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Cryptic Canticles presents Dracula

Full cast Horror Serial Audio Book


Cryptic Canticles brings you Bram Stoker's Dracula presented as a Radio Play, released on the days of the journal entries in podcast format. The text is taken from Bram Stoker's classic novel, but presented in character with enhanced audio and music effects.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Cast

Genres: Horror, Classics

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Dracula Episode: September 18th

Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: A reporter for the Pall Mall Gazette investigates the case of a wolf that has escaped from the local zoo. She interviews Mr. Bilder, the zookeeper, to ask if he recalled anything suspicious surrounding the events. Mr. Bilder lays down some personal philosophy comparing the actions of humans and animals, and shares a few jokes with his wife before describing a man who had the animals upset the day before. Having described himself as being experienced with wolves, he brazenly petted Biserker, a ferocious-looking, but tame animal. That evening, Biserker was missing, and a zoo worker described seeing a large, grey dog through the bushes. As the reporter wraps up the interview, Biserker the wolf returns to Mr. Bilder's house. Dr. Seward realizes that he was supposed to be watching Lucy last night when a telegram arrives for him that should have been delivered the day before. He hurries to Lucy's house to check on her immediately. Van Helsing meets Seward shortly after he arrives to find no one to answer the door. The two break in through a window, and discover the four maids lying on the kitchen floor, having been drugged with laudanum. Seward and Van Helsing run upstairs and find Lucy's mother's body on the bed and Lucy near death. Seward wakes the maids who quickly draw a bath to warm Lucy back up again. Van Helsing and Seward agonize over how they can give Lucy more blood, depleted as they both are, when Quincey Morris, having arrived with a telegram from Arthur, steps in and donates his own blood for the necessary transfusion. Seward settles Quincey with a glass of wine. Van Helsing discovers a letter that dropped from Lucy while they were moving her into the tub, detailing the horrific events of the evening before. They decide to re-hide it in her bodice from whence it fell and not mention it when filling out Mrs. Westenra' death certificate, lest it create confusion. Quincy pulls Seward aside and asks him what could have drained Lucy of so much blood, recalling a vampire bat which once killed his favorite horse. Seward admits that he does not know, but he agrees to include Quincy in any and all further efforts to save Lucy's life. When Lucy finally awakes, she grieves for her dead mother. That night, Seward and Van Helsing are startled to discover her sitting up in her sleep, producing the paper from her bodice, and tearing it in half. Mina writes to Lucy telling her that Mr. Hawkins has died. The tragedy has impacted them both tremendously, but Jonathan in particular feels anxious about the responsibility that he must undertake in his work. Mina will try to visit Lucy when she and Jonathan are in London for Mr. Hawkins's funeral.

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Dracula Episode: September 17th

Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Lucy remembers the pain of the last several weeks as though a bad dream. She gratefully rejoices in her comfort falling asleep without the need of supervision, despite the sound of angry flapping against her window. Professor Van Helsing, having need to return to Amsterdam, sends a telegram to Dr. Seward instructing him to visit upon Lucy to keep vigil or at least check to see that she has sufficient garlic placed as necessary. However, he fails to address the telegram correctly, causing it to be delayed by twenty-two hours, and thus not received by Dr. Seward in time. Lucy writes a memorandum in the event that she is unable to give account of the horrible happenings befalling her. She is awakened by the same frightening sound of flapping that has haunted her of late. She calls for help and hears an eerie howl outside her window. The sound awakens her mother who arrives to check on Lucy and rest with her a while. To their horror, Lucy’s window is shattered by an enormous wolf. Traumatized, Lucy’s mother grasps at random, dislodging Lucy’s protective necklace of garlic before succumbing to her mounting heart condition and dying in Lucy’s arms. Lucy is momentarily dazed by her mother’s body and a sort of intoxicating force, but is brought back to herself by the sounds of her maids arriving. The maids are horrified to discover their mistress dead, and Lucy insists upon their calming their nerves with some sherry from the kitchen. When they do not return, however, Lucy discovers that all four of her maids have been drugged with laudanum. Helpless, and all alone, Lucy hides her written account of the incidents inside her bodice before succumbing to the hypnotising trance of particles that spins around her in her bedroom.

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Dracula Episode: September 12th

Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Lucy expresses extreme gratitude for Professor Van Helsing and all those who have fixed their efforts towards her recovery. She takes comfort in the garlic, despite the oddness of the ritual, and no longer dreads sleep.

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Dracula Episode: September 13th

Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward and Professor Van Helsing arrive at Lucy’s house in bright spirits to discover in horror that Lucy’s mother, with the best of intentions, had removed the protective garlic from Lucy’s bedroom. Sure enough, Lucy is weak and in need of another blood transfusion. This time, it is Professor Van Helsing who donates his blood to revive her. After instructing Mrs. Westenra not to remove anything else from Lucy’s bedroom, Van Helsing agrees to sit up with Lucy and keep watch over her throughout the night.

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Dracula Episode: September 11th

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Professor Van Helsing insists upon adorning Lucy’s bedroom with bundles of garlic flowers, which he also prescribes her to wear as a necklace while she sleeps. Lucy and Dr. Seward think this ritual comical, but oblige. Van Helsing feels confident that this condition will produce positive results.

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Dracula Episode: September 9th

Mon, 09 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: When Dr. Seward arrives to spend his second consecutive night keeping vigil, Lucy insists that he rest in the adjoining room instead of staying awake. Lucy writes in her journal how fortunate she is to be blessed with such devoted friends. Her thoughts turn to Arthur as she settles down to sleep.

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Dracula Episode: September 8th

Sun, 08 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Whilst sitting up with Lucy for the night, Dr. Seward notices that Lucy repeatedly tries to stave off sleep. When asked her why, she responds that sleep is not a repose for her, but a horror. Seward explains that he will protect her from bad dreams, and Lucy obligingly falls asleep. At dawn, Seward leaves Lucy in the care of a maid, and returns to his duties at the asylum. Before long, he receives a telegram from Van Helsing instructing him to return tonight to keep vigil over Lucy again.

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Dracula Episode: September 7th

Sat, 07 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Van Helsing hurries to meet Dr. Seward and tend to Lucy. Both are horrified to see that she is languishing under a tremendous loss of blood. Van Helsing insists that Lucy must have a blood transfusion. Miraculously, at that very moment, Arthur enters, driven by his concern for his fiance. The doctors perform the operation, transfusing Arthur's blood into Lucy. Seward is concerned by how much of Arthur's blood is required to gain even the slightest increase in Lucy's vitality. Once the operation is completed, Van Helsing adjusts Lucy and bumps her choker necklace out of place revealing two wounds on her neck. Seward can't decide what they mean, but Van Helsing sets his resolve and returns to Amsterdam to study his books. He charges Seward to keep vigil over Lucy's sleep throughout the night.

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Dracula Episode: September 10th

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Van Helsing awakens Dr. Seward who had been sleeping in the room adjoining Lucy's. The both of them check on Lucy and discover that she had completely regressed. Without Arthur present, Dr. Seward agrees to donate his blood for the necessary transfusion. Once rested, Seward visits for a spell with Lucy who had awakened unaware of what had happened. Lucy's mother frets that Seward is overextending himself. Van Helsing tells Seward to go home and rest and leave Lucy's vigil to him. The maids offer to help share the vigil, but Seward explains that Van Helsing insists that it must be they who keep watch.

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Dracula Episode: September 6th

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward sends a telegram to Van Helsing urging him to come at once and tend to Lucy who has suddenly regressed. Seward writes to Arthur telling him of Lucy's turn for the worse, but that Lucy's mother has requested Dr. Seward's medical expertise. This, he could bring Van Helsing openly onto the case without fatally shocking Mrs. Westenra in her weakened condition.

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Dracula Episode: September 5th

Thu, 05 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward sends a telegram to Van Helsing that Lucy is recovering rapidly.

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Dracula Episode: September 4th

Wed, 04 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward attempts to examine why Renfield experiences violent mood shifts at noon and at sunset. Renfield went through a brief period of returning to his fly-catching ways, expressing the necessity to fend for himself. Later that day, however, he abandoned this fancy one again. Dr. Seward sends a wire to Professor Van Helsing telling him that Lucy continues to improve.

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Dracula Episode: September 3rd

Tue, 03 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward writes to Arthur to explain how Van Helsing’s examination of Lucy transpired: After the three of them chatted for a spell, Van Helsing sent Seward away so he could have Lucy’s full confidence. As before, the examination revealed much blood lost, but no apparent cause. Seward can sense that Van Helsing has suspicions, but will not voice them out loud. Van Helsing will go home to think, and wants Seward to send him daily updates via telegraph.

