric of Bahamut, after Dimitri was able to bring Dave back from the dead. Dimitri asks them to delve into the dungeons below the temple and see if they can bring back a paladin named Wyatt Clas. It seems Sir Wyatt has gotten in over his head, and the girls realize they had met this man before, back in Westmin right after the black dragon attack.

36. DDD Working for a Living, Part 4

Tue, 25 Jun 2019 21:53:50 -0500

It’s a race against time! Meme and Gallexsy travel back and forth across the continent in search of some powerful magic! After taking the Atlantean jet, and borrowing a large sum of money from the Musketeers, the gang ends up in Miam, the capital city of the southern kingdom.

35. DDD Working for a Living, Part 3

Sat, 15 Jun 2019 12:23:34 -0500

We pick up right in the middle of the musketeers’ next mission! This mission is to destroy a pesky vampire, but fighting a vampire in its lair is harder than the group was expecting. The three musketeers have to deal with traps, beasts, and the charming magical abilities of a vampire!

34. DDD Working for a Living, Part 2

Wed, 15 May 2019 21:21:47 -0500

With some new faces around the table playing additional musketeers, our heroes charge into the town surround by gnolls to try and retrieve the Atlantean jet that was left behind. Meme has trouble letting go of her bunny tendencies, and Gallexsy has trouble hanging on to her undead corgi, Boom!

33. DDD Working for a Living

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 12:48:32 -0500

It’s a rescue mission! Some other musketeers were successful in taking down another evil threat, but they got themselves stuck in a castle surrounded by thousands of Gnolls! Can Meme, Gallexsy, and Dave work together well enough to get them out?

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 5

Tue, 09 Apr 2019 22:00:03 -0500

Our fifth out of the dungeon episode.  We announce our very first contest!  And we review the changes to the girls’ characters now that they are level 8!

32. DDD Olympus Interlude 3

Thu, 28 Mar 2019 21:10:34 -0500

The three musketeers finally get back to Mount Olympus and spend the next week getting used to being back home, doing some shopping, and finding out about all the changes that have happened since they left. Gallexsy manages something remarkable, but others aren’t too thrilled about it.

31. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 10

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 21:48:48 -0500

Journeying down to the heart of the mountain, the group finally gets to Zelane’s treasure room. But it’s not what they were expecting, and Zelane certainly isn’t what they were expecting either! The paradox also hits the group, what happens to them in the future if young Jed dies in the past?

Dungeons & Dragons Daughter Cross Over Episode Extravaganza!

Fri, 08 Feb 2019 20:47:31 -0500

This is a special cross over event episode that was recorded on December 30th, 2018. This event was a live twitch stream Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition game with daughters from many different podcasts, and this is the captured and edited audio.

Playing in this D&D game we had:

Lucia from All Ages RPG Kendall from Allison Underland Sam & Birdie from Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters Robin from Tavern Tales Junior and Amara as the Dungeon Master from A Quest for Magic and Steele

We hope you enjoy it as we all had a blast putting this together!

30. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 9

Sat, 19 Jan 2019 21:52:57 -0500

Big episode 30! The group encounters Hagitha, the right hand woman of Zelane! The group runs a lot in this episode, but reveals a lot more than what was intended about Christopherson! Their paid dragonborn guide, Jink, really turns out to be a bust! So many exclamation points!!!

29. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 8

Wed, 02 Jan 2019 23:18:27 -0500

After leaving the tower, the group finds the Dreadnaught guard they had scared away and make a deal.  But can they trust this dragonborn as he shows them the way into the mountain, or is he leading them into a trap?

28. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 7

Sun, 02 Dec 2018 21:02:55 -0500

The group has to deal with two dragoborn Dreadnaughts in the guard tower. Things don't go as expected, for both sides in the fight. Plus, Meme turns into a bunny.

27. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 6

Wed, 21 Nov 2018 20:21:04 -0500

The gang is back out in the snow and have to figure out how to get across the gigantic ravine that separates the sides of the mountain. Once across they'll encounter the fire giant's troops for the first time, the Dreadnaughts!

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 4

Mon, 05 Nov 2018 22:14:54 -0500

This is our fourth out of the dungeon episode.  We were still in town but wanted to keep this consistent with the format that we did these kinds of episodes in the past.  Like the others, we're doing some house keeping items as we go over the changes of the girls going up to level 7, and review their new spells.

26. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 5

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 22:26:39 -0500

The group leaves the dragonborn village and heads down deep into the mountain.  Jed says it’s one of two ways to get to the other side of the mountain, and to get to Zelane.  They have to go so deep, they will be coming very close to the Underdark.  But there are traps and obstacles in the way, and the Underdark may be the least of our heroes’ worries.

25. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 4

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 23:30:36 -0500

Jed leads the group to the “sunlight.”  An area in the city bathed in sunlight and perfect for farming, except that it’s been taken over by a monster that the group has agreed to take care of.  Once they do that, then the dragon born have agreed to show them how to get to the other side of the mountain to find something to send them back home.  But first… the monster!

24. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 3

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 23:19:18 -0500

The group leaves young Jed to do his butchering work and spends the night at the mushroom farmer Greethen's house. In the morning they attend a council meeting of the dragon born, and it's decided that before the people can show the group to the other side of the mountain, and obtain a magical artifact that could send them home, the three musketeers must do one more thing for the village.

23. DDD Out in the Cold, Part 2

Sat, 18 Aug 2018 12:19:08 -0500

The group finds out why there is a statue of Gerald in front of this ancient dwarven city, and they meet some of the dragonborn inhabitants.  The dragonborn prophesied our heroes coming, and in order to help the three musketeers get home, the gang needs to help them first.  But ultimately, in the end, they need to deal with a fire giant named Zelane.

22. DDD Out in the Cold

Fri, 03 Aug 2018 12:34:23 -0500

Surrounded by a frozen and snowy world, the gang seeks out shelter.  In the wild they encounter dangerous animals and eventually come across an ancient dwarven fortress dug into a mountain.  Inside the fortress, more questions come up as the group tries to figure out what is going on.

21. DDD Olympus Interlude - 2

Sat, 21 Jul 2018 14:03:41 -0500

The gang gets back to Olympus and spends their hard earned gold!  There's been some changes at the mountain and they get sent on their next adventure!

Special Women in Table Top Gaming Month - Episode 2

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 23:14:54 -0500

Part 2 of Samantha's take over as Dungeon Master in support of Women in Table Top Gaming Month! Find out more at

20. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 8

Thu, 14 Jun 2018 23:11:12 -0500

The group comes face-to-face with Eltor, the ancient black dragon that destroyed Westmin and now resides in the shattered ruins of castle Xilo.  He turns out to be vastly more than anything the group was prepared to face.  Is this truly the end?

Special Women in Table Top Gaming Month - Episode 1

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 23:05:23 -0500

Samantha takes over Dungeon Mastering duties in this first of two special episodes in support of Women in Table Top Gaming Month!

Find out more at

DDD June Announcement!

Thu, 31 May 2018 23:13:04 -0500

Exciting news for our podcast and the month of June!

19. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 7

Fri, 18 May 2018 22:26:49 -0500

In this episode, the three musketeers and Jed have to deal with traps, Kobolds, and betrayal while stomping through the bowels of castle Xilo!  Will they survive?  And even if they do, can they hope to survive when they come face-to-face with the same ancient black dragon that destroyed Westmin and brought the Elven capital to its knees?

18. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 6

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 23:47:42 -0500

The girls' uncle Nate joins us as Dave in this adventure!  Gallexsy, Meme, Dave, Jed, and Guy make their way into castle Xilo under the cover of night through a secret passage that only the elves that lived in the castle knew about.  Inside what will they find!?  Gallexsy will probably be really upset when she finds out that her bedroom was destroyed by the dragon and the kobolds that have taken up residence in the castle. 

17. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 5

Mon, 09 Apr 2018 23:42:01 -0500

We finally get to find out what happened to our Dragonborn friend, Jed!  We also learn more about the Atlanteans and why there are soldiers in the swamps around the Xiloscient capital.  Sensing the end is near for the black dragon, or for themselves, our heroes trudge towards the golden castle for the final show down, arguing the entire way there.  Crowded on to a rowboat with Guy and Jed, the three musketeers barely make it to the castle's shores under the cover of night.

16. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 4

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 19:35:36 -0500

A fight breaks out!  But not with whom you would think!  At the end, Dave ends up all wet, and the group finds a long lost friend with some unexpected company.

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 3

Mon, 12 Mar 2018 22:20:44 -0500

This is our third out of the dungeon episode.  We were still in town but wanted to keep this consistent with the format that we did these kinds of episodes in the past.  Like the others, we're doing some house keeping items as we go over the changes of the girls going up to level 5, and make some changes to how we play the game.

15. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 3

Wed, 28 Feb 2018 23:58:04 -0500

The gang is surprisingly welcomed by the large group of armed Kua-Toa into the fish people's village, but after a few moments they are sealed inside.  Given free reign to move around the village, the group tries to uncover the secrets of the village and how to get out.  Along the way they find a friendly face that's very happy to see them.

14. DDD The End of the Beginning, Part 2

Wed, 31 Jan 2018 14:23:34 -0500

The group encounters a group of Kua-Toa fish people in the caverns leading from the fast moving train.  One of the Kua-Toa wears Guy's trademark pot helmet.  At first they did not seem aggressive, until they tried to take the gang's weapons.  A fight breaks out!  Is Guy even still alive?

13. DDD The End of the Beginning

Thu, 04 Jan 2018 20:55:58 -0500

The three musketeers finally make it back to Westmin!  The town is overrun with elves and knights as people flee the damage of the black dragon.  The group bravely goes back into the ancient ruins on a quest to find the town’s portly protector, Guy!  Will they be transported again, thousands of miles away?

12. DDD Teeth and Sand, Part 6

Sun, 10 Dec 2017 17:42:25 -0500

The group makes their way in to the cavern where the master werewolf is hiding.  Will they be able to destroy the monster and cure Meme?  Will everyone make it out safe?  Will they finally be able to get back to Westmin to confront the Black Dragon?  Only one way to find out!

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 2

Mon, 27 Nov 2017 23:34:54 -0500

This is our second episode recorded on just a phone while we were out of town for Thanksgiving.  Like the last Out of the Dungeon episode, we're doing some house keeping items as we give a shout out to some listeners and I go over the changes to the girls' characters as they are now level 4! 

11. DDD Teeth and Sand, Part 5

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 00:22:10 -0500

The long awaited griffins bring the group to Dave’s home town of Shadywood.  Guy makes an unexpected appearance.  They meet Gerald and become minor celebrities after Dave shows them around the town and the group performs some magic.  After the sun sets Gerald prepares the ceremony to cure the girls of their curse, and it’s just in time before the full moon.  But no one is prepared for what happens next!

10. DDD Teeth and Sand, Part 4

Thu, 26 Oct 2017 21:06:34 -0500

After finding the journal of another adventurer, our heroes surmise that something terrible happened at this mansion.  Odd coins of silver are scattered throughout the abandoned keep.  Before they can put too many of the pieces together a scream is heard from down stairs - a warning that something terrible is about to happen again.  Will they be able to get out of this, little alone survive the night?

9. DDD Teeth and Sand, Part 3

Thu, 19 Oct 2017 22:54:57 -0500

The group heads out with the supply wagon from Olympus.  The first few days go smooth until someone is attacked by a wild animal.  Betha suggests they make camp at an abandoned mansion not far from their location for extra safety.  The Olympus supply wagons use the old keep often on their trips back and forth.  The mansion is unoccupied, but something is definitely not right, especially with Meme’s werewolf curse looming over the gang.

8. DDD Teeth and Sand, Part 2

Wed, 27 Sep 2017 17:05:53 -0500

The gang goes down to the brig to see this “Rusty” back from the dead.  He looks like the dwarf Rusty and knows a lot about Rusty.  While questioning the dwarf, a stranger attempts to steal Dave’s Rod of Dragon fear.  Meme, Gallexsy, and Dave are certain that Rusty is not Rusty but have no proof.  Doc reveals that she found out what happened to the group’s friend Jed back home, but the news only raises more questions.

7. DDD Teeth and Sand

Thu, 14 Sep 2017 19:03:35 -0500

Journeying back to the ancient ruins, Meme, Gallexsy, and Dave explore the area hoping to find something that will reactivate the platform that transported them thousands of miles away from their homes and friends.  They encounter monsters, traps, treasure, and more in the ruins as they try to find a way back to Westmin.  The fate of their friend Jed is still uncertain, and they find out about the return of a very unexpected Musketeer after they foolishly try out the Muskelators for the first time.

DDD Out of the Dungeon - 1

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 22:10:30 -0500

This is our first attempt at recording mobile on just a phone, so we’re calling this Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters - Out of the Dungeon!  So not a traditional episode.  We do a little bit of house keeping in that the girls got to level 3, and this is us going over how their characters changed with that new level.  If this sort of thing isn’t your cup of tea, feel free to tune back in next week for episode 7!

