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RPGMP3: RPGMP3 Main Group Tabletop Gaming Podcast

Audio RPG


The main RPGMP3 site feed including Hal’s regular gaming groups over the years.

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 14 (SS Session 78)

Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:11:13 +0000

Shattered Star Reforged Session 14 (Shattered Star Session 78): The Mother of Oblivion Despite the luxury of sleeping in a magical magnificent mansion, the Shard Seekers find their rest in the Guiltspur haunted by nightmares and visions. They continue deeper into what appears to be a massive natural cavern and discover a monstrous Abyssal guardian […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 13 (SS Session 77)

Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:01:51 +0000

Shattered Star Reforded Session 13 (Shattered Star Session 77): The Curator Appears The Shard Seekers must deal with the fallout of tampering with stasis tubes holding ancient specimens within the Guiltspur's Hall of Arcane Wonder. Thier poor treatment of the exhibits finally grabs the attention of The Curator, a spectral Thassilonian Wizard who is ready […]

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RPGMP3 – 20 Years of Actual Play Gaming

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 01:15:34 +0000

Happy New Year! Welcome to a landmark year for RPGMP3 – 20 Years of Actual Play Gaming. It is 20 years since we started the website. Twenty years of tabletop roleplaying actual play recordings. Twenty years of watching things change. While the URL for the RPGMP3 website was purchased by PaulofCthulhu from in late […]

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Iron Gods Session 65

Tue, 12 Dec 2023 04:23:43 +0000

Iron Gods Session 65: Upside Down Caramel Macchiato, Anyone? Team Meat attempts to reconcile themselves with a new addition to the group. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Evan as Al Kemiste – a ratfolk alchemist […]

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Iron Gods Session 64

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:36:38 +0000

Iron Gods Session 64: The Long Haul Step One Team Meat enters the Choking Tower intending to locate information on the Android Casandalee. They quickly realize this is a dangerous place to poke around and poke around anyway. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus […]

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Iron Gods Session 63

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 03:07:33 +0000

Iron Gods Session 63: Mothballin’ Team Meat arrives in the area of the Choking Tower and stumbles on the lair of a Star Monarch. After some conversation, the breach the Choking Tower and encounter traps and robots, and other horrid things. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her […]

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Iron Gods Session 62

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 03:02:16 +0000

Iron Gods Session 62: Iron Gods vs Giant Odds Team Meat travels towards the Choking Tower and encounters some robot trouble and a literal giant problem. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Evan as Al Kemiste […]

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Iron Gods Session 61

Tue, 23 May 2023 02:28:51 +0000

Iron Gods Session 61: Rise and Choke Team Meat gets its affairs in order before heading out into the blasted wasteland towards the Choking Tower and their next clue. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Evan […]

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Iron Gods Session 60

Tue, 23 May 2023 02:21:54 +0000

Iron Gods Session 60: Nanite-mare Team Meat continues to attempt to cleanse the tech caves under Iadenveigh and finds themselves dealing with a swarm of nanites that are something of a challenge. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an […]

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Iron Gods Session 59

Wed, 10 May 2023 01:12:19 +0000

Iron Gods Session 59: The Accidental Twofer Team Meat begins to wrap things up in Iadenveigh and prepare for a trip out of town to follow a lead. Somehow I got my numbers mixed up and combined two different sessions into one mega session – so apologies there. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human […]

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Iron Gods Session 58

Tue, 09 May 2023 02:44:44 +0000

Iron Gods Session 58: The Flesh, It Hungers Team Meat continues to explore the damaged technological ruins under Iadenveigh. They converse with the confused android and release some horrific flesh blobs the have been stewing in the pipes for a long time. They are pretty grumpy. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of […]

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Iron Gods Session 57

Fri, 17 Mar 2023 02:28:28 +0000

Iron Gods Session 57: Rust in Peace Team Meat returns to the area under the well and encounters several robots who seem to be under the impression they should not be there. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an […]

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Iron Gods Session 56

Fri, 17 Mar 2023 02:01:21 +0000

Iron Gods Session 56: Rat-titude Adjustment Team Meat attempts to figure out what to do with their slain friend and meet someone new who might help them out in the short term. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an […]

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Iron Gods Session 55

Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:07:58 +0000

Iron Gods Session 55: The Great Starship Delusion Team Meat struggles with dealing with a delusional android who shot one of their members and still thinks she is aboard a starship. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android […]

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Iron Gods Session 54

Wed, 21 Dec 2022 17:25:53 +0000

Iron Gods Session 54: Sadness Is A Warm Gun Team Meat has a hard time pinning down the agent and chases them carelessly through the tunnels with tragic and contentious results. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android […]

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Iron Gods Session 53

Wed, 21 Dec 2022 15:10:18 +0000

Iron Gods Session 53: Spies and Droids and Mutants Team Meat explores the technological underground location under the well. Finally, they catch up with their quarry, only to stumble into a massive fight fuelled by Chat’s apparent desire to see them all perish. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery […]

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Iron Gods Session 52

Tue, 08 Nov 2022 00:14:33 +0000

Iron Gods Session 52: Well, well, well! Team Meat disarms the protections capping the well at the abandoned farm in Badwater and ventures down to face a tough fight against a technological cloud that just wants to give them a big hug and pull them to pieces. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle […]

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Iron Gods Session 51

Wed, 07 Sep 2022 21:00:21 +0000

Iron Gods Session 51: Subtle Investigations Team Meat continues investigating the possible Technic League influence in Iadenveigh and eventually stumbles across something unusual near Badwater. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Bill, as Kiernan Fent – […]

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Iron Gods Session 50

Wed, 07 Sep 2022 19:00:13 +0000

Iron Gods Session 50: Workers of the World, Unite! Team Meat begins an investigation that the council wants to keep under wraps because it involves the possibility of technology. They kind of suck at it. Buligup starts his efforts to unionize the workers of Iadenveigh with mixed results. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human […]

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Iron Gods Session 49

Wed, 11 May 2022 19:00:32 +0000

Iron Gods Session 49: Just Bear With Me System: Pathfinder Team Meat strives to make up for their terrible faux pas of assaulting a townsperson by taking on some minor tasks for the village council. Their first task is to head out to an outlying farm and check on a farmer who reported a creature […]

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Iron Gods Session 48

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 21:00:24 +0000

Iron Gods Session 48: An Excellent First Impression System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat arrives in Iadenveigh, a quiet rural settlement dedicated to the worship of Erastil, and nervous about technology of any kind. In an effort to appear friendly to the locals, Team Meat decides to assault a random lady in the street for […]

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Iron Gods Session 47

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 19:00:38 +0000

Iron Gods Session 47: Travelling Takes Its Troll System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat, staggering from the strain of dealing with the Murderball, continues towards Iadenveigh and encounters some hungry trolls in the wilderness. Sadly, they are not in the mood for a conversation. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar […]

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Iron Gods Session 46

Wed, 20 Apr 2022 21:00:30 +0000

Iron Gods Session 46: Murderball! System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat begins their journey towards Iadenveigh across the blasted wastes of Numeria, and chat decides to throw in a random encounter to spice up travel. It turns out to be something truly terrifying. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery […]

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Iron Gods Session 45

Wed, 20 Apr 2022 19:00:00 +0000

Iron Gods Session 45: Cheeky Followers System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat is introduced to the small group of followers that Tatia has managed to attract, including Silas, who appears to be something of a Jiminy Cricket for Tatia and her relationship with Desna. Plans are made to leave and move to pastures new. Whitney […]

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Iron Gods Session 44

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 21:00:40 +0000

Iron Gods Session 44: How To Raise Friends And Offend People System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat faces the inevitable issues of wandering around with a giant undead ettin. Discussions of morality ensue. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – […]

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Iron Gods Session 43

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 19:00:41 +0000

Iron Gods Session 43: Who Let The Xill Out? System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat, high on their defeat of Hellion, gathers their hard-earned loot and heads back to decide with to do about the deal they made with the Blood Ghost. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and […]

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Iron Gods Session 42

Wed, 06 Apr 2022 21:00:40 +0000

Iron Gods Session 42: Hello Hellion System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat delves deeper into the Lords of Rust base and finally encounters Hellion. A long and brutal fight ensues as the party try to take down the crazed AI in his shiny robot body. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the […]

