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Time, emiT, and Time Again

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Creator: Teel McClanahan III on


Hard science fiction written to stimulate your mind without forgetting you have a heart. -- In this collection of short stories and essays, each piece begins with an idea about time and with an idea about love, then follow to see where they lead. Frozen time, time that flows back and forth, time modified by relativity (both physical and familial), post-singularity accelerated time/change, time from a divine perspective ... unrequited love, unexpected love, unconditional love, a parent's love for their child, brotherly love, love at first sight, or even the love one holds for the idea of what they once were, or what their children might someday be ... buying time, lost time, and lost love ... living unstuck from time ... TIME+LOVE=? ... Listen to Time, emiT, and Time Again to find out.

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Thank You

Mon, 22 Nov 2010 05:01:16 +0000

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed Time, emiT, and Time Again, please look for my other titles on, including: Forget What You Can't Remember, More Lost Memories, Cheating, Death (a zombie novel), Lost and Not Found, Dragons' Truth, & the first three books of a series called "Untrue Tales From Beyond Fiction - Recollections of an Alternate Past".

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Buying Time

Mon, 22 Nov 2010 05:00:36 +0000

This story gives merely a glimpse of two young people who fall in love at first sight, and of the time-bending company they both work for: Chronomatics. Learn about Chronomatics' unique services, all of which make use of a form of time dilation to either seem to add more hours to your day (relative to the world at large) or allow you to skip over whole decades of time as though only a single night's sleep had passed. Learn about the challenges, one after another after another, which spring up to test the strength of their love as though to see whether it can be lost as easily and quickly as it was found. Your conceptions of love and your understanding of time may be challenged by Buying Time.

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Iteration, Interruption - part 2

Mon, 15 Nov 2010 15:39:29 +0000

In part 2, Robert gets to see the future (and Earth's destruction) for himself, finds out that there's more to his future self's story than at first he'd let on, then learns that even repeated time travel may not be enough to prevent a terrible future.

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Iteration, Interruption - part 1

Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:04:59 +0000

This story is about the inventor of a revolutionary new technology embodied in a device which allows stable wormholes to be created in spacetime, linking any two of them together. Such a device would allow humanity to travel to space for next to no cost, and herald a new age of expansion into the Solar system. It could allow humanity to contact an alien race and attempt a peaceful relationship. But first, before the technology is ever tested, it gets used by a future version of the inventor to create a wormhole backward in time, intending to alter history and prevent a terrible future from ever occurring. In part 1, Robert Weyth's future self comes back in time and, while others from the future begin to carry out their plan to save Earth, explains to himself the history of the future he's trying to prevent.

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All a Dream

Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:01:52 +0000

In this brief essay, I address the narrative style wherein an author, usually at the last minute, cancels out everything else they wrote and makes the entire experience a waste of time.

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Family Forward - part 2

Sun, 31 Oct 2010 20:24:31 +0000

In part 2, the lives of Prince and Penny's new offspring are glimpsed in their youth (their first kiss), adolescence (heading to college), adulthood (having the first child of their own), maturity (when they have to say goodbye to their parents, possibly for good), and beyond.

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Family Forward - part 1

Mon, 25 Oct 2010 20:32:06 +0000

This story follows the actions of a couple who seem to have been together forever, who want to be able to create children of their own, and who will stop at nothing to do so. Involving stem cell research, cloning, mind control, human sacrifices, eventual success ... and what comes after, this story isn't afraid to touch on sensitive issues to get where it wants to go, or to take things even further from there. In part 1, Prince and Penny Pallas find themselves and their requests turned down by scientist after scientist, and must turn to a disgraced and unethical (but brilliant) researcher to give them the babies they've been longing for.

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This Sixth Day

Tue, 19 Oct 2010 04:53:00 +0000

An essay about a possible interpretation of God's perspective of time, relative to the "seven day week" of creation and our place in it. On the nth readthrough, I realized that I summarized much of the entire Bible in a few short pages, providing yet another iteration of the fractal story of creation. Which may make sense after you hear/read this essay.