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Dracula Episode: September 2nd

Mon, 02 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward writes to Arthur to tell him of Lucy’s condition. He explains that during lunch, Lucy put on a brave face of vigor, but in private, displayed weakness, discomfort, and expressed difficulty breathing. Having examined her blood, and discovered no physical cause, Dr. Seward has contacted his old teacher, Professor Van Helsing. Seward assures his confidence in Van Helsing, who is an expert in obscure disease with an exceptional amount of sympathy. He hopes that together, he and his old professor will uncover the mystery of Lucy’s condition. Professor Van Helsing writes a response to his former student, Dr. Seward, who requested his aid. Van Helsing explains that Seward’s concerns are his top priority, ever since Seward saved his life from an infected wound. He says that as rich as Arthur is, he could not have bought a better solution than the one that Seward has provided by summoning him.

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Dracula Episode: September 1st

Sun, 01 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Arthur sends a telegram to Dr. Seward asking for him to write regarding Lucy’s condition. Arthur must attend to his father, who is ill.

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Dracula Episode: August 31st

Sat, 31 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Arthur writes to his friend, Dr. Seward, asking him to examine Lucy, as he is worried about her deteriorating health. He urges Seward to use discretion so as to not alarm Lucy’s mother, whose health may suffer as a result.

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Dracula Episode: August 30th

Fri, 30 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Lucy writes to Mina wishing her well in her new marriage. She says that Arthur is back at Whitby, and her mother’s health is improving. Lucy is no longer sleepwalking, and she and Arthur have set the date for their wedding.

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Dracula Episode: August 25th

Sun, 25 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Rejected in her request to sleep in her mother’s room, Lucy suffers another difficult night. She tried to stay awake to combat the strange force that overcomes her at night, but could not forestall sleep. Today, she is horribly pale and drawn, and can’t seem to catch her breath. She hopes to be able to summon her cheer so as to not alarm Arthur.

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Dracula Episode: August 24th

Sat, 24 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina arrives in Buda-Pesth to attend Jonathan, who has taken with a brain fever as a result of his terrifying journey. Sister Agatha assures Mina that Jonathan committed no atrocity from which he suffers. Jonathan gives Mina his diary for the sake of transparency, but Mina seals it shut to demonstrate her trust in him. The two are wed by the hospital’s chaplain. Lucy feels weak, and anxious about some vague fear that has come over her since last night. She remembers having strange dreams, but can’t seem to recall their nature. Arthur has noticed her looking drawn, despite Lucy’s best efforts to be cheerful. She hopes to be able to persuade her mother to let her spend the night with her instead of sleeping alone.

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Dracula Episode: August 23rd

Fri, 23 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: When given the chance to escape, Renfield would not go. However, when an attendant came to check on him later, Renfield dashed past him out the door, and once again sought refuge on the neighboring deserted manor grounds of Carfax. He struggled violently with Dr. Seward and the attendants, but, following with his eyes, the path of a bat which flew purposefully from the grounds, became calm and went quietly.

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Dracula Episode: August 21st

Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Carter, Paterson & Co. acknowledge receipt of payment, and confirm delivery of fifty boxes of earth to the Carfax Estate as per instructions.

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Dracula Episode: August 20th

Tue, 20 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward has been observing Renfield and noticed that despite his fits of passion during daylight hours, he becomes sanguine and calm during the nights. He has no more interest in his “Zoophagy,” refusing a cat when offered. Dr. Seward plans to let him escape and observe him to see what he does.

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Dracula Episode: August 19th

Mon, 19 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina is overjoyed to have news at last from her beloved Jonathan. Sr. Agatha of the Hospital of St. Joseph has written to say that Jonathan has been ill, and Mina is to come at once to nurse him back to health. Mina prepares for the possibility that she and Jonathan will married in Buda-Pesth when she arrives. Dr. Seward has noticed a change in his patient, Renfield’s behavior. He has suddenly abandoned his interest in collecting spiders and keeping his records, but instead seems to have taken some religious mania, speaking about the approach of the “Master”. Later in the night, the watchman informs Dr. Seward that Renfield has escaped. Seward follows his trail through the torn-open window, to the abandoned Carfax Manor, where he and several men corner Renfield and wrestle him back to the asylum.

