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Creator: Demipia, the Third Age
Horror Longform Audio RPG
Actual play 5th edition D&D podcasts in Demipia, a world of horror, darkness, and death. Our inaugural podcast series is The Mine Children
Format: Audio RPG
RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons
Continuity: Longform
Writing: Improvised
Genres: Horror, Fantasy
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The Mine Children, Episode 1: The Journey Begins
Fri, 03 Feb 2017 00:45:15 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 1: The Journey Begins
Six strange characters gather together to begin a journey to a place that will change them forever. Some seek glory. Some seek enlightenment, Some seek family. Some seek revenge. What they will find will not be what was expected. Meet the characters. Meet their companions. Begin their travels with them...just don't get too attached.
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Max Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme was written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals
Rest You Sleeping Giant - Elbow Song
Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land
Rest You Sleeping Giant - Disconnet
Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans
The Mine Children, Episode 2: Bandit Attacks on the Road
Fri, 10 Feb 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 2: Bandit Attacks on the Road
This collection of odd folk continue to make their to Goll's Fall. The danger of their path continues to reveal itself, but they persist in their travels, learning of each other in the process. Maybe as they grow accustomed to one another bonds of friendship will one day form, if they survive what is to come.
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Max Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals
Naotko - PVC Quena Ja
Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium
Zikweb - Not Too Quiet
Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans
The Mine Children, Episode 3: The Trap at Sorrow's Nook
Fri, 17 Feb 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 3: The Trap at Sorrow's Nook
Mad creatures on the treacherous road. Figures lurking in the night. Crossbow bolts from the darkness. Through struggle comes glory, at least thats what Garesh tells himself as he nurses his wounds each night. Anastasia tries not to think of what she has left, as she tries to sleep on the unyielding ground. Erdi tries to focus on happiness, as the snores from C'than whipser promises of madness. Malagriir broods on the nobility of his suffering. Aktum sinks his teeth into his ham, preparing for what is to come. Tibor smiles to himself. Their journey is almost over. Just one more night and one more day. If they survive the things outside.
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Max Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids Gurdonark - Restless Sleep Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans Aerosolspray - Melancholiose Zikweb - Not too Quiet Rest You Sleeping Giant - Elbow Song Rest You Sleeping Giant - Open Eyes Cryosyncopy - Wandering Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Cryosyncopy - Scan Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land
The Mine Children, Episode 4: The Loss of a Child
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:50:50 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 4: the Loss of a Child
The harrowing journey is finally over. Though they have lost two of their travelling fellows, and their Dorliir companion has mysteriously disappeared in the night, the others have finally arrived at Goll's Fall. There is a tension here, in this picturequse village beside the waterfall. Something beyond the rows of empty houses, or the paranoid man at the gate. Something more than the strange and guarded townsfolk. Something here is not quite as it seems.
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse Rest You Sleeping Giant - Elbow Song _ghost - Reverie Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods
The Mine Children, Episode 5: The Tomb of the Flenser
Fri, 03 Mar 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 5: The Tomb of the Flenser
The Dorliir acolyte of the Mother of Darkness, Malagriir, hears wispers in the night. Something is calling to him. Something requires his service. What will he find in these dark lands as he ventures out alone, and maybe more importantly, what will find him?
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Naotko - PVC Quena Ja Rearrange Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse Cryosyncopy - Wandering Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Cryosyncopy - Yog Sothoth
The Mine Children, Episode 6: Into the Dungeon
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 10:19:21 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 6: Into the Dungeon
A foul night has passed, and now a young boy is dead, shrivelled almost beyond recognition. Something terrible is happening in the village of Goll's Fall. A mother weeps for what she has lost, in the shrine to the King of Death. Accusations of misdeeds fly as a Dorliir, face and hands drenched in blood, walks through the gate. A huge figure, perched atop a mountain, watches all that unfolds.
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Cryosyncopy - Yog Sothoth Cryosyncopy - Wandering
The Mine Children, Episode 7: In Deeper Than Is Safe
Fri, 17 Mar 2017 10:04:58 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 7: In Deeper Than Is Safe
On the trail of a group of cultists, these odd companions have found themselves hesitantly searching a dark and grim temple. Water falls from the ceiling, while moss and fungi cover every available surface. The unease within the group is palpable, as they stumble across disturbing creation after disturbing creation. There is still no signs of a living cultist, and they are beginning to lose their grip on their sanity.
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Cryosyncopy - Yog Sothoth Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse
The Mine Children, Episode 8: Trapped, Cursed and Frightened
Fri, 24 Mar 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 8: Trapped, Cursed and Frightened.
Trapped deep within the earth, in a hostile temple just beginning to stir awake. Malagriir cannot be revived, as things wriggle beneath his skin, and beneath the skins of Erdi and Garesh. There is far to go before any of these odd companions catch a glimpse of the sky once more. They know there is more suffering get to come, but are no closer to discovering what caused the fate of poor Rafael. Maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple can be found at:
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Cryosyncopy - Yog Sothoth Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods Rest You Sleeping Giant - Elbow Song Lancefield - Graveside
The Mine Children, Episode 9: Investigations About Town
Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 9: Investigations About Town
The taste of freedom is bitter sweet. The relief at narrowly avoiding death cannot be over stated, but the loss of sanity and body parts taints these small victories. These odd companions seem no closer to attaining justice for poor Rafael, closure for Tsara, his mother, or discovering what is the source of the strange things happening in the village of Goll's Fall.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Gurdonark - Exurb _ghost_ - Reverie
The Mine Children, Episode 10: Amille
Sat, 15 Apr 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 10: Amille
Frightened children. Paranoid townsfolk. A village gripped by lethargy. The sun above Goll's Fall seems dimmer each day, moreso than the approaching winter would usually herald. At least the seemingly innocent Arnach watcher, Hueil'Dan, gives some welcome relief from the dreary atmosphere that seems to pervade these mountains. But these odd companions cannot dally too long. The world around them will act even if they do not, and the world is Wrathful at its heart.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals _ghost_ - Reverie Rest You Sleeping Giant - Disconnect
The Mine Children, Episode 11: An Easy Mistake
Sat, 06 May 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 11: An Easy Mistake
Answers finally begin to arrive, but all wish they had not. What strange creature is this child that stalks the foggy night. What does she want? How does she live? How do you kill it? The danger of knowledge is that it too much promises madness. Understanding is a treacherous path to stumble down. Now possessing a subject for their investigations, will these odd companions keep themselves intact, in both body and mind?
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Rest You Sleeping Giant - Disconnect Naotko - PVC Quena Ja Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods Gurdonark -Ninth Ward Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land
The Mine Children, Episode 12: Last Place Left To Look
Sun, 21 May 2017 11:11:08 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 12: Last Place Left To Look
Everyone makes mistakes, but after so much work, seeing everything unravel now would be crushing. Just as they were beginning to gain purchase on the horrid situation they find themselves in, these odd companions make a blunder that may undo all of their careful caution. They must act quickly to remedy the problem, or find that all their efforts are for nought.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium
The Mine Children, Episode 13: Reunion
Sun, 04 Jun 2017 00:28:35 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 13: Reunion The hunt for answers continues. After narrowly avoiding exposing their own activities (or so they think), these odd companions continue to search for Vinter Avenni, the mysterious scheneshal of Goll’s Fall that nobody can seem to find. Their search leads them to an abandoned manor house, with trapped doorways and illusions intent on maintaining it’s seclusion. What they find within is a reunion that Anastasia was not expecting.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals naotko – PVC Quena JA rearrange Rest You Sleeping Giant – Elbow Song Cryosyncopy - Scan
The Mine Children, Episode 14: The Mine
Sat, 17 Jun 2017 10:00:00 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 14: The Mine
A sister, an ally, but not yet a friend. The goals of Eriis Telorin are not yet clear, but the present danger certainly is. Now these odd companions seek the source, the silver mine where innocents are put to work. Maybe they will find the remains of poor Amille, who died so tragically, and be able to stop this terror, but maybe they will find something more.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals naotko – PVC Quena JA rearrange Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Cryosyncopy - Wandering Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids
The Mine Children, Episode 15: Of Roots and Madness
Sat, 01 Jul 2017 13:11:08 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 15: Of Roots and Madness
The have a penchant for finding trouble, these odd companions. They again find themselves deep beneath the earth, ambushed by terrible creaturtes that they cannot explain. They must fight for their lives and then make the choice. Do they push farther into this great staute they have discovered, or retreat and rescue their bodies and their minds.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids Cryosyncopy - Scan