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Iron Gods Session 41

Wed, 06 Apr 2022 19:00:49 +0000

Iron Gods Session 41: Xilly, Xilly! System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat carefully explores around the base of the strange machine and stumbles across a sacrificial shrine. They finally meet the Blood Ghost and make a tentative deal with them. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger […]

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Iron Gods Session 40

Wed, 30 Mar 2022 21:00:13 +0000

Iron Gods Session 40: I Chuu, Chuu Chuul You! System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat explores the tunnels around the Lords of Rust base and goes poking in a pool they probably shouldn’t be poking. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R […]

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Iron Gods Session 39

Wed, 30 Mar 2022 19:00:43 +0000

Iron Gods Session 39: Sneaky Sneaks System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat finally finishes dealing with Draigs and explores the underground base some more and stumbles across some sneaky, stabby, shadow folks who want to sneak and stab them. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, […]

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Iron Gods Session 38

Wed, 23 Mar 2022 21:00:25 +0000

Iron Gods Session 38: Two Heads Are Better Than One System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat attempts to continue fighting through the Lords of Rust base after the staggering loss of a member of the group and runs into another large and two-headed problem, with some very large chains. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a […]

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Iron Gods Session 37

Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:00:57 +0000

Iron Gods Session 37: Numerian Chainsaw Massacre System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat searches for more of the Lords of Rust, bypassing some closed doors and messing with some locks, and setting off some alarms. They attract some unwanted, and well-equipped attention, and a party member pays the price. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a […]

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Iron Gods Session 36

Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:30:19 +0000

Iron Gods Session 36: Zap! Zot! Beep! System: Pathfinder 1st Edition NOTE: There is a strange echo at the start of this session that clears up at around 28 minutes if you need to skip past it. Team Meat continues to explore the underground base of the Lords of Rust, fight some robots, and discuss […]

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Iron Gods Session 35 (Lost Episode)

Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:00:08 +0000

Iron Gods Session 35: Clerics, Monitors, and Grenades! Oh My! System: Pathfinder 1st Edition NOTE: This is a Lost Episode, sadly due to corruption on the drive we use to store the files prior to editing. Team Meat finds a room filled with clerics to Hellion and a large number of monitors and decides to […]

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Iron Gods Session 34

Wed, 09 Mar 2022 20:00:40 +0000

Iron Gods Session 34: The Joy of Friendship System: Pathfinder 1st Edition Team Meat begins to search to Lords of Rust base and discover that magic cast through monitors can be really problematic when you have a massive scary fighter in the party. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery […]

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Christmas Special 2021: How The Lich Stole Christmas

Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:30:27 +0000

2021 Christmas Special: How The Lich Stole Christmas RPGMP3 is pleased to present our 2021 Christmas Special. This year we are playing How The Lich Stole Christmas for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition by Wizard Sleeve Studios. A party of inexperienced adventurers is traveling through the mountains when they encounter a depressed village where all […]

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Iron Gods Session 33

Mon, 15 Nov 2021 03:27:30 +0000

Session 33: Let’s Troll Team Meat responds to a missive from the Lords of Rust to attend their arena and face an unknown challenge. They clearly have been causing enough trouble to get noticed. Maybe they will be offered a nice office job? Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery […]

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Iron Gods Session 32

Wed, 10 Nov 2021 04:26:32 +0000

Session 32: Juggling Explosives Team Meat returns to the receiver array in order to bring some pain. and explosives. There is a large bang and they leave the area whistling and hoping no one notices. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R […]

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Iron Gods Session 31

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 03:11:02 +0000

Session 31: Hot Water, Good Dentishtry and Shoft Lavatory Paper Team Meat concludes their deal with Dinvaya and head over to chat to the Kellids about the lovely base of operations they moved into. The leader of the Kellids is a pretty nice guy. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 12 (SS Session 76)

Sat, 18 Sep 2021 22:21:13 +0000

SSR 12: The Hall of Arcane Wonder The Shard Seekers find that the upper floors of the Guiltspur contain a museum and exhibits of various Thassilonian curiosities, magic, religions, planes, and cultures. A few technical issues towards the beginning of this one. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti […]

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Iron Gods Session 30

Sat, 18 Sep 2021 20:25:58 +0000

Session 30: All In Good Wraith Team Meat completes their exploration of the haunted ship and stumbles across the body of the captain on the bridge. More fun with incorporeal, ability score sucking creatures ensures. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R […]

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Iron Gods Session 29

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:13:38 +0000

Session 29: If You’ve Got It, Haunt It Team Meat return to Dinvaya and discuss their tactical retreat from the haunted canyon. She agreed to assist them in gaining access to whatever lies in the mists. After falling down a cliff, they quietly enter and find a place filled with spirits. And not the good […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 11 (SS Session 75)

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:34:30 +0000

SSR 11: Entering the Guiltspur Having dealt with the Giants, the Shard Seekers begin the exploration into the Guiltspur, wary for the Blue Dragon Cadrilkastra. However instead they find an ancient library and its guardians that show a fascination for decapitation. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen […]

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Iron Gods Session 28

Tue, 03 Aug 2021 03:24:16 +0000

Session 28: I AM Afraid Of Those Ghosts Team Meat ventures towards the haunted canyon and find themselves ill-equipped to deal with the incorporeal presence that calls it home. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Bill […]

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Band on the Run Session 02

Tue, 03 Aug 2021 01:28:56 +0000

Session 02: Smart Party Neon and Noqual are left floating in space at the helm of a damaged starship. Will they be able to get to Songbird Station and perform? Will they get blown out of the sky? Let’s find out in this short conclusion to Band on the Run. Catwomaim as Zhane Amellu – […]

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Band on the Run Session 01

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 02:06:46 +0000

Session 01: The Big Break Aspiring and promising stardock rock band, Neon and Noqual, get a break and need to travel to Songbird Station to try to make it big. Sadly, their busted old starship isn’t up to the task and they have to catch a ride in an attempt to make it on time. […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 11

Thu, 27 May 2021 03:31:48 +0000

Session 11: Are You My Mummy? The party ventures out into the desert and enters the Tomb of Anhktepot looking for their kidnapped friends and way out of the deserts of Har’Akir. Catwomaim as Missy Belchiot – a lightfoot halfling Rogue Monster as Alekenora – a firbolg Druid (NPCed for this session) Bunni as Karou […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 10 (SS Session 74)

Sun, 25 Apr 2021 03:34:10 +0000

SSR 10: A Bargain Met, a Barter Made After the victory over the Hill Giant Chief Jubbek, the Shard Seekers return to General Stom to collect on the deal struck with the Fire Giantess. However, the claim over a now healed Togbad’s loyalty stretches diplomatic relationships. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow […]

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Iron Gods Session 27

Sun, 25 Apr 2021 02:59:13 +0000

Session 27: Strange Brain Stuff, Maybe? Team Meat takes time to explore the receiver array and finds it strangely empty, except for a suspicion that there is something in there playing with their tiny minds. A short session due to technical issues and one of the plays joining us on audio-only while driving. Whitney as […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 10

Sun, 25 Apr 2021 01:50:16 +0000

Session 10: Ass Heads Team Lunchable sneaks off with the great treasure of the temple and returns to their camp to count their ill-gotten loot. Their ears are itchy. Strange. What could that be? Catwomaim as Missy Belchiot – a lightfoot halfling Rogue Monster as Alekenora – a firbolg Druid (NPCed for this session) Bunni […]

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Iron Gods Session 26

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 04:58:35 +0000

Session 26: Shooting Yourself In The Foot Team Meat explores more of Scrapwall including the large dish on the edge of town. They find a scene of devastation and carnage and manage to trigger a random encounter for themselves that might be more than they can handle. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle […]

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Iron Gods Session 25

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 23:36:56 +0000

Session 25: Uninvited Guests Team Meat releases Whiskerfiss and returns to talk to Redtooth. They have their eye on the newly cleared real estate vacated by the Smilers and head back to claim it only to find that it has some new, rather unorthodox tenants. We also welcome an exciting new player to the fold […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 09 (SS Session 73)

Fri, 22 Jan 2021 01:00:58 +0000

SSR 9: The Shard of Wrath The Shard Seekers crash what goes for theatre amongst Hill Giants and challenge Chief Jubbek, the Hill Giant Tyrant that wields the Shard of Wrath as a literal weapon. A captured Shoanti magic user is rescued and decides his fate lies with the group. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed […]

