Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

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14 shows

Morsectomy is a 4 part philosophical mystery podcast following the endeavours of Eli Smalldale, a journalist after the truth behind what he believes to be a corruption scandal in the justice system. PLEASE NOTE: Morsectomy is an interactive experience. You must uncover the 4th and final episode yourself by solving a series of puzzles. Hints for these puzzles can be found in the Episode 3 Description.

Set against the backdrop of Antarctica's six-month Winter Over, which is marked by perpetual darkness and isolation, our story delves into the intertwined lives and claustrophobic relationships of a small group of international scientists and crew stationed on a remote research base, Bowers Wilson. In addition to the extreme conditions, the research station crackles with sexual tension, unexplained mysterious psychotic events, hidden criminal pasts and strange global conspiracy theories, thrusting any wannabe detectives into a gripping narrative surrounding the mysterious death of 33-year-old behavioural scientist Andrew Fairfield. With only sixteen people left on the base, the murderer must be one of them. Join the diligent and obsessive DCI Tessa McCallister, as she works around the clock to spearhead the police investigation from the UK and solve the murder from over 9,000 miles away.

Twigs and Hearts
A book that ties many together. Who picks up a copy? What powers do they serve? Between missing people and people missing, who will you trust? Twigs and Hearts. Open at your own risk.

The Armitage Account
The Armitage Account is a narrative audio drama inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and is set in the fictitious city of Arkham, Massachusetts. Isaac Andrews, plagued with guilt over the events of the last year, begins to search for a connection to his supposed great-grandfather, and the long-deceased head librarian of Miskatonic University, Henry Armitage.

Koffer 23
De Nationale Postcode Loterij heeft een feest georganiseerd ter ere van een nieuw seizoen Miljoenenjacht. Het decor: een afgelegen, oud kasteel. De gasten zijn medewerkers, relaties en bevriende BN'ers. Linda de Mol houdt een gezellig praatje en speelt ter vermaak één rondje Miljoenenjacht met André van Duin. Maar wat blijkt: koffer 23 is verdwenen, met daarin 10.000 euro. De deuren gaan direct op slot. Niemand mag weg voordat deze zaak is opgelost. Tygo Gernandt wordt als detective aangewezen en heeft vijf verdachten op het oog: Nasrdin Dchar, Tina de Bruin, André van Duin, Edson da Graça en Nicolette van Dam. Detective Gernandt heeft zo zijn eigen manier van verhoren, die jammer genoeg niet leidt tot het vinden van de dader. Hij draagt daarom gefrustreerd en moegestreden het dossier over aan jou, de luisteraar. In dit dossier zitten de verhoren met de vijf verdachten, een reconstructie van de avond en andere zinnige of zinloze observaties. Jij kan op basis hiervan de zaak misschien wél oplossen. Help Tygo, vul jouw antwoorden in op en maak kans op 10.000 euro.

Murder Mystery Podcast
The story unfolds each week. Will you guess the killer?

7 Suspects
Who’s lying? Who’s telling the truth? And who murdered Aiden Croft? A new audio drama podcast from the creator of The Oasis Transmissions.

Narrated Serialized Mystery Audiodrama. Mysteries, Puzzles, and Riddles.

What would you do if your girlfriend was a werewolf? Kenni Monroe is forced to reconcile this question when her roommate goes missing and she's dragged down a lesbian werewolf rabbit hole of myth, legend, and prophecy.

Vampire: The Masquerade Port Saga
Shocked by his sire’s murder, young vampire Titus Reed returns to the city of his embrace only to discover an old friend has confessed to the crime. Unconvinced of her guilt, he reopens the case and vows to hunt down the real killer while confronting his violent past, the Second Inquisition, and the Camarilla politics of Port Saga. In this World of Darkness drama, indie podcast creator Rachel J. Wilkinson brings to (un)life the fictional mid-Atlantic city of Port Saga and the vampires who call it home.

Keen's Turn: A High-Stakes Vampire Horror Comedy
Jared Stern is going to die. That is, unless he can slay a vampire before falling to his fangs… When an anxious altruist becomes chance witness to a vampire's murderous meal, he takes it upon himself to rid his city of the threat. But the vampire, not so easily defeated, takes an interest of his own in his would-be slayer. Stakes are raised in ensuing bloody battles, a bout of about turns of turns of mind, and a deadpan penchant for puns—and that's only the beginning. So join me, for a lively horror thriller, a tale of tricks and traps traversing New York City. This is Star–Cross, book one.

The Golden House
"The one and only podcast for The Golden House Technology and Innovation Centre. Broadcasting from the heart of our state-of-the-art facility on the Isle of Wight". These six episodes were originally broadcast between September 2018 and January 2019. They were pulled from the internet shortly after. Each episode seems to contain a code of some kind... I'm reposting in the hope that someone can shed light on what happened here. I'll repost any clues to my Twitter (@ImogenShelfTest).

The Storage Papers
The Storage Papers will explore a large series of documents that I came into possession of when I won a storage auction for the minimum bid (as I was the only person present). Since then, I've had nightmares, paranormal activity going on in my home, and I believe I am being followed. Every two weeks, I'll be sharing the contents of these documents, which include police reports, witness statements, and other forms of records deemed too strange.

3D Escape Room: Frequency
3D Escape Room: Frequency is an interactive 3D audio escape room where you must find and solve all the puzzles within 60 minutes.