Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

Re-Imagined Radio

72 episodes

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Creator: John F. Barber


Full cast Storytelling Anthology Audio Drama


A program about radio storytelling. Re-Imagined Radio adapts and shares stories via the radio medium that engage your ears. Play out for your mind's eye. And spark your imagination. Our radio storytelling draws from dramas, comedies, oral and aural histories, documentaries, fictions, soundscapes and sonic journeys, radio and sound art. Each story utilizes the fundamental components of radio storytelling: dialogue, sounds for context and/or effect, and music.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Anthology

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Full cast

Narrator: Third Person

Genres: Storytelling, Educational and Philosophical, Old time radio

Framing device: None

Maturity: All audience

Country of origin: International

Completion status: Not applicable

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Retribution and Restitution

Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:56:00 +0000

Retribution and Restitution
Two crime fictions for radio by Cindy Brown

Re-Imagined Radio presents, as our annual tribute to Women's History Month, and as part of our Guest Writer series, two radio stories, both written by Cindy Brown, an actor, director, producer, playwright, and disabilities advocate based in Portland, Oregon. Both of Brown's stories are crime fictions for radio.

Season 13, Episode 03
Released March 17, 2025

Original stories written by Cindy Brown
Produced and Hosted by John F. Barber 
Sound Design, Music, and Post Production by Marc Rose 
Promotional Graphics by Holly Slocum with Evan Leyden
Social Media by Rylan Eisenhauer

Audio file name: rir-retribution-and-restitution.mp3

More information at our website,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

©2025 Re-Imagined Radio. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

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Chaste Kiss & Chrysalis

Mon, 17 Feb 2025 17:04:00 +0000

This episode of Re-Imagined Radio is "Chaste Kiss & Chrysalis." Part of our Guest Producer/Writer Series, it samples two audio dramas by award-winning Canadian writer, producer, and director Jack Jamie Ward.

February is the month of love, and Valentine's Day. Both of Ward's audio dramas are edgy love stories in the style of Golden Age of Radio science fiction.

"A Chaste Kiss Goodbye" considers love between humans and purpose-built companion robots.

Ward's "Chrysalis" is a revisioning of the classic audio drama "The War of the Worlds" as a layered love story, for aliens, humans, and machines.

February 17, 2025 
Season 13, Episode 02

Original stories written by Jack J. Ward 
Produced and Hosted by John F. Barber 
Sound Design, Music, and Post Production by Marc Rose 
Promotional Graphics by Holly Slocum with Evan Leyden
Social Media by Rylan Eisenhauer

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The Lives of Harry Lime

Tue, 21 Jan 2025 00:59:00 +0000

The Lives of Harry Lime

Imaginative crimes and misadventures
Premiere broadcast: 20 January 2025
Season 13, Episode 01

Re-Imagined Radio samples the first and last episodes of The Lives of Harry Lime (syndicated United States broadcasts 1951-1952. Elsewhere titled The Adventures of Harry Lime).

Both episodes star Orson Welles (of "The War of the Worlds" fame) as Harry Lime and the narrator. In "Too Many Crooks" (Episode 01, 3 August 1951) Harry gets mixed up with a bank robbery attempt in Budapest where each member of the gang tries to out-double cross the other. In "Greek Meets Greek" (Episode 52, 25 July 1952) Harry, while in Greece, contends with the measles, a dead body, and a mysterious woman with a gun claiming someone is trying to kill her. Her story, however, does not make sense. From our OTR (Old Time Radio) series.

Written, Produced, and Hosted by John F. Barber
Sound Design, Original Music Production, and Post Production by Marc Rose
Promotional Graphics by Holly Slocum and Evan Leyden
Social Media by Rylan Eisenhauer

More Information
For more information, visit our archival website,

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A Radio Christmas Sampler, Vol. 4

Mon, 16 Dec 2024 21:41:00 +0000

"A Radio Christmas Sampler, Vol. 4"
Re-Imagined Radio
Season 12, Episode 12

Every year since 2013, Re-Imagined Radio has offered some iteration of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens as a community holiday celebration. This year we sample a version from the "Richard Diamond, Private Detective" series, starring Richard Powell. We also sample from "This Is Your FBI" and "It's a Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart. Happy Holidays!

Premier broadcast: December 16, 2024
Curated, Produced, Hosted by John F. Barber
Sound design, Music composition, Post-production by Marc Rose
Graphics by Holly Slocum

File name: rir-radio-christmas-carol-4.mp3

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Night of the Eclipsoid Man, Part 2

Mon, 18 Nov 2024 20:52:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio premiers this two-part cinematic radio story by Jerrel McQuen and Marc Rose. In Part 2, Spencer Knightbridge, transformed by a bizarre lab accident into an "Eclipsoid Man," a negative inverse of himself with incredible telekinetic powers of destruction, discovers how completely he has been betrayed by everyone associated with his life. An episode from our Guest Producer series.

Season 12, Episode 11

Written by Jerrel McQuen
Sound Design, Original Music Composition, and Post Production by Marc Rose
Graphics by Jerrel McQuen and Holly Slocum
Social Media by Rylan Eisenhauer
Produced and Hosted by John F. Barber

Released November 18, 2024

Audio file name: rir-eclipsoid-man-2.mp3

More information at our website,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

©2024 Re-Imagined Radio. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

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Night of the Eclipsoid Man, Part 1

Mon, 21 Oct 2024 21:19:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio premiers this two-part cinematic radio story by Jerrel McQuen and Marc Rose from our Guest Produced series. In Part 1, Spencer Knightbridge is transformed into a quixotic one-man holocaust, bent on avenging horrible wrongs done him while growing up in Quayment's Neon Bowery. In Part 2, Knightbridge discovers that the brutal ghosts of his past have robbed him of all that he hoped to be or love. Will it be Vengeance? Retribution? Or, Epiphany when an atrocity bomb from Quaymet’s ancient past redefines the meaning of fallout?