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Iron Gods Session 24

Thu, 21 Jan 2021 01:12:16 +0000

Session 24: Adventuring In Slow Motion Team Meat confronts Marrow in her lair and deals with the threat before really, really slowly progressing into the next room and fighting a bunch of very minor monsters in agonizingly painful detail. NOTE: This session brought to light a very badly worded Trait that I’keztu has, the ‘Suicidal’ […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 08 (SS Session 72)

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:25:53 +0000

SSR 8: The Warrens of Wrath The Shard Seekers descend further into the tunnels surrounding the Guiltspur, encountering more mutilated Hill Giants, other enemies, and prisoners. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen Archer Kurtis as Diane Archer, Half-elf Summoner, with Eidolon Anung Un Rama Lockhart as GM […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 09

Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:08:14 +0000

Session 09: Ser-Pent Up Tension Team Lunchable returns to town to find that there are foul rituals afoot and kidnappings have occurred. They confront the priestess during her dark rites and bring a stabby end to her plots and schemes. Catwomaim as Missy Belchiot – a lightfoot halfling Rogue Monster as Alekenora – a firbold […]

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Iron Gods Session 23

Mon, 11 Jan 2021 23:59:51 +0000

Session 23: Self-Mutilating Cannibal Necromancer Cleaning Service Team Meat finally begins the assault on the Smilers base, dealing with the entrance defenses and a collection of interesting denizens as they search for Redtooth’s brother and the foul necromancer, Marrow. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 08

Wed, 23 Dec 2020 20:28:36 +0000

Session 08: Desert Death Dogs of Doom Team Lunchable discusses their situation, has a Tarokka reading that foretells a terrible future (again), and heads off into the desert with their new camel to visit the tomb in the desert. When they get there, they are assailed by a large pack of two-headed hounds. Catwomaim as […]

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Iron Gods Session 22

Wed, 23 Dec 2020 20:03:47 +0000

Session 22: The Planning Phase Team Meat discusses their rising fame with Redtooth and she asks them to help her rescue her brother who was taken but the Smilers. The group decides to do some reconnaissance and interrogate some Smilers and begin to plan their assault on the Smiler Headquarters. It looks like it might […]

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Christmas Special 2020: ‘Twas

Tue, 22 Dec 2020 18:31:09 +0000

RPGMP3 is pleased to present our 2020 Christmas Special, at the end of a very trying year for many. This year we are playing ‘Twas by Ace Gamebooks. That terrible devil, Krampus is back with a scheme to kidnap and sacrifice Santa so he can take all the Christmas power for himself. Santa has just […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 07

Thu, 03 Dec 2020 03:28:46 +0000

Session 07: Walk Like A Har’Akiran Team Lunchable leave the village they saved and head off back into the swamp where they encounter some Vistani having issues with their wagon. As payment for helping, the Vistani offer to take our hapless adventurers with them through the mists. They arrive somewhere a little drier and more […]

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Iron Gods Session 21

Thu, 03 Dec 2020 02:55:36 +0000

Session 21: Getting Ahead With Technical Problems Team Meat eagerly drag their manticore head down from the junk pile of Scrapwall and parade it around a little despite it being just a touch radioactive. They are summoned into the presence of Redtooth, the leader of the Redtooth Raiders and then we get hit by some […]

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Iron Gods Session 20

Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:39:40 +0000

Session 20: Manticore Madness Eager to increase their scrapworth and gain some recognition from the gangs in Scrapwall, the party head off up a deserted path through the mountains of twisted metal to hunt down a manticore. This creature has been terrorizing travelers and Scrapwall residents alike and killing it would certainly bring some acclaim. […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 06

Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:00:41 +0000

Session 06: Going Batty Team Lunchable heads to the old graveyard in the unrelenting storm to try to stop the waves of zombies from killing everyone in the town. They encounter a little flappy resisitance and finally come face to face with Marcel d’Tarascon. Catwomaim as Missy Belchiot – a lightfoot halfling Rogue Monster as […]

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Halloween Special 2020: Sky Ov Crimson Flame Session 01

Tue, 10 Nov 2020 00:15:20 +0000

In the first part of our 2020 Halloween Special, a large group of villagers set out to investigate recent disappearances and save their children from an evil keep on the hills above town. In this game, each player is portraying multiple level zero characters and it is expected that most will not survive. Whitney as: […]

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Iron Gods Session 19

Thu, 29 Oct 2020 01:02:30 +0000

Session 19: For The Birds The intrepid party builds up the courage to go and take on the Smilers that are holed up in Hawk Palace. After some sneaking about they decide on a direct frontal assault and find that characters who are archers should never be confined to tiny spaces because they are far […]

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Iron Gods Session 18

Sun, 18 Oct 2020 16:56:46 +0000

Session 18: Big Mean Bullies Team Meat finally arrives at Scrapwall and starts to swagger about and talk to the gangs. They learn a lot about the place and find that there are a lot of issues in the town. They seek out their contact, the Cleric of Brigh, and begin a lovely relationship by […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 05

Sun, 18 Oct 2020 15:21:40 +0000

Session 05: Plot Hunting Team Lunchable spends a little time recovering from their late-night watching an empty plantation and Karou recovers from the assault of the murderer. They decide to try and figure out what else is going on and begin their search for more of the plot. Eventually, it begins to rain… Catwomaim as […]

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Iron Gods Session 17

Thu, 15 Oct 2020 21:49:23 +0000

Session 17: Who You Gonna Call? Team Meat spends a lot of time planning what to do to lay the ghost of Aldronard to rest. Eventually, they take some action with surprising results and head out to begin their adventures in Scrapwall. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 04

Wed, 14 Oct 2020 01:33:33 +0000

Session 04: Splitsville Showdown Team Lunchable complete their search of the Tarascon plantation and return to town with some grisly evidence. They encounter a killer and work with the constable to try and capture them. They decide it would be good to watch the plantation overnight to see if there are any creatures living there […]

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Iron Gods Session 16

Fri, 10 Jul 2020 21:27:44 +0000

The party travels towards Aldronard’s Grave, a keep near Scrapwall. They rescue a lonely tiefling traveler from an attack by robot snakes and he joins their merry band. Arriving at the keep they find that it is in the grip of some disease, but all may not be what it seems. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 03

Thu, 09 Jul 2020 20:14:26 +0000

Session 03: Ghouls Out For Summer Team Lunchable begins to explore the abductions and strange deaths that have been happening in Marais d’Tarascon. They chat with townsfolk and pick up a boatload of rumors and tales of woe. They then decide to try and visit the Tarascon plantation to see if they may be able […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 02

Thu, 02 Jul 2020 22:56:35 +0000

Session 02: Fortunes, Stereotypes and Crocodile Handbags The party continues punting through the swamps. They meet a group of Vistani, who in a fit of Romani stereotyping, invite the party to stay and read their fortunes. Chat pays for a random encounter and the party is set upon by something massively dangerous but ultimately lucrative. […]

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Iron Gods Session 15

Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:18:31 +0000

The party takes stock, reveling in their success in Torch. They explore the idea that the power relay was sending power somewhere, and to ensure the safety of Torch they agree to investigate the gang-run town of Scrapwall to the northeast. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her […]

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Hexad of Hyskosa Session 01

Tue, 16 Jun 2020 21:24:40 +0000

Session 01: Unladen Swallows The party is wandering through the Vast Swamp in search of treasure when a strange mist envelops them and the stars seem to change. They are attacked by dangerous creatures and a few people get swallowed. Catwomaim as Missy Belchiot – a lightfoot halfling Rogue Monster as Alekenora – a firbold […]

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Iron Gods Session 14

Tue, 16 Jun 2020 01:54:56 +0000

Our brave adventurers delve back below the Black Hill to ensure they have made the whole site safe for the villagers of Torch. They encounter a little more resistance then they were perhaps wanting and Kiernan (and the rest) are very happy with his new sword purchase. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle […]

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Iron Gods Session 13

Fri, 08 May 2020 21:38:26 +0000

The party searches the strange underground corridors some more and is ambushed by a creature who gives Kiernan a nasty surprise. They finally find the purple-haired lady and quickly figure out why she is the boss of all these creatures as they skirt dangerously close to a TPK. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human […]

