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The 4077th

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Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 205 - Luck Thief

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:20:00 +0000

 Dedicated to the memories of Viktor Aurelius and Jeff Niles

After the death of Viktor at a far too early age, this project languished in limbo until the wonderful Jonithan Patrick Russell kindly laboured long and hard on producing Viktor's final script.  This is the result: a wonderful, funny worthy swansong to Viktor's zany and charming Hitchhiker's fan series.

This episode also serves as a tribute to the much-missed Jeff Niles, who's performance here as WAD-O is, as always with Jeff's work, a highlight of the show.

We owe great thanks to Jon at DRE, who has done a marvelous job, and without whom this episode would never have been released.

Sexagonal Phrase 

Season 2, episode 5: Luck Thief

It Starred

C. Wayne Owens as the Stiletto

Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels

Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Gary Scales as Joss

Wayne Heyward as Krack-Taw

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Urr'o Dae

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Julia Eve as Bureesha

Rachel Pulliam as Eagle System voice

Jonithan Patrick Russell as News Announcer

Lisa Michaud as Xarrissa O'Facto

Sally Wiget as WAD-U

Vince Stadon as Nimrod aka the Boss

Kyle Borcz as Robot

Sound Design by Jonithan Patrick Russell

© The 4077th, ALL BETTER AUDIO and Dream Realm Enterprises (2020)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Jeff Niles RIP

Wed, 12 Feb 2020 15:19:00 +0000

Jeff Niles 1950 - 2020

Jeff Niles, founder of The 4077th Productions, has died. That’s a shattering sentence to type, as well it should be.  Jeff would probably like me to throw a gag in this bit, because he always liked me to throw more gags into things, but I can’t find one.  My friend is gone, and the gags aren’t there for me now.

His voice lives on, in the many productions he was involved with, and in our hearts and memories.  Jeff was well-loved - nobody had a bad word to say about him.  He was kind and funny and engaging - and he was always, always doing things. Lots of things, often all at once.  “Hey, Jeffster, how’s it going?” I’d ask, over some internet messenger service.  “Pretty good,” he’d reply, “just got back from drum circle to grab a bite to eat before heading over to rehearsals for the Radio Players. Spent all morning recording lines for Robotz of the Company, MOSH, Dr Who, a fantasy epic series, a political thriller, a sitcom about clowns, and a 15th Century dark romance set on the high seas, involving penguins.”  “Cool,” I’d say, wondering where he got the energy and the enthusiasm.  Because he was always enthusiastic, always seeing the positive side of things, forever singing the praises of the people he worked with and the projects he was involved with.  I sometimes wondered if he was just being polite about sub par scripts (and I’ve written enough of those), but I think he genuinely loved acting and producing, and just being involved. To him, the good bits in anything always outweighed the bad bits, meaning he would invariably be prone to judge a work favourably.  His enthusiasm was infectious.  He rescued lots of things from the dustbin of ideas, gave them a smile and a good talking to, and released them into the world.
Someone soon should try to compile a list of all the performances he gave.  That would be an awesome thing to read through.  Because he could play anything.  He did play anything.  His range was enormous.  He’s been Doctor Who (and The Master), Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Professor Moriarty, various robotz (including the wonderful Zim Tron), sundry demons, Shakespeare’s King John, Edgar Allan Poe, Ebenezer Scrooge, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robin Hood, Faust, hard-boiled noir detective Lance Hardwick, Count Dracula, Tomás de Torquemada, and many, many, many more.  So many more!  He’d often be cast in several parts in the same thing, because no role was too small for him.  I swear he did a MOSH single-handedly once, playing every character in a variety of accents.  When we last spoke in December, I’d asked him to play the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, and I was greatly looking forward to hearing him play the part.  Damn you, Jeff, now I’m going to have to recast!  (That gag was for you, old friend)
Aside from being so busy and enthusiastic, he was always surprising.  One day he told me he was producing audio campaign adverts for politicians. Another time he told me he had a whole other life as a pirate - he even had photos to prove it.  That was another thing about Jeff - he was always in photos with people.  There he is with an arm around Peter Davison.  Here, he’s smiling at Nichelle Nichols.  And here he is sat playing drums aboard a spaceship.  That moustache!  Those glasses!  That twinkle in the eye.
We talked about producing a final MOSH story in the spring, with Holmes and Watson in their dotage, solving a case in their retirement home.  The villain was going to be Moriarty’s daughter, now a Nurse Ratched type character.  He wanted to call it Holmes Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, but I talked him out of it.  I’m going to write it anyway, and set it at Holmes’s funeral.  And, Jeff, yes that’ll be the title.
   My friend has died, but I’m still writing gags for him.

Goodbye, my friend.

Viktor Aurelius RIP

Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:30:00 +0000

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 204

Sun, 30 Jun 2019 20:09:00 +0000

Past and Present”

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook Page here

Synopsis: Beginning in the past, we discover the first flight of the ship that is now named the Stiletto. In the present, Joss goes on a personal journey to discover the truth about his father's death, with many dangers awaiting him. The crew of the Stiletto must journey to the Creepiest place in the Galaxy! And who, or what, is Urr'o-Dae?

It Starred

Jeff Niles as WAD-O and the General

C. Wayne Owens as Doctor Arlan Slaraand and Stiletto

Glenn Hibburt as the Captain

David Ault as Major Katt

Viktor Aurelius as the Transmission Voice

Jackie Ayers as the Marketing Lackey

Vince Stadon as Nimrod aka the Boss

Diana DeHoyos as the Scientist

Gary Scales as Joss

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill and Zed Omega

Merilee Robinson as Gaabo

John Tupper as Destructor

Kristy Glick as Tenari Wyst

Wayne Heyward as Krack-Taw

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels

Todd Jefferson as Urr'o Dae

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2019)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Brotherhood of the Twisted Iron - Promo

Wed, 15 May 2019 23:32:00 +0000


Created and Written by: C. Wayne Owens

Jeff Niles as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

View the YouTube video here:

© C. Wayne Owens, The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2019)

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 203

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 21:14:00 +0000

The Truffles Gambit”

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: Sharp (aka Voslo) is battling a nemesis from his past, while the crew of the Stiletto, and Joss in his Barbearitus Armor, fight an onslaught of ships and tanks that threaten the survival of the Prisoners and themselves. Bud faces Sister Subordinate, while Doctor Slaraand and his Truffles hologram join the fray! And what about WAD-O?!

It Starred

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Gary Scales as Joss

C. Wayne Owens as Stiletto and Doctor Arlan Slaraand

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels

Steve White as Sister Subordinate

Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo

Stephanie Longshaw as Sister Superior

Carol MacPherson as the Nun Overlord

Dave Morgan as the Tank Pilot

Vince Stadon as Nimrod aka the Boss

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2019)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 202

Fri, 15 Mar 2019 02:43:00 +0000

Episode 202 “Just Desserts”

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: The planet of Creme Brulee is going to be a more Sticky Situation than anyone could have imagined! Doctor Slaraand creates a way for the trio to escape, but Sharp and Bud soon discover more enemies and danger lurking before them. The Stiletto searches the galaxy for any sign of where the President sent his Captain, while Killa Joss gives an deadly ultimatum to Spawill and the Boss!

It Starred

C. Wayne Owens as Stiletto and Doctor Arlan Slaraand

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels

Glenn Hibburt as The Captain

Jeff Niles as The General

Viktor Aurelius as the Bridge Droid

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Gary Scales as Killa Joss

Vince Stadon as Nimrod aka the Boss

Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as The Robot Guards

David Schütz II as the Rescue Pilot

Stephanie Longshaw as Sister Superior

Carol MacPherson as the Nun Overlord

David Ault as Major Katt

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2019)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 201

Wed, 06 Feb 2019 22:54:00 +0000

Episode 201 “Into Sweet Hell”

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: Having been captured by President Nimrod, Sharp/Voslo and Bud Daniels are taken to a forced-labor prison world. Lucy finds out that Earth is not as she remembers it to be. Will they be reunited? You won't know unless you listen! Oh - and make sure you listen AFTER the credits. You don't want to miss THAT scene! LOL!

It Starred

Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels
Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo

Viktor Aurelius as Hurtarg and the Hologram

Steve White as Sister Subordinate

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Geneva Aubrey as Jenna

Dave Morgan as George

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Carol MacPherson as the Nun Overlord

Mary Genevieve Fortier as the Voice and the Robot Quartermaster

Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as The Robot Guards

C. Wayne Owens as Doctor Arlan Slaraand

Music by Kevin MacLeod


Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2019)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.


Tue, 11 Dec 2018 17:58:00 +0000

Episode Five “The Deep Blue Sea and the Devil”
The Season One Finale

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: Our heroes save the day on Ven'Faala, and are honored for their heroism by the Galactic President (No, not THAT one! Remember this is 10 years earlier). You'll need to listen to learn more, but the climax of this season will leave you in tears! Don't PANIC! We return in 2019 with Season Two!

It Starred

Shannon Lowery as Ik'Tharia

Julie Hoverson as Na'Karthia

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Gary Scales as Killa Joss

C. Wayne Owens as Stiletto

Cary Michael Ayers as G'Una Voslo aka Guy Sharp

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels

Viktor Aurelius as Tokham and the Bridge Droid

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Lisa Michaud as Xarrissa O'Facto

Merilee Robinson as Senator Jurviza

Katie Loftin as WAD-U

Rachel Rumler as the Shuttle Pilot

Rachel Kaub as the Escort Bot

Vince Stadon as Nimrod aka the Boss

Julia Eve as Eccentrica Gallumbits

Music by Kevin MacLeod


Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2018)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 4

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 19:33:00 +0000


“And So It Begins”

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: Our heroes arrive on the ocean world of Ven'Faala to broadcast a power plant dedication, but soon they discover what is really happening. Plans have been set in motion by the evil Boss that will take the Stiletto and its crew to the edge of danger, while at the same time, testing the mettle of Lucy Sharp!


Shannon Lowery as Ik'Tharia

Julie Hoverson as Na'Karthia

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Katie Loftin as WAD-U

Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Lisa Michaud as Xarrissa O'Facto

Cary Michael Ayers as G'Una Voslo aka Guy Sharp

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

C. Wayne Owens as Stiletto

Vince Stadon as the Boss

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Viktor Aurelius as Tokham and the Bridge Droid

Gary Scales as Killa Joss

Dave Weaver as Geort, Pirate #1

John Bell as Lenk, Pirate #2

Merilee Robinson as Senator Jurviza

Katrina Clifford as Muriel the Octopus

Steve White as James, Fish #1

Fiona Thraille as Forda, Fish #2

Sarah Golding as the Queen of Ven'Faala

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2018)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 3

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 15:49:00 +0000


"Luck Eventually Runs Out"

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: Having escaped from the Astral Casino disaster, our heroes rush to Barnard's Star and a nice Hotel. Lucy's father, the wanted "criminal" G'Una Voslo, arrives at the Casino too late to reunite with his daughter, but is instead reunited with someone from his past: Tharla J'Quantus. Lucy unwittingly agrees to be interviewed on the galactic news, dragging Bud Daniels - and also her father, into the limelight. Things get worse quickly, but you must listen to discover the details!

It starred:
Steve White as Schnarglav
Lisa Michaud as Xarrissa O'Facto
Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp
Jeff Niles as WAD-O
Katie Loftin as WAD-U
Gary Scales as Killa Joss
Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill
Viktor Aurelius as Narzod Clamphor and Tokham
C. Wayne Owens as Stiletto
Cary Michael Ayers as G'Una Voslo aka Guy Sharp
Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono
Katrina Clifford as Tharla J'Quantus
Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels
Kat Waterflame as the Vulpes Voice
Owen McCuen as Cardov Wence
Merilee Robinson as Robo-Hunter

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2018)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Playbeing Channel Presents - Ep 2

Wed, 25 Jul 2018 18:17:00 +0000

Episode 2

This "Companion Series" to "Sexagonal Phrase" gives you more info through interviews with characters of the Main series. This episode, hosted by Eccentrica Gallumbits, features a “lost episode' of the universally loved Gyro Springster Show and his guests Na'Karthia and Ik'Tharia – the Mega-Mantis sisters - who have had many issues with one another their entire lives. Can Gyro bring these siblings back together?
If you haven't listened to Episode 2 of Sexagonal Phrase, you need to!

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius


Jeff Niles as the Announcer

Julia Eve as Eccentrica Gallumbits

Viktor Aurelius as Gyro Spingster

Julie Hoverson as Na'Karthia

and Shannon Lowery as Ik'Tharia

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( )

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO 2018

Disclaimer: Please note that this Audio Series is not intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 2

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 13:07:00 +0000

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 2
Baptism of Fire”

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius
Rated: PG-13

Join our Facebook page here!

