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Dopple Avenue Hurt


A comedic fictional podcast that follows private investigator James Keyes through the city of Brentwood Heights. It's a new case each season!





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What Happened to Dopple?

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 11:00:00 GMT

Hey guys, sorry this took so long, but here it is: An explanation of why we stopped releasing content. Life has gotten in the way and certain members of Shark Dropper Studios left to pursue their own goals. Maybe eventually we will return to complete season 3, but as of right now Dopple is on indefinite hiatus.  If you want you can check out Atlas Avenue Beat which is a remake of Dopple Avenue Hurt and released by Robert's new company 7 Lamb Productions. You can go here to see all of the audio dramas that are produced by 7 Lamb: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can email us at either: Thanks for being fans!! 

Case 3: The Gold Hawk - Part 2: Your Vase is My Case

Sun, 04 Jun 2017 11:00:00 GMT

Keyes has a run in with his ex-wife and doesn't know how to handle it. How will this impact his new case? Listen here to find out! @sharkdropper

Case 3: The Gold Hawk - Part 1: Winter Horror

Wed, 29 Mar 2017 00:00:00 GMT

James Keyes is back!! It has been six months since Keyes watched Miss Julianne Goode descend her staircase, and a lot has changed: Joey and Edith are an item, Keyes is single, and Winter has come. It's time to follow everyone's favorite detective through Brentwood Heights as he tries to solve his latest case: A missing artifact! A rare Gold Hawk statue is gone and only P.I. James Keyes is up to the task to find it, although he may need some help from his friends and a past lover. Follow us @sharkdropper

Brentwood Heights Stories: Paul and Arthur Go Camping - Part 3/3

Sat, 11 Mar 2017 23:00:00 GMT

The gang continues to investigate the campground in search of clues. Will they solve the conundrum of the haunted campground? Ghost Schmost will do whatever he can to make sure that doesn't happen. Follow us: @sharkdropper

Brentwood Heights Stories: Paul and Arthur Go Camping - Part 2/3

Tue, 21 Feb 2017 13:00:00 GMT

Oh no! The camp owners Larry and Donna are missing! Was it Ghost Schmost?! Paul and Arthur gain the help of a group of teen environmentalists who specialize in raccoon release and conundrum solving. Can they solve the conundrum of the missing camp owners??? Follow us @sharkdropper

Brentwood Heights Stories: Paul and Arthur Go Camping - Part 1/3

Tue, 07 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMT

In this prequel to Dopple Avenue Hurt, Paul and Arthur meet for the first time. It doesn't take long for the two weirdos to become friends and set off on their first adventure- A camping trip to a haunted campground. What's in store for the cop duo? Listen here to find out! Follow us @sharkdropper

Season 2 Epilogue

Mon, 05 Sep 2016 11:00:00 GMT

P.I. James Keyes has made sure Julianne Goode is securely behind bars, but whatever happened to Jane? This is the epilogue to Season 2. It'll surely get you excited for Season 3 of Dopple Avenue Hurt!

Season 2 Wrap-Up with the Cast and Creators: Part 2/2

Tue, 12 Jan 2016 22:30:00 GMT

Keeping with the tradition of Dopple Avenue Hurt, some of the cast and creators of the show you love so much sit down to answer fan questions and look back on the last year of production. Part 2 of 2. @sharkdropper

Season 2 Wrap-Up with the Cast and Creators: Part 1/2

Tue, 12 Jan 2016 22:00:00 GMT

Keeping with the tradition of Dopple Avenue Hurt, some of the cast and creators of the show you love so much sit down to answer fan questions and look back on the last year of production. Part 1 of 2. @sharkdropper

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 12: A Star is Reborn

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 20:00:00 GMT

Prepare yourself for the epic conclusion to the second season of Dopple Avenue Hurt. In this final episode of the year, Keyes and Jane race off to confront Julianne and Sheldrake about posing the letter as a fake, only to find that they have already left for the premiere of Julianne's new movie. What's a PI and his dame to do? Chase them down of course, but Keyes gets himself in over his head when he discovers Julianne's alterior motive for inviting him and everyone close to him. How will this whole wild ride pan out? Well, throw on your fedora's and hold your special someone close, because this one is one hell of an episode. 'Nuff said. @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 11: Pillow Fight