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Iron Gods Session 12

Fri, 17 Apr 2020 21:45:01 +0000

A slightly shorter session caused by some minor technical difficulties getting the show off the ground. In this session, the party continues to explore the strange ruins and encounter some pretty stiff resistance in the form of orcs and ratfolk. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger […]

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Iron Gods Session 11

Fri, 10 Apr 2020 21:11:35 +0000

In which Whitney has a tale about being naked before the party head off to search a local warehouse for evidence of what might be causing everyone to have headaches. There is a lot of fun with Invisibility and Web spells in small spaces. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar […]

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Iron Gods Session 10

Mon, 06 Apr 2020 04:35:26 +0000

The party return to town with Khonnir Bane where they are treated as heroes. The do some shopping and an ally makes some dubious choices leading to some tough conversations. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard […]

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Iron Gods Session 09

Thu, 26 Mar 2020 00:24:12 +0000

The party continues their search for the lost councilman and stumble across some very nice vegetable people who show Kiernan their very nice hammer and how it works. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Bill as […]

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Iron Gods Session 08

Wed, 04 Mar 2020 22:51:32 +0000

After messing around for a while, the party returns to the ruins to deal with their new friend, Brain Buddy. They follow the trail of blood trying to locate any survivors of the previous expeditions. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R […]

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Iron Gods Session 07

Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:58:07 +0000

The party spends a little time back in town before venturing forth with their friend and trusted ally, Sanvil Trett, who is certainly not a member of the Technic League no matter what LX&R thinks. They return to the ruins and find themselves some robots to fight and eventually manage to rescue someone important. Whitney […]

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Iron Gods Session 06

Sun, 09 Feb 2020 04:31:51 +0000

The party finds another section of the dungeon where it seems something terrible has happened a few days before their arrival. They also make a new friend which they call Brain Buddy. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an […]

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Iron Gods Session 05

Sun, 09 Feb 2020 04:24:46 +0000

The party journeys deeper into the strange dungeon below the town of Torch and encounters a strange underground desert filled with horrible, dangerous creatures. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, Nicodemus Thing as Lx&R (Alexander) – an android wizard Bill as Kiernan Fent – a […]

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Iron Gods Session 04

Mon, 20 Jan 2020 22:02:52 +0000

The party finishes some conversations with their new skulk friends and heads back to Torch where they are invited to do a little free gambling at Silverdisk Hall as the latest celebrities. When they return to the tunnel, they pass through the glaucite doors and enter a very interesting area indeed. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 07 (SS Session 71)

Thu, 12 Dec 2019 01:19:39 +0000

SSR 7: A deal is struck The Shard Seekers make contact with General Stom, leader of the surface camp, and learn that she has ambitions to take the tribe elsewhere. If only someone would deal with those loyal to the Hill Giant Chief in the tunnels below. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as […]

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Iron Gods Session 03

Wed, 11 Dec 2019 23:41:33 +0000

The party explores deeper into the caves and find the remains of more of the adventurers who came before them. They find a small group of Underdark creatures and decide that diplomacy is the more prudent path. They agree to deal with a rival tribe of gremlins in exchange for safe passage through the area. […]

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Iron Gods Session 02

Thu, 24 Oct 2019 01:57:04 +0000

The party begins their investigations into the waterlogged tunnels under the Black Hill in the hope of finding the councilor and the other groups who have preceded them. They encounter some interesting cave-based creatures and one terrifying glowing-eyed monster. Whitney as Tatia Nemescu – a human Oracle of the Lunar mystery and her tiger companion, […]

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Iron Gods Session 01

Sat, 21 Sep 2019 21:47:51 +0000

A party of inexperienced adventurers gathers at the town of Torch in Numeria to help find out why the famous violet flame has gone out. They are hired by the council to investigate the disappearance of a number of groups who have entered a newly discovered cave system. They do a little investigating and fight […]

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Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep Session 005

Sun, 25 Aug 2019 02:36:49 +0000

The investigators are invited to meet their friend, Jackson Elias, in New York, where he promises to involve them in another of his adventures. Erin – Letty Swanson – an author Leah – Mercedes Grimm-Walker – a lady of means Nick – Aye Jaye – a carnival entertainer Becca – Gretchen Schmidt – a learned […]

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Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep Session 004

Thu, 22 Aug 2019 03:39:59 +0000

The party continues to investigate the pyramid and find that things are a lot more complicated than they first thought. Will the investigators manage to get through this in one piece or will their minds be shattered by the terrible depth of horror they are facing? Erin – Letty Swanson – an author Leah – […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 06 (SS Session 70)

Thu, 22 Aug 2019 00:17:57 +0000

To the Guiltspur The Shard Seekers are gaining a reputation in Magnimar. They regroup and hear the requests of prominent citizens of the city before heading straight for the Thassilon ruin. When they arrive, they find that, as rumors had indicated, the ruin is occupied and fortified by a war band of Giants. Thing as […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 05 (SS Session 69)

Sat, 13 Jul 2019 02:28:01 +0000

Drake Diplomacy (AKA, Bribery) The Shard Seekers face the last encounter of the Windsong Abbey, three scaled occupents that provide an intimidating puzzle on how to evict them. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen Archer Kurtis as Diane Archer, Half-elf Summoner, with Eidolon Anung Un Rama Lockhart […]

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Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep Session 003

Sat, 13 Jul 2019 01:49:38 +0000

The investigators continue with the prologue in Peru. They start with the issue of approaching the people who were spying on them while they were visiting the floating island on Lake Titikaka. After an eye-opening experience and a brush with the combat system, the party head up into the highlands with a team of llamas […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 04 (SS Session 68)

Tue, 04 Jun 2019 18:22:24 +0000

Cleaning up the Windsong Abbey The Shard Seekers continue to work upwards from the depths of the Windsong Abbey, defeating any evil encountered whether ancient remnants of the cult of Groetus or allies of the defeated Ardathanatus. Starring Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen Archer Kurtis as […]

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Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep Session 002

Mon, 27 May 2019 18:06:52 +0000

The investigators begin by questioning Larkin about his involvement in the murder of Trinidad Rizzo and the assault on Doctor Sanchez at the museum. He appears confused and weak and points to an escalation in anger from de Mendoza who the party accuses of being part of the murders. The party agrees to accompany Larkin […]

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Masks of Nyarlathotep Session 001

Fri, 26 Apr 2019 00:47:46 +0000

A small group of investigators takes a chance at adventure and joins up with a small archaeological expedition to explore a pyramid in Peru and hopefully find some fame and fortune. They depart for Lima where they are drawn into a series of stranger and stranger events that lead them to believe things may not […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 10

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 13:51:30 +0000

The party continues to chase the wizard up the tower of Xitaqa. They attempt to capture him before they are swarmed by the creatures from the gullies below. They find some unusual magical items and the plot thickens as adventure awaits. Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid (NPCed by Tim this session) Erin: Kerri Deez […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 09

Fri, 29 Mar 2019 01:16:53 +0000

The party arrive at a plan to avoid the gullies of ruined Xitaqa and run across the top of the escarpment and use some useful magic to gain direct access to the tower. Inside they encounter all kinds of strange rooms and creatures and they chase the wizard inside and look for Stephan. Becca: Kali […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 08

Fri, 22 Mar 2019 00:12:23 +0000

The party arrives at the ruins of Xitaqa. It is a ruined place built into the gullys formed into an escarpment. Behind dark doorways lurk terrible creatures. How will the party proceed without getting ambushed in the narrow gullies and dark stone buildings? Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 07

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:25:39 +0000

The party assault the werewolf lair after much prep and are most disappointed with how wimpy 5e werewolves appear to be even when the DM tries to make things more exciting with dire wolves and a winter wolf. Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human Cleric of Time Tim: Brutalix […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 06

Tue, 05 Feb 2019 03:03:48 +0000

The party continues to fight through the goblin lair looking for Stephan. They take a serious beating as they choose to rest in a stupid place and take the pain because of it. Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human Cleric of Time Tim: Brutalix the Bull Lupin Barbarian Leah: […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 05

Sat, 26 Jan 2019 01:48:44 +0000

The party continue through the petrified forest and arrive at a goblin lair where they begin to search for the missing boat owner. They are decidedly nervous of creatures in robes for some reason. Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human Cleric of Time Tim: Brutalix the Bull Lupin Barbarian […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 04

Fri, 25 Jan 2019 03:00:41 +0000

The party venture into the woods to track down the horses and find that the goblins have sold them. They recover them and by the time they return to find that Stephan has been kidnapped so they head off into the woods to track him down. Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez […]

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Christmas Special 2018: Everyone Loves Stan

Mon, 24 Dec 2018 19:23:37 +0000

Merry Christmas! This is a one-shot game that uses the My Life With Master system from Half Meme Press. In this seasonal adaptation, a group of downtrodden elves must help a miserable Santa try to get his wife back before he spirals any further out of control. This one has some pretty naughty language and […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 03

Fri, 14 Dec 2018 04:16:21 +0000

The party tackles a long and protracted fight through the night against the goblin raiders at the homestead. As dawn approaches the goblins drive one last assault at the besieged adventurers. Will they survive? Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid (NPCed by Hal this session) Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human Cleric of Time (NPCed […]

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Halloween Special 2018: Island Deathmatch

Mon, 29 Oct 2018 04:00:12 +0000

A group of random people are invited to a desolate island to explore and win a prize. What they find is that they are human prey in a terrible game of murder. This one is probably worth watching on video, or at least skipping through 🙂 (Based on the game Classroom Deathmatch) Nick: Mechanic Guy […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 02

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 01:07:49 +0000

The party arrives at their destination in Sukiskyn to find that it is under siege by tribes of goblins. The people of the homestead are terrified and ill-equipped to handle such an assault. Will the party be able to save everyone or will they cut and run? Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri […]

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Night’s Dark Terror Session 01

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 02:13:51 +0000

The continued adventures of the party from Horror on the Hill. The party set off to find a place to spend their dragonslayers wealth and sign up to escort a boat to pick up some house to take for sale in the city. They are ambushed on the way and have a large fight with […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 10

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 01:49:21 +0000

The party continue the search the dungeon and make their way to the lowest level where they find themselves confronting a rather large, scaly beastie guarding the door. Sadly it is quietly sleeping. Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human Cleric of Time Tim: Brutalix the Bull Lupin Barbarian Leah: […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 03 (SS Session 67)

Fri, 14 Sep 2018 02:44:58 +0000

Guardian of the Doomsday Door – As the Shard Seekers cleanse the final remnants of Ardathanatus’s evil and minions from the Windsong Abbey they learn where the next shard lies, and come across the Ancient High Priest of Groetus, Kandamereus. Starring Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 09

Thu, 06 Sep 2018 03:09:28 +0000

The party dives down the hole to the second level of the dungeon to try and save the injured barbarian and the overly excitable rogue. They take a bit of a drubbing but make it through. After finally resting they start to explore the new level and encounter a wonderful wibbly classic monster who tries […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 02 (SS Session 66)

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 03:07:40 +0000

Return to Windsong Abbey – Setting out from Magnimar with Gein Kafog in tow, the group arrives back at Windsong Abbey. Finding few reinforcements the Shard Seekers are able to make a beeline to Ardathanatus and challenge his plan to open the Doomsday Door. Starring Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 08

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 01:54:05 +0000

The party creep around the first dungeon level of the monastery and somehow manage to avoid everything and reach the hobgoblin king who they have a long and meaningful chat with regarding the issues at Guido’s Fort and how his planned invasion is not going to help anyone. He agrees with them and decides to […]

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Shattered Star Reforged Session 01 (SS Session 65)

Wed, 22 Aug 2018 02:15:00 +0000

Regrouping – The remnants of the Shard Seekers regroup in Magnimar and reinforce themselves with greater aid from the Pathfinder Society and the temples in Magnimar, then sell their treasure for a small fortune. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen Archer Kurtis as Diane Archer, Half-elf Summoner, […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 07

Mon, 13 Aug 2018 02:10:37 +0000

The party finally bite the bullet and assault the monastery in force and make it through to the lower level where they start to explore and find a kidnapped dwarf called Gareth. Characters Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Erin: Kerri Deez the Variant Human Cleric of Time Tim: Brutalix the Bull Lupin Barbarian Leah: […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 06

Wed, 01 Aug 2018 01:58:49 +0000

The part acquires a nice new time cleric with rather an odd area of research that no one is certain has anything to do with time. They continue their foray into the monastery to try and break through the hobgoblins. They finally manage to use their pit trap (thank heavens that thing is gone) with […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 05

Sun, 29 Jul 2018 00:11:36 +0000

The party gather their wits and decide that guerilla tactics will work best to break through the defenses of the hobgoblins at the monastery. They explore the mausoleum and then using some helpful magic they manage to break in over the wall and start to explore the interior of the main building and cause a […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 04

Wed, 25 Jul 2018 04:00:47 +0000

The party discusses their plan to assault the goblinoid-infested monastery at length and decide to use the least practical plan that involves the most murdering. Suffice it to say, the plan does not go as intended. Characters Becca: Kali the Feral Rakasta Druid Tim: Brutalix the Bull Lupin Barbarian Leah: Ellyjobell the Sky Gnome Rogue […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 03

Tue, 24 Jul 2018 02:54:08 +0000

The party interrogate the hobgoblins and find out information about the monsters massing at the monastery. The party meet some sweet old ladies and decide to do a task for them that involves killing some ogres. Some small moral quandaries and debates. In this adventure, the strains of sound you may hear are coming from […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 02

Mon, 23 Jul 2018 03:02:42 +0000

The group continues to explore the hill and come to the realization that there are lots of paths and clearings and sometimes when they find things, they are just things. They find the ruins of a monastery, an overgrown graveyard, and a small hobgoblin encampment and deal with them in traditional heroic fashion. In this […]

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Horror on the Hill Session 01

Fri, 13 Jul 2018 03:16:21 +0000

A party of new adventures gathers at Guido’s Fort in order to plan for their foray across the river to the legendary hill around which myths of monsters and treasure have been spun. Playing in Dungeons and Dragons 5e this is a conversion of the classic B5 Horror on the Hill adventure in the Mystara […]

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Shattered Star Session 64

Tue, 07 Jun 2016 04:40:33 +0000

The party continues to search the floor hoping to find someone nice to talk to. They don’t.

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Shattered Star Session 63

Thu, 26 May 2016 04:37:39 +0000

Dream monsters and other confusing matters

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Shattered Star Session 62

Mon, 25 Apr 2016 04:35:11 +0000

Some negotiation with a smith makes for an interesting and diverting change from the hoards of scary monsters that follow

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Shattered Star Session 61

Wed, 09 Mar 2016 05:30:12 +0000

More slimy beasties and a demon are slightly less annoying than the grumpy old man the party

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Shattered Star Session 60

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 05:23:45 +0000

A nice day out exploring chances when the water elemental attacks

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Shattered Star Session 59

Tue, 16 Feb 2016 05:20:15 +0000

More exploration and some more slimy tentacle monsters fall before the parties mighty skills

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Shattered Star Session 58

Sun, 14 Feb 2016 05:12:14 +0000

Searching the lower floor finds more skulks skulking sulkily, a rather huge giant and some statues made of ice. None of them are happy to see the party  

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Shattered Star Session 57

Mon, 08 Feb 2016 20:44:44 +0000

Through the creepy door and down the creepy stairs the party encounter some serious golem and skulk action

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Shattered Star Session 56

Tue, 01 Dec 2015 20:39:18 +0000

Redcap swarm. They are everywhere with red caps and stompy boots and scraggly beards

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Shattered Star Session 55

Mon, 23 Nov 2015 20:34:32 +0000

Past the room filled with undead, the party stumble into some demons. I mean who keeps these things in the attic?

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Shattered Star Session 54

Sun, 22 Nov 2015 20:31:02 +0000

The party decide to look at what is in the attic and find it is full of dusty old undead – just like everyone’s attic

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Shattered Star Session 53

Mon, 19 Oct 2015 19:27:57 +0000

Following the death of the redcaps, the party continues to stumble into terrible wiggly monsters.

