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Star Trek: Diplomatic Relations

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Creator: Hidden Frontier Productions

Fanfiction, Science fiction Full cast Serial Audio Drama


After Starfleet make first contact or are called in to mediate a dispute or deal with trouble, they usually leave the system at warp speed onto their next mission. Star Trek: Diplomatic Relations picks up where Starfleet leave off and tells the story of members of the United Federation of Planets Diplomatic Corps.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Cast

Genres: Fanfiction, Science fiction

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DR 1.04 - "Détente"

Tue, 26 May 2015 05:00:16 +0000

n. An easing of tension between states.

During a routine shuttle trip that goes disastrously wrong, Ambassador Kingsley, Lyta Brennen and Archduke Vren'Ka Li'Prit, cousin of her Royal Highness Mey'Lii, find themselves forced to rely on each other to survive a hostile area of Tahn'Los. Waiting for the High Curia and the Federation team to organize a rescue, the unlikely trio must survive not only a harsh environment, but the many predators of the night….


DR 1.03 - "Accession"

Sat, 23 May 2015 19:11:16 +0000

n. The procedure by which a nation becomes a party to an agreement already in force between other nations.

Ambassador Kingsley is asked to act as a mediator for the High Curia in its dealings with representatives from several of the older and more traditional families of Tahn’Los, which are still practicing a form of slavery by keeping men as indentured servants. The situation worsens when the Shre’ti-lin’Va announce they have planted bombs at the homes of the families, and will destroy each and every one unless they release all their ‘servants’…


DR 1.02 - "Agrément"

Sat, 23 May 2015 19:08:26 +0000

n. The official approval by a government of a proposed envoy from a foreign government.

After attending a formal party in her honour, Jessica Kingsley reflects on the reason why she was assigned as the Federation Ambassador to Tahn’Los. She remembers her initial visit to the planet and the first time she met several key members of the planetary government, and the difficult situation they faced.


DR 1.01 - "Rapproachment" (Part 2)

Sat, 23 May 2015 19:03:37 +0000

n. The establishment of improved relations.

A recent Federation member planet gets special attention from high ranking Starfleet and Diplomatic Corps personnel. Why does it warrant this high powered interest? What legacy has Ferengi colonization left?


DR 1.01 - "Rapproachment" (Part 1)

Sat, 23 May 2015 19:02:02 +0000

n. The establishment of improved relations.

A recent Federation member planet gets special attention from high ranking Starfleet and Diplomatic Corps personnel. Why does it warrant this high powered interest? What legacy has Ferengi colonization left?