Thu, 19 Nov 2015 20:30:00 GMT

There's an intruder in James Keyes' room. Like a ninja he gracefully moves around the room in the dark, throwing off Jimmyjong's sense of his location, when finally he attacks! When all weapons have been relieved from both parties, theres only one more option left for our fateful hero... a pillow fight. Will he survive this epic battle or will he perish in the fate of a thousand goose feathers? Well, strip down to your tighty wighties and prepare yourself for a mild dose of middle school mayhem as these two duke it out... 4th grader style, in this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt. Special Guest Voice Over by Tim Batt of The Worst Idea of All Time podcast. @tim_batt @sharkdropper

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 10: Uninvited Guests

Fri, 13 Nov 2015 00:30:00 GMT

In this episode, Paul, Edith, and Arthur finally catch up with Keyes at Julianne's mansion just moments before he is about to sit down for a elequent dinner party. "Why not a few more?" asks Paul and the gang. When three people as low-brow as Went, Deitrich, and Phelps come face to face with a woman with a superiority complex as big as Goode's, sparks are bound to fly, and fly they do. Come and let us be a fly on the wall as we witness the comedy that is sure to ensue. Throw on your most expensive suit and prepare to say grace on this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt. @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 9: Shut Up!

Thu, 05 Nov 2015 20:00:00 GMT

In this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt, we see James in a deep paranoia after seeing a side to Julianne he's never seen before. It surely isn't helped by the fact that he discovers the truth behind her former husbands mysterious dissapearances. Is Julianne really capable of murder? Each passing second brings us closer to the truth and what Julianne is ultimately keeping from Keyes. The price of admission covers the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge for this exciting episode. So throw on the fedoras and locate the closest BMTLYSONA, because you're in for a doozy here folks.  SPECIAL GUEST VO by Guy of The Worst Idea of All Time podcast @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 8: Lying About George Lucas

Thu, 29 Oct 2015 18:00:00 GMT

James and Jane go on an investigative hunt to try and dig deeper into Julianne Goode's history in hopes to get a clue about who really sent the letter addressed from her dead fiancee. Because of it, they encounter several "off" characters that have been in and out of Julianne's life. We hope you have fun with the episode, because we know we surely did. So throw on your fedora and whip out your note pad, because you're going to need it to keep up with all these shennanigans. 'Nuff said. @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 7: The Mad Bomber

Thu, 22 Oct 2015 19:00:00 GMT

**Yawn.... yawn** When Paul wakes up in a dumpy hotel, it comes to his realization that our boy Keyes has been missing for days now. Ever since the boys night out when Captain Hiltz busted his door down for egging his house. Paul takes it upon himself to gather the team and go looking for Jimmyjong. Wait, hold the phone here people, the fate of Keyes being found is left in the hands of Paul and Arthur? Lord help us, we might as well call it a series right now. Throw on your square necklace and fasten your velcro shoes because were going looking for Keyes. Enjoy! @sharkdropper Special Guest Voices include Scott and Jeremiah of the Lost At Home Podcast and Mallory Presley of the Heels and Headshots Podcast as Bethany Please subscribe to all our supporters on iTunes and please be sure to leave all of us a review. It only takes 90 seconds! By the time you're done reading this, you could have already left all three of us a 5 star review on iTunes. 

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 6: Hakuna Matata

Thu, 01 Oct 2015 16:30:00 GMT

For James' next role, he will now be starring as the invisible man. Well invisible to BC Baxter anyways now that he gone done mess up. Keyes' is finding out everyone in the film industry is 3 clicks to the left of normal, and not just the directors and film actors. After finding himself a peeping tom to some crazy circle of life sex-capade involving Julianne and Sheldrake, Jimmyjong encounters Jane (voiced by Lang Parker of, a paparazzi for TPC (Taking Pictures of Celebrities). Maybe this is the fresh new contact needs to solve this seasons case, or maybe it will just end up getting him laid. Either way, I chalk it up as a good score in my books. Anywho, throw on your Simba costume and fight your once trusted uncle turned evil in this episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt. @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 5: Cutting Room Floor

