Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

20 Sided Stories

57 episodes

Full cast Multigenre Oneshots Audio RPG


An epic quest to tell the best story possible, in every genre imaginable. 20 Sided Stories is an anthology fiction podcast where Director Sage G.C. and a rotating ensemble of improvisers bring tabletop role playing games to life. We dive into all your favorite worlds and genres using immersive sound design, original music, and gut-busting laughs to create surprising parodies and tell unforgettable stories. But it’s all improvised and there’s no script; a single dice roll can change everything. Plus, every series is unrelated and told in 20 episodes or less, so you never have much to catch up on. Pick one that speaks to you and press play!

Format: Audio RPG

Continuity: Oneshots

Writing: Improvised

Voices: Full cast

Genres: Multigenre

Transcript details:

Completion status: Not applicable

Not tagged: [RPG system] [Maturity] [Creator demographics] [Character demographics] [Country of origin] [Content warnings]

Click here to update these tags.


Welcome to 20 Sided Stories

Sun, 23 Apr 2017 10:55:54 -0700

Imagine this:

Seasoned Actors and Improvisors gather around a table with microphones and play a role-playing game

—But NOT Dungeons & Dragons—

No, they play they're own formats and systems, or ones where the rules are streamlined and easy to follow. Much like an improv game.

Now imagine these games, with all their zany jokes and character quirks and ridiculous encounters, but imagine them, realized, embellished, fleshed out, activated and BROUGHT TO LIFE! So that you hear everything as it unfolded in the performer's heads.

Sound intriguing? Interesting? Impossible, even? Don’t answer!

Welcome to 20 Sided Stories, an improvised role-playing parody podcast hosted by Sage, Travis, Jess, Emily, and David.

With immersive sound design, an original music score, and full ensemble casts of voice talent, we’re going to take you into a variety of familiar worlds and genres, changing every season, with an original story, and brand new characters to meet. All woven together on the spot...

It's the comedy of an improv podcast, but with a cohesive, complete story.

It's the adventure of an actual play podcast, but it's like you’re right there with us.

It's the polish of an Audio Drama, but not even we know what's going to happen next!

20 Sided Stories!

An epic audio quest to tell the best story possible, in every genre imaginable.

Embark now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your app of choice. 


Produced by Sage G.C., Travis Reaves, Jessica Dahlgren, Emily Ervolina, and David Michmerhuizen. (2020)


20 Sided Stories is NOT appropriate for all audiences. Expect lots of swearing and mature themes.

Visit us at

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Seasons 1 and 2 are exclusive to Patreon Supporters -

Full Catalog -

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POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version - Introduction

Wed, 25 Jul 2018 06:24:34 -0700

Hello there! Welcome to the World of Pokémon! 

If you don’t know what Pokemon is, my god what giant rock have you been living under? No need to worry! We’ll catch you up on all you need to know! 

20 Sided Stories is Directed by Sage G.C.

Pokemon Pen & Paper Version stars Jessica Dahlgren, Greg Reasoner, and Travis Reaves.

Featuring Additional Voices by David McEuen, Noah Sturtridge, David Michmerhuizen, Mariah Ramblas, and Sage G.C.

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


CHAPTERS (00:00) Intro (00:39) Red & Blue (02:42) The Dream Police (03:48) How this Works (06:00) Let's Go!


Disclaimer  This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #1 - A New Start

Wed, 01 Aug 2018 00:01:00 -0700

Its that time of year. Three young trainers are invited to Oak's lab and new Pokémon journey begins in Pallet Town! 


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


Follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 1: A New Start 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices: 

Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Whitten - Kate Pursely 

Mrs. Svitak - David McEuen 

GM/Narrarator, Little Shit Zach, Proffessor Oak - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


20 Sided Stories is Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 



(00:00) Intro (00:43) Candace (04:13) Skip (06:10) Xander (08:28) Oak's Lab (22:31) The Journey Begins! (27:32) Credits


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #2 - Viridian City Emergency!

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 00:01:00 -0700

Our trainers have officially begun the Kanto Journey, and take their first steps onto Route 1.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 2: Viridian City Emergency! 

New episodes every Wednesday! 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Old Man - David McEuen 

Nurse Joy - Mariah Ramblas 

GM/Narrator, Other characters - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


CHAPTERS (00:00) Intro (00:29) Route 1 (12:33) Ad Break (13:45) Viridian City (27:05) Credits


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #3 - From Viridan Forest to Mt. Moon

Wed, 15 Aug 2018 00:01:00 -0700

Stuck at the edge of Viridian Forest without HM01, our trainers brainstorm a new way in.