The Mine Children, Episode 16: Salt and Burn the Bones
Sat, 15 Jul 2017 17:44:57 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 16: Salt and Burn the Bones
Having Escaped from the maddening creatures of roots, and having wandered down paths untaken, these odd companions have finally found a hastilly built brick wall, that proportedly contains the remains of Amille, that young girl that died so tragically.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Rest You Sleeping Giant - Elbow Song Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse Rest You Sleeping Giant - Open Eyes
The Mine Children, Episode 17, A Series of Unfortunate Events
Sat, 29 Jul 2017 14:43:59 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 17, A Series of Unfortunate Events
They did what was asked of them, these odd companions. They sought the remains of a young girl that died so tragically. They battled her spirit to try and put her to rest, taking grievous injuries in the process. They salted her bones and ensured they were burnt. They did all that was asked of them, only to be captured by a man with violence in his eyes, separated from one another, and threatened with torture and death. They did all that was asked of them, yet then they again heard the singing, and panic filled their hearts.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Rest You Sleeping Giant - Open Eyes Kirkoid - Shiro (Kirkoid Mix) Psykick - Skydub Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans Cryosuncopy - Gorging Eclipse cdk - Like Music Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods
The Mine Children, Episode 18: Planning
Sun, 13 Aug 2017 03:41:12 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 18: Planning
Loss is always difficult to deal with, and each soul must take time to grieve in its own way. Unfortunately, time is not a resource that these odd companions have. The situation is more than deperate, and they must organise themselves properly if they are to save themselves from being overcome by the chaos around them. Maybe they might even find a solution before it is too late.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Fireproof Babies - Dark Woods naotko - PVC Quena JA rearrange Lancefield - Graveside doxent zsigmond - Mysterium
The Mine Children, Episode 19: Preparation
Mon, 28 Aug 2017 21:59:29 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 19: Preparation
Friends come and go, it seems. Having lost one soul to their own mistakes, these odd companions have found another to drag into the terrible mess they have found themselves in. They now must prepare for an encount that they know is coming. But, these are not the wisest of folk, and their ability to think ahead leaves much to be desired.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Rest You Sleeping Giant - Open Eyes doxent zsigmond - Mysterium Lancefield - Graveside Cryosyncopy - Scan Cryosyncopy - Wandering Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Rest You Sleeping Giant - Disconnect
Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:33:41 +0000
Special Announcements
We are happy to announce that we are joining up with Cast4Change, a collective of (mostly) D&D podcasters who wish to see good change in the world by committing random acts of kindness. to encourgace our followers, we're giving away a Demipia dice bowl, custom made by Nightshade Creations. Simply perform your random act of kindness, take a photograph, then tweet it to us @DemipiaT3A including the tag #Cast4Change. A winner will be chosen from our followers to receive the dice bowl.
we also have an announcement about the future of Demipia, as The Mine Children draws to a close. We are very excited for our next series, What Lives in the Sludge, and we will also be launching a Patreon page in the coming month those those that wish to support us just a little bit more. Details of all of the exciting patron rewards are in the aduio.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals
The Mine Children, Episode 20: Execution
Sat, 09 Sep 2017 12:41:43 +0000
The Mine Children, Episode 20: Execution
So it all comes down to this. After what must feel like an age in this damned village, these odd companions have finally settled upon a plan to take on the ghostly creature of Amille. They have gathered what allies they can, and now make their way to the top of that fog-shrouded waterfall, where their own fates, and the fates of countless others, will be decided.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Cryosyncopy - Wandering Fireproof Babies - Darkwoods Cryosyncopy - Shower of Arachnids Fireproof Babies - Swim Below As Leviathans
Demipia, the Mine Children: Epilogue
Sun, 22 Oct 2017 15:24:53 +0000
The Mine Children, Epilogue
It is done. Finished. Ended. The artifact has been used. The battle has been won. The light has shone through the darkness. But the scars still remain, and they shall not be easy to heal. Choices about what comes next must be made.
Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 1: Getting the Band Back Together
Sat, 04 Nov 2017 21:10:09 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 1: Getting the Band Back Together
Worse things than usual are beginning to happen in Talast, the city at the mouth of the White River. Bodies are appearing missing brains, but with no obvious external trauma. An Imperial visit is imminent, and with the city at risk of falling into termoil, Herceg Aventius Kohanil Asthenia turns to somebody he hopes will not cause too much trouble. Little does he know what he asks.