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Shattered Star Session 52

Tue, 29 Sep 2015 19:24:10 +0000

The party continue through Windsong Abbey and meet some more evil fey resistance

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Shattered Star Session 51

Mon, 21 Sep 2015 19:18:31 +0000

The party enter Windsong Abbey and deal with some two-headed terrors and some little guys in red hats

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Shattered Star Session 50

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 50 – The party scout the castle and determine an entrance. They creep in the postern gate and are embroiled in a cliffhanger combat… Lockhart – GM Lindsay – Juniper Shade, WItchy Witch Thing – Gorum, Fighty Fighter Hal – Damiir Greycastle, Oraculary Oracle Heather – Arrow on the Wind, Archery Archer

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Shattered Star Session 49

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 49 – More giants and ettins fall before the party who are working surprisingly well together at the moment. Lockhart – GM Lindsay – Juniper Shade, Witch of party enhancement Thing – Gorum, half orc choppy Fighter Hal – Damiir Greycastle, Oracle of Battle and Flame Strikes Heather – Arrow on the Wind, Twang…. […]

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Shattered Star Session 48

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 48 – The party complete their business in Magnamar and head out to Windsong Abbey to see if the rumors of giants are true… they are! Lockhart – GM Lindsay – Juniper Shade, cursing Witch of cursey curses Thing – Gorum – Stabby Fighter Hal – Damiir Greycastle, Oracle of Battle and king of […]

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Shattered Star Session 47

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 47 – The party fight off some nasty devils and return to talk to their new patron who is impressed with their discretion and stealth… Lockhart – GM Lindsay – Juniper Shade, Witch Thing – Gorum, Two-handed Fighter of much chopping Hal – Damiir Greycastle, Oracle of Battle Heather – Arrow on the Wind, […]

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Shattered Star Session 46

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 46 – The party do a little shopping and decide to approach the previous parties patron to attempt to get some backing moving forward. Lockhart – GM Lindsay – Juniper Shade, Witch of much slumber Thing – Gorum, Fighter with an itchy sword finger Hal – Damiir Greycastle, Oracle of Battle Heather – Arrow […]

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Shattered Star Session 45

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 45 – The party begin their journey toward civilization when they encounter a pack of angry savages. The party begin their journey toward civilization when they encounter a pack of angry savages. Fate takes a hand and they end up taking one of them along with them – hopefully, she will prove useful. Damiir […]

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Shattered Star Session 44

Fri, 10 Jul 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 44 – The party wrap up at the Black Keep and make their escape via unorthodox means resulting in arriving at a surprise location The party finish exploring the keep and deal with the remaining inhabitants before locating the shard and making their rather clumsy escape as this part of the adventure path draws […]

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 25

Wed, 01 Jul 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 25 – The party completes the clearing of the mine and discuss how to proceed. With the adventure complete we end with a short review of the scenario

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 24

Wed, 01 Jul 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 24 – The party decide to clear out the rest of the mine and wipe out some undead.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 23

Wed, 01 Jul 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 23 – Using the magic flame from the mine to enhance their weapons emboldens the party to go forth and take on the Flame Skull and it’s zombie minions

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 22

Wed, 01 Jul 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 22 – The party chooses to avoid a dangerous Flame Skull and stumble into another interesting creature instead.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 21

Wed, 01 Jul 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 21 – The party fight The Black Spider and his spider minions. There are a few surprises thrown in as well

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 20

Sun, 29 Mar 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 20 – The party explore Wave Echo Cave and we cliffhanger in the middle of an interesting fight

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 19

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 19 – Guybrush has an encounter with something unusual and the party finally make it to Wave Echo Cave and begin exploring

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 18

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 18 – The party head to Cragmaw Castle to free their Patron and have a huge stroke of luck

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 17

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 17 – The party travel back to Phandalin and do a little leveling on the way

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 16

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 16 – The party go to speak with Venomfang with the help of the dragon cultists

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 15

Mon, 12 Jan 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 15 – The party continues to search the town after speaking with the druid and accepting the task of driving off the dragon.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 14

Mon, 12 Jan 2015 11:06:00 +0000

Session 14 – The party decide to be prudent and cautious instead of brash and idiotic and decide to go and speak with the druid.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 09

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 09 – The party return to town to gather resources, trade in quests and information, show their new green-skinned friend around

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 13

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 13 – The party complete their business in town and travel out to locate a Druid who may know the location of the goblin keep

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 12

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 12 – The party finish up with their Owlbear problem and return to report their successes.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 11

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 11 – The party finish up with their tasks around Conyberry and rest up in the abandoned village before heading back.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 10

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 10 – The party ventures out into the wilderness towards Conyberry to complete some of the tasks they have been assigned. They find banshees, necromancers and other undead

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 08

Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 08 – Following the defeat of Glassstaff the party decide to continue exploring the mansion to deal with the rest of the Redbrands

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 07

Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 07 – The party venture further into the mansion and find themselves deep in conversation with the much dreaded eye beast.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 06

Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – A short session due to a sick Pug. The party continue to explore the mansion, rescue a few villagers and find some secrets

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 05

Sat, 06 Sep 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The party begin to explore the old mansion ruins and the game is cut a little shorter than we would like by technical issues.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 04

Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – The party finish up talking to the townsfolk and make plans to deal with the Redbrands

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Swamp Inspectres Session 01

Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:00:00 +0000

Session 01 – A new and underfunded Inspectres franchise opens in the swamps of Louisiana and takes on their first, music-inspired job.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 03

Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – The party finishes up in the goblin cave with a little table-turning. They debate what action to take next and arrive in town to resupply

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 02

Sun, 20 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – The party continue to explore the goblin cave looking for their patron and his bodyguard.

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Lost Mine of Phandelver Session 01

Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – A new group of untested adventurers take a job escorting a wagon of supplies from the bustling city of Neverwinter to the small town of Phan

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Shattered Star Session 43

Thu, 03 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 43 – A long session where the party takes out a cowgirl, an undead horsey lady and finally faces off against the Headless Horseman and his hounds in a huge running battle through the Keep. Lots of nice tense moments for the party. Will they lose their heads? Hal as Damir Greycastle the almost […]

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Shattered Star Session 42

Thu, 03 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 42 – The party take on some wyvern and then have a nice long chat with an undead alien simulacrum before he decides that chatting isn’t enough. He is somewhat problematic for poor Goram. Lindsay as Juniper the Lightning wielding Tiefling Witch of blasty amazingness Hal as Damir Greycastle the Flamestrike wielding Human Oracle […]

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Shattered Star Session 41

Thu, 03 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 41 – The party back off and rest in a forest clearing and are attacked. Returning to the Keep they realize that it is generating new monsters when left to it’s own devices and it has made an interesting one. Thing as Goram the Half Orc Fighter dude Lindsay as Juniper the Tiefling Witchy […]

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Shattered Star Session 40

Wed, 02 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 40 – The party arrive in the Dark Forest to explore the Black Keep. Surprisingly they find themselves a crazy cowgirl, a flying ladies torso and other crazy rare undead. Hal as Damir Greycastle – Human Oracle of Battle and follower of Cayden Cailean the god of beers and awesomeness Thing as Goram – […]

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Shattered Star Session 39

Wed, 02 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 39 – An strange trap room, an annoying naga, a couple of daemons and some odd researchers with a huge pet brain. Seems like a pretty standard session. Hal as Damir Greycastle – Human Oracle of Battle and all round nice guy Thing as Goram – Half Orc Fighter in a big tin can. […]

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Shattered Star Session 38

Wed, 02 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 38 – More dungeon crawl action, including a crazy Bloatmage in the washing-machine-on-spin-cycle room Thing as BA Baracus – Orc Fighter – He Pities da Foo Hal as Face – Human Oracle of Battle Lindsay as Howling Mad Murdock – Tiefling Witch Lockhart as John “Hannibal” Smith – He loves it when a plan […]

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Shattered Star Session 37

Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 37 – The party continue to explore the dungeon and encounter a number of interesting beasties including the classic Gibbering Mouther Hal as Damir Greycastle – Oracle of Battle who seems to cast spells instead of fighting Thing as Goram the Half Orc Tin Can Fighter Lindsay as Juniper the awesome Witch Lockhart as […]

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Shattered Star Session 36

Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 36 – The party purchase some necessary items and then head down under the city to find the next shard. Lockhart – GM Lindsay – Juniper the Tiefling Witch and Dyson her Dust Mephit Familiar Thing – Goram the Half Orc Fighter Hal – Damir Greycastle the Human Oracle of Battle

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Shattered Star Session 35

Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 35 – The new party try to get along and pick up where the old party left off in hopes of making some money and finding some interesting items. Apologies for any technical issues heard in this episode. We are having some problems with our local Comcast service being at capacity in the neighborhood. […]

