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FALLING STAR: A Star Wars D6 RPG Podcast


A West End Games Star Wars D6 RPG podcast. Primary podcasts consist of actual RP sessions, playing out a campaign from inception including discussions of character, plot and theme.





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Falling Star #31 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 4.3 CME Pt. IV

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:45:54 -0300

This Episode Subtitled: Vaguely Racist Hutt Names

After a very long hiatus, GM Jesse makes some time to edit audio.

Please email us at or Visit our Facebook page at or as always, a 5 star rating on itunes and comments will help us spread the word.

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse

Sixten Beexgee - Jason

Jol Aliet - Stephanie 

Rax'ie - Susan

Rhidian Blaze - Ron

Music from home of Star Wars the Musical.

Falling Star #30 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 4.2 CME Pt. III

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 00:03:01 -0300

This episode subtitled, "The Jol Aliet Experience: Are You Experienced"

Please email us at or Visit our Facebook page at or as always, a 5 star rating and comments will help us spread the word.

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse

Sixten Beexgee - Jason

Jol Aliet - Stephanie 

Rax'ie - Susan

Rhidian Blaze - Ron

Music from home of Star Wars the Musical.

Falling Star #29 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 4.2 Coronal Mass Ejection Pt. II

Mon, 15 Jun 2015 22:56:58 -0300

This Episode Subtitled: "The Hutt Locker"

Old friends bring trouble.

Please email us at or Visit our Facebook page at

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse

Sixten Beexgee - Jason

Jol Aliet - Stephanie 

Rax'ie - Susan

Rhidian Blaze - Ron

Music from home of Star Wars the Musical.

Falling Star #28 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 4.1 Coronal Mass Ejection

Fri, 22 May 2015 11:44:54 -0300

This Episode Subtitled: "Everyone Wants to Look at Sixten's Ball"

Temporarily fired from their singing gig, the crew search for direction.... and play a bizarre game of capture the flag. Oh. And Hutt.

Please email us at or Visit our Facebook page at

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse

Sixten Beexgee - Jason

Jol Aliet - Stephanie 

Rax'ie - Susan

Rhidian Blaze - Ron

Just quick note: We had some feed problems, which should hopefully be resolved now. Sorry for our feed-users who didn't see these updates.

Falling Star #27 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 3.3 Penumbra

Fri, 22 May 2015 11:43:29 -0300

This Episode Subtitled: Sixten's Tantrum or The Frogs Strike Back!

Please email us at or Visit our Facebook page at

Congratulations to the winner of our Stat-My-Navy context Corise Lucerne of the Rancor Pit and a big thank you to Casca1967 or SWAGONLINE.NET

Jol Aliet, Imperial Propaganda Singer - Stephanie

Sixten Beexgee, Former Clone Trooper turned Bodyguard -Jason

Rhidian Blaze, Human Manager/Promotor - Ron

Rax'ie, Verpine Technician- Susan

Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Falling Star #26 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 3.2 Filling in the Gaps

Wed, 29 Apr 2015 23:44:00 -0300

After the loss of 5 hours worth of Audio, GM Jesse attempts to fill in plot gaps.

Congratulations to the winner of our Stat-My-Navy context Corise Lucerne of the Rancor Pit and a big thank you to Casca1967 or SWAGONLINE.NET

Jol Aliet, Imperial Propaganda Singer - Stephanie

Sixten Beexgee, Former Clone Trooper turned Bodyguard -Jason

Rhidian Blaze, Human Manager/Promotor - Ron

Rax'ie, Verpine Technician- Susan

Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Falling Star #25: Episode III: Penumbra Part I

Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:37:33 -0400

A new mission of sorts...

This episode subtitled: A Disastrous Idea

If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM, like us on Facebook (search for Falling Star: A Star Wars D6 RPG Podcast) , and leave us feedback on iTunes.

Congratulations to the winner of our Stat-My-Navy context Corise Lucerne of the Rancor Pit and a big thank you to Casca1967 or SWAGONLINE.NET

Jol Aliet, Imperial Propaganda Singer - Stephanie

Sixten Beexgee, Former Clone Trooper turned Bodyguard -Jason

Rhidian Blaze, Human Manager/Promotor - Ron

Rax'ie, Verpine Technician- Susan

Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Referenced in this episode:

Falling Star #24: Episode II: Meridian part 4

Mon, 22 Dec 2014 01:28:50 -0400

Fleeing the planet....

This episode subtitled: Escape from HomeSpike

If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM, like us on Facebook (search for Falling Star: A Star Wars D6 RPG Podcast) , and leave us feedback on iTunes.

Rax'ie, Verpine Technician- Susan

Jol Aliet, Imperial Propaganda Singer - Stephanie

Sixten Beexgee, Former Clone Trooper turned Bodyguard -Jason

Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Referenced in this episode:

Mobquet Medium Cargo Transport:

GR-75 Medium Transport:

BFF Bulk Freighter:


Rax'ie's Cargo loader:

Vulture Droid:,_Mark_I

Falling Star #23: Episode II: Meridian part 3

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:56:11 -0400

New world. New troubles. Things go from bad to worse as someone invited Clone-Wars Era battle droids to the party. 

