A Man and His Unicorn
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Creator: Anthony Matthews
Fantasy Single-voiced Serial Audio Book
In this podiobook: Vern was an ordinary college instructor and looking forward to spring break. But on the last day of classes and dreaming about a gorgeous gal, he woke up in a white washed world with nothing there! ... That included his clothes (oops). He found himself on the other side of the mirrors and could look out of any mirror. With a few false starts (didn't that woman ever hear of someone asking for directions), he got himself out and back into the real world and his own home ... He then wished he stayed put.A wizard from a race of humanoid toads wanted Vern to come to his world to aid in defending the toads from two different races. Vern's talents were hidden - he was a special bachelor (did that mean "easy to get rid of"?). He would be a powerful though inexperienced wizard in the other world. "Please come, the situation is desperate", pleaded the toad. Vern, of course, refused. Then after some persuading (and turning Vern's world even more upside down), Vern said he'd think about it.Sunday morning, Vern found himself in another world. "I said I'd THINK about it!" snapped Vern. But he was now committed. After meeting a few individuals who wanted to slice, dice, or otherwise harm him, Vern got into the quest. Then he met a beautiful Red unicorn stallion with magical powers. The unicorn took immediately to Vern. Vern was thrilled - then he remembered why unicorns took to certain people ... Vern didn't have too much success in dating (he swore he was a good kisser). Hopefully, he'll have more success in staying alive.
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Voices: Single
Genres: Fantasy
Framing device:
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Completion status: Finished
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Mon, 05 May 2008 01:35:29 +0000
Vern was now hitched - much to his great surprise (both that he was married and who he was married to). Now to say good-bye ... for awhile that is.
Mon, 05 May 2008 01:35:07 +0000
Vern had lost. Now comes the bitter pills to swallow. However, the Queen has a few surprises still in store ... If she doesn't get mobbed by her own people. Maybe Vern could save Queenie?
Sun, 27 Apr 2008 23:50:17 +0000
Vern and the Queen had tied! This last contest, called physical, had them using their own bodies to fight each other and had to be resolved or there would be war! Another tie was not acceptable. This could be the deadliest contest yet.
Sun, 27 Apr 2008 23:49:43 +0000
Vern had challenged Queen Vashna to a duel! Everyone met at a meadow to see the two of them slug it out. First would be energy bolts where they try to fry the other. Then, if they survive, would come the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral contests. Those contests have a few surprises -- from both sides!
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:10:19 +0000
Vern, Toadface, and Red manage to sneak back into the Royal Palace -- after a few dirty tricks (Hey! No one is going to miss the booth selling roasted donkey heads). But, as usual, things do not go according to plan. However, that can be said for the other side also.
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:09:05 +0000
Vern wanted revenge again the Queen. He went back to the clover patch to get more magic-hiding fourleaf clovers. Unfortunately, they meet up with some "old friends". In the fight that ensued, Vern finds his darker side.
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:05:56 +0000
Just before dawn, Toadface and Vern are attacked by wizards. In a pitched battle, they are captured by the Queen. She is pompous and cruel to Vern and makes him heal her bugling soldiers. However, someone else desperately needs Vern's attention ... And the Queen makes a fatal mistake - literally.
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:05:21 +0000
Toadface had a brilliant idea to fight the Queen - four leaf clovers! After Vern got down from the proverbial ceiling, Toadface explained that the clovers would mask any magical detection. Vern insisted on staying at an Inn for the night before the big battle. He and Toadface (disguised as his son) meet the charming Innkeeper's young son. Little did Vern know that their presence could be fatal.
Chapter 11: Romantic Encounter?
Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:08:56 +0000
Vern and Toadface decided to get some help from a local sorceress named Jezell to help with dealing with the Queen. Turns out the Queen is the sorceress's grandniece. Jezell did not look old and assured them that she was not an ally of her grandniece, Vashna ... She liked about at least one thing! And Vern found himself being admired - a bit TOO much!
Chapter 10: Barking up the right cave
Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:08:21 +0000
Vern and Toadface were hiding in a cave - discouraged with their debacle with the magical Queen. Just then a little puppy was popped into their cave. Vern thought it was cute, Toadface thought it was a trap. Guess who was right? ... They meet a less than friendly puppy owner - who wanted a rather pointed conversation.
Sat, 15 Mar 2008 17:37:51 +0000
Toadface and Vern use cunning disguises of a little girl and a hayseed farmer. Red is dressed up like a plain horse. They feel fortunate to get into the palace to bag the old King. Unfortunately, things do not go according to plan. Why doesn't Plan A ever work?
Sat, 15 Mar 2008 17:37:16 +0000
Vern and Toadface go over a mountain pass to get at the human king. Unfortunately, they are "greeted" by hordes of barbarians, an enchanted swordsman called Super Cutter, and miserable snowbanks. Just not their day!
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 05:35:08 +0000
Vern and Toadface (along with Red) are in a stew -- or soon will be. The Kur King, who they tried to capture and failed to do so, wants to invite them to dinner -- as the main course. However, the Kur King's appetite wanes when he finds out about Vern's talent to heal. He plans to use Vern as a super-medic for future battles. Toadface sourly notes that it would have been better for all of them to have become a burp.
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 05:30:00 +0000
Vern and Toadface go traveling on the back of Red the unicorn. They meet up with an old smoky friend, the dragon. After a wild chase, they escape -- barely. However, Vern discovers some rather unsettling facts about his unicorn's talents. But that is not as unsettling as the fact that Vern himself also has more talents.
Chapter 5: Unicorn facts - A Man and His Unicorn
Sun, 09 Mar 2008 16:00:00 +0000
-In this episode: Vern is afraid of dogs. So when Toadface told him that one of the enemy races was doglike, Vern was not happy. He was briefly cheered when he received magic lessons. Alas the lessons went wrong (anyone could make a thunderstorm). But he then he would
Chapter 4: Going Drag - A Man and His Unicorn
Sat, 08 Mar 2008 17:00:00 +0000
-In this episode: Vern could manipulate anything he owned. He had to use the hood of his car to quickly make a dome to prevent being attacked by the dragon. Now what? They were trapped and all he had to fight the dragon was either his cat or his guinea pig. Guess whic
Chapter 3: The Quest - A Man and His Unicorn
Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:00:00 +0000
-In this episode: Vern went out on his quest with the toad wizard that he dubbed Toadface. They were in his compact car. Vern was a powerful wizard but lacking training. He had to learn on the run, literally, as a dragon chased his car down some rather rough roads.
Chapter 2: A MOBILE Home - A Man and His Unicorn
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 17:00:00 +0000
-In this episode: Vern had said he'd think about helping the toads. But when he got up to get the Sunday paper, he found an oak tree in his yard where there had been a dying sapling. He and his home had been transported to the magical world. He snapped at the toad wiz
Chapter 1: Rude Awakening. - A Man and His Unicorn
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:33:10 +0000
-In this episode: The sleeping Vern was placed in a white washed world that was on the other side of the mirrors. This was the opening gambit to convince Vern to go to a magical world to help a race of toads -- or else.