Written by Jerrel McQuen Sound Design

Original Music Composition, and Post Production by Marc Rose

Promotional Graphics by Jerrel McQuen and Holly Slocum

Produced and Hosted by John F. Barber

Released 21 October 2024

Audio file name: rir-eclipsoid-man-1.mp3

More information at our website,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

©2024 Re-Imagined Radio. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

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Willamette Radio Workshop, Redux

Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:25:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents WRW Retrospective Redux as a memoriam to Sam A. Mowry, who died July 20, 2024, in Portland, Oregon. Mowry, founder and director of Willamette Radio Workshop (WRW), was a leader of the theatrical, voice acting, and audio storytelling communities. We revisit our earlier WRW Retrospective and sample from Mowry's appearances in several Re-Imagined Radio episodes. Mentor. Friend. Sam had a big voice. And a big heart. He is greatly missed.

More information at our website:

Season 12, Episode 09
Written, produced, hosted by John Barber
Sound design, music composition, post-production by Marc Rose
Graphics by Holly Slocum with Sydney Nguyen

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Tue, 20 Aug 2024 14:56:00 +0000

"All we want are the facts, ma'am."

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Dragnet, the real-life police procedural, and Jack Webb, as Detective Sgt. Joe Friday, who defined and was defined by this radio series. We sample from One Out of Seven, The Jack Webb Show, Pat Novak, For Hire, Johnny Madero, Pier 23, and Jeff Regan, Investigator, all pre-Dragnet radio shows where Webb honed his character and acting style. We end with "The City Hall Bombing," an early episode of Dragnet to showcase Webb as a great radio storyteller.

Season 12, Episode 08

Written, produced, hosted by John F. Barber

Sound design, music composition, post-production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum with Sidney Nguyen

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Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:39:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents a radio episode and a radio series with the same name. "Nightfall." The radio episode, "Nightfall," is from Dimension X. The Canadian radio anthology series, Nightfall, offered primarily supernatural and/or horror stories. We sample "The Porch Light." Two stories of psychological terror and darkness.

Written, produced, hosted by John Barber
Sound design, music composition, post-production by Marc Rose
Graphics by Holly Slocum Design

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Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar

Thu, 20 Jun 2024 16:52:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Johnny Dollar, America's fabulous freelance insurance investigator, the man with the action-packed expense account, by sampling from "The McCormick Matter" episode starring Bob Bailey, considered the best of the eight Johnny Dollar actors during the series' fourteen-year run on CBS. "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar," and especially Bailey's portrayal, are considered one of the best detective series heard on radio.

Season 12, Episode 06

Written, Produced, Hosted by John F. Barber
Sound Design, Music Composition, Post Production by Marc Rose

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Escape: Double adventure with Vincent Price

Mon, 20 May 2024 21:20:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio samples two episodes of Escape, "Present Tense" and "Three Skeleton Key," both starring Vincent Price, to celebrate radio's greatest series of high adventure storytelling and an unforgettable voice actor.


Written by John F. Barber

Sound Design, Music Composition, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum with Sydney Nguyen

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Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:43:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio samples from Box 13 and The Damon Runyon Theater, both offered by Paramount movie star Alan Ladd's Mayfair Productions, as syndicated radio programs. Both are significant examples of compelling, immersive radio storytelling.

Each episode of Box 13 stars Ladd as Dan Holiday, a newspaper reporter turned mystery/adventure novel writer who gets ideas for his writing by advertising in the newspaper. "Adventure wanted. Will go any place, do anything." We sample from the first episode, the one where Holiday (Ladd) responds to a letter from a woman needing help confronting her blackmailer of five years.

The Damon Runyon Theater adapts American newspaper and short story writer Damon Runyon's stories to radio. Each episode is set along Broadway, the famous street in New York. We sample from the first episode, "Tobias the Terrible," the one about a meek little man who wants to meet some underworld characters and winds up as one of them!

Season 12, Episode 04

Written, produced, hosted by John Barber

Sound Design, Music Composition, Post-Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum

File name: rir-syndication.mp3

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Radio Women

Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:58:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Women's History Month with a tribute to eight women that made significant and pioneering contributions to radio storytelling. We sample radio storytelling by Lucille Fletcher, Edith Meiser, Ruth Woodman, Mary MacBride, Jean King, Cathy Lewis, Margaret Lynch, and Gracie Allen.

Season 12, Episode 3

Written, Produced, and Hosted by John F. Barber
Sound Design, Music, and Post Production by Marc Rose
Promotional Graphics by Holly Slocum with Sydney Nguyen 

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Gunsmoke Compilation

Mon, 19 Feb 2024 20:49:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Gunsmoke, a defining radio drama in the Western genre, with a compilation of two episodes, "Billy The Kid" and "Young Man with a Gun." Two different young men aspire to be gunslingers. Both meet US Marshall Matt Dillon (William Conrad) in Dodge City, Kansas, late 1870s. One changes his dream. The other lives it, and dies by it as "Billy The Kid."

Two gunslingers. Two classic stories. One new adventure.
19 February 2024
Season 12, Episode 02

Curated, Produced, and Hosted by John F. Barber
Sound Design and Music Composition by Marc Rose
Promotional Graphics by Holly Slocum with Sydney Nguyen


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The Mysterious Traveler

Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:22:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio shares two episodes of The Mysterious Traveler, "The Man the Insects Hated" and "Behind the Locked Door." A double feature. Double the fun. Double the action and suspense. Doubly strange and terrifying. So now we double down. Risk double indemnity. With our first double feature.