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Dracula Episode: August 18th

Sun, 18 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Lucy is in high spirits, despite still looking pale and wan. She describes to Mina what it felt like to her on the night that she walked to the churchyard in her sleep. Mina is unnerved, but happy that she seems to be feeling better.

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Dracula Episode: August 17th

Sat, 17 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina worries desperately about Lucy who is getting weaker and weaker. Mina finds her sleeping at the open window, and the most recent time, Mina could hardly waken her. Mina fears that the wound Lucy suffered from the safety pin might be related, for it has not healed and is looking larger and more ragged. Samuel F. Billington and Son, local solicitors, write on behalf of their client to Messrs. Carter, Paterson & Co. instructing the specifications of a delivery of fifty boxes of earth to the Carfax Estate. They enclose payment, requesting that the fifty boxes be moved to the ruined chapel on the estate at the earliest possible time.

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Dracula Episode: August 15th

Thu, 15 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Lucy is languid at breakfast, but is delighted to hear that Arthur Holmwood’s father is doing better, and wants to accelerate Arthur’s and Lucy’s upcoming marriage. Mrs. Westenra confides to Mina that the doctor told her that she hasn’t long to live. She asks Mina to keep this a secret from Lucy.

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Dracula Episode: August 14th

Wed, 14 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Lucy startles Mina with a strange remark as the two sit in their favorite churchyard seat. Mina sees that Lucy is noticing the sunset reflecting off of the eyes of a strange man who is sitting a little ways off. The effect makes it appear that the man has red eyes. Mina puts Lucy to sleep and takes an evening stroll. She sees Lucy asleep with her head hanging out the window, and what seems to be a large bird sitting nearby. When Mina draws Lucy back to bed, she worries that Lucy is beginning to look pale and worn.

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Dracula Episode: August 13th

Tue, 13 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina worries desperately about Lucy who is getting weaker and weaker. Mina finds her sleeping at the open window, and the most recent time, Mina could hardly waken her. Mina fears that the wound Lucy suffered from the safety pin might be related, for it has not healed and is looking larger and more ragged. Samuel F. Billington and Son, local solicitors, write on behalf of their client to Messrs. Carter, Paterson & Co. instructing the specifications of a delivery of fifty boxes of earth to the Carfax Estate. They enclose payment, requesting that the fifty boxes be moved to the ruined chapel on the estate at the earliest possible time.

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Dracula Episode: August 12th

Mon, 12 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Despite Lucy’s continued attempts at sleepwalking, her health continues to improve. The two converse about their sweethearts, Lucy comforting Mina’s worries. Sr. Agatha of the Hospital of St. Joseph writes to Mina to tell her that Jonathan is taken ill, and is a patient in their sanitorium in Buda-Pesth, where he will remain for several more weeks. In his illness, Jonathan has raved about many strange and supernatural things, and Mina should avoid exciting him on the subject, less his condition worsen.

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Dracula Episode: August 11th

Sun, 11 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina awakes in the middle of the night to find Lucy missing, and nowhere in the house. Mina rushes with a heavy shawl to find Lucy in her nightclothes reclining in their favorite seat in the churchyard, a shadowy figure bending over her. By the time Mina gains entrance to the churchyard, Lucy is alone. Mina wraps Lucy in the shawl, and fears that in her haste, she may have pricked Lucy with a safety pin, for she sees Lucy’s throat is bleeding. Mina awakens Lucy and the women walk home together. Lucy swears Mina to secrecy about the events of the evening, fearing the effect it might have on her ailing mother. Mina worries about the wound that she inflicted upon Lucy, who seems more vibrant than she had done of late. Lucy is unconcerned. They and Lucy’s mother spend a pleasant day together, picnicking and enjoying some music on the terrace. As Mina makes her daily preparations for Lucy’s sleepwalking, she expects it to be a peaceful night.

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Dracula Episode: August 10th

Sat, 10 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina and Lucy attend the funeral of the Captain of the Demeter from their usual seat in the church yard. Earlier that day in that same seat, the old captain, Mr. Swales, was found dead, having experienced a fright and broken his neck. Mina and Lucy are upset by a scene that occurs when an old sailor disciplines his dog for not coming when called. Mina fears that the upsetting details of the day will affect Lucy’s sleepwalking. Mina attempts to tire Lucy beyond sleepwalking by taking her out for tea and they laugh about having been startled by cows on their way. When they returned home exhausted, Mrs. Westenra had invited a curate from the clergy for supper, and Lucy and Mina struggle to stay awake. Mina feels confident that Lucy is making a turn for the better.

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Dracula Episode: August 9th

Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: A reporter from the Daily Telegraph continues to report on the strange goings on with the derelict Russian Schooner. The Dog which took flight from the ship is still at large, and is suspected to have killed and mutilated a large mastiff from the local village. The log of the derelict, the Demeter, has been translated with help from the Russian Consul. The Captain’s log describes a terrible doom that has settled over the ship. The men are scared of something, but will not say what. The first mate has become increasingly frustrated with the men, and has lashed out at them. Over time, men have been disappearing from the boat, and despite their best efforts, more continue to go. Ultimately, on the cusp of reaching England, the first mate declares that there is a terrible danger and throws himself to the sea to save his soul. The Captain, stuck at the helm as the one remaining crewman, has resolved to lash himself to the wheel with religious artifacts to confound the creature that stalks the decks. The captain is regarded as a hero, and is set to have a public burial tomorrow.

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Dracula Episode: August 8th

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

A reporter from the Daily Telegraph editorializes on the details of a storm from the previous day, including the brilliant colors in the sky, the actions of a few ships that sought safety in the harbour, and the amazing tale of a derelict Russian schooner that miraculously made it past the reef into port during...... Continue Reading →

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Dracula Episode: August 6th

Tue, 06 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina sits at her favorite seat in the churchyard and observes the signs of the coming storm through the grey day. Mr. Swales comes to sit with her and tells her not to be upset by his conversation about the tombstones earlier, but when men get old, they laugh at death so it doesn't scare them so much. On the contrary, he feels contented and ready for death when it comes. Mina feels touched by his change in behavior, and a little upset. The Coastguard tells her that a small Russian ship off the cost seems to be behaving rather strangely.

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Dracula Episode: August 4th

Sun, 04 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Amid the never ending fog, the Captain of the Russian schooner, now alone at the helm, at last sees the intruder. Refusing to leave his post, the captain ties his hands to the wheel, along with a religious artifact that the unholy being may not touch. In this way, even though his life be lost, he hopes to preserve his honor as captain.

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Dracula Episode: August 3rd

Sat, 03 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina keeps rereading the letter from Jonathan that reads so oddly. She hasn't heard from him since, and neither has Mr. Hawkins. Lucy's ​sleepwalking has ebbed slightly, but she has begun searching for the key to her locked bedroom door. The last hand has disappeared from the Russian schooner leaving only the captain and the first mate. The first mate tells him that he encountered the man that everyone else feared. He tried to stab him, but the blade passed right through. The first mate steels himself to check the cargo load of earthen boxes for the intruder while the captain works the helm. Moments later, the first mate emerges in a panic, mad with fear, and throws himself into the sea. The captain figures that the first mate was mad from the start, and probably killed the crew, himself.

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Dracula Episode: August 2nd

Fri, 02 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: The captain of the Russian schooner awakes to a cry. He runs into the first mate who tells him that another man is missing.

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Dracula Episode: August 1st

Thu, 01 Aug 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina and Lucy visit with the old fishermen in the churchyard. Mr. Swales entertains the lot of them with tales of the men whose names are listed on the surrounding tombstones. He says that the men are either lost at sea, and not in their so-called graves, or that the nature of their lives and deaths have been dramatically romanticized. Mina returns to the graveyard in the evening and laments that she hasn’t heard from her fiance, Jonathan, in a month. Fog has closed in on the Russian schooner, and the ship hasn't enough manpower to work the sails. They hope to encounter another ship, but none appear. The first mate had gone from angry to despondent.

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Dracula Episode: July 30th

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Whilst nearing England, the Russian schooner encounters more trouble. Two more men have disappeared from the ship. They are now down to 4 men total.

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Dracula Episode: July 29th

Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: The Russian schooner encounters more trouble when the second mate disappears from his watch in the night.

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Dracula Episode: July 28th

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: The Russian schooner encounters a storm. With everybody exhausted from the storm and lack of sleep, the second mate agrees to take watch duty.

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Dracula Episode: July 27th

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina frets over missing Jonathan worries about why she feels so distraught over it. Lucy continues to sleepwalk, and Mina feels worn from being constantly awakened at night. Arthur Holmwood has had to rush to his sickly father's side.