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Shattered Star Session 34

Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 34 – A small, morally ambiguous mercenary band who were shadowing the original party sneak into the scene with the hope of mopping up what the first party started. Apologies for any technical issues heard in this episode. We are having some problems with our local Comcast service being at capacity in the neighborhood. […]

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Shattered Star Session 33

Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 33 – A short session due to a disasterous combat leading to a totally shocking situation

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Shattered Star Session 32

Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 32 – The party explore the house and deal with a lot of difficult and interesting situations as they look for the kidnapped troll

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Shattered Star Session 31

Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 31 – The party explore Kaer Maga some more and speak with the family head before attempting to go and rescue the troll augur. Lots of huge creatures await outside the house that make the party rather sad. GM Who Keeps Attacking Us With Weird Stuff – Lockhart Misaki / Treacle the Sneaky Tengu- […]

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Shattered Star Session 30

Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 30 – The party arrive in Kaer Maga a little battered but otherwise well. They decide to enlist the services of Gav the Guide to help them explore the city. GM / Gav / Brunsk- Lockhart Misaki / Treacle the Sword of Awesomeness- Lindsay Gary the Elf, The Face of the Party – Thing […]

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Shattered Star Session 29

Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 29 – The party take the Halflight Path into Kaer Maga and only survive due to some very nice calls by the GM

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Shattered Star Session 28

Tue, 21 Jan 2014 11:06:00 +0000

Session 28 – The party do some off screen shopping and head toward Kaer Maga and the next shard

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Kult Taroticum Prologue

Sat, 14 Sep 2013 13:00:00 +0000

A small group of prison guards are embroiled in some strange occult happenings

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The Murderer of Thomas Fell One Off

Sat, 10 Aug 2013 13:00:00 +0000

A group of investigators gathers together to look for a missing friend and end up taking a very strange trip indeed.

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Shattered Star Session 27

Sat, 10 Aug 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 27 – The party face off against the mistress of the Lady’s Light

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Shattered Star Session 26

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 26 – The party find some more Grey Maidens and get to meet their leaders

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Shattered Star Session 25

Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 25 – The party explore a hidden area in the hidden demon temple and find a hidden annoying and frustrating fight

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Shattered Star Session 24

Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 24 – The party encounters some resistance from the Maidens and find a secret demon temple. There is some funny running about

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Shattered Star Session 23

Sat, 06 Jul 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 23 – The party explore some more and encounter giants and water creatures. Comcast decides to cut this one short because they suck

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Shattered Star Session 11

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 11 – The party start helping out Stinky the demon by bumping off his demon tormentors

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Shattered Star Session 10

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 10 – The party search some more and end up finding a massive nasty maggot monster

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Shattered Star Session 09

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 09 – The continued exploration of The Crow leads to finding Clickylegs and some undead

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Shattered Star Session 08

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 08 – The party encounter some particularly nasty spiders and the confused and crazy Mite king

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Shattered Star Session 07

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 07 – The party open a very large door and then encounter some tiny guys and their pet beasties

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Shattered Star Session 22

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 22 – The party explore more of the dungeon and face a horrid mind bending creature. It seems to be a bad day to be a construct following the party around

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Shattered Star Session 21

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 21 – The party begin to explore the Lady’s Light and find themselves a new pet construct to add to their collection

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Shattered Star Session 20

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 20 – Diplomacy, trickery and the development of a new language. A member of the party meets an untimely end, sort of!

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Shattered Star Session 19

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 19 – The party investigate the Boggard village but do not recieve a very warm welcome. Terrifying croak indeed!

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Shattered Star Session 18

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 18 – The party kill a ferocious beast and Gary the Elf becomes the spiritual leader of some Troglodytes

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Shattered Star Session 17

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 17 – A ship voyage to The Lady’s Light, some hard moral choices, conversations with a witch and some undead sailors

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Shattered Star Session 16

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 16 – The start of the second book in the Shattered Star adventure path. Some info gathering and prep and the rescue of a crazy doomsayer from some thugs

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Shattered Star Session 15

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 15 – The party continue their search and eventually fight their way to the next shard

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Shattered Star Session 14

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 14 – The party discover the kidnappers are a group of Derro and make short work of them. Some technical issues at the end mean we lose some this file

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Shattered Star Session 13

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 13 – The party meet a ship captain with quite a large issue and choose to help him out

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Shattered Star Session 12

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 12 – The party fight lots of odd monsters and find themselves a little robot buddy

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Shattered Star Session 06

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – The party finally face the leader of the Tower Girls

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Shattered Star Session 05

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The party continue to fight their way through the Tower Girls, battling through a large knot of them to get deeper into The Crow

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Shattered Star Session 04

Fri, 01 Feb 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – The party hire some help and head out to The Crow to find the next shard

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Shattered Star Session 03

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – The party take the shard back to Pathfinder HQ and discover a lot of things about it and get sent after another one

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Christmas Special 2012: Santa’s Sweatshop

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – The desperate members of ELF try to start a revolution with their cunning plan

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Shattered Star Session 02

Sat, 17 Nov 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – The party continue to work their way through the house hoping to find their quarry

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Shattered Star Session 01

Sat, 17 Nov 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – A novice group of Pathfinders is tasked with finding a missing informant

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Temple of Time Session 10

Sat, 17 Nov 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 10 – The party investigate the woods to the north and find something nasty left behind

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Temple of Time Session 09

Sat, 17 Nov 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 09 – The party continues their hunt for Arkalak. Some technical issues in the middle here

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Temple of Time Session 08

Tue, 24 Jul 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 08 – The party negotiate with the Lord to deal with the necromancer and find themselves embroiled in a murder investigation

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Temple of Time Session 07

Wed, 18 Jul 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 07 – The party head to check if there are any goblins left in the caves and find themselves surrounded by zombies again.

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Temple of Time Session 06

Sun, 08 Jul 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – The party find themselves in a similar cave system but this one is crawling with undead and exhibits evidence of horrid experiments.

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Temple of Time Session 05

Sun, 24 Jun 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The party venture further into the caverns and defeat many goblins before encountering a really strange one and a bit of an odd effect

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Temple of Time Session 04

Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – The party venture into the dingy lower levels of the goblin caves and find a rather nasty kitchen before being driven off by the goblin horde

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Temple of Time Session 03

Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – With a creepy new friend in tow the party return to the goblin caves and find a few changes

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Temple of Time Session 02

Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – The party continue to explore the first level of the goblin caves and one of them wanders a little to close to something pointy

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Temple of Time Session 01

Wed, 23 May 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – The party begin their adventure in the village of Tybold’s Folly where they are hired to go and investigate an increase in goblin activity

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Temple of Time Session 00

Mon, 14 May 2012 11:06:00 +0000

Session 00 – Character creation for a new homebrew game of Pathfinder using Google Hangouts

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Christmas Special 2011: Robot Orc and Mince Pie

Sat, 24 Dec 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – A couple of Santa’s elves get sent to recover his hat from his estrange wife

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 17

Sat, 12 Nov 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 17 – Team Doomed begin to become embroiled in the mysteries of Ascanor Lodge

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 16

Sat, 12 Nov 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 16 – Team Doomed start Broken Moon with a little shopping and pleasant walk through the forest

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 15

Sat, 12 Nov 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 15 – Team Doomed use a strange machine to defeat a crazed creature and save the day in the concluding part of Trial of the Beast

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 14

Fri, 14 Oct 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 14 – Team Doomed continue to explore Schloss Caromarc and meet some classic beasties

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 13

Fri, 14 Oct 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 13 – Team Doomed go to see Bobby but find some unexpected, and cramped, visitors have got there first

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 11

Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 11 – Team Doomed investigate the fire at Sanctuary on Karb Isle

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 12

Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 12 – Team Doomed head to a Chymic Works and find it a little hostile in this hugely epic session

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 10

Sat, 16 Jul 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 10 – Team Doomed face some serious opposition in the village of Hergstag but soldier through and bring home a MASSIVE haul of EXP

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 09

Sat, 16 Jul 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 09 – Team Doomed present their first pieces of evidence, interview Bobby the Beast and do a little stock taking

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 08

Sat, 09 Jul 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 08 – Team Doomed begin their investigations by looking into the murders at a nearby swamper town

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 07

Sat, 09 Jul 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 07 – Team Doomed do a little shopping in Ravengro before heading toward Lepidstadt and meeting some unusal people on the road

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 06

Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – Team Doomed finish up the Haunting of Harrowstone in fine style with excellent and surprising team work

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 05

Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The party do a little housekeeping before pizza arrives

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 04

Wed, 25 May 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – Team Doomed finish with the first floor, do a little shopping and retun for the basement where they find the Mosswater Marauder.