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Oracular Offspring - part 2

Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:01:45 +0000

In part 2, Sal walks them through a few details of the meta-analyzed future their child will experience, both less specific than the average PreVision (in terms of personal details) and yet much more precise (in absolute terms). The result will be a child almost totally unlike Harold and Anne themselves, while being created strictly from their own DNA.

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Oracular Offspring - part 1

Tue, 05 Oct 2010 02:25:27 +0000

In a future where processing speeds allow computers to predict the future and advancements in genetic engineering allow people to design custom children, what happens when these technologies -and a couple who haven't kept pace with post-singularity advances in technology- are combined to try to create a family? When one can not only select for simple things like gender, eye color, and hair color, but also for likely future outcomes like when and where your child will have their first kiss, or what career they'll be drawn to, how far would you be willing to go to create the child of your dreams? In part 1, Harold and Anne find themselves unable to complete PreVision Reproduction's normal interview process, then watch a detailed holographic brochure about advances in reproductive technology while they wait for something more suitable to be cooked up.

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Unstuck From Time

Wed, 29 Sep 2010 04:41:45 +0000

This essay is a personal exploration of my own unusual relationship with time. It touches both on my mind and body's disconnection from a "normal" circadian rhythm and on my imagination and creative mind being six months (to many years) ahead of the pace of technology.

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Time, emiT, and Time Again - part 3

Mon, 20 Sep 2010 18:37:48 +0000

In part 3, after discussing a few of the more ambitious possibilities presented by Brent's new ability, then deciding not to talk about an argument Brent reversed out of existence, they receive an unexpected visitor from their future gone wrong.

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Time, emiT, and Time Again - part 2

Mon, 13 Sep 2010 13:39:24 +0000

In part 2, Charlie surprises Brent with a single ounce of unmarked gold, and over the course of several exhausting hours they use time manipulations to turn it into tens of millions of dollars' worth of precious metal.

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Time, emiT, and Time Again - part 1

Wed, 08 Sep 2010 19:52:15 +0000

Imagine you could change the direction you travel through time and actually go backward in time. In this story, Brent finds himself able to do just that and, along with his brother Charlie, explores some of the possibilities that ability creates. Together they look at problems of ethics, causality, and the possibility of doing heroic deeds and making themselves vast amounts of wealth very quickly. In part 1, Brent gives just a couple quick (if confusing) examples of what can be done, and begins to discuss the ethical implications of creating something from nothing with his brother.

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The Shape of Time

Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:15:00 +0000

This essay is about an alternate conception about visualizing the shape of time. Rather than the standard circles, squares, and grids created by the limitations of paper and other physical displays, I suggest a new model which fits time better and is very reasonable to be displayed by today's ubiquitous digital displays.

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Second Thoughts - part 3

Mon, 23 Aug 2010 04:11:15 +0000

In part 3, after losing interest in a direct encounter with a frozen bolt of lightning, he finds himself less and less interested in his surroundings and simply walks on, across the country, across the ocean, then finally finds himself standing in a place he'd never expected to be.

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Second Thoughts - part 2

Mon, 16 Aug 2010 09:10:21 +0000

In part 2, upon waking up to find himself in the same frozen moment he'd gone to sleep, explores the oddities of the everyday objects of his home before heading outside again, this time simply following the road where it takes him.

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Second Thoughts - part 1

Wed, 14 Jul 2010 20:28:43 +0000

This is a story about getting so caught up in love with someone that you stop living your own life, stop moving forward. - This is a story about finding yourself so stuck in seeking the same somebody that you become unstuck from the world. This is a story about love, and about waiting. - In part 1 the main character, finding himself alone in a single frozen moment of stopped time, explores his neighborhood to see the extent of the situation.

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