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Dracula Episode: July 26th

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina receives a letter from Jonathan from Transylvania, and finds the tone off-putting. She is also disturbed that Lucy has begun sleepwalking. Mina and Mrs. Westenra decide to lock her in her room at night until Arthur returns from visiting his father, upon which time they expect the condition will subside.

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Dracula Episode: July 24th

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Mina travels up to visit her friend, Lucy. Mina is impressed with the churchyard that overlooks the harbor. She asks an old fisherman, Mr. Swales about the local folklore. Aboard the Russian schooner, another man had gone missing. They agree to double up watch duty so no one has to be alone.

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Dracula Episode: July 22nd

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: The Russian Schooner continues it's voyage from Varna to Whitby without incident. The shadow of the strange dread seems to have passed.

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Dracula Episode: July 20th

Sat, 20 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Renfield is back to catching flies. He tells Seward that his collection of birds has flown away, but a telling drop of blood on his pillow and the remnants of feathers tells a different story. Seward's suspicions are confirmed later on when he is told that Renfield has vomited up a pile of feathers. Seward decides to refer to Renfield's illness as a Zoophagous mania. He comes to the realization that the record Renfield has been keeping us an account of the lives that are consumed in total. Seward secretly wishes for a chance to study this case further to advance the field of mental health.

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Dracula Episode: July 19th

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Renfield requests that Dr. Seward gifts him with a kitten or preferably a cat. Dr. Seward, not wanting to see Renfield's newly acquired collection of sparrows fed to a larger animal, tells him he will consider the matter. Renfield becomes agitated and breaks down.

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Dracula Episode: July 18th

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: The captain of a Russian schooner chronicles the strange events that have been going on aboard his ship on a voyage from Varna to Whitby. Along with the typical customs checks and paying off of officers, the men become frightened of something aboard. The first mate loses his temper with the crew, but to no effect. One of the men goes missing, and another confused in the captain that he believes there is a strange man aboard. To calm the nerves of the crew, the captain orders a complete search of the ship, which uncovers no intruders.

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Dracula Episode: July 8th

Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Renfield has managed of tame a sparrow by feeding it from his collection of spiders.

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Dracula Episode: July 1st

Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Dr. Seward continues to study his patient, Renfield. Seward catches Renfield eating a blowfly in his cell and forms suspicions about Renfield's collection of spiders, for he finds a log of sorts that he suspects might pertain to his of menagerie of bugs.

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Dracula Episode: June 30th

Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Having scaled the castle exterior to the Count’s bedroom once again, and having traveled the passage to the chapel, Jonathan Harker discovers the Count lying in his earthen box. To Jonathan’s horror, the Count’s youth has been half restored, and he lies gorged with blood that trickles down his chin. Jonathan is unable to find the front door key on the Count’s body and tries to stab the Count with a nearby shovel. However, a twitch reaction from the Count startles Jonathan, and the shovel only grazes the Count’s forehead, leaving a deep gash. Jonathan returns to the Count’s bedroom, but when he hears the Szgany entering the chapel by some other means, the door the the passageway blows shut, trapping Jonathan in the Count’s bedroom. Fearing the promised return of the spectral sisters, Jonathan writes a final goodbye message to Mina before attempting his most perilous climb yet- down the treacherous precipice to escape the Castle Dracula.

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Dracula Episode: June 29th

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Jonathan Harker observes the Count, dressed in Jonathan’s traveling suit, delivering the last of the postdated letters that portend his doom. The Count tells Jonathan that his carriage will deliver him to Bistritz tomorrow evening. Jonathan asks to leave immediately, but changes his mind when a multitude of wolves appear at the front door. Once back in his bedroom, Jonathan overhears the count whispering to the spectral women that they may feast on him tomorrow.

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Dracula Episode: June 25th

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

The first of Jonathan Harker’s postdated letters has been sent, and Jonathan grows desperate. Determined to discover the secrets about the Count, Jonathan perilously climbs down the exterior of the castle wall into the Count’s bedroom. Once inside the seemingly disused room, Jonathan takes a deep passage that opens into a ruined chapel. Jonathan discovers that the Szgany had been filling large wooden boxes with earth from the chapel, and that the Count is lying as if dead inside one of these boxes. The sight so startles Jonathan, that he returns at once to his bedroom.

