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Friend Quest


A group of friends playing tabletop role playing games. Featuring: Erik Sandberg, Mikkel Sandberg, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby, and Weston Mangin. Support this podcast:

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The Cocktail Party at the End of the Universe (A Sampling of Afterlives, Part 2)

Sat, 01 Feb 2020 23:03:41 GMT

We get right to the action this time with the crew in the fight for their lives against a horde of creatures of nightmares. They escape with their lives and their sanity, but will it be enough to get out of this seemingly endless slog through time and space? OSLO loses a few years of security patches, Val tests the integrity of the reality they are in, and Henry has a pleasant conversation with a security guard at the cocktail party at the end of the universe.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Snake-Demon Club (A Sampling of Afterlives, Part 1)

Fri, 17 Jan 2020 08:00:00 GMT

After falling through a tear in space and time, Val, Henry, and OSLO end up in…well, hell. Or something resembling it. They embark on a journey led on by a mysterious, all-to-familiar figure. Val gets a tattoo, Henry tries to talk his way into heaven, and OSLO finds some baby demons.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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I Would Like to do Time Travel, Please (Chester Electric Rehashed, Part 2)

Fri, 03 Jan 2020 19:27:49 GMT

Our friends meet an unfortunate end, but fear not! OSLO is able to salvage things and get Henry and Val back on their feet. However, what they discover next tests the adventurers’ resolve and, dare I say, their friendship. Well, maybe not their friendship. But things definitely get a little tricky, even a bit inconvenient.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Jaunt Through the Sundered Land (Chester Electric Rehashed, Part 1)

Fri, 27 Dec 2019 08:00:00 GMT

The crew of the Aboleth makes it mostly intact to the center of the planet where Chester’s castle is, and decide that yes, they would like a spot of tea from the robot that greets them. Peter introduces the group to a new mini-game that is used to flesh out the world a bit and in the end, the group meets an unusual fate.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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History Repeats (Trials and Tribulations, Part 2)

Tue, 05 Nov 2019 08:00:00 GMT

After making it through the review at TED HQ, our adventurers are ready to deploy on another mission, now with a new intern — Dakota. However, the new assignment is rather strange: the planet where they discovered Chester Electric that they had previously explored (and subsequently destroyed by accident) appears to be in a different location than when they were there last. It also appears to be completely intact. Cue dramatic music.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Butt Sync (Trials and Tribulations, Part 1)

Mon, 07 Oct 2019 20:54:29 GMT

The crew is back at the home base to face a trial — sorry, “review” — for the recent events aboard the Aboleth. In order to prepare for the tribunal — sorry, “board” — the crew members each take some time to get things in order. Henry does some light reading, OSLO can’t do anything but sync (see what we did there?), and Val drinks and zooms and enhances.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Time Debris...From the Very Past (TED’s Runaways, Part 2)

Tue, 10 Sep 2019 07:00:00 GMT

The party pursues Dakota and Seamus through the ship, but are unable to stop them before they evacuate in an escape pod. To add to the already precarious situation, the runaways accidentally fire a signal flare at the Aboleth, which would typically not be a big deal, except that the ENTIRE TED armada was on high alert and registered this minuscule damage to the ship as a full-on assault. Needless to say, things get even more out of hand. Henry is quite dismissive of the whole situation, Val attempts a rescue operation, and OSLO coins a VERY GOOD phrase (see episode title).

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A New Friend (TED’s Runaways, Part 1)

Tue, 03 Sep 2019 07:00:00 GMT

After getting back to the present safe and sound, the crew on the Aboleth is forced to deal with yet another problem: Dakota, the woman who they brought back with them from the past, is on the run in the ship. Does she know of a new threat that our friends are not aware of yet? Or is she just running scared because she was pulled through a dimensional rift into a strange place with complete strangers? Val tries to be comforting, Henry bowls a perfect strike, and OSLO just wants to know what the hell is going on.

As mentioned in the episode, here is a picture of the excellent hat that Henry now wears at all times:

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Somethin’ Ain’t Right with Cousin Jacob (Traversing the Way-Back, Part 3)

Fri, 16 Aug 2019 07:00:00 GMT

Our friends finally get some answers about what is going on in the strange realm they find themselves in, and it proves to be darker and more perilous than they could have ever imagined. Henry is quite diplomatic and Val is decidedly undiplomatic. Like, lying-under-oath undiplomatic.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Blind Them with Science (Traversing the Way-Back, Part 2)

Thu, 20 Jun 2019 15:17:35 GMT

The crew finds themselves in a bit of a pickle when the failed experiment takes them way, WAY into the past. But a new (potential) friend may be able to help them out. Val performs a PERFECT tackle, and Henry acquires a flashy new piece of equipment.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Forming a More Perfect TED (Traversing the Way-Back, Part 1)

Sat, 25 May 2019 19:05:47 GMT

Our friends are back home, safe and sound, and they decide to have a crew meeting to decide the best course of action in order to safely investigate the “Book of Knowledge.” The players flesh out some more details around how The Exploration Department and the Aboleth operate, experimentation begins, and everything goes horribly wrong. Because, OF COURSE it does.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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You Wouldn't Download a Car (The Elgin University Evaluation, Part 4)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 16:48:21 GMT

It all hits the fan when the Aboleth starts hurtling toward the Elgin University’s gallery, where the controversial “Book of Knowledge" is on display. Can the crew stop this situation from going even more sideways?

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Libraries, Secret Labs, and Dives (The Elgin University Evaluation, Part 3)

Mon, 04 Mar 2019 19:10:15 GMT

The party continues to consult on the security systems at The Elgin University and make some intriguing discoveries. They also get into a lengthy discussion on the ethics of the services they are to offer, as well as what the scope of their assistance should be. It’s a bit much, to be honest.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Quality Assurance (The Elgin University Evaluation, Part 2)

Wed, 30 Jan 2019 07:00:00 GMT

The crew of the Aboleth sets out to inspect the security systems at The Elgin University. Val searches for escape routes, Henry chats up some of the security guards, and OSLO is grossed out by all the squishy, organic life.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Back to School (The Elgin University Evaluation, Part 1)

Fri, 04 Jan 2019 18:31:00 GMT

Our friends receive an interesting request from Elgin, a nation on a distant planet: to inspect the security systems in the artifact gallery at The Elgin University and report on any vulnerabilities. Henry gets caught up in semantics, Val tries to be clever, and OSLO may or may not crush some hacky-sackers with the Aboleth; we’ll never really know.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Even More Rules

Fri, 04 Jan 2019 18:30:40 GMT

Welcome to another bonus episode of Friend Quest! Peter wanted to introduce some new game mechanics included in the FATE system, so this is a conversation we had at the beginning of the session around this. Feel free to skip this if the metagame isn’t your cup of tea.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Mild Catastrophe (The Mail Delivery Malfunction, Part 2)

Wed, 12 Dec 2018 07:00:00 GMT

The crew gets the ship back under control after the major malfunction that caused the artificial gravity to fail and sets out to investigate the cause of the problem. However, what they find will put their teamwork and resolve to the test. OSLO is adamant that this whole thing was NOT her fault, Henry bullies an intern, and Val goes on an unexpected journey.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Friend Ship (The Mail Delivery Malfunction, Part 1)

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 07:00:00 GMT

After recovering from the WORST vacation imaginable, the gang is back at it again on the Aboleth. But something goes awry in the library, forcing the crew to work together to save countless lives. Or, at least one life. Ok, more like preventing a sprained ankle. But that crap is no joking matter! All the paperwork you’d have to fill out; Henry knows all about that.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Buttery Smooth Escape (A Terrible Escape Room, Part 2)

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 17:08:41 GMT

The crew gets into a sticky situation while in the escape room and needs to make a daring escape; an unconscionable amount of hot butter is involved. Don’t worry, it’s worse than it sounds. Henry solves a mystery, Val is flabbergasted, and OSLO releases some hot butter for reasons beyond comprehension. Again, it’s a LOT worse than it sounds.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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BEARS?! (A Terrible Escape Room, Part 1)

Wed, 10 Oct 2018 07:00:00 GMT

Our friends finally get to take a break from traversing the unknown and having their lives threatened, and are given some much-needed shore leave. Unfortunately, the task of choosing where to go for this mini-vacation is left to Seamus, the hapless intern, who subsequently chooses to take the team to an escape room that his friend from school runs; no one is amused, but they go along with it anyway. Henry seeks a competitive advantage, OSLO gets zapped, and Val is a bit of a snob.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Character Development. Hooray!

