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Quilt, Book and Bard


For years the picture of the man with the oxcart has hung on the wall of her Aunt and Uncle's house. It never occurred to Tory that one day she might actually find herself in the picture. She frees Neal, an imp who has been imprisoned in Castle Hildegard for two hundred years. Together, they journey through the world of the Kingdom Trees, racing to break the spell that has bound the world together - in war. King Delphic is bent on taking the spell for himself, and becoming monarch of all. Tory and Neal find help among the Bards and the Cloud Jumpers, along with some who are not as trustworthy as they seem. The World Tree is not the universe of Good and Evil; it's leaves are shades of gray. Check out a tale where no fairies are hurt, but everything else is up for grabs.

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New Beginnings

Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:17:35 +0000

In order to take the kingdoms over properly, Neal instructs Jake and Alex that they must speak to the last vestiges of the Queen through Hildegarde. During the ceremony the Queen destroys the spell book and commands Jake and Alex to take good care of the kingdoms. 

As soon as the spell book is destroyed Neal goes to see if he is truly free of Hildegarde. When he realizes he is, Neal decides that living in the castle isn't for him, and moves into a small cottage in the town, finishing his painting there.
Eventually it comes time for Tory and Jeremy to leave... with the promise to return as soon as possible.

If you enjoyed these podcasts and wish to see more of the Kingdom Tree Universe and other stories Bryna Chalmer is writing, please visit her at: 

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Mon, 08 Feb 2010 02:55:02 +0000

With King Delphic stuck in the picture, Tory becomes worried about returning home. While Alex is reluctant to admit that she has to go, he, Neal, Jake and Seth start speaking seriously about how to take over the Kingdoms. Though neither Alex nor Jake wish to rule the Kingdoms, they both know they'll have to do something in order to keep them from falling apart.

In an attempt to figure out a solution, Tory proposes they look to the spell book.

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An Escape

Sun, 31 Jan 2010 20:50:26 +0000

With everything in the two kingdoms starting to become more normal, Neal focuses on creating the picture to get Tory and Jeremy home.

Tory, worried that Neal hasn't stepped foot out of Hildegard, despite being human again, figures out a way for him to feel more comfortable about the prospect. Taking the spell book, she convinces Seth and Neal to reverse the spell Norlis did in order to free Alex from the bracelets which Garten put on him.

With the bracelets off, Neal sees that it might be possible to leave Hildegard without dying, but an unfortunate side effect of reversing the spell unlocks all the doors in the castle, allowing the King to escape into the the picture Neal is working on.

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Time Passes

Sun, 24 Jan 2010 20:44:00 +0000

Tory starts to worry about how Jake and Alex are going to take over the kingdoms, and how she's going to return home. In an effort to get Jake to stop stonewalling, Seth tells Tory that it might behoove her to see if the bracelets Alex still has on his wrists work in Hildegarde.

Once they establish that the bracelets don't have any effect in Hildegarde,  Jake is willing to sit down and consider the idea of taking the mantle of power over the Delphic Kingdom.

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A Chance

Sun, 17 Jan 2010 23:36:52 +0000

Neal wakes up to find that the spell has been broken. Tory tells him they defeated King Delphic when she threw the signed piece of parchment the Queen had taken from Neal into the fire. Norlis ran away after he killed Garten, and everything is now going to be different.

Surprised to learn all this, Neal tries and finds he can no longer speak with Hildegard. In an effort to understand what is going on he starts towards the Kitchens, Tory following close behind.

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Sun, 10 Jan 2010 21:37:27 +0000

As Norlis continues to speak the spell, Tory notices the difference in the room they're standing in. Looking to Seth, she disrupts the spell by following his directions. During the interruption the spell is changed.

Norlis goes slightly nuts.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2010 15:23:00 +0000

Neal and Jake are taken by Garten, who gloats over them by explaining the King's plans with the spellbook.

