The Tower Bridge
15 episodes
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Creator: Steve Simons on
Audio Book
The book tells the story of two boys who start on one adventure, but to a rather exciting discovery in a tower, end up on a completely different adventure. What happens to them? Can they find their way back? To find out join Andrew and Stuart as they discover the Tower Bridge. Dare you join Andrew and Stuart as they discover The Tower Bridge? ADVICE: Suggested audience 6 plus.
Format: Audio Book
Completion status: Finished
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Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:16:24 +0000
Henry returns, but is he really free? What of his family, will he and the boys be able to find them? You will just have to listen to find out.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Music 'Time Grows Long' By: 2012
Music available from musicalley.comour thanks to 2012 for allowing us to use this track
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:02:31 +0000
The equipment appears to be ready for use, but will it work? If it does will it take the group back home or elsewhere? If home, to who's time frame?
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Music 'Time Grows Long' by: 2012
Chapter 13 - More Complications
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:01:26 +0000
Stuart has returned to the main building after his struggle with the Saysestrian, but what is he going to do now that the Saysestrian appeared to be in trouble?
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:00:00 +0000
Just one more thing to make and the Saysestrians are interfeering with that, so Stuart is sent to watch over the latest bubbling mix of melting rocks. Can Stuart stop the Saysestrians on his own?
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Chapter 11 - Work The Like You've Never Seen Before
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:50:19 +0000
For days the group have worked hard to fix what the Saysestrians had burnt. Andrew has finally come up with a solution, but how does it work, Henry and Stuart are at a loss to understand it. Andrew demonstrates his invention and all becomes clear.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Chapter 10 - What Have You Done?
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:44:30 +0000
The boys wait to see if Henry returns, the wait seems like and enternity, when finally they hear the Kelidons, the boys wonder if Henry is with them, or is he laying dead or injured deeper in this building? Just what has Henry done, if anything?
Chapter 9 - Have to Stop Them, but how?
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:40:17 +0000
Henry marches out, with the boys following, not knowing what he has planned, but whatever it is involves the Kelidons as they are following behind. Can Henry stop the Saysestrians, or do they still hold the upper hand?
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:34:43 +0000
The group are reminded that the Saysestrians want them to work towards their aims and not towards escape from this place. Henry has received orders to provide feedback on their progress, but what should he tell the Saysestrians ?
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:29:20 +0000
Henry and Stuart are discussing their progress, but neither can understand how Andrew is going to make the crystals in Henry's Laborartory, generate the base signals that Henry's device needs.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Chapter 6 - Don't Give Up Hope
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:15:00 +0000
After having met one of the Saysestrians, the boys are told there will be no way back home, then they are taken to a room, given some bedding materials and left alone. They discuss the meeting, then settle down to sleep, if they can get to sleep. In this episode we find out what happens when they get up the next day.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Music 'Time Grows Long' by 2012
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:08:45 +0000
Henry introduces the rather nervous boys to his benefactors and original occupants of this planet, the Saysestrians.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Chapter 4 - Eyes Out On Stalks
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:04:00 +0000
Henry had promised the boys that their eyes would be out on stalks as he takes the boys to his laboratory and shows them a few of his inventions.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 20:00:00 +0000
The boys no longer find themselves in the dusty room filled with equipment, instead in large empty and also dusty room. How far away from the hotel are they now? More importantly how are they going to get back?
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Chapter 2 - Just What is this Junk?
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 19:53:05 +0000
The boys have found their way into a room filled with something old and dusty and it isn't a collection of old arm chairs, but just what is it and what is it or even was it used for? There are several tubes connecting the various parts, it all looks most strange.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists
Chapter 1 - The Chase, The Tower
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 19:33:00 +0000
Two boys a large old building and a chase, but just what is going on and just who are these people who appear to be after the boys? Can the boys escape?
Music: Theme tune "Time Grows Long" by 2010 Full track available from
Sound Effects The Freesound Project & our own Studios.
Please respect the work and effort that goes into the making of this story, audio production and the theme tune and observe the copyright laws.
(c)2010 Steve Simons & Featured Artists