6. DDD Olympus Interlude

Sat, 26 Aug 2017 11:30:47 -0500

The gang gets to Olympus with Ian and the Musketeers. They meet the tinker gnomes Snap, Gringle, and Pop that are working on the Muskelators at the base of Olympus. Dave avoids being their test subject and being thrown into the side of the mountain. Gallexsy finally gets some chips from Betha on the way up the mountain. Once up top the group gets a quick tour of the Musketeers’ home base. They try out the base’s training pool with little success, they barter for some ponies, and they meet the Musketeers’ leader, Doc. She tells them that she and Ian are originally from Atlantis and formed the Musketeers to fight powerful evil creatures as she believes they are being summoned around the world deliberately. She offers to get the group back home as quickly as she can, but would like them to come back and help them with the larger fight to save the world. “Welcome to the Musketeers!” She says.

5. DDD In the Beginning…

Thu, 27 Jul 2017 23:43:20 -0500

The group appears in a room surrounded by 30 armed soldiers.  They meet Ian, the commander of this unit that calls themselves the Musketeers.  They learn that the Musketeers are a newly formed group with the goal of protecting the planet from powerful evil creatures.  They also learn that they’ve been transported thousands of miles away from Westmin and from their friend Jed.  They are in some ancient ruins nestled in the mountains of the Dwarven Red Forge Kingdom.  Things start to go bad in the Musketeers camp.   After the gang saves Ian and the soldiers from a monster in the ruins, Ian invites them all back to their main base, Olympus, to try and figure out how the three adventurers might be able to get back to their friend and deal with the black dragon.

4. DDD In the Beginning...

Thu, 13 Jul 2017 23:50:28 -0500

Our adventurers lead the townsfolk into some ancient ruins on the outside of town for shelter from the dragon. The dragon destroys the Frowning Jester tavern with its acid breath. In exploring the ruins the group finds some magical items and an even more ancient complex deep underground. Jed, the dragon born, helps them and admits that his people sent him to help Meme, Gallexsy, and Dave as they are prophesied to save the world, or destroy it if Jed doesn't help. After a fight with a vampire and a valiant gesture from Jed, the group finds themselves surrounded by a room filled with armed soldiers.

3. DDD In the Beginning…

Wed, 28 Jun 2017 23:58:34 -0500

The group takes on a band of goblins and explores their hideout in a cave.  On one of the goblins they find a teddy bear, which they suspect belongs to one of the mayor’s children.  Pandjed, or Jed, meets up with the group to help after being released from jail and paying his fine.  After avoiding some traps Indiana Jones style, they find the children and return the stolen gold to the town of Westmin.  They celebrate with the town that evening, and things take a turn for the worst when someone yells out Dragon!

2. DDD In the Beginning...

Tue, 13 Jun 2017 23:02:00 -0500

Meme, Gallexsy, and Dave go with Westmin's Sheriff Varis to answer questions about the rash of robberies in Westmin.  At the sheriff's office they meat Greg, the teenage deputy, and Jed.  Jed is a dragon born that predicts the end of the world and tells the group to keep their eyes open for magic items.   The adventurers are cleared of all charges and go off to help track down the kobolds while Varis is off trying to find the mayor's lost children.  On the way they encounter a mysterious stranger that disappears and drops a magic Rod of Dragon Fear, that doesn't appear to have any effect on the group, but it does work on the stranger when Dave turns it on him.  The fleeing stranger leads the group to a cave, where many tracks lead in and out.

1. DDD In The Beginning...

Wed, 07 Jun 2017 00:02:04 -0500

Meme, Gallexsy, and Dave meet up in Episode 1!  They encounter some kobolds on the way to Westmin.  They discover that the kobolds have been sneaking into Westmin and stealing from the local residents.  In Westmin they return a stolen necklace to Helm Buckman and his daughter Miri Buckman, after getting a fantastic dancing demonstration from Helm, the ugliest man in Westmin!  The celebration is cut short as the group is taken in to custody by Valin, Westmin's local sheriff, who suspects that the group might have had something to do with the robberies.

0. DDD Episode 0

Thu, 01 Jun 2017 23:11:23 -0500

Episide 0!  Our first stab at recording and talking about the D&D show we're going to do.  No actual game play here, just a train wreck of a pod cast with eight-year-old girls!  We'll have our next episode up very soon with our first guest player and actually play some D&D&D!