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 03

Mon, 16 May 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – Team Doomed return to Harrowstone and encounter some truly lame opposition

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 06

Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – The party travel north through the woods looking for sanctuary and clues as to what has happened

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 02

Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – Team Doomed return to Harrowstone Prison and after a brief scout around enter to face the horrors of the upper floor.

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 05

Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The group take a look in the barn in Lower Uncton and get a nasty surprise. Snootington shows how brave he can be and the whole group sally

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 04

Sun, 03 Apr 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – The party sally forth from Hazelwood Manor to Upper Uncton and quickly retreat as they realise things are not as simple as they first though

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Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Session 01

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – The party attend an old friends funeral and find that all is not well in the town of Ravengro.

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 03

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – The group do a little investigation into the cause of the Red Death and decide to have a foray towards the village of Upper Ungton

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 02

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – A difficult explanation of how there are creatures attacking London

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 01

Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – A few days at Hazelwood Manor, Surrey leading up to a hunting party and strange lights seen in the night sky

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GURPS: A Jolly Proper Adventure Session 00

Wed, 09 Mar 2011 11:06:00 +0000

Session 00 – Character creation session for a game of GURPS set in Victorian England

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Christmas Special 2010: Last Christmas On Earth

Sat, 18 Dec 2010 11:06:00 +0000

Santa drops his naughty/nice book in a town infested with zombies and asks the heroes to go and get it for him

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Night Below Session 09

Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:06:00 +0000

Session 09 – The party attempt to recover and save their friends and fall foul of something we all could see coming twenty miles away…

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Night Below Session 08

Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:06:00 +0000

Session 08 – The party storm the keep after much discussion and make a total mess of it. The “evil” character shows his true colours

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Night Below Session 07

Fri, 05 Feb 2010 11:06:00 +0000

Session 07 – The party decide to head into the wilds and hunt the orcs in the Thornwood and end up being attacked by bandits

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Rolemaster Session 31

Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:06:00 +0000

Session 31 – The party scout out the pyramid and make their move and cause a little widespead destruction

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Night Below Session 06

Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – The party decide to help Thurmaster with a little infestation of giants and end up dealing with a dragon…

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Night Below Session 05

Sun, 27 Dec 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The party wander off the beaten track in search of the missing wizards apprentice

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Night Below Session 04

Sun, 22 Nov 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – The party seem to be making a reputation for themselves and are hired to solve some environmental issues

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Rolemaster Session 30

Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 30 – The party fight their way through traps to reach the foot of the pyramid and then they get attacked

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Night Below Session 03

Mon, 09 Nov 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – The party take on a huge number of orcs and curse the combat rules as they try to snag themselves a werebear

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Night Below Session 02

Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – The party journey to Thurmaster and deliver their package and follow a strange string of events

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Night Below Session 01

Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – The party are hired to take a box of magic components to a wizard and are ambushed on the way.

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Night Below Session 00

Mon, 07 Sep 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 00 – Character creation for Night Below run in ADnD 2nd Edtion. The formation of an interesting party.

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Rolemaster Session 29

Thu, 03 Sep 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 29 – The party vistit with Melandath and are hired to collect a number of items for him. They head for the jungle

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Rolemaster Session 28

Sun, 23 Aug 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 28 – The party go for a bit of a shopping spree in Sel-Kai

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 12

Sat, 18 Jul 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 12 – The party arrive at an abandonned coaching inn and make all kinds of new friends.

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Rolemaster Session 27

Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 27 – The party do a little messing with time and draw the attention of someone very powerful.

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 11

Sat, 27 Jun 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 11 – The party face a Blood Dragon vampire in a wild melee and Ulrich shows where his loyalties lie

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 10

Thu, 18 Jun 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 10 – With considerable effort from some sources (Lindsay), the party manage to get back on track

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Rolemaster Session 26

Sat, 13 Jun 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 26 – The party fight to slay the necromancer and end up bickering and trying to kill each other.

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 09

Sat, 13 Jun 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 09 – The party take a simple task and certain members turn it into a total mess. The party suffers it’s first character death

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Rolemaster Session 25

Wed, 27 May 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 25 – The party find a strange set of rooms inside the pass and decide to investigate

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 08

Fri, 22 May 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 08 – The party start their journey following the Child to Altdorf and run into a little trouble in a small village along the way

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Rolemaster Session 24

Wed, 20 May 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 24 – The party venture out of their cave and try to get up the mountain but somehow end up back in the cave again

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Rolemaster Session 23

Thu, 14 May 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 23 – The party climb a mountain, get attacked by an ice giant and almost TPK while having a nice nap

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Rolemaster Session 22

Thu, 14 May 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 22 – A Lost Episode: The party finish their business at Griffon College and head north into the icy wilderness

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 07

Sat, 02 May 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 07 – The party face a terrifying Beast of Nurgle and Ulrich has some strange dreams and accepts a dubious offer

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 06

Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 06 – Missing the guiding hand of Lindsay, the party start to show their true colours. This one might be distasteful to some

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Rolemaster Session 21

Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 21 – The party finally cross the lake, get chased by the demon, find an artefact sword and get accused of murder.

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 05

Fri, 17 Apr 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 05 – The party return to the city, battered and bleeding and immediately follow a lead into the worst part of town… clever?

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 04

Fri, 10 Apr 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 04 – The party enjoy some cajun cooking before assualting a swampy temple filled with crazed mutants

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Rolemaster Session 20

Thu, 09 Apr 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 20 – After saying farewell to the pygmies the party head to a mysterious island and find some blaster rifles.

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 03

Sun, 05 Apr 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 03 – The party go to speak with a witch hunter to try and track down the origins of The Child and end up heading into the swamps

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 02

Sat, 28 Mar 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 02 – The party attend at the Orphanage of Shallya and end up needing to speak with a witch.

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Rolemaster Session 19

Sun, 22 Mar 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 19 – The party find an underground sea and decide to sail across it and much awesome ensues.

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 01

Sun, 15 Mar 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 01 – The Dirty Half-Dozen are recruited from a life of breaking rocks to investigate a miracle.

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Rolemaster Session 18

Thu, 12 Mar 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 18 – The party venture deeper into the darkness following Malik’s ball

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Warhammer: The Thousand Thrones Session 00

Sun, 08 Mar 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 00 – Everyone is here for character creation for Warhammer. How many Rat Catchers will we have?

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Rolemaster Session 17

Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 17 – The group venture forth into the new city and then return to investigate where the Albatrossities ball was pulling them.

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Dungeons and Dragons 4e: Thunderspire Labyrinth Session 14

Sun, 15 Feb 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 14 (DnD4e 25) – The party face down Paldemar and his cronies and kick the crap out of him

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Dungeons and Dragons 4e: Thunderspire Labyrinth Session 13

Wed, 04 Feb 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 13 (DnD4e 24) – The party follow the magical key and are led to a secret tower. They are also joined by a new face – Ha ha!

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Beyond the Mountains of Madness Session 14

Sat, 31 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 14 – At great personal loss the party fix the machine and then chase down those who would tell the world the horrible secret.

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Dungeons and Dragons 4e: Thunderspire Labyrinth Session 12

Sun, 25 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 12 (DnD4e 23) – The death of a true hero!

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Beyond the Mountains of Madness Session 13

Sat, 24 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 13 – The party recover from the hammer blow of the plane explosion and must then deal with even stranger matters

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Rolemaster Session 16

Mon, 19 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 16 – The party suffer the horrors of the High Priest Dansart before mounting an escape.

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Dungeons and Dragons 4e: Thunderspire Labyrinth Session 11

Mon, 19 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 11 (DnD4e 22) – The party activate the final challenge to open the door to the inner sanctum and fight a rather lack lustre dragon.

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Beyond the Mountains of Madness Session 12

Tue, 06 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 12 – Warning – This session contains plot and action and roleplaying by the players. It is not just Hal reading!

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Rolemaster Session 15

Mon, 05 Jan 2009 11:06:00 +0000

Session 15 – The party reach the city and are assaulted by countless mutant things, then they meet something a whole lot scarier.

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