This episode subtitled: Ragdoll, Living in a Movie

If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM, like us on Facebook, or leave us feedback on iTunes.

Rax'ie, Verpine Technician- Susan,

Jol Aliet, Imperial Propaganda Singer - Stephanie

Sixten Beexgee, Former Clone Trooper turned Bodyguard -Jason

Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Falling Star #22: Episode II: Meridian part 2

Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:29:21 -0400

New world. New troubles. Our heroes try to decide whose side they're on.

If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM or leave us feedback on iTunes.

Rax'ie, Verpine Technician- Susan,

Jol Aliet, Imperial Propaganda Singer - Stephanie,

Sixten Beexgee, Former Clone Trooper turned Bodyguard -Jason

Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Falling Star #21: Episode II: Meridian

Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:57:00 -0300

New world. New troubles.

If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM or leave us feedback on iTunes.

Rax'ie- Susan, Jol Aliet - Stephanie, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Game Master: Jesse Hembroff-Formsma

Falling Star #20: Fan Mail and Rules Questions

Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:46:57 -0300

No new live play this week (I've got about 30 hours of audio I still have to edit, rest assured we've got plenty of that) but I wanted to put something out. Hope to have new episodes up shortly. As always, email us at

Falling Star #19 Episode I: Part 8. Perihelion

Fri, 15 Aug 2014 00:19:58 -0300

This episode is subtitled: “Singing of the Empire (in all the wrong places)” Please feel free to email comments to Apologies to our listeners for the hiatus. I'm a full time student, full time employee and full time parent. Editing audio sometimes has to take a back seat to my non-recreational activities.  This episode is really more of a dénouement than anything. edit: Because numbers are hard. Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #18 Episode I: Part 7. Perihelion

Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:11:58 -0300

This episode is subtitled: "Kicklines of Stormtroopers"

Please feel free to email comments to

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #17 Episode I: Part 6. Perihelion

Mon, 14 Jul 2014 00:58:06 -0300

This episode is subtitled: "Mothers, Fathers and TMI about Clones"

Please feel free to email comments to

If you wish to participate in our Stat-My-Navy contest, either with images or stats, please email submissions to with the subject line: CONTEST or sign up for an account and chat with us over at

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #16 Episode I: Part 5. Perihelion

Sat, 12 Jul 2014 01:47:51 -0300

This episode is subtitled: "Star Wars: The Fandom Menace"

Per fan request, I'm leaving a little more of our prep/side conversation in the recording,

Please feel free to email comments to

If you wish to participate in our Stat-My-Navy contest, either with images or stats, please email submissions to with the subject line: CONTEST or sign up for an account and chat with us over at

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #15 Episode I: Part 4. Perihelion

Wed, 02 Jul 2014 02:04:18 -0300

This episode is subtitled: "Sssssssssssilent Sssssssixten's Sssssssscrewup"

Per fan request, I'm leaving a little more of our prep/side conversation in the recording, (though still trying to edit out the over-loud Labrador doing his impression of an obscene phone call. ).

Please feel free to email comments to

If you wish to participate in our Stat-My-Navy contest, please email submissions to with the subject line: CONTEST or sign up for an account and chat with us over at

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #14 Episode I: Part 3. Perihelion

Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:11:40 -0300

This episode is subtitled: "The Musical Magical Mystery Tour" Per fan request, I'm leaving a little more of our prep/side conversation in the recording, (though still trying to edit out the over-loud Labrador doing his impression of an obscene phone call. ). Please feel free to email comments to If you wish to participate in our Stat-My-Navy contest, please email submissions to with the subject line: CONTEST or sign up for an account and chat with us over at Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #13 Episode I: Part 2. Perihelion

Tue, 17 Jun 2014 01:12:04 -0300

Warning: This episode contains a bit more adult conversation than previous episodes, though nothing that actually warrants an explicit tag.

Part 2 of the first Episode of the main body of our campaign.   This episode is subtitled: The B***** Droid.

Per fan request, I'm leaving a little more of our prep/side conversation in the recording, (though still trying to edit out the over-loud Labrador doing his impression of an obscene phone call. ).

Please feel free to email comments to

If you wish to participate in our Stat-My-Navy contest, please email submissions to with the subject line: CONTEST or sign up for an account and chat with us over at

Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #12 Episode I: Part 1. Perihelion

Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:41:55 -0300

The first Episode of the main body of our campaign.   This episode is subtitled: A Rocky Start. Per fan request, I'm leaving a little more of our prep/side conversation in the recording, (though still trying to edit out the over-loud Labrador doing his impression of an obscene phone call. ). Please feel free to email comments to If you wish to participate in our Stat-My-Navy contest, please email submissions to with the subject line: CONTEST or sign up for an account and chat with us over at Cast: Gamemaster- Jesse, Sixten Beexgee - Jason, Jol Aliet - Stephanie

Falling Star #11 Mailbagish

Tue, 27 May 2014 00:54:12 -0300

Sorry folks. No new play session this week, just a mailbag episode. We'll get a play session in a week or two, and hopefully get the rest of our episodes fairly regularly. Our issue has been partially one of scheduling and partially one of casting. Until then, I answer a few of the questions that have been sent my way the last few weeks.

