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Pawn, Book 3 of The Turner Chronicles

30 episodes

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Creator: Mark Eller

Audio Book


In Betrayed, Aaron Turner defied politicians, defeated child slavers, and saved an entire people from exploitation by Isabella, his adopted country. Now, ten years later, he and Isabella have parted ways. Aaron has moved across the ocean to Jutland, intending to run a men’s clothing store in the small city of Galesword. Unfortunately, his lawyer and the One God have other plans. An emperor covets him. Heads of governments abhor him. Assassins and slavers and pirates want him dead. A lot to handle for a slightly built man with a Talent Stone and a growing dependency on wine, but Aaron is up to the challenge. Until his Stone is lost, his daughter is kidnapped, and the emperor reveals his plans.

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Pawn - 30

Mon, 28 May 2012 06:20:08 +0000

The final chapter where some ends get wound up, some things continue to the next book, and Aaron accepts his role as emperor of Chin.

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Pawn - 29

Wed, 23 May 2012 17:40:31 +0000

In this episode Helmet's body is sent on its way just before Clack voiced his opinion to Aaron, along with a challenge to duel. Zisst falls apart while finally displaying its complete and true nature. Because the Clack issue is very close to Kim's heart, she steps in and takes over, much to everyone's chagrin.

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Pawn - 28

Wed, 23 May 2012 17:30:37 +0000

In this episode Aaron and crew overhear some interesting talk among those who want Aaron dead. Later, Aaron has his own interesting talk, a last talk, with Helmet Klein, the former emperor of Chin. Oh yeah, Aaron and Melna share a kiss in front of...well...everybody.

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Pawn - 27

Wed, 23 May 2012 17:14:08 +0000

In this episode we get to visit the Flintlow residence where David Flintlow deals with an unhappy wife after Jerry returns home, much the worse for wear. Aaron, tussels with his reluctance to rule, meets a god, and makes a decision. Back at the Flintlows, David discovers his remaining family is not so much under his thumb as he thought.

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Pawn - 26

Wed, 23 May 2012 17:05:14 +0000

In this episode Jerry Flintlow goes for a ride to Londonary, bringing Vel, a couple bottles of wine, and a bag of money with him.  While in Londonary he meets the conspiritors and also a fellow by the name of Aaron Turner. Neither meeting goes well for at least some people. Meanwhile, in the cave, Autumn gets a religious lesson from Seeker not long before Swiftstrike has an unwelcome visitor of her own.

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Pawn - 25

Wed, 23 May 2012 16:54:48 +0000

In this episode Autumn gets company in her cave. Meanwhile, back at the manor, Aaron reads an interesting letter which sends him to Londonary on a hunt for his daughter.

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Pawn - 24

Wed, 23 May 2012 16:43:54 +0000

In this episode Melna cleans up, has an unexpected but welcome visitor, and goes to dinner with the emperor and then entire Chin contingent.  While there, Kline gives her something of a shock.

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Pawn - 23

Wed, 02 May 2012 18:43:01 +0000

David and Jerry Flintlow agree that the kidnappers must die so no connection exists leading to them. They also agree that in order to cool the investigation into their bank, Amel, Jerry’s sister and David’s daughter, must die after writing a confession. Jerry will do the killing. Meanwhile, Julia Tremont, a child and friend of Autumn, brings Aarons pet, Zisst, back to the manor. Along with Zisst she brings news of an overheard conversation which may indicate Autumn was taken to a different city by disgruntled taxi drivers who had been put out of business by Aaron’s runabouts. Most of the adults are doubtful, but Kim leaves to investigate. That night Missy comes to Aaron’s room, offering herself to him. Though tempted, Aaron turns the offer down, but not until after they do a bit of personal stuff. Missy is not upset. Instead, she asks Aaron what the difference is between what he just did, and what Melna did earlier with Clack and Johnston.

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Pawn - 22

Wed, 02 May 2012 18:39:38 +0000

At the conference, Melna discovers Aaron spent a fortune on clothes and jewelry for her. When attending the conference, Melna sits with Klein, and near Bill Clack. Conference over, Clack confronts her, offering threats. Afterward, Aybarra informs Melna Klein wants to speak to her over dinner. Back in her rooms, Melna gets unwelcome visitors who also make threats. When one of them tries to steal some of the jewelry, her fingers are sliced off by one of the two guards Aaron sent along with Melna. Pulling a gun, Melna chases the others out of the room after making them collect the dismembered fingers.

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Pawn - 21

Wed, 02 May 2012 18:36:28 +0000

The hunt continues. Aaron is in angry mode. He informs Melna that he will be sending her back to Chin to act as his representative at the conference. Missy, using her empathic Talent, pulls Kim to her and begins Kims healing from her years of emotional and physical abuse. Meanwhile the Flintlow household is in turmoil as David Flintlow takes his wife and children to task for the clumsy kidnapping and the resultant turmoil. His wife, Gwenn, and his son, Jerry, plot against David. Meanwhile Autumn, now entrapped and chained within a cave, encounters her main guard, an assassin named Swiftstrike. Outside the cave the kidnappers make plans of their own that go against the Flintlows original orders. They write their own ransom note. Back in Aaron’s manor Aaron sends Melna back to the convention, also sending with her several items he purchased to increase her standing. They acknowledge they do not love one another, but they do share a goodbye kiss.

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Pawn - 20

Wed, 02 May 2012 18:32:11 +0000

Aaron and crew return to Jutland to discover chaos in his home. Many of his servants have been murdered. Autumn is kidnapped and Harvest Patton is gravely injured. Following orders, Aaron shuts down his runabout factory, but he also sets events in motion by hiring detectives and paying the local guard overtime to chase down clues. His factory workers hit the streets, closing in on the Flintlows but finding and proving nothing. Meanwhile, with her abductors, Autumn schemes, using every bit of her uncooperative precognitive Talent. When the kidnappers bicker, she throws in the exact right comment at the exact right time.

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Pawn - 19

Wed, 02 May 2012 18:28:47 +0000

Aaron explains the reasons for his duel. He and Melna attend the conference, where he is put on the spot by Helmet Klein. Melna discovers her Talent for languages. After the conference Aaron and Melna have a run in with Bill Clack who is still wearing bandages from his encounter with Melna. Melna and Missy force/coerce Aaron to take them bird hunting. Upon returning they discover a very unhappy Kim.  They prepare for teleporting to Jutland in the morning.

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Pawn - 18

Tue, 01 May 2012 21:00:00 +0000

An angry Missy arrives. Melna learns of the duel, and Aaron regains himself.

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Pawn - 17

Tue, 01 May 2012 20:04:01 +0000

Aaron finally meets Helmet Klein, who happens to be paralized from the neck down. Helmet explains what he wants from Aaron. Aaron explains that he can't deliver, and leaves, feeling uncomfortable because he knows Klein always has multiple plans. Accepting food and drink from a Chin, Aaon become just drunk enough to challenge Johnston, one of the men who accosted Melna. They duel, both are injured, Johnston more seriously.

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Pawn - 16

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:56:20 +0000

Kim finds Aaron's food is poisoned and goes hunting. Melna tries her hand at spying on the Chins and fails miserably. She is almost raped and killed, saved only by Samual Aybarra, a character from book one. Melna exacts revenge on Bill Clack, breaking his nose, and then learns everything she had been seeking by simply asking Aybarra. Things do not go well when she tells the tale to Aaron and Kim. They both figure out she was, at first, a willing participant.

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Pawn - 15

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:49:59 +0000

Melna and Aaron have a heart to heart talk after which they finally consumate their marriage. Kim latches onto Aaron, becoming his shadow. Ariving at the conference, Aaron shows his temper by having the Nefran contingent ousted from their rooms. Melna learns Aaron is rich and influential.