Thu, 24 Sep 2015 15:30:00 GMT

James Keyes finds himself fedora in hand as he unwillfully accepts Julianne's case to find out who sent her the letter form her dead fiancee. After an awkward exchange, Keyes' agrees to accompany Ms. Goode to her film shooting and gets his first lesson in the art of the moving picture. Thankfully, famous director BC Baxter (voiced by Johnny Bell of the Johnny B Show 102.5 The Bone, Tampa) is there to help him through it. But could there be something that BC Baxter is hiding? Perhaps he is at the center of a conspiracy that ultimately alludes Keyes' to his deception and puts him hot on the trail. Hell, I don't know, I don't listen to this crap either. But that goes opposite for you fine listener, because it's hip to be square. Grab your freshly popped popcorn and throw on the 3D glasses, because this episode is coming at ya! A very special Thank You to Johnny Bell of the Johnny B Show 102.5 The Bone for committing you're amazing talent to our production.  @JohnnyBcomedy @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 4: Guys Night Out

Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:30:00 GMT

This episode follows Keyes biggest challenge yet, living with his old BHPD partner, Paul Went. After getting near the point of a mental breakdown, Keyes agrees to go out for a night on the town with all the guys, which leads to a questionably sober disaster of an evening. Pop the Tylenol and mix yourself a bloody mary, because you're sure to feel this one in the morning. Enjoy this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt. In loving memory of Patricia Vivien. @sharkdropper  

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 3: The Village Bicycle

Thu, 10 Sep 2015 18:30:00 GMT

While extensively considering Julianne's proposal, James heads to Paul's daughter's birthday party. It is there where a dark secret from Paul's life emerges, and puts into place a domino effect that will ultimately decide the fate of the case all together. @sharkdropper Please subscribe and rate us on iTunes. It only takes 90 seconds, we promise.  Also, if you would like to support our efforts towards making scripted, serial podcasts such as this one, please visit our Patreon page on our homepage where you can donate and in return receive exclusive content from Shark Dropper Studios

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 2: The Proposal

Thu, 03 Sep 2015 18:30:00 GMT

Well, now Keyes has gone and done it. It looks like all the meddling around in the O'Reilly case, all the going behind the BHPD's business landed Ol' Jimmy in the slammer. He better watch himseld though, because he may just run into a familiar... friend. After being bailed out, James receivines an interesting oppurtunity to go meet with famous actress, Julianne Goode, in the flesh, at her luxurious mansion. She wines and dines him, and then drops a proprosal in his lap that lays the ground work for the entire case. Listen and find out if James Keyes accepts or respectfully declines, in this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt. @sharkdropper Plase rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and please visit for more fictional podcasts like this one. 

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 1: A Broken Heart

Wed, 26 Aug 2015 16:30:00 GMT

In this epic return of James Keyes, he awakes in a hospital just days after being shot in the chest by Desmond Grant. Feeling defeated, he is eager to return to work and begin looking for Grant once more, but this time, for payback. Yet something distracts him from his plot of revenge, and that something is a new case. The Case of the Red Letter. A former actress legend, Julianne Goode, receives a letter from a fiancee that has long since passed, and she can only trust one man, one Private Investigator to solve it, and that one man, is James Keyes. Dust off that old fedora and plug those earbuds in, because it is a brand new season with a whole new case of Dopple Avenue Hurt. @sharkdropper Please, if you enjoy this show, spend 90 seconds and review us on iTunes. Also subscribe to our shows, and if you would like to donate to our production, please become a patron on our Patreon page.  Voices by: Kyle Appleyard, Amy Laureigh, Jose Caraballo, Jonathan Maas, Julia WD Harrison, John Lasaveth, Hope Ennis, Chris Gore, Amber Simpson, Nicholas Englehardt, and Brian Messick.    

Listen to the first 3 episodes of Season 2 right now!

Thu, 06 Aug 2015 00:30:00 GMT

Listen to the first 3 episodes of Dopple Avenue Hurt Season 2 immediately, before the premier on August 26th, by visiting our Patreon page and donating just $1.00. This $1.00 will grant you access to all three episodes in their entirety.  For our existing Patrons, this content is already available to you, so go have yourself a listen. You can go to and click on the Patreon button at the bottom to donate... or go directly to We thank you for your donation and hope you enjoy this exclusive content. 

Official Dopple Avenue Hurt Season 2 Trailer

Tue, 07 Jul 2015 21:00:00 GMT

The official trailer for Dopple Avenue Hurt Season 2, coming in August! @sharkdropper Please rate and review us on iTunes and if you would like to donate to the production of this show, please visit our Patreon page and become a part of what keeps this show in production. 

Brentwood Heights Stories: Barry Goes to Washington - Part 1/3

Tue, 30 Jun 2015 18:30:00 GMT

Today, we take a glimpse into Brentwoods Heights most... beloved... charac... ah screw it, who are we kidding. This episode follows that piece of shit Barry around Brentwoods Heights doing stupid ass Barry shit. I mean really Shark Dropper? You really dedicated an entire story arc to his fucking guy? Really, lets break this down, think of how many man hours went into this, between the writing, the voice acting, recording, editing.... not to mention the poor listeners dedicating time out of their undoubtedly busy day just to listen to.... fucking Barry?  Well, whatever, I guess... here's Barry goes to Washingotn or wherever. Rate and review us on iTunes and please donate to our Patreon page if you would like to support this production.

Brentwood Heights Stories: Edith Misses Catnip - Part 3/3

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 20:00:00 GMT

And now the exciting conclusion to Edith's grandeous case. As she follows Catnip onto the Tamarind Lake docks, Edith finds herself smack dab in the middle of a giant drug deal, with one of the most sinister villians in Brentwood Heights in the middle of it. What will Edith do when she goes face to face with Paul Reiser Soze? Will she get Catnip home safe and sound? Will she ever go on that second date with Joey? Listen and find out on this Dopple Avenue Hurt spinoff series. If you enjoy this episode, please rate and review us on iTunes, and if you would like to support our efforts to keep this podcast in production, you can visit and donate to our Patreon page. Special Guest voice of Paul Reiser Soze played by Dan Lizette of The Podcast Digest podcast. Thank you Dan for the encompassing a great character.

Brentwood Heights Stories: Edith Misses Catnip - Part 2/3

Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:21:46 GMT

Edith has just discovered that her most beloved little kitty cat, Catnip (she could cuddle him to fucking death), has suddenly gone missing! Implementing the skills that she sees Mr. K use, she decides to go on the case. The Case of the Missing Kitty Cat. She finds herself far from home and gets herself into a situation that could prove to be far more than what she expected. With the discovery of a new adversary and perhaps one of the most criminal drug lords in all of Brentwood Heights, however will she be able to find Catnip without a little help? But from who? Please dont forget to rate us on iTunes and support this show by going to our Patreon page found at  

Brentwood Heights Stories: Edith Misses Catnip - Part 1/3

Tue, 07 Apr 2015 17:48:57 GMT

In this episode of Brentwood Heights Stories, we take a glimpse into a day in the life of Edith Dietrich, personal secretary for Private Investigator James Keyes.  When Edith decides to pick up a few items from her old place of employment, Block-Mart, she encounters an old work friend, Joey Everknuckle, who may not have the most platonic of intentions with her.  What was supposed to be a normal afternoon of running errands and tending to her kitty cat, Catnip, turns out to be anything but when Edith discovers one of her worst nightmares turned reality.