Season 12, Episode 01

Premier broadcast: January 22, 2024

File specs: Audio, MP3, stereo, 48.1Hz, 256kbps

Recording name: rir-mysterious-traveler.mp3


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A Radio Christmas Carol 2023

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:36:00 +0000

For the past decade, Re-Imagined Radio has offered "A Radio Christmas Carol," either as live or radio performances, to celebrate the seasonal holidays. For 2023, or 10th Anniversary, we are pleased to welcome the Willamette Radio Workshop, directed by Sam A. Mowry, and The Holly Jolly Singers, directed by Bennett Bailey, for a live performance in Vancouver's historic Kiggins Theatre.

A live holiday performance! 
20 December 2023 
Season 11, Episode 12L

Graphics: Holly Slocum and Sydney Nguyen
Producer: John F. Barber
Sound design and production: Martin J. Gallagher

Recording specs: Audio, MP3, stereo, 44.1Hz, 256kbps 
Recording name: rir-radio-christmas-carol-2023.mp3


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A Radio Christmas Sampler Vol. III

Sun, 17 Dec 2023 17:19:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio samples from "Christmas Dragnet," a comedy record by Stan Freberg, and three radio programs, "The Stockings Were Hung," from The Shadow, December 24, 1939; "Christmas Gift," from The Whistler, December 23, 1951; and "Christmas Story," from Gunsmoke, December 20, 1952, to welcome the holidays and share some cheer.

Season 11, Episode 12R

Premier broadcast: 18 November 2023

Audio file: MP3, stereo, 44.1Hz, 256kbps

File name: rir-radio-christmas-sampler-vol-III.mp3



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Dimension X

Mon, 20 Nov 2023 22:07:00 +0000

Stories in time and space . . . told in future tense

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Dimension X, a pioneering radio science fiction series heard on NBC from April 1950 through September 1951. Neither the earliest nor the most famous of the many science fiction series heard on radio from the 1930s to the 1950s, the legacy of Dimension X looms large. Re-Imagined Radio explores that legacy. First by reviewing radio science fiction programs leading up to Dimension X, and second by listening to "The Outer Limit," the first episode of Dimension X, and perhaps the most often broadcast radio science fiction story.

Premier broadcast: 20 November 2023

File name: rir-dimension-x.mp3

Audio file: MP3, stereo, 44.1Hz, 320kbps




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The War of the Worlds (Live) 2023

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 21:02:00 +0000

Willamette Radio Performs Live
October 20, 2023
Season 11, Episode 11L

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates the 85th anniversary of the most (in)famous radio drama broadcast ever, AND World Audio Drama Day, with a live performance of The War of the Worlds, by Willamette Radio Workshop. Directed by Sam A. Mowry. Following closely the script Orson Welles and The Mercury Theatre on the Air used, October 30, 1938, they destroy the world before your ears.

File name: rir-wow-live-2023.mp3

Audio file: stereo, 44.1Hz, 256kbps



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Mon, 16 Oct 2023 21:06:00 +0000

The demon is loose. The legend is real.
16 October, 2023
Season 11, Episode 10

For Halloween, Re-Imagined Radio presents "Asezhia," by Marc Rose and Jerrel McQuen. An ancient jewel, stolen from a planet of great beauty and dark history, transforms into a hellish denizen with an insatiable hunger for death and blood. Even Emile Song, the telepathic Special Detective from Quaymet, the capitol of a galactic civilization, may be out of his reckoning as he goes up against a skeletal fiend that can vanish in a ruby mist.

File name: rir-asezhia.mp3

Audio file: stereo, 44.1Hz, 256kbps



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9/11 Radio Stories

Mon, 18 Sep 2023 14:50:00 +0000

9/11 Radio Stories
Stories behind the images

Re-Imagined Radio remembers September 11, 2001, when four passenger airplanes were hijacked and turned into weapons. Behind televised images of New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, airline officials, air traffic controllers, and federal agents talked, frantically trying to learn what was happening, and determine how to stop it. Their telephone and radio communications were recorded. We sample them to share stories behind the images of 9/11.

Season 11, Episode 09
Premier broadcast: 18 September 2023

Written, Produced, and Hosted by John F. Barber
Sound Design, Music, and Post Production by Marc Rose, Fuse Audio Design
Promotional Graphics by Holly Slocum Design

File name: rir-9-11-radio-stories.mp3



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I Have a Dream: Stories About the Famous Speech

Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:10:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates the anniversary of the famous "I Have a Dream" speech, by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and considers some stories behind its origins, context, delivery, and reception.

Dr. King delivered this speech August 28, 1963, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Speaking from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. King called for equality. For civil and economic rights for all people. And, for an end to racism in the United States.

Season 11, Episode 08

Premier broadcast: 21 August 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design

File name: rir-i-have-a-dream.mp3




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WRW Retrospective: Two Decades of Radio Storytelling

Mon, 17 Jul 2023 22:20:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents a retrospective listen to Willamette Radio Workshop (WRW). Sam A. Mowry and Marc Rose share some stories about this radio theater/audio drama group based in Portland, Oregon. Mowry founded WRW in 2001 and continues to direct its efforts. Rose has contributed extraordinary sound designs to many WRW performances and productions. From origins to podcasts, with early performances, writing, music, sound design, sound effects, guitars, drama, comedy, experiments, collaborations, and more in between, Sam and Marc reflect on two decades of WRW radio storytelling.

See our website for more information.

