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Humanoid Resources


Humanoid Resources is an improvised podcast about the operations of the HR (Humanoid Resources) Department aboard the fictional U.S.S. Spaceship, in the year 2667. A human from 2016, a tiny alien and a robot interview the ship's inhabitants and make funnies. Told through the lens of crazy professors, rogue government agents and sensible graduate assistants finding tapes in the present day, this podcast is worth every penny. Because it's free.

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Season 3 Ep. 19: The Finale Part 3

Tue, 25 Jun 2019 08:21:00 +0000

The final episode of Humanoid Resources. Old friends show down with old enemies, and the boys say goodbye.

Captain Drew Butt/Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Purrow- Julia Heynen

Franklin Smellano Roosevelt- Johnny O’Mara

Clip Cleanback- Rich Camillucci

The Oculon- Brad Pike

Charmeleon- Brennan Lowery

Arielanna Medusa- Jessica Landis

Dick Flynn- Wink Stone

Fancy Hat- Danny Galvin

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Special Agent Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Michelle Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 18: The Finale Part 2

Tue, 11 Jun 2019 08:21:00 +0000

The Battle of the U.S.S. Spaceship begins, and Humanoid Resources enters the endgame.

Derglan Zorp- Tyler Davis

Purrow- Julia Heynen

Franklin Smellano Roosevelt- Johnny O’Mara

Rip Dirtsack- Rich Camillucci

The Oculon- Brad Pike

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 17: The Finale Part 1

Tue, 28 May 2019 08:21:00 +0000

Oh boy, finale? Yep, this is part one of three- the beginning of the end of Humanoid Resources. The boys get a visit from some of their old friends on the ship, who have a proposition for them. Meanwhile, now that the Professor and Danica are finally on board the U.S.S. Spaceship, they’ll definitely do some important stuff, right? Right?

Arielana Medusa- Jess Landis

Derglan Zorp- Tyler Davis

Purrow- Julia Heynen

Franklin Smellano Roosevelt- Johnny O’Mara

Nora the Bop It- Elizabel Riggs

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 16: The Garbage

Tue, 14 May 2019 08:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys get a visit from Frankenbeans- sentient garbage with a can’t miss offer on a bang-up deal. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica reckon with finally being aboard the U.S.S. Spaceship.

Frankenbeans the Garbage- Andrew Garcia

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 15: The Michael Imperioli

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 08:21:00 +0000

Bada bing bada boom, the HR Boys are about to get a visit from certified fresh to death badass Christopher Moltisanti, a clone of actor Michael Imperioli, who has problems meatier than a plate of gabagool. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica are in Space Jail, but…where is the prison exactly?

Christopher Moltisanti- Jason Ouimette

Doug Doyle/The Warden- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Bonus Episode: The Death Gauntlet

Tue, 16 Apr 2019 08:21:00 +0000

Hey, how did the Professor and Danica get out of that Death Gauntlet, anyway? Didn’t we just like…gloss over that? Should we have spent more time on this?

Professor Barnabus/Sully from Boston- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Various- Connor Doyle

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 13: The Trap

Tue, 02 Apr 2019 08:21:00 +0000

Nothing to see HERE, HR Boys. Certainly not a traaaap sprung by your evil, I mean, friendly friend Captain Drew Butt. Why don’t you come on in and stay a while, huh? Huhhh?

Captain Drew Butt / Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Former Captain Purrow- Julia Heynen

Doug Doyle/The Sphinx- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 12: The Rock Man

Tue, 19 Mar 2019 08:21:00 +0000

All right team, let’s circle up and try to generate some corporate synergy here. Action item- review this episode where Blim Blammo the Rock Man visits the HR Department to discuss FRAGILE Project Management. Gary, let’s put your vacation recap in the parking lot and discuss it at the team happy hour later. Also in flight, the Professor and Danica check out the Death Maze Gift Shop. All right, good work team, see you all at the pair programming/pair knitting hour at 4:00! Regards.

