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Black Star Chronicles

Science fiction Audio Drama


A collection of adventures across the stars, all set in the same world. Made with complete sound design, score and little to no narration.

Format: Audio Drama



Genres: Science fiction

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The Culling - A Black Star Chronicle

Sun, 24 Nov 2019 14:40:16 -0800

The Culling is the newest addition to the Black Star universe. 

On a remote planet, a team of researchers creates a long-range transmitter. It works, but who else listens to the signal that calls into the darkness of deep space? Follow Harker on her plunge into terror and help shape her fate in this interactive narrative.

If you enjoy this trailer, please subscribe to our new show!

The Culling

Credits and additional info

Black Star Chronicles Part 2 - Finale

Tue, 09 Apr 2019 21:01:30 -0700

Now on the run, Juno and Nayva are being tracked by the deadly bounty hunter, Arden. Close behind, Detectives Crane and Gale follow the wreckage in an attempt to find Nayva first. When all paths lead to Horizon Labs, what awaits these characters? Can Juno save her brother? Find out in this heart-pounding conclusion of Black Star Chronicles. Be sure to listen after the credits!




Black Star Book 1 (a separate story in the same universe)


Black Star Chronicles Soundtrack

Black Star Book 1 Soundtrack (on all platforms)

Fandom Wiki



Press Kit


Black Star Chronicles Part 1

Sat, 02 Mar 2019 13:13:57 -0800

Deep in the mega-structure, Dyson, outlaw Juno Swift desperately seeks to repair her brother's stolen personality. She must turn to an ex-employee of Horizon - the company responsible for her grief.

Aware of Juno's efforts, Horizon hires a fierce bounty hunter to stop interference. Local detectives close in on the string of related crimes but will they act in time to prevent more damage?

Find out as their stories collide in a gritty, future metropolis filled with neon holograms and residents from every corner of the galaxy.




Black Star Book 1


Black Star Chronicles Soundtrack

Black Star Book 1 Soundtrack (available everywhere)

Fandom Wiki



Press Kit



Black Star Chronicles Trailer

Mon, 28 Jan 2019 20:02:00 -0800

Black Star Chronicles follows Nayva Deemus and Juno Swift in their efforts to save Juno’s Brother Naheem from peril. They are opposed by a powerful company who benefits from conducting research on Naheem against his consent. Our characters collide inside of Dyson, a future city mega structure. Citizens, bounty hunters and detectives all navigate the neon cityscape in this brooding adventure.

Black Star Chronicles is a collaboration between Randy Greer and Analisa Figueroa and is set in the same universe as Black Star Book 1 following Sebastian Blake. All of Black Star Chronicles will be free on April 12th.


Black Star Wikia



Black Star (Book 1) 

Black Star (Book 1) Soundtrack

Black Star Is FINISHED!

Fri, 16 Nov 2018 09:56:36 -0800

For everyone who waited, Black Star is done. Black Star is now posted as an 4 hour and 50 min audio-book to Audible, Amazon and iTunes. With its full cast, vivid sound design and massive sound track, Black Star is sure to stand out. Every dollar it earns will go back into producing fully free content for the next Black Star audio drama. Listeners can look forward to Black Star Chronicles, An adventure story that takes place on Dyson during the events of the main Black Star story.


The most helpful thing anyone can do is to make a purchase of Black Star directly from Audible. Doing so via this link provides us with a special cash bonus. It really helps us.

The next most helpful things include purchases from Amazon, and iTunes

Lastly and just as important, please review Black Star on its new platforms! This helps encourage new listeners to take a chance on audio drama.


We are working hard already to bring new content to you. We are nearly done with our first new script and will begin casting soon!

If you're interested in being part of Black Star Chronicles, please email

As always, follow us on twitter for updates.

and for more help, become a Patron today!

Blake's First Christmas

Fri, 01 Dec 2017 06:00:00 -0800

Having grown up on Saturn's moon Titan, Blake discovers that Christmas seems alien to him. Can the team make this holliday their own in this special one-shot feature?

Pre-order the full audio-book here:

Black Star needs Patrons: