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Seriocity Podcast


A Meta-Murder Mystery coming to earbuds near you! Everything is going perfectly with KFJ's plan to con an old lady out of an obscene amount of money, until his unexpected and brutal murder. Forced to shack up with the Narrator of his murder mystery, KFJ follows his so-called "friends" in order to solve who stabbed him in the back! Seriocity is Directed by Keri Safran Written by Beth Stavros, Katie Elsaesser, and David Crowley Music is composed and designed by Michael Adams Sound Engineering by Victor Mestanza

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Seriocity - Episode 4 - No Rest for the Wicked

Sat, 05 Dec 2015 06:49:52 +0000

Episode 4 – No Rest For the Wicked The gang is in the home stretch in securing the “butt-load of cash” from Regina Thorne when a few unexpected hiccups interrupt their elegant brunch. / That was pretty concise! / Well, their supposed to be, it’s an episode description / Are you showing off to your Supervisor right now? / Shh! Don’t write that! UGH / Heh, suck up / Hush up, Figment. / Okay, I did Not like being called that! Seriocity is: Directed by Keri Safran Created by Beth Stavros, Katie Elsaesser, and David Crowley Music is composed and designed by Michael Adams Sound Engineering by Victor Mestanza

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Seriocity - Episode 3 - Oh Mother Where Art Thou?

Mon, 30 Nov 2015 23:28:53 +0000

Episode 3 – Oh Mother Where Art Thou? KFJ is an astounding human being of tantamount importance- - What are you doing? No, no KFJ Stop it! You are not doing the episode description! - - Look, you can’t narrate ever single piece of this story, so just let take a crack at it! - - No way, you’d probably forget to tell everyone that KFJ is dead, in pieces, and someone just came to the door. - - Hey wait a min- - And you’ll won't mention that it could be the police, and all your friends are scrambling to see who killed you and how they’re going to hide a body in several dismembered sections! - - I would say all that if - - Nope! Too late, I win the description! Point for me, the super awesome Narrator. - - Ew. Get over yourself bro. Seriocity is: Directed by Keri Safran Created by Beth Stavros, Katie Elsaesser, and David Crowley Music is composed and designed by Michael Adams Sound Engineering by Victor Mestanza

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Seriocity - Episode 2 - The Horror!

Fri, 20 Nov 2015 10:13:42 +0000

Episode 2 – The Horror! Caught in the aftershock of KFJ’s brutal murder, Siryna, Sir Ryle, Winsley, and Lionel all try to reason who would do such a thing to their dear friend. Suspicion grows as a late night caller shows up on their doorstep – Ew don’t say it that way! Hey folks KFJ again! – Ughh Dude not again – Seriously “Late night caller,” makes her sound like…a lady of the night…-- Well technically she is a lady in the night – SHE’S JUST A KID! – LET ME DO MY JOB! Eh-hem... Seriocity is Directed by Keri Safran Created by Beth Stavros, Katie Elsaesser, and David Crowley Music is composed and designed by Michael Adams Sound Engineering by Victor Mestanza

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Seriocity - Episode 1 - Pilot

Fri, 13 Nov 2015 15:12:48 +0000

Episode 1 - Pilot Meet KFJ, he is nothing if not an entire sham. Join KFJ and his friends Siryna, Sir Ryle, and Winsley as they ban together to con an old lady out of a -- Butt load of Cash! -- Hey, wait, that's not what -- KFJ here! Can we just clarify that Winsley is my COUSIN and NOT my friend, I mean he's fine, as relatives go, but -- Stop! Don't interrupt my brief description of the plot-- I'm not interrupting I'm helping! -- Hindering! This isn't supposed to be that long! (sigh) Seriocity is Directed by Keri Safran Created by Beth Stavros, Katie Elsaesser, and David Crowley Music is composed and designed by Michael Adams Sound Engineering by Victor Mestanza

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Seriocity Trailer

Sat, 31 Oct 2015 07:16:37 +0000

Everything is going perfectly with KFJ's plan to con an old lady out of an obscene amount of money, until his unexpected and brutal murder. Forced to shack up with the Narrator of his murder mystery, KFJ follows his so-called "friends" in order to solve who stabbed him in the back! Seriocity is Directed by Keri Safran Written by Beth Stavros, Katie Elsaesser, and David Crowley Music is composed and designed by Michael Adams Sound Engineering by Victor Mestanza

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