Blim Blammo- Ben Palin

Doug Doyle/The Sphinx- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Episode 11: The TV Repair Man

Tue, 05 Mar 2019 09:21:00 +0000

Django the YourMom visits the HR Boys, with a needle in his head and a dream in his heart. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica get riddled…with riddles! Hoo boy. That one hurt.

Django the YourMom- Dan Betcher

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 10: The Fortune Tellers

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys get a visit from the adjective-worthy Ya’Quee’Ya and Ted, two gaseous fortune tellers who are just trying to figure out where their lunches went, man! Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica celebrate the Professor’s birthday in space’s largest Death Gauntlet. (Not) Brought to you by Quizno’s (RIP).

The Incomparable Ya’Queen’Ya- Alex Moorman

The Magnificent Ted- John Mahoney

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 9: The Giant Nail Tech

Tue, 05 Feb 2019 09:21:00 +0000

The HR boys are in for a BIG surprise this week. A GIANT surprise, in fact. Look, their guest, Krrrrring, who runs the ships’a nail salon, is very large, and very in charge. Meanwhile, Danica gives the Professor the birthday treatment he’s always…not had.

Krrrrring- Alli Stark

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 8: The Voiceover Artist

Tue, 22 Jan 2019 09:21:00 +0000

Alien’s back in the office, and the boys get a visit from Chewspocka Worf, a Cyberpunkian voiceover artist who’s in hot water for his commercial choices. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica continue their space-road-side tour.

Chewspocka Worf- Jim Mazzarelli

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 7: Where Was Alien?

Tue, 08 Jan 2019 09:21:00 +0000

Hey…wasn’t Alien supposed to be running a marathon? Let’s check in on our favorite little “scientist”.

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Dale Isringhausen the Pile of Gas- Spencer Rybacki

Franklin Smellano Roosevelt- Johnny O’Mara

Sucky the Vampire- Connor Doyle

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 6: The One With the Lonely Guy

Tue, 25 Dec 2018 09:21:00 +0000

Doug, P16, and Puddle get a visit from FlexOn, a Crumb guy who’s real happy to see them…or is it FlexOff, who’s a…real lonely guy? Either way, I was going to listen to this earlier but WE WERE ON A BREAK! Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica stop for a much needed Yerg-style meal.

FlexOn/FlexOff- Tim Felton

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Puddle- Sarah Magnuson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 5: The Skeleton Priest

Tue, 11 Dec 2018 09:21:00 +0000

Our old pal Puddle joins the HR crew in Alien’s stead, and the HR department gets a visit from Pastor Spookybones, the go-to skeleton for all the gods in all the dimensions. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica spot a roadside break in the monotony.

Pastor Spookybones- Trevor Knickerbocker

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Puddle- Sarah Magnuson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 4: The Revenge-r

Tue, 27 Nov 2018 09:21:00 +0000

The HR boys get a visit from Vin Dictive, a Blobulon whose job on the ship is best served cold. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica process their grief and get back to business. THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE WHERE P16 WAS SITTING ON THE TAPE RECORDER, WE PROMISE.

Vin Dictive - Chirag Rathod

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 3: The Duplicate

Tue, 13 Nov 2018 09:21:00 +0000

P16 sat on the tape recorder and caused some technical difficulties on this one, y’all! He’s real sorry! Meanwhile, the HR boys get a visit from Liff Niff, who may have just accidentally duplicated himself, and MAY have some lovin’ feelings about it. Also, the Professor and Danica mourn their beloved Wade.

Liff Niff- Chris George

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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BONUS EPISODE: P16 at Robot Lunch

Tue, 30 Oct 2018 08:21:00 +0000

Whooa, a bonus episode! Let’s take a trip back to yesteryear, when P16 was still a closeted robot trying to eat lunch with some other robot buddies…

P16- Ryan Cleary

Jeff the Proctor-Bot- Connor Doyle

Dave the Janitor-Bot- James Freetly

XR90 the Cashier-Bot- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep 2: The Bop-It

Tue, 16 Oct 2018 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys are freakin’ nomads now, baby! And their first visit is from Nora, a sentient Bop-It. Yup, looks like ain’t nothin’ changed but the names, and the game is the same! Meanwhile. Old Man Wade says his final goodbyes.

Nora the Bop-It- Elizabel Riggs

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 3 Ep. 1: The Fallout

Tue, 02 Oct 2018 08:21:00 +0000

The fate of the Humanoid Resources Department is revealed in the…wait, they’re calling this a new season?? Talk about stuffing the ballot box, ugh.

Dr. Orlando Calripken- Wes Young

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Season 2 Episode 3: The Pleading

Tue, 18 Sep 2018 08:21:00 +0000

Captain Drew Butt and his Backup Evil Council review the submitted tapes of the less centrally geographically located denizens of the ship to determine whether they should, you know, live, and stuff. Special thanks to The Whethermen.

Captain Drew Butt- James Harvey Freetly

Arielana Medusa the Mermaid- Jess Landis

Rip Dirtsack- Rich Camillucci

Big Boo Baby the Ghost/Greg- Spencer Hamilton

Cassandra Blanc- Emily Jeffries

Cromulon, No Last Name Like Madonna- Matthew Sipe

Gato- Zach Gelfand

Rade- Brennan Lee

Szczyrba- Josh Bressler

Franklot Pinskalot- Carolyn Murdock

Ricky Pantelli- Art Kulatti

Akon- Stephen Flowers

Usetless- Patrick Gantz

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Season 2 Episode 2: The Resistance

Tue, 04 Sep 2018 08:21:00 +0000

What's been happening with some of the, oh I don't know, NOT sadistically evil folks on the ship since Captain Drew Butt (Juice) took back over? Let's find out!

Former Captain Purrow- Julia Heynen

Margatha Dot- Janelle Blasdel

Demetrius Clinkscales- Rudy Mendoza

Belinda/Gary- Evan Cauble-Johnson

Clip Cleanback- Rip Camillucci

Chamberlain Payne- Peter Williams

Mikas the Fikas- Connor Doyle

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Season 2 Episode 1: The Evil Council

Tue, 21 Aug 2018 08:21:00 +0000

Drew Butt reigns. Evil abounds. Bureaucracy...still happens.

Captain Drew Butt- James Harvey Freetly

Zel Tar- Alec Plant

Big Boo Baby/Greg/Craig- Spencer Hamilton

The Oculon- Brad Pike

Rip Dirtsack- Rich Camillucci

Satan- Peter Williams

The Janitor- ???

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Episode 50: P16's Party (Season One Finale)

Tue, 10 Apr 2018 08:21:00 +0000

P16 throws his party, revelations are revealed, and Season One ends. We're surprised we made it this far, too.

Griff the Otter- Damon Royster

Billy the Raccoon- Surena Marie

Puddle- Sarah Magnuson

Dorphoidal McGuire- Scott Piebenga

Bloodpuncher the Space Marine- James D'Amato

Fancy Hat- Danny Galvin

Carmony Chupp Chupp- Ben Harpe

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus/Captain Drew Butt- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 49: The Corporate Cow

Tue, 27 Mar 2018 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys get a visit from Moo-Reen, and don't you dairy moo-ve on to some other channel, because she's got some spilled milk worth talkin' about. Meanwhile, Wade finally emerges from his technological/emotional cocoon, Inspector Gadget style.

Moo-Reen the Cow- Lizzie Cross

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 48: The Ur-Man

Tue, 13 Mar 2018 08:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys get a visit from Zel Tar, the rage-havin', dish-washin', future momma-marryin' heir to the House of Tar on Alien's homeworld of Ur. Meanwhile, Wade's still knocked the eff out, and P.T. "The Rock" Barnabus and Danica Patrick, No Relation, Weekend at Wade's the hell out of NASA.

Zel Tar, heir to the House of Tar- Alec Plant

Doug Doyle/NASA Chancellor Fritz Sanders- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 47- The Butter Ball

Tue, 27 Feb 2018 09:21:00 +0000

The HR boys meet Beverly Hulot, who I can't believe IS butter. Meanwhile, the Professor/Big Dumb Rock and Wade go head to head, and walk through space. Take it easy, desperados, because this episode's already gone.

Beverly Hulot the Ball of Butter- Connie Oshana

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

Beverly Hulot the Ball of Butter- Connie Oshana

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 46: Gary's Nanobots

Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys get a visit from their old pal Gary from Accounting. Or, should I say, a visit from the sentient nanobots now controlling their old pal Gary from Accounting's body. Fun! Meanwhile, are...are we really just gonna let the Professor be a rock now? We're going to allow that? Ugh. SHUT YOUR BEER SLOTS AND ENJOY, FOLKS.

Belinda/Gary- Evan Cauble-Johnson

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 45: Captain Purrow Returns!

Tue, 30 Jan 2018 09:21:00 +0000

Roses are red, venus fly traps are meaner. Wade screwed up the audio, and Purrow wants Doug's lil' wiener.


Captain Purrow- Julia Heynen

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 44: Oscar, the Heckled.

Tue, 16 Jan 2018 09:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys get a visit from Oscar, a G'thorian who is the ship's number one sound boy, and more importantly, who's just gettin' his butt heckled off, man! Meanwhile, Danica, Wade, and the Professor make a shit, err, pit stop on the moon, dude!

Oscar- Nick Mestad

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 43: The Caterpillar Gladiator

Tue, 02 Jan 2018 09:21:00 +0000

Are you not entertained? No, seriously, that's like...what we're going for here. The HR Boys get a visit from Greg the Gory, an infamous caterpillar gladiator who's thinking about spreading his wings. Meanwhile, Danica tucks some sleepy boys into space-bed, and completely fails to give The Terminal its due.

Greg the Gory- Tim Lewis

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 42: The Robot Directrix

Tue, 19 Dec 2017 09:21:00 +0000

Our favorite HR boys get a visit from Galatea, an opera singin', culture slingin', encrichment bringin' robot in charge of beefin' up the ship's culture. Alien is vewwwy sweepy, and Doug spits some hot Papa Roach. Meanwhile, Danica's awake, and the Professor and Wade might have some 'splainin' to do...

Galatea the Culture - Lindsay Gonzales

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 41: The Incinerator

Tue, 05 Dec 2017 09:21:00 +0000

The boys get a visit from Char-meleon, the ship's incinerator and resident beer koozie slogan enthusiast. Meanwhile, the Professor and Wade deal with an android with a suuuuper unfamiliar voice...

Char-meleon the Incinerator - Brennan Lowery

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus/Flart the Android- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 40: The Whiffenfluff

Tue, 21 Nov 2017 09:21:00 +0000

Happy Spacegiving, T.U.R.K.E.Y.S. (That's an acronym for Totally Uber Real Keister Eaters, Yes Sir!)! This week, the HR Boys get a visit from Margatha Dot, the Whiffenfluff, who's fluff deep in a game of Floogball. Meanwhile, Wade and the Professor shoot for the world record of dumbest dummies in space, and Danica cryo-sleeps.

Margatha Dot, the Whiffenfluff- Janelle Blasdel

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 39: The Chest Burster

Tue, 07 Nov 2017 09:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys get a visit from Chester A. Burster, a shock jock alien who popped out of the wrong cake at the wroooong time. has to be a typo. The three idiots are finally going to space? No way. Let's see how THIS goes.

Chester A. Burster- Gretchen Eng

Doug Doyle / Ghoster the Toaster- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 38: The Live Show

Tue, 24 Oct 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR Boys have their first ever Humanoid Resources Town Hall with some old friends and some new ones. Meanwhile, the vigilante(ish) trio tells some spooky stories/basic health problems on this Halloween(ish) Eve(ish).

Akon the Dodecapus- Stephen Flowers

Dick Flynn- Wink Stone

Captain Purrow- Julia Heynen

Doug Doyle / Ghoster the Toaster- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 37: The Toilet

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Alien's back, and the HR Boys are flush with issues this week, as they pro-deuce some real solutions for a guest who is a...(sigh)...talking toilet. Meanwhile, our rogue turned not-rogue agent friends fill the holes in their memories with laughter. RIP Woody and Buzz's friendship.

Franklin Smellano Roosevelt the Toilet- Johnny O'Mara

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 36: The Cat Lady

Tue, 26 Sep 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Where's Alien? Hopefully not where Cat-therine the cat lady's husband has ended up. Meanwhile, Sleepy Wade wakes up, and the Professor teaches us about corpse feet.

Cat-therine the Cat Lady- TJ King

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 35: Crabdog? Dogcrab?

Tue, 12 Sep 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys get a visit from Recto Farthop, a half dog half crab Marfloop who's a screamin' for some creamin'. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica Patrick, No Relation are great at packin' and recappin'. Re-capackin'? Crabdog?

Recto Farthop- Blair Britt

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt (Again!)

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Episode 34: The Sick Raccoon

Tue, 29 Aug 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys get a visit from Billy, an Incubation Specialist who has all the diseases and is the trashiest of trash pandas. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica Patrick, No Relation, make space lunch. Wade is sleepy!

Billy the Raccoon- Surena Marie

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 33: The Koosh

Tue, 15 Aug 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Doug's a level 7 WaveRunner now, and he's somehow MORE annoying? Tyle the sentient Koosh Ball visits the HR Department and he's as full of kooky ideas as his pockets are full of meats and starches. Meanwhile The Professor, Wade, and Danica Patrick No Relation suit the EFF up.

Tyle the Koosh- Harz Sondericker

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 32: The Stone Masseuse

Tue, 01 Aug 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys get a visit from Quartina, a floating stone who massages jet-ski worshipping cultists for a living. That tracks, right? Meanwhile, Wade, the Professor, and Danica Patrick No Relation are placed in isolation to prep them for space travel. That tracks, right?

Quartina- Tracy McBee

Doug Doyle/NASA Chancellor Fritz Sanders- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 31: The Space Ghost

Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Big Boo Baby the ghost joins the HR boys this week, and bless his little ghost heart, he just can't scare nothin'! Meanwhile, let's send the Professor, Danica Patrick No Relation, and Wade to space, because Earth clearly just isn't ready for this plot line.

Big Boo Baby/Greg- Spencer Hamilton

Doug Doyle/NASA Chancellor Fritz Sanders- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 30: Puddle Up! Again!

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Our favorite Puddle comes back to the HR Department! Let's see if that latent sexual tension between her and P16 can turn into latent comedy on this comedy podcast. Meanwhile, let's check back in with Wade, Danica Patrick No Relation, and the Professor, because that plot isn't at ALL convoluted now, right?

Puddle the puddle- Sarah Magnuson

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 29: The Dirty Dog

Tue, 20 Jun 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Michelle's back! But...not all the way back. Meanwhile, Big Smoky the dog teaches the HR boys about friendship, loyalty, and the softest places to hump.

Big Smoky the Dog- Megan Sauter

Michelle Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Doug Doyle / Doctor Craig Yakobo- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Nurse Felicity Trumbutt- Janine Doyle

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 28: The Teddy Bear

Tue, 06 Jun 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys visit with a cute teddy bear named Gern Flang, whose, died. Okay, maybe he's been cuter. Meanwhile, which world leader is Captain Drew Butt(s) in disguise? Let's inch closer to that conclusion!

Gern Flang- Kevin Knickerbocker

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 27: The Plantimal

Tue, 23 May 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Our favorite HR professionals get a visit from a plant animal hybrid lady who's just REALLY on the ball about putting down roots for dat baby bump. Meanwhile, paper faces are on parade for the Professor, Danica Patrick No Relation, and Wade. Some straight up SHAKESPEARE hijinks 'bout to happen, y'all!

Pretzella 4433869634- Brenna Lemieux

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 26: The Pandas

Tue, 09 May 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys are visited by Jeff and Janice, two Panda Bears who were BAMBOO-zled into marriage. Meanwhile, the Professor learns a lesson about gravity, and, unfortunately, teaches us one about deus ex machina. Get it? Bamboo-zled?

Jeff the Panda- Kate Yeagle

Janice the Panda- Dan Jackson

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 25: The All-Seeing Eye

Tue, 25 Apr 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The HR boys are visited by The Oculon, a giant eyeball who's been keeping the ship safe from internet perv-o's since 2467. Meanwhile, Wade, The Professor, and Danica Patrick, No Relation, have all stolen a helicopter. That's fun, isn't it? No? Okay.

The Oculon- Brad Pike

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 24: The (Little?) Space Mermaid

Tue, 11 Apr 2017 08:21:00 +0000

The U.S.S. Spaceship finally has a new Captain. The HR Department is finally visited by a Space Mermaid. Doug finally...still sucks at his job. Meanwhile, Wade has a knife in his gut, and some life in his butt.

ArielannaMedusa the Space Mermaid- Jessica Landis

Purrow the Love Robot- Julia Heynen

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 23: The Big Foot

Tue, 28 Mar 2017 08:21:00 +0000

This episode kicks off with some content that really toes the line, and Doug plays a real heel. Come for those hot, hot puns, stay for...more of those puns. Meanwhile, let's see what wacky European country Wade, the Professor, and Danica Patrick, No Relation get themselves thrown out of this time!

...It's Germany.

Margot Lynx- Alex Frenkel

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 22: Doug's Boss

Tue, 14 Mar 2017 08:21:00 +0000

Uh-oh, Doug's in trouble, something's come along and it's burst his aura of mediocrity! Shane Matthews, Director of Biological Resources, stops by the department for everyone's favorite yearly tradition: performance reviews! Meanwhile, Wade is totally here, you guys. Just listen to those realistic fist hits!

Shane Matthews- Bill Arnett

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 21: The Huge. The Loud. The Marine.

Tue, 28 Feb 2017 09:21:00 +0000

Our Humanoid Resources pals deal with Blood Puncher this week- a Space Marine with a whole lot of room in his hearts for magic, Shakespeare, and probably an extra dick or two. Meanwhile, the Professor makes a tight squeeze. Who knew his ego could fit inside that vent? It's all Jameses, all the time this week!

Blood Puncher- James D'Amato

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 20: The Man Down Under

Tue, 14 Feb 2017 09:21:00 +0000

This week, the HR boyz find out where all the water on the ship comes from, and...kind of wish they hadn't. Meanwhile, Wade and Danica Patrick, No Relation, hold up their end of a sneaky plan.

Dick Flynn II- Wink Stone

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Nineteen: The Love Bot

Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:21:00 +0000

The HR Boyz get a visit from Purrow, the Love Robot, who, uhh, REALLY likes it when you pet her. Gonna take a while to make conversation at the water cooler again after this one, huh? Meanwhile, our new trio of adventurers, Wade, the Professor, and Danica Patrick (No Relation) set out on their own little questy-quest. Let's see how long it takes them to bring up the Professor's penis again, shall we?

Purrow the Love Robot- Julia Heynen

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode 18.5: Professor? I Hardly Know Her!

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 09:21:00 +0000

Oh God...why are we even doing this? Let's see what kind of crazy backflips of justification we can do to reincorporate this whacko into the fold. Come for the flimflam plot, stay for the extended erection bits.

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Eighteen: Return of the Hat.

Tue, 17 Jan 2017 09:21:00 +0000

The HR boys get a visit from an old friend, and boy is he fancy, schmancy, and in need of some romance-y. Meanwhile, Wade and Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation explore the secret passageway they found last time, and ALSO reunite with someone from their past. It's like a bunch of ships, all crashing into each others' burning carcasses in the night.