Wed, 26 Sep 2018 21:59:41 GMT

As the title suggests, this episode is mostly character development. Sorry? Not sorry? Either way, there are characters, and they DO get developed a little; do with that what you will. Paula decides that OSLO has a new trouble aspect, Weston decides that Henry doesn’t completely hate the accounting department, and Mikkel pitches a really, REALLY bad idea for TED.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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One Strange Shootout (The Distress Signal Disaster, Part 4)

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:39:32 GMT

This episode of Friend Quest is a lot like the inevitability of death; it stalks you, silent in its approach, you never see it coming, and it looks a lot like Ed Harris in Westworld...or something. I don’t really know where I was going with this. OSLO has a really weird imagination, Val takes one for the team, and Henry makes it clear that he does NOT negotiate with terrorists or cowboys.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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2 Carl 2 Furious (The Distress Signal Disaster, Part 3)

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 16:51:02 GMT

After “dealing” with the manifestation of Henry’s mortal enemy, the brave explorers venture further into the wrecked ship. Henry is thoroughly impressed by one of the remaining survivors, Val gets a pretty bad boo-boo, and OSLO saves the group from rapid decompression. As you do.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Roll for "Sick Laser Skills" (The Distress Signal Disaster, Part 2)

Wed, 15 Aug 2018 07:00:00 GMT

Our friends investigate what’s left of the S.S. Kettle and make a startling discovery. Val calls for a quick team meeting in a derelict bathroom, OSLO frantically searches her database for all things related to “alien ventriloquism,” and Henry comes face to face with his greatest fear.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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The S.S. (possibly another S, nobody really knows) Kettle (The Distress Signal Disaster, Part 1)

Wed, 01 Aug 2018 07:00:00 GMT

The crew prepares for the next assignment: a search and rescue mission for the S.S. Kettle. There may be another “S” in there somewhere; the jury’s still out on that one. OSLO gets rid of some extraneous ordnance, Val has a heart to heart with Frank, and Henry is a LITTLE too trigger happy, considering their job is to “search and rescue.”

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Bringing Good Things to Life (The Chester Electric Encounter, Part 3)

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 18:59:57 GMT

We wrap up this arc of the story with a trip to the center of the planet! On arrival at their destination, the party meets someone most unexpected. Henry finally gets to fulfill his duty as chief diplomat, Val tries to save a life, and OSLO is put in an uncomfortable position.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Treadmill of Teeth (The Chester Electric Encounter, Part 2)

Wed, 04 Jul 2018 07:00:00 GMT

Our brave friends/lab rats venture forth to chart out the “spaghetti planet.” OSLO just wants to get it over with, Val is absolutely PUMPED for the opportunity, and Henry discovers that he would be a VERY good dad (at least when it comes to driving a midsize sedan).

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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The Maiden Voyage (The Chester Electric Encounter, Part 1)

Fri, 15 Jun 2018 22:36:13 GMT

The party embarks on their first officially-sanctioned-by-TED mission aboard the Aboleth to explore the unknown! OSLO saves everyone’s life, Val wants a beach day, and Henry is in no mood to be adventurous.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Science it Up with OSLO (The Systems Check Saga, Part 2)

Thu, 24 May 2018 00:34:46 GMT

Things get complicated when our friends try to rectify the disappearing ship problem, and some tough decisions have to be made. Valerie gets to pilot a drone, OSLO gets re-acquainted with an old friend, and Henry is surprisingly competent at some tricky bits of science.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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An Auspicious Beginning (The Systems Check Saga, Part 1)

Thu, 10 May 2018 19:08:09 GMT

Here we go folks, the first proper episode of Friend Quest, Season 2! We start off with character introductions: Peter takes on the role as our fearless leader and game master, and sets up the new world that we are entering; Mikkel re-introduces us to Valerie Whitmore, the do-gooder project lead; Paula tells us about OSLO (short for Model # 0510), the ship’s computer who is just fine where she is, thank you very much; and Weston presents Henry Fitz-Maurice, the holier-than-thou bureaucrat representing The Exploration Department, at home and abroad.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Friend Quest Season 2 Introduction

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 07:00:00 GMT

It has arrived: Friend Quest, Season 2!

Well, sorta. This is more of an introduction to what season 2 is going to be about. A primer to the world we’re going to build. Think of this as the teaser trailer for a movie, but like, 100 times more epic! Prepare yourselves, because the Friend Quest universe is about to get a whole lot bigger. And more weird. Actually, probably mostly just weird.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Great Victory at Great Cost (Finale Part 5)

Wed, 11 Apr 2018 16:30:58 GMT

Well, friends, this is it: the conclusion of the first season of Friend Quest! Things get just a tad bizarre in the dreamscape as the party completes its mission. Leon slices up some dudes, Talkon smites some dudes, Susan slaps some dudes, and Bea summons a big ol’ monster.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (, Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Big Ol' Fancy Ball (Finale Part 4)

Wed, 28 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMT

The party makes it through the astral plane and into the dreamscape, but can they successfully invade Barzilai Thrune’s mind and brainwash him? NOT in a T pose! But rather wears an absolutely superb mask to the masquerade ball. Leon goes with the subtle approach of dressing up as a navy Admiral, Bea creates some cognitive dissonance, and Susan makes the GM very, VERY uncomfortable.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (, Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Springing the Trap (Finale Part 3)

Wed, 14 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMT

In a last-ditch effort to get things set up for the ambush, our friends try some interesting tactics to pull it off. Talkon is still in a T-pose, Bea does a cool party trick, Susan insists she can fly (even though she clearly CAN NOT), and Leon tries out a REALLY bad accent.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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The Snek and the Carnival (Finale Part 2)

Wed, 28 Feb 2018 07:00:00 GMT

Things get complicated for our friends when they are tasked with setting up the Occulus Drift modules at the Loyalty Day carnival. Will they be able to pull off this crazy mission? Talkon comes down with a major case of T-pose syndrome, Bea gets in position, Susan gets ready to fight fire, and Leon makes a seriously impressive cheese display.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Tainted Cheese (Finale Part 1)

Wed, 14 Feb 2018 07:00:00 GMT

Well, this is the beginning of the end. For this season at least. Talkon is in a T-pose, Bea makes a furry friend, Susan joins a book club, and Leon finds his true calling: tainted cheese.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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The Story of Tonight

Wed, 31 Jan 2018 18:50:23 GMT

Hey all! As promised, here is a recap of all that has gone on in the story so far. Then after that, we’re going to be heading into the finale of this story and wrap things up. And here…we…go!

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg).

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Blackmail. Shaken, Not Stirred, Part 3

Wed, 17 Jan 2018 07:00:00 GMT

The group makes one final effort to extort Kirall, but will it be enough? Talkon (once again) is in a T-pose, Leon makes a rousing speech, Susan plays bad cop, and Bea just kicks it.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Blackmail. Shaken, Not Stirred, Part 2

Thu, 04 Jan 2018 21:08:22 GMT

Our friends locate their target, Kirall, at the Silver Shield Tavern, and things get interesting. Talkon is still in a T-pose, Leon prepares for the performance of his life, Bea turns into a shadow, and Susan has a real heart to heart with Kirall.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Blackmail. Shaken, Not Stirred, Part 1

Wed, 20 Dec 2017 21:39:30 GMT

The party embarks on a dangerous mission of blackmail and deceit at a tavern. That’s right, we’re finally getting that classic, bona fide tabletop RPG tavern experience! Talkon is in a T-pose, Peter and Weston draw some pretty pictures, Bea enlists the help of a bard, and Craig/Corinthian/Craggle &lrdquo;The Rock” Johnson makes his debut performance.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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That's So Traiven

Wed, 29 Nov 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Ready for another crazy episode of Friend Quest!? This time, it comes down to the wire. Will our intrepid party be able to rescue Traiven from certain death? Bea is still in a T-pose, Leon gets all huffy and self-important, Talkon is nearly a victim of friendly-fire, and Susan bullies the bailiff.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Close Encounters of the Stupid Kind

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 18:54:45 GMT

Welcome back to a normal episode of Friend Quest! We’re picking up where we left off at the courthouse, with the party trying to create a distraction so their friends can sneak in and bust out Traiven. Bea is stuck in a T-pose, Susan is domineering, Talkon is confrontational, and Leon is super judgy.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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No Guts, No Glory, Just Magic

Tue, 31 Oct 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Things get a little spooky this time on Friend Quest with our Halloween special, complete with zombies, creepy towers, and an evil wizard. Well, ok, it’s not THAT scary. Actually, a fair amount of hilarity ensues. Talkon is stuck in a T-pose, Leon swings from a chandelier, Bea helps coin the phrase for the episode subtitle, and Susan racks up an impressive body count.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Player Interviews, Part 2

Wed, 25 Oct 2017 07:00:00 GMT

This time, we get to hear from Erik and Peter about their history with tabletop games and get some more insight into creating their characters, Talkon and Susan, respectively.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), and Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby).