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Pawn - 14

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:42:16 +0000

Aaron discovers Hal Linley will be traveling with the same caravan as Aaron. He later has lunch with Melna's siblings, finding he dislikes them just as much as they dislike him. While traveling witht the caravan Hal Linley invites Aaron to go hunting so they can have time to talk. While hunting they run across a group of enslaved people. Aaron intervenes, killing several people, including a man who is raping a young girl who is bound. The woman is an assassin who was kicked out of the guild and soon to be murdered. This woman is Kim.

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Pawn - 13

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:28:25 +0000

Aaron wakes to discover a stranger in his room. They fight. At first Aaron holds his own, but soon begins losing. When things look hopeless the stranger is struck from behind by Melna who has climbed in throgh the window. They discover the attacker is an assassin. Kicked out of his inn, Aaron spends the night in Melna's room. In the morning he is woken by Melna's father who is holding a sword on him. Aaron and Melna are forced to marry, something neither of them want. After retrieving his gun, Aaron expresses his displeasure.

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Pawn - 12

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:21:35 +0000

Now ashore, Aaron must face the fact that he has become a drunken coward. Vowing never again, he fights a lonely battle against alcohol. He later meets a young woman named Melna Linley who wants a pair of Aaron's pants. She admires the zipper and wants to use it to create a new clothing line. Inadvertantly, Aaron winds up on a date with her, finding her attractive and fun but far too eager for his tastes. She creates no romantic interest in him.

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Pawn - 11

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:14:32 +0000

Desperate, Aaron tries convincing Captain Hardesty to turn the ship around and head back to Jutland so he can replace his Talent Stone. Failing, feeling desperate, he begins practicing his self-defence, both unarmed and armed. The crew finds this strange. The Little Lady is attacked by two pirate ships. During the brief exchange, before navy ship intervene, crew members are killed. Aaron does not shine. His mood hits a new low.

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Pawn - 10

Tue, 01 May 2012 19:06:22 +0000

We are introduced to Melna Linley, a young man-hungry and headstrong woman, daughter of a merchant industrialist who is intent on marrying her off soon. For her part, Melna does not approve of her father's choices. They are too old and have too many wives. We next move to Kim, a younger woman of seventeen who is anything but hungry for a man. In fact, almost every emotion except cold fury and hate have been burned out of her by the assassin's guild. She has been in their care for the last seven years, placed there by her father.

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Pawn - 09

Tue, 01 May 2012 18:56:03 +0000

Aaron boards ship, the Little Lady, settles in with the crew. and is treated to a tall tale spun by Crusty Bill. Days later, during a blow which has him leaning over the ship's rail, he takes a spill and is injured. Without knowing the consequences, the crew remove the pouch containing Aaron's Talent Stone from around Aaron's neck. The Stone is ruined and Aaron is stuck.

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Pawn - 08

Tue, 01 May 2012 18:46:41 +0000

Aaron takes Autumn out to see her very first play. When leaving the theater, they discover their runabouts have been stolen. It takes longer then normal to find a cab and when they do the driver refuses to transport Aaron. Later, after teleporting to the Nightman's Arms, Aaron gets in a poker game with Fitzbeth and Hardesty, the captain of the ship he will be traveling on. Back in Jutland, Patton agrees to remain with Autumn as her protector. He insists Aaron has one more lesson in self defence. Missy, Patton, and Aaron hit the mats where Aaron gets the crap kicked out of him by Missy due to his hesitation to fight a woman. Disgusted, Missy chases Patton away, strips to her waist to distract Aarn, then kicks him around the mat until Aaron has to fight back. During the struggle the make-up Aaron uses to hide the mark of Heralda's kiss is smudged. Missy is intrigued and askes if he is the Chosen one Heralda has mentioned in her sermons. Aaron lies.

