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Girl Genius Radio Theatre – Critical Press Media

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Creator: Girl Genius Radio Theatre – Critical Press Media


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Revenge of the Weasel Queen part 3

Thu, 19 Sep 2013 08:15:01 +0000

In this episode of Revenge of the Weasel Queen, the climactic confrontation between the forces of good and a warren of giant killer bunnies loyal only to the Weasel Queen threatens all of reality as we know it. It’s a good thing Agatha’s got a secret weapon up her sleeve! Not to be confused with … Continue reading Revenge of the Weasel Queen part 3

Revenge of the Weasel Queen part 2

Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:09:33 +0000

In this episode of Revenge of the Weasel Queen, Agatha and team improvise some emergency disguises and come up with a daring plan to rescue Othar from the warren of giant killer bunnies that stand in their way. Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The … Continue reading Revenge of the Weasel Queen part 2

Revenge of the Weasel Queen part 1

Thu, 05 Sep 2013 08:06:19 +0000

In this episode of Revenge of the Weasel Queen, Othar Trygvassen journeys to rescue a small hamlet from the infamous Weasel Queen. Of course he can’t do without his spunky girl sidekick! Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material has … Continue reading Revenge of the Weasel Queen part 1

Deathwish Dupree part 3

Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:01:29 +0000

In this episode of Deathwish Dupree, Agatha decides she likes the life of a Pirate Queen and launches herself tail over toolbelt into Deathwish Dupree’s engine room. A little tinkering and few random static discharges later…. Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius … Continue reading Deathwish Dupree part 3

Deathwish Dupree part 2

Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:57:39 +0000

In this episode of Deathwish Dupree, Othar and Zeetha hire an airship of their own in hot pursuit of Deathwish Dupree. But when they finally catch up, it may be Agatha riding to their rescue…. Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio … Continue reading Deathwish Dupree part 2

Deathwish Dupree part 1

Thu, 15 Aug 2013 08:53:14 +0000

In this episode of Deathwish Dupree, Agatha and company confront the author of the Agatha Heterodyne novels. While sorting things out, Agatha is kidnapped by the infamous Deathwish Dupree. Let’s hope she gets placed on Pirate Captive Plan B! Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. … Continue reading Deathwish Dupree part 1

The Sleepy Clank part 3

Thu, 08 Aug 2013 08:49:26 +0000

In this episode of The Sleepy Clank, the true purpose of the mysterious clank makes itself know. But there may be a little problem with its logic circuits…. Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material has been floating around fandom … Continue reading The Sleepy Clank part 3

The Sleepy Clank part 2

Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:27:03 +0000

In this episode of The Sleepy Clank, Agatha and company try to puzzle out the purpose of a mysterious clank while Othar Trygvassen assures them he is a Gentleman first and Adventurer second. It says so on his card! Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. … Continue reading The Sleepy Clank part 2

The Sleepy Clank part 1

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:23:00 +0000

In this episode of The Sleepy Clank, Agatha attempts to catch forty well-deserved winks in the wake of a hard day of hero-ing. But it seems the Jager’s may have other ideas … Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material … Continue reading The Sleepy Clank part 1

Minor Heroes part 3

Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:14:44 +0000

In this episode of Minor Heroes, Agatha and company assault Othar’s shrinking machine. Hope he remembers to tell them about the booby traps! Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material has been floating around fandom for some years, but has … Continue reading Minor Heroes part 3

Minor Heroes part 2

Fri, 12 Jul 2013 02:12:11 +0000

In this episode of Minor Heroes, we discover the author of our plight to be none other than Othar Trygvassen, Gentleman Adventurer. How will Agatha and company cross the vast gulf to Othar’s shrinking machine? Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio … Continue reading Minor Heroes part 2

Minor Heroes part 1

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 18:21:59 +0000

In this episode of Minor Heroes, Agatha, Zeetha, and Krosp awaken in the Fortress of Blue Mice to find their problems are a little … larger … than they were yesterday. Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha. The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material has been … Continue reading Minor Heroes part 1

Recorded Live!

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 04:12:04 +0000

The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material has been floating around fandom for some years, but has become increasingly difficult to find. Under the terms of the Studio Foglio fansite guidelines and using a Creative Commons license, I am excited to provide a mirror site for this material. I plan to post a new episode into … Continue reading Recorded Live!