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Player Interviews, Part 1

Wed, 11 Oct 2017 07:00:00 GMT

We’re taking a break from the main campaign for now so we can sit down with the players and talk about our feelings. And also hear a bit about their background with tabletop RPGs and some of the inspiration for making their characters. But mostly we just talk about our feelings.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Tale of Fantasy Teslas and Seductive Screaming, Part 2

Wed, 27 Sep 2017 07:00:00 GMT

The party continues to create a distraction outside of the courthouse so that their friends can sneak inside and break out the prisoner. Bea is still stuck in a T-pose, Susan gets the crowd pumped up, Talkon gets into a bit of fisticuffs, and Leon goes rogue.

Also, here’s a “very good picture” that Peter drew during the session:
A Very Good Picture (Imgur)


Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Tale of Fantasy Teslas and Seductive Screaming, Part 1

Wed, 13 Sep 2017 07:00:00 GMT

After freeing the prisoners from the makeshift prison at the Morning Wood lumber mill, our friends reunite Rexus and his mother. However, they have little time to celebrate because a situation comes up that requires them to conduct another prison break of sorts. Susan is a real crowd-pleaser, Talkon doesn’t get a chance to do much (but don’t worry, he will next time), Bea is stuck in a T-pose, and Leon finds a really, REALLY nice butt.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Prison Break of Sorts, Part 4

Wed, 30 Aug 2017 07:00:00 GMT

This time, Mikkel (the GM) introduces a new mini game-system for the party to try out; not to be confused with a “mini-game system” a la Mario Party (sorry).

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Prison Break of Sorts, Part 3

Wed, 16 Aug 2017 07:00:00 GMT

The party continues clashing with these demon-worshiping cultists, and a new potential friend makes an appearance. Talkon takes on a superior foe, Susan adds to her fun little army of the dead, Leon gets rubbery arms, and Bea whips it out.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Prison Break of Sorts, Part 2

Wed, 09 Aug 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Let’s be honest: we all knew it wouldn’t be long before our friends got into a fight. Granted, they were trying to sneak into a prison camp run by a group of demon-worshiping cultists, with the primary goal of freeing said prisoners. What I’m getting at is, it was only a matter of time before someone got hurt. Talkon and Leon are a bad influence, Susan plans poorly, and Bea uses some fantastic magic.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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A Prison Break of Sorts, Part 1

Wed, 26 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT

As promised, this episode is much more eventful than the last one. The party undertakes a dangerous mission to spring some prisoners out of a prison camp. And wouldn’t you know it, but they come up with some of the most convoluted and insane ways to go about it. Bea is incredibly sneaky, Susan becomes one with nature, and Talkon and Leon harass an intern.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Extraneous Exposition

Wed, 19 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT

I’m not gonna lie: there’s not a whole lot going on this episode. You know how there’s some things in life that are probably for the best, but you really don’t want to do them? Like going to the dentist. Or cutting back on junk food. This episode is kinda like that. But with fewer cavities, and less kale. Our brave heroes uncover a deadly secret, pursue a mysterious observer, grab drinks with an old friend, and then collapse in a soggy heap on the floor because the GM finally figured out the timeline of past events and realized they haven’t slept for about three days. Oopsie daisies!

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Stanley's Lab

Wed, 12 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT

This week, the party explores a dark, creepy alchemy laboratory, knowing full well that there is an evil entity within it. What could possibly go wrong? Bea is strategic, Talkon blindly leads the way, and Susan and Leon use some WEIRD magic.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Some Splainin' to Do

Sat, 08 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Surprise! It’s a bonus episode! But don’t get too excited, we’re not continuing the story. Mikkel sits down with you and tells you a bit about his history with tabletop RPGs, explains the what and why of Pathfinder, and defines a few terms that have been used in earlier episodes. Not recommended for ASMR listening. Seriously, that would be bad.

