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Creator: S. Lawrence Parrish

Solo Dystopia Serial Audio Book


In a post-plague world where humans, animals, and plants have suffered, a colony of survivors has gathered in a fortified former-luxury condominium complex they call “The Park”. These remnants of humanity are inextricably bound to their domestic cats from which Dose (a temporary plague vaccine) is derived. A forager army is heading toward The Park. The Park people must prepare to defend themselves and all they have worked for. They have made a discovery: not all cats are created equal. While regular Dose staves off plague symptoms, the dose derived from Simon (The Park’s only Siamese cat) can be refined into SHAT, a super-dose that rejuvenates the growth of plant life. . . and which also may hold the secret to a permanent plague-cure. Problem: Simon is a neuter. If he should die, so, too, dies humanity’s hope for survival. Enter Sasha, a purebred female Balinese of breeding age that also produces SHAT. With the increasing militarization in The Park (and sky-rocketing tension), Sasha’s humans want to leave, taking their cat with them. But The Park people won’t let them go. . . .

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Solo

Genres: Dystopia, Science fiction

Soundscape: Sound effects

Country of origin: United States

Completion status: Finished

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Mon, 01 Nov 2010 00:30:00 +0000

Rebirth. Sasha and Alex and a whole lot of screeching. Ozzie grins. Pioneers led by Waylon. Gainer cries. Pollywogs, frogs, and a real tom. The end.

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Mon, 01 Nov 2010 00:07:40 +0000

Alex, Chikkup, and Soo. Simon goes psycho on Sasha. Alex to the rescue. John gives a cafeteria speech. Everyone is impressed.

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Mon, 01 Nov 2010 00:00:03 +0000

 Garret makes Gainer help him. Gainer is not impressed. The rebellion is stopped. Terrance does the right thing. Waylon stops shooting. Heather risks her life for John. Garret, John, the Chinese Army, and seven Siamese cats.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 23:32:53 +0000

John and Alex bored in their new haven. A foghorn, four Siamese cats, and an AK-47. Heather senses trouble. Sasha, too. Craig attacks the Chinese ship. Garret’s not impressed. The Park prepares for battle. The Chinese Army is attacking. . . and John Whistler is leading them! Greg doesn’t believe it. Craig’s not impressed, and shoots him in the head. Darcy cries. Waylon starts shooting. A rebellion has begun!

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 23:27:23 +0000

Drake and Barry in a rooftop Bunker. Barry kills a forager. Drake is not impressed. Craig triggers claymores. Men die. But not their women. Garret meets Tish. More women for The Park. All the men are impressed. Terrance gets a girlfriend. Maria bitches.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 23:21:12 +0000

Garret wonders where John might have gone. Heather learns that John did not abandon her! More voices on the radio—Chinese foragers. Craig fires cannons at a ship. Garret kicks him in the teeth. Waylon, Gainer, and Ozzie help John and Alex escape from The Park. Heather doesn’t go.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 23:14:38 +0000

Waylon and Gainer growing sprouts in the garage. Alex locates Ozzie and almost dies. Max is seriously messed in the head. Ozzie is seriously screwed. John is reunited with Alex. Alex introduces himself to Max (Ouch!). Ozzie is saved. Waylon and Gainer help John escape. Gainer gets a cat.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 23:06:22 +0000

Heather believes John has abandoned her. She’s pregnant with John’s child. She starts injecting SHAT. Garret and John talk. John’s not impressed. John meets Max. . . sort of. Ozzie tries to learn how to swim; he learns how to sink. Max saves Ozzie. But what will Max do with him? Alex must find out.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 23:00:15 +0000

Gord gets new glasses. John goes for a walk along the beach. He hears things he shouldn’t hear. He gets blown up. He wakes up in a prison cell, his head half melted. Garret is keeping him prisoner.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 22:53:27 +0000

John tells Heather all about Garret. Heather’s not impressed. A voice on the radio. John and Heather are offered their first dose of SHAT. SHAT can be injected! John and Heather resolve themselves to spending the winter in The Park. Alex is fishing. He runs from Ozzie. Skidge, Treemont, and Barley want to eat Alex. Ozzie intervenes. Alex fishes for Ozzie; now they’re friends.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 16:00:00 +0000

A march for amnesty led by Greg and Darcy. A sniper shoots; Ernie dies. Garret’s a hero with the tank. Another cafeteria speech. The Park is under siege! No one can leave. It is resolved to allow the prisoners to become regular citizens of The Park. Some people are not impressed. More sniper fire. Chad gets hassled. Garret struts like a rooster.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 03:34:48 +0000

The cafeteria at suppertime. Terrance tells a story about cats and distemper. Then he tells a story about SHAT. Rudy explains the technical details. John is not impressed. Sasha has SHAT! John and Heather realise they’ll have to stay in The Park. Waylon and Greg watch cannon training exercises. Greg is stressed—one of the prisoner women was raped by Core and then committed suicide. Ernie says he’ll bear witness.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 03:28:54 +0000

