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Dungeons & Debacles Podcast


A Dungeons and Dragons real play 5th edition D&D podcast





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Welcome to Cala

Sun, 09 Apr 2017 23:33:36 -0400

Thanks for downloading the first episode of the dungeons and debacles podcast. I am Kevin the dungeons master. Before we get started I'd like to take a minute to tell you what to expect out of our show. We're a real-play 5e podcast, but we also do some scripted bonus episodes, kind of like a radio drama.

I want to give you an out of game look as to what was left in the player's wake, to expand the lore and to foreshadow future challenges.

Also - stick around for the end of the episode for fantasy commercials for magical items and services. check them out - they are pretty funny.

I am going to go ahead and apologize now for some early episodes as we were learning how to record this and the production quality isn't where I would like it.

In another life I was a radio station production director - so I know what I am about. I want this to be immersive and sound great.

I am going to remaster some of them to add music and sound effects.

It takes us about 12 episodes to figure out what works across the internet. If you want to know how the sausage is made - I made the mistake of recording ambient atmosphere in the dialog over roll20.

We got it on lock now. Stick with it. The story is there.

Speaking of story - I have a 200 plus epsiode campaign arc planned right now. We put out an episode every week so this will be a long term commitment to get to the end of the story. We're up for it and we hope you are too.

Also - we move the plot. There isn't a lot of bullshitting or random encounters for the sake of fighting something. We digress sometimes if there is something funny - but I keep the editing tight - there isn't going to be a lot of long pauses while someone looks something up in the players handbook.

This is a homebrew world and you will be able to find details world and city maps on our website - as well as background lore on items and character sheets for the players.

We are also an explicit podcast - that's because we have potty mouths. If that makes you uncomfortable - I get it - but we aren't constantly dropping F-bombs but you know how it goes in the heat of getting your ass kicked. You might not want to listen to it with small kids in the room.

Speaking of getting your ass kicked - no player is safe in this podcast. I have to problem TPKing these assholes if they do something stupid. They will just have to roll new toons.

Not to spoil too much - but listen to episode 15 betrayal. One of our friends - Leo - the dungeon master of the Dungeons and Disorders podcast does a guest spot as an evil boss - and - lets just say things go sideways and the campaign changes dramatically.

Thanks for giving us a chance and leave a review if you like what you hear. It helps more than anything else. You can also give us feedback on Facebook and Twitter - we'd love to hear what you think and ideas for the story, items and monster.

Five strangers are enjoying their meal and entertainment in the common room of the Trade Winds Inn.

Before they know it, they are dragged into a dangerous fight in the border town of Cala when a kobold attack forces them into action.

Sgt. Stonefist with the town guard deputies the "Heroes" to fight an onslaught of kobolds wreaking havock in the southern docks district.


Kevin - DM

John - Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver - Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb - Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane - Alexander human bard

A real-play 5th Edition Dungeons 7 Dragons podcast.

The Great Kobold Kaper

Sun, 16 Apr 2017 12:00:00 -0400

 Our Heroes investigate the kobold attack on Cala. They learn the filthy fucks wreaked havok on the town and stole a ledger from the clerks office.

What does that mean?

They are hot on the trail of the filthy little buggars and it leads them to the sewers of Cala.


Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard


The Dragonborn in the Room

Sun, 23 Apr 2017 12:00:00 -0400

The "Heroes" find themselves in the sewers of Cala trying to hunt down kobolds.

Veto falls.

The Dragonborn Juliet finds the party and helps them figh the kobold menace.


Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake - Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Enter the Red Talons

Sun, 30 Apr 2017 23:58:57 -0400

Our "Heroes" are fight their way through the sewers and fight a winged Kobold.

They learn the kobolds are part of the dragon cult of the Ruinaxis known as the Red Talons.

Their investigation takes them the the scene of a slaughter on the ship known as the Sea Witch.

The captains log leads them to a warehouse where they find the crates the kobolds were shipped in as well as a halfling who has been cut in half.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake - Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Investigations and Revelations

Sun, 07 May 2017 21:18:03 -0400

Our "Heroes" continue their investigation into the kobold attack on Cala.

They run into the thieves guild who tell them they should stop for their own good.

The lure of gold is too much as they decide to take the bounty of a vicious assassin of the Red Talons.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake - Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Level 2 - This isn't even my final form

Sun, 14 May 2017 19:36:15 -0400

This is a bit of a departure.

We are going to talk to our players about their builds, the choices they made and the backgrounds of their characters.

I've always liked when other podcast would give us so background, because you it doesn't always come up in the story.

I hope you enjoy.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Machinations & Muck

Sun, 21 May 2017 18:10:13 -0400

Our "Heroes" are on the trail of the Ring of Planes when they discover a another ring may present an opportunity or disaster.

Amanati is receives a message from his master.

The group journeys back to the sewers searching for clues.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

The Hooded Man

Sun, 28 May 2017 16:24:19 -0400

Our “Heroes” finish the exploration of the sewers. Not finding anymore clues, they return to the surface to find they are being watched.

They chase a hooded figure into an alley where they confront him.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Mama Lin's House

Sun, 04 Jun 2017 21:12:53 -0400

Our "heroes" are on the trail of the Red Talons with a new clue.

They spend way too much time buying a donkey and supplies.

They visit the house of Mama Lin, the mother of the man accused of conspiring with the Red Talons and stealing the Ring of Planes.

They soon discover things are what they seem.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Showdown at Mama Lin's House

Sun, 11 Jun 2017 01:56:45 -0400

Our "Heroes" fight Mama Lin after discovering a dark secret in her backyard.

A battle between our adventureres and 6-year-old-boys ensues.

There is a secret that only Amaniti knows that could absolve their crimes from the town guards but will he use it?


Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Talking - For when the odds are against you

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 21:50:23 -0400

Our “Heroes” find themselves in a tough situation.

Mama Lin and the kids have been assaulted.

Can they talk their way out of this one, or do they fight against long odds?

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Into the Witching Woods

Mon, 26 Jun 2017 22:35:22 -0400

Our "Heroes" straighten out the incident at Mama Lin's house with the town guard.

They decide to rest for the night before pursuing the Red Talons.

Dougan confronts the guards of Cala about what just happened and their motivations.

They follow the trail of the Red Talons and stumble upon a group of Goblins.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Shrine of the Raven Queen

Sun, 02 Jul 2017 23:27:34 -0400

Our “Heroes” discover the crypt of the Raven Queen.

They journey into the crypt below where they find danger and magical items.

Amanati adds another voice to his head.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

In the crypt of the Raven Queen

Sun, 09 Jul 2017 21:44:58 -0400

Our "Heroes" continue to explore the crypts of the Shrine of the Raven Queen.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter

Necromancer at the Raven Queen's Altar

Sun, 16 Jul 2017 22:37:36 -0400

Our "Heroes" in their search for the Ring of Planes, stumble upon a Orcus necromancer defiling the Raven Queen's altar.

After some jokes about the lost and found, a fight ensues.

Half the party drops in the toughest fight they've had.

They defeat the necromancer and find the Ring of Planes.

Kevin – DM

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter




Sun, 30 Jul 2017 22:01:03 -0400

Our "Heroes" emerge from the Shrine of the Raven Queen.

The are confronted by a group of Red Talon assassins.

They are offered a deal to join the Talons and give up their quest, but they refuse.

They are then confronted by the Red Talon enforcer Sish.

He offers them a better deal and Alexander accepts, handing over the Ring of Planes and the Ring of Finding.

Dougan, in disbelief attacks Sish and the party splits.

Some fall - others run.

Meet the new boss. Not the same as the old boss - and evil.

Kevin – DM

Special Guest and the DM of the Dungeons & Disorder Podcast, Leo, as Sish

John – Tivet the half-elf Rogue

Oliver – Veto the beastfolk barbarian

Caleb – Amanati half-elf warlock

Shane – Alexander human bard

Blake – Juliet Starstorm dragonborn fighter


Level 3: Meet the villains

Sun, 06 Aug 2017 19:22:58 -0400

Our "Villains" hit level 3 and we introduce 3 new characters, because the old ones either died or fled.

Kevin - DM

John - Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Oliver - Edel Belmont, Half-dwarf Paladin of Bane

Blake - Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn fighter

Caleb - Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane - Alexander, Human bard

Meet your new, evil friends

Tue, 15 Aug 2017 23:51:33 -0400

Alexander and Juliet meet their new allies, the Red Talons.

They find out their actions have not been unoticed by the town of Cala or their new benefactors.

They have created very powerful enemies and gained new, evil friends.

They are now wanted in Cala and by a distraght Micah who will take justice into his own hands.

DM - Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn fighter

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard


Fall of the Temple of Erathis - Part 1

Mon, 21 Aug 2017 22:44:03 -0400

Our "villains" are tasked with destroying the Temple of Erathis.

It is a blight in Ruin's eye, being the god of civilization.

They get their orders and execute their plan.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn fighter

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver - Edel Belmont - Mule paladin

Fall of the Temple of Erathis - Part 2

Sun, 27 Aug 2017 01:13:51 -0400

Our “villains” destroy the Temple of Erathis.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn fighter

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – Mule paladin

Sneaking into the mayor's manor

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 21:09:53 -0400

Our villains get a new assignment from Davick.

They are to break into the mayor's manor and interogate him to see if he has any clue to the whereabouts of the other Savior's artifacts.

They are told they can use his wife for leverage and to kill them both when they are done.

Nyfron the rogue is introduced to the party to help them on their mission.


DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – Mule paladin

An uncomfortable conversation for the mayor

Sun, 10 Sep 2017 18:38:18 -0400

Our villains interogate the Mayor of Cala to find clues to the location of the other artifacts of the saviors.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – Mule paladin

Unexpected Discovery

Sun, 17 Sep 2017 23:36:16 -0400

Our villains find a big clue to the location of the artifacts and unexpectedly, a quest for Ruin's egg after they find out the mayor's great uncle was searching for it and they already have a piece of the map to find it.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin

A song of murder & tolerance

Sun, 01 Oct 2017 22:31:30 -0400

Our villains escape from the mayor's manor and down through the sewers.

They find their way back to the Greasy Palm where Davick is waiting for them.

The book gives them clues to the other locations of the artifacts and they also tell Davick they have found a map piece to find Ruin's egg.

Davick tells them he can no longer hide them and they should escape to Carnlee aboard their newly aquired ship the Sea Witch.

There they meet the foul-mouthed captain Gervis Stormbringer who will take them to Carnlee.

Edel also learns a lesson about calling names from the deckhand Richard through song.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin


BONUS: Richard's song of murder and tolerance

Sun, 01 Oct 2017 23:22:19 -0400

Richard sings a song to teach Edel a lesson after the half-dwarf makes fun of the deckhand's name.

Contracts & Krakens

Sat, 07 Oct 2017 23:42:54 -0400

Edel makes a hellish contract for a pirate's soul. A deckhand will now move out of the alehouse circuit and start touring.

The Sea Witch is attacked by a kraken and our villains must take care of it.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight

Caleb – Gwendolyn Silverstone, Human druid

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin


Level 4: Let's be wizards

Sun, 15 Oct 2017 12:00:00 -0400

This is a level up episode where our villains talk about their choices for level 4 and a refresher on their backgrounds.

Alexander and Juliet decide to learn the arcane arts.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin

Meet the clans of the Grass Isle

Sun, 22 Oct 2017 02:26:14 -0400

The kraken has wreaked havok on The Sea Witch and her crew.

Our villains have to repair the ship. They are way off course and have to land at the Grass Isle to gather supplies.

They meet a clan of half orcs and find out they are decendants of one of The Saviors.

They also learn that Borsch Bonebreaker's legendary sword is somewhere on the island.

They feast and drink with the clan after Alexander entertains them with his flute and tales.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin


The lions don't sleep tonight

Sun, 29 Oct 2017 23:42:46 -0400

Our villains take tribe chief Grulum's deal to take out his rival Tusk.

Tusk happens to be a descendant of one of the Saviors and they argue about how to deal with the situation.

Before making camp they are confronted by one of the isles most ubiquitous inhabitants.

The night time is the right time - for lions.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin

Betraying the Bonebreakers

Mon, 06 Nov 2017 21:57:47 -0500

Our villains meet with the exiled clan chief, Tusk Bonebreaker, to see if they can get what they need to repair their boat.

Tusk tells them the only thing they can offer him is to discover proof that Grulum, the leader of the tribes, cheated when he defeated his father for leadership of the clans.

They agree and a learn more about the politics of the island and Borsh Bonebreakers sword.

Our villains, being the villains they are, ambush Tusk and his hunting party and kill them.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin

No good deed goes unpunished

Sat, 11 Nov 2017 23:51:09 -0500

Our villains fulfill their deal to assassinate Grulum's rival.

They return to Grassland to get their reward of materials to repair their boat.

Grulum makes a romantic overture to Juliet which she tries to exploit.

She tries to expose Grulum for the unhonorable chief he is only to find that no good deed does unpunished. DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin

Burning bridges on the Grass Isle

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:00:00 -0500

Our villains burn bridges (and half the village) with the half orcs of the Grass Isle after Juliet tries to expose Grulum's dishonor.

They kill both "legitimate" leaders of their clans in less than 36 hours.

Not a bad for a day's work.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont – half-dwarf paladin

BONUS: Aftermath on the Grass Isle

Sun, 26 Nov 2017 11:00:00 -0500

We are off this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you all got to spend some quality time with family and friends.

I thought this was a great opportunity for a bonus episode to explain what happened in the aftermath of our villains’ visit to the Grass Isle.

I hope to do a lot more of these in the future to give you some context to what is going on in the story. Just because our adventurers aren’t in the scene - doesn’t mean the world stops turning.

If you are into that sort of thing I hope you enjoy it. If not - no worries - we will have a new episode out next week.

The Grass Isle arc was originally supposed to just be an episode or two to introduce the back story of one of the saviors - Borsch Bonebreaker and to give some flavor and foreshadow.

I also wanted to throw a moral quandry into our heroes path because that’s what us DM’s do.

To no one’s suprise they plowed through it, but I wasn’t expecting our dragonborn Juliet to attempted to do the right thing and expose the chief for this dishonor.

This is probably a good example of why you should ask, even a minor NPC’s name to get a feel of where loyalities lie.

If they had, Juliet would have known that the person she tried to expose the dishonorable chief to, was actually his brother.

So now we find ourselves at a clans meeting as the half orcs of the Grass Isle try to figure out who will be their next leader.

Welcome to Carnlee

Thu, 07 Dec 2017 22:30:02 -0500

Our villains escape the Grass Isle and make their way to the grand city of Carnlee.

Almost immediately Alexander is pick pocketed by a young street urchin named Talia.

Juliet takes pity on the girl and allows her to join their group.

Their contact in the city turns out to be a drunk hipster who gives them their next contact - a powerful councilwoman named Ares Goldsmith.

After they are given rooms and new clothes they set out to meet their benefactor.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah - Talia, Human rogue

Deadly Politics

Tue, 12 Dec 2017 00:22:12 -0500

Our villains find themselves set up in Carnlee.

Their benefactor, Ares Goldsmith, wants them to take out one of her political rivals in the city before giving them information on how to get the next artifact.

They take the job and head off to dispatch a councilman of Carnlee.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue

Tenth-story work

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 22:19:51 -0500

Our villains make it to the 10th floor penthouse apartment of Dorne Stonehide only to meet with an angry dwarven bodyguard charging them.

Talia proves her worth as a theif and lockpicker.

They dispactch their target and are given the information they need to steal the Amulet of Dominion from the Tower at the Isle of Insight.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue

Pleasantries, plots and intimidations

Sun, 24 Dec 2017 22:30:48 -0500

Talia asks some uncomfortable questions to Juliet about the assaissnation job they just pulled.

Our villains learn more about their mission to steal the next Savior Artifact - the Amulet of Dominion.

They buy new clothes and journey to the Isle of Insight Embassy.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue

BONUS - Enter The Companions

Thu, 11 Jan 2018 00:50:19 -0500

UPDATE - There was an issue with the original file that was uploaded that resulted in about 30 seconds of silence at the beginning. You can download again or just fast forward 30 seconds.

Mica and the Companions track down the root of evil in the city of Cala.

They Find Davick, the owner of the Greasy Palm and interogate him about the Red Talon activity in the city and the group that has been masquerading as the Companions.


The Isle of Insight, the center of magic

Thu, 18 Jan 2018 00:49:40 -0500

Our villains travel to the Isle of Insight, the seat of magical knowledge and training in Sul-El.

They notice that their Hellsworn paladin didn't get on the boat with them.

There is a scuffle on the boat between students and Talia makes a friend.

They check check into their lodging and Juliet and Talia take off for the merchant district where they learn that magical items are REALLY expensive.

Alexander has a disturbing dream.

Juliet and Alexander are admitted to the Tower for training.

DM – Kevin

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue

Talia and Alunodas' side gig

Wed, 24 Jan 2018 23:15:11 -0500

Talia and Alunodas aren't waiting around for Juliet and Alexander to finish their class studies.

They head off to the market district in search of heavy purses and the city's theives guild.

It doesn't take long until Talia is confronted for stealing a purse.

They are introduced to the theive's guild at the Greasy Fingers club and given a job.

They knock over a magic shop and given a heafty reward.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue

Beer Runs & Bookworms

Mon, 29 Jan 2018 22:17:08 -0500

Alexander and Shane begin their studies at the tower.

The teen Flynn tries to befriend "Finnel" to get some alcohol to celebrate their first day at the tower with the other first year students.

Alexander makes a beer run for the group and learns more about the other students.

Juliet continues to study the intelligence given to her by the Red Talon Archmage Steph and begins to formulate a plan.

In the library Juliet searches for information on the origins of magic and makes a new friend.

DM – Kevin

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

The Amulet of Dominion heist

Mon, 05 Feb 2018 20:55:09 -0500

Our villains begin plan their heist in the Citadel of the Tower of Insight where some of the most powerful magical items in Sul-El are kept safe - including the Savior artifact - the Amulet of Dominion.

Edel shows up with no explanation of where he has been.

After a montage of what our villains are doing in preparation - Talia and Juliet find themselves in the Citadal.

What they find isn't what they were expecting.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster.

Best laid plans of men & elf & dragonborn

Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:13:09 -0500

Juliet and Talia come up empty handed in their heist of the Amulet of Dominion.

They try to cover up the theft to give them a head start as they try to track down the thief who beat them to it.

Talia hears rumors the theft did not go unnoticed.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Rager at the Tower of Insight

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 21:49:50 -0500

Our villains formulate a plan to steal powerful spell books from the Tower of Insight and a way to get expelled from the school without raising suspicion.

They decide to throw a party outside the Tower of Insight to distract the newly installed security at the doors of the Tower.

It also gives the Tower another reason to expel them.

They hire the most famous band in the world, Crossbows & Daisies to play the party and hundreds of people show up - including the thieves guild.

Talia's organization of the party and her tip to the guild to get easily procurred purses earns her membership into the guild.

Juliet steals several spellbooks from the arcane library.

Alunodas makes clam dip.

After Alexander and Juliet are expelled from the tower, our villains make their way back to Carnlee to try to get more clues about the identity of the thief.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Talia's Tragic Tale

Tue, 27 Feb 2018 23:43:44 -0500

Welcome to this special bonus episode of the Dungeons & Debacles podcast.

We tell the tragic tale of Talia, the orphan and street urchin who was taken in by our villains.

We learn her origin and the tale of her revenge on the the foul mistress that tortured her as a small child.


Kevin - DM

Hannah - Talia

Blake - Keelin and Juliet

Kate - The waitress

Explaining failure and other things to do in Carnlee

Mon, 05 Mar 2018 22:22:57 -0500

Our villains find themselves back in the city of Carnlee after exhausting all their clues to the identity of Kasik Stonefoot.

They arrange a meeting with their benefactor Ares Goldsmith and the Archmage Steph to explain their failure and the theft.

They learn that Kasik was a former student at the Tower of Insight and a decendent of Savior Ironstaff.

They also learn where Kasik might be.

Our villains get horses and a war puppy.

They take a contract to eliminate one of Ares' political rivals who happens to be Edel's father.

After they finish their business in Carnlee they travel to Brownmeadow where they encounter a ghost after Edel plunders a helm from the cursed Battlefield of Brownmeadow.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Bustin' makes me feel good in Brownmeadow

Sun, 11 Mar 2018 22:30:26 -0400

Our villains disturb an ancient knight after Edel takes his helm from the Battlefield of Brownmeadow.

Alexander's dark passenger protects him from possession.

They receive a chilly reception from the people of Brownmeadow, except for the only innkeeper who they convince that they are the legendary companions.

Alexander intimidates one of Kasick Stonefoot's relatives to tell them where the thief may be.

An investigation of Kasick's ruined family home reveals a magical rings and upset neighbors.

As they approach Kasick's probable hideout - they are surprised at seeing a former companion.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Amulet & the Artificer Part 1

Mon, 19 Mar 2018 19:47:27 -0400

Our villains track the Amulet of Dominion thief Kasick Stonefoot back to his lair.

They discover Veto's secret origin and learn that he has many, unnatural brothers.

They also learn the beastfolk is one of Kasick's experiments.

Kasick tells our vilains that his goal is to prepare an army in the fight against Ruinaxis.

The epsiode has tagged on 20 minutes of silence and I am trying to figure out why. Apologises.


DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Amulet & the Artificer Part 2

Tue, 27 Mar 2018 21:51:47 -0400

It's the battle you have been waiting for.

Our villains take on Kasik Stonefoot to steal the Savior artifact - the Amulet of Dominion.

But the artificer isn't going down with out a fight, aided by his clone beastfolk children and his small tinkerbots.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

LEVEL 5: Wizard specialties & 100% more punchy stabbies

Sun, 01 Apr 2018 19:50:59 -0400

Welcome to this bonus episode. Our Villains have reached level 5 and we take some time to learn more about their characters, their build and backgrounds.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

There be dragons in the desert

Sun, 08 Apr 2018 23:04:56 -0400

Our villains have defeated Kasick and have recovered the Amulet of Dominion.

They loot Kasick's lair and find his children in bad shape after the the water elementals he was using to control them are freed.

They make their way back to the town of Brownmeadow to rest and then set off for the Bonebreaker camp to recover the next Savior artifact.

They find that many of the 2 dozen or so magical items they found in Kasick's lab aren't that useful.

They travel for days in the desert before a sand pit swallows Edel.

They find treasure and an curious ancient corpse - oh - and there is a dragon.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The dragon's deal

Sun, 15 Apr 2018 19:14:50 -0400

Our villains find themselves in the underground lair of a young blue dragon after Edel's horse bucked him and he fell into a sandy pit.

The dragon makes them a deal: Don't fight and I will make your death's quick and painless.

They decide not to take that deal.


DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The caged Talon & The Prophet of Ruin

Mon, 23 Apr 2018 20:47:13 -0400

After our villains defeat the young blue dragon in the desert they set off for the city of Ashfell.

On the road they discover a group of Red Talons that had been left to die in cages as a warning to others.

They find one woman wasn't dead and free her.

She recognizes them and takes them back to her camp.

They they meet with a Prophet of Ruinaxis who tells them they have been stirring up trouble between the city and the Bonebreaker clan of Half Orcs.

Alexander has another nightmare and begins to realize it may not be just a dream.

The next morning they find the Red Talon camp surrounded by guards who are there to arrest the whole camp.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Massacre at the Prophet's Camp

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 21:38:49 -0400

Our villains wake in the camp of the Prophet when they hear shouting.

They discover the Talons assembled in front of several Ashfell guards who are there to arrest all in the camp.

Alunodas makes an impassioned speech to get them to leave and is promptly rewarded with a crossbow bolt.

The guards are ordered to kill everyone in the camp and the massacre begins.

Alexander wins MVP of the battle by eliminating most of the guards in one fail swoop.

The battle is devastating.

This is the link I mentioned in the podcast for the Luccan Insult Generator.

It's on Github and open source so you are free to take it and mod it for your needs.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin Hannah –

Talia - Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Companions at the Tower of Insight

Mon, 07 May 2018 23:24:23 -0400

This is a bonus episode to explain the Companions' investigation into the Red Talons and the theft of the Artifacts of the Saviors.

If you are just beginning the podcast - it is a good jumping off point as Orin explains the story thus far in season 1.

Companions Orin and Kul are summond to the Tower of Insight after the theft of the Amulet of Dominion.

Orin investigates the crime and finds that the impostor Companions are responsible for the theft.

Orin tells Grand Archmage Forel of what they have learned of the Red Talons' plans.

Kevin - Orin, Kul, Guards and dean Jurin

John - Grand Archmage Forel

Blake - Archmage Grendis

The gang turns on the paladin

Sun, 13 May 2018 20:34:12 -0400

After the devastating battle with the Knights of Ashfell, our villains regroup and take stock of the carnage.

Their guide, a barbarian named Turin grieves for his wife before urging them on.

Turin takes a horse out of the many Edel, the hellsworn paladin, has claimed for his own.

Turin decides to put Edel in his place.

Edel turns to the party for help and they turn against him.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

EP 48: Welcome to Southbend

Mon, 21 May 2018 21:27:02 -0400

Our villains salvage what they can from the devastation of the Ashfell knight attack and head for the town of Southbend to cross the Black River.

They get funny looks in the the peaceful village as a heavily armed and armored party.

Juliet disguises herself as a priestess of Erathis and the take a room. 

The barkeep offers his condolences as he as heard the rumors that the temple in Cala was burned to the ground.

They make their way to a ferry and cross the river to Ashfell.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Ashfell and the battle in the hills

Mon, 28 May 2018 23:49:43 -0400

Our villains make their way to the city of Ashfell.

After some shopping they decide to gather some information on what is going on between the city and the half orc tribes to the north.

Talia disguises herself as a halfling woman and gets hit on by a man in a tavern.

They talk to the guards and learn that there is trouble between the city and the half orcs and rumor is - it's the Red Talons who are stirring up the trouble.

They begin their trek to the half orc camp when they happen upon a battle between the half orcs and a patrol of guards led by non other that the silver dragonborn and companion Kul.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Honor fight with the half orc chief

Mon, 11 Jun 2018 21:20:11 -0400

Our villains make their way to the Bonebreaker camp in the guise of entertainers and find a chilly reception.

They say they have Borsch Bonebreaker's sword and are there to trade for the Girdle of Heroes.

The chief of the clan doesn't believe that someone bested the clan chief of the Grass Isle to take the sword and challenges the paladin to an honor fight to prove his worth.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Oliver – Edel Belmont, half-dwarf paladin

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Companion at the gates

Mon, 18 Jun 2018 23:31:13 -0400

Our villains try to make a deal for the Girdle of Heroes with the half orc cheif when they learn that their only bargaining chip is needed to even get to the girdle.

As they parlay an out of breath half orc tells them that a party led by the Companion Kul has defeated one of their parties and is on his way to the camp.

The steal back the Bonebreaker sword just before the silver dragonborn Kul knocks down the gates and demands and audience with half orc chief.

Our villains flee the camp and enter Bonebreaker's tomb.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Sorry I am dealing with natural disaster

Sun, 01 Jul 2018 20:39:43 -0400

You may have noticed that we haven’t put out an episode in a few weeks.   Unfortunately I’ve had somewhat of a natural disaster here in western NC you may have heard about on the news.   Long story short - we got 20 inches of rain in a few weeks and it has flooded my finished basement so I have been dealing with that. It is no small task.   We will be recording next Sunday and will have a new episode out may be on Tuesday after that.   It will be a good one as our villians enter the tomb of Borsch Bonebreaker to find the the 3rd artifact of the saviors.   Thank you for you patience and understanding.   – Kevin

Bonebreaker's Tomb Part 1

Wed, 11 Jul 2018 23:44:45 -0400

Our villains enter the tomb of the Savior Borsch Bonebreaker.

They find a forge with some slimes inside.

They also find adamantine weapons and a wonderous item inside.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Bonebreaker's Tomb Part 2

Tue, 17 Jul 2018 00:52:16 -0400

Our villains wade further into Bonebreaker's Tomb and find treasures and foes.

They almost lose their barbarian Turin to a pit crossing a bridge.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

EP 54: Bonebreaker's Tomb Part 3

Tue, 24 Jul 2018 00:32:31 -0400

Our villains journey deeper into Borsch Bonebreaker's Tomb.

They are confronted by two animated sets of armor that give them a run for their gold.

After defeating them and taking a rest - they hear a terrible sound coming from deeper below.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Bonebreaker's Tomb Part 4

Wed, 01 Aug 2018 23:01:59 -0400

Our villains journey deeper into Borsch Bonebreaker’s Tomb.

They discover strange, shimmer fields and are confronted by fire elementals.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Bonebreaker's Tomb Part 5

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 00:08:55 -0400

Our villains journey further into Bonebreaker's Tomb and encounter more fire elementals.

The crits are flying furiously in their battles.

Talia kills a huge fire elemental with a deathblow - which is amazing because it is a homebrewed critical effect that requires the player to roll 3 20s in a row!

They figure out a way through a lava field and encounter an otherworldly room.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The door and the deal at Bonebreaker's Tomb

Mon, 13 Aug 2018 22:43:36 -0400

Our villian make their way to the last door of Bonebreaker's Tomb.

There they meet an Efreeti who has been awaiting their arrival.

He tells them he hasn't been able to enter the tomb and retrieve an artifact the God of the fire elemental plane wants.

He makes a deal. He will grant them a wish in exchange for the key to Bonebreaker's Tomb.

The wish is granted and it doesn't go so well for Edel the paladin.

Alexander's dagger makes its will known and shit is gets real.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard and illusion wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Bonebreaker's Girdle

Mon, 27 Aug 2018 22:27:44 -0400

Our villains enter the Tomb of Borsch Bonebreaker.

Inside they find a horde of magical tomes.

They open his sarcophagus and find Borsh's body untouched by the ages, much like everything else in the room.

They are then confronted by the power half orc himself.

He isn't what they expected.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

LEVEL 6: Regrets & Retcons

Mon, 03 Sep 2018 20:22:59 -0400

Welcome to this bonus episode. Our Villains have reached level 6 and we take some time to learn more about their characters, their build and backgrounds.

Juliet starts to express some misgivings about the Red Talons. 

Alexander retcons a wizard multiclass level, because he was just doing it for flavor at the Tower of Insight.

Yes - I allow retcons. It's my game. Wanna fight about it?

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Companion & the Demon

Mon, 17 Sep 2018 20:56:19 -0400

Our villains, after completing their mission, return to the entrance of Mt. Sunder to find it is guarded by their pursuer - Kul, the Paladin of Bahamut and Companion.

He confronts their wickedness and offers them a deal - hand over the artifacts and he will make their deaths quick.

Juliet - taunting Kul discovers that her parents are being held in Cala.

After goading Kul some more, they find another exit in the volcano.

There they meet two Nyfron and Kala-Shi - a demon and priestess of Lolth.

She has new orders for them.

After a testy negotiation, she takes the artifacts our Dark Companions have gathered and sends them on their way with new gifts and a mission.

Second thoughts

Tue, 25 Sep 2018 22:03:02 -0400

Our villains make a plan to seek the Savior artifact the Boots of Feydale.

They beginning their journey to the nearest river crossing - the city of Ashmarsh.

Nyfron warns them that they all have a kingly bounty on their heads after their deeds.

Juliet begins to have second thoughts about her alliance with the Red Talon cult.

She has a secret discussion with Alunodas about her doubts.

Alunodas matter-of-factly tells her that he will kill her himself if she tries to interfere with their plans.

Alexander has another nightmare and is horrified when the dagger takes control and finds himself about to murder Talia in her sleep.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Demon in the Dagger

Wed, 03 Oct 2018 22:35:45 -0400

The dagger has taken control of Alexander and he finds himself looming over Talia as the dagger urges him to kill the little girl in her sleep.

He is able to gain control at the last second, but not without paying a price to the hungry dagger.

The scene does not go unnoticed as Alexander realizes Nyfron has watched the whole scene.

Alexander travels further into the darkside as Nyfron helps him sate the bloodlust.

Our villains continue their journey to Ashmarsh, but are take a brief detour as they encounter two ettins who have waylaid traveling merchants.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Thing to do in Ashmarsh when you're wanted dead

Tue, 09 Oct 2018 21:24:47 -0400


Our villains travel to the city of Ashmarsh to resupply before going across the river and heading north to Feydale.

They get a room at an inn and plan their next moves.

They split the party to buy what they need and sell what they don't.

Alexander discovers what all the excitement in town is about as he see Red Talons being public executed in front of the Temple of Pelor.

They also discover there is a bounty for a party matching their description as well as a sanctioned quest for four of the Artifacts of the Saviors.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

A curious execution on the road to Feydale

Wed, 17 Oct 2018 23:08:34 -0400

Our villains prepare for their trip across the river on their way to Feydale.

A fight breaks out on the street as two people are the victims of mistaken identity and the hysteria and paranoia created by the Vanguard's bounty on our Dark Companions.

Our villains come across a strange scene on the road - a family that appears to be executed for no reason.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


The mad Paladin of Erathis and the fall of a villain

Wed, 24 Oct 2018 22:25:51 -0400

Our villains are stopped by a Paladin of Erathis on their way north toward Feydale.

The paladin tells them he is rooting out Red Talons in the area after the fall of the temple in Cala and tells them to be prepared to be judged.

The monk decides this is going to be a fight and tells the paladin to fuck off.

A fight ensues and one of our villains will die.

A member of the paladin's party says he was forced into the fight and the paladin went mad.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

A funny thing happened at the Temple of Ilmater

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 22:06:54 -0400

Our villains interrogate the Elven wizard Iolas who was in the Mad Paladin of Erathis' party.

They find out that he was forced against his will to travel with the paladin and attack unfortunate travelers the paladin accused of being evil.

They meet a group of magical monster hunters and give away more than they intended after getting chatty with their leader.

Iolas leads them the Hollowspoint and their destination - the Temple of Ilmater of the potential resurrection of their bard.

But all is not what it seems.

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Curse of the Silverlight Mansion

Sun, 11 Nov 2018 19:36:06 -0500

Our villains work out a miscommunication at the false Temple of Ilmater.

They are vouched for by an unexpected ally and a Alunodas' fellow monk of Ruinaxis.

The Priestess of Tiamat tells them she can raise their fallen bard, but she doesn't have a vital component to complete the ritual.

Iolas - the wizard who deceived them and cast a geas on Juliet tells them there may be one place in this town where they can find an exquisite diamond - but it is cursed. The Silverlight Mansion.

They journey to the mansion with their new companion, Brahkul the half orc, in the dead of night to try to find the one thing that can bring their companion back from the dead.

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Nathan - Brahkul, Half orc barbarian

Ghosts of the Silverlight Mansion

Wed, 21 Nov 2018 00:42:34 -0500

Our villains continue their journey into the Silverlight Mansion.

There they find they are not alone - the undead are all around - and they are not happy.

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Nathan - Brahkul, Half orc barbarian

The ghost of Lady Silverlight

Sun, 02 Dec 2018 20:15:06 -0500

Our villains make it to the second floor of the Silverlight Mansion where they are warned by the ghost of a young boy to turn around and leave because Lady Silverlight will not be happy they are here.

The ghost boy is right - she is not happy to see them.

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Nathan - Brahkul, Half orc barbarian

The Ghost of Lord Silverlight

Fri, 14 Dec 2018 23:55:37 -0500

Our villains find a secret passage that leads them to a final battle with Lord Silverlight and an unexpected discovery.

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Nathan - Brahkul, Half orc barbarian

A villain risen, a soul imprisoned

Mon, 17 Dec 2018 00:14:56 -0500

Our villains complete their mission at the Silverlight Mansion and return to the false temple of Ilmater.

The priestess of Tiamat returns the bard Alexander to life.

Alexander, before he is returned to the living, discovers the demon in the cursed dagger he hold, and poor occupant within.

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Nathan – Brahkul, Half orc barbarian

Shane - Alexander, human bard

Bully boys in the Mountain Rest Inn

Fri, 21 Dec 2018 19:40:02 -0500

Our villains take a few days to recover after their mission in the Silverlight Manor.

The bard also needs a few days to recover after being raised from the dead.

They do some shopping and make some plans, but trouble is never too far away.

Alunodas and Juliet take care of some drunken bully boys harassing the innkeeper.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Salt, fat, acid, heat, plans

Mon, 24 Dec 2018 11:00:00 -0500

Our villains are still recovering in the town of Hollowspoint.

They begin to make plans for there next journey and how to create unrest in the town and bring more followers to Ruinaxis.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Pinch who Stole Kordmas

Mon, 24 Dec 2018 23:00:00 -0500

Welcome to a very special Xmas episode of the Dungeons & Debacles podcast.

Our villains awake to find the sleepy border of Hollowspoint have been robbed by a nasty green Tabaxi called The Pinch.

They find out from people in the town that green-furred cat man shows up during a holiday called Kordmas.

The town celebrates the god Kord during the year's first snow by giving each other weapons.

Our villains set out to take back their weapons and teach The Pinch the true meaning of Kordmas.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Heroes of Hollowspoint

Mon, 07 Jan 2019 23:15:52 -0500

Our Heroes of Hollowspoint finish their business in town and say their goodbyes.

They enter the Shadowshear mountains where they find a new - dangerous threat.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The White Death in the Mountain Pass

Mon, 14 Jan 2019 21:35:48 -0500

Our villains find themselves in a pickle in the mountain pass between Hollowspoint and Feydale.

A group of hill giants are running from something big.

They are calling it the White Death.

A few minutes later they see what the giants are talking about - an adult white dragon.

They wait out the danger and continue their journey and are beset by a group of gnolls.

The hospitality of the Wood Elves

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 00:04:04 -0500

Our villains make their way into the lands of Feydale.

They hire a boat to take them across a river and make their way to Pirn where they face a chilly reception and a local guard that shakes them down.

They bribe the guard and make their way through the woods where they are waylaid by more elves who want to know their business in their lands.

After explaining their cleverly crafted cover story they are led to Lullin to meet with their leader.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Eggbowl XXX: Lions vs. Daggers

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 00:02:16 -0500

It's our Super Bowl Episode!

Our villains find themselves in the town of Lullin.

Alunodas persuades the leader of the village to help him complete and adulthood ritual.

The leader tells him he will sponsor him if his group can defeat the town's Hand Egg team and the regions reigning champions - the Lullin Lions.

They learn about the game and take on Tom Crady and the Lullin Lions in an effort to get a writ that will allow them to pass through wood elf territory unmolested.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Leaving Lullin as Champions

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 22:35:11 -0500

Our villains are dumbstruck after winning the Eggbowl game against the local favorites - the Lullin Lions.

They meet up with the leader of the town in the Howling Cabbage to get more information and his blessing to approach the Feygate.

Alexander has a rough night as the demon in the dagger exerts its will.

They leave the town the next morning, but not before being accosted by a very drunk Tom Crady.

They set forth for Feydale, but not before being attacked by something in the woods.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Welf on the way to Feydale

Wed, 27 Feb 2019 22:36:11 -0500

Our villains are attacked by a welf (a were elf) on the way to Feydale. 

One of the party is bitten by the abomination, but it is unclear if they are now cursed with Lycanthropy.

They avoid the sounds of battle to the north. It seems that the cold war between the wood elves and the high elves is not hot.

The party reaches Feydale where they are met with than a less than warm welcome.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Welcome to Feydale - we're all going to die

Mon, 11 Mar 2019 17:54:11 -0400

Our villains find a less than warm welcome at the gates of Feydale.

After trying and failing to say the right thing to get the guards to allow them in the city, they name drop a powerful foe who is hunting them.

The guard allows them into the city and tell them Erik Talewright, the Companions bard, is in the city and they will escort them to the bard.

Our villains are taken to an inn to clean up after their travels and find themselves under guard.

This could be our first TPK.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Lower, Lower... Pineapple! Pineapple!

Tue, 19 Mar 2019 21:06:45 -0400

Our villains find themselves trapped in Feydale after dropping the name of Orin the Detective to get into the city.

They are led to an inn where they are under guard and are expected to meet with another Companion who is in the city interrogating a Red Talon.

They hatch a plan to get more information from a drunken noble in the inn where they are staying and the bard gets more than he bargained for as he tries to Bugs Bunny the noble.

Things get a little awkward - but it's fun to listen to it.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Escape from Feydale

Tue, 26 Mar 2019 22:27:13 -0400

Our villains find themselves in a pickle.

They lied their way into the elven city of Feydale and find themselves under guard in an inn.

After learning the Boots of Feydale aren't in the city, they devise a plan to make it out of the inn and city before they are discovered by the Companion Erik Talewright.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Stealth mission at the Feygate

Mon, 01 Apr 2019 19:34:47 -0400

Our villains find themselves near the Feygate.

Talia and Nyfron go on a scouting mission and discover the area is heavily guarded.

They formulate a plan and move away from the area to camp.

An elf sneaks up on their camp in the night and Alunodas quickly takes the elf out.

Alexander murders the elf to feed his dagger after an attempt at interrogation proves pointless.

Alunodas ambushes some scouts that investigating the elf's disappearance.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Battle of the Fey Gate Part 1

Thu, 11 Apr 2019 22:36:22 -0400

Our Dark Companions ™ ambush two more high elves after laying a trap.

They scout out the Fey Gate and formulate a plan.

They begin to execute the plan when Alunodas shits the bed with a stealth check trying to cross a stream and runs from two very alert guards.

Talia and Nyfron stealth in and take care of the archers at the top of the waterfall.

Alexander alerts the rest of the high elf camp after trying to sneak in for the attack.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Battle of the Fey Gate 2 - Between a Nyfron and a hard place

Mon, 15 Apr 2019 23:20:00 -0400

Our villains attack the Fey Gate.

It is a hard fight - not without losses.

Alunodas makes a distraction, but gets stuck on the palisades.

Two of our Dark Companions ™ fall in battle.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Paladin of Lolth & The Feywild

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 21:47:00 -0400

Our villains lick their wounds after defeating the high elves guarding the Fey Gate.

Their rest is short lived after a Drow appears from the woods.

This Drow paladin of Lolth tells them she was sent by the demon Kay-la who meet them previously in Mount Sunder and sent them on their mission to find Ruinaxis' egg.

They enter the Fey Gate and are immediately attacked by a creature in the Feywild.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna - Vic'ala Alean'mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

Welcome to the Feywild

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 22:27:05 -0400

Our villains rest after the fight with the water nymph and the water elemental.

Vic'ala receives a blessing from Lolth.

They use the Oracle statue to get a location of the Boots of Feydale and travel into the woods.

In the forest they discover not all is at it seems.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna - Vic'ala Alean'mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The Dryad & The Guardian of the Gap

Mon, 06 May 2019 22:11:45 -0400

Our villains meet a dryad on the path to the Boots of Feydale.

It agrees to guide them as far as the Gap - where a terrible monster guards the area.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna - Vic'ala Alean'mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna - Vic'ala Alean'mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The Rainbow Bridge

Mon, 13 May 2019 21:19:23 -0400

Our villains defeat the Guardian of the Gap.

Before them is a chasm which they cannot cross.

They discover and ancient platform and pillar with a clue for their crossing.

They solve the puzzle and find a fairy village.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna - Vic'ala Alean'mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The Sprite Village & the Shipwreck Crater

Mon, 20 May 2019 23:12:26 -0400

Our villains find themselves at a sprite village.

The sprites aren't too happy they are there - especially after they discover a dragonborn and dark elf among them.

They make their way through the village after some smooth talking and find a curious site.

A ship has seemingly fallen out of the sky. They explore a crater full of shipwrecks and the bard takes the opportunity to feed the demon in his dagger.

The meet a surly prospector who has been looting the shipwrecks.

He isn't glad they are there.


John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

BONUS: Level 7

Mon, 27 May 2019 12:00:00 -0400

Our villains have leveled up to level 7.

We take some time to explore their backgrounds, who they are, their motivations and what they chose for their level.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The lights in the ruins

Tue, 04 Jun 2019 21:57:27 -0400

Our villains come upon some mysterious lights in the ruins of a town as they search for the Boots of Feydale.

It turns out the lights are more than just lights.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

When is a door, not a door?

Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:08:20 -0400

Our villains make their way out of the ruined village to find a much larger ruin to the northeast.

There they find the ancient skeleton of a dragon and a large, looming temple.

They ascend the steps to the temple to find a curious door.

It is a puzzle that is the first of many we will be featuring on the podcast.

They are created by Atlanta Game Master Joel.

You kind find more puzzles at his website -

Co-DM - Atlanta Game Master Joel.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Dance of the Fey

Tue, 18 Jun 2019 20:17:42 -0400

Our villains make their way out of the ruined village to find a much larger ruin to the northeast.

They ascend the steps to the temple to find a curious door.

After solving the door puzzle they come upon a large room with a multi-colored flagstone floor and begin - to dance!

It is a puzzle that is the second of many we will be featuring on the podcast.

They are created by Atlanta Game Master Joel. Do you want to use this puzzle for your game? CLICK HERE to get it!

Battle for the Boots of Feydale

Wed, 26 Jun 2019 21:35:54 -0400

Our villains enter the shrine of the Fey in their search for the Boots of Feyddale.

They find Gilandra Silverbow, Arcane Archer, Martial General of Feydale and descendant of the Savior Elisian Silverbow waiting on them.

She tells them Companion Talewright told of their coming and taunts them.