Featuring: Mikkel Sandberg (@mikkelhsandberg).

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Music: “Time Drift” by Cloud Revolution.

Facebook: @friendquestpod

Twitter: @friendquestpod

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Afternoon at the Museum

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT

It’s time for a field trip! For science! Bea and Talkon are very perceptive, and Susan and Leon antagonize the game master. Again, for science.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Subterranean Scuffle, Part 2

Wed, 28 Jun 2017 07:00:00 GMT

After dealing with the ruffians, our group of friends are reacquainted with an old-ish friend. Bea and Susan are trusting, Leon is very untrusting, and Talkon stabs a dude. Again. There’s also a lengthy out-of-character discussion about tacos. Sorry about that.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Subterranean Scuffle, Part 1

Wed, 21 Jun 2017 07:00:00 GMT

We’re going on a trip down a lazy river! But things take a rather deadly turn when our friends are confronted by a band of thieves. Bea uses a good dose of trickery, Susan slaps the soul out of a man, Talkon charges into battle, and Leon is really put off by the whole affair.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Board to Death

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Y’all ready for a board meeting?! Rexus decides that they should sit down and have a formal meeting as the newly established rebellion (because they clearly have nothing better to do). Bea is stuck in a T-pose, Susan attempts a hostile takeover, Leon is a bit insensitive, and Talkon builds a boat.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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The Hunt for the Halfling Smuggler

Wed, 07 Jun 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Join our friends as they explore the mysterious “Wasp Nest” below the coffee house. What dangers could possibly await them? Talkon leads the party into the unknown, Susan and Bea have a discussion on the finer points of fashion, and Leon takes point on diplomatic relations.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Coffee Break

Wed, 31 May 2017 07:00:00 GMT

This week, we’re going to slow things down a bit with a trip to the local coffee shop. Come on in, grab a drink, make yourself comfortable, and prepare to be transported away on the sweet, sweet sound waves of Friend Quest. Leon is melodramatic, Talkon is agreeable, Bea is a skeptic, and Susan…makes a really confusing drink order.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Riot! at the Opera, Part 2

Wed, 24 May 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Our friends can’t seem to stay out of trouble; one of these days it may be the end of them. Hopefully they can survive this riot long enough to figure out what’s going on in this crazy town. Or…buy a sandwich perhaps? Talkon stabs a dude, Leon gives a series of compelling speeches, Bea is super sneaky, and Susan tries to kill the new Lord-Mayor.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Riot! at the Opera, Part 1

Wed, 17 May 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Alright, things are really kicking off now! No more prologue, no more training wheels, and no more mistakes dammit! (Some of those statements are definitely, definitely not true)

But this episode does mark the start of the larger adventure that our friends are beginning. So prepare to be drawn into a story that is just as compelling as it is absurd. Ok, well, mostly just absurd and unlikely. With a dash of ridiculous.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Prologue, Part 2

Wed, 10 May 2017 07:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to the world of Friend Quest! Maybe one day we’ll come up with a cool name for this place…Friend Questiverse? Questburg? Friendville?

Anyway, join us this week as the party must deal with the consequences of their actions. And by that, I mean, get in a scuffle with a superior force. Judging by how past encounters have gone, well, let’s just say things could end badly; but you never know.

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (@bradleesand), Mikkel Sandberg (@sikkelmandberg), Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (@peterfreeby), and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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Prologue, Part 1

Mon, 01 May 2017 22:01:04 GMT

Our adventure begins...well, sort of in the middle of events. Unfortunately, we were not able to record our first session, but fear not! Mikkel does a pretty mediocre job of summing up the previous events.

Join our adventurers as they seek to recover a dangerous artifact from a group of mercenaries. Will they be able to stop these thugs before they unwittingly bring about the end of the world? Can they locate the mysterious spy who has infiltrated the ranks of the mercenaries? Most importantly, will they discover the true meaning of friendship? Find out all this and more on this inaugural episode of Friend Quest!

Featuring: Erik Sandberg (, Mikkel Sandberg (, Paula Chew, Peter Freeby (, and Weston Mangin.

Music: Time Drift by Cloud Revolution

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