The HeavenField - Book Two
7 episodes
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Creator: Ian G. Hulme on
The Second installment of The HeavenField novel - a fast-paced science-fiction thriller set within a British experimental Scientific Research Facility. “...The world has changed forever; we have opened the door to something which we don’t understand, and that door cannot be closed. I only hope we can change with the world.” The man had a fevered stare, and Thomas found himself mesmerised by his words, obscure as they were. The man suddenly stiffened, as if hearing a distant noise, then leaned close to Thomas once more. “They’re coming,” he whispered. When Grace Palmer and her team of research scientists discover a way into a mysterious world they name the HeavenField, they trigger a devastating chain of events. Bizarre, unexplained murders and attacks on the Project leave scientists trapped in the Field with no way to return. As their air supplies run low and their equipment begins to fail, their nightmares begin to play out before them. Now, as Grace Palmer tries to pick up the pieces of the shattered HeavenField Project, Alex finds himself travelling the wastes of the Field in an attempt to flee the mysterious Speers and Gutteridge. Soon though, he is forced to make a decision which may lead him back to Maunsworth House, and to ultimately kill again...
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Thu, 04 Feb 2010 22:18:00 +0000
The Truth - The Final Episode of Book Two. Alex and his companions continue down into the lower levels of the Maunsworth Base, searching for Grace and Thomas. Alex must make the agonising decision on whether to carry out his mission, and an unforeseen meeting makes him question his whole understanding of himself and the HeavenField...
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 21:59:00 +0000
Between Worlds - Grace and Commander James begin to realise the nature of the HeavenField, and that they are powerless to defend against incursions from it. Alex and his companions are back at the Maunsworth Base, shifting between reality and the Field. But the visions threaten to overwhelm him and Alex's mind is close to breaking. Krisz somehow manages to calm him, and they head off down into the underground levels, searching for their targets...
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:11:00 +0000
Hope - Grace loses hope as all the evidence points to her Project being the cause of the plane crash. But Commander James is suspicious of events and begins some investigations of his own. Meanwhile, Thomas' own hope is renewed when he meets Susan once more. Alex prepares for his mission to return to Maunsworth House, and realises with growing anxiety, the mounting religious fervour of the Exiles in the Fortress. They have created a vast army, and are committed to the 'protection' of the HeavenField. But Alex is stunned by the orders he is given which will once again lead him on a path to murder...
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:26:00 +0000
An Old Ghost - Grace is interrogated into the events surrounding the plane crash. Thomas Sullivan allows Susan to show him unsettling footage of the mysterious girl in the Chamber, who hauntingly draws the scientists into the HeavenField. Alex and his companions are rescued and taken back to the Fortress, which still withstands the siege of the nightmarish army. He realises how he Exiles have grown since he was last at the Fortress. They are now equipped for war, and eager to strike out at anyone who attempts to enter the HeavenField. In an attempt to avoid more bloodshed, Alex volunteers to lead a suicidal mission to return to Maunsworth via the Field, infiltrate the base, and kidnap the leaders of the research...
Wed, 13 Jan 2010 23:30:00 +0000
The Haunted Place - Grace discovers that awkward eccentric Thomas Sullivan may be the key to understanding and manipulating the Heavenfield, so she petitions Commander James to allow research to continue. But the news that her Project may have caused a plane crash threatens to derail it for good. Thomas, meanwhile is learning the history of the Heavenfield Project, when Susan Moranne, an assistant librarian, offers to show him information about the mysterious girl in the Chamber. Meanwhile, Alex is finding his journey across the Field tortuous, as he broods upon the deaths of Pattie and Dragor. But upon reaching the fortress they find their way blocked by a horde of nightmarish creatures that have laid siege to it. Alex and his companions know their supplies are gone, and they have no choice but to attempt to break through the attacking army...
Thu, 31 Dec 2009 19:32:00 +0000
Grace - Alex has escaped, back into the Heavenfield. He has been picked up by three companions, and now must make the long journey back to the place they call 'The Fortress'. Back at the Maunsworth Research Facility Grace attempts to question Saul Davisson about his experiences in the Field. But he and the team are deeply traumatised, and Grace, carrying responsibility for the accident, is close to breakdown. She finds some solace in the company of Thomas Sullivan, the awkward eccentric, as she attempts to drink away her sorrows. Meanwhile, the mysterious Speers, having been unable to capture Dragor Millovich alive, turns his attention to Maunsworth. For reasons unknown he is attempting to shut down the Facility and the whole Standing Point Project. To this end he sends Gutteridge to hand over a package to a contact working for them within the Facility, the contents of which, Speers believes, will shut down Maunsworth, and put an end to the Heavenfield Project...
Fri, 25 Dec 2009 00:14:00 +0000
Phantoms - Alex has escaped from Gutteridge and his men, but Dragor is lost. He heads for a hotel where Dragor has hidden a transmitter which will enable Alex to contact a place he has called 'The Fortress'. But time is against Alex, and his exposure to the Heavenfield is causing strange visions of dark creatures which threaten to engulf him. Meanwhile, the expedition team, trapped in the Heavenfield, and lost in an impenetrable sandstorm, are beset by terrifying apparitions. Saul Davisson, his suit breached, is dragged by his companions, forced to witness the horrific events, paralysed and helpless. When all hope is lost, and the team's air supplies are almost gone, Saul hears the familiar voice of Grace Palmer, and realises they are saved...