Tory, unhappy with everyone else's inaction, and feeling hungry, convinces Alex to go with her and explore. Unfortunately they're found by Garten before they get too far, and the switch between the binding spells begins.

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Binding their Wounds

Sun, 27 Dec 2009 15:11:00 +0000

Neal, Tory and Seth recover from their run-in with the Talpids. Seth mourns the loss of his familiar and his mandolin, but gives Neal some important information about why he was trapped in Hildegard for so long.

Once they've gathered what there is, Neal leads the other two through the picture to the Delphic Castle, intent on making sure the spellbook isn't used for King Delphic's purpose.

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Flying Home

Sun, 20 Dec 2009 17:04:00 +0000

Tory and Neal land in Hildegard. While looking for the picture to take them to the Delphic Castle, they find Talpids in the library, torturing Seth.

Conflicted about the information he got during the dinner, Alex tries not to panic, and tells Bryna and Jake about his run in with Garten.

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A Plan of Escape

Sat, 12 Dec 2009 20:24:33 +0000

During a dinner with King Delphic, Alex learns that the Talpids have captured Seth and are torturing him for information. Delphic threatens to bring Seth to the castle. Alex goes back and tells this to Bryna and Jake, who are at a loss, not sure if they should go back.

Tory and Neal figure out how to use the spellbook and quilt in tandem, which gets them closer to the Delphic Kingdom, but not quite where they intended.

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Unexpected Meetings

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 21:45:14 +0000

Garten brings Alex to the Delphic castle. Alex meets his father, King Delphic, for the first time in many years. Reveling in capturing Alex, Garten traps him in the castle, making sure he can't escape.

Tory and Neal, still in the Last Kingdom, work out a way to get back to everyone else and, possibly, save the day using the now found spellbook.

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The Cottage

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:59:56 +0000

While Neal and Eli continue to fight, Tory begins to learn why Neal is so angry and resistant to getting the spellbook.

Jake finds a painting which will take him to the Delphic Kingdom. He and Bryna decide to travel through it, since it seems to be the quickest way to get to his father and stop his plans.

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The Book

Fri, 20 Nov 2009 20:47:41 +0000

Lilia convinces Neal and Eli to go get the spellbook from Zahava's cottage. Neal is initially reluctant, not sure what will happen. Tory sets out with the two men, a bit surprised that she must, due to her possession of the story-quilt.

Forest and Alex get themselves into the Delphic city, but without any money. Not quite sure what to do, the two of them wander around the city, towards the castle, trying to figure out a way in.

While exploring Hildegarde, Jake and Bryna find the library.

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A Search

Fri, 13 Nov 2009 19:20:33 +0000

Norlis reveals to King Delphic why he interrupted his interrogation of Neal.

In speaking with Seth, Jake learns why Neal seems to be the only imp in existence and how important Neal is to the whole story.

Seth tells a story about what happened after the kingdoms were bound together.

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The Delphic Kingdom

Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:02:31 +0000

Making their way through to the Delphic Kingdom, Alex and Forest try to figure out how to get into the castle.

In the new kingdom Tory becomes frustrated after a fight between Neal and Eli leads to sulky silence.

Once getting them up and moving, Tory runs ahead and meets a woman in a small nomadic village who reveals a unique and useful secret.

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A New Kingdom

Fri, 30 Oct 2009 21:25:56 +0000

Alex and Forest find a picture which can take them to the Delphic Kingdom.

Tory, Neal and Eli escape into a new kingdom, followed by a Talpid.

Jake, Bryna and Seth make their way into Hildegarde, where Jake learns more about his ancestry.

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All Together Apart

Fri, 23 Oct 2009 16:27:00 +0000

Alex, Forest and Marina make their way back to the tower in the Inland sea.

Tory comes up with a plan of escape, allowing Eli, Neal and herself to get to a completely different kingdom.

Jake is joined by Bryna and Seth on his journey back to the Delphic kingdom.

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Sun, 18 Oct 2009 18:18:47 +0000

Jake decides to go to Hildegarde in order to find a way to get to his father without confronting him.

Tory learns about the uses of a story quilt.

Neal flashes back to his initial deal with the Queen of Westover.

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Fri, 09 Oct 2009 10:46:25 +0000

Alex convinces Forest and Marina to take him out of the Cloud-Jumper Kingdom Tree, by talking with them about his dreams.

Jake gets to the village and meets up with Karen, Paul and Bryna. He learns about the Talpid attack, and the destruction of Bryna's troupe.

In the Delphic kingdom, the King explains to his captors what he plans to do with the spell that Neal originally started.

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Rescue... Sort of

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 14:31:05 +0000

Tory, Eli and Norlis rescue Neal from King Delphic, only to find themselves betrayed. 

Jake stops for the night outside Hildegarde and has an argument with the former Queen of Westover. Seth shows up in order for the spell to work, but finds Jake unwilling to accept whatever his ancestor tells him to do.

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Finding Their Way

Fri, 25 Sep 2009 12:56:26 +0000

Continuing on his journey, Jake is shown the way towards the village by the farmer and his wife. 

Norlis, Tory and Eli make their way into the Delphic capital city by pretending to be street performers. By scaring the guards they get themselves arrested and sneak into the Delphic Castle.

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Sun, 20 Sep 2009 22:16:45 +0000

Tory and Norlis are captured by a rough group of people living outside of the Delphic capital city. While in their care, Tory empties out her pack to figure out what's in it. As she pulls things out, she finds a story quilt. 

King Delphic comes and interviews Neal about the spell which bound him to the Westover Castle, Hildegarde. The spell allows him to communicate with the Delphic castle as well.

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New Friends

Sat, 12 Sep 2009 00:10:34 +0000

Garten and Neal get to the castle, where Garten brings Neal before the King.  King Delphic has a short chat with Neal, who realizes that the King has no intention of letting him heal from the torture Garten inflicted.

Jake tries to get to the town he'd been heading for with the fruit, but ends up lost in the snow. He stumbles across the farmer who's helped him when he was sick. The farmer, who recognizes Jake, promises to help point him in the right direction.

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Race to Delphic's Castle

Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:18:51 +0000

Tory and Norlis continue on their journey towards Delphic's castle. They bed down for the night, and Tory finds a few things in her pack she didn't know she had.

Garten continues his press to the castle as well, trying to get there before the King thinks he's lagging.

Jake leaves the Cloud-Jumper Kingdom, saying goodbye to Alex. Alex expresses his wish to come, and promises to catch up to his older brother.

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Everyone on the Move

Fri, 28 Aug 2009 23:08:50 +0000

Tory goes to rescue Neal from Garten. Norlis comes along by offering to take her out of the Cloud-Jumper Forest.

In order to avoid thinking about his torture under Garten, Neal continues to remember what it was like waking up after invocation of the spell. He knows they are close to King Delphic and isn't sure what's going to happen when he gets there.

Spurred by Tory's absconding from the Kingdom Tree, Jake decides to take his leave as well. Before going he discusses the idea with Marina, who tells him the reasons behind the spell with the story quilt.

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Neal Remembers; Tory Decides to Get Going

Fri, 21 Aug 2009 11:29:36 +0000

In a flashback, Neal wakes up after being exhausted from spell working. He realizes that he is now connected to the castle Hildegarde and through her,  the countries which surround Westover. In the present though, he continues to be tortured by Garten. Garten views it as entertainment.

Alex recovers from his poisoning, and gives Tory and Jake some information about Neal and King Delphic. Tory decides to leave the Cloud-Jumper Kingdom in order to save Neal.

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The Party

Fri, 14 Aug 2009 16:35:08 +0000

Forest tells Jake about the party. Jake decides that he feels well enough to attend.

Tory meets up with Jake again at the party. She and the rest of the travelers enjoy the food, until Seth performs a spell using the story quilt.

The spell performs as none of them expect, leaving both Jake and Seth completely out of sorts.

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In the Kingdom Tree

Fri, 07 Aug 2009 15:23:58 +0000

Jake is reunited with Alex.  Tory, Marina and Seth are shown around the Kingdom Tree by Norlis, who shows them to their rooms.

While the others are resting, Tory takes the opportunity to look through her items, and finds an object she's never seen before. Puzzling over this, she falls asleep.

Marina wakes her, and tells Tory the object which she found is a curiously small calling globe. Tory puts it on as a necklace and follows Marina into the party Micah has thrown for their welcome.

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The Cloud-Jumper Kingdom

Sat, 01 Aug 2009 10:48:19 +0000

Delphic speaks with Linden about stopping Tory and her friends from retrieving the objects they need to break the spell.

Tory, Seth, Alex, and Marina follow Micah to the Cloud-Jumper Kingdom Tree. Alex accidentally poisons himself with some berries.

Micah informs Tory of how the Kingdom Trees work, to a certain extent. Luckily, they soon get a chance to see exactly what one looks like.

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Tory meets Micah

Fri, 24 Jul 2009 20:23:14 +0000

Neal allows himself to be recaptured by Garten. Tory witnesses his torture and wishes to save him. Seth, in an effort to convince her that Neal is okay, tells her Neal shouldn't be saved just yet.

As Seth is trying to answer Tory's questions, Micah shows up.

Jake wakes up in the Cloud-Jumper kingdom, finally recovering from his illness.

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Seth, the Bard

Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:00:00 +0000

Tory, Alex and Marina make it to the Cloud-Jumper domain. On their walk in, they meet Seth, who finds a place for them to sleep for the night.

While they’re sitting around the fire, Seth takes out an instrument that Tory recognizes. He plays an interesting tune, which Marina finds annoying.

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Escape; and the Cloud-Jumper King

Fri, 10 Jul 2009 16:09:38 +0000

Neal and Jake escape from Garten. While on the run, they meet a farmer who helps them out. Jake is sick with snowcold, and Neal keeps him safe by lying to the farmer about who they are. They leave as soon as they can. The farmer points them in the direction of the Cloud-jumpers. Micah, King of the Cloud-Jumpers, meets them at the tree line of the Cloud-Jumper domain. After ordering that Jake be taken to the domain's Tree, Micah asks Neal what happened two hundred years before. Neal reluctantly tells him what he remembers of the last days of the battle. Micah wants to help, but Neal decides to let himself be recaptured by Garten.

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Neal's Memory; and Tory Meets Alex

Sun, 05 Jul 2009 23:38:34 +0000

Trying to piece things together, Neal again thinks back two hundred years. While protecting the castle of Westover, Neal finishes a picture of a village and a man with an ox-cart full of fruit. With Marina's help, Tory gets to the Tower where she meets Alex. The two of them 'enjoy' a dinner with Alex’s mother. Alex decides that he and Tory should continue together. As part of his preparation of their journey, Alex gives Tory a knife for her own protection. Tory introduces Alex to Marina, and Alex is smitten. Marina tells Tory and Alex that the three of them must get to Delphic's city.

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Fri, 26 Jun 2009 13:05:39 +0000

Tory asks Bryna where they are going and learns they are headed toward the Inland Sea. They stop in a small town and ask for a place to stay for the night. Tory watches Bryna be refused a berth. Neal and Jake continue their way over the mountains, while Neal works on trying to escape. Tory and Bryna make it to the town on the Inland Sea. Tory is told she must travel to a tower in the middle of the Sea on her own. When she gets to the boat, Tory meets Marina, Bryna’s half sister and a princess of the Sea who would take her to the Tower.