Falling Star #9 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode -1.4 Dark Summoning

Mon, 05 May 2014 01:04:37 -0300

Our second/third recording session, also part of the Falling Star story. This is part 4 of Dark Summoning. Here we learn of Xhaen Ev, Loda Tubik, Dewl Sonta and Zhenkak as they flee from Lord Vader's attempts to exterminate the last of the Jedi Knights. Falling Star is a Star Wars campaign that takes place during the years leading up to the events of Star Wars: A New Hope. This particular episode takes place approximately 12 years after the execution of Order 66 and the extermination of most of the Jedi. If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM or leave us feedback on iTunes. Dewl Sonta - Jason, Loda Tubik - Stephanie, Game Master- Jesse

Falling Star #8 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode -1.3 Dark Summoning

Mon, 28 Apr 2014 01:25:29 -0300

Our second recording session, with a new one-shot, also part of the Falling Star story. Another prequel this is part 3. Here we learn of Xhaen Ev, Loda Tubik, Dewl Sonta and Zhenkak as they flee from Lord Vader's attempts to exterminate the last of the Jedi Knights.

Falling Star is a Star Wars campaign that takes place during the years leading up to the events of Star Wars: A New Hope. This particular episode takes place approximately 12 years after the execution of Order 66 and the extermination of most of the Jedi.

If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM or leave us feedback on iTunes.

Dewl Sonta - Jason, Loda Tubik - Stephanie, Zhenkak - Dave & Henry, Game Master- Jesse

Falling Star #7 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode -1.2 Dark Summoning

Sun, 20 Apr 2014 23:26:12 -0300

Our second recording session, with a new one-shot, also part of the Falling Star story. Another prequel this is part 2. Here we learn of Xhaen Ev, Loda Tubik, Dewl Sonta and Zhenkak as they flee from Lord Vader's attempts to exterminate the last of the Jedi Knights. Falling Star is a Star Wars campaign that takes place during the years leading up to the events of Star Wars: A New Hope. This particular episode takes place approximately 12 years after the execution of Order 66 and the extermination of most of the Jedi. If you would like to contact us, please email SWFALLINGSTAR@GMAIL.COM or leave us feedback on iTunes. Dewl Sonta - Jason, Loda Tubik - Stephanie, Zhenkak - Dave + Henry, Game Master- Jesse

Falling Star #6 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode -1.1 Dark Summoning

Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:45:59 -0300

Our second recording session, with a new one-shot, also part of the Falling Star story. Another prequel. Here we learn of Xhaen Ev, Loda Tubik, Dewl Sonta and Zhenkak as they flee from Lord Vader's attempts to exterminate the last of the Jedi Knights. Dewl Sonta - Jason, Loda Tubik - Stephanie, Zhenkak - Dave + Henry, Game Master- Jesse

Falling Star #5 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 0.3 Past Prologue

Sun, 06 Apr 2014 01:01:14 -0300

The Finale of Episode 0. Things look bad for our 'heroes'  --Will they survive? Will they escape? Will they sell Gael up the river? Tune in to find out! Game Master - Jesse, Koyou Oknar - Stephanie, Gael Aliet - Jason

Falling Star #4 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 0.2 Past Prologue

Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:01:50 -0300

We pick up Part 2 of Episode 0 right where we left off,  so far everything has been a walk in the park for Koyou, Brel and Gael. Of course, that's usually when everything blows up in your face! Game Master - Jesse, Koyou Oknar - Stephanie, Gael Aliet - Jason

Falling Star #3 Star Wars D6 RPG: Episode 0.1 Past Prologue

Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:52:40 -0300

Part 1 of  our actual play sessions. Today we meet our first two players and start setting up the beginnings of the universe we will play in. Game Master - Jesse, Koyou Oknar - Stephanie, Gael Aliet - Jason

Falling Star #2 Star Wars D6 RPG: Building a Starring Character

Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:33:50 -0300

This is the second of our introductory or bonus episodes. Here, Stephanie and I discuss the development of one of our PCs. Since character relationships will be critical to this campaign, I felt it necessary to hammer out some details of the characters in a recorded format so that people can see a little bit of what's going on behind the scenes. Our actual play sessions Start with Podcast #3

Falling Star #1 Star Wars D6 RPG: Gaming Philosophy

Sun, 23 Mar 2014 19:24:07 -0300

This is our first episode where I discuss what makes a Roleplaying Session "Star Warsy," and discuss some of my pet peeves when it comes to bad storytelling, bad GM'ing and get into the meat of what makes a good Star Wars story.  Our actual play sessions will start with Falling Star #3, but  this will give those who are interested a bit of a peek behind the curtain.