A Moment In Time
17 episodes
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Creator: Eric (Erk) Brook
Solo Slice of life Serial Audio Book
Dateline: Sydney. Thursday April 01, 2010 For many people, it is the day before a 4 day long weekend because of Easter. However, for a group of Sydney women doing extraordinary jobs, it is a regular day. A Moment In Time follows these women as they go about their work in traditional male roles. The women are all aiming to do the best that they can to get through each day regardless of what Sydney throws at them. Their aim is to be able to go home at the end of their shift, alive. Most people take for granted that they will go home alive at the end of the day. But for these women, lots of training, teamwork, dedication and a little bit of luck is needed. Written by Eric Brook (aka Erk from Channel Erk Podcasts), this is his first novel. You might know him better from the online world and podcasting. This book is partly based on his experiences working on the Sydney railway system, as a volunteer in an Emergency Service organisation and as a life long Sydney resident. The book is entirely set on Thursday 01 April 2010. Following each character through the city of Sydney, incidents and their lives interconnect through the story. A Moment In Time was almost entirely written on an iPhone using an application called My Writing Nook.
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Scripted
Voices: Solo
Genres: Slice of life
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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 05:32:55 +0000
Steve has had an epic struggle. Everyone who has seen him is very surprised that he is still alive. They have not written him off as a lost cause but he has defied the odds and is not dead. However, he has a lot a fighting to do with a long road of recovery ahead of him. His first goal (if he was able to think logically about it) is to last the night, hour by hour. If he does not hold on, the hard and dirty work of many would have been for nothing.
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 05:21:08 +0000
Paramedic Natalie is having a bad day. In her eyes, she is doing her job to the best of her ability. She is getting to the calls quickly and treating the patient, often in difficult circumstances. Her boss does not agree. He thinks that her high powered rapid response motorcycle is spending more time on its kickstand than what it is under lights and sirens. With the day that she has had, the end of the shift is not going to be pretty. At least she has a date with 2 overseas paramedics to look forward to at the end of the shift!
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 05:04:35 +0000
It has been a long day for Sydney train driver Judy. She is only halfway through her shift and already she has prepared her train for service and driven up until the last possible moment of her meal break. Arriving at Central station, she has sufferred a train driver's worst nightmare. After dealing with a series of people that she would not feed, Judy has to make her own arrangements to get home. The gloves are off for this normally calm driver.
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 04:53:44 +0000
Police Officers Nicole, Leila & Caroline haven't had enough fun for the afternoon - they want more! Cruising around Sydney's Chinatown district, Leila is hungry for Chinese as well as some action. The two experienced officers want to ensure that rookie cop Caroline has a great first day but they also want to make sure she doesn't end the day as another case for the CSI team.
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 04:44:23 +0000
After a slow start, Station Officer Renee and Rescue Operator Katrina are winding down at the fire station after a difficult rescue. Now off the clock, the two women can take their time and have a long hot shower. Katrina's day isn't over yet, Natalie has invited her out for a drink to meet a couple of overseas paramedics who are visiting Sydney.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 08:58:20 +0000
In this chapter, Paramedic Natalie needs another pair of hands in a confined space. Looking at the emergency workers on the scene, Natalie could only see one solution. This would mean teamwork with a person that she did not know. At that stage though, Natalie could not be choosy. What was she doing there, anyway? Isn't her job to get there as quick as possible, start treatment and then move on to the next job when the crew arrives?
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 08:45:05 +0000
Rescue Operator Katrina to put her recent training into action. While the rescue training was extensive, it could not cover every scenario. This scenario was very real. It was going to be a difficult rescue and Paramedic Natalie has just made it that little bit harder, dirtier, smeller and cramped for Katrina by requesting her pair of hands, specifically.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 08:32:45 +0000
Police Officer Caroline has been awaiting this moment for months. She is working her first shift as a fully trained Police Officer and along with her partners Leila & Nicole, she is speeding towards Central railway station. It is the start of the afternoon rush hour and everyone wants to go home. Somehow though, if you add some action to the mix, some people are happy to stand around and get in the way of everyone.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 08:16:18 +0000
Judy has been driving her Sydney train for a few hours now and is coming up to the train where she is required to have her meal break. She is eagerly awaiting her arrival at Central station then she can go for a walk and eat. The trip has been smooth so far and once the train gets to Central, it is not Judy's problem any more as another driver will take the train over. She has passed through Central many times before - what could possibly go wrong?
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 07:50:46 +0000
It's a sunny afternoon in Sydney but for Emergency Department doctor Lisa, she has no idea what the outside world is like. This afternoon, her world is filled up with fixing people who have been injured or are acutely ill. Moving from patient to patient, Lisa finds herself grativating towards one cubicle in particular. Questioning her morals but not her ability, Lisa is wondering why she is doing what she is doing.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 07:34:28 +0000
Natalie is a motorcycle rider who does not care about the stopped traffic, speed limits or red traffic lights. If you are in severe pain after an injury or an accident, you could do a lot worse than to have paramedic Natalie and her fast motorcycle speeding to come to you. It is a nice day in Sydney for a motorcycle ride and Natalie is certainly getting into some Thursday afternoon action!
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 07:18:24 +0000
Katrina is waiting at the fire station and hears the noise that she has been waiting hours for - an alarm for her. She finally has a job. This is no ordinary job that she will not remember next week. She will remember this dirty, dark, smelly and confined spaces job for the rest of her career. The eyes of Sydney's travelling public will be watching her every move as they want to go home. Will Katrina be able to cope with the pressure? Will Station Officer Renee be able to guide rookie Rescue Operator Katrina through the incident so Katrina is not added to the list of people who go in as a rescuer & need rescuing themselves?
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 07:05:45 +0000
Katrina is starting to suffer with cabin fever. New to the Platoon, she wants to get out there & get her hands dirty. She sees the other trucks getting to leave on jobs but she has to stay behind and wait. It is starting to do her head in. Renee sees this and decides that it is time that Katrina goes out for a city drive instead of sitting around doing nothing.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:52:00 +0000
Judy's routine was relatively simple on this particular schedule. See a platform, stop. Go. See another platform, stop. That might be making it sound very simple. Judy made it look easy. However, controlling this big passenger carrying machine with only her left hand took a lot of training, skill & experience.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:47:11 +0000
It's a nice day for Judy to be able to drive around and around and around. But first, she has to find her vehicle and then make sure that it is ready to go, that everything is how it should be. You just can't turn up to work and drive straight away, can you?
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:25:29 +0000
It is an impressive April day in Sydney as Caroline drives her car across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. She meets her management team as well as her partners. After a tour of the station, some paperwork and filling her hell-belt with supplies, Caroline is ready to be let loose on the unsuspecting citizens of Sydney on her first day of her new job.
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:10:01 +0000
Dateline: Thursday 01 April 2010. Caroline is very excited about her first day at her new job. She has been looking forward to this day since she has been a small child. It would be very bad for her to be late on her first day of work - after all, you only get one chance to make a good first impression!