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Dracula Episode: June 24th

Mon, 24 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

While the Szgany work somewhere in the depths of the castle, Jonathan Harker observes the Count climbing out the window wearing Harker’s traveling suit. Jonathan realizes that by appearing in the town in Harker’s clothes, the townspeople will think he is acting out nefarious deeds of his own will. Jonathan’s plans to await the Count’s return are halted by the appearance of the three spectral women who frighten him from the room.  Once safely in his own bedroom, Jonathan hears a stifled wail from the Count’s room, and a woman appears in the courtyard and screams at Jonathan to return her stolen child. The Count’s voice calls the wolves who devour her before Jonathan’s very eyes.   Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: June 18th

Tue, 18 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: John Seward’s inmate, Renfield has taken to collecting spiders, and is feeding them with his flies.
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Dracula Episode: June 17th

Mon, 17 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Jonathan Harker is locked in his bedroom when the opportunity to escape arises. Slovak workers who are carrying empty boxes into the castle are instructed by the Szgany to ignore Jonathan’s cries for help. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: June 5th

Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: John Seward’s inmate, Renfield, has taken to collecting flies in his room. He agreed to get rid of them if he was given three days to do so. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 31st

Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Episode Synopsis: Jonathan Harker discovers that the Count has stolen away all of Jonathan’s paper, notes, and maps.  He has also stolen his traveling suit. Harker fears a treacherous scheme is upon him.   Episode Synopsis: Jonathan Harker discovers that the Count has stolen away all of Jonathan’s paper, notes, and maps.  He has also stolen his traveling suit. Harker fears a treacherous scheme is upon him.  

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Dracula Episode: May 28th

Tue, 28 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Jonathan Harker seizes upon a chance to pay some visiting Szgany workers to send letters home- one to his employer, Peter Hawkins, and a coded shorthand letter to Mina. However, these workers turn them over to the Count, who opens them. He sends on the letter to Hawkins, but destroys the illegible letter to Mina.

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Dracula Episode: May 26th

Sun, 26 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Arthur Holmwood accepts Quincey’s invitation and hints at having news to tell.

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Dracula Episode: May 25th

Sat, 25 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

John Seward picks up the pieces from his rejected proposal to Lucy Westenra by returning to work. He begins to study one of his inmates, R.M, Renfield. Quincy Morris invites his dear friend Arthur Holmwood to an evening of drinking and revelry with himself and John Seward. He cautions him not to gloat excessively about winning Lucy’s hand.

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Dracula Episode: May 24th

Fri, 24 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Lucy Westenra writes to Mina Murray that she has just become engaged to Arthur Holmwood, but not before she rejected two heart-breaking proposals, one from John Seward, and the other from a Texan friend, Quincey Morris.

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Dracula Episode: May 19th

Sun, 19 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

The Count convinces Jonathan Harker to write and postdate letters that say he has left the Castle Dracula and arrived safely in Bistritz. Jonathan obliges, but fears that these letters portend his doom.

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Dracula Episode: May 18th

Sat, 18 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Jonathan Harker investigates the room wherein he saw the three supernatural women two days prior, but finds that the door has been secured from the inside, and forcibly shut against his entry. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 16th

Thu, 16 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Having fallen asleep in a strange room in the Count’s Castle, Jonathan Harker awakes to the sight of three ethereal ladies watching him. Pretending to be asleep, Jonathan waits while one of them presses her lips to his neck before the Count appears in a rage driving the women away from him. The Count produces a bag containing a human baby, which the women fall upon as their prey before disappearing. Jonathan faints in horror and awakes in his own room. Small details about his clothing and possessions suggest to him that the incident with the malicious women was not a dream. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 15th

Wed, 15 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Jonathan observes the Count climbing down the wall from his window several more times, and notices that the Castle is built on an outcropping so it is only accessible from one side. Once the Count was out of the castle, Jonathan goes exploring and finds the the front door was locked, and the key missing so he might not escape. He discovers a door which appeared to be locked, but which gave under pressure. The view from the window is breathtaking, and the furniture suggested that he stumbled into a disused ladies’ boudoir. Jonathan marvels at how untouched the castle is from Nineteenth century modernity. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: Wednesday (May 15th)