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Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Rest You Sleeping Giant - Elbow Song
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 2: Brainless
Sun, 19 Nov 2017 18:16:21 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 2: Brainless
The powder keg is being filled and blades are being sharpened, but these odd companions go on obliviously. They have been set a task, and are determined to follow it through. The folk of Talast are strange indeed, but someone must have answers. Someone will know why so many bodies have been found brainless.
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Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track): Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Sea of Land - The Ship Airtone - nightRain naotko - PVC Quena JA rearrange Quarkstar - Cricket Seaoning 1 Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 3: Lucius Daedora.
Sat, 02 Dec 2017 09:00:00 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 3: Lucius Daedora
A strange creature stalks the city streets. Will these odd companions be successful in their search for it? And what of the other leads that they have uncovered? Which shall draw their attention first? What does seem of crucial importance is finding out about the first man to appear missing a brain, Lucius Daedora.
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Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Rest You Sleeping Giant - Disconnect Gurdonark - Exurb Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium Cryosyncopy - Gorging Eclipse Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Rest You Sleeping Giant - Open Eyes Cryosyncopy - Scan
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 4: Another One Drops
Sat, 23 Dec 2017 10:00:00 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 4: Another One Drops
Chaos seems to follow these odd companions, or maybe they are it's agents in truth. Setting fire to a dead man's house then stealing his possessions parhaps should not come as a surprise at this point, but the information they have gathered will provoke new questions, and open new leads. But time waits for no man, and as they spin around in circles, trying to make sense of it all, the other players are moving their pieces into position.
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals naotko - PVC Quena JA rearrange Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Quarkstar - Cricket Seaoning 1 Doxent Zsigmond - Flower Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 5: Discussions
Thu, 25 Jan 2018 21:21:09 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 5: Discussions
Things can change in an instant, leave those under pressure of time grasping in the dark. This is how these odd companions find themselves, but perhaps there is an opportunity to garner some help. Maybe even gain some allies.
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Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land Quarkstar - Cricket Seaoning 1 Gurdonark - Exurb
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 6: Fire and Blood
Wed, 21 Mar 2018 10:00:00 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 6: Fire and Blood
Mistakes are made in haste, but compounded in apathy. A lesson that these odd companions really should have learned by this juncture. No matter. Souls will suffer for their sense of self preservation, as is the way of the world. But they are not the only ones to carry such attributes. Others move to cling on to existence, caring not who gets in their way.
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Zikweb - Not Too Quiet Fireproof Babies - Swin Below as Leviathans Doxent Zsigmond - Flower Gurdonark - Ninth Ward Rest You Sleeping Giant - Disconnect Doxent Zsigmond - Forgotten Land
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 7 Mini: What They Think They Know
Wed, 25 Apr 2018 10:00:00 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 7 Mini: What They Think They Know
In times of confusion it is pertinent to take some time to discuss the chaos of the world around you, and try and find meaning and truth in existence. These odd companions certainly need to take stock. Maybe their musings will bring them closer to reality. But probably not.
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Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track): Doxent Zsigmond - Interstellar Noodle
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 8: Now With Backup
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 14:29:40 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 8: Now With Backup
Since their arrival in Talast these odd companions have mirrored the violence they see around them. Souls have been threated, lives have been ended, and half a district has been set alight, and still they are barely closer to discovering the true source of the strange events they have been tasked with investigating. Now it is time to see the Herceg. Now it is time to pick up the pace.
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Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy
Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track): Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Gurdonark - Exurb Gurdonark - Ninth Ward naotko- PVC Quena JA rearrange Cryosyncopy - Yog'Sothoth Doxent Zsigmond - Interstellar Noodle Kirkoid - Shiro Rest You Sleeping Giant - Open Eyes Doxent Zsigmond - Mysterium
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 9: Shattered
Sun, 03 Jun 2018 16:35:37 +0000
What Lives in the Sludge, Episode 9: Shattered
These odd companions walk the line between cautious distrust and blind fumbling in the dark. They lack all the subtlety that they have been tasked with. They are the bluntest of instruments, but the chaos they cause draws the attention of everyone in Talast. And that chaos it is only just beginning.
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Demipia, What Lives in the Sludge is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
What Lives in the Sludge written by Rich Spencer.
Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track):
Sergey Cheremisinov - The Signals Cryosyncopy - Scan cdk -Depart Kirkoid - Space Bazooka Fireproof Babies - Swim Below as Leviathans