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The Nowhere Dispatch


This is a podcast about creepy, mysterious and dark stories from across the East Texas region and from the lives of myself and my friends. Enjoy.

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Episode 49 - Chipita's Ghost

Sun, 31 Oct 2021 23:31:56 +0000

Are curses real, or are they only coincidence and suspicion? A look at beliefs about curses and their occurrence in local and state history.

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Stories for the Haunting Hours

Sat, 31 Oct 2020 18:42:55 +0000

The witching hour is upon us once again, listeners. 2020 has been a frightful year and I haven't done much work on the podcast. But if I'm going to record at all, it's going to be the annual Halloween episode. Tune in to hear a few tales of the dark, morbid and macabre...Happy Halloween!

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Episode 48 - Lights Above The Pines - East Texas UFOs

Sun, 02 Aug 2020 05:10:35 +0000

For hundreds of years, Texans have been reporting sightings of strange crafts and alien visitors across the Lone Star State. Some of the most incredible of these encounters have taken place right here in East Texas. Tune into this episode of the Dispatch to learn about mysterious sightings, unexplained aerial phenomena and otherworldly visitors here behind the Pine Curtain.

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Episode 47 - Stories for the Dusk and Shadows

Fri, 01 Nov 2019 00:25:08 +0000

The time of spooks and shadows has descended upon nowhere once again, listeners. In this third installment of my spooky stories episodes, tune in to hear six tales of ghosts, mysterious figures and the morbid, fascinating burial and mourning traditions of the South. Just in time for Halloween, follow me across Texas and the South with these macabre stories to get you in the mood for the eeriest (and best) season of the year.

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Episode 46 - Blood on the Pines - Infamous East Texas Murders

Tue, 01 Oct 2019 18:31:08 +0000

Murders leave a legacy. Even out here in the middle of nowhere, they leave echoes, reaching across time and through memory to haunt us. The stories of infamous murders are shared and shared again as a way of preserving the lives of those taken too soon, as a way of warning others and as a way of making sense of sudden tragedy. In this episode, I'll share with you stories of three infamous East Texas murders and the strange circumstances surrounding them. Tune in, and remember the stories of those who were struck down before their time.

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Episode 45 – Strange Medicine - Folk Magic in East Texas and the South

Sat, 03 Aug 2019 05:40:18 +0000

Some magic is born of necessity. Instead of a wand or staff, folks were more likely to use a forked twig or a piece of silverware. Instead of elaborate potions and elixirs, common people would use water, herbs and river stones. Instead of an ancient, leather-bound grimoire or tome, more people than you’d expect would look to the Holy Bible for spellwork.
This magic is as real to the people who practice it as making a phone call or bandaging a paper cut is to you or me. It’s been practiced since the dawn of humankind, it’s still practiced today and it’s been going on right here in East Texas from the very beginning.
In this episode, tune in to learn about the strange history of folk magic in East Texas and the South and some of the legends about these mysterious practices.

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Episode 44 - From Midnight Until Dawn - Texas Executions

Tue, 04 Jun 2019 05:31:29 +0000

For more than 200 years, Texas has used the death penalty to punish its worst criminals and to dissuade others from committing similar crimes. From hemp rope and gallows poles to lethal injection, the Lone Star State has made history in this grim practice and now executes more prisoners than any other state in the country. The practice has changed over time and the process has never been as simple or straightforward as some might think. On this episode of the Dispatch, I'll tell you about the long and dark history of capital punishment in Texas and several death penalty cases which made their way to this part of the state.

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Episode 43 - John Joe Gray and the Trinidad Standoff

Mon, 08 Apr 2019 04:37:28 +0000

In 1999, a man named John Joe Gray was arrested near Trinidad, Texas. He resisted arrest and was booked but never returned for his court date. He returned to his property and fortified it into a compound. What followed was the longest armed standoff in US history. Tune in it this episode of the Dispatch to learn about the standoff, Gray's allegiance to sovereign citizen and separatist groups and the state of the country then, and now, that leads to situations like this.

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Episode 42 - Lavender Doe

Fri, 01 Feb 2019 02:16:19 +0000

In October 2006, the burning body of a young woman was found on an oil lease road in Kilgore, Texas. For the next 12 years, investigators, internet sleuths and police searched for her name, her identity and her killer. Progress was made but never fully realized...until very recently. Tune in to this episode of the Dispatch to learn about the tragic case of Lavender Doe and the amazing technology that may lead to her identification.

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Episode 41 - The Regulator-Moderator War, Part 2 - Texas Yell

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 18:11:09 +0000

It's the early 1840s in East Texas and a gang of gun-toting outlaws have taken over Shelby County. Led by a violent, bloodthirsty colonel, the band does as they please and punishes all who oppose them. The penalty for opposing Regulator rule is death and their only enemy, the Moderators, have been driven underground. But, as so often happens, corruption and power soon reach their limits. In a story populated by characters, both wicked and wretched, who could only be found on the bloodstained pages of backwoods lore, all is nearly lost for settlers in the deep frontier, trying to find their place and purpose among the pines. Tune in for the conclusion to a two-part series on this dark, eerie chapter of my local history: the Regulator-Moderator War.

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Episode 41 - The Regulator-Moderator War, Part 2 - Texas Yell

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 18:11:09 +0000

It's the early 1840s in East Texas and a gang of gun-toting outlaws have taken over Shelby County. Led by a violent, bloodthirsty colonel, the band does as they please and punishes all who oppose them. The penalty for opposing Regulator rule is death and their only enemy, the Moderators, have been driven underground. But, as so often happens, corruption and power soon reach their limits. In a story populated by characters, both wicked and wretched, who could only be found on the bloodstained pages of backwoods lore, all is nearly lost for settlers in the deep frontier, trying to find their place and purpose among the pines. Tune in for the conclusion to a two-part series on this dark, eerie chapter of my local history: the Regulator-Moderator War.

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Episode 40 - The Regulator-Moderator War, Part 1 - Neutral Ground

Sat, 01 Dec 2018 05:12:29 +0000

Land feuds are among the oldest conflict known to mankind. The right to say "I am in charge here" is not earned easily. It is often bought with blood and tears.
In the 1800s, there was a piece of land in Texas called the Neutral Ground. After Texas became a state, the name faded away, but its legacy remained. A place where bandits and bad men hid out and preyed on settlers, this dark place among the pines was fierce and untamed. Some men rose up and tried to settle it but they were carried away by the lust for power. Others rose up to staunch the flow of violence and the result was only more bloodshed. Tune into this episode of the Nowhere Dispatch to learn about the largest land feud in the nation's history, one that surpassed even the Hatfields and the McCoys. This is the story of the Regulator-Moderator War, also known as the Shelby County War of the 1840s, a strange tale that left a bitter legacy.

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Episode 39 - Stories for the Waning Year

Mon, 29 Oct 2018 03:06:00 +0000

That time of year has arrived again...when time begins to slow and things get quiet. Leaves die and fall, the air gains a sharp edge and our thoughts turn to old stories, the spookier the better. Last year, my friend Ashley and I read you some eerie stories to ring in our favorite holiday, Halloween. We had so much fun we decided to do it again. As the year wanes, we feel the urge to settle our bones into a good chair and share a ghost story or two...we hope you'll join us for a tale, nowhere wanderer, as the rain falls on the roof and the shadows get long. Perhaps you can share one of your own. 

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Episode 38 - Piney Woods Phenomena

Mon, 15 Oct 2018 03:57:00 +0000

There is something about the land out here. Strange things happen without explanation and then fade away, sealed by time and fading memories. But the scars on the land remain. A freak windstorm that came from nowhere. A mysterious blackout that plunged and entire town into darkness. Fires that burned vast stretches of prairie and forest alike. The phenomena of the Piney Woods are unique and strange. Listen in and learn about the way nature takes its course in this part of the world.

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Episode 37 - The Texarkana Moonlight Murders

Sun, 30 Sep 2018 01:52:00 +0000

In 1946, a mysterious wave of serial homicides fell upon the East Texas border town of Texarkana. Violence was not unknown in the town but this was something different. Young couples enjoying the moonlight on lover's lanes were being gunned down by an unknown assailant who stalked the backroads and shadowy places in the Piney Woods. To this day, no one has ever been convicted for the Texarkana Moonlight Murders and the Phantom who committed these hideous acts has never been definitively identified. Listen in and I'll tell you about the reign of terror that fell on a Texas town caught between the joy of an ended world war and the dawn of the age of the serial killer. 

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Episode 36 - La Mala Cosa

Mon, 27 Aug 2018 03:06:00 +0000

When you look into the woods...what looks back at you?Is there something out there, stalking through the pines? Since the beginning of history, mankind has given many names to a specific kind of beast that waits in the woods. The wild man. Sasquatch. Bigfoot.But there are other names. Names you might not know. Some of them come from right here, in my part of the world.I'll tell you all about them in this episode. Consider it my own personal take on one of the most famous cryptid legends in existence. It's true, listeners, there are strange creatures here in the middle of nowhere and one of the most famous, written about in the first printed document concerning what was once called The New World, is known as la mala cosa.

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Episode 35 - The Church of Wells

Mon, 30 Jul 2018 04:44:00 +0000

When people hear the word "cult", they tend to think of doomsday groups or splinters of major religions, operating off the beaten path in secrecy and at the fringes of society. In reality, a cult is just a small group of like-minded people who sometimes twist holy scriptures to suit their own vision. One such group can be found right here in East Texas. I'm not here to say if the Church of Wells is or isn't a cult. There's no mistaking the fact many others have called them such over the years. In this episode, I'll tell you a bit about this group so that you can decide for yourself. 

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Episode 34 - The Bragg Road Ghost Lights/The Light of Saratoga

Mon, 09 Jul 2018 03:21:25 +0000

Just at the edge of the county line, at the edge of your thoughts, awaits a legend. All legends are true, I think, and they only become more real with each telling. Stories live and grow through the ways we share them. This is the way that myths, folk tales and legends are born.I went on a trip to visit a legendary place not far from me. The famous Bragg Road, also known as the Ghost Road in Hardin County. I didn't see the ghostly lights that some claim haunt the road, but I learned a lot about the history of the area and the road itself. I also had a creepy experience unlike anything I had seen before. Tune in and travel down the dark, lonely road with me. 

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Episode 33 - Rebel McMahon

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 03:19:00 +0000

Nearly 20 years ago, a 3-year-old boy named Rebel McMahon was murdered by his mother in a small East Texas town. Although his mother was arrested and sentenced to prison, young Rebel's case never received much coverage in the media. His mother was an unstable criminal who should never have gotten the chance to do this evil deed, so why did it happen? Why did this case fade away? A reporter named Jay Arrington contacted me and I conducted an interview with him to find out just what happened to this case and about the strange details that surrounded it.

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Episode 32 - The Dalton Gang

Sat, 17 Feb 2018 07:24:00 +0000

At the close of the 19th century, things were changing in the Old West. Roving bands of outlaws were still carrying out stickup robberies and train heists, but their days were numbered. One of the last and most infamous of the Old West robber gangs to terrorize the frontier was the Dalton Gang. This infamous band of outlaws went through numerous configurations but their legacy was sure to last through the years to come, like an echo from a gun blast on the empty prairie. Tune in to learn about the fate of one of the most notorious outlaw gangs of that bygone age and how they came right here to my hometown many years ago.

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Episode 31 - The Lufkin Angel Of Death

Sat, 06 Jan 2018 05:30:00 +0000

There are many types of killers and good reasons to fear them all. Some kill as the result of an obsession, some kill for revenge, others seem to have no motive at all. One of the most disturbing types of serial murderers is the angel of death, a healthcare worker who uses their medical knowledge and access to patients to carry out a murder spree. Believe it or not, just such a case happened in Lufkin, Texas only a few years ago. Tune in to this episode to find out how one woman in a small East Texas town held her patients and coworkers in the grip of fear as she wielded the power of life and death before their very eyes.

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Episode 30 - East Texas Cannibals

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 06:33:00 +0000

Few things are as terrifying or taboo as cannibalism. What drives people to commit this unthinkable act? There are many reasons why people have resorted to cannibalism throughout history. Some were members of cultures which viewed the act as a ritual while others became focused on this act of depravity as the result of a criminal fascination. Whatever the case, there have been acts of cannibalism practiced in East Texas going back hundreds of years. Tune in to take a closer look at humanity's oldest taboo as it has been practiced here in the Piney Woods.

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Episode 29 - Stories For The Thinning Of The Veil

Sat, 04 Nov 2017 03:44:00 +0000

As we step deeper into autumn, some say that the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead becomes thin, allowing communication with ghostly spectres and otherworldy beings. Whether or not you believe this is true, the feeling of the fall season lends itself well to stories of the macabre, the morbid and the downright spooky. Join me and my friend Ashley, nowhere wanderers, and we'll share some eerie Texas tales with you in this episode, just in time for the leaves to die and the air to become chilly. Huzzah!

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Episode 28 - Shadows In Athens

Fri, 20 Oct 2017 06:01:00 +0000

Some towns aren't quite like the others. You could say that about Athens, Texas. The tunnels beneath the streets, the monkeys that murder...there's a lot of stories about this town. Follow me into nowhere as I discuss some of the secrets of this strange little town in East Texas.

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Episode 27 - Ken's Apparitions

Fri, 22 Sep 2017 21:52:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. In this episode, I sit down with my friend Ken as he tells me about some paranormal encounters he had in his past. These types of stories always fascinate me because they seem so strange, yet to those who experience them, their reality is unshakeable. Science tells us that such things are not possible but it is not so easy to hold fast to this belief in the face of a personal experience. Tune in to hear Ken relate some truly remarkable experiences with otherworldly apparitions.

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Episode 26 - Kristiana Coignard

Fri, 08 Sep 2017 23:57:00 +0000

On January 22, 2015, Kristiana Coignard lost her life after an encounter with the Longview Police Department. This case caught international attention as it occurred in the midst of a series of high-profile shootings of civilians by police officers. In this episode, I will tell you the story of how Kristiana lost her life and how I hope we can move forward.

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Episode 25 - The Texas Killing Fields Part 2

Tue, 22 Aug 2017 06:16:00 +0000

In this conclusion to the two-part series on the Texas Killing Fields, I try to relate some finality in these tragic cases. While many of the cases remain unsolved, a few have found a resolution of sorts. Several people confessed to multiple Killing Fields murders and some were more believable than others. Finally, arrests have been made in a few cases, bringing justice to the victims and their families. Tune in to find out about the resolution of some of these cases.

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Episode 24 - The Texas Killing Fields Part 1

Sat, 19 Aug 2017 07:51:00 +0000

For over thirty years, bodies have been appearing in a lonely stretch of land by the side of Interstate 45. Who is responsible for these heinous murders? Follow along with this 2-part episode as I examine the facts of the Texas Killing Fields, one of the most outstanding unsolved murder cases in the state of Texas.

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Episode 23 – The Backwoods Illuminati

Fri, 04 Aug 2017 21:30:00 +0000

On this episode of The Nowhere Dispatch, I explore a few of the allegedly Illuminati-linked conspiracy theories that have ties to East Texas. While I can't prove the veracity of these theories, as is usually the case with conspiracies, I still enjoy taking a close look at them. I hope you do as well, so tune in to find out more about traces of the Illuminati here in the Piney Woods

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Episode 22 - The Michael Ray Phillips Cold Case

Fri, 21 Jul 2017 03:22:00 +0000

In January of 1989, a police officer found the body of a young man in a creek in Lufkin, TX. The cause of death was determined but, other than one gruesome detail, little evidence was uncovered. The most likely suspect escaped justice due to a lack of evidence and today, 28 years, later, the murder of Michael Phillips remains unsolved. Did the real killer get away with murder? Or is the culprit still at large? Follow me into nowhere as we take a look at the cold case of a young man from the middle of nowhere.

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Episode 21 - East Texas Cryptids

Fri, 07 Jul 2017 21:24:00 +0000

Have you ever heard a mysterious sound in the woods on a camping trip? Perhaps you've seen a strange animal dart across a lonely country road late at night, silhouetted by your headlights. You just may have stumbled across a cryptid, nowhere wanderer. Many people are fascinated by tales of mystical, fantastic beasts and the legends that surround them. Join me and my guest co-host as we talk about three of the most interesting cryptids from right here in the Piney Woods.

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Episode 20 - Who Killed Karen Silkwood?

Sat, 24 Jun 2017 08:52:00 +0000

In the 1970s, nuclear power was all the rage. But lax regulations and unfamiliarity with the new technology caused a lot of problems. In Oklahoma, just over the Texas border, a Longview native was determined to keep an eye on unscrupulous plant managers. Karen Silkwood lost her life as she was attempting to expose wrongdoing and safety hazards. Was she murdered to keep her quiet or was it simply an accident that took her life? Follow me into Nowhere as we try to find out who killed Karen Silkwood.

