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Feats & Fantasies | Cataclysm Rising

Fantasy Audio RPG


Double Take's D&D, 5th Edition actual play podcast from Feats & Fantasies brings the tale of Cataclysm Rising. A journey following an unlikely group of heroes across Caledonia finding betrayal, mystery and confusion around every corner... but like, not in a bad way or anything...

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons



Genres: Fantasy

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F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 30 - The Kingdom of Alhawa

Wed, 26 Oct 2022 12:00:00 +0000

With the help of Nulmagus and IDLE, the party learns that Sylack is in the Plane of Air. They prepare for travel and discover a strange new world before them as well as strange and powerful magical beings. Will this rescue mission prove to be more complicated than originally believed?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack The Dragonborn | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.

- Recorded on 2-23-22

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 29 - Idle Hands

Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:00:00 +0000

With Sylack whisked away to parts unknown, the party come across an unfamiliar ally who claims he can help. What aid and danger does this new ally present and will they be able to save their friend in time?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack The Dragonborn | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.

- Recorded on 2-11-22

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 28 - The Harvest Festival

Wed, 13 Jul 2022 12:00:00 +0000

Leaving Adele Palm, the party finally heads to the mainland for the city of Onexa where Ne'Velle has a date and they can all get some much needed rest and downtime. That's all this episode is about, nothing unusual happens, promise. Totally promise.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack The Dragonborn | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.

- Recorded on 2-6-22

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 27 - Crabs and Conversation

Wed, 15 Jun 2022 12:00:00 +0000

At a dive bar beneath the docks of Fort Konrad, the party bets on crab fights and discuss secrets with loan sharks. Will they have the coin to afford the knowledge they seek or can they use their silver tongue to get a discount?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack The Dragonborn | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.

- Recorded on 8-17-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 26 - Busy as a Bee

Wed, 18 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000

Still short on gold, the party continues looking for work. They are sent to find a mysterious substance called Snake Honey, deep in the jungles of Adle Palm. With only their wits and weapons about them, will they get lost in the savage wilds or will they return with their sweet rewards in tow?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.

- Recorded on 4-30-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 25 - Sweet and Spicy

Fri, 08 Apr 2022 12:00:00 +0000

Finally the party looks for a way to make some money to repair their ship, they try some small scams and eventually find work with the Bahamut Chapel. They are directed to a plantation of spooky sugarcane to investigate suspicious activity.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.
Loady-11 | Jacob Schlehuber

- Recorded on 4-16-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 24 - Land Ho!

Wed, 16 Mar 2022 12:00:00 +0000

After dealing with spooky seas and peculiar islands, the party finally arrives in Adele Palm at the port city of Fort Konrad. It is here they take a much needed break taking in the sights, exploring the city and making travel plans now that they have an idea of where to go. The only matter now is, where to?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.
Loady-11 | Jacob Schlehuber

- Recorded on 4-9-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 23 - Fog of War

Fri, 18 Feb 2022 13:00:00 +0000

As the party continues to sail, Loady, one of the Bor clones awakens and joins the party. He proves his worth when the ship sails into a mysterious fog that threatens the lives of everyone on that ship.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.
Loady-11 | Jacob Schlehuber

- Recorded on 3-36-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 22 - A Tale and a Fateful Trip

Sat, 08 Jan 2022 14:00:00 +0000

Just sit right back and you'll hear the tale of a fateful trip starting in the tropic port of Les Gevas aboard a large ship, four passenger set sail to the island of Adele Palm, but as the water starts getting rough they find someone who seems to be lost

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.

- Recorded on 3-12-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 21 - What Happens in Les Gevais, Stays in Les Gevais

Fri, 02 Jul 2021 13:00:00 +0000

The party sets their plans into motion and set their poker faces in place as they prepare to capture Daniel Mawn, skip town, and make a little bit of gold in the process. Will they hit a jackpot or get royally flushed?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 10-8-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 20 - In the Dead of Les Gevais' Nightlife

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:00:00 +0000

The party hunts for Daniel Mawn as they explore the strange and expensive world that is Les Gevais, on this journey they meet old friends and make new ones as they dive deeper and deeper into this jewel of the swamp.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 10-1-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 19 - Dockside Wonders

Fri, 07 May 2021 13:00:00 +0000

Upon returning to Les Gevais, the party gets to work uncovering the secrets of the mysterious Daniel Maun, but an unexpected discovery stops the party in their tracks. Will this help them or hinder them in their plans?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 9-10-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 18 - The One With the Carriage and Elvis

Fri, 09 Apr 2021 13:00:00 +0000

After an eventful evening, the party leaves the town of Beauville to return to Les Gevais, in the process they get lost in the most dastardly way possible. Will they get even more lost or will they find a way to get out of the swamp?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 9-3-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 17 - Blood is Thicker Than Mud

Fri, 05 Mar 2021 14:00:00 +0000

The party confronts a cult of unknown origin in the town of Beauville and encounters another shady secret that asks for their special attention. Will they defeat the cult? Will the mysteries of the swamp ever be solved?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 8-13-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 16 - Chaos in the Swamp

Fri, 05 Feb 2021 14:00:00 +0000

The party finally arrives in the fabulous city of Les Gevas and finds new troubles and new friends. As the expanded world unfurls, can the team find aid as they brave the dangers of the swamps of Marais to find Elisper?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 7-30-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 15 - Dates and Dragons

Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:00:00 +0000

Upon discovering the secrets of Melora's Crown, the party learns the truth about the rising cataclysm and their connection with the Gods. They return to Onexa for some well-earned downtime, and to see some familiar faces.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 7-23-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 14 - Mountain Climbing and Misty Rooms

Fri, 04 Dec 2020 14:00:00 +0000

The party must make a long climb up Melora's Crown to find out what secrets Res'tron was after. In the process they make a new friend and learn what kind of dangers they are sure to face in the future.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 7-16-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 13 - Squatters and Horrors

Fri, 06 Nov 2020 14:00:00 +0000

The party decides to check out a parcel of land that was gifted to Sylack, now a Knight of the Empire and Timbervault. The land turns out to be inhabited by a squatter by the name of Debbix. What is her business here and what will the party do with her?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 3-9-20

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 12 - Aftermath of the Party

Fri, 09 Oct 2020 13:00:00 +0000

With the defeat of Res'tron, the party takes a well-earned breather. During this time, they learn what the sinsiter advisor's plans were, who the imposter behind the crown is, and more about the Flintwood family secrets.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 2-24-20

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 11 - Party Planning and Revolution

Fri, 04 Sep 2020 13:00:00 +0000

The party makes a new friend and coordinate a coup to dethrone the fake Ronan'Wes and the royal advisor Res'tron, but will this plan play out like intended or will they be dragged down by their own lack of forethought?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Basil Tarkelby | Laurenço

- Recorded on 10-28-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 10 - The Mask of Deception

Sat, 08 Aug 2020 13:00:00 +0000

The party escapes from a prison riot during a family visit, but leave with an extra person in tow. This man in an iron mask claims to be Ronan'Wes, the eldest brother of the Flintwood family and king of Timbervault, but if he's Ronan'Wes, who is currently sitting atop the throne?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 9-16-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 09 - Among Thieves and Kings

Fri, 10 Jul 2020 13:00:00 +0000

The Blood Feather's robbery leaves the train destroyed so the party stops in Sable Staff to rest, but make an interesting discovery. Afterwards, they finally arrive in Timbervault to reunite with Ne'Velle's brother Ronan'Wes, only to find things are far-off than remembered.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 9-1-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 08 - The Blood Feathers Descend

Fri, 12 Jun 2020 13:00:00 +0000

After dealing with the Trials of Bahamut, the party decides to make their way to Timbervault to deal with Ne'Velle's brother. They travel by train, but an unexpected robbery has them fighting for their lives and the safety of the other passengers!

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 8-5-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 7 - The Hillrock Temple

Fri, 01 May 2020 13:00:00 +0000

After their journey through the lumber town of Broadaxe the party leave Onexa to visit the Temple of Bahamut at Sylack's request, there Sylack undergoes the Trials of Bahamut to become a full fledged paladin of the order. The trials are long and emotionally and physically draining, will he have the guts to make it through?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 7-8-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 6 - Fallen Trees

Fri, 03 Apr 2020 13:00:00 +0000

While shopping around Ne'Velle runs into an old friend. The Party volunteers to help a nearby lumber town. And discoveries of unknown origin are made.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 5-13-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 05 - Bees, Owlbears, and Blightwatchers

Fri, 06 Mar 2020 20:30:00 +0000

The party head to the outskirts of Onexa to the Braid Berry Farm for a job and find that they need to hunt down a creature that destroyed the hives of a Beekeeper. The trail leads them into the nearby forest where they discover an unexpected culprit. The party gets to know more about Calypso Montgomery and Sylack learns of a temple to Bahamut.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 4-15-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 04 - Returning to Red Pine

Fri, 07 Feb 2020 18:00:00 +0000

The party makes their way back to red pine after successfully mining for Armalite and destroying the caves the Kobold's were living in. On their journey suspicions towards Leonard arise and a dead elf is found on the side of the road as they camp. What will they discover about Leonard and where will they all go after their job with him is done?

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Amethyst Amouritreux | Dakota Barrios
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 4-1-19

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 03 - The Hovar, The Lizard, and the Crystals

Fri, 10 Jan 2020 20:30:00 +0000

After ransacking the local tavern, and taking hostage an elite member of the Dreadwatch gang, the crew finds themselves dealing with the consequences of their actions.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Amethyst Amouritreux | Dakota Barrios
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther

- Recorded on 8-16-18 and 11-26-18

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 02 - The Dreadwatch Strikes Back

Fri, 20 Dec 2019 17:00:00 +0000

After ransacking the local tavern, and taking hostage an elite member of the Dreadwatch gang, the crew finds themselves dealing with the consequences of their actions.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Amethyst Amouritreux | Dakota Barrios
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman

- Recorded on 8-04-18

If you want to support the project, donate here!

F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S1 Ep 01 - The Tale Begins

Fri, 22 Nov 2019 20:00:00 +0000

So a half-elf, a drunk human, and a bearded dwarven lass walk into a tavern... To find themselves banded together as an unlikely bunch against a criminal debt collector, Hovar, and his minions from the Dreadwatch.

Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Amethyst Amouritreux | Dakota Barrios
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman

- Recorded on 7-28-18

If you want to support the project, donate here!