Join the 20 Sided Discord Server

Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at

You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 3: From Viridian Forest to Mt. Moon 


Candace Carter: Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak: Greg Reasoner 

Xander Whitten: Travis Reaves 

Brock: David McEuen 

Nurse Joy: Mariah Ramblas 

GM/Narrator, Bug Catcher Doug, Other Characters: Sage G.C.


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 

Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Original Soundtrack: 

RPG System: 


CHAPTERS (00:00) Intro (00:29) Viridian Forest (13:04) Ad Break (13:58) Pewter City (24:18) Mt. Moon (27:41) Credits


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #4 - Showdown with Brock & Misty!

Wed, 22 Aug 2018 00:04:24 -0700

Candace, Skip, and Xander pursue their very first badges in fierce battles against Brock & Misty!


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

A 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 4: Showdown with Brock & Misty! 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Brock - David McEuen 

Nurse Joy - Mariah Ramblas 

Misty - Kate Pursley 

GM/Narrator, Other Characters - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #5 - The S.S. Dan

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 00:01:00 -0700

Uh oh. As our trainers make way for the Cruise Liner in Vermillion City, they find ominous signs of an old foe returning to Kanto.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon! 

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 5: The S.S. Dan 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Officer Jenny - Mariah Ramblas 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

GM/Narrator, Rival Zach, Cedric, etc - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1, 16 by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 

Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Original Soundtrack: 

RPG System: 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #6 - Rock Tunnel Trek

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 00:01:00 -0700

It's a long hike up north to get through the Rock Tunnel. But before our trainers depart they must defeat Lt. Surge, the Lightning American!


Sage on Twitch // 20 Sided Stories on Twitch 

Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon 

Connect with us on Twitter @20SidedStories, Instagram, or Facebook. 

Or visit our website at 


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version  A 20 Sided Stories Production  Episode 6: Rock Tunnel Trek 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Lt. Surge - David McEuen 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

GM/Narrator, Rival Zach, etc - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1, 16 by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #7 - The Curse of Lavender Town

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 01:16:00 -0700

The Rock Tunnel seemed really spooky... until now. Our trainers have arrived at Lavender Town, and something is very wrong.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 7: The Curse of Lavender Town 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices  

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

Nurse Joy - Mariah Ramblas

GM/Narrator, Rival Zach, etc - Sage G.C. 


This weeks shout out goes to What's the Frequency? A “psychedelic noir” audio drama set in 1940s Los Angeles.


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #8 - Celadon City Parade!

Wed, 19 Sep 2018 00:01:00 -0700

It's Celadon City! Officer Jenny investigates, Gym Leader Erika is challenged, everyone feels sick, and a Pride Parade is in full swing. 


To hear DREAM POLICE: Kanto's Most Wanted, snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 8: Celadon City Parade! 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices  

Gym Leader Erika - David McEuen

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny - Mariah Ramblas 

GM/Narrator, Rival Zach, etc - Sage G.C. 


Check out International Podcast Month!


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! - Bonus Halloween Special (w/ Ester Ellis of Station Blue)

Mon, 29 Oct 2018 00:19:12 -0700

Candace, Skip, and Xander stumble upon a lonely backpacker in the woods and hear his eerie tale. . . . 


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Bonus Halloween Special 2018! 


Featuring Ester Ellis as Matthew Leads. 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 

Pokemon Narrator by Sage G.C.


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 

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POKÉMON! - The Story So Far

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 00:01:00 -0800

Halfway there!

Catch up with The Dream Police and their adventure through Kanto so far in this hype recap!


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter!



Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices  

Kate Pursely

David McEuen

Noah Sturtridge 

Mariah Ramblas 

Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard

Original Character Artwork by Arianna Cabebe

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #9 - Old Team Rocket Hideout

Tue, 05 Mar 2019 23:01:00 -0800

Our trainers, and Officer Jenny, descend into the Old Team Rocket Hideout.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter!



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 9: Old Team Rocket Hideout 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices  

Officer Jenny - Mariah Ramblas

??? - David Michmerhiezen


Narrator, Grunt Jeff, other voices - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard

Original Character artwork and Episode 1, 16 by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #10 - Sabrina & Saffron City

Wed, 13 Mar 2019 00:01:00 -0700

The Dream Police head on over to Saffron City! Home to not just one gym, but two.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter!



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

A 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 10: Sabrina & Saffron City 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices

??? - David Michmerhiezen

Narrator, Black Belt Kiyo, other voices - Sage G.C. 


Our Podcast Spotlight this week is The Amelia Project!


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard

Original Character artwork and Episode 1, 16 by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #11 - Cycling Road

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:01:00 -0700

A lost and lone Xander arrives at the Cycling Road Trailer Park in search of his father. 


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter!



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 11: Cycling Road 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Mark Griffith (Xander's Dad) - David McEuen 

Narrator, Jersey, other voices - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

"Dream Police" 8-Bit cover by Sage G.C. 

Originally performed by Cheap Trick, written by Rick Neilsen, Epic Records 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #12 - Safari Zone Poachers

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 00:01:00 -0700

Our trainers arrive at Fuschia City! They take on Gym Leader Koga and explore the famed Safari Zone. 


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 12: Safari Zone Poachers 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Bex - David Michmerhuizen 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

LT. Surge - David McEuen

Narrator, Koga, Tex, Rival Zach - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1, 16 by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #13 - Surf to Seafoam

Wed, 03 Apr 2019 00:01:00 -0700

Surfs up! Candace, Skip, and Xander have finally made it all the way to Route 19 and have an epic beach day. 


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 13: Surf to Seafoam  


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

Narrator, Lance, Rival Zach - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1, 16 by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #14 - Blaine & Giovanni!

Wed, 10 Apr 2019 00:01:00 -0700

The Dream Police are awoken by the fiery quiz-master! But he's not the only one in the cave...


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 14: Blaine & Giovanni 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Blaine - David McEuen

Giovanni - David Michmerhuizen 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

Narrator, Cedric - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #15 - Pallet Town

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 00:01:00 -0700

The world is changing. Our trainers have no choice but to escape Cinnabar and find their way back home.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 15: Pallet Town 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Aunt Clair - Skylar Schock

Blaine - David McEuen

Giovanni - David Michmerhuizen 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

Narrator, Cedric - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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POKÉMON! #?:/>A598.B857 (Finale Prelude)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:01:00 -0700

What has Trainer Blue been up to? #WrapItUp

D͟͡O͉̝̐̄ N̨̺̖̤̈́̀̍͛Ó̢̨͌͆͢T̤̯̟̍̕̕ Ċ̠Ļ̹̺̜̉̈́͂̕I̗̤̖͒͆͘CK̬̓̀ͅ >>


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



Blue - Noah Sturtridge

Themes from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions composed by Junichi Masuda Arrangements by Sage G.C. Sound Design, Editing, & Original Score by Sage G.C.

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

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POKÉMON! #16 - Victory Road

Wed, 08 May 2019 09:07:02 -0700

This is it. The Dream Police make their way for Victory Road to solve this mess once and for all.


Snag an Adventure Pass via Patreon

Connect with us on Twitter or Instagram @20sidedstories. 

Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at


You can also follow The Dream Police on Twitter! 



POKÉMON! Pen & Paper Version 

a 20 Sided Stories Production 

Episode 16: Victory Road (Season Finale) 


Candace Carter was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Skip Svitak was played by Greg Reasoner 

And Xander Whitten was played by Travis Reaves 


Additional Voices 

Old Man - David McEuen 

Trainer Blue - Noah Sturtridge 

Narrator, Cedric, Rival Zach, Red - Sage G.C. 


The original music from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow Versions was composed by Junichi Masuda 

With Arrangements and Additional Scoring by Sage G.C. 

The Pokemon Theme acoustic cover by the cast of Pokemon Pen & Paper Version 

Instrumental cover by Sage G.C.

"Pokémon Theme" (also known as "Gotta Catch 'Em All") was written by John Siegler and John Loeffler and performed by Jason Paige.

Additional Production and Audio Assistance by Travis Reaves 

Game Master Assistance and Pokemon Battle Management by Grant Bouffard 

Original Character artwork and Episode 1 artwork by Arianna Cabebe 

Episode 2-15 artwork by Marissa Bernstel 

Episode 16 Artwork by Evan Munro 

Credits Voice: Marlena Jean 


Podcast Directed, Edited and Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.

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MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap - Introduction

Wed, 22 Jan 2020 06:14:22 -0800

In this introductory episode, we go over everything you need to know about our superhero parody and then some. 

Masha / Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily / Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric / Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 

Game Master, Narrator, Additional Voices: Sage G.C. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear our three Pre-Snap 1-on-1 prologues, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes.

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook  or visit our website at 

20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves 

Music, Editing, and Direction by Sage G.C. 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #1 - The Fort

Wed, 05 Feb 2020 11:59:08 -0800

Three years into The Snap and struggling, Lily, Masha, and Eric make their first time visit to a rumored commune for fellow low-tier supers.


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves and Emily Ervolina 


Masha / Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily / Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric / Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Additional Voices: David Michmerhuizen, Kaitlyn Cornell, M. Colton Brodeur, Chad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the bonus Pre-Snap Prologues, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #2 - First Job (w/ Josh Simpson)

Wed, 19 Feb 2020 07:39:08 -0800

Lily, Masha, and Eric receive their first job from The Fort, as well as some guidance from Dr. J. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Featuring special guest Josh Simpson as Dr. J    Check out his improv podcast The Meat


Additional Voices: David Michmerhuizen, Kaitlyn Cornell, M. Colton Brodeur, Chad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This episode featured "#" and "Its bad. We're hit, man, we are hit." by Cloudkicker playing on The Fort radio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the the conception of Dr. J, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #3 - The Castle (w/ Will Hines)

Wed, 04 Mar 2020 06:58:17 -0800

Joined by Lily’s schoolmate, Matter O' Fact, our three heroes visit the old Stark Mansion to get revenge on The Castle.


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Featuring special guest Will Hines as Matter O Fact.  Check out all his cool stuff at


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This episode featured "Unending", "Xaoc", and “Dovetail” by Cloudkicker playing on The Fort radio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the the conception of Matter O Fact, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #4 - Catalina Weed Mixer (w/ The Way Highway)

Thu, 19 Mar 2020 10:08:04 -0700

Something lurks on Catalina Island... and our heroes are given an emergency mission to uncover it. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Featuring special guests Sean Cowhig & Kristin Sanchez as Marty Jane & Mary Jane.  Check out their podcast The Way Highway!


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This episode featured "LA After Rain” by Cloudkicker playing on The Fort radio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.  Additional stoner music by Travis Reaves


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the the conception of Mary and Marty, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #5 - Narc Hunt (w/ Tanner Risner)

Wed, 01 Apr 2020 14:27:48 -0700

There's a potential intruder in The Fort, and its up to our heroes to track 'em down. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Featuring special guest Tanner Risner as Short Circuit! Go follow him at


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This episode featured "Sky Guide" and "He Would Be Riding...” by Cloudkicker playing on The Fort radio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Additional music by Travis Reaves


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the the conception of Short Circuit, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #6 - Nonstop Printing (w/ Micah Martinez)

Wed, 22 Apr 2020 00:01:00 -0700

Something horrible has happened... local business Nonstop Printing has—suddenly—stopped printing. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Featuring special guest Micah Martinez as Spencer Croix!  Go follow him at (NSFW!!)


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This episode featured "Let Yourself Be Huge”, "Garage Show" & "The Map is Not the Territory" by Cloudkicker playing on The Fort radio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.  Additional music by Travis Reaves 


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale  Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Buy full seasons for any price at 


Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the the conception of Spencer, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nonstop Printing or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #7 - Scry Me A River

Wed, 06 May 2020 00:00:00 -0700

The ScAvengers face failure, and Eric makes a shocking confession... things will never be the same. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Spencer Croix: Micah Martinez 


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


This episode featured Cloudkicker playing on The Fort radio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.  Additional music by Travis Reaves 


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale  Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 


Snag an Adventure Pass to hear character prologues, The Adventures of Door-Man & Soup-Guy, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


Download full seasons for any price at 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nonstop Printing or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #8 - Mare in the Night (w/ Beth May)

Wed, 20 May 2020 09:36:12 -0700

Stuck in Death Valley, The ScAvengers are visited by a cryptic young woman who claims to read dreams. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Featuring special guest Beth May as NightMare...edith.  Check her out in Dungeons & Daddies (Not a BDSM Podcast)


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale  Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 


Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the Adventures of Door-Man & Soup-Guy, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nonstop Printing or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #9 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Heist

Wed, 10 Jun 2020 06:24:49 -0700

Desperate for intel, The ScAvengers and Agent Fragrant break into a S.H.I.E.L.D. Outpost. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale  Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 


Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the Adventures of Door-Man & Soup-Guy, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nonstop Printing or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL - The Story So Far

Fri, 17 Jul 2020 00:01:00 -0700

Catch up on the heroes' journey in this hype recap, covering all the major events throughout Episode #1 to #9. 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica Dahlgren, Travis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina 


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 

Additional music by Travis Reaves


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale  Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C. 


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 


Snag an Adventure Pass to hear loads of bonus episodes, updated every month! 


For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nonstop Printing or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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MARVEL #10 - The End

Mon, 20 Jul 2020 14:40:22 -0700

The ScAvengers face off against The Church of The Mad Titan in their final mission to learn once and for all what "The End" truly is.


Elle's Article: 


Make the world better: 


20 Sided Stories is Produced by Sage G.C.Jessica DahlgrenTravis Reaves, and Emily Ervolina.


Masha/Roulette is played by Jessica Dahlgren.  Lily/Bloodhound is played by Emily Ervolina.  Eric/Scry is played by Travis Reaves. 


Additional Voices:  David MichmerhuizenKaitlyn CornellM. Colton BrodeurChad Ellis, and Hollis Dohr as Rose Kline 

Game Master & Narrator: Sage G.C. 

Credits Voice: Mayanna Berrin 


Original music written and recorded by Sage G.C.  You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at 


Original song "Sunstar", written by Sage G.C. and performed by Sage, Travis, Jess, & Emily. 


This episode featured "Explore, Be Curious" by Cloudkicker during the credits. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported


Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale  Episode Art by Josh Wolf 


Directed, Edited, & Sound Designed by Sage G.C.


Special Thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters. 

Snag an Adventure Pass to hear the Marvel Postmortem once its out, as well as loads of other monthly bonus episodes. 

For updates and memes you can follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nonstop Printing or any other associates or official canon. It is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks, and copyrights, are the property of their respective owners.

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THE TWILIGHT SPACE: A Series of One-Shots

Wed, 16 Sep 2020 07:16:02 -0700

Presenting our newest series... THE TWILIGHT SPACE: A Series of Five Wildly Different One-Shots! 

One-Shot 1 of 5, THE GREEN KNIGHT will premiere Wednesday, September 23. The rest are shrouded in mystery until their release! 


20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Travis Reaves, Jessica Dahlgren, Emily Ervolina, and David Michmerhuizen. 


Check out our custom-designed Role Playing Games at 

Transcripts available at 

Support the show at 


Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela 


For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram  or visit our website at 

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Wed, 23 Sep 2020 09:39:37 -0700

A test of faith and courage. A game of chivalry and honor. A legendary race against time. 

You are about to enter THE TWILIGHT SPACE - ONE SHOT #1: 



20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Game Master/Narrator), Travis Reaves (Stev), Jessica Dahlgren (Rebecca Blacksmith), Emily Ervolina (Elowyn), and David Michmerhuizen (Merlin). 

Editing, Sound Design & Music by Sage G.C. 

Additional Music by Travis Reaves 

Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela 

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Transcripts available at  Support the show at 

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram  or visit our website at 


This episode used The Green Knight: A Fantasy Role Playing Game but has no affiliation with, and is in no part officially sponsored by, A24 or any of its associates. 

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Wed, 30 Sep 2020 11:26:37 -0700

The legend continues. Will Stev, Rebecca, Elowyn, and Merlin reach the Chapel on time? Or will dishonor overcome them?

You are about to enter THE TWILIGHT SPACE - ONE SHOT #1: 



20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Game Master/Narrator), Travis Reaves (Stev), Jessica Dahlgren (Rebecca Blacksmith), Emily Ervolina (Elowyn), and David Michmerhuizen (Merlin). 

Editing, Sound Design & Music by Sage G.C. 

Additional Music by Travis Reaves 

Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela 

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Transcripts available at  Support the show at 

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram  or visit our website at 


This episode used The Green Knight: A Fantasy Role Playing Game but has no affiliation with, and is in no part officially sponsored by, A24 or any of its associates. 

Shout out to Timm Woods though for the excellent game design! 

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Wed, 14 Oct 2020 12:37:17 -0700

A secretive world of blood and wolves. Of angst and passion. Of love and pain. 

You are about to enter THE TWILIGHT SPACE - ONE SHOT #2: 



20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Game Master/Narrator), Travis Reaves (Luke), Jessica Dahlgren (Stephany Mayer), Emily Ervolina (Roxanna), and David Michmerhuizen (Daddy Dracula). 

Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C. 

Music by Travis Reaves and Sage G.C. 

Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela 

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Join our Discord! 


Download Emo Vampires and play it for yourself at 


Transcripts available at  Support the show at - Annual pledges save 10%!

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram  or visit our website at 


This podcast episode is an improvised parody and has no affiliation with Summit Entertainment, or any books or films in The Twilight Saga franchise whatsoever.

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Mon, 09 Nov 2020 06:28:05 -0800

An endless alien war, an enigmatic ring, and a hopeless squad of bumbling marines. 

You are about to enter THE TWILIGHT SPACE - ONE SHOT #3: 



20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Game Master/Narrator), Travis Reaves (Tez 'Tunam), Jessica Dahlgren (Nellie McAllister), Emily Ervolina (Natalia Korsikovski), and David Michmerhuizen (General Typhoon). 


Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C. 

Music and themes from Halo composed by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori. 

Arrangements and Original Score by Sage G.C. available at

Main Theme/Warthog Run mixed by Travis Reaves, featuring guitar by Myrone, Kyle Schaefer, and Justin Tolan. 


Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Join our Discord! 


Transcripts available at


Download Halo: Jenkins and play it for yourself at

Support the show at - Annual pledges save 10%!

We also have merch!

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram or visit our website at 


HALO © Microsoft Corporation. This episode of 20 Sided Stories is an improvised parody and was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo: Combat Evolved, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft, Xbox, 343 Industries, or the Halo franchise.

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Thu, 10 Dec 2020 19:18:19 -0800

A series of trials, two for each medical professional, with their lab results awaiting on the other side. 

You are about to enter THE TWILIGHT SPACE - ONE SHOT #4: 



20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Corey R. Martin, IT), Travis Reaves (Dr. Lee Coenfield), Jessica Dahlgren (Dr. Jill Shepard), Emily Ervolina (Dr. Sylvia Katz, RN), and David Michmerhuizen (Dr. Victor Frankenstein). 


Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C. 

Main Theme composed by Travis Reaves

Additional Songs from Eyeliner and Stevia Sphere, licensed via Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 and Creative Commons BY 3.0 respectively.


Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Join our Discord! 


Transcripts available at


Download The George Clooney Memorial Hospital Improv RPG for yourself (currently in development) at

Support the show at - Annual pledges save 10%! 

We also have merch!

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories is a parody show and has no affiliation with any medical dramas or TV shows or pop culture anythings that were referenced or mentioned in this episode and only a truly troubled and misled person would be able to convince themselves otherwise.

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Wed, 10 Feb 2021 09:38:34 -0800

A world of power and passion. A tournament of triumph and glory. A battle between good and ego.

You are about to enter THE TWILIGHT SPACE - ONE SHOT #5: 

DRAGON BALL Z - Part 1 of 2


20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Game Master/Narrator), Travis Reaves (Tonu), Jessica Dahlgren (Tooba), Emily Ervolina (Tamago), and David Michmerhuizen (King Kai). 


Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Come chat in our Discord! 


Transcripts available at


Saturday Morning Livestream — 

Our homebrewed Dragon Ball Z TTRPG is in development and will be available at

Support the show at 

We also have merch!

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories is a parody show and has no affiliation with Toei Animation, Funimation, Shueisha, or any official entity in the Dragon Ball franchise or its sequels or its spinoffs.

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Wed, 24 Feb 2021 10:39:40 -0800

We return to a world of power and passion... triumph and glory... good and ego. 

You are about to enter the finale of THE TWILIGHT SPACE with ONE SHOT #5: 

DRAGON BALL Z - Part 2 of 2 


Listener survey here! 


20 Sided Stories is produced by 

Sage G.C. (Game Master/Narrator), Travis Reaves (Tonu), Jessica Dahlgren (Tooba), Emily Ervolina (Tamago), and David Michmerhuizen (King Kai). 


Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

Twilight Space poster art by Chandler Candela

Credits Voice: Kristin Couture

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


What'd you think of The Twilight Space? Come chat in our Discord! 


Transcripts available at


We'll see you on Twitch! — 

Our homebrewed Dragon Ball Z TTRPG is in development and will be available at 

The Twilight Space Compilation Soundtrack will be available at 

Support the show at 

We also have merch! 

For updates and memes you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram  or visit our website at 


20 Sided Stories is a parody show and has no affiliation with Toei Animation, Funimation, Shueisha, or any official entity in the Dragon Ball franchise or its sequels or its spinoffs.

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Mon, 19 Sep 2022 04:00:00 -0700

Presenting: PIRATES OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, a brand new nautical fantasy adventure from 20 Sided Stories.

Learn more at 

This trailer featured the voices of Christian Baltazar, Emily Ervolina, and Greg Reasoner.

The Storyteller/Narrator is Joyce Torres

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

Direct MP3 link


Fri, 06 Jan 2023 06:17:23 -0800

Pirates of the Public Domain will premiere Wednesday, February 1st. This is also when our Patreon will be re-launching. So, if you would like to support the show, and get all sorts of plunder in return, be sure to get yourself an Adventure Pass at

In this cinematic overture for the series, we introduce the World of Pirates of The Public Domain, from its lore, to its leading characters, to the brand new TTRPG rules. 

Learn more at! 

And come hang out with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server! 


The Storyteller was voiced by Joyce Torres 

The Shantyman was sung by Christian Baltazar 

Shoebill McMuffin was played by Sage G.C. 

Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner 

Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren 

Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina 

Una was played by Kate Pursley 

Salmon was played by Travis Reaves 

Monte was played by Henry Benny 

Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen 


Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Character art by cybercatbug


Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Ronald (Prologue)

Wed, 18 Jan 2023 08:31:41 -0800

Crew Prologue 1 of 7: Prince Ronald, The Financier

Ronald struggles with his arranged marriage to Lady Margery while practicing his speeches to a group of peasants.

Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Additional Voices by Kate Pursley, Jessica Dahlgren, Sage G.C.  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

All 7 Character Prologues are available now at  Visit our website or follow us on Twitter or Instagram 

Podcast directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Valora (Prologue)

Fri, 20 Jan 2023 02:30:02 -0800

Crew Prologue 2 of 7: Valora, The Navigator

Valora discusses the future of her influencer career with her Agent, Publicist, and Manager.

Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Additional Voices by Greg Reasoner, Travis Reaves, Sage G.C.  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

All 7 Character Prologues are available now at  Visit our website, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram.

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Sabine (Prologue)

Mon, 23 Jan 2023 02:39:43 -0800

Crew Prologue 3 of 7: Sabine, The Mastergunner 

Young Nouveauian Amphibian Sabine argues with her fish farming father Reginald about whether they should return to the Public Domain.

Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Reginald was played by Henry Benny  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

All 7 Character Prologues are available now at  Visit our website, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Una (Prologue)

Tue, 24 Jan 2023 01:00:00 -0800

Crew Prologue 4 of 7: Una, The Jack of All Trades

Una, unfathomably bored of her life in rural Bjordland and sick of her family pressuring her to have children, attempts a daring escape. 

Una was played by Kate Pursley  Additional Voices by Travis Reaves, Greg Reasoner, Jessica Dahlgren, Sage G.C.  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

All 7 Character Prologues are available now at  Visit our website, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Salmon (Prologue)

Thu, 26 Jan 2023 02:10:59 -0800

Crew Prologue 5 of 7: Salmon, The Boatswain

In between jobs, Salmon decides to create some special rules for his poker game on The Pirate Bay. 

Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Additional Voices by Greg Reasoner, David Michmerhuizen, Jessica Dahlgren, Sage G.C.  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

All 7 Character Prologues are available now at  Visit our website, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Monte (Prologue)

Fri, 27 Jan 2023 02:00:00 -0800

Crew Prologue 6 of 7: Monte, The Cartographer 

Empira, one of the largest companies in the known world, offers to buy Monte's small map making shop from him. 

Monte was played by Henry Benny   Prima Shippen was played by Emily Ervolina  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

All 7 Character Prologues are available now at  Visit our website, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES - Horatio (Prologue)

Mon, 30 Jan 2023 02:00:00 -0800

Crew Prologue 7 of 7: Horatio, The Captain

Off the Zurkish Coasts and before a delivery, Captain Horatio orders his crew to change course. 

Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen   Additional Voices by Greg Reasoner, Travis Reaves, Jessica Dahlgren, Sage G.C., Henry Benny  Narration by Joyce Torres 

Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.  Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman 

Support the show and get bonus episodes at  Visit our website, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 

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PIRATES #1 - The Gelndala Gala

Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:58:27 -0800

With a special invitation from the government, Captain Horatio and First Mate Shoebill McMuffin infiltrate the Gelndala Gala in hopes of recruiting Prince Ronald and Influencer Valora. 

20 Sided Stories presents  Pirates of The Public Domain  Episode #1: The Gelndala Gala 

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen  Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Una was played by Kate Pursely  Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Monte was played by Henry Benney  With additional voices provided by the whole cast 

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible. 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 

And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to 


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, sexual humor, sounds of blood and violence, recreational drug use, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty.

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PIRATES #2 - Rivers of Nouveau

Wed, 01 Mar 2023 12:00:19 -0800

Rowing through the Nouveauian Bayou, The Crew encounters young sharpshooting amphibian Sabine.

20 Sided Stories presents Pirates of The Public Domain Episode #2: Rivers of Nouveau

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina Una was played by Kate Pursely Salmon was played by Travis Reaves Monte was played by Henry Benney With additional voices provided by the whole cast

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible.

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 

And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, sexual humor, drowning, gunshots, speciesism, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty.

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PIRATES #3 - Le Petit Fromage

Wed, 12 Apr 2023 06:01:13 -0700

The Crew enters the great city of Nouveau and finds the Bjordlandic Una temporarily tending bar. 

20 Sided Stories presents  Pirates of The Public Domain  Episode #3: Le Petit Fromage 

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen  Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Una was played by Kate Pursely  Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Monte was played by Henry Benney  With additional voices provided by the whole cast 

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible. 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 

And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to 


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, sexual humor, gunshots, unsupportive dads, bad french accents, good french accents, speciesism, sounds of blood, stabbing and slashing, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty.

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PIRATES #4 - The Pirate Bay I

Wed, 24 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700

The Crew prepares to sail to The Pirate Bay, but all they have for the voyage is a small rowboat.

20 Sided Stories presents  Pirates of The Public Domain  Episode #4: The Pirate Bay, Part One of Three 

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen  Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Una was played by Kate Pursely  Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Monte was played by Henry Benney  With additional voices provided by the whole cast 

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Character art by cybercatbug Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible. 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 

And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to 


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, sexual humor, gunshots, speciesism, sounds of blood, stabbing and slashing, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty. 

Direct MP3 link

PIRATES #5 - The Pirate Bay II

Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:24:48 -0700

With Cartographer Monte, and an island of pirate job seekers, The Crew grows in preparation for stealing a galleon from Empira.

20 Sided Stories presents  Pirates of The Public Domain  Episode #5: The Pirate Bay, Part Two of Three

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen  Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Una was played by Kate Pursely  Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Monte was played by Henry Benney  With additional voices provided by the whole cast 

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Character art by cybercatbug Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible. 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 

And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to 


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, sexual humor, speciesism, job interviews, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty.

All Episodes

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PIRATES #6 - The Pirate Bay III

Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:12:10 -0700


Empira Inc. has arrived with a three-masted Galleon. The Crew must pull their wits and dice together to take it and truly become Pirates.

20 Sided Stories presents  Pirates of The Public Domain  Episode #6: The Pirate Bay, Part Three of Three 

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen  Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Una was played by Kate Pursely  Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Monte was played by Henry Benney  With additional voices provided by the whole cast 

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Character art by cybercatbug Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible. 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 

And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to 


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, violence (gunshots, sharp weapons, slashing, blood, death), sexual humor, speciesism, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty.

All Episodes

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PIRATES #7 - Seventh Sea

Wed, 06 Sep 2023 07:55:10 -0700

The Crew has set sail across the infamous Seventh Sea. But before the half-year voyage, they must first establish a Pirate Code.

20 Sided Stories presents  Pirates of The Public Domain  Episode #7: Seventh Sea 

Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen  Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner  Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren  Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina  Una was played by Kate Pursely  Salmon was played by Travis Reaves  Monte was played by Henry Benney  With additional voices provided by the whole cast 

Narration by Joyce Torres 

Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman  Character art by cybercatbug Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C. 

A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible. 

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C. 


Support the show by snagging an Adventure Pass at 

The Adventure Pass feed is now on Spotify! Link your accounts

Come hang in with us in the 20 Sided Discord Server 

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories 


And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to 


CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, vomit sounds, alcoholism, extreme weather, sexual humor, speciesism, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty. 



(0:00) DISCLAIMER  (0:27) THEME  (1:20) Recap  (2:30) Establishing the Code  (21:12) BREAK  (24:22) Across the Seventh Sea  (24:40) 1. Portrait  (26:04) 2. Storms  (26:46) 3. Limes  (28:17) 4. Rumble  (29:52) 5. Drinking  (32:45) 6. Surnames  (36:44) Arrival  (40:17) CREDITS 

All Episodes

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