Fancy Hat- Danny Galvin

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams, Trash Person

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

???- James Freetly

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Seventeen: The Gender Fluid Dude

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 09:21:00 +0000

Our favorite Humanoid Resources Professionals meet Lubomir, the Treenie, whose visit engenders some problems. Hoo baby, that's a hot hot pun right there! Meanwhile, Wade and Danica Patrick, No Relation, follow the mallow, and Huhwhaaaaa?!

Lubomir the Treenie- Mike McCarron/Clay Lampshade

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Sixteen: The Shrinking Surgeon

Tue, 20 Dec 2016 09:21:00 +0000

Shrink your expectations for this one, folks! Doctor Orlando Calripken, a tiny physician/psychopath, swings by the HR office to ruin lives and confuse everyone. Meanwhile, Wade and Danica Patrick, No Relation may have solved the energy crisis, but, hell, we've gone a while without plot in that one, so how about a new crisis? There's a mystery afoot!

Doctor Orlando Calripken- Wes Young

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Fifteen: The Space Jock

Tue, 06 Dec 2016 09:25:00 +0000

Drk, a lacrosse-playin', robot-hatin', single-digit-IQ-possessin' college student joins the HR boys, and we see the vast vacuum of space reflected inside his tiny, tiny head. Meanwhile, Wade and Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation, Take a Look Around the government base, Break Stuff, and see Behind (Wade's) Blue Eyes. Man, these jokes are Rollin'. Something something Nookie.

Drk- Mike Aviles

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Fourteen: The Theatrical Otter

Tue, 22 Nov 2016 09:20:00 +0000

Wade and Danica Patrick, No Relation may just have found their Fortress of Together-i-tude, but first they've gotta remind us how phallic the entrance is a few hundred times. Meanwhile, the HR boys visit with Griff, head of Straight Theatre, cuddly cinephile, and dope-ass monologist. You otter listen to this episode, I tell ya!

WARNING- Some tiny rocks started falling on the recorder as Wade and Danica made their way down the shaft. So it might get a little choppy near the end.

Griff the Otter- Damon Royster

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Thirteen: The ...Doctor?

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 09:20:00 +0000

Wade and Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation are livin' the America stereotype: running from the law while completing traditional road trip activities and tropes. But will their past ketchup to them? The HR guys reckon with the aftermath (or lack thereof) of Space Fest, and get reaaal down and dirty into the comedic gold mine of health care coverage with Severus Sna ples, a reformed Potterist who heads up Clones n Drones. Aunts on a LOG, this sounds hilarious!

Severus Sna ples- Kyle Dolan

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Twelve: SpaceFest

Tue, 25 Oct 2016 08:04:00 +0000

Wade and Danica Patrick, No Relation promise they'll write, but camp's gotta end for everybody, right? Doug, Alien, and P16 celebrate SpaceFest, the holiday where you get drunk and tell secrets. Well, the holiday where you officially get drunk and tell secrets. The boys reveal some real bombshells. Let's see if they can save their bacon.

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Eleven: The Hyper-Crab

Tue, 11 Oct 2016 08:00:00 +0000

Wade gets crafty, and Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation gets arts and crafty. But will things get sassy, or sax-ual? The HR dudez get a visit from Derglan Zorp, Hyperspace Tech, to try to pick up the pieces. Of Terry. Flizdead.

Derglan Zorp- Tyler Davis

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Ten: The Plant-Bot

Tue, 27 Sep 2016 08:20:00 +0000

Wade and Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation are definitely going to give these tapes to their bosses. Once they make sure they're real. Whaaaat? Don't look at them like that! They're gonna do it! Eventually. Meanwhile the HR boyz get a visit from Floratron 7, who speaks for the plants. You know, like a metal, sentimental, OOH, senti-metal, ehh how about that hot applesauce for you, Lorax.

Floratron 7- Susie Allen

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Nine: The Omniscient Gas

Tue, 13 Sep 2016 08:15:00 +0000

With Michelle and the Professor at the bottom of Giza Falls, who will introduce us to episodes and plug things?? Meet Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation, and Wade Anderson, Intern. They're...more competent I think? Doug, Alien, and P16 are visited by Dale Isringhausen, a pile of gas, who knows all, I think? Hoo baby, this bit is really hitting...I think?