Season 11, Episode 07

Premier broadcast: 17 July 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design

File name: rir-wrw-retrospective.mp3



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Coast to Coast

Mon, 19 Jun 2023 21:11:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents four short science fiction radio stories by writer, producer, director, actor Jack J. Ward, of Nova Scotia, Canada. “Galaxy Master vs. The Varn,” “Reservations,” “Alien Invasion Cancelled,” and “Trans-Humanity.”

The title, "Coast to Coast," refers to the fact that Ward, makes his home on the eastern coast of Canada. We're broadcasting and streaming from Vancouver, Washington, on the western coast of the United States. Wherever you are listening, coast to coast, we hope you enjoy this episode.

Season 11, Episode 06

Premier broadcast: 19 June 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design

File name: rir-coast-to-coast.mp3



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The Day the Earth Stood Still

Mon, 15 May 2023 17:15:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio considers the 1954 Lux Radio Theatre adaptation of the 1951 SciFi movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, both starring Michael Rennie. A space alien arrives in Washington, DC, and delivers a warning . . . an ultimatum. Live peacefully or be destroyed by robots of unimaginable power. Beyond science fiction literature themes like space aliens, flying saucers, and robots, this radio story overlays Cold War fear of rockets and nuclear war. The result is powerful, insightful, thought provoking, a fine example of radio storytelling.

Season 11, Episode 05

Premier Broadcast: 15 May 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design

File name: rir-earth-stood-still.mp3





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Proximity Effect

Fri, 14 Apr 2023 21:32:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio considers Edward R. Murrow’s radio reporting of "The Blitz," fifty-seven consecutive days of German air force bombing of London during World War II. His keen observation, vivid verbal descriptions, and attention to sounds provided a sense of what was happening. What could be observed. Radio historian Jeff Porter calls the unmatched immediacy Murrow provided listeners, "the proximity effect" (Porter Lost Sound 90) and says it prompted a new form of radio storytelling. We sample several examples of Murrow's radio storytelling, and its "proximity effect," in this episode.

Season 11, Episode 04

Premier Broadcast: 17 Apr. 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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The Wizard of Oz

Mon, 20 Mar 2023 22:20:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Women's History Month and the work of Judy Garland with this little known radio adaptation of the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz (1939). Garland, 28, the only original cast member, recreates her starring movie role as Dorothy Gale along with a fine cast.

Season 11, Episode 03

Premier Broadcast: 20 Mar. 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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A Mighty Span

Mon, 20 Feb 2023 22:31:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates the opening the Interstate Bridge linking Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, across the Columbia River, 106 years ago, February 14, 1917, with a dramatized radio broadcast based on historical newspaper accounts.

Season 11, Episode 02

Premier broadcast: 20 Feb. 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design



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Short Sound Stories

Mon, 30 Jan 2023 22:39:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents "Short Sound Stories," an anthology of eighteen short stories. Soundscapes, dreamscapes, deep questions, audio drama, radio drama, radio historical highlights, memories, emotional states, loss and redemption, scary stories, uplifting stories, collages, sound poems, and more. Each a unique experience told with vocals, sound effects, field recordings, and music. All created by local, emerging artists.

Season 11, Episode 01

Premier Broadcast: 30 Jan. 2023

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design



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A Radio Christmas Carol 2022

Wed, 21 Dec 2022 21:12:00 +0000

Our first live performance since 2020!  Re-Imagined Radio presents The Willamette Radio Workshop, Portland, OR, performing their radio adaptation of the classic story by Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

Re-Imagined Radio first offered "A Radio Christmas Carol" in 2013. Every year since we've offered some iteration of this classic story. We like to think it has become a community tradition, bringing joy and festivities to the seasonal holidays. This year, we were pleased to welcome back The Willamette Radio Workshop, directed by Sam A. Mowry, and The Holly Jolly Singers, directed by Bennett Bailey, for a live performance in Vancouver's historic Kiggins Theatre. Yes, the holiday magic returns.

Season 10, Episode 12
Premier broadcast: 21 Dec. 2022

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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A Radio Christmas Sampler, Vol. II

Mon, 19 Dec 2022 23:03:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio samples radio holiday programs, including "Red Ryder Nails The Cleveland Kid" from the Jean Shepherd Show, 24 Dec. 1970, "Back for Christmas" from Suspense, 23 Dec. 1943, starring Peter Lorre and "Britt Ponset's Christmas Story" from The Six Shooter, 20 Dec. 1953, starring Jimmy Stewart. The latter is a fine retelling of the classic story by Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

Season 10, Episode 11
Premier broadcast: 19 Dec. 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design



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Hearing Voices

Mon, 21 Nov 2022 21:21:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio partners with the Clark County Historical Museum and samples from their Oral History Collection to share stories about living and working in Southwest Washington. Museum director Bradley Richardson says, "This collection is deep and rich with stories, each told in the voices of those who lived the experiences their stories describe. They are true stories. The dialogue is unscripted, unpolished, and absolutely compelling."

We present three stories. The first, "Living with Chief Joseph," is told by Erskin Wood. In 1893, at the age of 13, he lived with Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce people in the Nespelem Valley, just north of present day Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state. Wood recounts his interesting connection to Chief Joseph, everyday life in his teepee, and his job wrangling the Chief's herd of horses. He tells about the games the young people played, and about the community singing and dancing in which he participated.

The second, "Working the SPS Railroad," is an account by Harry W. Hendricks of his experiences working for the Seattle-Portland-Spokane Railroad, 1950s-1994, during the transition from steam to diesel technologies. Hendricks, a retired conductor, recounts working on the railroad for more than fourty years. He talks about the pleasure of traveling through the Columbia River Gorge several times a week. From his enthusiastic storytelling it's obvious that Hendricks enjoyed every minute of his career with the SPS railroad.

In our third story, "The Russians Arrive," Leverett Richards, a reporter for the Clark County Sun newspaper recalls the surprise landing of a single-engine airplane at Vancouver's Pearson Airfield piloted by three Russian airmen, 20 June 1937. Two days earlier, June 18, the plane took off from an airport outside Moscow, Russia, headed for Oakland, California. The Soviet airplane and its crew, Valery Chkalov, pilot, Georgi Baidukov, relief pilot, and Alexander Belyakov, navigator and radio operator flew non-stop from Moscow, over the North Pole. After 63 hours of flying, and nearly 6,000 miles, low fuel forced them to land in Vancouver, Washington. Their landing marked the first non-stop flight from Moscow, Russia, to the United States by a single engine plane over the North Pole.

Season 10, Episode 10
Premier broadcast: 21 Nov. 2022

Written, Produced, and Hosted by John Barber

Post Production, Sound Design, Music by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Kathy Klaus



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The War of the Worlds: Possible Influences

Mon, 17 Oct 2022 21:33:00 +0000

For the 84th anniversary of the most (in)famous radio story ever Re-Imagined Radio explores earlier experiments with "break in" news announcements as possible influences on Orson Welles's radio adaptation of the 1898 novel by H. G. Wells. Interviews with Welles provide additional insight. Our documentary radio performance style combines art production and scholarship to celebrate The War of the Worlds radio broadcast.

Season 10, Episode 09
Premier broadcast: 17 Oct. 2022

Written, Produced, and Hosted by John Barber

Post Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Kathy Klaus




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Twisted Epiphanies

Mon, 19 Sep 2022 21:44:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents twenty short radio stories written and voiced by folks living in America's Pacific Northwest. Each story features an "epiphany," a sudden, unexpected revelation or insight. Especially with regard to four questions we often ask ourselves: "Who Am I?", "Where Am I Going?", "So What?", and "Why?" The responses are entertaining and insightful. Sometimes uncomfortable. "Twisted" from expectations. Each is an excellent, thought-provoking story about human experience.

Season 10, Episode 08
Premier broadcast: 19 Sep. 2022

Written, Produced, and Hosted by John F. Barber

Post Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Kathy Klaus



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Joe Frank Tribute

Mon, 15 Aug 2022 21:51:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio pays tribute to Joe Frank, a radio storyteller noted for his husky, insomniac voice and sincere delivery of ideas and stories that were often surrealistic, even absurd. From 1978 to 2018, Frank entertained thousands of listeners with his combinations of monologue, radio drama, and talk radio to tell stories about the human experience. He is credited with 250. We sample from "Jewish Blues" (1978), "Memories" (1990), "Green Cadillac" (1993), "Reality Check" (2013), and "A Life Well Lived" (2013) to showcase his work, early to near the end of his career.


Season 10, Episode 07
Premier broadcast: 15 Aug. 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Post Production, Sound Design, Music by Mark Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Kathy Klaus



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Mon, 18 Jul 2022 21:58:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio pays tribute to three uniquely connected radio drama series, The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, and The Challenge of the Yukon. Produced by George Trendle, owner of WXYZ radio, and written by Fran Striker, The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, and The Challenge of the Yukon are each examples of pioneering radio storytelling. Through voices, music, and sound effects we are there as the The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, and Sergeant Preston keep the criminals in check. Each character stands for something, and never backs away from their guiding principles. The larger than life characters, the adventurous plots, even the classical music themes have all contributed to making The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, and The Challenge of the Yukon among the best of all Old Time Radio programs. This Re-Imagined Radio "Lone-Green-Challenge Tribute" honors that legacy.

Season 10, Episode 06
Premier broadcast: 18 July 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Post Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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William Conrad Tribute

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 22:06:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio pays tribute to William Conrad's iconic radio voice which was heard in thousands of supporting roles and literally defined two radio drama series, Escape and Gunsmoke. We sample "The Abominable Snowman" from Escape and "Bloody Hands" from Gunsmoke.

Season 10, Episode 05
Premier broadcast: 20 June 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Post Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Reginal Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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The Fall of the City

Mon, 16 May 2022 22:12:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio paid tribute to The Columbia Workshop, perhaps the most important American anthology radio program, and its mission to explore and present new forms of radio storytelling. The Willamette Radio Workshop performed Archibald MacLeish's "The Fall of the City" which follows the collapse of a city under an unnamed dictator and the ambiguous relationship humans have with freedom. The Voices performed samples from Jack J. Ward's "Great Day for a War" which concerns a scheme by a broadcasting company to increase its viewers during ratings week.

Season 10, Episode 04
Premier broadcast: 16 May 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted my John Barber

Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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Lucille Fletcher Tribute 2022

Mon, 21 Mar 2022 22:21:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio pays tribute to Women's History Month, women in radio, and specifically Lucille Fletcher, a superb female radio storyteller, writer of "The Hitch-Hiker" and "Sorry, Wrong Number." Our re-imagined adaptation of both dramas presented by The Voices proves the appeal and power of radio storytelling to engage listeners' imaginations.

Season 10, Episode 03
Premier broadcast: 18 March 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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Destination Freedom

Mon, 21 Feb 2022 22:29:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio pays tribute to Black History Month, Black American culture, art, and history, and Destination Freedom (1948-1950), a radio series that dramatized the democratic traditions and cultural contributions of Black Americans, and, in the process, provided foothold for the later civil and human rights movements. We sample from original episodes of Destination Freedom to consider W. C. Handy, "The Father of the Blues" and the New Orleans jazz stylings of Louis Armstrong.

Season 10, Episode 02
Premier broadcast: 21 Feb. 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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Figurski at Findhorn on Acid

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 22:35:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents the first ever radio adaptation of the comedic hypertext novel Figurski at Findhorn on Acid by Richard Holeton. Performed by The Voices, our ensemble of voice actors. Special guest appearance by Holeton.