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Pawn - 07

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:56:46 +0000

Aaron reads Kit's letter, learning she is living a lie by getting married a second time. Major Fitzbeth attempts convincing Aaron his presence is needed at the Chin conference, explaining that it is known Aaron and Klein are connected, that Aaron is somehow involved with Isabella's scientific surge, and that Aaron is somehow connected with the cult of the One God. She tries to play against Aaron's guilt. Later, Aaron arranges to hire caretakers for Autum, and then, when drunk, he teleports to Isabella and gets very personal with Amanda, who is very much trying to get pregnant with Aaron's child.Back in Jutland, a drunk Missy begs Aaron to help Fitzbeth, to once again become the hero she remembers. The next day troubles arise with Autumn. When Missy comes down to breakfast, hung over, Aaron wonders if he looks as bad when he's been drinking, something he does far too often.

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Pawn - 06

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:45:51 +0000

With the factory running smooth, production up, and everything looking perfect, Missy confronts Aaron about his need to expand. Aaron agrees, but first he is going to throw a carnival for his employees and the town. Later, at the carnival, a forward woman named Vel dogs his heels, eventually leading to her accusing him of molesting her. This leads to Aaron being challenged to a duel by Jerry Flintlow. Aaron declines the honor, is informed he cannot, but then Jerry withdraws his challenge after a flame-haired young girl informs Jerry that Aaon once killed a Talent Master. The girl is a recent arrival to Jutland. She arrived with a Major seeking Aaron, saying his presence is needed for the Chin conference. The girl, it turns out, is a young miss named Autumn Turner. Kit shipped her to Aaron because Autumn had become too much to handle. Aaron orders Missy and Jeffries to step up their efforts against the First National Bank. It has suddenly become personal when his life is threatened.

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Pawn - 05

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:35:35 +0000

While grilling Amel Bearden of the First Nation Bank about his missing funds, Missy Bayne and Jeffries arrive, demanding to see those same racords. Aaron moves on to his factory, giving orders to help set things right. Back at the manor it becomes even more apparent Missy holds a very personal grudge. We then take a trip to Nefra where Maldane, Nefra's tyrant, has a very pointed conversation about the Aaron Turner and Helmet Klein problem. Shifting over to the Flintlow household, where Amel Bearden resides, we get to see exactly how disfunctional disfunctual can become.

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Pawn - 04

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:25:20 +0000

After digging up some money Aaron begins his physical training with his bodyguard, during which time the mystery of who broke into his apartment and spiked his wine is explained. After hearing bad news concerning Last Chance, the home of his heart, he once again drinks too much. Back in Jutland, Aaron uses one of his factory's runabouts to chase down a new bank where he can deposit the silver he dug up.

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Pawn - 03

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:16:38 +0000

Aaron meets an old friend who appears to be rather ticked off at him. Later her reads the newspaper, learning of an international conference soon to be held to adress Helmet Klein and the Chin problem. When he goes to confer with Amanda later he learns that no good deed goes unpunished. Candy tossed into a wagon years earlier has saddled him with an unwanted bodyguard.

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Pawn - 02

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:08:57 +0000

Aaron inspects the factory he did not know he owned only to discover chaos. New equipment has been installed. A new product has been designed, but nobody knows how to build it or how to use it. Because of this, the workers all fear for their jobs. Aaron vows to make things right for them, but problems ensue when he discovers the account set up for him is empty. He can't meet payroll. Teleporting to Isabella, he confronts Amanda on why she set him up in a dilapidated mansion and a bankrupt business.

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Pawn - 01

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 15:57:51 +0000

Leaving Isabella, Aaron Turner arrives in Jutland expecting to find a small cottage and a small business waiting for him. He wants to leave politics and notoriety behind. He wants to be a normal person living a normal life. Unfortunately, Amanda Bivins, hil lawyer, has other plans for him because nothing Aaron finds upon arrival is what he expected.

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