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Episode 19 - The New London School Explosion

Tue, 06 Jun 2017 08:12:00 +0000

In this episode, I'll tell you all about the New London School Explosion. In the winter of 1937, the New London School was the pride of the Piney Woods. The desire for modernity overshadowed concerns of safety. The result was the greatest tragedy involving children of the modern age. Tune in to find out the impact of this unimaginable disaster on the small community of New London.

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Episode 18 - The Murder Of Diamond Bessie

Thu, 04 May 2017 05:10:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. If anything can be said about East Texas, it's that these shady pine trees and red dirt roads have borne witness to many things both mysterious and wretched. Among those things, murder can be found if you look hard enough. The town of Jefferson has earned a reputation as one of the most haunted cities in the state, and for good reason. One of the most infamous cases ever to unfold in the streets of Jefferson was the still-unsolved murder of Diamond Bessie Moore. To this day, the people of Jefferson still remember the beautiful young woman who met her cruel fate across a bridge, deep in the bayou. Tune in to find out why Diamond Bessie's name still haunts the roads and backwoods of a haunted little town.

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Episode 17 - Daniela's Apartment

Sun, 16 Apr 2017 20:28:00 +0000

Welcome back to The Nowhere Dispatch. A few years ago, my good friend Daniela moved with her family to upstate New York. She ended up in some very creepy, possibly haunted, residences. When she told me there had been a new update in the story, I knew I had to get her on the podcast. Tune in to hear her explain the weird, paranormal occurrences that troubled her family during her months in the cold New York winter. (This is my first episode recorded outside on new equipment so there's a good bit of background noise, wind noise, microphone bumps, etc. I apologize for the excess noise but I'm getting better at using this new equipment.)

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Episode 16 - The Devil In The Pines Part 2

Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:27:00 +0000

The conclusion of the Kelly Wilson disappearance/Satanic Panic case in Gilmer, TX. Things were bad before her disappearance in 1992 and they got much worse after that date. Claims of evil behavior took a darker turn when they ensnared themselves with her case. A word of warning: this episode discusses testimony from people who describe graphic acts of violence and child abuse. If that's something that can be difficult for you to hear, you might want to skip this episode.

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Episode 15 - The Devil in the Pines Part 1

Thu, 16 Mar 2017 00:15:00 +0000

On January 5th, 1992, Kelly Dae Wilson disappeared without a trace. It's been 25 years since that night and she's never been heard from since. This took place in Gilmer, Texas, about 30 minutes down the road from where I live. No one knows where Kelly went or what happened to her and the years following her disappearance saw a storm of rumors, accusations and confusion descend on this small town. This is part 1 of a two-part episode covering a time when the nationwide mass hysteria known as the Satanic Panic came to East Texas.

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Episode 14 - Jenny's Mist

Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:41:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. In this episode, I sit down with my good friend Jenny to talk about some of the spooky, paranormal experiences she has witnessed in her past. As soon as I heard that she had some creepy experiences, I knew I had to have her stories on the Dispatch. Listen in and enjoy, nowhere wanderers.

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Episode 13 - The Killough Massacre

Fri, 06 Jan 2017 19:37:00 +0000

History isn't always what it seems. In 1836, the worst massacre ever perpetrated on Texas soil by Native Americans took place not far from my hometown...or did it? That's what it says on the monument placed at the massacre site and that's how the local stories tell it. But, as I'm sure you've noticed by now, history isn't as simple as some Nowhere dwellers would have you believe. Tune in as I explain the real history of the Killough Massacre.

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Episode 12 - Who The F#@% Was Lori Erica Ruff?

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 04:07:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. Earlier this year, I heard about a case of identity theft while digging around online for creepy stories. I stumbled upon the strange case of Lori Erica Ruff. A few months later, I came across the story again, only to find that the mysterious case had been solved in the meantime. I dug deeper and discovered that the case had revolved around my hometown. I'll tell you all about the efforts of many people who investigated to find out just who the hell this mysterious woman was and how she came to a tragic end in my town just a few years ago. Listen in and be puzzled, nowhere wanderers.