Synopsis: Having traveled from Earth to Alpha Centauri B, Lucy and Bud find themselves enjoying the comforts (and strangeness) of a Casino that is more than it appears! The crew of the Stiletto are chased by Killa Joss, whose world is about to be turned upside down. And we meet two new characters: Xarrissa O'Facto and her Writer's Assistant Drone "WAD-U" who work for the Galactic News as Reporters! You'll have to listen to find out why things go horribly wrong!

It starred:
Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp
Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels
Jeff Niles as WAD-O
C. Wayne Owens as Stiletto
Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono
Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo
Alex Gilmour as the Gray Alien
Katrina Clifford as High Priestess Tharla J'Quantus
Mary Genevieve Fortier as the Woman being Baptized
Katie Loftin as WAD-U
Lisa Michaud as Xarrissa O'Facto
Mat Weller as Larrzo
Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill
Viktor Aurelius as Tokham and the Tech Bot
Gary Scales as Killa Joss
Julie Hoverson as Na'Karthia
Shannon Lowery as Ik'Tharia

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2018)

Please note that this Audio Series is not
intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in
relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and
sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and its creator Douglas Adams.

Playbeing Channel Presents - Ep 1

Wed, 23 May 2018 01:30:00 +0000

Episode 1

This "Companion Series" to "Sexagonal Phrase" gives you more info through "Sexy" interviews with characters of the Main series. This episode, hosted by Eccentrica Gallumbits, features Sexbot 69-71 chatting with WAD-O, Bud Daniels and his interview with Ik'Tharia the Arcturan Mega-Mantis, and a sensual and steamy one-on-one conversation with Eccentrica and Korpax Spawill in her Hot Tub! Wow!
If you haven't listened to Episode 1 of Sexagonal Phrase, you need to!

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius


Julia Eve as Eccentrica Gallumbits

Kristy Glick as Sex-Bot 6971

Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels aka Sexagonal Phrase

Shannon Lowery as Ik'Tharia

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Mat Weller as Police Droid K 7 3 – 12

Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Vaslo

Vince Stadon as the Boss

Steve White as the Gangster

and Viktor Aurelius as the Announcers

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( )

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO 2018

Disclaimer: Please note that this Audio Series is not intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Episode 1

Fri, 04 May 2018 02:23:00 +0000

Sexagonal Phrase – Episode 1

"Never Piss Off Your Boss"

Written and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Rated: PG-13

Join our Facebook page here!


Jeff Niles as WAD-O

Ted Wenskus as Bud Daniels aka Sexagonal Phrase

Julia Eve as Eccentrica Gallumbits

Rachel Rumler as the Girl in the Car

Deborah Adams as Lucy Sharp

Viktor Aurelius as Tokham and the Secretary

Cary Michael Ayers as Guy Sharp aka G'Una Voslo

Jonithan Patrick Russell as Kreghono

Eleiece Krawiec as Lucy's Mother

Shannon Lowery as Ik'Tharia

C Wayne Owens as Stiletto

Pete Lutz as Korpax Spawill

Gary Scales as Killa Joss

Vince Stadon as The Boss

Music by Kevin MacLeod

( )

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2018)

Disclaimer: Please note that this Audio Series is not intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation and its creator Douglas Adams.

Sexagonal Phrase - Teaser

Fri, 20 Apr 2018 07:16:00 +0000

A Teaser for the upcoming series "Sexagonal Phrase"! A fan-based spin off of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Instead of a writer for the Guide, this series follows a writer for Playbeing Magazine. It also takes place a decade before the story you already know and love. This series will be exciting, sexy and a bit Tongue-in-Cheek.

Written by Viktor Aurelius
Starring Jeff Niles and Ted Wenskus
with Rachel Rumler and Viktor Aurelius

“Sexagonal Phrase” (aka “Dirty Words”) is a play-on-words of “Hexagonal Phase” the recent H2G2 series on BBC Radio 4. Our writer for “Playbeing” uses this show's Title as his Pen Name. Expect several nods to Douglas Adams as we explore a whole new story line in his universe.

Disclaimer: Please note that this Audio Series is not intending to supersede or infringe any other existing copyright in relation to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or its concepts and sounds, which remain property of the British Broadcasting Corporation and its creator Douglas Adams.