Three larger than life characters, Frank Figurski, The No Hands Cup Flipper, and Fatima Michelle Vieuchanger, converge at Findhorn, Scotland, a small fishing village and home to an intentional community of New Age eccentrics seeking one—perhaps two!—mechancial pigs of incalculable value while stewing in Spam, acid—yes, that acid—and wit-slathered repartee. The result: one epic story. Already legendary. Now a podcast.

Season 10, Episode 01
Premier broadcast: 17 Jan. 2022

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design



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A Radio Christmas Sampler

Mon, 20 Dec 2021 23:27:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents "A Radio Christmas Sampler" featuring selections from Christmas episodes of Suspense, Rocky Fortune, The Damon Runyon Theatre, The Jack Benny Program, Bing Crosby and The Kraft Music Hall, Vic and Sade, and the 2020 recorded performance of "A Radio Christmas Carol" by Metropolitan Performing Arts.

Season 09, Episode 12
Premier Broadcast: 20 Dec. 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Sound Design, Music, Post Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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Candy Matson Tribute

Mon, 15 Nov 2021 23:35:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio pays tribute to Candy Matson, a ground-breaking female investigator anthology series broadcast from KNBC in San Francisco, 1949-1951. Candy Matson is significant because it featured a strong female lead character, San Francisco locations and references, gay and Asian characters, provided a compelling alternative to the popular male detective radio genre, and was the best of the popular female detective programs.

Season 09, Episode 11
Premier Broadcast: 15 Nov. 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Sound Design, Music, Post Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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The War of the Worlds 2021

Mon, 18 Oct 2021 23:40:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates the 83rd anniversary of “The War of the Worlds” original broadcast, and World Audio Drama Day with our re-imagined remake of this classic radio drama. We re-imagined the storyline, adding new content, placing all in present day Vancouver, Washington. We used local landmarks and characters. We introduced new plot twists and perspectives. We incorporated cinematic sound effects and ambiences, all custom created for this episode. And, we introduced "The Voices," our new ensemble of amazing voice actors.

Season 09, Episode 10
Premier Broadcast: 18 Oct. 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Production, Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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Dracula 2021

Mon, 20 Sep 2021 23:50:00 +0000

Our third take on the original man in black! Re-Imagined Radio reprised a 2018 recorded performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington. The earlier recording at the core of this episode has lain dormant . . . buried in a box of dirt. . . waiting. We revived and edited the original recording using arcane galvanic sciences and carefully added additional audio elixirs and presented this new and improved iteration with the intent of sending a skittering up your spine!

Season 09, Episode 09
Premier Broadcast: 20 Sept. 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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Nirvana & Gehenna

Mon, 16 Aug 2021 23:56:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents "Nirvana & Gehenna," an interdimensional documentary written by Jerrel McQuen and produced by three-time Emmy winning sound designer Marc Rose, both of Portland, OR. In their story, The Multiverse is a helix. Five spirals above Earth is the universe that contains the dimension of Dry Smoke, and nine spirals up is the universe that contains Farwan. Professor Thedgar Rhedlington, an eccentric scientist from the Dry Smoke continuum, stumbles upon a way to bridge all three, and thus the birth of Nirvana & Gehenna. Any major event can ripple up and down the helix, and parallel events are born. Sounds mad — but is it? You decide.

Season 09, Episode 08
Premier Broadcast: 16 Aug. 2021

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Written by Jerrel McQuen

Music, Sound Design, Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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Hiro & Liling / The Martian Death March

Tue, 20 Jul 2021 00:03:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents The Willamette Radio Workshop performing two short radio dramas, "Hiro & Liling," a lyrical love story by Kristina Jones, an original performance, and "The Martian Death March,"  an insight into inhumanity, by Ernest Kinoy, an episode from Dimension X and X Minus One. Both are directed by Sam A. Mowry.

Season 09, Episode 07
Premier Broadcast: 19 July 2021

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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X Minus One Tribute

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 00:12:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates X Minus One, the anthology program known for high quality radio adaptations of original science fiction stories. Two episodes are featured, "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury and "The Cave of Night" by James E. Gunn. Both illustrate the high quality stories X Minus One offered radio listeners, as well as the production values used in transforming these stories into radio dramas. For these reasons the popularity of X Minus One continues today.

Season 09, Episode 06
Premier Broadcast: 21 June 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Marc Rose

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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Exuberance Is Beauty

Tue, 18 May 2021 00:20:00 +0000

A story of love and loss in 1940s Oregon. Re-Imagined Radio presents "Exuberance Is Beauty," performed by Illuminus Audio Productions, of Portland, Oregon. Created and produced by Donna Barrow-Green, this radio drama is a contemporary interpretation of Adam and Eve's biblical allegory and Eve's fall into desolation.

The setting is Portland, Oregon, following the end of World War II. A young widow, Eve Miller has not gotten over the loss of her husband Nick. An intense and exciting love affair with Jeff Lambert, a dashing, married, artist has brought passion back into her life. But, both Jeff and Eve must face the consequences of their desires and actions.

Season 09, Episode 05
Premier Broadcast: 17 May 2021

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Martin John Gallagher

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design




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The Immortal Sherlock Holmes

Tue, 11 May 2021 00:34:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio gave a tip of the deerstalker hat to the most famous detective who never lived, but whose enduring legend will never die: Sherlock Holmes. We presented our adaptation of "The Immortal Sherlock Holmes" by William Gillette performed by Metropolitan Performing Arts, of Vancouver, WA. Sherlock Holmes, the most famous of all fictional detectives, uses his amazing powers of deduction to solve mysteries, murders, and other crimes.