Wed, 15 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Lucy Westenra writes to Mina Murray about the latest gossip. She is spending a lot of time with Arthur Holmwood, and her mother thinks him a fine fellow. Arthur introduced her to a man named Dr. John Seward, owner of his own lunatic asylum, who Lucy thinks is remarkably resolute. She feels that Seward is trying to read her, but she evades him. Lucy reveals that she is in love with Arthur Holmwood, and hopes for a bright future with him. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 12th

Sun, 12 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Jonathan Harker continues to be a guest of the Count. The Count begins to ask questions about how business is conducted in London, and whether he might employ multiple solicitors so that the whole of his business isn’t known by one man. He then asks Jonathan to write to his loved ones and tell them that he will be staying with the Count for a full month. Jonathan understands that protest is futile, so he does as he is asked. He notices that the Count is conducting business of his own, and has left a pile of letters on the table, whose destinations Jonathan notes. The Count returns and tells Jonathan that should he explore the castle, he must not fall asleep anywhere except in the rooms that are known to him. Whist exploring the Castle, Jonathan is alarmed to see the Count climb out his bedroom window and scurry down the exterior wall, head first, as a lizard climbs. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 9th

Thu, 09 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Mina Murray writes to her best friend, Lucy Westenra. Mina tells Lucy that she is learning shorthand so that she might assist her fiance, Jonathan Harker, once he returns from his business trip abroad. To that end, she will keep a journal and hone her mind to remember the details of her days. She asks Lucy to tell her of the latest gossip of Lucy’s budding love life. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 8th

Wed, 08 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

The Count throws away Jonathan's traveling mirror when Jonathan starts to suspect that the Count casts no reflection. It dawns upon Jonathan that he is unable to leave the castle, and that the Count is secretly performing all the servants' duties. Jonathan resolves himself to try and discover all he can about the Count in case a chance to escape might present itself. Inspired by lively conversation, the Count boasts about his lineage and ancestry as though he were among them. He tells of the Icelandic Ugric Tribe and the Huns from which his people are descended, and of the many battles they won over the Turks. He concludes by stating that the time of glory has passed into dishonorable peace. This takes them again to the morning, when he allows Jonathan to retire to bed. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 7th

Tue, 07 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

The Count returns late in the day to find Jonathan passing the time in his library. The Count presses Jonathan to stay with him for a while and help him improve his English so as to eradicate his accent. He welcomes Jonathan to explore his home, but cautions him to avoid any locked doors. When asked, Dracula explains that the blue flames in the woods denoted the location of buried treasure, left over from an ancient war between the native peasants and Austrian and Hungarian invaders. Jonathan and the Count pour over maps and deeds to a house that the Count is purchasing, called Carfax. When the Count finally concluded business and conversation, it was again early morning. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 5th

Sun, 05 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Jonathan Harker, while traveling to meet the Count, pondered gravely at the reactions of the peasants around him, as they murmur indistinctly about the supernatural horrors that await him. The peasant coachman hurried the horses over the picturesque terrain so as to arrive at the rendezvous point a full hour early. He was foiled, however, when the Count's coachman, a man of mysteriously prodigious strength, met them regardless, and took Jonathan away to the castle. The ride in Dracula's coach was filled with wonders and horrors as blue flames appeared the woods and wolves assailed their coach. Jonathan discovered that the coachman was driving him in circles to unknown purpose. The elderly Count Dracula met Jonathan at the castle, offering him dinner and hospitality. He surprised Jonathan with a letter from his employer, Peter Hawkins, recommending Jonathan and praising his discretion. While the Count did not eat with Jonathan, he kept him company through supper, and by the time Jonathan had concluded with his meal and conversation, it was early morning. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 4th

Sat, 04 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

The Count has sent money sufficient to pay for a carriage to carry Jonathan Harker to his castle. The townspeople act peculiarly, however, when the subject of the count is raised. His landlady at inn begged Jonathan not to go, for the following day is St. George's Day, when evil is most powerful. She pressed upon him a crucifix, which he reluctantly accepted. Follow us on,, and at

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Dracula Episode: May 3rd

Fri, 03 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Solicitor Jonathan Harker travels on business to Bistriz on his way to Castle Dracula.​ ​Follow us on,, and at

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Episode 0: Teaser Trailer

Mon, 24 Apr 2017 20:20:51 +0000

The audio teaser for the Dracula Radio Play, brought to you by Cryptic Canticles.

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