© The 4077th and All Better Audio Productions 2018 

The Big Sleigh

Fri, 22 Dec 2017 16:03:00 +0000

The Big Sleigh

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred

John Bell as Nick Klauss

Viktor Aurelius as the Gingerbread Man

and Julie Hoverson as Sally

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

363 Days A Year

Thu, 14 Dec 2017 22:49:00 +0000

363 Days A Year

Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred

C. Wayne Owens as Santa

and Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as Melissa

Music by Kevin MacLeod (

© C. Wayne Owens, The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2017)

Peace in the World... And Roller Skates

Fri, 08 Dec 2017 02:26:00 +0000

Peace in the World... And Roller Skates”

Written and Performed by C. Wayne Owens

Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Music by Kevin MacLeod (

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

DOC FAUSTUS - Episode 10

Mon, 04 Dec 2017 14:13:00 +0000

Doc Faustus and the Frankenstein Factory

Chapter 10 “Last Stand in Cedar City”

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred:

Jeff Niles as Boss Feratu

Julian Bane as Doc Faustus

Cary Michael Ayers as Baxter Platt

John Bell as Hinky aka Dangerous Dan Magoo

Mat Weller as Mike McAvoy

Gary Scales as M.T.B.

Melody Gaines as Mary Jane Rubarb

Pete Lutz as Doctor Thursday

Wayne Heyward as James Jesse

and Viktor Aurelius as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod (
© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

DOC FAUSTUS - Episode 9

Mon, 27 Nov 2017 20:04:00 +0000

Doc Faustus and the Frankenstein Factory

Chapter 9 “The Nightmaster and the Darkest of Souls”

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred:

Jeff Niles as Boss Feratu

C. Wayne Owens as Renny

Wayne Heyward as James Jesse

John Bell as Hinky

Julian Bane as Doc Faustus

and Viktor Aurelius as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( )

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

DOC FAUSTUS - Episode 8

Mon, 20 Nov 2017 08:26:00 +0000

Doc Faustus and the Frankenstein Factory

Chapter 8 “Only The Dead Don't Die”

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred:

Glenn Hibburt as Hardy

Jeff Niles as Boss Feratu

C. Wayne Owens as Renny

Pete Lutz as Doctor Thursday

Wayne Heyward as James Jesse

Julian Bane as Doc Faustus

Melody Gaines as Mary Jane Rubarb

Cary Michael Ayers as Baxter Platt

Mat Weller as Mike McAvoy

and Viktor Aurelius as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod (

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

DOC FAUSTUS - Episode 7

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 01:44:00 +0000

Doc Faustus and the Frankenstein Factory

Chapter 7 “What Makes a Monster?”

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred:

John Bell as Hinky

C. Wayne Owens as Renny

Julian Bane as Doc Faustus

Mat Weller as Mike McAvoy

Pete Lutz as Doctor Thursday

Melody Gaines as Mary Jane Rubarb

Cary Michael Ayers as Baxter Platt

and Viktor Aurelius as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod (

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

DOC FAUSTUS - Episode 6

Mon, 06 Nov 2017 03:55:00 +0000

Doc Faustus and the Frankenstein Factory

Chapter 6 “A Night Made of Death

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred:

Wayne Heyward as James Jesse

Julian Bane as Doc Faustus

Cary Michael Ayers as Baxter Platt

Melody Gaines as Mary Jane Rubarb

Gary Scales as M.T.B.

Mat Weller as Mike McAvoy

Pete Lutz as Doctor Thursday

and Viktor Aurelius as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod (

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017

DOC FAUSTUS - Episode 5

Mon, 30 Oct 2017 14:08:00 +0000

Doc Faustus and the Frankenstein Factory

Chapter 5 “Dark Night, City of the Dead”

was Written by C. Wayne Owens

and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

It starred:
Julian Bane as Doc Faustus

Wayne Heyward as James Jesse

Mat Weller as Mike McAvoy

Melody Gaines as Mary Jane Rubarb

Cary Michael Ayers as Baxter Platt

Jeff Niles as Boss Feratu

C. Wayne Owens as Renny Field

John Bell as Hinky Magoo

and Viktor Aurelius as the Narrator

Music by Kevin MacLeod (

© C. Wayne Owens/The 4077th and All Better Audio 2017