She tells them she is wearing the Boots of Feydale and dares them them to take the boots from her feet.

A fight ensues.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The Boot of Feydale and various other sundry loot

Mon, 01 Jul 2019 21:46:15 -0400

Our villains divvy up the spoils from the battle inside the Fey Shrine - most notably - the Savior Artifact - the Boots of Feydale.

Vic decides to investigate a pool outside the Fey Shrine and gets more than she bargains for.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The lurker in the water

Tue, 09 Jul 2019 21:47:17 -0400

Our villains exit the Fey Shrine after recovering the Boots of Feydale.

Vic decides to investigate a pool outside the Fey Shrine and gets more than she bargains for.

After a fight with a particular dangerous roper, they find they weren't the monsters only victims.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

Return to the Fey Ruins and Spiders in the Woods

Tue, 16 Jul 2019 21:43:19 -0400

Our villains backtrack to the temple to make their way out of the Feywild.

They decide to go back to the ruins and try to find another path to avoid the sprite villiage.

They are met with a deadly enemy as they make their way to the south.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

EP 99: Saving the elven maids in the Feywild

Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:17:31 -0400

Our villains lick their wounds after a fight with the spiders outside a ruined town in the Feywild.

They continue their journey south as they try to make their way back to the Feygate while avoiding the sprite villiage.

They come upon a curious site - red ribbons tied onto the branches of some trees.

They meet three young elven maids who appear to be distressed and looking for their brother who went into the Feywild as part of his adulthood ritual.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The Hags' Lair

Wed, 31 Jul 2019 21:45:31 -0400

Our villains are tricked into following three hags, disguised as elven maids back to their lair.

A fight ensues when the hags reveal themselves.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

Season 3: A recap and summary of the campaign so far

Thu, 08 Aug 2019 22:26:37 -0400

We are entering season three and we just crossed the 100 episode threshold and I thought this would be a good time to do a recap for those of you just joining.

We know it can be daunting to look at a podcast and see 100 plus episodes, but at the same time - that means we are committed to doing this and finishing the campaign.

Speaking of which - I had originally planned about a 200 episode campaign - but it I grossly underestimated. Right now - it will probably be more like 300.

We are up for it - and I hope you are too.

I will do my best to briefly summarize what has happened so far - I might miss one of your favorite parts, but I really recommend starting from the beginning and listening to the story so far.

We don’t mess around too much and introduce a bunch of random encounters just to fight something.

The editing is tight and there is a lot of story and plot. There are also bonus episodes that are basically scripted radio dramas that tell the story outside the gameplay that describe what is going on with the rest of the world - which is just as important.

Farewell to the Feywild

Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:40:06 -0400

Our villains make plans for their next steps.

They try to find a way that takes them around the sprite village and find that Prospector Bill has been murdered near the ship wreck crater.

They decide they don't want to find out what killed him and find an alternate path out of the Feywild.

Exiting the Feywild, they find that only a few hours have passed in the primematerial plane - even though they had spent days in the Fey.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

An unwelcome visitor in the night

Sun, 25 Aug 2019 22:16:58 -0400

Our villains make their way to the town of Woodbine to hire a boat to take them down river to Cala.

They make their way to an inn and in the dead of night - an unwelcome visitor appear in Talia's room to claim the Boots of Feydale.

Needless to say - Talia isn't too happy about that.

The visitor sets Nyfron on a new mission.

Nyfron leaves the party - but not before bestowing a blessing and a curse of Lolth upon Vic’ala.

DM, Nyfron – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

Introducing Improbable Procurements LLC

Wed, 11 Sep 2019 23:22:59 -0400

This is a puzzle episode with brand new characters from our characters.

They met at the franchise of Improbable Procurements LLC in Maralesh to earn some gold on a quest.

They embark on a quest to recover the chaffing dish of Anyougar the Famished. 


Blake - Six Toe - Tabaxi Gloomstalker

John - Fum Fum - Gnome barbarian

Hannah - Grave Scrap - Kenku Necromancer

Shane - Alexander - Human Bard

Improbable Procurements - Goran's Rainbow

Tue, 17 Sep 2019 22:36:17 -0400

Our adventurers are tasked with procuring Goran's Rainbow - an exquisite diamond with magical properties.

Kevin - DM

Blake - Six Paw - Tabaxi Gloomstalker

Hannah - Grave Scrape - Kenku Necromancer

John - Gnome - Berserker Barbarian

Anna - Goblin - Pyromancer Sorcerer.

EP 105: Leaving Woodbine

Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:17:39 -0400

Our villains talk about Sish and the taking of the Boots of Feydale.

They hire a boat to take them down river on their way to Cala.

As they sleep - Alexander is drawn back into the dagger.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

EP 106: The Will of a Demon

Thu, 10 Oct 2019 21:28:33 -0400

Ornon - the demon in the dagger, punishes Alexander for his inattention and takes over his body.

The party takes him down before he can murder a hunter in his sleep.

They assuage the concerns of the boat captain and make their way to their destination - the town of Hedgedale.

When they arrive they learn the town is celebrating the festival of the night - an homage to the Raven Queen.

They book a room at the inn and find a famous bard is telling a story that may have clues to Alexander's plight.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

EP 107: Improbable Procurements - Heron's Chalice

Wed, 16 Oct 2019 22:33:22 -0400

Welcome to Improbable Procurements LLC!

This is a bonus puzzle episode where a new set of adventurers set out on a quest for gold and more more jobs acquiring hard to find magical objects from their new employer - Improbable Procurements LLC - A whole owned subsidiary of Mad Cedric's Discount Goods and Adventurers Emporium.

Our adventurers are tasked with procuring Heron's Chalice - a magical goblet rumored to raise the dead and give health to those who drink from it.

The Tragedy of Jarick the Entertainer

Tue, 29 Oct 2019 23:39:29 -0400

This is a bonus episode that tells the story of the Tragedy of Jarick the Entertainer.

Jarick was a famous halfling bard that was cursed with the dagger that Alexander the bard now holds.

The demon now controls Alexander and demands blood and souls.

As luck so happens - the party comes to the town of Hedgedale on the Festival of the Night. 

A festival dedicated to the Raven Queen and the town where the story begins.

Into the Witching Woods

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 20:57:58 -0500

Our villains learn the story of Jarick the Entertainer from Bartlee the Bard, who happens to be performing the tale at the Raven's Blessing Inn on the festival of Raven's Night in the town of Hedgedale.

They decide to try to find the witch of the Witching Woods, who, by all accounts originally created the cursed dagger that have affixed itself to Alexander.

Alexander has a dream in the night.

Ornon. the demon in the dagger, tell Alexander their plan will not work and the human cannot escape him.

After doing some talking around town, they come upon and information dealer who draws them a map to get through the Witching Wood.

After hours of travel, they come upon a clearing in the woods, filled with dozens of zombies.

DM - Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

The Witch in the Witching Woods

Mon, 16 Dec 2019 13:49:51 -0500

Our villains seek out the Witch in the Witching Woods to lift the demon dagger's curse from Alexander.

They find the witch's home and are met with dozens and dozens of zombies.

The witch welcomes them into her home and tells and offers them two solutions, but each come with a price.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Anna – Vic’ala Alean’mtor, Drow Paladin of Lolth

Return to the Shrine of the Raven Queen

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 21:24:15 -0500

Our villains return to Hedgedale to get directions to the Shrine of the Raven Queen.

Ornon, the demon in the dagger, takes control of Alexander and makes tries to escape.

The party returns to the temple to try to destroy Jarick's cursed dagger and finds a surprise.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Fighting Your Demon

Tue, 21 Jan 2020 21:49:19 -0500

Our villains try to destroy Jarick's dagger, the vessel in which the demon Ornon has been trapped.

They succeed, only to find they have freed the demon in the process.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster


Secrets in the Raven Queen's Shrine

Fri, 31 Jan 2020 18:57:17 -0500

Our villains have defeated the demon Ornon that was controlling the bard Alexander.

They search the shrine and make a surprising discovery.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

EP 113: We're Level 8 Now!

Tue, 18 Feb 2020 22:28:26 -0500

Our players reach level 8 and talk about their choices for the build, their backgrounds and motivations for their characters.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Set sail for Cala

Fri, 06 Mar 2020 19:28:08 -0500

Our villains leave the shrine of the Raven Queen and make their way to Lightdale where they book passage on a ship headed for Cala.

They awake the next morning to head to the boat to discover Vic'ala, the Drow paladin, is gone.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Welcome Back to Cala

Wed, 11 Mar 2020 21:06:37 -0400

Our villains return to the city of Cala. They investigate the town to find out what happened to the Red Talons - and more importantly - Juliet's parents.

Alunodas checks out their previous hideout, The Greasy Palm and discovers it has been shutdown. He is also followed.

Talia looks for thieves and Alexander and Juliet visit her parents' house to find out what happened to them.

They discover the home has been boarded up and ransacked inside.

They leave and find they have gained a tail. They try to confront the person following them, but lose them.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The Attorney & The Monk

Wed, 15 Apr 2020 18:49:36 -0400

Our villains hire an attorney to look into what happened to Juliet's parents.

Talia explores the prison as a bat to see if she can find Juliet's mom and dad, but comes up short.

Alunodas is visited in the night.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

All of your choices have led you here

Wed, 27 May 2020 21:37:02 -0400

Our villains plan for the worst scenario in Cala.

Juliet learns her mother and father were arrested and their home was foreclosed due to non-payment of taxes.

She decides to buy the home and and makes some questionable choices in doing so.

Later that night, she is visited by an old friend.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

Betrayal 2 - The right thing is stupid and you're stupid

Thu, 18 Jun 2020 23:18:57 -0400

Juliet is confronted by a guard of Cala - who happens to also be an old friend and the replacement investigator for a previous party member she allowed to be killed.

Things go sideways quickly as Talia outs Juliet's change of heart to the rest of the party.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

The End of the Road for the Dark Companions

Tue, 07 Jul 2020 22:47:32 -0400

It's the end of the road for our Dark Companions.

The guard of Cala closes in.

Some of our villains run.

Others are captured and executed.

Who gets the blade? Listen and find out.

DM – Kevin

John – Alunodas Garrasderuin, Elven monk

Blake – Juliet Starstorm, Dragonborn eldritch knight and abjuration wizard

Shane – Alexander, Human bard

Hannah – Talia, Human rogue and arcane trickster

New Heroes, New Beginnings

Tue, 28 Jul 2020 22:10:58 -0400

With the old, evil party either executed or fled, we meet our new heroes as they are called by the Savior's Vanguard to eliminate the threat of the Red Talons on Sul-El.

Our band of adventurers are being tested by the Vanguard to see if they are worthy of membership into the once secretive organization.


DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Sgt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

Welcome to the sleepy town of Berth

Sat, 15 Aug 2020 12:17:17 -0400

Our heroes set out to the sleepy little town of Berth to investigate reports of a Red Talon cell operating from the town.

There they find something unexpected and terrible.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Sgt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

The Wedding Incident

Wed, 09 Sep 2020 21:49:32 -0400

Welp. That escalated quickly. 

One minute your are enjoying a wedding party, the next you are fighting for your life as the entire town of Berth goes homicidally insane.

Our heroes must not save themselves and the rest of the unaffected townsfolk from certain death.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Sgt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

Cleansed By Fire

Wed, 30 Sep 2020 22:20:06 -0400

Our heroes fine themselves in the middle of a shitshow.

The town of Berth is tearing itself apart.

They take refuge in the sheriff's office until Vanguard reinforcements arrive.

There time in the office is not peaceful, and some of our heroes may have become infected with the plague that is destroying Berth.

The Vanguard finally arrives and their solution to the problem is fire.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Sgt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

The Berth Massacre

Thu, 22 Oct 2020 20:29:35 -0400

Our heroes are shocked to see the sleepy town of Berth has been destroyed by the Vanguard.

They meet The cleric Companion Lox, who explains what is going on.

This isn't the first time this has happened.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Sgt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

Welcome to Maralesh

Sun, 08 Nov 2020 19:52:28 -0500

Our Vanguard heroes travel to the city of Maralesh to meet with the contact Petre Rhine.

There they learn more about the Red Wrath plague and its potential cause - and a grizzly experiment.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Sgt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger


The Long Journey Ahead

Mon, 23 Nov 2020 18:40:04 -0500

Our heroes have dinner with Lord Peter Rhine and prepare for the long journey ahead of them in the Great Salt Marsh.

They resupply and make their way to the city of Vorne.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger


The Great Salt Marsh& Chor

Tue, 01 Dec 2020 20:57:11 -0500

It is a long, arduous journey through the Great Salt Marsh for our heroes.

The heat and mosquitoes are unrelenting.

Cinnamon almost succumbs to the insects.

They find the village of Chor where they rest and resupply.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

Deeper into the Swamp

Tue, 22 Dec 2020 21:39:43 -0500

Our heroes, rested in the town of Chor continue their journey to find the ancient green dragon. 

Their journey is not uneventful.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö - Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon - Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson - Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields - Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

A Very Merry Kordmas Holiday Special: Goblins Alone!

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 20:49:57 -0500

A group of goblins must raid a mansion in town to bring food and riches back to their starving tribe.

They were told the family was away, but it turns out to be presently occupied by a young, tenacious defender.

Will the goblins survive the boy's gauntlet of traps long enough to rob the lord's manor? 

It may take a Kordmas miracle to save them!

Kevin - DM

Blake - Sticky the Goblin

Hannah - Snot the Goblin

Shane - Smut the Goblin

The Hydra in the Swamp

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 18:52:24 -0500

Our heroes face their first real challenge in battle as they face a hydra that was chasing a woman in the swamp.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö – Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon – Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson – Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields – Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

The Sly Scourge

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 19:56:38 -0500

Our heroes make their way to Sisyreskellion's lair only to be surprised by the actions of their new travel companion.

They make friends with the Lizardfolk and gain a guide.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö – Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon – Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson – Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields – Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

The Shambling Doom

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 21:26:13 -0400

Our heroes make their way through the Great Salt Marsh with their new lizardfolk guide.

They stop for the night, but are attacked by shambling mounds.

They defeat the creatures and make their way to green dragon's camp only to find something they didn't expect.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö – Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon – Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson – Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields – Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

Kis'erack the Cruel

Tue, 27 Apr 2021 20:25:59 -0400

Our heroes find themselves in the camp of Kis'erack the Cruel and find destruction.

They encounter hooded assassins wiping out the lizardfolk who weren't killed by strong magics.

Sound of battle come from a hilltop and they investigate.

They find a deadly battle between the ancient green dragon and a powerful mage.

DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö – Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon – Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson – Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields – Tabaxi Hunter Ranger

The wizard who slew Kiserack

Mon, 24 May 2021 19:31:22 -0400

Our heroes are almost defeated in the battle between Kiserack the Cruel, an adult green dragon - and the wizard who killed him.

Horatius and Cinnamon decide to loot the dragon's horde.

Mjömjö gets rough with the wizard during the interrogation.


DM – Kevin

John – Mjömjö – Copper Dragonborn War Priest of Bahamut

Blake – Cinnamon – Tabaxi Warlock Hexblade Pact of the Tome

Shane – Sgt. Horatius Smithson – Human Battlemaster Rogue

Hannah – Lt. Leandre Fields – Tabaxi Hunter Ranger