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Episode 11 - The Beatles Bonfire

Mon, 03 Oct 2016 00:47:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. It's finally October and I'm ready to bring you more creepy stories. Still, I wanted to do something a bit different to start off my favorite month. There's a story I heard a long time ago that involves my hometown, one of my favorite rock bands of all time, fire and lightning. One weird night n 1966, these forces came together to put my strange little town into the hallowed annals of rock history. How we got there, though, is where things get just a bit creepy.

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Episode 10 - Longview's Burning

Sat, 17 Sep 2016 07:19:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. In this installment, I'll let you in on something: someone is setting fires all over my hometown. This has been a record year for arson and there's a chance it's a coordinated effort. As I dug deeper into this story I found ties to property owners, young rappers and a local record label. Listen in to hear how creepy it can be to share a town with firebugs. 

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Episode 9 - The Disappearance Of Brandi Wells

Sat, 27 Aug 2016 21:55:00 +0000

In August of 2006, a young woman named Brandi Wells disappeared outside of a Longview nightclub. Now, ten years later, she's still missing and questions remain unanswered. What happened to this young woman? Where did she go? Her case has made headlines, popped up on Reddit boards and been featured on national crime shows. This is a case that is still remembered here in the middle of Nowhere. Listen in to learn her story. 

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Episode 8 - Cults

Fri, 12 Aug 2016 22:11:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Dispatch, fellow wanderers of nowhere. My good friend Adam is back on the podcast to talk about cults. They're weird, they're creepy and there are more of them than you think. In fact, there's a story about an alleged cult right here in our town. We'll tell you all about it. 

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Episode 7 - Red Summer

Wed, 03 Aug 2016 19:47:00 +0000

This has been a difficult summer. Violence and heat turn the streets into foreign territory. This isn't the first summer that has been marred by violence. I'll show you another hot season, almost 100 years ago, the set my hometown on fire and spilled blood on the streets where I live. Tune in to this installment of the Nowhere Dispatch to learn about the Longview Race Riots, in the throes of the Red Summer of 1919.

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Episode 6 - Stagecoach Road

Fri, 08 Jul 2016 00:07:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. In this episode, I find out that not all roads are easily navigable. Stagecoach Road is a local legend that I heard about over a decade ago. The rumors about this road are numerous: phantom stagecoaches, the Lady in White and even Bigfoot are said to walk the road and the woods nearby. Perhaps, though, the scariest thing about this road are the histories that lie mixed in the red dirt on its surface.

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Episode 5 - Adam's Ghosts

Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:36:00 +0000

Welcome back to The Nowhere Dispatch. On this episode, I talk to my good friend Adam about some of his ghostly encounters. Adam is an amateur ghost hunter and he has had some truly creepy experiences. You can follow Adam on Twitch at: This episode was produced by me, Lucas Strough. You can follow me on Twitter at @NowhereDispatch. The image for this episode is courtesy of LuckyLouie from Wikipedia.

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Episode 4 - The Caddo

Sat, 04 Jun 2016 05:22:00 +0000

Welcome back to The Nowhere Dispatch. In this episode, I'll tell you about the strange and noble history of the Caddo people of East Texas. They were violently torn from their home but the people who did them wrong met more than one fateful end. Tune in for fascinating story from the the heart of nowhere....

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Episode 3 - The Kentucky Fried Chicken Murders

Sun, 22 May 2016 01:00:00 +0000

Welcome back to the Nowhere Dispatch. In 1983, a horrific murder shocked East Texas. 20 years later, the killers were finally brought to justice. But were they really guilty? In this episode, I talk about one of the most infamous murders in Texas history that rarely gets discussed. I think it's important for people to know this story. Tune in.

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Episode 2 - Sam's Demons

Thu, 12 May 2016 04:30:27 +0000

Hi everyone. Welcome back to nowhere. In this new episode, I talk to my good friend Sam about an experience he had growing up with demons. Not literal demons...but sometimes the demons we imagine are the most terrifying kind. Listen in, it's a really good story. More creepiness to come soon. Music on this episode is by Sam and me.

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Episode 1 - The Painting

Sat, 30 Apr 2016 01:04:00 +0000

On this podcast, I will share eerie stories from my part of the world and from the lives of myself and my friends. Some will be paranormal, some will just be unexplainable but they will all be creepy. In this episode, I talk about a mysterious piece of artwork that I found hidden deep in the woods. Enjoy. Music provided by Kevin Macleod at

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