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Dancing - or not; and Thinking Back

Fri, 19 Jun 2009 13:10:29 +0000

Alex's mother is very worried about Jake - and with reason. Alex cares too, but he's there and Jake isn't. It feels unfair, somehow. After Jake and Neal are captured, Bryna takes Tory and Jeremy into her troupe. Tory begins to perform with Bryna’s dance troupe as they make their way to the tower where Alex lives. Neal flashes back to when he was a painter for the Queen of Westover. He witnesses the Queen declare war on the Delphic kingdom. Once she declares war, the Queen asks Neal if he can protect the kingdom.

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The Tower on the Inland Sea

Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:27:30 +0000

Alex wanders around a tower in the middle of the Inland Sea. He worries about his mother, and reassures her that his father, King Delphic, won't try to take them back to his castle. Tory, Jake, Jeremy and Neal escape from Garten. Bryna and her troupe of dancers pick them up. She takes them back to the oxcart and loads some of the fruit which was in the cart. She also helps Jake get his cart from the ditch. During their effort, Garten catches up with the troupe. This time, he only takes Jake and Neal, leaving Tory and Jeremy with Bryna.

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Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:18:27 +0000

Leaving the castle, Neal is ecstatic with freedom. The three of them make their way down the final hills, with Tory and Jeremy trying to ignore the babbling coming from Neal. At the last hill they're overtaken by Garten, King Delphic's Captain of the Guard, and captured. King Delphic hears from his messenger that Jeremy, Tory and Neal are no longer on their way to help his son with the oxcart. The messenger wonders if the King is going too far in his quest to make the spell focused on keeping the kingdoms together. Garten drags Tory, Jeremy and Neal from one Inn to the next, as he brings them closer to King Delphic. On his way he captures one other person, Jake, who turns out to be the man with the oxcart Tory and Jeremy were trying to help.

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Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:15:14 +0000

Once in the castle, Jeremy goes exploring, leaving Tory in the entrance hall. While she waits for him to return, a strange man shows up. Though she is scared, Tory holds her own by offering the man food and a warm sweater. He takes both the food and the sweater, but tries to bolt when Jeremy comes back from his exploration and tells Tory how he's found a place where he thinks someone must be sleeping, Jeremy finally notices the man Tory is struggling to keep with her. When Jeremy asks the man who he is, the man gives no answer. Deciding the man isn't worth the effort Tory lets him go. Jeremy and Tory try to leave the castle. Appearing before them, the man introduces himself as Neal and explains that Hildegard (the name of the castle) won't allow them to leave unless they pledge to return to the castle when they are finished with their journey. Jeremy is skeptical since Neal claims he's been in Castle Hildegard for 200 hundred years. Though neither Tory nor Jeremy are particularly inclined to believe Neal, they follow along and pledge to the castle to return once they help the man with the oxcart. As part of the deal Hildegard tells them they must take Neal along with them.

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Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:05:45 +0000

While visiting her Aunt, Tory is taken by a picture of a man and an oxcart in the dining room of the house. That night, she has a dream about it that wakes her up. The dream makes her so curious about the painting that she needs to see it. She is surprised to meet her cousin Jeremy in the dining room. Then, with Tory leading the way, the two of them venture into - and through - the painting. In the new world Tory meets Karen and Paul. They help Tory and her cousin by taking them in to their house. Tory is amazed and confused to see that Jeremy already knows both Karen and Paul. She asks them about it and Karen tells her he's been helping out the man in the picture. The next morning, Tory and Jeremy leave Karen and Paul's home, and head over the mountains to help the man with the oxcart. In the mountains frozen rain begins to fall. Hoping for some shelter, they come upon a large castle.

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Sat, 06 Jun 2009 19:55:22 +0000

The trees are moving apart, and the kingdoms are separating with them. The tension is pulling the land into war. The Queen and the Head bard conspire to keep the kingdoms together using an ancient spell. Before asking any one, they lure Neal, a painter magician into working with them without telling him why. Neal accepts the offer to paint for the Queen thinking it's simply another job.

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