Waylon is head gardener. Gainer is his assistant. Waylon’s cat died last night. And now there’s no cats left to replace him! Darcy’s pissed at Greg. John returns to his haven with Garret. Garret likes John, but John’s not impressed. John’s home has been ransacked; Alex is not there. John returns to The Park to be with Heather. Heather believes everything that has gone wrong is her fault.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 03:06:48 +0000

Alex talks to Ozzie. Pelter and Spook are Ozzie’s wingmen. The pogrom begins. Spook gets splattered. Cats are getting blown to chunky bits all over the place. Ozzie leads Pelter and Alex out of The Park. Alex leads them to his home. His sanctuary has been violated! Alex, Pelter, and Ozzie squat in a basement apartment. Night passes. Ozzie and Pelter go hunting. They’re hunting Alex. . . . John and Heather on the night of the cat pogrom. John is not impressed. Where is Alex? Is he dead?

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 03:00:00 +0000

The cafeteria at suppertime. Garret gives a speech. A forager army is on the way. All Park people will begin weapons training. John and Heather learn about SHAT. John is not impressed, but Rudy is convinced Sasha has SHAT. Alex looks for Ozzie. John and Heather will spend the night in The Park. Drake and Barry on patrol in The Park. Cats in heat. Barry kicks a cat. Cats attack. Barry unloads with a full clip from an Uzi. A cat pogrom begins.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 02:51:55 +0000

Maria and Ming. Sasha and Ming. So who’s really Mom? Sasha causes excitement, then runs away with Alex. John and Heather and Sasha. Rudy, Maria, and Terrance want John and Heather to stay in The Park (and Sasha, too, of course, but where is she?). Heather meets Doc Sheridan and gets a stamp of good health. Alex senses something gone wrong in The Park. He wants to leave, but Sasha won’t go—not without Heather. Alex introduces Sasha to Skidge. Skidge is impressed; Sasha isn’t. Alex needs to talk to The Park’s dominant tom, Ozzie.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 02:35:05 +0000

John and Heather in love. John and Heather visit The Park. Park renovations (lots of nice barbed wire). Prisoners in a wire compound. Alex and Sasha make their way to The Park. Alex shows Sasha that he can swim. . . and catch fish! Sasha’s impressed. Then Alex makes Sasha swim. Sasha’s not impressed. Alex introduces Sasha to Simon. Neither Simon nor Sasha are impressed.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 02:25:00 +0000

Morning with the prisoners. Garret returns, driving a tank. Alex, John, Sasha. . . and Heather. Heather is feeling better. John is feeling Heather.

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 03:40:55 +0000

Waylon tours the Garden. Waylon meets Malcolm. Malcolm lets Waylon be the farmer. Waylon and Malcolm tour the Garage. Nice tractor. Lots of guns. A can of fruit cocktail. Secret fertilizer. Vigilantes with a Shit-eater prisoner. Waylon stops a fight, Waylon-style. Greg gets another special job. Supper in the cafeteria. More prisoners. Waylon teaches compassion, Waylon-style. Prisoners in basement storage rooms. Greg, Waylon, and Gainer keep watch.

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 03:33:22 +0000

Gainer and Waylon back at The Park. Waylon and Felix. Waylon, Greg, Darcy and worm harvesting. Waylon and Greg visit the Garden. Terrance visits with Waylon and Greg. Waylon and Greg get special jobs.

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 02:35:00 +0000

Alex and Sasha were almost shot! Alex is not impressed. Sasha is not healthy. Alex is concerned. We meet John. He wonders where Alex is. He also wonders if the plague-ridden woman he found wandering the street will live; she looks harsh, all covered in scabs. He goes up to the third storey roof of his haven to call for Alex. He sees armed foragers coming up the street, but they don’t see him. He gets his rifle and returns to the rooftop to discover the gun-toting foragers are stalking Barry and Drake. John shoots one of the foragers in the leg; the foragers run away. Barry and Drake thank John for saving their lives. John goes back to his apartment to tend to the ailing plague-woman. Alex comes home and makes John follow him into the street. John sees suffering Sasha and takes her up to his haven. Sasha curls up on the mattress with the plague-sick woman. Alex finally takes a dump.

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 02:26:00 +0000

Craig rushes into the warehouse. Terrance, Rudy, and Maria follow. Then Gainer and Waylon. Alex tries to become acquainted with Sasha, but she’s too stressed. Stupid humans allow Otto and Spike to butcher Sasha’s kittens. Maria cries. Then she finds one living kitten and feels better. She and Rudy take the kitten back to The Park. Alex pisses in Sasha’s face; she’s not impressed, but she’s happy to learn that one of her kittens is alive. Alex says he’ll take her to The Park. We meet Barry and Drake and smoke a big doobie with them. Barry shoots at Alex and Sasha.

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 01:58:00 +0000

We meet Alex, a cat that needs to drop a stool. Gainer meets Waylon. Gainer sees a cat, and everyone gets excited. The cat hides in a warehouse. Terrance and Craig meet everyone at the warehouse. Rudy and Maria meet with everyone, including Spike and Otto. Spike and Otto rush into the warehouse; Alex follows. Alex meets Sasha, and kicks Otto’s ass (well, actually, his eye).

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