Dale Isringhausen- Spencer Rybacki

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Special Agent Danica Patrick, No Relation- Liz Anderson

Intern Wade Anderson- Patrick Bodenhausen

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Eight: The Composer

Tue, 30 Aug 2016 08:17:00 +0000

Doug, Alien, and P16 are visited by Carmony Chupp Chupp, who is trying to make the best possible symphony of all time (until next year) and also decide if his boss is cat-phish-ing him. Michelle and the Professor dig up their ol' buddy Escape Pod, and...well...let's just say some season finale type stuff goes down, except this isn't a season finale, because this is a podcast, you idiot.


Carmony Chupp Chupp- Ben Harpe

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Michelle K. Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Seven: The Captain

Tue, 16 Aug 2016 08:00:00 +0000

Michelle and the Professor and in deep doodoo now. Deep desert walking, held at gunpoint, non-sexy blindfold wearing doodoo. Doug, Alien, and P16 get a visit from the mysterious Captain Drew Butt, who is...uhh...well, let's just say mentally unstable doesn't really cover it.


Captain Drew Butt/Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Michelle K. Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Six: The Space Jockey

Tue, 02 Aug 2016 08:00:00 +0000

Michelle and the Professor hang out, and put the fun in fungeon. The HR boys meet with Demetrius Clinkscales, who may or may not ride space horses. Alien tries out a new experiment.

Demetrius Clinkscales- Rudy Mendoza

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Michelle K. Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Five: The Thespian

Tue, 19 Jul 2016 08:00:00 +0000

Michelle and the Professor assure you that everything is TS-A-Okay with them. Doug, Alien, and P16 spacewalk the boards with an other-world-class thespian. Put on your government issued spacesuits, there's lots of worlds out there!


Fancy Hat- Danny Galvin

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Michelle K. Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Four: The Accounting Intern

Tue, 05 Jul 2016 08:00:00 +0000

WARNING- This tape was damaged when re-entering the atmosphere, and has some minor technical difficulties. You have been warned. Also the Professor spilled a Filet O' Fish on it, so...

The Professor and Michelle are on the up and up, or are they on the stuck and stuck? The HR boys get a visit from an intern whose name is as hard to pronounce as the hazing he's endured was hard to endure. Whew, that analogy flew a little too close to the sun. Good thing it's Red.


Szczyrba- Josh Bressler

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle

Alien Beercan- Peter Williams

P16- Ryan Cleary

Professor Barnabus- James Freetly

Michelle K. Branch- Phoebe Stonebraker

Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Three: The Puddle

Tue, 21 Jun 2016 08:00:00 +0000

Michelle and the Professor spend some quality alone time, together. The HR boys make a splash and Doug gets a little H20-ver his head...again.

Puddle- Sarah Magnuson
Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle
Alien Beercan- Peter Williams
P16- Ryan Cleary
Professor Barnabus- James Freetly
Michelle- Phoebe Stonebraker
Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode Two: The Maintenance Man

Tue, 07 Jun 2016 08:00:00 +0000

The Professor and Michelle discuss how to use their newfound discovery to get dat money. The HR boys are joined by Dorphoidal McGuire, the glue that keeps the ol' rustbucket in one rusty, bucket-y piece.

Dorphoidal McGuire- Scott Piebenga
Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle
Alien Beercan- Peter Williams
P16- Ryan Cleary
Professor Barnabus- James Freetly
Michelle- Phoebe Stonebraker
Artwork by Blair Britt

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Episode One: Space Pilot

Wed, 25 May 2016 07:45:00 +0000

Professor Barnabus and Michelle make a discovery, and try to fit it right in academia's butthole. Doug is introduced to his new space-home, his new space-job, and two idiots.

Doug Doyle- Connor Doyle
Alien Beercan- Peter Williams
P16- Ryan Cleary
Professor Barnabus- James Freetly
Michelle- Phoebe Stonebraker
Artwork by Blair Britt

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