Season 09, Episode 04
Premier Broadcast: 10 May 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Desgin, Post Production by Martin John Gallagher

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphic Design by Holly Slocum Design



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Storytelling with Sounds

Tue, 16 Mar 2021 00:46:00 +0000

Sounds spark imaginations, create engaging stories. Re-Imagined Radio explores how sounds, like the storyteller's voice and sound effects, contributed to storytelling throughout human history and provided some interesting listening examples. Storytelling with sounds (the storyteller's voice and other sound effects) sparks our imagination like no other human sensory input, creating a visual world in our mind's eye. This world is believable, full of opportunities for engagement and interactivity.

Season 09, Episode 03
Premier Broadcast: 15 March 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Music, Sound Design, Post Production by Martin John Gallagher

Graphic Design by Holly Slocum Design





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Affairs of the Heart 2021

Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:52:00 +0000

Oh, the things we do for love! Re-Imagined Radio celebrates love, in many forms, just in time for Valentine's Day. We sample from the 2019 live performance by actors from Metropolitan Performing Arts and other community volunteers recorded in Kiggins Theatre, Vancouver, WA. With special appearances by Lonesome Gal whose singing broke many hearts, with happiness.

Season 09, Episode 02
Premier Broadcast: 11 Feb. 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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New Year

Fri, 15 Jan 2021 01:00:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio samples New Year's Eve episodes of The Whistler and Guy Lombardo's New Year's Eve Party to celebrate the start of 2021. January, named for Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings, is noted for New Year's Eve, an opportunity to reflect and celebrate both the previous and upcoming years.

Season 09, Episode 01
Premier broadcast: 14 Jan. 2021

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Post Production by Martin John Gallagher

Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management

Graphics by Holly Slocum Design



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A Radio Christmas Carol 2020

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 15:01:00 +0000

Our community holiday tradition continues. Re-Imagined Radio presents a 2-hour performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors and other community volunteers. We adapt A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens for radio, with a bundle of carols and holiday songs.

Season 08, Episode 03
Premier broadcast: 24 Dec. 2020

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Sound Design, Post Production by Martin John Gallagher

Social Media, Graphics by Holly Slocum




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The Skyjacker

Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:17:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents its third foray into the enduring legend of D.B. Cooper with an original script by Dan Wyatt, Jr. performed by Metropolitan Performing Arts. On Thanksgiving Eve, 1971, Cooper jumped from a hijacked passenger airplane into the dark and stormy night over Southwest Washington. Neither Cooper, nor the ransom money, has ever been found. His hijacking of a Northwest Orient jet airplane remains the only unsolved case of U.S. air piracy. To some, he is a hero. To others, a criminal.

Too big for a single episode, The D.B. Cooper Saga is a trilogy of contemporary radio dramas by Dan Wyatt, Jr. concerning a man known only as "D.B. Cooper" who is, simply put, a legend here in the Pacific Northwest. Right up there with UFOs, Sasquatch, and Mount St. Helens. This is Part 3 of the trilogy.

Season 08, Episode 02
Premier broadcast: 25 Nov, 2020

Written, Directed by Dan Wyatt, Jr.

Produced, Sound Design, Hosted by John Barber

Post Production by Martin John Gallagher

Social Media, Graphics by Holly Slocum Design





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The Maltese Falcon

Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:24:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents Metropolitan Performing Arts performing THE classic hard-boiled private eye novel, written by American writer Dashiell Hammett and originally serialized in Black Mask magazine, beginning with the September 1929 issue. The complete novel was published in 1930 by Alfred A. Knopf, and adapted four times as a motion picture, and a radio drama. Sam Spade, Brigid O'Shaughnessy, Joel Cairo, and Casper Gutman. Hammett brought them to life with his iconic storytelling. We re-imagine the story with just enough noir around the edges.

Season 08, Episode 01
Premier broadcast: 23 Jan. 2020

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Graphics by Barbara Richardson





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In Flight with D.B. Cooper

Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:39:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents its second foray into the enduring legend of D.B. Cooper with an original script by Dan Wyatt, Jr. performed by Metropolitan Performing Arts. Before he parachuted from the back of the low-flying passenger jet into history over Southwest Washington with $200,000 strapped to his body, D. B. Cooper was alone in the economy section. The only person he talked with was Tina Mucklow, a flight attendant aboard Northwest Orient flight 305. Mucklow was twenty-something. Cooper was a middle-aged man with a bomb in a briefcase. What did they talk about? We have some ideas.

Too big for a single episode, The D.B. Cooper Saga is a trilogy of contemporary radio dramas by Dan Wyatt, Jr. concerning a man known only as "D.B. Cooper" who is, simply put, a legend here in the Pacific Northwest. Right up there with UFOs, Sasquatch, and Mount St. Helens. This is Part 2 of the trilogy.

Season 07, Episode 04
Premier broadcast: 27 Nov. 2019

Written by Dan Wyatt, Jr.

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Graphics by Dan Wyatt, Jr.




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Halloween Fright Night

Wed, 30 Oct 2019 15:49:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents a re-mix of horror and fright from radio programs like Lights Out, Quiet, Please!, and Suspense. The result? A delightful shiver of fear up your spine. Live performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.

Season 07, Episode 03
Premier broadcast: 30 Oct. 2019

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber



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SciFi, SciFacts

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 15:57:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio and Metropolitan Performing Arts sample "The Junkyard" by Clifford D. Simak as a frame for presentations by two Washington State University Vancouver scientists, one about alien intelligences, the other about climate change.

Season 07, Episode 02
Premier broadcast: 17 Apr. 2019

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber



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Affairs of the Heart 2019

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 16:27:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents five short radio dramas about love for Valentines Day. Performances by Metropolitan Performing Arts highlight the travails we endure. The stories we tell ourselves. The results we never expect. The things we do for love. Features Lonesome Gal.




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A Radio Christmas Carol 2018

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 18:59:00 +0000

Our community holiday tradition continues as Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.

Season 06, Episode 05
Premier broadcast: 20 Dec. 2018

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber




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Skyjacker '71: The D.B. Cooper Transmissions

Wed, 21 Nov 2018 19:08:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents its first foray into the enduring legend of D.B. Cooper with an original script by Dan Wyatt, Jr. performed by Metropolitan Performing Arts. D. B. Cooper's hijacking of Flight 305, enroute from Portland to Seattle, is the only unsolved air piracy case in America. His exploit is celebrated in movies, television, song, and now, radio. Neither endorsing or condemning Cooper, we explore the many communications between multiple agencies and individuals as they attempted to resolve a tense situation, keep citizens safe and informed, and uphold the law.

Too big for a single episode, The D.B. Cooper Saga is a trilogy of contemporary radio dramas by Dan Wyatt, Jr. concerning a man known only as "D.B. Cooper" who is, simply put, a legend here in the Pacific Northwest. Right up there with UFOs, Sasquatch, and Mount St. Helens. This is Part 1 of the trilogy.

Season 06, Episode 04
Premier broadcast: 21 Nov. 2018

Written by Dan Wyatt, Jr.

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Graphics by Dan Wyatt, Jr.




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The War of the Worlds 2018

Tue, 30 Oct 2018 19:22:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates World Audio Drama Day and the 80th anniversary of the original broadcast of this classic radio drama. We re-imagined the story a bit by placing it in the Vancouver, WA, area, and changing some of the character roles. Otherwise, we remained true this classic tale of alien invasion.

Season 06, Episode 03
Premier broadcast: 30 Oc. 2018

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber



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Dracula 2018

Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:38:00 +0000

For our second take on the original man in black, Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington. Our story is about fear of the unnatural, and how abnormality infects society with discord, misfortunes, and evil. Oh! The blood!

Season 06, Episode 02
Premier broadcast: 26 Sep. 2018

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber




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The Lone Ranger: Origin Stories

Wed, 04 Apr 2018 19:46:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington. We re-imagine The Lone Ranger origin story, that of the powerful white stallion, Silver, and women empowerment on a wagon train bound for the Oregon Territory.

Season 06, Episode 01
Premier broadcast: 4 Apr. 2018

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber




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A Radio Christmas Carol 2017

Wed, 20 Dec 2017 21:34:00 +0000

Our community holiday tradition, begun in 2013, continues. Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Metropolitan Performing Arts actors, the Metropolitan Performing Arts Carolers, The Juleps, and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.

Season 05, Episode 03
Premier broadcast: 20 Dec. 2017

Written, Produced, Hosted by John Barber





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Laugh Your Dial Off

Wed, 27 Sep 2017 21:43:00 +0000

Classic Old Time Radio comedy sketches! Re-Imagined Radio presents Willamette Radio Workshop performing skits from Old Time Radio comedians Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, Abbot and Costello, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, and W.C. Fields at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.

Season 05, Episode 02
Premier broadcast: 27 Sep. 2017



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City of Weird

Wed, 26 Apr 2017 21:51:00 +0000

Short (weird) stories about Portland, Oregon. Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Willamette Radio Workshop actors and other community volunteers of five short, otherworldly dramas, each adapted from City of Weird, an anthology about "Keep It Weird" Portland, Oregon.

Adapted by Cynthia J. McGean

Directed by Sam A. Mowry

Produced, Hosted by John Barber



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A Radio Christmas Carol 2016

Wed, 21 Dec 2016 22:00:00 +0000

Our community holiday tradition, begun in 2013, continues. Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Willamette Radio Workshop actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.

NOTE: Rather than paid admissions, audience members donated non-perishable food items for The Clark County Food Bank. Donations of 763 pounds of food and $325.00 provided 2,228 meals for hungry families in Clark County, Washington.

Season 04, Episode 04
Premier broadcast: 21 Dec. 2016

Directed by Sam A. Mowry

Produced, Hosted by John Barber



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Lucille Fletcher Tribute 2016

Wed, 23 Mar 2016 22:08:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Willamette Radio Workshop actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington, of two radio dramas by Lucille Fletcher—"Sorry, Wrong Number" and "The Hitchiker"—to celebrate her work and Women's History Month.

Season 04, Episode 01
Premier broadcast: 23 Mar. 2016

Directed by Sam A. Mowry

Produced, Hosted by John Barber




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A Radio Christmas Carol 2015

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 22:17:00 +0000

Our community holiday tradition, begun in 2013, continues. Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance of this classic Christmas tale by Willamette Radio Workshop at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.

Season 03, Episode 04
Premier broadcast: 15 Dec. 2015

Directed by Sam A. Mowry

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Graphics by Kate Palermini 





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The Case Files of Dr. Moreau

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:47:00 +0000

Re-Imagined Radio presents a live performance by Willamette Radio Workshop actors and other community volunteers at Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington. Inspired by the 1896 science fiction novel The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells, this radio adaptation by William S. Gregory, Portland playwright, radio dramatist, lyricist, and screenwriter, focuses on a scientist who attempts to convert animals into humans using vivisection. Themes include pain and cruelty, moral responsibility, human identity, and human interference with nature.

Season 03, Episode 01
Premier broadcast: 22 April 2015

Directed by Sam A. Mowry

Produced, Hosted by John Barber

Sound Design, Music, Post Production by Marc Rose




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