Season 1 Wrap Up with the Cast and Creators

Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:02:57 GMT

Hosted by John Lasaveth, this very special episode invites Amy (Edith), JJ (Paul), Kyle (Keyes), and Jonathan (Editor) to sit down with the creator of the show, Robert Lamb to discuss what it was like to record for the first season of Dopple Avenue Hurt. They discuss how they each got involved in the show, what the inspiration behind the voices were, the challenges of working with a celebrity, and touch on their favorite moments and bloopers.  Not only do they touch on Season 1, but also address the future of the show and what they hope to see from not only their own characters, but the special relationships between each other's that has formed. Thank you so very much for being a fan through out the first season, and we look forward to providing you more content to greater expand Brentwood Heights and the Universe of James Keyes. @sharkdropper  

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 12: The Gold Coins

Wed, 12 Nov 2014 01:12:38 GMT

Well this is it boys and girls, the conclusion to James Keyes' greatest case, The Silver Casket. Jimmyjong finally figures out who killed Geoffrey O'Reilly and the motive behind it all. With the most death defying, action packed moments of his life ahead of him, he can only hope that he closes the book on this case in one peice. Buckle your seat belts and throw on your fedora, because this finale is one helluva ride. See you on the other side. Brought to you by Shark Dropper Studios @SharkDropper Special Guest Voice Over by Chris Gore @ThatChrisGore Additional music provided by Tiki Tom Toms @TikiTomToms

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 10: The Nice Bad Guy

Tue, 21 Oct 2014 23:30:21 GMT

In this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt, Keyes races to the hospital to discover the shocking truth of why Paul, his old partner from the BHPD, was rushed to the hospital. Lorraine and Arthur join him at Paul's bedside to help discover new leads in The Case of the Silver Casket, and take the first real offensive approach against solving this doozy. Could this be the moment where our favorite P.I. finally figures it all out? Perhaps. Listen, and find out. @sharkdropper

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 8: Chucky

Wed, 08 Oct 2014 02:08:45 GMT

On this week's episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt, P.I. James Keyes is pressed face to face with Russian henchman Carter Suckadick. Somehow this vial nemesis broke out from behind bars, found his was to Keyes, and threatens this poor detective's life. How will the best P.I. this side of the Mississip squeeze his way out of this cucumber, oh wait, I mean pickle.

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 7: The Stakeout

Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:14:05 GMT

James Keyes finally wraps up his business at the O'Reily mansion by concluding his interview with Terrence. Now it's time for some long over due rest and relaxation, or is it? It seems this case is really taking its toll on Keyes' health.  Listen as he discovers a shocking secret about Anegla's husband while on a stakeout with Paul, and once again gets himself into another hard pickle.

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 6: Grace Kelly

Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:20:13 GMT

As our boy James Keyes interviews the rest of the O'Reily family, it seems the case is becoming a bit clearer, or is it. It's hard to interpret all of the information Terrence's family is giving him due to the fact that they would all be better suited living in a methodone clinic rather than an extravogent mansion. Between drunks, country girls, aspiring young actresses, and a daughter who adopts her dialogue straight from a literal interpretation of a film manuscript, Keyes will have to decifer how to proceed with the case, if at all.  

Case 1: The Silver Casket – Part 5: Hide and Seek

Tue, 16 Sep 2014 23:16:00 GMT

Uh oh! James Keyes has just been intimate with some dame and now her husband is home, whatever shall he do? Run away and hide of course! Keyes is tested mentally and physically in this episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt. But a little hiccup such as sleeping with another man’s woman won’t stop him from solving the case of the decade. So make sure to tune in because there’s nothing like a little sex, mystery, and adventure to get you through the week.    

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 2: Nice Torture

Tue, 26 Aug 2014 21:43:26 GMT

P.I. James Keyes appears to be in trouble in the second episode of Dopple Avenue Hurt! He wanted excitement and now he's got it. Follow Keyes through Brentwood Heights as he deals with a pair of confused henchmen and discovers the true identity of Miss Angela Diamond. Follow us on Twitter: @sharkdropper And don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes.

Case 1: The Silver Casket - Part 1: Something New

Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:42:24 GMT

Meet P.I. James Keyes. He has been stuck in a rut recently. Being a P.I. isn't all it's cracked up to be... Especially when the job has the same old cases, that is, until billionaire Terrence O'Reilly enters the office! Terrence's father has been murdered, an old business partner arrested, but Terrence believes the police have arrested the wrong man. This is just the case Keyes needed! Something new to get those detective skills back in motion!! Listen here for episode one of Dopple Avenue Hurt, a film noir spoof in podcast form!!! Follow us on Twitter: @sharkdropper And don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes.